
The Otherside - Journery of the Quadbrid

All the myths and legends of old are all real. The otherside of society is full of the supernatural. The Grandson of 4 of the most powerful creatures in japan embarks on his journey of growth to become the most powerful creature in the world.

KiwibroG · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 11 - Grandma Visits

As the bright light of the magic circle dims and the silhouette of a person becomes more clear. I can see that this person is rushing straight towards me at a speed I cannot escape from.

"Ara ara Tsuki my Grand baby Grandma is here to see you."

This voice can only be one person my Grandma Tamamo no Mae. As I said before she spoils me a lot and you may expect her to be a very elegant lady which is very true in front of other but when its just her and myself this is what she is like. Over the top doting Grandma.

I am not in my Grandmas embrace and as usual she has gone and buried my head in her breasts and yes because if her innate purity she doesn't see anything wrong with doing this either its natural for her to be close to me and spoil me. Well not that I mind if it keeps her happy.

"Yes hello grandma, how are you, what brings you her?"

"Ara can I not come and see my grand baby whenever I want and spoil him ?"

"Of course Grandma that is fine but I know you are busy so that cant be the only reason to visit."

"Fufu of course lets move somewhere more comfortable darling."

As she finished speaking. My eye sight warps and we appear on the bed in my room. My head is on her lap and it appears she is going to indulge in some Grandson pampering. The next thing I know ear cleaning and tail brush appear in her hands.

"Tsuki dear, please change to your Kitsune form."

"Yes grandma."

I slowly shift to my Kitsune form. My fox ears pop out on top of my head and my nine tails appear and dance around as if they have been constricted for a long time. This is not necessarily wrong as when I am in human form all my various features are for lack of better words shoved inside a container which is my body. That is why in my human form I appear slightly more muscular and taller. Although we can take human forms our mass cannot change to dramatically so that's the off set for the spell.

Grandma starts by brushing my tails. Shes loved to do this since I could first freely alter my forms at the age of 6. She brushes gently from top to bottom 1 tail at a time. Once shes finished she moves on my ears. Just so you know I have both sets of ears. Fox and Human ears. Though in this form only my fox ears are functional.

She gently cleans my ears changing between different tools. She takes her time doing this as this is one of her favorite pass times. Just as I begin to doze off she finishes up with the task and puts away the tools for ear cleaning and brushing.

"Tsuki dear can you do Grandma a favor please?"

"Of course Grandma would you like the usual treatment?"

"Yes dear my muscles need to be reinvigorated."

"No problem I would never refuse you."

It seems Grandma wants to be spoiled just as much. Now before you let your mind run wild this is not that. You see although she will not say it outright Grandma has rather large assets and even as strong as she is they still seem to give her trouble or at least that want she wants me to think in reality she just likes to be pampered just as much as anyone but because of her position she would never say that. I find it rather cute to be honest.

Grandma takes of her Kimono and lies down. Now only covered with a sarashi she lies down and tucks her tails to the side.

I begin to give her a massage starting with the lower back and moving to the shoulders. After about 10 minutes of massage I take out my own personal brush and slowly begin to brush her tails one by one making sure to be very gentle as our tails are very sensitive and also the pride of us Kitsune.

Finishing off Grandmas treatment she sits up and I help her put her Kimono back on. She turns around and pulls me into her embrace again and begins to speak.

"So dear the reason for my visit is that it was decided I would inform you about the dungeon in the basement. As you are probably now aware of it was created by the joint efforts of us your grandparents for your training purposes. We originally were going to leave it as is but Goddess Gaia contacted me and made a suggest an improvement to our work. That is the Dungeon system that is residing in your soul." Tamamo no Mae says and then adjusts my position so I am siting on her lap like small child.

"The reason she did this is to return a favor from the past to us. When the earth was in great peril due to the humans folly she asked us to intervene. You will learn more of this when you are ready. Anyway the repayment for that was this favor. The system will make it easier for you to grow but I think Gaia will also give you a task in the future and in turn she will grant you a wish for helping her. So use the dungeon to grow and use it to train you subordinates for what lies in the future."

"Hmm I see. I understand. But do you have any idea what this task will be?" I ask clearly a bit worried about being used by the Goddess.

"I do not dear sorry. But the Goddess is fair. What you give you will also receive. Anyway now that I am her I will stay with you until the academy starts. Of course I need to meet these chosen women too fufu."

Once shes finished she forces me to cuddle with her lying down and I doze off to sleep before I know it.