
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH121: A life in a devilish household

... "Yummy!" Serafall grab a bite from the food on the table happily, in the moment she appears, but she does so while sitting on the the table, smirking, as she takes her tongue out, teasing me.

I look at her, wearing a sexy kimono, smiling gently, while standing up, grab her by her waist, raise her to the air, and sit her on my lap as I sit back down.

While patting her head, I say "Cute", and kiss her forehead. She cutely blush, winking to me, but a fake *COUGH!* sound brake our play a bit, and we laugh, looking at the others.

"Maybe she's jealous?" Serafall say teasingly about Grayfia fake cough, and I look at Grayfia in kind of an anger, asking "Why are you in maid uniform again? And even standing? Have I done anything to make you feel uncomfortable?".

Grayfia give me her gentle, calm, usual smile, which ain't making me feel much better, narrowing my eyes at her, and we start a staring-competition, looking sternly at each other' eyes, for a whole minute, till she suddenly break.

*Fwoosh!*, Grayfia use some kind of technique, changing her clothes into a blue dress, looking elegant and sexy. She grab the hem of her dress with her two hands, asking me with a smile "Happy now?".

I mumble-out-loud "Hot damn, she's so beautiful", and quickly shut my mouth, with my eyes wide open, kinda nervous, as I know I shouldn't go hitting on married woman, what's more, she's got a child, but contrary to my thought, Grayfia dance in circles, making her dress flare, with a light blush on her face.

"Sister, what are you doing? And why did you even made me wear this?" Sona asks, messing around with her red-kimono, looking kinda out-of-it, but surely look amazing, and I decide to tell her so, saying "Sona, you look lovely, really beautiful, this kimono suit you", and I hear Serafall *giggle*, so I just hug her body to me, telling her "And you, stop teasing your sister.. Yeah, she's beautiful, but let her take her time discovering her womanly side".

I look at Sona blushing, and avert my gaze, saying "Tsubaki, you look charming, as always, thank you for coming...", and she start playing with her hair, yet acting cool, like she just checking me out, and I decide to get things moving, calling-out-loud "RIAS, AKENO, KONEKO", who went away after coming back here.

"Comingggg" Rias say, and enter the dining-room with food in her hand, wearing a revealing pink-bra and short-pink-skirt, all frilly, looking like a maid, with even a maid-hair-bow on her head.

A moment later, Akeno comes in, wearing a white-shirt and black-skirt, playing with her phone, while a drink is stuck between her huge-bosom, drinking from it through a straw, winking at us.

Koneko come soon after, in a black-maid-outfit, making me *Sigh* from the maid-vibe we've got here, and she comes to me, jump to my lap, sitting on my other leg, pushing Serafall to sit on only one leg, and we finally begin eating.

..."Ahhhh..." Koneko make a noise, while shoving a spoonful of the dish she made into my mouth, and just as I finish a bite, Serafall shove another, and I still can't say anything, just listening to the girls talking, mostly not reacting to us, but I can sense some shyness, anger, jealousy, and joy, from looking at us playing around.

"Okay! So a Karaoke party! Now, Ayn, you can say what you wanna" Grayfia declare, as the girls finish converse what we're going to do tonight, and I can finally speak, starting to explain to them.

... "All-in-all, yeah, I think they're fallen-angels, who got some evil plan, but they're small-fries, and their boss name is Kokabiel? or Freed? Raynare? ... Anyway, that's the three names who sounded like the bosses in the conversation..." I keep talking till I feel a mixture of emotions, one, of how they don't wish to interfere with forces who ain't devils, two, for not caring much about the church-girl they plan to kidnap and take her sacred-gear from, even though she's victimized for healing a devil, third, for being shocked about conspiracy inside the fallen-angels, plus angels, camps.

"I need to go back" Serafall decide, but I hug her close, and when she try to create a teleport-magic-circle, I just use my dragon-powers, wiping it away, saying "Nope, I need more cuteness dosage", and she burst laughing, pinching my cheeks cutely.

"You've got something in mind, right?" Grayfia question me, and I tell them "Well... Soldiers die for a hopeless-leader, And, I ain't some hero, But, if it's in front of my eyes I think I should solve it, if I can, of course... The real question is... who's the leader, and how to smoke him out... Information decide the winner...".

"See? He's not just cute!" Serafall tell Sona, or maybe teasing me, and I pinch her cheek, saying "See? She's just cute!", and we both burst laughing, soon joined by all, before we return for the conversation.

... "So Kokabiel is a sub-leader in fallen-angles organization? and the others are nobodys?.. Hmmm..." I ponder what to do after all the information I got from them, deciding "Give me another day for gathering intel. We'll meet her tomorrow, same hour, and then discuss it again. Please, no telling for anyone, no matter who.. I trust only you, okay?" I say while looking at all of them, trying to read everybody floating-thoughts, and knowing they've agreed, I *exhale*, and relax back at the chair.

"Girls time!" Serafall announce, jumps off of me, taking Koneko with her, and soon all the girls follow behind, probably planning a bath before the karaoke-party, but Grayfia stay sitting, saying "I'll join you in a moment".

I go get a bottle of drink from the bar, two glasses, go next to Grayfia, saying "Living room?", and she nod, following behind me.

In the moment I sit on the sofa, she stand right next to me, with a blushing-smile on her face, as she grab the hem of her dress, making me see her underwear from this angle, in purpose or not, as she sit right next to me.

'What? Why? What?..' my mind run repeated questions, confused by this situation, but I close my eyes for a second, open them, and just pour two glasses, give her one, and say "cheers!", galloping it down, as she fiddle with the glass, take a short sip after saying "cheers".

'Help?' I ask in my head, and hear *giggles*, like the girls all watch me from inside Infinity, when suddenly Lana says <You should hold her!>, and I think 'No way! Why would I even do that??'.

Robin voice suddenly appears, saying <How can you have so many wives and still be so numb?>, and I respond 'I'm not an idiot, I'm just ain't a jerk. She's in a crisis, I ain't some starving wolf in the middle of a desert, you know', but they laugh again, and I can hear their voices, kinda wishing I'll do it, and be sincere with mine, and her, emotions.

"Is everything okay?" Grayfia shyly asks, and I look into her eyes, feeling even more confused now, asking her "What color is your eyes?..", as she always had gray eyes, even if sometimes I could see a different glow in them, but right now they're red, shiny red, with no resemblance to their gray color anymore.

Suddenly, I can feel her energies circle around her body, and looking at her face, I can see her blushing, and her eyes begin turning kinda gray, or more like a mixture of red and gray, looking purple, and I put a hand on her waist, whispering "Please show me the real you?".

All her energies explode out of her, and I suck them into me, wondering what kind of powers she has, and she look at me in shock, surprise, and then turn into passion, burning-passion, as she gaze into my eyes, rap her hands around my neck.

We're sitting, face to face, and my hand slide from her waist, up her back, till it reach the back of her head, and our noses touches. In a moment who feel like forever, with our eyes locked onto each other, and our mouths just an inch from touching, we slowly move our bodies, till Grayfia is sitting on my lap, still face to face, yet, we say nothing, or do nothing sexual.

"I want you..." I tell calmly to Grayfia, "...But I don't want to be a slip, a mistake, a momentary fling ... I want to be the correct, the chosen fate.. I want you to be mine, for ever..".

She release her hand, and I do the same, wishing to see her full reaction to my words. She fall back to the sofa, half-sitting-half-laying-down on it, showing a happy shy expression, while playing with her hair, and making a daring pose, full of lust, yet say nothing, just stare at my lips, and I do the same, staring at her red-plump-lips, but still holding myself back from jumping at this beautiful woman, who obviously opens up her legs for me.

She slide her dress down, exposing her bra, and then signal me with a finger on her mouth, making a "shhh!" sound, but it only make me wonder 'Is she going to answer to me?.. Or was I too quick? too direct?..".

Seeing my expressions, Grayfia stand up, right in front of me, in her lingerie, and her fallen-dress, posing, dance sexually in front of my eyes, and asks in a sexual tone "..Are you sure about saying no?..", and I drool a bit, but quickly shake my head, saying "I want you to be mine, and mine alone... Plus, I'll never be with a woman in a relationship, or karma will come back at me".

Grayfia drop her bra off, sit on my lap, and shove her breast onto my face, with her nipple right in my mouth, and for a moment I lose it, sucking it like a baby, fondling her huge soft titties.

"No" I exhale, moving my mouth away from her nipple, and in my turmoil of emotions I suddenly see she's in a turmoil of her own, so I just hug her, making her fall with me onto the sofa, as I brush her hair with my hand, asking quietly "..Please tell me what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?".

While she stay quiet, I read her thoughts, can't hold myself back from digging into her privacy, and amazed to find out 'She didn't have a sexual contact with her husband since they had a child?? Isn't their child is like 7 years old?? She love him, but he barely have any for her?.. How can she accept it?.. Isn't he fuck others all day long, almost never at home?.. and just because she had a childhood-infatuation toward him she still with him?.. She's actually jealous of Lana that much?'.

"I... I'm an extra demon... Not from the 72 pillars families... And one of the few who survived the civil-war that happened... My father asked Sirzechs, my king, husband, to destroy our clan, which I managed for many years... And to take care of me... He thought I was in love with Sirzechs, so I should find a place by his side... But he thought my brother is a threat, and I think he even wished for his total demise... I became his queen, in those chess-pieces-powers, helped him maintain his role as 'Satan Lucifer', a ruler, and somehow we got married...".

I listen to Grayfia quietly, letting her slowly pour out her story, not reading her mind much, rather, I let her organize her own mind, her own thoughts, just pushing her energies out a bit, wishing she would get a coherent realization, a coherent result.

Slowly, her turmoil of emotions settle-down, as she continue speaking short sentences, narrating her life-story, and I can 'see' the girls coming out of the bath, so I quickly write a note 'Hi, we went out for a bit, Grayfia will come to help me, hope to return soon, maximum tomorrow morning, sorry, love you, see you soon', and while hugging Grayfia tightly, I *teleport*.


Inside Paradise'-tree-house, on the main-bedroom-balcony, me and Grayfia hugging closely on a huge sling-bed, to the quiet sounds of a forest, and the light of the moon shining through the tree-branches.

"Where are we?" Grayfia question to my ear, and I whisper "in my kingdom... an island in Earth... you can relax...", and she respond "I can't! I'm connected to him!".

'Oh, like Lana was?' I think, and focus on my darkness-energies, trying to 'suck out' the same powers from Grayfia that I pulled-out from Lana, till a few minutes later, while still hugging quietly, relaxing, there's a chess-piece and a piece-of-ancient-looking-paper in my hand.

"Look" I tell Grayfia while brushing her hair, hoping she'll be happy to see it, and the moment she sees what's in my hand, she *EXHALE!* in shock, grabbing the chess-piece and piece-of-paper, jumping up.

Suddenly, she start to dance happily, looking like a fairy, as the moonlight shines on her, till she stops, bend over to me, asking "It's from me, Right? Right? You took it out from me? Right?..", and look at me in expectant eyes.

Once I nod 'yeah', she sit back into my lap, looking cutely at me, and I feel kinda the same as before, so I hug her close, not kissing her, just whispering "Let's sleep on it? Take your time, cause, once you're mine, I'm going to love you forever, and never let you go...".

*Giggle*, Grayfia cuddle into my chest, as I fall down, and we lie-down on the bed, close to each other, chatting, but not just between ourselves, the girls from Infinity join the conversation as well, using telepathy to make us all converse together, all 29 wives, 2 potential-wives, Infi, me, Grayfia, and I can even hear Tashigi, and also Aisa, in the background.


"The only fear in my heart is losing a loved one" I tell the girls after a long conversation, about me, them, us, and the future.

"What about dying?" Grayfia question me, and I answer "Dying means I will lose my loved ones, so it's the worst?", and she beam a smile, like she can finally come to a conclusion about me, and what kind of expectations I have from her before anything can happen between us.

"Wait, so what about Millicas, my child?" she question me again, and I gently smile, telling her "he's got half his gene from you, so I love him, even without meeting him? And if you're the mother, I welcome him in a whole-heart, and I bet talking to Chi-Chi, or even Bulma, will be the best about it, as one got a child back at her homeland, who's in a perfect environment, and the other has a small-baby with her".

"Okay!" Grayfia stand in determination, creating a teleport-magic-circle under her, and *fwoosh!*, change back to her maid-clothes, when suddenly she peck my lips quickly, and right after that she disappears, teleport away.

'That was... something' I laugh with myself, or the girls, not sure about it myself, and just *teleport*.


'I missed the whole party?' I burst laughing, seeing the girls in Kouh-tree-house sleeping all over the entertainment-room, with lots of alcohol bottles thrown around, while snacks, half-filled glasses, and many clothes and costumes spread around the place.

I begin by caring Sona, who's closest to where I stand, into a princess-carry, taking her to bed, and she slowly open her eyes, asking in half-asleep-talk "Are you my prince charming?", and I try hard not to burst laughing at her, but by the time I put her on the bed upstairs, she asks "Then shouldn't you kiss me already?", and I can't hold it anymore, pecking a light kiss on her lips, and cover her with a blanket, while walking back down.

'Those devilish girls sure is something... But... If the devilish girls are so angelic cute and innocent... Does it mean the angelic ones are demonic? Or am I just seeing through nothing?..' I ponder about this nonsense thought, and go carry the next one.

I carry Tsubaki, in a santa-claus-costume, or rather, just the hat and a gown, with white-bikini, and she also wakes-up, and before she can say anything, I ask her "Santa, Iv'e been a good boy, where's my present?", and as she's thinking, still half-asleep, I just put her next to Sona, and go down again.

The moment I go next to Akeno, I notice she's awake, asking me in a tease "Finally got the courage to come and try to eat me?", and I carry her, while saying "Yeah, but you're not baked yet, so I'll leave you in the oven for an hour before", and we both laugh, as she snuggle to me till I put her on the bed, and go back down.

'She's naked??' I exhale when I go to carry Rias, and just hold her, not doing anything indecent.

By the time I put Rias on the bed, her eyes open up, glaring at me, as I glare at her, looking at her perfection, feeling an incredible desire, uncontrollable urge, to make this ethereal creature mine, so I just kiss her cheek, whisper "good night, my love, sleep well", and go downstairs before I jump at her.

Finding Koneko raising her head, on the verge of falling asleep again, I pat her head, and she just let me carry her, purring to me, and I quickly take her to bed, next to all the already-sleeping-girls, kiss her cheek, whispering "sweet dreams", and go back again, for Serafall.

"And here I thought you forgot about me" Serafall teases me, seemingly awake, sitting on the sofa, with her legs spread apart, wearing a sexy white-and-golden-outfit.

I grab her for a princess-carry, and she exhale "Yahhhhhhh", acting cutely, dancing in my hands, and I tell her "If you act nicely, I'll agree to sleep while hugging you", and she beam a smile, then salute to me, saying "Aye aye captain", and once we get into the bed, I put us both in the middle of all the girls, still holding to Serafall, and go to sleep, while the girls slowly cuddle closer and closer to me.

"Good night" I whispers, feeling soft skins and soft bosoms cuddle up to me, in the dark bedroom, when suddenly I see a huge breasts swing in front of my eyes, realizing it's Akeno, who falls down, on top of me, almost suffocating me with her huge boobs, and while thinking '...I love my life...', I fall asleep, in this soft haven.