
The Otherside - Journery of the Quadbrid

All the myths and legends of old are all real. The otherside of society is full of the supernatural. The Grandson of 4 of the most powerful creatures in japan embarks on his journey of growth to become the most powerful creature in the world.

KiwibroG · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 10 - Dungeon & System


[Welcome to the Gaia Dungeon System}

These are the first things I laid eyes on in the dark room I entered after entering the last magic circle. So this was a dungeon. I have learnt about them before but never entered one yet. So I have my own personal dungeon in my basement. Wow my Grandparents really went all out huh.

Dungeons. In this world Dungeons are formed in one of two ways. First natural dungeons, which are formed from the compression of excessive energy in the atmosphere. This is actually a combination of many types of existing energy. All energy starts the same. We call this world energy. The world naturally creates and distributes it onto the world. Then entities such as me will filter worlds energy through our cores and convert it by race. I have four cores. Once the energy is changed it stays that way. Overtime it will build up in space and compress and form a dungeon. The monsters that spawn inside are determined by the energy with the most presence when the dungeon forms.

Second forced dungeons. Dungeons that are created by supernatural creatures forcing energy from the atmosphere and their bodies to compress to form a dungeon. For the most part you can accurately determine what monsters will appear. If vampire energy or simply blood energy is more predominant then the monsters will be based on undead creatures. If Kitsune energy or holy power is used then divine monsters will appear. If werewolf energy is used or nature energy then plant monsters and animals will appear and for Lust energy it will spawn lower demons such as imps and goblins.

In the case for my personal dungeon it will probably be a mix of all of the above. Returning to the issue at hand. The words that are displayed in my retina that seems to be a system made by Gaia is a first for me. Gaia is the Goddess of earth. She protects, creates and regulates everything on the planet but for her to make a system for this dungeon it was probably a deal with my Grandparents.


[User recognized, Tsuki Ryoshi, Welcome master]

[The Gaia Dungeon system was made exclusively for the user to increase your growth speed]

[Tsuki's Dungeon was created by the combined efforts of four powerful beings to help with your growth]

[Please say or think status to see you body's statistics]



Name: Tsuki Ryoshi (Alucard, Mae, Arcadia, Diabolos)

Race: Vampire Kitsune Werewolf Incubus Quadbrid

Level: 1

Health: Infinite (Depends on energy)

Strength: 250

Speed: 250

Intelligence: 1000

Energy: 2000 (4x energy cores 500 each)

Dungeons conquered: None

Partners: None

Servants: George Ryoshi, Lucy Ryoshi]

Wow so I can assume given the information displayed here that the records that Gaia keeps on all beings on earth is used to keep this system up to date. Interesting. But whats this level will this increase if I kill monsters. Also dungeons conquered so will this system only work in dungeons or outside as well.

Either was this will be a good way to get used to fighting and killing. Dungeon exploration will also strengthen my other skill as well. I wonder if it will be useful to my servants or just me.

Much research will need to be done before I venture further. Moving forward with out any prior preparations is just asking to be hurt. I am not that stupid. I should speak to my Grandparents about this dungeon and also the system. If Gaia is involved it wont simply be a favor but there may be some task she wants me to fulfill in the future. I hope she doesn't want me to be a hero or some ridiculous shit like that. That would simply be against my nature.

I decide to leave the dungeon because as much as I want to know more there are more important matters to attend to and research also need to be done.

Appearing back in the basement of my castle that characteristic DING goes off again.


[User has left the dungeon system going on stand by mode. To gain access again please re-enter the dungeon]

Well that answers some questions. So the system only works inside the dungeon. Well that is the case for now. This could change in the future as Gaia is the most powerful entity in this world so i would not be surprised if there are updates over time or if conditions are met.

I can sense a spark of something foreign in my soul it resembles that of a blessing so I assume the system was a form of blessing from Gaia which is crazy in itself. But for the current moment its weaker than my other blessings which I received from my grandparents. This also means that Gaia is watching me more closely I wonder if this has something to do with my prophetic dreams that I have been having for a while now.

As I begin to leave the basement the magic circle that leads to the teleportation room starts to glow. This can only mean one thing, one of my grandparents are coming to visit me without prior notice. I wonder which one will it be.