
The Otherside - Journery of the Quadbrid

All the myths and legends of old are all real. The otherside of society is full of the supernatural. The Grandson of 4 of the most powerful creatures in japan embarks on his journey of growth to become the most powerful creature in the world.

KiwibroG · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 9 - Basement Exploration

Upon entering the basement what greets my sight is a simple room filled with magic circles on the floor. Upon closer inspection I can deduce that they are teleportation circles which leads me to believe that each on leads to a different space in the basement area.

There are six magic circles and I decide to start with the closest one to me on the left side of the room. After the stepping on the circle and sending some energy into it the scene around me turns white before I gain my vision back and whats I am greeted with looks like a training room.

On one side there are various magic work out equipment. Magic workout equipment is like regular workout equipment like weights and other things except the weight on the equipment can be controlled and adjusted by gravity magic. Additionally some can cast de-buffs to the person using them such as reduced stamina or reduced agility which helps strengthen those aspects without the need for excessive amounts of other equipment.

On the other side of the room there are various magical targets for uses such as aim training with conventional weapons as well as magic attacks. Some targets have refection spells that can be turned on and off randomly to help with reflexes and defensive measure training.

At the end of the room behind a massive glass screen is an environment simulation room. It allows the user to set different environments for training for example, an open plain or a volcanic field. In addition to that there is also gravity adjustment and enemy spawning simulation. The A.I used for the enemies can be programmed can to set to levels between beginner and expert with various fighting styles of all races. They can all adapt to the users fighting style intuitively.

The middle of the room up a small set of stairs on a platform over looking the whole training room is a rest area with showers and other amenities.

Leaving the via the magic circle and stepping on the next circle after the white flash of light I arrive in a room that can only be considered a red room. The walls are all filled with various sex toys and other paraphernalia. The middle of the room has a large round bed with various structures which I assume is used in bondage play with various handcuffs and ropes attached.

There is also a small open bath to the side which assuming its main purpose is to wash away the various fluids produced in the room.

Last but not least at the end of the room is a wardrobe filled with various role-play costumes ranging from nurses to bunny girl outfits and everything in between of all shapes and sizes.

Leaving this room and moving to the next what graces my vision is a scene which is slightly disturbing. The torture room. Yes even in this modern age we supernatural creatures still use this tried and true method of getting information of enemies and spies alike.

Because of the nature of various supernatural creatures with regeneration and other such innate skills. The tools use for torture are very different. Most of the tools have been attributed with various elements to slow or stop regeneration and disturb the flow of energy in the prisoner so as to make the job easier. But the upside is that due to these innate skills torture of this nature can break the mind quicker than say torturing a human. Something that will kill a human would only inconvenience and supernatural creature for a short time.

At the the end of the room there is a prison cell filled with hallucinogenic plants which serve to break the prisoners mental barriers quicker and also show them their absolute worst fears. Hmm looks like I will have to find someone experienced in torture to join my family.

Leaving the torture room and moving to the next magic circle the sight displayed in front of me is another set of teleportation magic circles but these ones are clearly labeled. Their function is to teleport to each of my Grandparents residences. This means they can visit me at anytime they want. Although I love my Grandparents dearly and am grateful to them for raising me it could be troublesome if they show up without contact I will have to think of a solution for that, maybe a witch can set a signal to my holo-display that lets me know which one is activated and when. I will also have to make sure that no one can enter this room.

Moving onto the fifth magic circle I enter what is simply an armory. All four walls are lined with weapons. The first wall is for swords, daggers and weapons of that nature. The second wall is filled with various spear like weapons, any weapon that is long range than a sword but still close combat is here. The third wall is full of heavy weapons such as axes and war hammers. The last wall has two displays, one for ranged weapons such as bows and cross bows but also magical guns. The other display on this wall is filled with armor. Heavy plate armor to light leather style armor and everything in between can be seen here.

Lastly in every corner of the room in a glass display case is magical staves specially used for each of my bloodlines. One for blood control, one for holy power, one for nature power and the last one for illusion and charm magic. Although not needed for small scale fights when fighting multitudes of enemies a stave can increase energy output and spell effective range and in the case for werewolves it will help drawing in more nature energy from the environment.

Moving on to the next and final magic circle when I enter instead of the characteristic blinding white light all I am greeted with is darkness and then I hear a DING.