
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH110: War pshychology

Sitting on a wide-chair, on a high-floor in Marineford'-fortress, invisible, while Hancock sitting on me, still visible, and my hand keep roaming around her body, mostly massaging her breast, as I can't hold myself from touching them all the time.

On my dick, bouncing, is Bi-Bi, invisible, who joined after a long session of me and Hancock, and even though she's the main suspect in rattling me out, about the salt in her coffee, by now I don't give a fuck, or rather, she gives a fuck, jumping up and down on my shaft.

Relaxed, feeling blessed, while Bi-Bi having an orgasm, and Hancock play with her cute-bosom, while I play with hers, to the view of white birds flying in the blue background, of the sea and sky, I release my white-love, into Bi-Bi, and hug them both, tightly, to me.

... "Miss Boa Hancock! You are requested to arrive to the formal meeting room!" a voice come from outside the room, and she answer "I'll come soon", and we begin separating, slowly, going to our own thing.

"Wait a moment" I tell Hancock, and pass her the memories of all I did, and she look back in shock, only now realizing how much I did in the last 24 hours, from Punk-hazard, Dressrosa, Don-Flamingo-whole-gang, all the way to Marineford, plus the awaiting Ace, and his pirate'-crew.

"Keep it a secret, I'll try to break it apart... In the end, it's normal soldiers who dies for some totalitarian egoistic goals, leaving normal families broken... I don't like those things..." I tell Hancock, kiss her lips, and go take Bi-Bi and the cameras back, before I begin flying toward Ace.


"Where'd ya been till now?" Ace question me in annoyance at the moment I get back, looking so bored, he even began fishing.

"Do you really want to know? Because Iv'e got the full video..." I answer, while sitting-down, pulling out a tablet, plug the camera, and upload the videos into it.

"Got something to eat?" Ace asks, and I pull lots of snacks, in a shadowed-spot on the little-ship, with cold-drinks, on a wooden-table, and pulled two chairs to it.

"Got anything to tell me?" I ask, and as Ace sits-down, he talk and eat, which kinda make me remember 'Women are such an elegant creatures, they'll never eat and talk to me like this, making food-pieces fly onto me...'.

"... So Jinbe said they'll continue to march-on, but it's just Whitebeard who's really adamant on forcing our way through, and I, and I believe most of the crew, think he plan 'a death by battle'... you know... he's really sick... for a long time now...", Ace speak turns to sadness, and I can comprehend his worries, telling him "Maybe another world science can help him?".

"YEAH! LET'S DO THAT!" Ace announce loudly, standing up, and I laugh, asking "Do you know where is he? Can we get to him? Communicate with him?..".

"Nope!" he proclaim nonchalantly.

'Maybe he's really Luffy'-brother, and not mine...' I laugh to myself, seeing how relatively similar they are, even though, except Chopper, and Rayleigh, the man I talked the most with, in this world, is Luffy, which make it kinda weird to me, but also, I remember Luffy saying he grew up with Ace since he was a lil'-kid.

I play the video I made in the Marine-base, and after a few minutes, of Ace endless laugh, I wait for when the most interesting parts are over, and tell him "You should see for yourself... I broke them down... And if Mister-Whitebeard will come there... I'll be on the government side... You can't break them apart, it will send the world to a total mayhem... Chaos ain't the solution for anything...".

He give me a stare, like saying 'Really? After all you did to them already?', and I speak, saying "No one died! Not even a single one! If that Whitebeard wanna die, he should go elephant-style.. Walk to some remote location, and die there, letting the living-creatures keep living, peacefully".

"Well... That's an argument I can't negate easily.." Ace answer in coherent, polite, manner, "And knowing he's still there, alive or not, sick or not, is like an invisible threat over any enemy or a revolt, and also a protection for the crew, cause I think that without him, the pirate-crew will fall apart...".

"Oh, wow, does eating a logia-devil-fruit let your logical capabilities develop as well?" I joke with Ace, joyful he's that smart, and he smirk, *smack* my chest, and sit to eat.

I feel a tear rolling-down my cheek, and he see that, but before he ask anything, I tell him ".. I grew up getting smacked like that, in the same spot, in the same manner ..", and he shift his gaze to the ocean, understanding I'm talking about our father, and how alike they are.

"Anyway,", I change the vibe, "What are we goona do now?".

Suddenly, I see birds flying in the sky, and I think 'if it's News-Co, and they'll inform the government, it's goona be a total mess!', and release lots of energies, looping it around the whole ship, and make it, and everything and everyone on it, invisible.

'Oh, nice, I can maintain it for an hour or more..' I ponder about my raising capabilities, as Ace went inside the ship, and now come back, together with Jinbe, who was sleeping inside.

"Yo" I call Jinbe, who smiles to me, saying "Hi", making me think 'he's a man of a few words, even though I heard him talk a lot since I first saw him...'.

Ace give me the tablet, while Jinbe pull a chair to the table, sitting down to eat with us, and I play the video, as Ace show it to Jinbe, who gets shocked, laugh, and then ponder to himself.

"Any idea?" I ask him.

"Once the word of Ace'-escape will reach all the pirate-crews, who came to join this war, I think the thirst for war, and their morale, will fall, and maybe they'll convince Whitebeard by themselves?" Jinbe answers, and he and Ace begin debating about how they think things will roll on.

'In Earth, wars are fought behind-the-scenes, and world-wars are kinda the epitome of the end-of-times... This world is really undeveloped... Physically and mentally... But still got the totalitarians regimes...'.

"I wanna meet this Whitebeard.." I cut into Ace and Jinbe conversation, thinking 'If all the marines are here, the most logical plan is to hit them where they aren't right now... Not where all their forces are gathered...Like the Holy-land...'.

"If they will come out of the water, the whole operation will be over, so it's not logical?" Jinbe answers, and I ask "Can you please take me there? I'll coat myself with a bubble..", and he accept, jumping into the water, and me and Ace coat ourselves, and jump into the water as well.

... "Oh, wow, nice ship", I say in the moment we enter a huge white majestic ship, who looks like a whale, and Ace go running around, saying 'Hi' to everyone, happy, almost crying, seeing how all those people came to his rescue.

I'm, of course, in a fake-look, changing my face, hair, clothes, and whole demeanor, not wishing to be recognized, and even add a Robin-Hood costume, to add for it.

'So this is the strongest man in the world?... One of the four pirate-emperors...' I gaze at Whitebeard, remembering all the stories I heard about him, even remembering a story my father told me once, when we climbed a rocky-mountain, about an epic-fight with a man called Whitebeard, which is obviously him.

All around Whitebeard, this huge man, who's above six-meters-tall, sitting on a huge-chair, sexy nurses run around, climbing stools, and I notice he's plug with infusions, looking kinda sickly.

I feel oppression, from Whitebeard, who release his king-haki at me, and I smile, asking "Is that a welcome gift? Cause I prefer to eat something instead", and look at Ace, devouring a meal with few pirates, on the deck.

"GURARARARA...", Whitebeard'-laugh so loud, the ship shakes, and the nurses almost fall off the stools, "... So you're really Ace'-brother?", he asks me, as I pull a pillow, food, and sit in front of him.

"Same father, different mother, so half" I respond, and we begin chatting.

... "GURARARARARARARA..." he burst in laughter, watching the video on repeat, and even call others to watch it as well, and they all happily laugh, to the point of crying.

... "And that's how I presume a war should occur, where no ordinary people gets hurt by the leaders, except harm for the wealth, who will roll-down to the commoners, but that's inevitable, they'll at least keep their lives", I finish speaking my mind to Whitebeard, about modern-warfare, and even telling him about my operations, like Sabaody, Alabasta, Dressrosa, and taking down an admiral.

"GURARARA... Attacking Mariejois... The holy-land, the world government capital... Instead of going inside their trap... While they're all in Marineford... GURARARARARARA..." Whitebeard ponder to himself, laughing every few sentences.

"I will do it myself, with or without you, to release people from slavery..." I add.

"GURARARA... Don't you underestimate that place... With the five-elders, the world-government forces, those Cipher-pol agencies, especially those CP-0..." Whitebeard warns me.

"So how about ... We wait ... Till we're really prepared to war ... And in the meantime, focus on espionage, gathering forces, secret missions to empower us and weaken them, and most of all, I direct a few elite doctors to you, who should give you at least 10 more years..." I offer.

"Look! Highest bounty in the world!" Ace show me a government-wanted-poster, of Whitebeard, with a price above 5-billion-berries, but I just smile, nod, and ask Whitebeard "Can we chat 1 on 1?".

"GURARARARARA... EVERYONE! GO TO THE NEXT SHIP!" Whitebeard shouts, and most begin moving, while a few come to him, protesting, but Ace deflect their assumptions, plus, Whitebeard just release his king-haki, showing dominance.

... By the time we're left alone, I go closer, wishing to read his mind, while talking, and when I see he's an extremely trust-worthy-man, I create a small-space-barrier, of sound and sight, and change my look, to my real-me, and then to the dragon-form.

"GURARARARARARRARARA..." he amused by my transformation, and I begin telling him few things, from otherworldly technologies, to my tales in Red-line, and even the fact Iv'e got few kingdoms, who're part of the world-government, with me, and I keep gathering more, till we can change the world without bloodshed of the innocents.

... "GURARARA... I'm in... I will consider it an alliance between our forces, trust you, and await those super-doctors..." Whitebeard finally decide, after negotiating for a long time.

'Umi? Beau?' I ask, and they materialize, kiss my cheeks, and I introduce them to the suprised Whitebeard.

"I don't got the full equipment with me, but I can use Bulma'-lab in Infinity..." Umi tells me, while Beau takes a blood-sample, and they go back and forth, as me and Whitebeard share a drink, waiting for the result.

"Obviously it's cancer, but it's in advanced-stage, making the chemotherapy unable to fight all the malignant cells in his body... We can offer an infusion of different genome, who is more risky, or moderate-treatment, as advanced-cancer-treatment from West-city... Or just the temporary-route, which can be things like magic-beans..." Umi conclude her and Beau findings.

I offer him a magic-bean, from a bag I took from those saiyan-people, probably the baldy-stalker, and he just shove it in his mouth, laughing his usual laughter, and stand up, with a huge smile on his face, deciding to try their opinions after witnessing an immediate effect by the magic-bean.


At Dressrosa, on a flower-field, who's above a flat-hill called Flower-hill, I find the little house Viola told me about, after we finished talking about everything, and I go inside the simple wooden house, finding Rebecca cooking, and her father, the previous toy-soldier, with the missing leg, sitting happily on a chair, watching her.

"Yo" I call for them when entering, waking them up from their daze, and sit down next to her father, Kyros, beginning to tell them all that happened, mainly about Don-Flamingo demise, but pass my memories to Rebecca, who exhale in shock, yet keep her act together, returning to cook, and soon we eat happily.


"I'll see you soon, Wife, Father-in-law" I kiss Rebecca, wave goodbye to Kyros, and fly to Viola, saying the same sentence, but when I go out, ready to *teleport*, I notice two dragons flying in the sky, and I quickly fly to them, making them land in the flower-hill.

"REBECCA!" I shout, wishing for her help, and call out Umi and Beau, as they've proven their medical-capabilities really-well, and also go bring Viola over.

While taming the dragons, once again, to listen and follow the girls'-commands, I think about my future plans, '...two prisoners, or actually three, with the comatose-Sugar, together with her harpy-sister, Mone, and the Marine-girl, Tashigi ... I can teleport to Whitebeard'-ship, so that's an easy task I can do later ... Finish Punk-hazard, clearing the leftovers issues ... Bring the girls from West-city to Infinity, and then to Soul-land ... And ...".


Two days later, finishing so many things, I'm tired to even move a finger right now, wishing to just relax, as all my women are inside Infinity and in Soul-land, leaving only Rebecca, Viola, and Chopper, with me, in Dressrosa, trying to solve the children'-issue, together with Chopper-'mama', Doctor Kureha, and also Beau and Umi.

"Ayn...", Rebecca come near me, kinda fidgeting, shyly, and I look at her, wearing a white sweater, over a white dress, wondering 'what's wrong?', and '...I still didn't take care of the 3 women inside Infinity'-prison...'.

"Ayn...", she wake me up from my daze, as I sit on the sofa, chilling, and I smile, asking "Yeah, my love, what's on your mind?".

Rebecca smile, saying "Come", grab my hand, and I follow her, to a remote garden behind the palace, where she let go of my hand, point on a chair, like telling me to sit down, as I do so, and she stand before me, dropping off her sweater, revealing her dress.

"Tadam! How do I look?" Rebecca asks with a love-stricken-gaze, and I look at her mini-white-dress, decorated with golden ornaments all over, and I answer "Like a sexy bride?".

She grab a white fabric, playing with it, putting it on her self, like a veil, dancing in circles, and land on my lap, fiddling with her hair, asking shyly "..and what do you want to do.. with your sexy bride..?".

I hold her waists, rotating her, so we'll sit face-to-face, looking at her mesmerizing beauty, as she tease me by playing cutely, making a shy pout, and I whisper "..It's not what I want to do .. It's what I want you to do".

"Hehe", she blush a smile, *giggle*, and wiggle her body, dancing on my lap, raising my half erection to a full stone-hard-shaft.

"Then this sexy bride will do it" Rebecca whisper with stars in her eyes, raising her hip a bit, and stretch a hand behind her back, while I make my clothes disappear, and she grab my shaft, aiming it, and begin dancing on me, jumping on my lap, taking my dick in and out of her wet-pussy.

"Fucking fuck.. I love it so much.. I love you.. Don't you dare to stop.." I moan as she fuck me up, and I watch her, entrapped in her beauty, not taking even a single piece of fabric off of her.

My hands roam around her body, which has many parts exposed, in that sexy-mini-dress.

... "Does my husband goona cum inside of me?" Rebecca asks seductively, still humping on my lap, still playing her sexy games, still looking as beautiful as ever, but by now she orgasm more than two times, and her eyes have stars in them.

"Are you goona... Make me a mama?" *CUM!*, I explode from Rebecca'-whisper, filling her pussy with my baby-seeds, in an endless stream of joy.

"She'll be a perfect mother for sure..." I think out loud, feeling like I fell in love with her all over again, and she cuddle to me, with her love-stricken-eyes, and we kiss, which turn to a hot flirt, before we're back at making sweet sexy love.

... "I can't believe it's really all over" Rebecca say as she sit on a stone platform, as we watch the sun fall down in the horizon, and stars begin to appear in the sky, while the whole country shine a brilliant lively lights.

"Are you saying you didn't believe in me?" I tease her, standing right next to her.

She lie-down on the stone-platform, on her side, catching my eyes with her entrapped-sexy-pose, highlighting her bubbly-ass up, with her white-high-heels-boots in the air, and her hand open a gap, like telling my dick 'look, there's a hole there, that's where you should be at right now'.

... *Pack! PAck! PACk! PACK! PACK!! ...*, I piston my dick into Rebecca, who's with her back to the grass, on the floor, with me above her, holding her legs above her head.

"I WANT YOU! I LOVE YOU! FOREVER! YES! MORE! WHATEVER , YOU , WANT , YES!!!" Rebecca orgasm in a loud sexy moans, like she's making her wedding-vow, and as a signature, she *Squirt! Squirt! Squirt! ...*, making her love-juice fly to me, as I cum a moment later, sucking her lips into mine, not stopping for a moment.


"A princess ... needs a crown" Viola laugh, while standing behind Rebecca, who sits on a chair, in front of a mirror, and I say "But she's my queen?", and Rebecca start crying, as I go stand before her, looking at her face, turning to a half-crying-half-smiling face.

In the moment she relax, I move aside, and Viola go behind her again, putting on her head a flower-crown.

"I hope you're ready, my queen" I whisper to Viola, who smiles beautifully to me, showing her whole body to me, as she's wearing white-red-dress, with golden ornaments on her body, looking like a sexy-school-bride-kimono-queen mixture.

*Lick*, I put my tongue on the gap of her sleeves, right at her arm-pit, but she ain't laughing, rather, she seems excited, as her eyes open wide.

I kiss Rebecca, whispering "see you soon, my love", and look at Viola, who sit there, drinking, waiting for me.

In the moment I come close to her, she stand up, whispers "I'm yours", and close her eyes, like she's telling me to take her away, make her mine, and I do so, grabbing her to a princess-carry, and fly out of the window.

... "Please hold me in your arms" I say in mockery, mimicking Viola voice, and she look puzzled, so I tell her "isn't that the first thing you told me?.. When we first met?.. As you were doing your third-rate-act?" I ask in a chuckle.

Viola beam a shy smile, with her eyes wide open, hugging her hands together, who emphasize her boobs to the maximum, which are already noticeable even without it, and adding the minimal-bra she have on her, it barely hide her nipples, saying in a shy-laughter-voice "I'm happy I said that".

I hug her tight, squishing her onto me, and wiggle my hips, aiming my love-stick to her love-hole, and connect us together, drowning in our lusting love.