
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs


When I heard the Tok'ra try to stone wall us, I told him. "Think very clearly on this action. I'm well aware you are the one trying to stone wall us and not the council. You forget I was just blended with Jolinar and she was more than willing to express the council's views of us. If nothing else, we have been a veritable well of information and they have been trying to think of a way to equalize our treaty as they feel they owe us."

The Tok'ra went silent and I continued. "If you continue on this road I'll step through and speak to the council myself about seeing you sent far away on an information gathering mission. We share our information and resources freely with them and I damn well know they'll want to interrogate you if I mention this as the reason we broke ties with them."

He shivered before speaking. "I apologize if I've difficult with you, but you must understand, Kanan was my closest friend. To the ink he would do something so goa'uld like is repugnant and unthinkable."

I sighed. "Just get the mission reports so we can find them. Who knows, maybe he took on Jack's reckless traits during the blend. I know Jolinar has become a very proficient warrior since our last blend and she's even taken up meditation, something I know for a fact she got from me."

He nodded. "I'll have them brought over within an hour. Thank you for understanding."

I waved him off. "I'd suggest you not try something like that again though. It would damage relations between our people."

He bowed to us and left to his task. I turned to General Hammond. "Sorry for taking over your meeting George. Best I can say is that my mind is still fresh from the blending and I'm not one hundred percent yet."

He nodded. "Not a problem. You just saved me from tearing into a good man defending his friends honor."

I nodded. "I just made some schematics for a ship I wish to build. I'm hoping it'll be the flag ship of this planet when it's finished. The only thing stopping me from building it right now is permission from the chief of staff and materials to make it out of. I need naquadria and I'd like permission to start sending MALPs through to each peaceful planet we've been on to scan for it now that I've got the composite signature locked."

He nodded. "I'll speak to Andrew for you, he shouldn't have a problem. Though I'll have to have the Alpha and Beta sites send the MALPs to free up our own gate."

I nodded. "Thanks General."

I left after that and went to my lab to find Bonnie and Ayana all over each other. I sighed as I felt their needs. The bonding must have over-activated our senses. I could feel every touch they were giving each other.

I tossed up a barrier and sealed my lab from site and thought. For the next hour we were slaves to our senses. When I finally pulled away as I felt the gate activate, I told them. "I gotta go help save Jack. Both of you dim the bond with me or I'll never be able to leave."

They worked with me and I was able to pull back some from them. They continued with each other and I resealed the lab as I joined the team. I went through the motions and helped them jump to conclusions until they figured it out. I mentioned not risking our ships and instead spreading the news to Ba'al's enemies that have their own ships.

We would go in on the ground cloaked and find him while both goa'uld fight it out. With the course of action set, the Tok'ra spies delivered the news and we were successful. With Jack back and the Tok'ra and woman it loved freed and with the Tok'ra, everyone won. Or at least we did anyway.

While we were leaving Jacks bed side, I turned to Daniel. "How'd you get here?"

He raised his eyebrows. "You can see me?"

I nodded. "So you can come back from ascension or are you a ghost now?"

He shook his head and muttered about it probably being apart of my physiology that allowed me to see him. Ayana and Bonnie came in and they both noticed him as well. Ayana introduced herself and he looked fascinated.

He couldn't answer any of their questions but he was able to say goodbye again. After that, I turned my focus to Langara. I gave the people a suggestion to turn their focus of unrest and dissatisfaction at all three of their governments into a rebellion that would one day bring all three nations together under one banner.

With a bit of power and the healing abilities I've gained an affinity for as an advanced human, I cloaked myself and teleported to the Kelowna college of science and healed Kieran of his mental disability and gave him the idea to start a real rebellion to save all of Langara.

While I was there, I put a stop to the effects the bomb the recently set off had on the world. I converted the radiation back into the naquadria it came from and put it safely back in the ground. I stopped the naquadria deposits pressure from building and made natural ventilation in the ground to release any pressure that would build up again.

After that, I turned my attention back to a fast growing rebellion that had suddenly found itself growing. I made mental connections and ideas for the people of each nation's rebels to have secret meetings to plan it all. With that I left and went back to my labs to continue my work. Bonnie took over paying attention to them while I focused on my projects.

When the people of Kelowna made contact again, I sat in on the meeting and suggested that they enter peace talks with both sides and share the knowledge of the stargate with them. They disagreed and said their enemies would tell their people. I pointed out that our planet's largest and most power countries have already done the same and I called in general Chekov to make the same point.

When they asked for weapons technology and jet specs, I shook my head and sighed. "You are determined to fight this battle and you've already made up your mind on the war. My words will not change your minds and I cannot convey how bad the real horrors of war are to those that are blinded by hatred."

The woman sneered. "What do you know of the horrors of war? You sit there with your superior weapons and shields and leave us to die."

I shook my head and sighed. "Far more than I've ever wished to. I'll tell you what. I'll contact a race far more advanced than our own and have them help your people. They would help any who are wise enough to ask."

With that I went to make a call to the Nox. I asked them to send delegates to assess the situation and try to make peace between all parties. They don't have to give technology just help to find a peaceful solution.

Lya and a group of elders came and when they saw Ayana they bowed a little. "We did not know the ancients had come back."

Ayana told them of her rescue and her new place here. She told them that myself and Bonnie were like her. While they knew I was old and wise, they didn't know exactly what I was at the moment. They seemed to accept it and agreed to try saving these people from themselves.

After their meeting I told mentally told them as they conveyed their concerns. (The governments have stopped listening to the people. I've read their unrest and have them the mental push to rebel and stop their government from getting them all killed. Their planet has a very high naquadria deposit that will eventually explode if they continue on this route. I'm not asking you change all their minds, only help the rebels to set aside their differences and help each other stop the atrocities that will happen if this continues.)

She bowed her head. (Are you sure it's wise to interfere like this?)

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. (If we do not, the outcome is guaranteed. I've already had to stop the nequadria from pressurizing and exploding when they did a test bomb. The outcome is set in stone if they war. There are millions of innocents that will die if we don't and that's not something I can stand by and not interfere with.)

She nodded. (So be it. We will help and if the rebellion fails, we will take as many as we can with us to another planet.)

I bowed to her. (Thank you. I am sorry I've had to ask for this in this way.)

She smiled.(We understand and sympathize with your plight. We are glad you saw fit to give us your wisdom.)

I waved it off. (Until next time my friends. I'll be monitoring he situation in case it gets bad and I may step in to save as many innocents as possible. These young races give this old man much to worry about.)

Lya and the elders laughed and sent their goodbyes before saying goodbye to General Hammond and the Kelownans. I turned my gaze to Langara and watched the Nox make contact with the rebels. I watched them explain the stargate and it's function before explaining the reason they were there.

The rebels excepted their help and together it truly began. With all three countries people working together, a true uprising began before SG-1 could even step foot through the gate the next day. I watched on as the Nox healed anyone who died and stopped as much death as they could. The Kelownans tried to use the bomb on their own people but I sent it into a black hole across the galaxy.

When the rebels of each government had the power, a council was formed and they asked the Nox to take away all weapons of war. They got rid of the countries names and adopted one for themselves, Langaran. As a symbol of their unity as a people. The Nox did so and I gave the Nox a set of world shields to put around the planet.

They did that as well before leaving. The government leaders were captured and sent through the stargate the Nox suggested that led to a jungle planet that was quite peaceful. The Nox left an elder to stay there and teach wisdom to them while the rest left.

SG-1 arrived just as the bulk of the Nox were leaving. When Jack asked why they interferes when their policy was not to, Lya pointed out that this was a special case as the war would make the planet explode from the unstable substance inside it.

Although I'd stopped the process of the naquadah being turned into naquadria, it was still a lot of very unstable material after all. SG-1 was able to secure a line of communication between themselves and the newly named Langaran's. They would trade medical and other non weapon technologies like shields for naquadria.

Jonas was allowed to return if he wished but ultimately he decided to stay and help out at the SGC to find ways of protecting is planet from the goa'uld.

I kept myself busy with sending satellites with my most powerful and advanced sensors and scanners to date into space. I gave the sensors and scanners to the Tok'ra and Jaffa as well, and they were able to reveal several Ashrak in their bases.

After several bloody battles, they were all forced to change planets. The Jaffa were the easiest to transport as they had the ships, but the Tok'ra took some time as they had to destroy their bases before they moved on.

I threw up a shield around the Tok'ra base that would prevent Anubis from even thinking about it. They had suffered enough at the hands of the goa'uld and I would not stand for them to die off. The free Jaffa went to a new world while I scanned their minds for traitors.

I gave Bra'tac a small list of names that had every traitor Jaffa on it and told him that it was a Jaffa problem and the Tau'ri would not interfere in it. He thanked me and asked if I was sure. I explained that since Ayana came, she's unlocked my abilities as a member of the ancient race.

His eyes went wide before I handed him a folder of all we knew about them to date. He took it and said he'd take care of them one way or the other. I cured a few Za'tarc amongst them and left. I did the same treatment for the Tok'ra and found no traitors, as they were very careful. They thanked me for the folder and the screening and asked I keep their secrets to myself.

I chuckled. "I did not read your minds per say, but your intentions. And so far as I can tell, your intentions are pure, though some are self destructive in their desire to rid the galaxy of goa'uld. I would like to suggest you destroy the poison and all records of it. After the goa'uld are defeated, I wouldn't mind having a Tok'ra as a neighbor and friend."

Jolinar smiled. "I knew I was growing on you."

I chuckled. "Like a virus."

The council didn't find it funny be we sure as hell did. I smiled and said my goodbyes after telling them to set up the sensors in all halls and near the gate as well to prevent any more Ashrak from sneaking in.

I went back to earth with a thoughtful idea. When SG-1 was sent to Pangar, I joined them out of curiosity or so was my excuse. I explored the place and threw up a notice me not spell. I walked around and found the room I was looking for. When I saw Egeria like that, I touched the glass and sent a message to her mind. (I am here little one. Just like I have promised. When you are free of this place, I shall heal your body and mind.)

She moved a little and her face brushed the glass where my hand was. She expressed the feeling of relief and tiredness. I healed her a little to buy time sat down in meditation. When the team finally came with the people of Pangar, I made myself invisible. When they left, I dropped the spell and waited.

It was a few hours later that the Tok'ra came back with the team. Jack showed them in and saw me sitting in front of the glass In meditation. "So that's where you went off to."

I opened my eyes. "Indeed. I was here when the Pangarans showed you in but I thought it best they didn't know we'd already found this place and broke in."

I stood up as the Tok'ra began talking about the queen. When the one commented that he was glad they found a way to make her useful, I cleaned his clock. As he was picking himself up off the ground the other Tok'ra asked. "What is the meaning of this?"

I snorted. "You idiots aren't even aware the one your so glad is dying and being used like this is the mother of the Tok'ra, Egeria!"

Jack commented. "That's no reason to hit him."

I sighed. "I'd do the same to you if you said such crude things about the woman who gave birth to you."

The male Tok'ra ignored that and asked. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I've read her and I've been her keeping her alive since I realized it. She's dying and I need something moveable to transport her in once I've healed her. Her body will shrink and a stasis jar will do once I'm done, but until then, you still have to deal with the people here. I've recorded how to make the tretonin, we can synthesize a cure later and give it to them. For now though, they need a queen to replace this one and we happen to have one."

Carter spoke up. "Hathor."

I nodded. "Make the trade and get her here, I'll heal Egeria when Hathor's on planet and we'll get her out of this hell hole. The symbiotes here are damaged and beyond saving even by me, they can be used until Hathor is breeding."

SG-1 and the Tok'ra left to make the trade. It took two hours to get it all done and the stasis jar here. When the Tok'ra came back with Hathor, in a stasis jar of her own, I turned to the tanks and opened it.

I pulled the top off and reached inside. Egeria barely reacted to my touch now. I closed my eyes and healed the cellular degradation in her and reversed the damage time and forced breeding had on her.

Her body shrank as it healed and when I was done, she was a fully grown and healthy Tok'ra symbiote once more. She wrapped herself around my wrist and nuzzles my arm affectionately. I smiled and pulled her out of the tank and put her in the stasis jar, promising she would be with a host soon enough.

She went in willingly and I turned to Hathor's jar and reached in. She struggled, knowing her fate. I grabbed her by the throat and yanked her out before putting her in the tank and closing the lid. The medical fluids will take effect soon enough and she'll go into a stupor and start breading.

I turned to the Tok'ra. "Find her a willing host and if you cannot, I will find her one myself."

The Tok'ra went to leave in high spirits and the Pangarans came out with guns. The general spoke. "We've decided that since both are healthy, we'll keep them."

I moved like lightning and broke every wrist holding a gun in under a minute. I broke the general's nose and slapped my armor going invisible. "Try stopping us from leaving with her and I'll kill every soldier on your world and spend the next decade torturing you."

The Tok'ra and SG-1 followed my lead and went invisible. We made our way to the gate and dialed the SGC first. I gave my report and when general Hammond asked why I was being so irrational, I took him into his office and told him behind closed doors.

I sighed. "Think about your experience with time travel."

He frowned and I elaborated. "I can't say too much without altering events for bad. Just know that she's a friend I've met and respect, and imagine what I'd do to people if they'd treated Carter the same way."

He stopped asking questions then and nodded. "Thanks for saying what you could. You have my word I won't interfere."

I nodded and left the office. When the team looked my way I sighed. "I acted out of line when I sensed her and for that I apologize, but I will not take back my threat to the Pangarans. If they come after the Tok'ra to get Egeria back, I will go through their stargate and destroy their tretonin facilities, damn the consequences."

I left them gaping like fish as I walked away. I went to my lab and tried to calm down. The bond with Ayana was forcing my emotions to the surface and not helping matters. They both found me agitated and came to comfort me. Both of them offered to take her as a host and I shot that down. "She is a dear friend, but I don't want either of you to make that sort of decision for anyone but yourselves. Both of you know what the experience of a blend is like and although it pales in comparison to our bond, it is still very personal. Not something I want you making a decision for my sake. I'll be fine and so will she. My emotions are still raw from the previous blend then bonding so soon after. I just need time."

They held me and we sat there for a few hours before I decided we should head home. The next day I was in my lab with some music on while I worked when I received visitors. A delegation from the Tok'ra came to thank me and Egeria was with them. She was in the body of a late twenties woman that looked wise.

She came in and turned the music down, making me aware of her presence as I was working on a naquadria reactor core. I set my tools down and spoke without turning around. "I've been expecting you old friend."

I heard her tell them. "Leave us. I wish to speak to my oldest friend in peace."

When they left, I waved a hand and the door closed. A barrier popped up and the cameras were put on an illusion. I turned around with a smile and saw her smiling face. "It is good to see you strong again. I apologize for making you wait so long."

She waved a hand. "I'm well aware how important time and its events have on mortals."

I chuckled and she elaborated. "Not that you are a mortal."

I smiled and got up as she came closer. I gave her a hug. "It's good to be able to hug you."

She hugged me back. "I'm so glad you made contact with me. I thought you wouldn't make it in time. I thought I'd be to far gone this time."

I sighed. "I'm truly sorry you had to suffer like that, but I have a favor to ask of you-"

She nodded. "Fix the flaw and save the Pangarans. It's already been done. The Tok'ra are sending it along with an offer of friendship. I remember these days clearly, so I won't ask you to forgive them just yet."

I looked away. "And here I was supposed to be the old and wise one."

She smiled. "You still are, it's just the effects of so much you've allowed your body and mind to endure so soon after each one. It'll pass my friend."

I poured us some tea and we caught each other up on recent events. She thanked me for the shield around their current planet and for protecting her offspring in her absence. I of course, told her it was my duty to a friend.

She stayed for most of the day with me before greeting Hammond and the team to thank them in person for all they've done. She left with the delegation after confirming that the Tok'ra will stick with the current treaty.

I set my sights on the five people that were running the NID rouge agents and did a little mental push forcing them to sell their companies and give all the proceeds to charities before retiring to Florida.

A week after my meeting with Egeria, SG-1 found an ancient device and wanted to bring it back to base. When they came through the gate, quarantine kicked in and locked down the base. They were literally stuck in the gate room. Ayana was forced to read the device's inscriptions and instruct Carter to reverse its effects before turning it off.

The device was deemed to hazardous to activate on earth and was sent to the alpha site for testing along with Ayana's translations on how to use it.

I spent the next week in meditation with Teal'c and occasionally those that learned to do it from me. Mostly I mentally spoke to Egeria in Teal'c and tried to level out my emotions. When Jack came to work one day talking about an ancient stash of weapons, I let it be.

But when Maybourne came with the key, I picked up for a look of my own. "Interesting."

I handed to Jack before he did his bit with Maybourne and was aloud to head to the planet. I asked general Hammond for a picture of the device. He asked why our new skyfall hadn't picked it up and I shrugged. "It's a key, it wouldn't pick up anything like that no matter the technological level. Though it did look interesting. The image of it makes me think it just transports the user to a moon on the planet it's activated. It's also a design I've not seen before which indicates an advanced civilization that is obviously very old."

He took all that in before considering his opinion on the picture of the key. "Do you think the stash is on the moon of the planet?"

I shrugged. "Could be, then again it could just be a alien hippy colony on the moon. I've no idea as he didn't bring the paper he said the messages as on. But whatever it is, I'd bet a million dollars it's on the moon."

He snorted. "A million dollars is chump change to you."

I chuckled. "True, but I'm still pretty sure, tell you what, if I'm right, I'll pay you a million and if I'm wrong, you let me go on a mission of my choosing."

He smiled. "I'll take that bet."

I chuckled. "I'll have the money ready by the time they check in."

When they did check in, Carter reported Jack and Maybourne stepping through the teleporter to another planet. She was pretty shocked when General Hammond suggested she check the moon with a group of hammers.

The next day she came back with them. Jack suggested Maybourne suffered enough and wanted to have the Tok'ra send him to a peaceful planet. I left it up to Hammond and he agreed since the organization was already gone and there wasn't a reason to keep him on earth to cause trouble.

I contacted Egeria and she made the arrangements. I gave a suitcase of cash to Hammond and laughed as I left to head to my lab. Another two weeks passed in meditation and working on side projects.

When SG-1 went on a random science mission, I went with them as a boredom run. When Jonas found a crashed ship with Teal'c, I hit my cloaking and waited. When the humans came and started saying it was their ship, I disabled them and knocked them out.

Jack asked. "What was that for?"

I shrugged. "They were lying. I could feel deception from them."

Two aliens came out as i uncloaked. They introduced themselves as the pilot and copilot of the ship. I nodded to the team and they stood down. I asked. "Do you mind if we scan your ships design and schematics. We'll charge your ships energy for them. We can even make repairs to it if necessary. Don't let the ground game fool you, we have our own spaceships. Yours just might have better energy distribution or engines."

The captain nodded. "For the chance to get off this place, I'd give you the full schematics and walk you through it."

I chuckled. "That's unnecessary."

I tapped my armband and a flash of light scanned the whole ship. "There, it's done. I'll stay here as assurance for you. Carter here can take Teal'c to get the generator to charge it up. You can keep it if you want. Consider It a token from our people."

Jack pulled out a picture after Teal'c and Carter left. Jonas asked the copilot questions while Jack talked to the pilot about the picture. I helped them put the prisoners in stasis.

Carter came back with three generators as a token of friendship from Hammond. We charged the ship while Carter got the analysis on the ships generator output and how it functions from the pilot. Jonas pointed out the ships name was a reference to a Celtic prison transport ship on our planet.

When they took off, Carter finished up her research on astronomy and we left. Over the next few weeks Bonnie and I cleaned up a little. I killed Mot and she saved the settlement of Jaffa that were about to be wiped out by Anubis's people.

It was nearly time now so I erased all records and memories of us retrieving the eye of Tiamat and put it back where we found it as I did the ancients tablet and the eye of Ra before. Skaara had long since returned to Abydos to be with his people and hopefully find love.

Two weeks later Jack called a meeting about the eye of Ra saying that Anubis was after it. When he was given the mission go ahead, I joined them. I loaded up on explosive ordinances and grabbed my M134. I grabbed a couple Zat guns for when I ran out of bullets.

When we arrived I laid claymores out to defend the outside line of fire and waited with Teal'c. When the aerial attack started, I gave my bullets an armor piercing effect for ships and I began firing. I laid waste to nearly a dozen Alkesh and fifty gliders before I had to retreat and reload.

It took a while for my guns barrel to cool down and in that time the Alkesh and gliders began landing. The outside was quickly being overwhelmed so I ordered a retreat to the temple and while we ran, I hit the claymores that took out nearly a hundred Jaffa.

Once everyone managed a retreat, we defended the gate room and treasury while they looked for the answers themselves. My gun was fully loaded and ready again, so when the Jaffa began amassing outside the temple, I stepped into the doorway and opened fire.

My bullets shredded them for a great deal of time but I soon ran out of bullets. I tossed it down before grabbing my zat guns and began firing while I retreated inside. All I can say at this point is that Anubis is paying a damned heavy price for this weapon.

We tried securing the gate room but Anubis dialed the gate to prevent us from retreating and sent in troops from it along with the ring platform he started sending troops from and the entrance to the temple. We held it for twenty minutes and lost quite a few people as we did so.

While I was occupied on the battle, Bonnie was teleporting the recently dead to the Abydonian's camp far away while healing them as they were wounded or killed. I called for another fall back into the anti-chamber of the treasury where the rest of the team was.

I saw Daniel before returning my attention to the fight ahead. I passed my Zat guns to Jack for a pistol and a clip and pulled out my k-bar knife. "You guys better hurry or we're royally screwed. As it is, we'll have to kill another thousand Jaffa just to use the gate."

Daniel asked. "You've killed a thousand Jaffa already?"

Teal'c confirmed. "We have. That is a conservative number. In actuality, we've killed nearly two thousand with explosives and Alex's big gun."

When they started trying to take the anti-chamber, I started firing head shots with the pistol. More poured in while hugging the corners. I held the entrance with the last of the Abydonian's and SG-1 members not working on finding the eye of Ra.

They had already opened the treasure chamber, so at least we could retreat once more if need be. When I killed the last Jaffa I could with the pistol and saw them coming in and gaining ground, I saw Skaara get shot.

I cursed. "All of you retreat to the treasure room, I'll hold them off as long as possible."

Jack spoke. "Like hell-"

I roared. "That's an order Colonel! Now retreat!"

I jumped the closest Jaffa and killed him with my knife, taking his staff weapon. I rapidly fired and stepped into the middle of the room to draw their fire. My shields held under their onslaught for a few seconds but there were simply too many firing.

Jack ordered a retreat and I pulled the experimental naquadria battery out of my shield armor. I threw it towards the Jaffa and fired, blasting it and many of them to bits and launching me backwards into a stone wall next to their retreating.

I took out the last one and stood back up. My body was bleeding and in pain now, but when Jack tried to stop me, I shoved him away. "Go!"

I shoved him to the doorway and threw the seconds battery. It landed near the entrance near the Jaffa's that were recovering. I fired it again and my body was crushed into the wall right behind me. The stones gave way and created a cracked indent of my back.

I coughed up blood and stood up shakily. I pulled my second k-bar knife out and roared before charging into their mist as more Jaffa poured in. I killed over two dozen before taking ten staff blasts all over my body.

I fell down to the floor as the illusion of my death played out before the team as they looked on from behind the cover of the doorway. Jack yelled and killed a few more. When Daniel left to make a deal with Anubis, Bonnie teleported all those that died to the camp, excluding me.

I teleported myself onto Anubis's ship while making myself invisible and undetectable. I watched Daniel make the deal and when the first prime of Anubis brought the eye, I watched as Anubis broke the same deal. When the system lords fleet died, I felt Bonnie teleporting all Tok'ra and free Jaffa to their respective planets.

When Anubis turned his weapon on Abydos, Daniel tried to stop him and was taken away by the others. I threw up a shield around the planet and changed my appearance to match that of an ascended in white robes and a hood that hid my face. I revealed my new appearance as the blast backfired off of the shield I put up.

I spoke angrily. "He may not have been able to stop you, but I will. Fire on this planet of innocents again and I'll forgo Oma's punishment to turn you mortal once more."

He asked. "And who might you be?"

I chuckled. "I am the oldest Alteran that has ever ascended. You may call me the Heretic. After all, it was blasphemy to ascend when I did so."

He backed away. "The others will stop you."

I shook my head. "They cannot because I have walked further on the great path than all of them combined. You will retreat and Abydos will be erased from the goa'uld's memories. You cannot win this fight and I unlike Oma can destroy you."

He waved a hand. "Then why do you not do so now."

I shook my head. "It is not my way. I would not be here if the others had not interfered first. I do not interfere lightly. You may leave peacefully, but if you fire your weapon once more, I'll destroy you down to the last of your energy. Leave."

He nodded. "Very well."

I sighed. "I will not interfere with your matters again."

I left as a glowing ball of energy and headed to the planet. When the fleet left, my shields fully kicked in and erased the minds of all goa'uld of the planets whereabouts, including Anubis's. I felt his frustration as I took it from him.

The shields would last until the Abydonian's were advanced enough for space travel. Until then, no Jaffa, except Teal'c could come her. No goa'uld or even Tok'ra could remember the places stargate address or coordinates in space. Even if they saw it again, it would appear as gibberish to them.

A half hour later, I was in the Abydonian's camp in my SGC outfit getting ready to leave when SG-1 showed up. When they saw the camp safe and all it's people alive, they were shocked. I revealed myself to them.

When they asked how I was alive I smiled. "I ascended and healed them before making myself human again. What's important is that Daniel tried to destroy Anubis and was taken away and punished. I don't know where or how but he's no longer an ascended. That's all I can remember from the experience other than Abydos is free from all goa'uld. It has a barrier around it that will prevent all of their race from coming here or even remembering the coordinates even Anubis is no exception."

Jacks eyebrows shot up. "Wow, that's big. Think they'll let us set up an alpha site here?"

I shook my head. "It has to be tied to an exception. No space fairing race may occupy this planet. We have to leave here and when we do, we will not be able to return again. I had to make it quickly and clumsily, so it is what it is."

Jack asked. "Couldn't have made one for earth as well could you?"

I sighed. "We'd have been forced to destroy our ships and stay grounded. Besides, it was Abydos's immediate destruction or earth that is already protected by ships and a planetary defense system."

He nodded slowly. "I get it."

We said our goodbyes and left after telling the Abydonian's goodbye. I made sure to grab my gun on the way out. When we arrived back on base, I gave another report to the SGC before taking a vacation.

I spent the next month on vacation with Bonnie and Ayana. We were out of contact and locked in our bedroom off base, suffice it to say, I needed a release.

When we came back to base for more work, we were told several things happened while we were away. Anubis's ship was destroyed over Langara by the system lords. Daniel was found without a memory and came home. Jonas left to be with his people as a hero.

Jack was clones by Loki of the Asgard who hadn't yet heard of the cure for their cellular degradation as he was kicked off the council. Daniel sent the team to save Bra'tac and Rya'c who were recruiting for the free Jaffa on a prison planet. They ended up freeing the Jaffa there and destroying Ba'al's camp, who was now leading the combined forces of the system lords.

That being the most recent missions, I decided to look ahead for the next on. I began making a smaller more compact environmental cleaner system and Bonnie worked with Ayana to engineer fast growing plants for oxygen and rebuilding dead planets.

A week later, we had almost finished when SG-1 found the gate to the destroyed and polluted world that had a dome shield on it. When they suggested to go there, I put forward my idea. "Recently Bonnie, Ayana and myself have been developing a way to restore dead planets who have succumbed to time and pollutions. I'd like to test out our world cleaners if we can. SG-1 can still go through and explore, it's just the cleaners will take over repairing the atmosphere and returning the planet to its prime."

General Hammond asked. "Is it dangerous?"

I shook my head. "It's basically a miniaturized more powerful cleaner than what we've used on our planet and a seed spreader that has genetically modified rapid growth seeds for plants that make up a sound environment. Once the process begins, the planet itself should be stable to live on in a day. But the plants will take longer to make it habitable by a larger civilization than a city."

Ayana spoke up. "A month to be exact, by then it would be able to sustain population growth as it expands the globe. The air purifiers and scrubbers are actually easier and faster to make as they have no DNA needed to manipulate. Once the trees and grass matures, it stops the rapid growth in them, like an age timer if you will."

General Hammond nodded. "Alright, both of you have a go."

When they dialed up the gate, I handed Jack and Teal'c a chest to carry. "Once you get on the other side, just lift the lid and the process will begin automatically."

He nodded. "Great."

I chuckled and left them to it. A few hours later we were in the command center for their check in. Jack said the people there were excited and thanked us for our hard work. I asked him to see if they were willing to share their technology.

A few hours later he came back with a resounding yes. They offered to put the team up for the night. The next day, SG-1 reported back that there was something fishy going on and I told them that the atmosphere was safe to breath from the readings.

They reported back that they found one of the civilians outside the dome barely alive and healed her. She didn't remember them or what happened. I looked over the data burst they sent and told them to take the neural implants away as it was flawed. I told them the people wouldn't be harmed only confused as hell.

Carter found the same flaws from their end and the team found a mass grave outside the dome with neural implants on all the bodies. I recommended we send a diplomatic team over to explain things to them. Hammond seemed to agree.

Now that the planet was healing, it was pouring rain over half the planet to refill all the oceans. The people were temporarily given a different planet to live on till there's was healed enough to come back.

I gave them a peace offering of a data burst to their computers of nearly everything about our planet and it's people. The next save was before SG-1 received its next mission. Bonnie and Ayana went to the crashed ship of the Talthuns and revived the crew without showing their faces. They fixed and separated the poor man that had taken in so many minds into himself.

I made a slight change and sent the sovereign of their people on another planet with no stargate or other people on it. He was left in a prosperous planet with plenty to eat and drink, but he had to do it all himself. The revived people's ship was recharged and repaired.

Bonnie left their stores of food full and water supply as well. Ayana left them a real-time star map to plot a new course or find their destination.

When they returned happy, the people were fixing to leave as well. SG-1 found the planet the next day and wrote it off as dead before dropping a planet revival crate and leaving.

I spent my time completing the last of my projects over the next couple months and started building Stargazer, the ship that would one day be the capital ship of earth. I turned the ground inside the planet SG-11 was checking out into a fully stocked naquadah world. When the excavation team came to test it, they found almost eighty percent of the planet was naquadah.

It created an uproar within the pentagon and the SGC was sent to mine it completely. With so much naquadah at hand, all five nations began construction of their ships with all the or. The mining teams used the Prometheus as a delivery service while using Tok'ra crystals to shape it and send it back to us.

In those two months, nearly half of the Stargazer's hull was built with the naquadah, trinium mixture material. I had to make a moon of a planet change into raw trinium as well. SG-3 found it on a run to the planet where Maybourne tried to flee at.

During that time, Daniel met a world of Unas and made friends. Carter entered a space race for fun and to learn more about ion engines. A scientist tried to make a virus for the gate system and Ayana herself told him he'd be an idiot to do it as the gates are on system, to infect one, you'd infect them all.

General Hammond banned all work on the matter and deemed it too dangerous to the SGC and earth. The scientist was sent to help me build the Stargazer. I chuckled when I met him and he got all flustered. "I'm not on SG-1 anymore. You can relax."

He stuttered and muttered until he gathered himself saying. "You've saves this world so many times with them."

I shrugged. "I go where I'm needed. SG-1 no longer needs me. So I'm here building a capital ship for our planet. It's nearly half completed. Why don't you work on the new gate I'm building for the ship. I'm currently busy working on the stasis pods in case of emergency."

He got to work and everything went back to peaceful. Teal'c met some Amazon Jaffa women and SG-1 gave them Tok'ra symbiotes as it was not yet time to give them all tretonin. Eventually, warriors engineered by Anubis started showing up and we gave the ancient healing device to the Tok'ra to come up with a weapon to kill them.

Another two months passed as I continued to build the Stargazer. It was now three-fourths completed. I was busy working on the weapons system when Bonnie caught me up to date on events.

The only thing of significance that happened in the first month was Jonas coming through the gate with a goa'uld girlfriend. She was detained and sent to the Tok'ra for interrogation while Jonas stayed to tell us that the naquadria was transformed from naquadah.

At the beginning of the second month, the alpha site was attacked by one of Anubis's warriors. They managed to detain it in a energy barrier we use in all our bases. A while after that, a film crew came to the SGC to record it all.

I was lucky enough to be off base, and so were the f crew that I was when they started asking very pointed questions about Bonnie and Ayana when they were seen kissing on break. Even then, they didn't get a good response as Ayana broke their camera and destroyed the recording.

When Janet was killed while saving lives, both Ayana and Bonnie were recorded bringing her back by the camera crew. When they were asked why they didn't do it to everyone, they passed out right there on the battlefield. They had to be carried back through the gate along with Janet.

After she finished apprising me of the latest events at the SGC, she told me Kinsey was running for vice president. I grunted at the knowledge and she funded the new president's campaign as its major contributor. When he succeeds, we'll call for a meeting to be there to put a stop to Kinsey's latest plans

In the meantime Heretic industries just funded a full overhaul of the worlds computer systems and basic technologies. So, suffice it to say, we have a lot of political clout with the worlds governments. We shipped several tons of super fast growing seeds for crops to every third world country.

Then our people went in and built entire towns and schools all over their countries. We gave them jobs as we built a branch in each country and influenced them to make a democratic government. We cleaned all their ground water and made everything from clothes to cell phones and electric cars.

We emptied out half of the treasures in the vault ring to ensure the company would last a very long time. We repaired or replaced all the roads and old constructions all over the world and built more for those without it. We funded a weapons drive that saw millions of guns and unnecessary ammunition's being destroyed along with a full out dog fight with the NRA.

It ended with them bowing out after they ran out of funds. We sent delegations to destroy all kinds of weapons all over the world. There was resistance until we pointed out that we'd offer tasers and non lethal weapons for sale in their place.

There was still a lot of fringe resistance until we started doing the same to the police force in America as well. While all of that was going on simultaneously around the world, special task forces were disarming terrorists around the world as well. The worlds supply of explosives and dangerous weapons dropped by ninety percent in the month leading up to the voting day for the elections.

Areas that were radioactive around the world were cleaned up with our purifiers and the special corrosive substance is made a long while back accompanied by force fields to keep it from spreading to the planet. Once it was all cleaned up, vast lands were reopened in those countries effected by nuclear material spills and bomb blasts.

Ayana led the field of cloning the animals around the world. In one month many species were brought back from the brink of extinction. We transplanted many more on a lot of planets we started making habitable all over the galaxy.

Our company was hailed as the worlds largest group of humanitarian philanthropists. When the election was finished, Henry Hayes was nearly unopposed as nearly all his political rivals dropped out of the race. The day he was inaugurated into office, we were sitting in his office an hour later with Davis, Hammond and the chief of staff.

When he came in, we greeted each other and got down to business. Major Davis apprised him of all the going one of the SGC and the coalition. At several points the president stopped him and asked questions. We spent nearly the entire day in his office catching him up to speed.

Towards the end we gave him the proof that Kinsey was in with the rouge NID agents and the cabal leading them. Finally when they all finished talking, he turned to me. "What do you think I should do? I mean, you've been in the thick of it from the very beginning."

I sighed. "The coalition and its council defend this planet. The last president was wise enough to see that the power that comes with it was to big for one man or country to decide on. All abilities to use the defenses against other nations have been removed. I hope you'll keep it like it is to be honest. Let the people worry about the defenses and the military worry about attacking our enemies. The diplomats make peace wherever possible and everyone else protects that peace."

He nodded slowly. "I can see the wisdom in that as well. But what about Kinsey?"

I shrugged. "He is going to try forcing your hand to gain control of the SGC. The last time him and his people had access to the gates, they were trying to steal technology not just from our enemies, but from our allies as well. Personally I think we should dump him on an empty planet where he can play god and dictator all he wants without pissing off two of the most powerful races out there, who happen to be our allies by the way."

He pointed out. "And the third most powerful race out there being you and your girlfriends or is it wives?"

I sighed and Bonnie spoke up. "We evolved from humans just like humans evolved from them. We are physically as much human as you are Mr.President. As for our relationship, my husband here has retired from the military because he has done all he can for it including dying, so the rules no longer apply to him or us as they do to others."

The president raised his hands in surrender. "Not what I meant. My point was that you and you're partners have either decided to stay and help because you consider us allies or because you were born here. Either way, I appreciate your help as much as I do the Asgard and the Nox. Even more so because you've been there from day one helping us. Hell, your ancestors built a company to literally help this entire world defend itself and you've followed through with it."

He took a deep breath before saying. "I know you funded my campaign and I can guess it was you that notified my people that Kinsey's money was tainted, but I can't think for the life of me why you wouldn't just fund someone else instead and flush Kinsey with me."

I chuckled. "That's a very apt description of where he belongs, but our answer is simple and the same as when we supported Richard Woolsey for the coalition. It's because despite being a politician and were a deal package with Kinsey, you still have a soul. Any of the other candidates would have asked for a bribe or kept the funds Kinsey provided. You chose to risk it all when you saw the proof. You are someone who actually deserves to be in this office making the hard decisions that could potentially effect this entire world."

He nodded slowly. "So it was a test then? Was it real?"

I nodded. "Yes to both. We had to be sure you couldn't be bought. The higher ups of both the military and NID have come together to see if they could trust you with our world. We merely delivered suspect proof and let you make the decision."

The chief of staff spoke. "And that decision has cemented our trust in you and every decision you make going forwards."

The president sighed and sat back in his chair. "I guess it's time I make one then. I'll keep Kinsey in line with the evidence. He won't make a move to the SGC while I'm in office."

I nodded and passed him a pin for his suit along with cuff links. "These are our recent personal shield technologies. Wearing one will ensure no sniper can take you out with any kind of bullet currently made. Wear two and it adds a stun effect to the shield when it's in use. The third is a cloaking shield that's for escape if it gets bad quickly and they have something bigger than a rifle. The rouge faction has been known to attempt assassination."

He took them and wore them. "How will it know to work?"

Bonnie smiled. "It's automatically activated when it gets put on. It'll monitor an entire city for danger to your person and kick on when the threat is eminent. If you want to cloak yourself, just think it and it'll happen."

He tried it out and after saying it was cool repeatedly, he turned his attention back to us. "For now, everything runs as it is. But there may come a day when it'll be time to reveal everything."

Davis spoke. "Actually sir, we've prepared a video for when that day finally comes."

I handed the president a file on my biggest project. He opened it and read. When he finished he looked up at me. "This is what exactly?"

I smiled. "The last ship I'll build for this planet. Now that I'm no longer military, my own views have stopped me from making weapons on the most part. This will be the last one I build. It's more advanced than anything the goa'uld have to offer except for maybe Anubis. It's six months away from being complete and when it is, it'll be more powerful than any other ship this world is currently making. The designs and specs will be sent to all the other countries of the coalition when it's complete if they want to build their own."

He looked over the file once more before standing and offering his hand. "You've already gone above and beyond for this country and world before you include the technological advances you've pioneered. Your company is literally funding a new Age of Enlightenment. And you've already fixed more problems on this planet than most people that have been philanthropists in its history combined. If this is your last great contribution to the planet, then it's a hell of a good one."

I shook his hand before replying. "It's the last weapon I'll build. It won't be the last technological advancement I make for it."

General Hammond spoke up. "Especially since the Tollans have agreed to your last trade."

I turned to him. "They've decided?"

He nodded. "They sent the data over on everything they've ever recorded just before I arrived here for this meeting. We sent the blueprints and specs for the world builder at the same time."

The president spoke up from the side. "I suppose that's significant?"

Davis answered him. "Very, sir. The Tollans have sent us all of their technology and information from their entire culture in exchange for a design that Mrs.Mikaelson here came up with. The Tollans are more advanced than us technologically and were refusing until Alex and Bonnie here made designs that exceeded their own in technology. Hell, their responsible for saving the Tollans from utter annihilation at the hands of a goa'uld who was working with Anubis. The design they just traded for was for a world builder ship. It terraforms a planet and clones people who have samples on record to rebuild an entire civilization over the span of a year."

The president looked at us and asked. "We have that technology?"

I nodded. "We have the designs, but until now, we weren't advanced enough to utilize it. After a few years of studying Tollan technology and mathematics, we should be able to build our own world builder."

The night dragged on as we explained even more. When we left, Kinsey had no power in that office anymore and everything would run smoothly. Hammond was asked to stay for a night cap while we flew back to base. I headed back to the Stargazer with both girls.

While we all three worked to make the Stargazer, I held a powerful notice me not spell around us and Bonnie made sure everything proceeded like the show only with our modifications.

Unfortunately, the Jaffa army was dealing with other minor goa'uld and taking on the last of the system lords, so they couldn't come to our aid. When Jack took in the knowledge again, the spell lowered and they could think of us once more.

When Dr.Weir showed up to take over, it was because General Hammond took up the post in Washington as an advisor to the president on off world situations. Kinsey tried his crap with her and when Anubis showed up, he acted like the coward he is inside.

We finished the Stargazer just as SG-1 got back with the potentia. When the coalition ordered our ships to attack, they fought like hell and took out three motherships before they were destroyed. We lost only the ships while Anubis lost his soldiers.

When the president ordered the Prometheus launched, I made a call to him with the Stargazer's hologram technology. "Mr.president, Stargazer is now ready for its maiden voyage. We're beaming up a crew as we speak. Permission to give Anubis's army hell?"

He smiled. "Permission granted General!"

I saluted him and cut the hologram. I sat in the captain's chair and ordered us to engage the fleet in space. "Shields at maximum. Forward batteries fire on lock. All crew to battle stations."

We took on the fleet of mother ships and cut an exploding swath through them. By the time Prometheus joined us, it was only Anubis's ship still in one piece. While our ship could take it on with impunity because of our shields, his was just the same.

Prometheus had us on coms and George and I fired everything we had at him. All projectile weapons were depleted and our energy weapons were ineffective. Just when it looked like we were going to have to kamikaze with him, yellow glowing jellyfish attacked his ship, going through the shields like they didn't exist.

I called for a retreat and came to fly right next to the Prometheus. Our shields protected them from the explosion. I had us both cloak and fly back to dry dock while reporting our success thanks to Jack and SG-1. I gave my full report with Hammond as we beamed into the Oval Office.

After we were done, I gave the president a Asgard looking stone. "This is a hologram communication crystal. Stick it to your chest and think of where you want to be projected and your hologram will appear there. Anubis used the same type of technology."

I left Stargazer and it's crew with Hammond after we were done. The file had its full schematics and capabilities listed. I teleported myself, Bonnie and Ayana to the Ancient outpost with a wave, making it look like Stargazer did it.

We arrived before the team as they were helping Jack into the stasis pod. I told them. "That won't be necessary."

Jack saw us and asked us for help in Alteran. We smiled and nodded. He dropped to his knees in front of us and we each held out a hand. Beams of light passed through our hands and his head. We drew out all the knowledge of the ancients into ourselves.

When we were done, and he fell down asleep, I kneeled down and put my hand on his head and closed my eyes. I healed the damage it did to him and helped him advance a little further. I stood up. "It's done. I healed the damage that was done for waiting so long. He should wake up in a few minutes with very little memory of the events."

I turned to the chair and Ayana spoke. "This isn't Atlantis. This is the outpost I watched Atlantis leave from."

Carter asked. "How could that be? I though it was a city."

I chuckled as Bonnie answered. "Atlantis is a city and a space ship. It's a cityship and the crown jewel of the Alteran empire. It flew off to escape the plague."

Daniel commented. "Of course. You must be able to access the knowledge freely."

I nodded and he asked. "Do you know where it is?"

I smiled. "It's not in this galaxy. This galaxy was full of infected from the plague. The ancients activated the device that started all life in this galaxy when they left. They wanted to give this galaxy a restart and humans in this galaxy evolved from that life."

Carter asked. "What device was that?"

Ayana shook her head. "Not one that'll be whole soon enough. We're going to destroy it as it can be used as a weapon to wipe out all life in the galaxy. It's too powerful for such young races to have in their possession."

Daniel smiled. "We understand."

I looked at him and smiled. "Sorry for not helping in this fight. We were pushing ourselves to finish Stargazer. It's powerful enough to finish off the goa'uld so long as they don't get access to its technology as its shields are more powerful than its weapons."

Carter asked. "But you can make them stronger now."

I smiled and Bonnie shook her head. "We've advances this planet enough. Their wisdom must catch up with the technology we've given them. It'll be years before the Tollans technology is fully understood by them."

Ayana nodded. "We will make a deal with your world soon. We will take you to Atlantis but you mustn't try taking it from us. It is our people's last hope."

Daniel asked. "There are more of your people still alive?"

I nodded. "There are. They are not in good positions right now and we would not have noticed them if our minds and bodies weren't on the verge of ascension right now because of the knowledge we took from Jack."

I turned to the chair. "This place will be important for this world. It has the defensive platform. Unfortunately, it's potentia is nearly out of energy. Fortunately for you, we have four more. One will stay here on earth to power the chair. The rest will be needed to power Atlantis."

I put a barrier around the place and teleported everyone to the SGC as Jack woke up. We appeared in the meeting room next to Weir and Kinsey. I put the stone in my pocket and introduced myself to her. "Alexander Mikaelson, formerly a General in the United States Air Force."

She took my hand with a smile and introduced herself before saying. "I've heard about you from somewhere."

Kinsey made a derogatory remark about alien whores and I lost my shit. I punched him in the mouth, shattering his teeth. He hit the floor spitting out blood. "You ever call them something like that again and I'll toss your sorry ass in a star and laugh as you burn to death."

Ayana and Bonnie put their hands on my chest and tried to calm me down. Bonnie apologized. "We're sorry. This must be a bad first impression with him punching your Vice President."

Dr.Weir spoke. "Are you kidding, I've been wanting to do that myself for the past half hour. Besides, he's the ex-vice president. He was fired an hour ago."

Teal'c helped Kinsey up and Kinsey's hoarse voice said something about alien freaks. I growled and the room vibrated, he fled in fear and left most of his teeth behind. I pulled out a stone and handed it to Weir. "It's a hologram stone. Touch it to your chest and think of where you want to appear at. It makes meetings easier."

I pulled out another stone. "Now that everyone's here, we have a meeting to be at."

I tapped the stone and teleported us to the Oval Office. Hammond was already waiting there for us with the president. SG-1 gave their reports in person and when they stopped, Ayana spoke. "We're here to offer your people a deal. We will take a team of your people with us to Atlantis. They can study it all they like and learn from it, so long as they follow the rules we set forth. We'll give you a list of people we wish to come with us and explore it. I have not seen Atlantis in its full glory as it was not finished when it was forced to abandon earth. You should know now that only a small number of earths people will be able to use it's systems as it requires the genetic marker of an Alteran to activate."

Hammond asked. "Why are you so different now?"

I sighed. "The knowledge Jack downloaded was everything our people had made or thought of along with our history stretching back hundreds of millions of years. All the way up to ten thousand years ago. It's a lot, more than the three of us can hold for much longer without ascending or dying. We'll be depositing our history and arts, music and laws into a memory crystal for your people to view if you wish. All that we request is that you share it freely with all those that ask, as they have as much right to it as you do."

Bonnie sighed. "What he's trying to say is that it's too much even for us. It's effecting our personalities to a degree. He's holding the brunt of it so he's on edge, please forgive his bluntness. As for Ayana, she's not used to using so much of her mind after so long being frozen."

Jack nodded. "See, I get that. It's disorienting, painful and frustrating. At least your not speaking ancient yet."

Ayana smiled. "We already speak what you call ancient fluently. After all, it is my native tongue."

I handed the list for the people to the president. He looked it over with Hammond before saying. "I just got Dr.Weir here to take over for General Hammond."

I chuckled. "If you need someone to replace her, there's a certain Colonel that just risked everything, including his sanity to save this planet once again without a thought for his own personal health. He's due a promotion I'm sure."

Jack went to defensive and tried refusing but the president and the chief of staff like the idea. I turned to Jack. "Congratulations, General."

He made a face. "Well, they haven't decided it yet."

Dr.Weir looked to us. "Why me?"

I sighed. "Atlantis is in another galaxy. One our people haven't been to I ten thousand years. We were wondering if you'd like to be the expedition leader for the humans. You can have a military presence for safety, but ultimately, we'd like you to be in charge of your people while there. There should be plenty of worlds for your people to explore and meet other cultures."

She seemed excited at the prospect. She took a look at the list and Bonnie told her. "You can bring others you think are capable as well and each of your people will have to learn our language so we will be leaving in three months. It should give you enough time to get their confidentiality contracts signed and for them to learn our language."

I turned to the president. "The military presence there will have to be prepared for anything. Our people abandoned Atlantis for a reason and until we know why, we will probably want plenty of firepower. Atlantis has its own defense systems, but it could take time to repair it if it's bad enough."

The chief of staff agreed and said he'd make a list. I asked for one other person to be added. I said I heard of the pilot that took a hit to protect SG-1 from an enemy fighter. They said he was injured severely. After thinking for a second I nodded. "I'll heal him and it'll be up to Jack to convince him. If Jack fails, I'll take Daniel with me. I'm sure he'd love to see Atlantis."

Daniel spoke up. "Wait, what? I wasn't on the original list?"

I smiled. "It was a toss up. I didn't know if Jack would fight to have you stay, after all you're his best language expert and there are more languages and cultures out there that might need your talents."

Jack spoke up. "Damn straight."

Daniel went to argue and I held up a hand. "If you can convince Jack he doesn't need you, I'll take you, Sha're and Kasuf happily. Hell, I'd cut half the teams coming if you can convince him you and Carter aren't needed here."

I turned to Teal'c. "Sorry friend, I know there's defenses that'll kick on and kill you because of the symbiote. You'll have to wait for the second trip. After all, we can make more potentia if necessary to power the stargate back and forth."

Teal'c bowed his head. "I'll await the chance with anticipation then."

Ayana turned to Jack. "Speaking of which, we need to switch gates when we get to base. The Antarctic gate is the only gate not locked out of Atlantis's system, so it's the only one in this galaxy that can dial Atlantis and vice versa."

Jack's eyebrows raised. "Neat."

After the meeting finished with Jack's promotion to brigadier general, we teleported everyone back to base except for general Hammond. He'd been assigned to Washington as an advisor and captain of the Stargazer.

After the team split up to go find a room to bunk in and get some rest, we threw left after locking our door. They went to Dakara to disable the super weapon while I went into space and found Anubis's ascended form.

I appeared as my ascended persona and spoke to his spirit. "Is your lust for power abated?"

He flinched away from me before answering. "Have you come to gloat?"

I shook my head. "I've come for a different matter. You see, to step farther on my path, I need more energy. You just happen to be evil enough for me to consider a meal."

He tried to flee and fight but my touch was like a black hole that sucked up even light. He was devoured by my power and I felt my soul grow a little stronger. Feeling chipper, I teleported to Celestis, the home planet of the Alterans.

I appeared in front of the roaring flames of the Ori. The priest looked my way but saw nothing. I waved a hand and the gates opened. I jumped in and found several hundred Ori ascended.

I grinned as they asked who I was. I opened my mouth and my power activated in full power.I teleported the mortals to a planet far away as I consumed the planet and all Ori hiding in it. I felt my spirit rapidly grow in power while Ayana and Bonnie's did the same.

The priors lost their connection as all the Ori were absorbed and refined into pure spiritual energy. I teleported back to the SGC while Bonnie wiped out the last of the replicators in the Asgard galaxy and those that fled to others. By the time she was done, the only replicators near our galaxy were the Asurans.

They came back not long after everything was done. It was almost time for the end of the goa'uld reign. We went about finishing up our projects over the next few weeks. Ayana and Bonnie brokered peace for the ancient outpost with the now twelve countries apart of the coalition.

I on the other hand was busy trading all the gold and gems we had left in the vault for cash in large amounts to strengthen the company and have it last centuries from now.

When we were done with that, we gathered all the technology and gold hidden in Glastonbury Tor and turned it over to the SGC and museums. When we finished that, we found Moros and helped him ascend once more. He tried to argue until we informed him we've dealt with the Ori and he could Rest In Peace.

He could tell we were Alterans as well and took our word for it. We destroyed the base after he ascended and left. We traveled to a remote jungle planet and released all the creatures in the vault except the dragons and phoenix's. We put a barrier up around the planet and took away its stargate. We dropped the stargate off on the moon of the planet.

When we finished there, we went back to base to await the arrivalof the system lords. When they finally made contact, Jack asked us to sit in with them. The system lords made their demands and subtle threats known and Jack smiled. "Now you see, I don't feel like I'm in danger from Ba'al or you. How about you Alex, after all, it is your people's outpost."

They all looked to me and I smiled. "Not at all. You see, we've recently gifted earth several energy supplies for the weapon and a capital ship that could match Anubis's blow for blow. As it is, earth is safe from anything, and that includes Asgard weapons. I say good luck to you if you try to threaten it."

Amaterasu sneered. "You are no ancient."

I waved a hand and she was flung to the ceiling as pressure formed around her symbiote and she screamed in agony. Ayana spoke. "The name of our people is Alteran. And yes my husband is correct, we are very much not afraid of your people coming here. As of right now, we are transferring knowledge of our people to the Tau'ri peoples data base. You and the other goa'uld should know your time is nearly up. As of now, the Tok'ra are making thousands of stasis jars for the sentencing of your people. While those of you that have taken hosts will be killed by the Jaffa you enslave, the rest of your kind will be sealed away and over time, the damage done by the sarcophagus through your genetic memories will fade."

Bonnie turned to Lord Yu. "You have lived far to long and are at the end of your life cycle. No healing device can save you now, but if you free your Jaffa and convince the goa'uld under you to do the same, we will offer you stasis with the others. When you've served your sentence by the council that will be formed. We shall heal you and help fix the damage done by so long a use of the flawed technology you use."

Her words cut through the dementia to the goa'uld's mind within. He bowed his head. "So be it."

I waved a hand and light came out hitting him in the forehead. "That will keep your mind clear until your task has finished. Try failing or deceiving us and it'll melt your mind into a liquid mess."

I turned to Camulus. "We offer the same to all goa'uld that have taken hosts. Tell your other system lords our words. The reign of terror is over. The goa'uld have one chance to surrender or be wiped out. We are not bluffing and I do not care what your decision is. You three may leave to spread word. You have two months to achieve your task and those that decide to resist will be destroyed."

I waved a hand and Amaterasu fell to the floor from the ceiling. I waved another and the stargate was activated to go to the planet they came from. "Remember, two months. After that time all goa'uld will face sentencing."

They stood up and left. When they were gone Jack asked. "Can you do that? Imprison their species?"

I nodded. "Egeria has been making arrangements to do so since she came back. It has always been the plan."

He frowned. "Now, you see, I don't get that. How could she possibly know to do something like that?"

I pointed to Teal'c's stomach. "Because she is there. She is the larval goa'uld in Teal'c's stomach. I'm not aware of when, but Teal'c will eventually go back in time and leave her there. She will spawn the Tok'ra race and become the Egeria that now leads her children. She's aware even now of her duties and she will do so knowing I've healed her and kept my promise to save her misguided people."

Teal'c's eyebrow shot up. "I was unaware it was so important."

I smiled. "I've been speaking to her every time we meditate. The first time I heard her speak her name to me, I knew it was some wacky time thing as Jack would say. So long as you don't. Actively try to prevent it, she will be the Tok'ra queen."

I turned to the group. "Your people will need a representative to speak on the council of worlds. It will need Jaffa, Tok'ra, Nox, Asgard and human representatives. We will join for the sentencing but the rest and more will come with time. This galaxy will have a time of peace. Eventually, after a few centuries it may have war again, but war is just chaos and growth. A constant loop of chaos and order is the cycle of life. And after the eventual wars, there will be peace again. And so on and so forth."

The next two months were spent teaching the stargate Atlantis expedition the Alteran language. We gave the knowledge of everything but technology and science to the humans in a crystal memory database and freed up our minds until even what was left was forcing our bodies to try ascending.

On the last day of the goa'uld freedom, the council of races gathered on the Tok'ra home world. We were with them. We stood before a nearly covered planet of stasis jars. Egeria spoke. "It is time my friend."

I nodded and let my burdens go. My mind expanded to encompass the dimension the ascended ancients were in and my body began to glow. Bonnie and Ayana were the same. When we finished, our glowing forms were the size of a planet and two moons.

While our physical bodies were still in the center of the light, no one could see them through it all.

We reached out and pulled all Jaffa and goa'uld to us from all over the galaxy. The goa'uld were extracted and the Jaffa were given a one time super dose of special tretonin. They were sent back in a flash and all goa'uld that were not implanted yet were put in jars.

Lord Yu was an exception and joined them along with all that took the offer. There were still several hundred that had gathered to resist though and they were put in jars before the council.

The other ascended noticed and tried to interfere, but we locked them in their plain of existence until we were done. The dying former hosts, were helped to ascend and find peace. While those that weren't dying were given the option to forget or even ascend.

When we finished with that, we descended to the planet again and the light vanished as we let go of all the knowledge but what we needed from the database. We stood as humans once more and Bonnie spoke. "Every goa'uld in the galaxy is trapped in the jars now. Those at the front are unrepentant and did not except the offer. Pass judgement as you see fit. We shall not interfere in the decision's made here today."

We sat down and the debates began in earnest. The Tok'ra offered to be their jailers until the bad side effects of the sarcophagus wore off. They had made sarcophagus's that were without the same side effects, though it wouldn't lengthen their lifespans as much as it did the goa'uld. It had no side effects for them.

The Jaffa were the most resistant until the Nox pointed out that they were not so destructive before the sarcophagus. It's effects bring out the worst in all who use it. They were victims of their own technology, something that could happen to any of them as well. They pointed out that the larval goa'uld were not guilty of anything but being born.

The Jaffa backed off a little but demanded death to those that had enslaved them after implantation. The Tok'ra were for that at least as well. The humans agreed to that much and only the Asgard and Nox were on the other side. I sighed and stood up. "Very well."

The Nox and Asgard looked my way with questioning eyes. "They are still much too young to understand. Let them have their vengeance, because that's what it is. They wish to make a mass grave, let them. But they do it with their own hands."

I waved a hand and all goa'uld that were to be imprisoned were teleported away to a vault in the planets tunnel system. The hundreds of goa'uld left were guilty of the crime they were sentenced for. I turned to council. "Which of you will kill them? They are murders and victims as much as any who does so. Be my guest. The rest are imprisoned until they're cured of the sarcophagus's effects and their memories are fixed from the damage done to it."

I walked over to the Nox and Asgard and stood beside them waiting. The human delegates replied. "We'll send for a -"

I stopped him saying. "No you won't. If you are to decide the fate of so many then you are to carry out the sentencing yourself."

Bonnie tossed a remote on the table. "This will kill them one at a time. Enjoy."

She and Ayana walked over to stand beside us. We watched them all and finally Egeria came to stand beside us. "The Tok'ra will not sentence helpless beings to death, no matter what they've done in the past."

Only the humans and Jaffa were at the table now. The human delegate didn't have the stomach to do it himself, but he agreed with the Jaffa who picked up the remote. I sighed and spoke in the minds of those standing by watching with me. (Still much to young. It will be a while yet before they are the fifth race. The Jaffa's mind is clouded by pain and rage. Though they are young as well. It's time we leave, I cannot watch this any further.)

I teleported myself and my wives to the SGC where the Atlantis expedition was getting ready. I pulled out a case from my ring and set it down in front of Jack. "Two potentia, as promised. They can power the chair indefinitely, the problem is you're not fully stocked on drones. After we check Atlantis's supply, we'll either make more or send you some from the city. Be very careful with these. If you break them, you're screwed till you can find a way to contact us."

We were using the potentia that was half depleted to make the connection to Atlantis. Dr.Weir gathered everyone to get ready after she saw us. For the most part it was exactly the same team. Only with a few extra people like the Tok'ra and Tollan scientists that joined us.

Egeria wanted to come but I stopped her saying that they needed her here to teach her people about peace now that it was all over. She conceded and I suggested she make the offer to help earths elderly and those sick beyond their current medicines.

I suggested they're a lot of lonely people out there that would love someone to talk to that wouldn't judge them. She liked that though knew it would be awhile before earth's government's revealed the gate's existence to the public. Back in the SGC, we were nearly ready now.

I put in the gate address for Atlantis and saved it to earth's database. Lieutenant Siler announced over the base coms that it was time for departure. Carter bid us goodbye with the rest of the SGC and went to plug in the potentia or ZPM as they started calling it.

We waited in the gate room and when the dialing sequence started, I turned to see McKay staring at me. I turned to him. "Can I help you? Do I have something on my face?"

He shook his head and backed away. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Takes all kinds I guess."

The gate finished dialing and connected. Dr.Weir gave her speech and I spoke after her. "Stay in the gate room and do not explore until I or my partners say it's safe. We'll do a full diagnostic immediately to check for any dangers. After we give the ok, Dr.Weir can lead you all around but do not enter rooms until we've pulled up the internal sensors of the base. My people experienced a plague and fled this galaxy. I shudder to think why they fled that one to come back and risk the plague again."

I led them through the gate with Bonnie and Ayana at my side. When we arrived in Atlantis, the room came to life. After everyone came through, Jack sent a wine bottle for Weir with a note.

The gate shut off and I waved a hand over the ground near the gate. A command consul came up. I typed in some things and read the scanners before announcing. "Atlantis is at the bottom of an ocean with clamps holding it in place. The potentia here is almost depleted, Bonnie and Ayana will go to the power room and put our two full ones in and I'll release the clamps causing the city to rise. After we're finished, I'll pull up a map of the city and you all can choose your living quarters. We'll discuss the findings with everyone once we've had a chance to go through all the files pertaining to the disaster."

We got to work and I raised the curtains as it were, to reveal the ocean on the other side of the glass and shield. The clamps were easy to release as Atlantis recognized me as the new high chancellor thanks to Moros's codes he gave us. I had full access to the entire data base and I gotta say, I was impressed. If the Lanteans hadn't ascended, they might have won the war.

As it was, the city was rising and when it broke through the surface, the barrier was released. With a couple taps, all the windows opened and we were getting some fresh air in now.

Bonnie and Ayana came back and led the group to the bedrooms. While they got settled in, I went to the high chancellor's room. Most of the council members rooms were locked by a DNA code, but with the position of high chancellor, I was able to reset them for myself and my wives.

Two hours later, we were gathered in the gate room for announcements. Bonnie started of by playing the hologram that spoke of the wraith in the center of the room.

When it finished, Ayana spoke. "We've seen the sensors spread throughout this galaxy and its bad. Luckily for us, they seem to be sleeping. Even luckier is our long range sensors have picked up several atlantian war-class battle ships. They have stasis pods to keep people alive indefinitely and there could very well be more Alterans out there. We intend to repair Atlantis and bring our fleet together, that includes a few city ships just like this one that will need repaired. All three of us will start by bringing a group of scientists and military personnel to scout and seal up dangerous areas of this city. Once we've finished, your people will be free to roam and explore the areas and learn whatever you can from any and all non-sealed labs."

I spoke now. "Major Shepherd will lead my team while team two and all security will be handled by colonel Sumner following Ayana and Bonnie. Remember not to touch anything unless told otherwise. One small insignificant thing to you could be a slide of virus or nanotechnology that kills. Be very cautious and use the scanners provided by the city. Dr.Weir will guide us to the dangerous and hazardous areas on the city's map."

We got to work. Bonnie and Ayana took to the nano lab that has the virus, while I headed to the lab that housed the ascended entity. We found it easy enough, though the city was trashed. When I opened the lab door, I told them. "Stay here, Major, if anyone tries to come inside, shoot them. They'd be putting everyone at risk. I'll neutralize the threat but it'll take a minute."

He smiled. "Yes sir."

I chuckled. Apparently he was tired of listening to the scientists as well. The door closed behind me and I got to work. I released the entity and consumed it. It tried fighting for its existence and tried fleeing, but it had no chance. What surprised me was the fact that it didn't strengthen my soul, instead it made my curse several times stronger. It was still within my control, but damned if it hadn't grown to match the strength of my soul.

When I finished, I opened the door and told them. "This section is free to be browsed now. Learn what you can and feel free to look around. Major, let's meet up with the second team now. It's safe here, so leave one officer and let's go. Let the scientists play."

He looked relieved. "Oh thank god. I was just about to shoot them anyway."

I chuckled and we left. We found Bonnie's group outside the lab waiting on both of them to finish up. I checked the information panel on the door. "Biochemical warfare. They were trying to find a nano virus that could kill the wraith."

Colonel Sumner asked. "Did they succeed?"

I shook my head. "It killed everything that had a brain. They saw it would wipe out all life and decided to abandon it. What's inside is the last of it. Bonnie and Ayana are probably making the virus self destruct to insure no scientist tries it again. This was so bad knowledge of it was banned and sealed by the council."

Sumner nodded. "I take it there's no chance we can take a crack at it?"

I turned to face him. "All it would take is one drop to wipe out a planet. What do you think? If your scientists spilled it, we'd all die horribly and in great agony."

He straightened up. "Understood."

I nodded. "Wait for the fleet colonel. If my estimation is correct, we can win this war before the wraith wake up."

Bonnie and Ayana came out and sealed the lab. A barrier popped up around the door. "It's destroyed, but this is a room no one may enter. Congratulations Dr.Weir, Atlantis is free for all to roam now. Your scientists may look around and study. They are not to try using anything until they've received your permission."

Dr.Weir's voice came over coms. "Thank you."

Ayana turned to Colonel Sumner. "A tablet with all security protocols and access to them is sitting in the counsel room. It's yours to familiarize yourself and your people with. We've had it translated for your convenience, but you should try getting used to our language in case of emergency."

He nodded and left with his people to the tower. Bonnie and Ayana got to work building replicator builders in one of the labs to make repairs. I went to meet up with Dr.Weir to see about sending out teams to retrieve materials for the repairs.

I found her going over the database with McKay and the Tok'ra scientists in the command center. I interrupted them. "It's time for you to make a team. We need neutronium to make repairs. Scan the galaxy for what we need with the deep space scanners. When you find a planet with no wraith presence, send them through with a shuttle in the docking bay above the gate room. Anyone with the gene can fly it."

I left her to decide who and went to my room to rest and help without being seen. The planet they chose was an abandoned mining outpost from the war. They eventually sent a team to it with a few nano builders after Ayana reassured them they were safe to use as their only programming was to acquire neutronium and repair the city.

Bonnie had to explain that they had no replication programming to even use. After that, they were sent at gunpoint to the mining outpost. They repaired the outpost first then began extracting the ore and sending to us in bulk.

The bots here began repairs in earnest. After the a week of repairs, Atlantis was fully operational again. I made several potentia satellites and sent them orbiting the sun with a ship. Sheppard flew it and insisted we call them puddle jumpers when I just called it a scout ship.

While the potentia were charging, I used the city's full scanners and found the drill and satellite. I sent builders to repair the satellite and catch the queen wraith. With the city full of scientists, I found myself being asked a flurry of questions every meal time or when I'm busy.

I warned McKay to stay away from the ascending machine as it killed anyone who didn't ascend as there was a mental component to it. The scientists finally labeled each lab room in their language and started learning from various fields.

One evening I was approached by Dr.Weir to ask my opinion on sending teams of Democrats to each of the non wraith planets. I sighed. "So long as your people are careful. I suggest the explorers find a planet that they can use as a buffer, so no one can find our gate address that isn't screened. You've read the Wraith files and know what they're capable of. If you still want them to go, by all means do so, just be careful. For now the wraith are asleep for the most part. When the fleet is in place, we'll eliminate them all at once. Then you're free to do as you please."

I pulled up an image of the captured wraith queen. "We found her on the geothermal drilling station on the sea floor. I plan to have Ayana see If she can reverse the iratus bug genes and turn her into a human. If she fails, we'll wipe them out."

I sent builders to each outpost not occupied by the wraith to repair it all. Luckily the wraith chose to make their own outposts and only three of ours were on their planets. The builders were equipped with cloaks and carried stunners to retake our outposts if Dr.Weir's democrats failed to negotiate them from those that took them over.

For the most part they were unoccupied except for two. A family declared themselves rulers when they found a buried city ship and were using the chair to fire drone and declare themselves gods. The democrats failed, so the bots stunned them and took them to holding cells while they affected repairs.

It was severely damaged so the Democrats sent the people in the cells to the village to live instead. The bots reported it would take a month to repair, so they got to work. Another outpost was occupied by a people overusing the shields and it was shut down while the Democrats talked peace with the people.

They requested to meet the ancestors if they were to give up the ship that wasn't fully built. Bonnie, Ayana and myself went to meet them in person. I repaired the damage the constant shields had on the planet in exchange for the warship. Two days of them asking questions and eventually begging to come live with us passed.

Eventually I just told them. "We are fixing to destroy the wraith. Your people can keep the outpost and live here in peace. I can't in good conscience bring you into that kind of war. You would be helpless to effectively defend yourself and that could get people killed. Not just yours either."

They tried to argue and I left them spluttering. The bots had repaired the ship enough in two days to bring it back to Atlantis and that was their next mission. I met with Tayla a day later on Athos. Her people requested to meet with us in exchange for letting us have the buried city ship back.

More bots started repairs and I sent one specifically to destroy the necklace beacon before it could be activated. I sat in a tented room with the leader of the Athosians. She had several questions ending with asking to join us on Atlantis.

I turned to Bonnie when I heard her say yes. She shrugged. "She appears to be sincere in wanting to help destroy the wraith."

I sighed. "Very well. You and your people may come, but you'll have to chip in until we can find the rest of our people. There's plenty of room. It wouldn't hurt to have those that have already friendly ties to other planets be there to bridge the gap."

The Athosian people were excited to join the ancestors as they put it. Ayana spoke up. "You will have to look after your young. There are many places not meant for children to be on Atlantis. If need be, we can put short range teleporter bands on them and their parents can use the receiving band to call them back if they wonder off to somewhere dangerous."

This city ship was in worse shape than the last so the bots sent that it would take them two months. When I got back to Atlantis with a crowd of people, I left it to Bonnie to explai while I went to make more bots to increase the work load a hundred fold. The first warship Hippaforalkus was now docked on a pier while the bots finished building it.

I spent the next day in my room or so the sensors recorded. I was actually aboard a warship that was leaking radiation with bots doing repairs. Once it was powered and space worthy again, I activated its auto recall.

It showed up within a an hour of the finished repairs. It docked on another pier and the bots did more repairs. The potentia satellites came back on their own and docked as well when they were done. A dozen potentia were charged and ready to be used now. I replaced the nearly depleted one in Atlantis before the bots took one each to each ship for upgraded power.

The weapons satellite received one as well. I sent the satellites back into orbit with a dozen more potentia to be charged and turned my sites to the city ships. Six potentia were taken for those two and one of them was set aside for the next big mission. I teleported to the Aurora with some bots and a potentia.

I gave the bots the potentia and neutronium from my ring and told them to do repairs and upgrades. I killed the wraith in the stasis pod and healed almost the entire crews bodies. I couldn't heal the first mates as she was already long dead. Once the bots were done, I cloaked the ship and hit the recall.

I teleported is back to Atlantis and waited for it to dock. When it did, Dr.Weir came and asked me. "How are these ships just showing up?"

I chuckled. "There's a recall in every Alteran ship out there. They'll come if called. There's currently two city ships being repaired right now. Each is just a little smaller than Atlantis herself. And one war ship that's in the void between the Milky Way galaxy and the Pegasus galaxy. Once one of the warships is fully repaired, I'll take it to retrieve the warship Tria in the void. Each ship is being upgraded and outfitted with interstellar hyperdrives. Each one can go back and forth to earth in a matter of hours. Once the wraith are defeated once and for all, I intend to take Atlantis home."

She was utterly speechless now. I left her to continue my day. She followed me to the warship Aurora to greet the crew. To them it looked like the vice captain of the ship's pod malfunctioned. They couldn't see her real body. The bots were still doing repairs on the ship while I woke them up.

After greeting the captain and his crew, I told them everything about the war and who we were. He greeted me and recognized me as high chancellor. I told him my plan to destroy the wraith while their sleeping after repairing and retrieving all ships still out there. I told him of the chemical substance I intended to add to the drones to destroy the wraith.

He smiled. "Just as well. We found a key flaw in the wraith ships armor makeup. We can use it and destroy them once and for all."

I nodded. "We have two city ships under repair off world and the warship Tria's hyperdrives are apparently damaged. It's traveling at light speed towards us. I suspect the crew are still alive because of the relativistic effects of that form of travel."

Him and his crew rejoiced and I smiled. "Captain, I have a mission for you if you'll except it."

He nodded. "Of course high chancellor."

I sighed. "In that case, you and your crew will have a day of rest before taking your ship to retrieve the Tria and it's crew. Effect any repairs necessary and bring them home."

He gave me the Alteran salute before saying happily. "It'll be my pleasure."

He turned to his crew. "You heard the high chancellor. Rest easy today. Tomorrow we bring more of our people home."

During their rest, they were fawned over by the scientists and Athosians alike. When the captain mentioned it to me over dinner, I chuckled. "Some of them are descendants of our people, like me. I am a fully evolved Alteran and yet, my family tree has humans in it. Would it make me less Alteran in your eyes now that you know?"

He shook his head. "So humans have evolved to our level?"

I chuckled. "Not really. Myself and Bonnie are the only ones and we think it's because our family trees were more Alteran or Lantean if you prefer, than the rest. You and your crew are the only full Alteran's they've had a chance to meet besides my wives and I. Ayana was hounded the same for a while as well."

He looked intrigued. "Who is Ayana?"

Speak of the devils and they appear. Both woman came in and sat beside me. Ayana spoke. "That would be me."

They began having a conversation about the past and he found her story fascinating. After a while, Dr.Weir joined us. She had her own concerns that I helped clear up. She wanted to know her and her people's place here now that there were others.

I sighed. "You can relax. We won't kick you or your people out. You're welcome to stay, as far as I'm concerned you earned that right the moment you decided to step through the gate. If it helps, your people can use another city ship once it's repaired and the dangerous information removed. You can move your people to whichever one arrives first or you can stay in Atlantis with the same stipulations as before."

She nodded. "I'll think on it."

I sighed. "You can relax Elizabeth, you are in charge of all of your people the same as the moment you walked through the gate. We won't take any privileges or rights away from you. The Alteran's will be able to work with you or around you. It makes little difference and besides, weren't you excited to meet them?"

Not long after that, I let them continue to talk while I left to my quarters with my mates. We got to work fixing this galaxy. I destroyed the energy device McKay would've used to blow up a planet, while Bonnie and Ayana teleported the tribe of kids to a different planet and stored the shield device into the vault. Bonnie put up a shield around their new planet and Ayana spoke in their minds telling them they can quit the ceremony as no wraith could come to their new planet.

I found the Aesir and put an overpowering mental suggestion in their minds to seek out the Asgard's in the Ida galaxy. I gave them the knowledge of how to upgrade their hyperdrives to get them to leave. I destroyed the device they wanted to activate and left nothing left of it. Bonnie did the same to the control hidden in Atlantis.

I had the bots upgrade the scanners on Atlantis and sent out a search throughout the galaxy to find a certain runner. When they found the jungle planet he was on, I saved the coordinates before going to bed finally.

The next day the crew of the Aurora was sent out. Their ship was fully repaired and upgraded now. It took them two hours to find and contact the Tria and it's crew. They repaired it's hyperdrive and escorted them home.

When they arrived, the captain of the Tria was up to speed on current events and our plans. She greeted me as high chancellor just like the other captain and told me her concerns about the humans being here. I told her the same as I'd told Bruce, that they were welcome.