
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs


Carters first mission back was on the planet they would meet a new alien species. When they came back reporting a new member of their team was stuck back on the planet they left, with Jack, the base went into lockdown as the scanners picked up a foreign substance on them.

The gate room shields came up and all doors and shields activated. The ventilation shut off and the back up room air purifiers kicked on. I got a call and as I was in my lab, I grabbed a hazmat suit and began my trek to the command room.

Once I was in the command room, Hammond explained the situation and I looked at the scanners for the biohazard. I found it on their clothes with the scanners. "It appears they've come into a foreign substance the scanners have never seen before. It has a mind altering property from what I can tell from its makeup, but Dr.Fraiser would be able to tell for sure. Tell her not to make physical contact with it even with gloves. Use tongs or tweezers to handle it. I recommend they be decontaminated by hazmat and be isolated till we know more."

General Hammond nodded. "Understood."

He gave the orders for them to set down their weapons and prepare for a day in containment at least. When they asked about Colonel O'Neill, Hammond responded. "Hammers will be sent over with a MALP to strengthen the signal. That will provide them with cover fire to the gate where they will come back and join you in isolation till we can determine the severity of the situation."

When he quit speaking on the microphone, I told him. "The alien may be peaceful and on the run from the goa'uld chasing them, I recommend it be given a separate room and a chance to speak. Who knows, this species could be allies in the future or even friends."

He nodded and I left him to his command and to make his own decisions. A NID Colonel showed up on base just as the Hammers were dropped and sent through. Five hammer drones were being sent on the mission to bring them back.

When they began interception and firing on the enemy Jaffa, Hammond radioed to O'Neill to head for the gate. The hammers dropped the troops like fish in a barrel and fought the gliders in the sky.

They cleared the gate area out and slaughtered all ground troops clearing the way. As the first time in an actual live scenario, they performed admirably. By the time the gate was ready to shut off, they were all hovering next to the gate waiting for the next radio signal to bring them in.

When Jack and the alien were cleared of the gate room and put into quarantine, the hammers came back with the MALP. They went back to the hanger to await cleanup and decontamination. The shields to the base kicked off once quarantine was enforced and the problem sealed off from the rest of the base.

The Colonel here to try and nitpick a problem seemed impressed with our protocols. He asked. "What would happen if the contamination was left on the UAVs?"

I smiled. "The scanners would pick it up and the shields would not have disengaged. The gates iris would activate and the UAVs as you put it, would self destruct in the gate room. All fumes would be sucked into tanks and sent back off world. Trust me on this, there's very little you could possibly find wrong with our protocols and if you can find one reasonable one, I would hand in my resignation to within the our. General Hammond and I have spent years developing all these protocols you want to pick at."

With that I turned to leave. He stopped me. "General, I'm just here to find out how secure this base is and what we can do about improving it. I'm not here to step on your toes."

I turned to face him. "I'm well aware of your assignment Colonel. Just like I'm aware of who got you it, and know this Colonel, it would take a hell of a lot more backing than you have to remove me from my assignment. I'm more than aware your here for General Hammonds head in this witch hunt and I want you to know you'll have to get those that sent you to step out of the shadows if they want to pick that fight, so good day."

I walked to General Hammond's office to give him the warning and promise my full support. He asked if there should be anything other than the protocols he should be worried about. I sighed. "He'll probably pick apart the mission reports and do interviews till he can find something. I recommend you make a few calls, I'm going to do the same. If they want you out, they'll have to step over my rotting corpse."

I left him after he thanked me for my support and went to make those calls. After a few hours, the Colonel was forced to back off when he received a call from the chief of staff and could only observe and report till the day was out.

General Hammond was cautious and dealt with the alien by speaker. When it asked to be sent back to its people and explained itself, Hammond asked if it was willing to meet with the Nox before it left to confirm it's story. When it asked about the Nox, Hammond told it they had a lot in common and if it wasn't lying, they could become good friends and allies.

It agreed to the meeting and General Hammond sent a message to the Nox for a requested meeting. Ten minutes later the Nox came through the gate like they usually do.

When I saw the Colonel making notes on that, I chuckled. "Oh, do be sure to make a note that the Nox are a peaceful race to the point of not fighting back. They have no weapons and only use shields and cloaking to protect themselves. They are pacifists and far more advanced technologically and mentally than then us. Everyone who knows about the program is fully aware of their existence and frustrated by their pacifist ways."

He frowned and scratched out the note he made before saying. "Yet they're able to disable our gates shields and wave a hand to make a wormhole."

I smiled. "Now you're getting it. They are true pacifists and like everyone. They are truly neutral and kind to all. They would no more harm someone than you could sprout wings and a rocket out of your ass and fly."

He seemed frustrated as all get out and it made both myself and Hammond smile. He asked. "If they are as neutral as you say, would they not stand there while we fought the goa'uld?"

I shook my head. "They would separate us and heal everyone indiscriminately. They abhor violence and would stop us and the goa'uld from killing each other. Beyond that, they would not interfere other than to give advice and offer solutions to stop the fighting peacefully."

I chuckled at his expression. He shook his head. "They would help the goa'uld and heal them?"

I snorted. "They would stop the fighting and heal everyone. You're an idiot if you can only see that as a bad thing or against us. To them there is no us or them, there is only injured or healed. Think of them like doctors. Do no harm and all that."

He looked like a kicked puppy and General Hammond smiled. "They are Switzerland in this scenario. And that means they are peaceful allies and are to be treated as such."

Lya bowed to him as she came in. "I thank you for your understanding General Hammond. You have grown wiser since last we met."

Hammond greeted her and introduced everyone before telling her the problem. She nodded. "I shall free your people of its mind problems, then I wish to speak with the one that seeks peace."

Hammond led the way and when we were at the quarantine door, she walked through the shield and door itself. When she came out again, she told us. "They are healed and I've helped them tell the difference between the real and false memories. I wish to see our new friend."

I led the way this time and suggested the Nox may reach out and protect the species like they do the wildlife of their home planet. She bowed and agreed to try. When she went in, General Hammond joined her. The colonel asked if it was protocol and I smiled. "Lya of the Nox is keeping a protective field around him for the meeting. It's the Nox way to ensure all parties are not harmed. The alien has one around itself as well, if you doubt it, try punching me."

He went to touch me and the field made itself visible. I chuckled. "It's their protocols."

In truth the fields were made by my power and would protect from the aliens chemical defenses. When they finished their conversations, Lya left with the alien through the gate to meet is people and offer them sanctuary on Gaia.

With a sweep of the sensors, the only thing left of the chemical biohazard was found on the teams armor. It was sealed off in a glass case and left in the labs for experimentation and study. The bases quarantine protocols were released and everything went back to the way it should be.

The Colonel left and I went back to working on the hyper drive for the Prometheus project. The events of red sun never happened because our stargate has a proper system and protocols in place.

Bonnie had already healed Cassandra of all ailments so she never had need of a rite of passage and when Nirrti tried to sneak through the gate cloaked, the weapons system and the shields kicked on.

General Hammond was accredited with the capture of a goa'uld and she was given to the Tok'ra to acquire valuable information before she would be handed over to the free Jaffa for them to kill as the alliance stated. While I was all for a peaceful resolution to it all, those goa'uld that has commuted the atrocities were to be punished by those they had victimized.

I kept myself busy with all thing Prometheus to stay out of the stargate business while Bonnie saw to keeping them out of trouble. When Chaka was taken and SG-1 was caught, she opened the cages without them finding out. When the slave owner tried shooting at them, the gun misfired and the staff weapons malfunctioned.

The Unas began an uprising right then and Chaka led the team to the gate so he could focus on freeing his people. When the Unas picked up the weapons, they began working again. Only the words of Daniel kept them from committing indiscriminate slaughter.

SG-1 was sent home and their next mission was to work with the Russian's. At this time, I stepped off the project at Hammond's request that I lead the teams to the planet and oversee a safe and prosperous mission to further our cooperation with them. It was mostly for political reasons and since I was on the team that helped the Russian's before, they were satisfied I would bring their people home.

So there I was, waiting for Daniel to open the tomb. When he did, I ordered teams of three to do a full search of the place and be careful where they stepped. Daniel and the Russian major were with me to translate the ruins and find the Russian team members.

When we came across the Russian scientists body, I handed the book to Daniel and checked the bag for anything related to the place. When I pulled out the eye of Tiamat, the major cursed and I turned to him. "You weren't happy when I found this, why? You know your people share all tech they find just like we do."

He swore then spoke. "The colonel was given the mission to sneak that back to base."

Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Even if he found it and brought it through the stargate, the bases sensors wouldn't have let him out of the gate room without checking it in."

He shook his head. "He was supposed to claim it as credit for our teams find and earn credit for the General."

I smiled and shrugged. "Politics. Personally, I don't care if he gets credit for it, if it's so important for him, I'll let him take it through the gate."

The major smiled and nodded. We came across a cocoon not far from the dead body. It hadn't been disturbed yet so I opened my case I brought with me and carefully cut it from the wall and set it into the bullet proof shielded glass case.

The major asked. "What is that?"

I shrugged. "No idea, but it's out of place in here so I'm taking it with us. The case is shielded so if it's dangerous it won't get out unless we let it out. Let's continue the search."

We found the sarcophagus ten minutes later and showed the teams our findings. When the Russian colonel cursed I chuckled and tossed the eye to him. "If credit is that important for you, it's yours. We're allies after all and we've received enough credit for the work we do. Just don't try sneaking it passed the gate room or the defenses will kick in and turn you to a scorched corpse."

He thanked me and Carter spoke. "Speaking of corpses, we found one that looked to be eaten by something."

I nodded. "We found the scientist's corpse and he was eaten as well, though it looked like he died before hand."

Jack asked. "How can you tell?"

I sighed. "The way he was laying. It looked like he sat down and died by shaking with the sands movement around it. I'm guessing poison, probably cyanid."

The Russian colonel confirmed it and Daniel got to work translating the walls. The lieutenant was looking around and I stopped her just before she could step on a trapped floor piece. I pointed to its indentations and told her to watch her step. The rest looked around for traps as well.

Walked around and found where the ring transporters were. I knelt down and scanned it. When it came back positive I told them. "Go back around the temple. Use the scanners to find any and all goa'uld tech hidden here. I've found ring transporters here so there might be more stuff hidden."

They went back into teams of three and searched the place. I turned to the major. "Scan this full room and look for traps while you're at it."

I opened the sarcophagus while they were busy and saw the priests corpse. When I saw the bite marks I sighed and closed it again. I radioed the teams. "Be aware that there may be a carnivorous creature in here with us. The teams were eaten and Daniel says the other two were crushed by a trap, so it should still be in here. Watch your six's and use extreme caution. If it's found, kill with extreme prejudice, I don't want to have to take any more dead bodies home than I have to."

I received an affirmation and twenty minutes later the teams gathered with various finds. I smiled then heard a thump. We turned to the bag I'd set next to the sarcophagus. It shook a little and I unzipped it. The beast was in the glass shielded box.

I chuckled. "Damn that makes me feel so much better. I thought it was some sort of ancient butterfly I'd taken."

Sam commented. "It has a goa'uld in it."

I tapped the sarcophagus. "It must've taken over the creature when it was being eaten. Either way, it'll be taken back for study. Daniel, you got the full story yet?"

He nodded. "I think so. Marduk was apparently hated by his priests so much so that they sealed him in his sarcophagus and put the creature in there with him to devour him. It must've taken awhile as the sarcophagus would've kept healing him until even that failed."

He continued. "Clearly he didn't like that fate so he went into the creature to eat his old host repeatedly for over two thousand years."

I sighed. "That's one mean bastard. The sarcophagus must've kept him alive until the Russian team opened it and freed the creature."

I sighed. "Alright, father the bodies of the team members and let's head back. We'll send a clean up team to retrieve the buried ones and take apart the rings for our own use."

They got to work and we left twenty minutes later. When we arrived at the SGC, the other General's were waiting for us. We deposited all the tech we found and the bodies to be sent home before I recommended the creature be sent to the science base off world for study.

It could join the other science experiments until the Tok'ra extracted it and placed it into a host for usable information before giving it to the Jaffa to kill. With every capture, the free Jaffa gained more support and followers to fight for the cause, while the Tok'ra used the information to infiltrate and work from the inside.

I spent the next week and a half working on shield specs that would cover a planet using the Tollans level of technology as a basis and ancient level shield power. While I was doing that, Bonnie was secretly gathering and refining Trinium to the purest state it could be used in. When she was done and had enough, we built them in an effort to preserve our allies from their coming conflict.

We finished them just in time for the funeral of Omoc. I was invited along with SG-1 as he wished all those he respected to attend. When we arrived, I was carrying a suit case that held it all.

I carried it through the funeral rites and when the Chancellor was hinting at an exchange of technology, I sighed. "I'll come back tomorrow with the team to speak on this."

I pulled her aside and handed her the briefcase whispering. "Until then, perhaps this will interest you. It has something interesting I wish you to see inside. I suggest you take it up with your council and keep it to yourself."

She took it and nodded solemnly. I left her with the idea that it was passed on through us from the Nox. She bid us goodbye and we left. When we came through the gate, Jack asked. "What was that?"

I smiled. "A possible first exchange of technology. Tomorrow they should be more than willing to trade us weapons and technology as equals."

Jack asked again. "What was that though?"

I sighed. "It was a theoretical idea for a shield I'd been kicking back and for between myself and Bonnie. I'd have used it for us, but we lack the ability to make it with our current level of technology. It's sort of like a phase band they use except it goes around a planet. We aren't able to make them let alone pull it off with our current technology, but if it helps our allies and leads us to acquiring those ion cannons, the pentagon has agreed to share it with them. And that Jack is all I can say."

He nodded. "Yes sir."

I snorted. "Don't be a wise ass Jack. I'll get courtmartialed if I say more."

I went back to work and continued as I was before. When we arrived on Tollana the next day, the shield was in place and the Chancellor was awaiting us at the gate. She greeted us and spoke freely. "Your help has ensured the survival of our world, how can we ever thank you enough?"

Jack pointed at the plasma gun. "Some of those would be nice."

I chuckled. "What he means is we're hoping you'd be willing to reconsider your policy on sharing technology with us. The schematics and shield technology was the best we could come up with and even then, we could only go so far with it."

She nodded. "We've completed the rest of it ourselves and are very grateful. A goa'uld mothership appeared in our air space a few days ago and resisted our full barrage with its shields. For the first time in our history, we were without a defense that would work against them."

I sighed. "So they've grown stronger, great. In that case we'd appreciate thirty eight of your ion cannons as we need exactly that many to cover our world. Any more than that, we are willing to share some more technology like the shield that we cannot make ourselves with you for."

She stopped for a minute before asking. "If they cannot stop the goa'uld, then what would be the purpose you'd use them for?"

I smiled. "Goa'uld do not share technology easily. We are hoping the rest will not have such advances. I should let you know as well that we are making our own ships to defend from space if need be. Some extra ion cannons may be added to them if you decide to trade after the thirty eight we require to cover our world."

She nodded slowly. "I will have to speak with the council, but since you have advanced enough to share such levels of technology, the laws against sharing with your world no longer apply."

Jack commented. "Sweet. Does that mean you're willing to share?"

She smiled. "That will depend on the council's vote, but the thirty eight you require to start with should not be a problem."

I nodded. "In that case, we shall return while you seek your council. I will have to inform my people as well."

We went back and the team was left in the meeting room while I joined Hammond in his office to speak with the president about installing the cannons around the globe. I pointed out that in nearly every area, Heretic industries has its own facilities with which to house them.

Bonnie joined the meeting the same time the Russian president did. When it reached a point of consensus, I told them. "I believe it's time we inform the other superpowers about the program, and with Russia's support-"

The Russian president spoke up. "You have it."

I smiled. "We will add them into the program so long as they agree not to reveal it to the public until we have a sufficient way to protect this planet. Heretic industries has been turned over to Bonnie and myself as we are it's owners now. It will be used to fund our worlds global technological advancement. From now on, Russia and every country that agrees to join us will be fully funded in the making of their technological advancement as they catch up. When it comes to ships, weapons and shields, Heretic industries will fully fund their creations. It's time our world came together to fight this battle."

The Russian president swore their cooperation and our president made the calls to the foreign leaders to call the summit. I felt out and found the Asgard cloning themselves more human like bodies, while they were chasing off the remainder of the replicators.

The bot had worked but those at the fringe of the recall were able to resist and flee. The Asgard were stuck doing clean up while making themselves new bodies that actually looked like their holograms depicted. The knew instinctively that they owed the humans of earth for all of it as well.

I had Jack send Thor a message by taking the team to Cimmeria and to the hall of might to ask that they come and speak at our summit.

The next day the Tollans dialed us and asked that I come back to receive their answer. When I arrived, this time with General Hammond, Narim led us to the council room. We were greeted by the full council.

The Chancellor spoke. "We have agreed to your request for the thirty eight ion cannons, though we will need Trinium to make them with-"

I cut her off. "We have more than enough trinium to spare. Not only have we taken a lot from the goa'uld, but we now posses a planet that is rich in it for us to mine. I can have five tons of it sent over in an hour."

The chancellor nodded. "In that case, we agree to make them, but you will need a way to transport them once they are made. "

I smiled. "We have taken four goa'uld mother ships for the defense of our planet from space until we finish our own. They will be sent here as soon as we return and will remain until the weapons are loaded."

She nodded. "Then we have only one last topic of interest. We wish to know what other technology do you posses to trade with for the extras."

I set my brief case down and pulled out a tablet. The screen lit up and a hologram popped up. I showed the room. "This is an idea I myself had to utilize the suns heavy elements to power ships or even a planetary shield indefinitely."

I handed it over for them to view. "Our people are willing to give you all the specs for it in exchange for ten more of your ion cannons and one phase shift armband."

The spoke softly and looked over the energy output and its safety regulations. When they stopped, the council members nodded and the chancellor spoke. "We agree to your terms."

I nodded and tapped the screen and put in a code before handing it back to them as another hologram popped up. "This is an advanced weapon we cannot make ourselves but I've thought of the basic rendering for. It's a matter stream trans-phase cannon. It's projectiles use teleportation beams to deliver its pay load at a speed approaching light speed. In theory, it would destroy any ship or planet in the direction fired till the payloads energy is dissipated. I can't say for sure if it is viable or how dangerous it would be once completed, but it should be a decent upgradable replacement for your ion cannons."

The chancellor looked it over and passed it around before saying. "The concept is nearly beyond even our advancement, may I know where you got the idea?"

I nodded. "I recently heard a report from one of our teams that a goa'uld ship they were trapped on was destroyed when it came out of hyperspace and couldn't properly decelerate. I was thinking on creating teleportation beams that didn't use the rings like the goa'uld ships do when I heard it and wondered if it had hit the planet at a closer speed to that of the velocity the hyperspace jumps reach, then what would happen to the planet and the ship? Would the ship cut through the planet and they both be destroyed or would the ship keep going and cut through another as the laws of physics imply if it had shields that could handle the contact."

The scientists among them nodded and looked intrigued. They spoke amoungst themselves before turning back to us. "You have given us much to think on, should this project prove viable we are willing to let you name your price so long as it is not excessive. Until then we will add another twenty ion cannons to the order. We shall give you the specs on the amount of trinium you require once we see the purity of your stock."

I smiled and General Hammond opened the briefcase this time. "Actually, we came prepared. We brought a sample with us for you to test. As far as we can tell, it's as pure as any of our technology can produce at this time."

He slid the briefcase around and they saw the bar of very pure refined trinium. He slid it over for them to take and the chancellor's helpers grabbed it before closing the case and leaving. The chancellor spoke. "They'll test it and we should know by the time we're done here how much we will require."

I nodded and tapped the screen on the tablet. Another hologram popped up and I handed it back. "This is a world terraformer. It can create a world from anything from a barren wasteland to a moon. It has atmospheric purifiers and a matter converter that can eventually turn a planet into one big chunk of trinium or whatever material you require so long as you input the elements markup into it. I did not come up with this one myself, it was my wife, a leading scientist of our world who thought of it herself after reading about some of the alien technology we have encountered. The price for this, as it's specs and design are nearly complete, is the full and complete technological scan of your world. It is not negotiable if you choose to want this. It is, and forever will be one of the greatest advances my wife will make in the service to our planet. It is up to you, but I would suggest you include more than just this council in this debate as it could build you worlds and preserve your people with only DNA scans of their genetic structures. Even if you were wiped out one day by something, it could bring your people back and if you keep the records of your entire knowledge they could come into being once more."

I stepped back next to General Hammond. "This is an offer we do not take likely and we ask that you do the same. While our world seemed primitive to you not long ago, like most that step through the gates, we advanced quickly and soon we will be at your level with or without the scan. Just know that nothing will change between our people if you decide you do not want it."

I did their hand sign for goodbye and told them. "We will transmit the designs you've agreed on so far to the tablet when we leave. The five tons of Trinium will be sent through immediately afterwards as well. You may think on the last offer for as long as you like. It will remain an option indefinitely. The ships will arrive tomorrow morning and will land wherever your people designate. They will have four teams that will stay with them until the agreed upon amount has been loaded."

With that we said our goodbyes and we left them to it. When we stepped through the stargate, Bonnie sent the designs they wanted. A bunch of doc loaders began shipping all the trinium immediately after they redialed the planet.

The Russian's and SG-7 and 11 went by ship to the Tollan planet. I'd personally modified the hyperdrives to near Nox level. It took them a full day and night to arrive but when they did, the Tollans lowered the shield in an area for them to land and raised it once they were through.

My next week was spent in Washington with the chief of staff and secretary of defense preparing for the summit. When the day came, SG-1 was there as well. Major Paul Davis was the mediator for the summit while General Chekov and General Hammond were the spokesmen for our respective countries involvements in the program.

Bonnie was here as a representative of Heretic industries to sign off on its offer and the deals made in its name. The nations invited had the largest militaries on the planet and were key points to where the ion cannons would sit.

SG-1 and I were here to answer their direct questions they may have during the briefing. When the major began the briefing, only the five superpowers and Bonnie sat at the briefing desk while myself and the team sat along the wall and Major Davis spoke.

He started off with the beginning of the program and hit the highlights of ups and downs. The representatives began asking everything from if we were kidding to why we've not invited them in on it. Finally Major Davis got to the point of our planets defenses and our coming ones.

Bonnie stopped him just after he told them about the X-303, code name Prometheus. "Before we go any further, I'd like to point out that all technology we've ever encountered and studied will be shared freely with each nation represented here today whether or not the coalition is signed. All our advances and latest technologies will be included, but there is a catch-"

The Chinese representative asked. "And what would you ask of us other than our silence?"

She shook her head. "It's not about terms here. Heretic industries will continue to fully fund the stargate program, but those that do not sign the coalition and abide by its terms will have to fund their own research, while those that do sign will receive full funding into all technological advances made through the stargate program. Everything will be paid for in full by Heretic industries. All that we ask is that you keep the program where it is and abide by the coalition's conditions. The safety of this world is the priority of all of us and I'll not allow it to fall into jeopardy because of the greed of those that would sell our planet or its honor for profit. To that end, we have invited one of our many allies we have made to speak on behalf of his race's opinions."

A beam of light appeared and an almost human looking Thor appeared in a chair. He spoke. "Greetings, I am Thor, supreme commander of the Asgard fleet. I have come today to tell you that it is the Asgard high council's opinion that the stargate remain in the very capable hands of General Hammond and the SGC. And while our friendship with earth is not contingent on it, it is preferred."

The British representative asked. "You came all this way to speak on their behalf?"

He smiled. "And to install Asgard weapons and shields on the Prometheus. It is a small token of our friendship and thanks for all the SGC and SG-1 in particular have done to help protect the galaxies from certain destruction."

With that, he said his goodbyes to the team and General Hammond before beaming away. We cut for a recess and to make small talk with politics and side deals. Bonnie was talking to the new representatives about the conditions put forward by the coalition.

When she finished, General Chekov told them. "We have already agreed and benefited greatly. If you'd like my opinion, take the deal, because I can tell you right now Heretic industries is spending nearly forty billion in research and development a year now. They are working towards raising our worlds technological level."

The Chinese representative asked. "And what does Heretic industries get out of it?"

Bonnie laughed. "You must be joking. My grandparents funded the original dog that found the stargate. Heretic industries is my grandmother's vision of a better world and the way to achieve it. It was built specifically to do just this. All of its funds and technology is to help us step into a true Age of Enlightenment. To that end we will do everything within our power to see humanity step into the stars as a race of peace and guidance. I only hope that after we take the step the other races out there will do the same."

The British representative asked. "And what of the goa'uld? Won't that destroy us if we try?"

I snorted and stepped forwards. "Let them try. If it comes to it, I'll don my armor and step through the gate to lay waste to their armies once more. As it is, they're currently to busy fighting amongst themselves to notice us. Once they do, it'll be to late for them to do anything. Prometheus is almost finished and once it is fully operational, every country here will receive the designs and if you sign, the funding, to build your own in half the time it took us to build the first. The materials to make them are already being stockpiled for when you sign."

General Chekov introduced me. "This is General Alexander Mikaelson. He's currently overseeing our planetary defenses from space attacks. He was appointed the position after repeated victories and the successful retrieval of alien technology that made our rapid advances so easy. He is also the one that led an assault on a fleet of goa'uld motherships that successfully led to the capture of eight of them. Four were given to our allies and the other four are currently on another world being loaded up with a planetary defense cannons that'll shoot down most goa'uld ships that come into our planets range. A deal he made on our behalf that cost us nothing but sharing knowledge with our peaceful allies."

They each shook my hand and Bonnie took my arm in hers. "He's also my husband and has led many successful raids and attacks on the goa'uld. He's a warrior and a scientist. Though his lack of political skill is where it balances out."

I smiled. "I prefer the direct and honest approach to life. If the goa'uld want a battle to the death, they'll have to step over my cold dead body to reach this planet, and so far it's been their bodies that I've been stepping over."

The French representative asked. "Once the cannons are in place, you'll be in control of them?"

I shook my head. "No, their control will go to the NID and the hands of this coalition's representatives included in the papers you'll sign. Our NID representative we've chosen on behalf of the US and Heretic industries is Richard Woolsey. Once the document is signed, he will be flown in and briefed before flown to meet with each of your assigned representatives. Only with the full agreement of the council that will be formed from the representatives will the cannons be used. The terms are simple, never for politics or personal gain and the cannons themselves will be unable to target any earth based mass. The Tollan have assured us it is programmed and locked to be that way. The cannons are for our defenses only. Those that will later be added to the ship fleets will not be able to target a world for annihilation."

The Chinese representative liked that. "Your government is willing to take such advanced weapons out of the hands of the military and into the hands of civilian representatives?"

Bonnie nodded. "It was agreed on unanimously by every member of power that's involved in our government's inclusion of this program. The only vote against anything came from the ex-senator Kinsey as he wanted to put it in the hands of the president. I've a feeling he plans to run this next election. Unfortunately for him, everyone else, including the current president was against it. We agreed we needed a clear head who would make it their main focus to oversee our planets defenses and honor."

The Chinese representative bowed his head a little and all the other representatives nodded in agreement. When we finished chatting, we returned to the room to finish the briefing and get all caught up.

By the end of it, all representatives signed and took word back to their leaders to recommend it as the best course of action. Each country would be given an allotment of fifteen teams to send through the gate after they were all caught up and trained for off world protocols and actions.

We got word the next day that all countries leaders agreed and signed their documents. Richard Woolsey was flown to the SGC for a briefing on his new duties and all they entailed. He was already aware of the program and now he was up to date and being put in charge of our nations involvement in planetary defense.

He and I were working together as I was still the leader of our planetary defense until the Prometheus and ion cannons were finished and up and running. With such pure trinium, the Tollans has already finished nearly half the order. Myself and Bonnie were finishing the hyperdrives at the moment and then it was just navigation and all the security protocols that the ancients, Asgard and we could possibly think of.

We were using the ancients database for ships as a reference along with what the Asgard suggested while they installed the weapons and shields. I may have made a few suggestions to them for their own shields to improve them a bit and did the same to those they gave us.

After the coalition was fully in effect, the Russian ambassador informed ours that they had a Jaffa, that had been captured during their brief control of the gate, and brought to earth. They informed us it was just taken by some unknown group of people and the people transporting it were killed.

I began programming skyfall to pick up naquadah signatures on earth and fine tuning it to read even traces. During that time, Carter went missing and Jack made a deal with Maybourne for information to find her. When I caught up using skyfall, they were already in the hospital.

On my way in I saw Colonel Simmons of the NID sneaking in the back. I read his mind and followed him. When he shot O'Neill in the back, I shot him in the head. The goa'uld tried to flee until I kneecapped him in both knees.

I helped Jack turn over while asking if he was ok. When he bit out that he was fine, Carter and Maybourne arrived. I helped Jack up and turned to the goa'uld trying to crawl away. "Yeah, that's not happening."

I handed Carter my backup and told her to cover the goa'uld and to shoot it progressively up the spine of it continued to try fleeing. It stopped at my words and I turned my focus elsewhere. I called it in and soon enough the place was covered in Air Force and NID agents.

The NID were pissed that I killed one of their agents until I finished then they were pissed at the dead agent for making them look bad. They took the body and the doctor/scientists with them and we took the goa'uld while the CIA were left with the dead VP of a corporation.

Once we were on base, the goa'uld was sent to the Tok'ra for extraction and we got Adrian back afterwards to throw in a black site. Maybourne disappeared in the confusion and everything went back to normal.

Bonnie informed of a surprise she'd gotten for me. When wormhole extreme started playing on the projector, I noticed it was a lot more accurate and high budget than it should be. She told me she bought the rights from Martin when she destroyed the ship they came in.

I chuckled when she said it was for my sanity. The military agreed for plausible deniability that it brought with it. When I noted the main team had four people in it, she said it was best to leave the backup in the shadows.

We attended Jack and Sam's wedding a week later while General Carter had the time to attend. It was held in a church and had the full nine yards. I was roped into best man duties and threw him a bachelor party the night before.

After the wedding, I was busy installing the Tollan ion cannons around the world as they'd just gotten done. It took two weeks to get it all operational and under the council's control. During that time, Command was doing a training program for the new recruits.

Once I was finished with that, I moved the ships back into formation and finished the Prometheus. I set the date for its maiden voyage to an ally planet as a test for bugs and made the calls for crew and commander choices to be made final. I was offered the position but I refused as I was about to have my own choice of command soon enough.

I was about to speed up the time line soon enough. When I got back to base they were finishing it up in the gate room. When the recruit got his assignment to SG-17, I told the others. "Till you're assigned to a team, each of you will be training with me in combat, technology splicing and language skills of the known and used alien languages. When I'm not available, Dr.Jackson will assign you to study goa'uld, Asgard and Ancient languages study and learn fluently."

The girl Carter took a liking to asked. "How good are you at all of it?"

I shrugged. "I'm passable in the languages except for Asgard, it's close to old Norse and I'm fluent in that. As for the combat training? Ask around while your here."

I left them to do just that. I heard Teal'c comment. "You are all in for a lot of pain. He does not grab his punches as they say."

Jack spoke. "He means pull his punches and Teal'c's right, you've caught his interest so you should be something completely dangerous after he's approved of your skills. On the bright side, if you survive in one piece, you'll be allowed the fifth man pick that's been up for grabs since he got promoted."

Hailey asked. "What's the fifth man pick?"

Daniel answered her. "He used to be SG-1's fifth man. A sort of back up for when things went sideways. He pulled us out of bad situations and did some not so nice things to those that held us captive or were trying to kill us."

Tea'c spoke. "Daniel Jackson is referring to the fact that he's slaughtered Jaffa and goa'uld by the hundreds in multiple battles to defend us and save our lives. He has the single highest kill count of all the SGC. He's a master at many forms of combat and to this day I have yet to land anything but a glancing blow while sparing with him. On the contrary I've had many broken bones and severe injuries that needed immediate attention after our spars."

Jack spoke up. "Yeah, that's what your in for from now on. If you pass his training, General Hammond will let you choose the fifth man option for any team the SGC has, including ours."

They became excited and started asking more questions about it but Carter stopped them saying. "One or more of you have something about you that he's considered a possible replacement for himself or he'd never give you the option. He's been asked every training group and after one glance he shook his head and declined. If your ever going to put your all into something, this is it. If you disappoint him, you'll never get this chance again."

I filed and did paperwork to transfer the safety of this world over to another command. I added the cloaking and shield tech to each cannon, so it should be relatively safe. I erased the eye of ra from all our data and the people of this worlds minds before putting it and the tablet back on Abydos.

I removed the shield on it and went about getting everything ready for my retirement. I spent some time training the recruits in every form of combat I could think of. Their every waking second became pain and when they couldn't take any more, I had them reading and studying technologies we've found and languages they'd find useful to know.

I didn't let up for a second. While they read and studied, I healed them with glove devices. When they were back to shape, I beat the forms into them. I had them learn all they could of the goa'uld technology and it's weaknesses.

A month of bliss passed for me, while their lives were hell on earth. When the Tok'ra came with the plan to destroy the system lords all at once, I planted an urge and an idea that they should quickly move to another base away from the planet and set the rest of the poison up as a trap for any who showed up.

They filled in the blanks by using a cloaked cargo ship to know when to activate the poison. While Daniel was playing spy, a job that Bonnie was monitoring, I was ensuring the Tok'ra got away scot free and did some damage to Anubis's forces.

Once that was in motion I spent my time training the recruits. They had come to hate me with a passion and it was starting to show in their fighting techniques. It made them fight harder and longer and when they were finally exhausted to the point of collapse, their fighting times began to increase exponentially.

It may have helped that I was fueling their bodies with naturally pure energy from nature while feeding their minds and souls with pure spiritual energy from my followers on the other planets as they prayed to me.

The recruits began finally putting up a bit of a fight. When the mission to exterminate the system lords was failed and the Tok'ra set off their gases killing a hell of a lot of Jaffa, I let the recruits rest for an hour. I turned my gaze to Anubis and saw him preparing to send an asteroid to destroy earth.

I smiled and almost wanted to thank him for the free naquadah. I continued the training of the recruits for the next few weeks and when the asteroid was spotted by a random human who watched the stars a little to much, I told earths leaders to ignore it until it was just outside of earths usual observation then the mother ships can take it to orbit around the moon and they could mine all the rich naquadah my sensors picked up in it.

They seemed to like that idea and the UAV chairs were activated just for that purpose three days before it would have hit earth. It was left in a slow orbit of the moon while a mother ship sat on it cloaked and people mined it of naquadah with the modified Tok'ra crystals.

I spent all my waking time training the recruits and when they could each fight Teal'c in a long drawn out battle, I graduated them to pure studying and told them they can graduate studying when they can earn Daniel's word that they have mastered the languages I'd assigned them.

They asked what was after that and I told them. "After that is tactics and battle strategies using the virtual reality set I specifically modified for you. Then you'll be tested on your technologies studies in it as well. When you've completed that, and if you haven't given up, you'll be given a live mission by the Tok'ra to kill a goa'uld and it's Jaffa followers. If you can stomach that, you'll fight me no holds barred together. Make me bleed and you pass and I'll recommend you to whatever assignment you want, on or off world."

They seemed excited by the prospect and I nodded. "If you've managed to pass, you may be considered the first and last warriors I've trained."

They saluted me and I saluted back before saying. "At ease. When SG-1 returns from their current mission, report to Daniel after he's been debriefed."

When SG-1 came back asking for weapons to arm the free Jaffa on Calma I decided to accompany them back with the weapons to meet the leader there. When we arrived with crates of P90s and staff weapons followed by several crates of Zat guns, the locals looked impressed.

While Jack spoke to them to say it was all just a small portion of what was to come, I heard them speaking down on earth weapons and chuckled. "You're all used to the staff weapons and zat'ni'katel which is understandable. But just because it doesn't look as impressive as a staff weapon to you, doesn't mean it isn't just as dangerous."

I joined Teal'c and Bra'tac in watching the Jaffa train. "They are impressive but they won't last but a few battles with the ways they're fighting now."

Bra'tac nodded. "They are over reaching."

I smiled. "It's more than that, but you're close. The technique they're using is designed by a goa'uld who doesn't care if his Jaffa die in battle. It's designed to look more impressive than it is to be effective. So much unnecessary movement would tire out even the strongest of warriors in a drawn out battle. In the end, their lives would be lost for nothing as it is."

Bra'tac nodded slowly, his age showing its wisdom as he heard my words. Unfortunately, the Jaffa fighting heard them as well and were offended. They challenged me and I chuckled. "Are you sure about this?"

They nodded and I grabbed a wooden staff before walking into the training area. "Then both of you come at once. I'll show you the weaknesses of your technique."

In a matter of a minute both of them were badly beaten and bleeding on the ground unconscious. I tossed the staff to Teal'c and waved a hand for him to come. Me without a weapon now and him with one. I shrugged off my vest and tossed it on the ground next to Bra'tac's feet along with my shirt.

I walked back into the circle saying. "Come Teal'c, lets show them how they should truly fight."

He shrugged off the robes till he was in just his pants. I turned to Bra'tac. "Care to help your apprentice? He's going to need it in a minute."

Bra'tac joined us and we began testing each other as they worked together with wooden staffs to try and pin me. Once we truly started it got bloody quickly. Neither of us pulled our punches as I kept my strength at the peak of human capacity.

We beat each other bloody as the wooden staff weapons shattered and broke after the first few blows. When the battle ended twenty minutes later, both Teal'c and Bra'tac were on the ground panting and bleeding. I was sitting on the rock now, catching my breath.

The Jaffa and the team were talking about it as if it were something impressive. I chuckled. "That, was just the warm up. You two ready for the real fight?"

They stood up and I grabbed to real staff weapons and tossed them to them. I turned to the Jaffa saying. "Step behind the SG team if you would. Jack activate your shields. They need to see how it truly gets in the mist of battle."

I limbered you before hopping and nodding. "Let's begin."

I moved like a cheetah and struck like a snake. When my fist hit staff weapon, I spun and slammed my elbow into Teal'c's chest, he stumbled while I ducked a staff blast and swept the legs out from under Bra'tac.

I took his weapon as he fell. I dogged a barrage of repeated firing from Teal'c and brought the staff I took from Bra'tac to his chest. He stumbled and I triggered the weapon as I aimed it over his heart.

I smiled. "You're done my friend."

Bra'tac tried to move to attack from the side, I back stepped and collided the back of the staff with the side of his head. He was dazed for a minute and I aimed the staff at his head. "And now you as well."

I heard a strange voice. "Impressive. You fight well for a Tau'ri."

I snorted. "Do you want to try as well?"

He smiled. "I am K'tano."

I nodded. "I am Alex. Now, how about a healthy spar to see if your fancy technique is truly effective? Or would you like me to teach you some better ones?"

He smirked and the Jaffa started chanting his name. I chuckled and he excepted my challenge. I helped Teal'c and Bra'tac off the field and tossed the broken wooden weapons away. I tossed K'tano a real one and smiled. "Don't hold back. I want to see all you've got."

He smiled while nodding and he began his forms. When both his feet left the ground, I spartan kicked him in the gut and sent him falling backwards hard enough to hurt a Jaffa. I looked at him weirdly before I moved. As soon as he went to stand, I pinned his own wooden staff weapon on his neck and flipped him with the momentum.

He got up quicker this time and started his forms again. This time I put a smidgen of real strength into my kick as it hit him in his gut. He fell back five feet and looked to have passed out. I cursed and turned to the Jaffa next to the ring. "Quickly check his pouch, I may have damaged it. If his symbiote is damaged I may have to replace it."

The Jaffa moved quickly and when they raised his shirt and found no pouch, they yelled. "K'tano is no Jaffa! "

I cursed. "Then he must be a goa'uld. Quickly, subdue him. I'll call for the Tok'ra to get information out of him."

I headed to the gate and made a call to the planet I knew they currently were based on. They came an hour later as K'tano was waking up. The Jaffa had him bound in chains while we waited. When he woke up in them, he was not happy.

He demanded we released our god and I chuckled. "I'm sorry, but you're no god. Hell, your barely a goa'uld. And right now, you have no power here. These free Jaffa will join the others on the Ha'tak ships their people earned in battle. Once the Jaffa are truly free of goa'uld, a Jaffa nation will be built on the graves of your parasitic race."

The Jaffa around us cheered and as the Tok'ra took K'tano or whoever away. I told Bra'tac after I read all their minds to find them clear of deception. "It is time my friend. Show them what they're using."

Four goa'uld mother ships uncloaked above us and the Jaffa started to panic. Teal'c and Bra'tac told them the whole truth, that they wanted me to check out K'tano and see if he was the real thing and not a trap layed by the goa'uld.

They weren't willing to risk all they had on the words of one man. The fight was a test of character and I'd injured his stomach thinking to test him and see if he would demand a symbiote from one of his fellow Jaffa.

When they got antsy I pointed out. "We could not and would not risk the greatest weapon the free Jaffa have on the words of one man setting himself up as a leader. If you can't understand that, then I apologize but this fight for freedom isn't for you then. It's for all those Jaffa still enslaved to goa'uld that think they don't have a real choice. It's for the very soul of the Jaffa race."

They shut up and I walked towards the gate with the team as those that agreed with my words were ringed up to the ships along with all the supplies. Every Jaffa there joined them. That's when I understood how they became strong as a race even without the goa'uld noticing it. As Bra'tac would say, their hearts beat as one.

When we were back on earth I gave my report and got back to work doing paperwork. While I was doing that, my mind had expanded to a planet known as Latona. I disabled the device that said the caretaker was alive and the Latonan's held a choosing for the next caretaker in secret.

Every now and then I checked on the progress of the recruits and I occasionally found them with Teal'c either speaking in goa'uld or meditating. When I encountered it for the first time, I couldn't help but smile.

I'd taught them and broken them so many times and yet here they were trying to find and maintain an inner peace as I do. I joined them occasionally to clear my own mind for the next event.

When they finished their language studies in each one and were able to speak in goa'uld and Asgard, Daniel advanced them to the virtual reality beds where they would not wake until they've completed the program with efficiency. I added in a diplomatic training program to it as well in case they ever wished to go farther.

While I monitored them, the events of the next big mission for SG-1 took place. When they arrived back on base with Daniel having experienced radiation poisoning, Jack mentioned borrowing the sarcophagus from the company and Bonnie was forced to shy him down. "They've been taken apart for further study to try and fix what was wrong with them while the others were taking apart before to help advance our own studies into the healing beds and gloves. I hate to say it, but even if we tried putting one together, Daniel would be long dead before it was completed."

He got pissed and went to argue but I stopped him. "Jack, it's been nearly two years sense we used one last and we felt it was time to advance our own medicine and healing capabilities that could stretch across the world as apposed to keeping the sarcophagus's that damage those that use them. Our advances have made those nifty gloves that have continued to save countless lives while in the field and continued to save millions of lives on this planet. Now I'm not saying this to make you any less angry, but to have you understand that we cannot stop the radiation poisoning even though we wish we could."

Daniel spoke up. "It's alright. They're right Jack, they've wiped out most sickness and death on our own planet from the work they've done with the sarcophagi."

Daniel was now laying on a hospital bed. I walked over to him. "We've made significant progress and we can slow down the radiation poisoning, but we can't halt its progress. It'll just last longer and be a lot more painful in the long run. I'll call the Tok'ra and see if we can get one here to try their hand healing device, it still has a stronger effect than our own. They might be able to pull you back from the brink."

He nodded. "Call Sha're as well, I want to speak to her if this is my last day on earth."

I made the calls and a few hours later the doctors had to wrap the bandages on him. Sha're and her family was here sitting beside him. His father-in-law was getting prepared to perform the last right. Each of the team had spoken to him by now and I could sense Oma's presence.

I asked for some privacy to speak with him and I told him he'd made a difference in all the lives he's touched. I told him his compassion for life was far greater than any discovery he could possibly make.

I continued on expressing that he'd done more to save this galaxy than any before him whether it be the Tok'ra or the Asgard. As his inspiration to make others be the best they could be was worth more than a fleet of ships.

I sighed and told him he'd done enough and it was time he found his inner peace for now. That maybe one day he would be reborn to do more good and fight the good fight once more.

I left after that and let everyone else come back in. An hour later Jacob came and started to try healing him with the device. When Jack stopped him and Daniel ascended and left, I sighed and went back to work.

Over the next week I and Bonnie made sure to take care of Sha're and her family financially and emotionally. We watched out for them while SG-1 was on yet another mission. I found my students waking up from their training beds slowly over the next week.

When they came back from their individual missions from the Tok'ra I made arrangements for the final test.

I gathered the SGC senior staff to bare witness to the pass or fail of my students. We gathered in an empty medical room while the staff sat in the observation room above to take note. They each had a staff or pair of training sticks. Even I had a pair for myself to show the staff and my students I took them seriously.

In moments it got bloodier and more violent than any training bout I'd ever had with Teal'c. They fought like true masters of the forms. When they each finally made me bleed they didn't stop. I saw their aggression and need to surpass me in their eyes as it got a lot worse in here.

I broke several bones in their bodies and yet they wouldn't give in. I weakened my body to human levels temporarily and they began doing real physical damage. When they finally pinned me while working together, I called enough and spat out some blood.

They helped me up and I chuckled while wiping the blood off my mouth. "You've passed all of my training and exceeded my expectations for you. Each of you are worthy of being the fifth man. If the senior staff along with General Hammond agrees with my assessment, then you'll receive the option for that position.-"

General Hammond's voice came over the speakers. "We do. You have all shown your skills in combat and every area of expertise that we can think of. We have each looked over your test results for each of you. Every single member of this base has seen and recognizes your expertise and each SG team has put forward the request for any of you to join them. It has been decided by the chief of staff himself after watching this demonstration live and seeing the results for himself, that each of you be raised in rank by one and are rewarded with the rank of first Lieutenant. Your other rewards will be recognized by all."

I smiled and told them. "Congratulations on besting me in battle. Though you may have worked together to achieve it, all you lack is more experience now and that will come with time. Until then, you are more than welcome to join any team you desire. Each of you have disciplined yourself and know where you belong. Now it's time to make your choices."

I stood back while the doctors ran gloves over us and healed our bodies. Lieutenant Satterfield was first. "I request fifth man for SG-9. I find myself drawn to the diplomacy between making new allies and keeping old ones."

Lt.Grogan spoke up. "I wish to serve with SG-11. I find myself drawn to the engineering and archeological side."

Finally, Lt.Hailey spoke up. "I choose SG-10. I'd like to continue to explore our galaxy and make a difference there."

Jack came over the speaker. "What none of you wanted SG-1?"

They each shook their heads. They spoke together. "We've agreed that while SG-1 Is the most experienced and the flagship team of the SGC, we also know that we're not needed there and we'd each like to make a difference in our own ways. We've busted our asses and with the help of Teal'c and the General here, we've come to an understanding of ourselves and our place here. SG-1 is too important to join just like that. It is the representation of all of this bases's hopes and dreams. We know we're not ready for that just yet."

Lt.Satterfield spoke up. "Besides, you've already got a fifth man. He may not always be there with you, but he's there when you need him most."

I saluted them and left before returning to my office. The team showed up not long after that and I handed them a letter for them to look over. When they read it, Jack demanded. "What the hell is this? You're retiring?"

I chuckled. "I've done all I can for this world as a member of the Air Force. It's time I let go of the office and paperwork involved in this planet's defense. The drone beds have been moved to the coalition command set up by Woolsey and has been put under their command there. The cannons are in place and under the coalition's control as well. The Prometheus command position has been given to Colonel William Ronson. As of right now, I have no real post or position to fill. It's only semi retirement until such a time as a position opens up that interests me. I'll still spend my time here doing R&D for this base and our world. The president and the chief of staff agreed with my request so long as I'm available for emergencies."

They were stunned and speechless. I sighed. "It's only temporary and I think I'll enjoy it as it is. It'll give me more time to focus on helping to strengthen our weapons and defenses."

They seemed stunned still and I look the plaque down as it was the last of the proof of my position. I still retained my position as a general of the Air Force, but while I was not on active duty, I could not rise further in rank no matter the merit. On the bright side I was free to join the team again on missions as a civilian consultant like Daniel was.

When Teal'c was called off world to see his sick wife, I was already working on adding naquadira to the Prometheus systems for a stronger power supply. I had to use a bit of ancient knowledge to build a generator that could safely house and use the unstable substance.

It was taking a bit of time to do so and while I was working on it, the Prometheus's maiden voyage was put on hold. The pentagon thought an upgraded ship was more valuable then doing a test run. Bonnie kept me informed of when the stargate received an incoming wormhole that would not close.

Our sensors immediately picked up the problem and Dr.Mckay was called in from doing research in Area 51. When he flirted with Carter, she showed him the ring and pointed out she was married. He turned his attentions to Bonnie and she laughed her ass off at him.

Carter was smiling even despite the bad situation. I connected my mind to hers to hear his words. "What's so funny?"

Carter pointed to one of my former student's. "Tell you what, you can try flirting with Lt.Satterfield if you've got the guts, it's far less dangerous than flirting with her."

He looked confused. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Bonnie raised her hand and showed him the ring. "My husband is a general and has a higher one on one Jaffa kill count than anyone else in the Air Force including SG-1's personal record combined. His name's General Alexander Mikaelson and he trained Satterfield himself. If you can live through the beating she'd give you, you might survive an encounter with him if I tell him you tried a pick up line on me."

He paled and apologized. "I didn't know you were married. I-I apologize for my reckless behavior. I've read the mission reports and I damn well wouldn't have made a pass if I knew you were married to him."

Bonnie has a quick laugh before getting back to work. When she suggested they try drawing the extra power away from the gate and into a separate conductor to store th energy, they all hopped on it. I got back to work and ignored the rest because of the lack of need to be present for it.

When they were successful, they used the extra energy to charge several super capacitors and sent them my way. The energy would be used to charge the shields surrounding the naquadria generator and reactor. It would shield the casing from super charged spikes in radiation.

With that, the gate lasted much longer and Teal'c was able to destroy the base where Anubis was connecting the gate to ours. The free Jaffa lost two ships but the Jaffa themselves made it onto the other two before they fled.

The upgraded shields lasted a while and just long enough to destroy the weapon Anubis used but in the end two of the ships were still destroyed. When I heard the news, I sighed and promised another upgrade to their last two remaining ships.

Our gate was saved and I finished the naquadria reactor and hooked it into the ships systems as a power supply for the shields and hyperspace generator.

Once it was fully operational again, I told the pentagon to do their own data tests before flight to get a better idea of the upgrade for themselves. With that, I went back to base and got to work on my scanners and skyfall upgrades.

I only stopped working when a goa'uld mothership appeared orbiting earth and doing nothing else. The scanners on the goa'uld ships picked up no life signs so I went up with SG-1 and a group of scientists.

I read the mind of the Jaffa for the codes to the system before teleporting them to a planet without a gate to use. When we arrived on board, I went to the engine room and removed Thor from the system. When the self destruct started counting down, I ran back to the bridge with a few egg heads following asking questions.

When I arrived I shut down the self destruct and made a call to the SGC. "General Hammond, I've disabled the self destruct and we need another scan from Prometheus."

When he did so and sent the results to me, I told the scientists to go have fun but don't touch anything. I handed the crystal drive to Jack. "This is Thor's mind, when he was proved by Anubis, he was able to mess with the ships systems and downloaded his conscious mind into the system. Anubis abandoned ship because Thor was trying to kill everyone on board. After the goa'uld ships scanned it, I had Prometheus do the same because it's scanners are currently the best I've come up with. It picked up an anomalous activity and I made the conclusion from your last mission report. Congratulations Jack, you've earned us a new upgraded ship when you took Thor's body away. It left Anubis with no way to purge his mind from the system."

Jonas Quinn asked. "What'll happen to the ship now?"

I smiled. "I'll be able to get the schematics for the upgrades and do the same to our four ships before sending it to the free Jaffa along with upgrading their ships as well as a thank you for the ships they lost saving our stargate from destruction. Bonnie's managed to program a defense to shut down the gate if Anubis tries it again, so no worries."

With that, I had the ship land on the dark side of the moon while the scientists of us began studying the upgrades. SG-1 was sent back to earth on Prometheus to contact the Asgard to give Thor back to them.

I began studying and doing adding cloaking technology to the ship and once we had it all, I took the ship to the free Jaffa base and handed it over before making the same upgrades to their ships.

When I was finished, Bra'tac tried to get me to stay to celebrate but I told him I had to go do the same upgrades for my own ships next. I told them that earth wanted to make sure that were safe before we worried about our own upgrades as they were in the most danger.

I told them to be weary of confronting Anubis's forces as he was the one making these sort of upgrades to his fleet. When I left, I was honored by the Jaffa with their form of salute. I hated back to base and got to work on our ships. I got word towards the end that the team searching the area where the stargate was found in Antarctica, found something.

I finished up quickly and arrived as they were thawing out the ancient. I healed the plague in her before they could pick it up on their scans, but everyone else besides myself was exposed and getting sick slowly.

I let it take hold in me and ignored it. My body already carried enough of the ancient gene now that I found the marker, that I was physically now as evolved as an ancient.

While my body technically was already superior thanks to being a god, it was more of a quantitive change where as this was a qualitative one. Bonnie copied me from the SGC as her body to evolved to match mine. Our mental energy manipulation abilities grew and matched that of a fully realized ancient's.

The virus seemed to attack it specifically. As they defrosted her and brought her back, I watched on with Jack. When she was awake, I healed her memories slowly and once she was able to and knew how, she tried to connect with our minds telepathically.

I blocked her from entering mine and let her be. After Jonas started speaking with her in English, she grew to adapt from ancient to it. She began asking questions and speaking about the plague. The others were alarmed and began doing tests.

When the doctor passed out, I told Jack to send his team to look for the other two as I sat down feeling a headache and fever coming on. I ordered a quarantine and I sent out a power spike to wipe out any traces of it in the ice and air. Now it was only in the bodies of those exposed.

Ayana as she'd agreed to be called, healed the doctors of the sickness but when she turned it on me and Jack she shook her head and pointed at Jack. "He has the blood of my people in his family tree. He's a descendant of my people."

She looked at me weirdly before pointing at me. "This one is one of my people. I can't access his mind but he's a pure Alteran. I didn't think they survived. I can't heal them, I don't have the cure or know how I'm not infected even now."

I went to speak but I passed out as a wave of fire from the fever tore through my mind. I came to in the SGC base. I was in a medical bed and strapped to machines. A Tok'ra was above me using a healing device. I heard Carter speak. "General, the Tok'ra have offered to try a blending to try healing you and Colonel O'Neill, but they need your permission first."

I nodded slowly before sending a telepathic burst to Bonnie to give the Tok'ra the stasis jar liquid and technology for afterwards. She sent a message saying she'd take care of it. And that she was keeping me and Jack from being contagious so she would be with me always.

I blacked out and came to in a Tok'ra base. I felt a tired presence in my mind with me. Bonnie left me a message that she was keeping the Tok'ra from reading my mind. I took over as it healed me. When I made mental contact with it, I found it wasn't Kanan but Jolinar. She had offered to be the one to heal me as thanks for last time.

When I felt strong enough, I sat up and turned to see Jack was already better. I noticed Kanan was in full control of him and about to leave. I sighed. "Good to see you're healed up Jack."

Kanan turned to see me and pretended to be Jack. "Yeah, I was just fixing to dial command and report in."

I nodded. "Tell them Jolinar says it'll be a couple more days before I'm up and about as well."

He nodded. "Will do."

When he walked out, I layed back and tried some sleep while Jolinar rested as well. The plague was a hard fight even for her as it was far worse in me than it was in Jack. A couple days later, I woke up feeling much better. I called a Tok'ra over that was passing by and asked to see Jolinar's host to put her back.

Jolinar herself was rested and ready to be back as well. An hour and one weird kiss later, I was Tok'ra free and heading to the gate. When I dialed earth, the Tok'ra put in their IDC so I wouldn't die on impact with the Iris. Not that I'd actually die from it anyway, but that's not something they needed to know.

When I stepped through, I was greeted by the bases defense systems. I held up my hands. "Don't shoot!"

They shut them off and General Hammond spoke over the coms. "It's good to see you General. Where's colonel O'Neill?"

I shrugged as the doors opened. "As far as I know he's with you. I woke up a couple days ago and he was up walking around. He said he was coming to report in. I told him to tell you it'd be a few more days till myself and Jolinar we're ready to separate and move again."

I was called in for a debriefing and learned that when Ayana called me an ancient there was some buzz and feedback from the higher ups. She also accused Bonnie of being one when they met, Bonnie and Sam came up with a theory that we were this stage of humanities fully evolved forms. When Ayana tried to poke holes in it, Sam replied saying it was possible we advanced quicker because of our environment.

Ayana herself reveled she was a geneticist that caught the plague while trying to cure it. She herself was over ten million years old now. When they questioned her on the ancient's technology, she told them straight up that she knew very little and only about the technology that surrounded her field of expertise.

I shrugged when they tried to question me on it. "I don't feel ancient. Must be a genetic thing. Your welcome to take samples."

Ayana shook her head. "Our people have a genetic lock that prevents tampering. It was put into place to stop experimenting on our own kind by the high council. They feared we'd make ourselves into something unrecognizable."

I shrugged. "But if I'm an evolved human of this generation wouldn't I not have a genetic lock?"

She shook her head. "You carry the genetic lock because your ancestors were my people as well. It would have passed on. The fact that you've re-evolved naturally to become like us means it was a natural growth our people have in us. Your ancestors must have been the oldest of our kind after the reset."

She went into detail about it all and Carter was awestruck about earths true past. When Ayana finished I spoke up. "That's all neat and everything but since Jack isn't here and he's not with the Tok'ra, where the hell is he?"

General Hammond spoke up. "I'll contact the Tok'ra and see about finding his whereabouts. In the meantime, I'd suggest you return to SG-1 until he's returned. In case you're needed to retrieve him."

I agreed and while we waited on word from the Tok'ra, Ayana seemed to want to stick near myself and Bonnie. I felt her trying to connect with us repeatedly and finally I let her view General Alexander Mikaelson's mind. She seemed to be trying to bond with us by sharing her life's memories with us and strengthening the link between our minds.

Bonnie eventually sighed and gave in. She sent me a message saying no more after this and bonded with Ayana, dragging me with her. Ayana seemed to share our thoughts and led the way to the rest quarters. When we were inside, our minds linked with her and shared everything about us and what we were.

Ayana seemed fascinated and a little afraid but the bonding was solid. When we were done, she was closer than ever to us and agreed to keep the secrets until it was time. She was ecstatic when she found out more of her people were still alive and we planned to rescue them.

When we were done sharing our minds, she pulled us to the bed for the next sharing. I put up a barrier around us as the noises would shock anyone. When all three of us were tired and comfortably numb, I got up and brought them to the showers. When we entered the labs again, Carter seemed to pick up on something and looked at me weirdly.

I ignored her and continued working on my own projects while Ayana began drawing designs for her new lab machines. Bonnie chuckled an pointed to the bed that had a virtual reality simulator on it. "Just lay down and it'll connect automatically. Then once you're inside, just think of the machine and it's components. The machine will record and render the design for the computers."

Ayana did so and Bonnie got to work while talking to Carter quietly. I heard her mention what she instinctively sensed and Bonnie started telling her she connected to us using her mind and it opened our minds to her as well.

Like a very personal link where you share everything from thoughts and feelings to memories and dreams. She chalked it up to our advanced physiology. While she was speaking to Carter about it, my mind was elsewhere in the world advancing mine and Bonnie's parents with ancient DNA markers. They didn't get any powers, but they were all more advanced then Jack was.

When Ayana finished in the bed, the computers were full of designs including ancient DNA sequencers and things that went to her field of expertise. Carter asked about the anomaly of me throwing up blood when I caught a disease and Ayana said it was probably because my body wasn't meant to have it in the first place as it was designed for another beings branch of evolution.

Like how I was sick from the plague that stuck to the ice after her body purged it over the ten million years in the ice. It couldn't kill her when she was technically dead, so her body purged it naturally in the only way it could, like mine purged the virus that was stuck in my blood by throwing up said blood.

Carter asked many questions on humans genetic evolutions that would eventually happen to them and I tuned it out while I went to the bed next and sent my mind into the virtual reality while keeping connected to Bonnie who was doing me a favor of scanning destiny with her mind.

When she was done, I modified it's design a little and turned the parts into something humans can build with the materials available. When I finished, it was actually only a few steps up from Prometheus's current design and capabilities.

I sent it's blueprints to the computers along with the more advanced parts that were necessary to have a stargate on a ship. When it was complete, I got up and pulled it together before marking it as a side project I was going to commission Heretic industries to build.

When I was done, we were called into the meeting room to meet the Tok'ra sent to give us answers.