
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH123: 1, 2, 3, ...

<This sacred-gear seems to be better than the previous, as we found a remnant of a dragon-soul in it, just like the previous one, but it's stronger ... What's weird is that it seems the soul was sealed inside it, and the tool itself wasn't made from the soul, nor the body, of the dragon ... We assume that assimilating those sacred-gears allow you to communicate with the soul sealed inside...> The girls tells me while I'm cooking about their research about the sacred-gears.

'Do you wish to try and assimilate it yourself? Preferably a girl without a spirit-ring or devil-fruit yet...' I suggest, and a discussion arise, including Caesar'-devil-fruit, the gasu-no-mi, which is a good-logia, and also other devil-fruits, but I decide to cut the talk short, saying 'Okay, let's leave the decision to the vacation, let's think about it for now'.

Focusing back on the cooking, as I discovered while moving around the kitchen that there's four more viewers sitting on the bar-chairs, on the other side of the kitchen counter, who give me an expectant gazes. I smile happily, pulling out the gift-bags I prepared to all of them.

"Grayfia, Serafall, Sona, Tsubaki, truly a beautiful sight to behold... The food will be ready soon, want to drink something meanwhile?" I speak happily, loving the fact they're here, and also enjoy the fact they always wear such revealing clothes at home, exposing their exploding sexuality in front of my eyes, giving them the gift-bags.

"Good evening... Why did you give me this?" Tsubaki question the gift-bags, and I *chuckle*, answering "Because I like you?".

Tsubaki stare at me, with a blank face, bending her body, like she's trying to look at me closer, and I can see her bosom standing proudly, even at such an angle, not getting swayed at all, like all those devilish-girls, which really give their bodies a different kind of charm, kinda like they don't age at all, surely, as I'm sure Serafall, Grayfia, and Lana, are quite mature, yet look not more than 20, maximum 25.

"I think it's ready" Koneko come next to me, waking me up from my daze, watching the girls opening the gift-bags, while Rias and Akeno finish arranging the dining-table, and we start moving around, soon sitting down to eat.

... "So what's next?" Serafall question me, while eating a dessert, right after I told them about the church, and how it's probably on hold, as there's just those small-fries, and I tell her "I will use them to fish out their leaders, so, we'll wait for now, and use them as tool... But if something will go wrong, I'll just take them down".

"No, who cares about this small-time-fallen-angels, let's do a party!" Akeno intervene, wishing to drop the issue, making me think 'there's more than just ignorance in Akeno when I say fallen-angels...'.

"Oh! A ball!" Sona suggest, and Serafall beam a smile, adding "Yeah! Party with Sona! I'm Sona dancing partner!", and I join the fray, teasing them by saying "Nope! Sona is my dancing partner!", and Sona blush from the attention about her.

"That sounds lovely, want to do it inside or outside?" Grayfia says, and after we discuss the details, we each take a part, and move around. I find no opportunity to be alone with Serafall, nor Grayfia, as the girls move together as a unit, and just go prepare to ball-party-plan.

'I guess the date with Serafall won't happen today..' I think while arranging the place outside the house, near the lake, while the girls prepare the food, drinks, music, and clothes.


"Cheers!" we all stand outside, in a well-decorated balcony, filled with floating lamps around, near the sitting-area, around a table filled with food and drinks.

"Cheers" Grayfia come next to me, raising her glass, looking bashful, with a fancy-black-dress, wearing the bracelet and necklace I gift her, yet, she's still with the maid-hair-bow on her, like it's a part of her by now, but I choose to ignore it, for now, saying "cheers", *cling* our glasses, take a sip, and then stretch my hand to her.

"Will you give me the honor?" I ask Grayfia, and she beam a smile, giving me her hand, and we go to the dance floor, while soft classical music is playing, dancing while holding a hand, and the other hand on each other.

'She's serious about the divorce...', I read Grayfia floating thoughts while dancing, looking at each other eyes, '...She took the wedding ring off, but there's so much turmoil in her mind, many things still in our way ...I better take it slow ...Even though her desire toward me are really strong ...I want the whole, real, thing, not just a fling ...'.

The song end, we gently smile, bow, and we go toward the girls.

Rias, who stand with her back to me, act cool, sneaking glances back at me, making a sexy pose, and I smile, going to her, admiring how ethereal she looks, in her red-dress, with an open back, asking her for a dance, and as she agrees, still acting all cool, even if her thoughts say a whole other thing, we begin dancing.

... "Are you sure you're a devil, and not an angel?" I ask Koneko, looking in joy at her fidgeting cutely, wearing a whitish-pink-dress, and ask her for a dance.

... "Will you give me the honor to dance with you?" I ask Akeno, once I return with Koneko, and she beam a naughty smile, going to the tablet, changing the music, and then come back to me, hold my hand, and lead the way to the dancing floor, while a more wild melody is playing. Akeno start dancing, sexually, making her white-and-gold dress flare, her hands fly in the air, and I try to sync my moves with her, but she just laugh, and dance with me, making the whole experience really joyful.

... Dancing with Tsubaki, the wild-vibes turns rampant, as she chose a pop-rap song, and even twerk on me, making me think 'She's naughty, wow, I knew it, there's no calm-person without a wild-side hidden inside of him, or her, damn, she's sexy...'.

... "Sona is mine!" Serafall exhale in the moment I step close to Sona, almost grabbing her hand, watching her in a really-fancy-blue-dress, with a crown on her head, looking lovely, yet Serafall hold Sona'-hand, taking her to the dance-floor.

Serafall, in a cute pinkish-red dress, dance with Sona, glancing gazes at me every few seconds, beaming in joy, and I feel affection to this cheerful-lolita, wishing to have her, but for now I go toward the girls, continuing the party, drinking, chatting, teasing, playing around, till Serafall finally return Sona, to me, pushing her, and we go dance together.

"You look lovely" I tell Sona, who whispers back "Are you and my sister are... a... ahm...". "Me and you are dancing together right now, so let's talk about others later?" I respond, and Sona blush, hiding her face on my chest, dancing slowly around the floor, but a minute later, Serafall already near us, dancing with Tsubaki, trying to 'steal' Sona from me, but ending up 'kidnapped' by me, dancing with her.


"Good night!" after midnight, everybody is kinda tipsy, and we decide to finish now, so we could wake up early, planning an early morning lake-'party', with a morning-picnic, and we each go to their own room.

'Better meditate... I've got a desire to hit level 80 as soon as possible... Maybe I can take the herb I was saving?.. It will take me around 10 hours to digest it, even though it will paralyze me for this period...' while pondering what to do now, I decide to just do so, and spend my energies on Snowy, then reinforce the barrier around the tree-house, put a note on my bedroom 'Deep meditation, I'll wake up in the morning, please don't interrupt', and begin meditating.


In the middle of the night, deep in meditation, I sense something, and spread part of my conscious to my 6th-sense, wishing to know what's that about.

'Grayfia entered my room?..', I feel puzzled, and a moment later, she stand right next to me, as I'm not sure if to stop meditating, ruining the herb I just consumed, as if I stop now, it will break the effects off.

Grayfia put her hand on my head, rubbing, messing, my hair, and I wonder if I should send my whole conscious out, risking the herb, but decide not to, yet, I'm rattled a bit, as Grayfia lowers her head, put her hands on my cheeks, and *Chuu!*, kissing my lips.

A few seconds later she break the kiss, just when I'm about to break the meditation off, but decide 'Well, I can't see anything bad happening from it anyway... Let just see where it goes to... Wasting this herb will be a blow for my future...', and I feel her staring at my face, nose-to-nose.

*Chuu...*, she kiss me again, and break it off after a second, yet, *Chuu..*, kiss me again, and breaking it, standing up, almost leaving the room, but then step back inside, and begin taking off her clothes, when suddenly, she just wear them back again, and go outside.

A second later, she come back in, once again, and in a hurry take off her shirt and skirt, and she stand toward me, with only her lingerie on, arranging her hair, looking contemplated.

A second after, she comes near me, *Chuu!...*, beginning a hot kissing session, while her hands roam my body, mainly around the middle of it, slowly taking off my pajama'-zipper, who easily makes me naked, and her kisses move to my cheek, neck, shoulder, chest, stomach, and *Slurp!*, she begin a hard-core-fellatio, not wasting a second anymore.

... 'AHHHHMMM...' I moan in my head, cumming, can't hold it anymore, and *Gulp! Gulp! Gulp*, Grayfia drink it all, while her hands go to her lingerie, taking them off, and I think 'Really? she won't just molest me, she's goona rape me?... Hehehe...Maybe I should really break the meditation?..'.

A second later, Grayfia stand in a hurry, grabbing her clothes, and begin dressing rapidly, shocking me with those changing vibes since the moment she came here.

Just when she finish dressing, she gaze at me, probably noticing she left me naked, and come near me, but just when she sits down, holding my pajama, *Lick... Lick... Lick! Slurp! SLurp! SLUrp! SLURp! SLURP! SLURP!!...*, she give me a heavenly passionate fellatio, making my energy circulate crazily around my body, and I think 'Break the meditation, or take control of the energies, ahhh, AHHHHH, MEDITATE! AHHHHHH', and while cumming inside her mouth, seeing her face smeared with my cum, I fall into deep-meditation, and my 6th-sense fade away, seeing nothing from the outside anymore.


'How did it ended???' I think in the moment I wake up in the morning, feeling the first sun rays hit my skin, and I open my eyes to stare at the rising sun, yet wish the girls in Infinity will tell me what happened.

<Actually... Nothing... She just ran away after you fell into deep-meditation... But at least she quickly wiped you with a wet-towel... Say, aren't you too brazen about it?> the girls in Infinity chat with me, but I'm kinda shocked, because I hear more than Infi and Bi-Bi, but also Monet and Tashigi.

'Love work in a mysterious ways?..' I respond and a moment after the sun comes out, I jump off the balcony, landing inside the lake, swim for a while, while thinking 'Maybe I can coat my body with some sort of energy, or even some material, to erase the sea-water-weakness?..'.

Going out of the water, feeling a gaze upon me, I find it's Grayfia, and go next to her, as she's sitting on a sunbath-chair, with a sunglasses on her eyes, wearing a black-bikini, and drinking yellowish-drink. "Good morning" I say as I sit next to her, and she turn her face to me, playing with her glass and glasses, saying with a smirk "Morning".

'1...2...3...', I think and Grayfia start speaking, while sitting up, "Had good dreams?", and I smirk, hold her for a hug by her waist, standing up, and look into her bashful face, whispering "Nope", thinking 'It wasn't a dream', and jump into the water, together with Grayfia in my hands.

"Ahhh, why?" Grayfia asks as we land inside, and I keep my mouth shut, just hugging her tighter, pushing her closer to me, till her head lay on my chest, and I slowly swim around, to a quiet spot in the side of the lake.

I take away her maid-hair-bow, and then let her go, as I walk toward the shore, helping few flower-plants create flowers, and throw those flowers toward Grayfia, before coming back inside the water, with more flowers in my hand, gifting it to her, as she bashfully stare at me, and I'm shocked, yet happy, to find out she's now bare-naked.

*Chuu*, Grayfia lips land on mine, while her hands rap around my neck.

*Chuu...*, I kiss her back in the moment she pull the kiss apart, hugging her back, not breaking the kiss, and send out my tongue, licking her upper lip, lower lip, her teeth, and she send out her tongue as well, smearing our tongues together, as our mouths move with passion, and our hands roam around each other body.

"I finally did it..." Grayfia mumble in the moment we break the kiss, and she hug me tightly, and I can 'see' soft drops land inside the lake, merging into the lake'-water, and Grayfia quietly *sob*, holding back her raging emotions.

While manipulating, softly, slowly, her energies out, I pat her head with a hand, hugging her with the other, and whisper "Did what, dear?".

*Sob...*, "Told him, I told him, about what I want to do with my life, our life, I mean, we have a son, and he finally told me the truth, about making him the heir, instead of Rias, who's suppose to be engaged to Phoenix'-family, and even though he's mature for his age, he's still my little-boy, I can't, I won't, but, it's good for him, I'm not sure, what now, ..." Grayfia mumble-talk out broken-sentences, which just sounds like undecided issues about their kid.

"Ahm... Dear... What about the whole marriage and all?" I ask peacefully, and Grayfia raise her head. I wipe her tears, as she begin telling me "Oh, we divorced, he didn't even argued much, just panicked about who will help him in his job, and will I stay to do it.. He doesn't know how, but he knows I took the queen-piece, and magician-scroll, off of me, just like his mother, Lana.. I think he saw it coming.. And he said he won't let our child be taken away, because he's the real heir of the house now.. He's not 10 years old yet.. What should I do now?".

"He sounds way too much laid-back for a man who's wife leaving him?.." I ask in annoyance, not sure if I should read her mind, or just listen, but Grayfia *chuckle* surprise me, and she tells me "He's got enough women from the side, but not even a single one of them help him in any way, like managing he's responsibilities as Satan Lucifer, maintaining the internal-affairs of the devils".

"Hmm.. Are you his secretary?" I ask, and she say "Yeah, but also, I'm... I'm strong... So that's another reason probably why he never brought any other woman in front of me, just going behind my back, but it just created a rift... And after few hundred years... We had a child, trying to recreate our marriage, but it was even a bigger mistake... Or maybe he just wanted a child?..".

"Is it better to maintain a failed marriage, for the sake of a child, or it's better to separate?" I wonder-out-loud, and Grayfia answers "If he's old enough, I think it's better to just break it off... I'm... I also..." Grayfia begin moving her hands again, underwater, grabbing my half-erected-member, jerking me off, and start kissing my chest lovingly, passionately.

"..I also have my needs.." Grayfia whispers to my ear, kissing my neck, and the mood turns sexual, as I fondle her bubbly-butt, sliding a hand between her legs, rubbing her clit and pussy, and *squish*, shove a finger inside, jerking her off as well, and we kiss each other, almost eating each other.

In the moment I make my finger vibrate, with a small electric-vibe, Grayfia "MMMMM", moan inside my mouth, separating the kiss, having an intense orgasm. I lower my head, grab her giant bosom, squishing them together, and suck both her nipples in the same time, "AHHHHWWWAA.. I LOVE YOU.. I WANT YOU...", Grayfia moan, holding my dick with both her hands.

Grayfia aim my dick with a hand, as the other hand hug my head deeper into her boobs, and just as she's about the push it in, "AYYYNNNN!!", "GRAYFIAAAAAA!!", the girls'-shouts reach us, and the whole mood breaks apart.

"Let's continue it in a better timing? Will you give me the honor to take you on a date?" I ask with a soft smile, and Grayfia nod in agreement, but a second later her smile getting bigger, naughtier, and a lustful energy circle around her, as she take a deep breath, and *flop*, dive into the water.

*Slurp...*, underwater, Grayfia fellatio my dick, swallowing it into her soft mouth, while her tongue circle around it, sending me to an euphoria, as I stand in the water, putting my hands over her head, and help her movement, pushing my erection deeper down her mouth, enjoying this heavenly feeling, while we stare at each other, through the transparent waters, and her eyes shine like all the lusting love in the world pass through them.

'fuckfuckfuckfuckingfuck' I moan in my head, shoving her head deeper, reaching her throat, and the moment she have a gag-reflex, releasing air, as bubbles go out of her mouth, I explode, shooting my baby-seed into her watery-mouth, feeling her mouth squeezing my dick just perfectly, and I keep on cumming, while piston her head, till I finally relax.

Grayfia keep on sucking my dick, even after I moved my grip off of her, with her hands on my ass, moving her head back and forth, like she's got infinite air in her lungs.

Suddenly, she raise herself, and her head pop out of the water, as she beam a smile, taking a deep breath, and just when I'm about to say something, *splash*, she dive down back again.

*Slurp...* Grayfia take my half-erected dick back into her watery-mouth, beginning another hard-core session, making it fully erect in few seconds.

"AYNNNNN!!" I hear a scream, and 'seeing' few girls going near the lake, getting close to us, I haft to decide what extactly I should do now, with a raging urge to just 'fuckitall', but just as I turn us invisible, Grayfia pop out of the water again, *Deep breath!*, and it seems the girls heard it.

"Hehehe..." Grayfia laugh happily, whispering "What do you wanna...", but her sentence cut in the middle.