
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH111: The best thing a man can wish for

"So you wanna stay here for a while?" I ask Rebecca, Viola, and Chopper, who nod 'yeah', and I instruct them about hiding the dragons, and continue guiding them.

... "Are you sure about those devil-fruits?.. I guess the string-devil-fruit is a proven success, but the flag-devil-fruit... Are you really sure about it? Don't you prefer, say, that logia-devil-fruit, of that scientist, becoming gas?" I ask them, as I wish to have them eat one, making them powerful enough to protect themselves.

"Yes!" Rebecca answers, and I give them the devil-fruits, even if it's for some cycle of revenge, but a dead mother, who loved her dearly, is surely a deep scar, so maybe it can ease her heart.

... "Love you, see you soon" I tell the girls, finally finishing saying goodbyes to everyone, from the king to the rescued-children, and go to Kureha, hold her hand, and *teleport*.


"That was amazing! Awesome! Now I'll visit the entire world with you!" Kureha say happily, making me some kind of a space-taxi, and I just smile, saying goodbye, and *Teleport*.


"Yo!" I shout as I enter Yuena'-space, letting the girls in Infinity come out, and to my surprise, they bring out Tashigi, the marine-girl.

"Hi?" I look at her, kinda laughing, from over-awkwardness, remembering all our time together, which wasn't nice of me, to say the least, even if she's some sort of an enemy, I surely got over-the-limit, or at least that's how I feel right now.

She look at me, with a redden-face, almost crying, and I feel a bit shaken, blubbering "sorry, my dear, I didn't mean to treat you in disrespect... Maybe... I liked you..? Acting kinda like a child, who pulls a girl pony-tail?.. Wishing for attention... Anyway, no excuses, sorry".

"I..! I..!", she blubber, fidgeting, and Shyarly push her back, as she finally look at my eyes, while playing with her glasses, "I.. Everything is okay! Okay? Okay! okay...", and we all burst laughing, even the girls who begin coming out of the tree-house, who see the scene.

"My loves" I shift my focus to the girls, seeing Mia coming first.

'Damn, I like this style.. overall-jeans.. just enough to pop her bosom out.. I'm getting hungry already..' my mind go to lust-land, seeing the girls pop out, all looking so good, even a well-successful-man can't be immune for such womanly charms and beauty.

"Can we all gather around?" I ask Mia, before we spread, doing different things, and she smile, kiss my lips, and go inside, calling the girls, but I'm already spreading my 6th-sense, letting them all know I'm here, wishing to meet, by signaling with my hands.


Near the small-lake, on a huge blanket, we all have a brunch picnic, to the view of Nami, who keep on swimming, and suddenly see us, looking shocked, and float to us.

We're all together, right now, except Rebecca and Viola, but including the extra, Tashigi, which I decide to deal with first thing now, as she came out with them.

I also brought Rongrong over a moment ago, and there's Erlong and Yan here, which I hadn't have sexual-relation with, at least for now, making it 28 women, plus one man, me.

I begin passing the memories of the last couple of days to all the girls, except Tashigi, of course, and by the end I step into the lake, where Nami is close-by, and put my forehead on hers, I pass the memories, and a second later kiss her lips, bite her nipple, and jump out, giggling to myself.

"You can at least show her the video?" Robin comment, and I do as she say, pulling a large-projector, setting it up next to a white-board I put on a tree, plug the camera, and *Play*.

While all the girls watch at the movie, I watch the girls, mostly Tashigi, reactions.

When it ends, Tashigi raise her glasses, dazing to nowhere, and I see her mature-attitude, kinda mesmerized by her look, who remind me of Robin'-charm, or maybe a young version of Raki, but in the end, I can't really compare, seeing her uniqueness, which can only be described as her.

Rongrong wipe my mouth, saying "at least don't drool so much", even though I had no such thing, but the girls giggle happily from it.

I grab her, planning to throw her into the water, but just tickle her, and hearing a laugh from my right-side, I focus on Raki, grabbing her as well, and a tickling fight erupt.

... "I lost! It's not fair! Why are you all against me?" I pout at the mass of girls piling-up on me, and except a few, who are here for the first time, talking with soul-land-girls, the rest combine forces to lock me down, and try to tickle-tease me to death.

I feel my boner can explode, but reminded by Tashigi, asking "wait, let's finish with the businesses for now..", and they let me sit up.

'She's in a bikini??' I wonder as I look at Tashigi, sitting shyly, next to Nami, a bit far away from us, and shift my focus back to the girls, asking "Opinions about Tashigi please, and don't worry, I blocked the space around us for now, so she won't hear us".

"Yes!" Bi-Bi laugh, together with Junko, Beau, Perona, and Pashia.

"Bi-Bi is a mink, not a scorpion" Wu comments, and we all burst laughing.

"Why is she here?" Alison asks, but I look at her puzzled, waving my hands in resignation, not sure myself, and look at the girls who just came out of Infinity.

"Just eat her up and get it over with" Bulma teases, together with the support of Lazuli, Chi-Chi, Shyarly, Hancock, and few more girls nod in agreement.

"NO! I..." Yan interject, but turn to an unexplained mumble, but they all giggle, kinda getting what she meant, and I think 'I wanna telekinesis powers!', while rolling on the blanket, till I reach her, and pull her to sit on my lap, patting her hair, signaling her I do wish for her.

"you didn't forget me, right?" Erlong whispers to my ear, and I look aside, seeing her in a wet-transparent-white-shirt, with a black-bikini underneath, smiling to me, and I hug her to me, kiss her head, and make a gap on my lap, sitting her next to Yan.

"Hey! Focus!" Conis intercept, and I smile, pulling her for a kiss, feeling my erection pop off just from seeing her golden-bikini, wishing to devour her whole.

"I think he already lost it..." Raki say, staring at me up close, and I can see her juicy-boobs wiggle, as she walk on six, in a white-bikini, mesmerized by her purple-shiny-eyes.

"She already saw us doing ... a lot ..." Junko laughingly add to the fire, and I look at her smirking to me, in her black-transparent-nightgown, and my dick is already standing in full tension, ready to fight.

"Here!" I announce, throwing lots of glass-boxes in front of me, on the blanket, containing devil-fruits, with notes attatched, and ask "Will we research it? Does any girl wanna try it out? Did you find anything about cultivating soul-systems?".

The girls focus on the piles, smiling happily, each grab a box, passing it between each other, as Yuena and Robin come close to me, letting me read their minds, and soon all the girls come over, wishing to get the memories as well, and a discussions arise around it, as Nami also join us, while Mia go over to her.

... 'So, all the girls got different soul-spirits, but what's sure, they all got it, and everyone who already ate a devil-fruit is now above level 10... but now the question is... Should they try it if they're not level 10 yet, but got a soul-spirit... Or if, at level 20, can they eat a devil-fruit...' I sum in my head all the information.

"So, we need someone to experiment on... Any suggestions?" I ask.

I realize my hands roam around Yan and Erlong bodies, indecently, but they haven't said a thing, even touching my erection teasingly, by moving their hands or legs, and it's only a matter of time till I'll lose my self-control, 'If I even had it to begin with...' I laugh at myself.

"I'm level 10, so I wanna try!" Roxanne declares, and I respond "I prefer someone not from here... I refuse to put you in risk...", but she smile, answering "Then you better rescue me if something goes wrong", and I gather my darkness-energy, as she choose one, grabbing the light-devil-fruit, making me happy for her wise choice, and *Bite!*.

"BAHHHHHHH", *GULP*, she swallow the bite, and we all look at her in full-concentration, noticing she's shining, and slowly, a white-circle appears around her body, assimilating into her, till shortly after, it's done.

Roxanne smirk, stand up, and *Fwooosh*, move around, in an incredible speed, laughing happily.

"Sorry, still no weather-fruit" I whisper to Nami, pointing at the gas-devil-fruit, wondering if she'll take it, but she shake her head, saying "Maybe I can just hunt a spirit-beast?", and she show me her spirit, which is a butterfly, making me to cry from sexual-joy, plus dreams, of me fucking the fuck out of this butterfly soon.

"I think we should all find a fruit-soul who correspond to our spirit-soul" Yuena comment, and we all nod in agreement, and I begin looking around, wishing to know what spirit-soul each girl got, finding out most of them are spirit-beast-soul, like Zhuqing-hell-cat, or Nami-butterfly.

"Wait! Wait! If it works... I can become an attacker?!? Not just a mere support??" Rongrong jump in joy, and I feel the rhythm can't be any better, 'except Tashigi issue... Ahhhh...' I think, and look over at her, but shocked.

Tashigi and Mia play together, in the shallow waters, splashing water on each other, and I decide to just speak to her, and stop dilly-dolling around it.

"I'll be right back" I tell the girls, peck a kiss on Yan and Erlong, moving them over, and walk toward Tashigi.

*Splash!*, Tashigi smile happily at me, even though her eyes hides worry and fear underneath them, and I just stand there, scratching my head, like I'm scraping my skull to death, feeling a headache is coming, cause I really don't know what to do.

"Just let it be... Stop trying to make the world roll around you.. Just roll with it sometimes... We're here..." Mia whispers to my ear, from behind, and I look back, nod, and suddenly remember our last time together, 'drinking coffee', and now actual drool goes out of my mouth.

"Go go go" Mia laugh, pushing me back to the girls outside, and I do as she say, feeling 'Her love for me is the real thing... The best thing I can wish for...'.

"BANZAI!" Robin jumps at me, in the moment I get back, and land with her big-boobies into my face, inside her micro-bikini, and my back hit the blanket, while she water-boating my face in her heavenly bosom.

*SLURP!*, I feel my dick being swallowed, and 'see' Nami going deep-throat.

"We won before it even started" I hear Yuena laughter, but I smirk evilly, raising my body, and they all look at me in wonder, yet still come close to the dangerous beast, the big-bad-dragon, me.

I release invisible tentacles, all around me, like snakes in a high grass, and a moment later, I'm lunching an all-out-attack, while being attacked by few.

"AHHHH", "WAHHHH", MMMMMMMMMM", "NNNAHHHHMMM", shouts and moans arise nonstop, as tentacles grasp Roxanne, Alison, Conis, Lazuli, Pashia, Chi-Chi, Nami, Bulma, Vivi, Junko, Zhuqing, Rongrong, Shirahoshi, Beau, and Yuena.

I shoot my ever-growing-lust onto them, and focus on Wu, Bi-Bi, Umi, Robin, Hancock, Shyarly, Raki, Perona, and Lya, plus Yan and Erlong, and behind them, in the water, Mia and Tashigi, chatting.

A huge energy-cloud begin to form, circling around my body, spreading my love, pure sexual love, through the entire place, slowly spreading, even reaching to the edges of the space, and begin to grow denser.

'We're not goona make a puddle, we're goona fucking make a new lake here...' I joke to myself, hearing Infi teasing voice, saying <Lucky me>, and I respond 'Just you wait, My lovely secret wife, your luck will come soon enough'.


*PENG,PLOP,PENG,PLOP,PENG,PLOP...*, my dick keep going in and out of holes, as I stand behind a pile of pure perfection, the three-women-towering-butts of Hancock, Conis, and Raki, alternating between shoving my cock, shoving my fingers, or slapping their bubbling butts.


"mmm... I love you... Mmmm... I love it..." Zhuqing moaning melody mix with the wet-sounds, as she jumps on my lap, while I lie-down on the blanket, and my left-hand is inside Nami's pussy, and I vibrate it harshly, feeling teased by seeing Zhuqing and Nami breasts squish onto each other, and they begin kissing, making me explode.

"can I join?" I hear Erlong whispers, and see her crawling, on six, in a black-micro-bikini, and twin-pony-tail, just like Nami'-hairstyle right now, and pull her to me, kissing her passionately.

"The answer is yes, always" I whisper, and push a finger behind her minimal-thong, as she crawl next to Zhuqing, to her right, and also squish her boob into her, and I once again wake-up, to a stone-hard-feeling, of my dick wishing for more, more, and then, more.

I raise my head, shaking it between six tits, joyful as a mother-fucker, and for real, as just a moment ago I made love with Mia, together with Wu.

"Fuck me!" Zhuqing moan a sentence unnatural to her, and I smirk, and begin to do so, with her and Nami, while playing with Erlong, and soon with Yan, who join along to the 'fun'.


"Do you know what's better then an android?" I ask Umi, and she look at me, saying "I don't know", and I laugh, whispering "Two androids!", and pull her with me to Lazuli.

... "MMMMMM", I cum, while feeling Bulma go down on me, sucking my dick clean, as I watch Umi and Lazuli kissing, getting really close after all we did around the place, and I'm about to jump at them, once again.

"Do you know what's better then two androids?" I hear Beau whispers to me from behind, and I *chuckle*, knowing very well the answers, but respond "No, my wife, what is?".

"I don't know either.. HAHAHA..." Beau cutely laugh, and jump between Umi and Lazuli.

She grab Lazuli'-head with her tail, pushing her face into her butt, making her lick her, while grabbing Umi, pulling her up, kissing her lips, and I jump into the fray, ready to fight.

... "Is it love from first sight?" I joke with Shyarly, while making love, and seeing Lazuli and Beau making-out, kissing passionately, in front of us.


On a sunbed, 'playing' with Lya, I look at the sunbed next to us, as Shirahoshi change to a smaller-size, also creating legs, and keep playing with Pashia, but now, the play becomes way more erotic, in the moment they step out of the water, and sat near us.

"mmmmm... MMMmmmm... AHHH, YES! YES! YES!" Lya orgasm, collapsing on the bed, and I stand up, going to the sunbed next to us.

Pashia, who lay-down above Shirahoshi, put her hand on her butt, gazing at me lustfully, and I run my tongue between the two, but they're so wet, that my tongue got wetter from it.

"Ahhh...", "MMmmm...", "I love you", the two girls moan, as my dick and my finger enter their pussies, and I give them all the fucking love they deserve, till they'll squirt back at me my reward, the songs that can make any man feel 'This is life!'...


At night, inside the cave, not in the tree-house, who now became like a party-hall, a huge space filled with sofas, beds, open bars, beds, a pool, a kitchen, and many more, we all gather together.

"My loves...", I announce aloud, grasping the attention of everyone, waiting for a moment till there's silence, and continue speaking, "I wish to go for a vacation soon, thinking about visiting an island called Water-7, which is one of the most beautiful, and fun, places I saw... And then Point-Nemo, to the cloud-island in the sky... What do you say?".

Everyone agrees, as the girls from Red-line begin telling stories about the places, intriguing the girls who doesn't know about those places of what's unique there, like the beauty, fun, and sophistication of those islands.

"AHEM...", I grab their attention again, "I will let you coordinate everything, from activities, to schedules... As for me, right now, I wish to go meet my father, who I promised to meet like a week ago, but never went, and then I'm totally free, unless anyone got any issue...", and I look around.

Suddenly, Tashigi raise her hand, but the girls already begin chatting in smaller-circles, going for a swim, eat, drink, etc, and I go next to her, while Robin come with me as well.

"Yes, dear, tell me" I ask Tashigi, sitting on my knees, as she sits on a sofa, near an aquarium, playing with her hair shyly, and Robin sits besides her, listening as well.

"... what ... why ... about me ... where ... " she stutter every time she begin a sentence.

I look at her, wearing a fancy pink dress, looking like a real beauty, totally different vibe from the look she got when she got the military-clothes-vibe on her.

Robin signal me with her eyes, like she's saying 'make contact', and I shift my gaze to Tashigi, sitting on the floor, next to her legs, running my finger on her leg while saying "What do you think I should do?".

"Don't be so tense, sweety" Robin tell Tashigi, and put her hands on her shoulders, from behind, massaging her, "Just answer honestly".

"I'm... I was shocked, scared, at first, but honestly .. After knowing .. That you saved those children, from the enslavement and experimentation .. stopping a war, so no one will die, and the world be at peace .. Even doing it in such a funny way .." Tashigi speaks, as I massage her feet, listening to her, kinda amazed to know that she know about us that much, probably by the girls, who opened up to her, a lot.

"And new worlds? I mean ... Do you really expect me not to be stupefied by it? I couldn't believe, but it happened, so what am I suppose to say now?" Tashigi stop talking, looking shyly at Robin, who tickle her, by creating lots of hands, and touch all over her body with them.

"Hehe.. Robin.. I try to be serious here.." Tashigi laugh.

"I'm not stopping you, keep going" Robin smile back at her.

*Chuu... Chuu..*, I kiss her leg, slowly kiss higher up, and stop to say "Yeah, seriously, tell us the truth, and we'll do whatever..", but I can read her minds, I can 'see' her energies, and it's clear to me what she really wanna, and it seems that Robin can see it too, even without any power.

"Do you think he will eat her up?" I hear Bulma asking, from nearby, and look to the side, where I see Bulma and Nami, in lingerie, lying on bed, looking at us, gossiping loudly.

"Nah, he's a scardey-cat" Nami answers, as she smirks, and wink at me.

"But look at that girl, she's even hornier than him right now" Bulma sting me.

"Not more than you" I answer them back, standing up, kissing Tashigi in the mouth, a small peck, smile, and walk over to Nami and Bulma, as they burst laughing and try to run away.

"The Big, Bad, Dragon, is hungry" I say at the moment I appear before them, after I teleport, and they laugh, while I grab them into the air, and jump inside the pool, with them in hand.