
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


She pointed out our laws on sharing technology with races not ready for it and I chuckled. "If that's your main problem, then don't worry, I've locked away everything above their current technologies. They don't know it yet, but they have our laws to study and I've provided them to their home-world as well. They won't learn anything they're not ready for or has been sealed. As for the Athosians, they are mostly here to meet our people and for safety until the wraith are defeated. I haven't broken any of our laws so you can relax."

My words took a visible weight off her shoulders as I told her I destroyed a failed experiment into ascension and a nano virus that had gotten loose when the city was flooded.

The bots were busy repairing and upgrading the Tria now. It, like the other two, was now fitted with a potentia. Soon enough all four warships were done and ready for battle. A few days later, the first city ship arrived and docked with Atlantis.

The human teams had been running around all over Pegasus now and they'd met several people that wished to meet the ancestors. I left it up to the others as I wasn't needed. Instead I spent my time in the culture experiment room after suggesting the planet Ronan Dex was on as the humans next exploration.

I helped the people on that planet evolve and taught them enlightenment. I told them it was up to them whether to listen or not. When they did, they came together. I taught them as fast as they could learn and suggested they seek answers on their own separate of me.

They quickly became an advanced and wise society. After another week, the last city ship arrived. I told the captains their roles and got to work making drones with my corrosive mixture coating the outside. After five thousand were made, I contacted earth to catch them up. Apparently Dr.Weir hadn't been doing that.

I altered the barrier device and set it on the thermal power station at the bottom of the ocean and added three potentia to it to power the shield to encompass the planet. I recalled the satellites, including the weapon one and flew Atlantis in sync with the other two city ships.

The four warships headed out with half a full crew each to take up positions over wraith planets. Each city ship was flown by myself, Bonnie and Ayana. We separated once we broke atmosphere and headed to another three wraith occupied planets. At the same time, puddle jumpers were at wraith planets or ships locations cloaked and ready to fire.

Colonel Sumner led the humans in the puddle jumpers. Once we were all in position, we fired one drone and waited. Once each of us got a confirmed hit, we backed off. We all flew to our next destinations and did so repeatedly. The corrosive substance worked to quickly for the wraith to send a signal.

In a few short hours, hundreds of wraith ships and dozens of wraith planets were destroyed. When the puddle jumpers returned, there were only a couple wraith ships left and they were about to be destroyed. And all this because Ayana confirmed the change was permanent when one became a wraith.

When all wraith were confirmed destroyed, I scanned the whole galaxy and found non. The iratus bug worlds were destroyed with them. Our fleet gathered together and I activated an advanced hologram that used the same deep space scanners in reverse, sort of. I was broadcasting my voice across all planets.

I sighed. "My people you call the ancestors or ancients have returned and destroyed the wraith. You needn't fear any more culling's as the wraith are no more. For those of you that wish we'd come sooner, I apologize. Our people have dwindled like yours and it took us a while to come back. For those of you that wish to meet us before we leave this galaxy for good, you find us on this planet."

I sent a set of coordinates and made and illusion in the sky that had our gates address. It would last a day before disappearing. Our city ships orbited the Athosian's home planet. While we dropped them off, I altered their gate to be able to dial earth or Atlantis.

I told them as much and left a potentia inside their DHD to power it when they dial either address. We spent a week meeting with all kinds of people from all over the galaxy. Ronan Dex showed up and asked for his chip to be removed.

I smiled and waved a hand sending him to the med bay to be helped. A few other runners showed up asking the same thing and were given the same treatment. When Ronan's chip was removed, I offered him a place with us as Sateda was already destroyed.

He wanted to say yes but shook his head in the end. "I want to find the rest of my people."

I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. I read his mind of their faces and names and the ships sensors started the search. I told him what I was doing then asked if he'd like his scars removed.

He became emotional and I sighed and healed him of them. "There. They're gone now. The sensors will find the people you want to find. Rest here for a day and I'll have your answers by tomorrow. If there is a lot of them, I'll help you rebuild Satida and if there are few, I'll extend my offer to your people to join us as well."

He gave me a hug and I sighed before saying. "If I could do more, I would, I'm sorry."

He released me and mumbled that it was okay. I left him to his thoughts and continued to meet others. The Hofferans were skeptical until they saw our warships. The Genii were very cautious even before that.

They looked around for awhile before leaving. I locked each of their planets out of our stargate to prevent a warm hole either way. When the sensors found the people Ronan wanted to find, I gave him the worlds addresses and told him ours before saying. "There's not many left. I'll leave it to you to extend the invite. We'll be leaving this galaxy in a month from now. You have until then to make the offer to them and come back or stay. If you don't contact us, I'll assume your people refused and you stayed with them."

I shook his hand before he fated to the first world. With all the people wanting to meet the ancestors gone now, our ships docked and we connected them to each other once more. I started all three star drives and flew us to one last planet before we leave this galaxy.

We appeared over Asuras and I sent the failsafe code and deactivated the Asurans, rendering them into nanites and destroying them for good. I beamed down the crew of the warships and they salvaged everything.

They brought the eighteen city ships up and connected them to ours. Each one had six warships docked. When it was all finished, I scanned the planet and started beaming neutronium ores into our storages. The whole process took three weeks. I filled all twenty one city ships, harvesting almost all of the ore from the planet.

It was hollow in a good portion of it now. When it was completed, I told the humans and Tok'ra we'd leave in a week so they might as well explore all they want. I took the gate from the world of living mist to keep others from killing the inhabitants.

They went out exploring and two days from departure Ronan showed up. He was a mess. His people were officially dead. He killed the General that ordered them to surrender before he himself fled. The other four members of his people were addicted to wraith fluids and killed themselves when the withdrawals kicked in.

I sighed when he told me this and told him to pick a room as it was now his home. We left the Pegasus Galaxy two days later when the humans returned. I piloted the massive fleet with the help of the other Alteran's. We flew it as one and came to the Milky Way galaxy in moments with the wormhole drive.

I had the fleet orbit a planet where there was plenty more neutronium buried. The planet itself didn't have a stargate because the atmosphere was always toxic. I sent out a terraforming package and we landed the next day when the atmosphere was clean and breathable.

When we landed, I had the ships system calculate our knew address. I sent the humans home and told the Lanteans that this would be our knew home world after the terraforming package was done. They looked around and relaxed for once.

The SGC was not happy I sent it's people back. Jack himself came over to speak with me. We had a long conversation about what was best for our two peoples and I told him my reasons. He agreed that the Alteran's may need time to adjust to being the last of a race and may need space.

I promised not to cut off communication with them and told him my plan to have the Alteran's join the alliance once more with the Nox and Asgard. In the meantime, if he wanted to send Daniel and Carter over every now and then, I'd not refuse or mind if he came along as well.

He left in much better spirits than he came. After the first year with the Alteran's, many delegates gathered for the first official meeting of the Alteran's and this galaxies people. The Jaffa sent Teal'c and Bra'tac. The humans sent Dr.Weir and Woolsey. The Nox sent Lya and another elder. The Tollans sent their High Chancellor. The Tok'ra sent Egeria and Jolinar. The Asgard sent Thor and Freyr. And finally a new group called the Lucian alliance sent Odai Ventrell and Netan.

Our council was currently both previous captains and Bonnie, Ayana and myself. We expanded our meeting room to hold them all. We met as equals with the Asgard and Nox, but the rest were too impulsive. They wanted to join the alliance of old and it was not time for them yet.

I told them as much when the Lucian alliance demanded it. "That alliance was not one of convenience or defense of each other. It was an alliance meant to share our knowledge and help each of our races continue to advance. None of you are currently ready for such a commitment. If you think you are, than that just goes to show you are even less ready than you think."

Thor nodded. "We shared everything we learned in that time. Even we are not ready to continue that alliance yet. We have done much to progress to that point, but it is not yet the time for that."

That shut everyone up. The Nox agreed. "It was a time of great peace that led to an even greater disaster. We cannot yet pick up where we left off. Those of you that wish to speak of culture and history are welcome. But those only seeking weapons and technology are in the wrong place."

Teal'c bowed his head. "Indeed. The free Jaffa would like to learn more of the past before the goa'uld and-"

I waved a hand and crystals appeared in front of everyone. "Those are information crystals. They each carry everything about the Alteran and Lantean's passed. We offer it freely to this who do not already know. It is a wise action to learn from the past, whether it be others or your own."

Lya waved a hand and similar crystals appeared next to the first. "We offer the same of ours to all those that are unaware. We hope it will curb those that try to go to fast as wisdom is gained one step at a time."

Freyr did it next. "We share the sentiment's of our old friends and point out that if you all wish to do the same, it would be most welcome."

Bra'tac spoke. "I must apologize as Jaffa history is taught by word of mouth."

I stood up and offered a hand. "I can add it to our computers and make crystals if you allow me into your mind. You have my word I will not look elsewhere."

He smiled and grasped my arm. "I've nothing to fear you seeing. Take what you wish."

I sighed. "Just think on what you wish to share and I'll copy it."

He did so and thirty seconds later a group of crystals were added to the rest. I sat back down and Woolsey spoke. "Earth will be happy to participate and add all of our rich history and cultures. It will take a while to aquire."

I smiled. "No need Mr.Woolsey, since you've offered it, I already have it all from my time there."

I waved a hand and another memory crystal was added to the group. It held everything about earth's history and every culture down to the food they make. The Tollans offered theirs as well and mother was added to the pile. The Tok'ra were right after them with one of their own.

The Lucian alliance representative spoke up now. "We are a coalition of many world and many histories. It will take time to gather them all, but they will be shared when we do."

I nodded. "Very well. I invite you all to look around and meet our people. Take in the sites and when you go back to your respective peoples, share with them all you've learned and acquired. Until then, it's time we call this meeting to a close."

The Nox disappeared and the Asgard beamed away, both taking the crystals with them. The younger races left by stargate after looking around more. Another year passed and the first Alteran children was born to the two council members, a set of twins.

Ronan met a woman from earth on one of their many trips and started courting her. The next meeting was more enthusiastic on the younger races parts. They were more asking about an eighth dialing address.

I chuckled and shook my head. "You speak of a project that was sent of fifty million years ago. It has a gate seeder ship with it as well. That's the only eight point address. If you're looking to take control of it for war or greed, think again. Even if you knew the address, you'd never be able to power a stargate to reach it, even with two potentia."

That stopped them only for a moment and I sighed. "Destiny was launched because our people discovered residual background radiation left over from the Big Bang that suggested that some race created the Big Bang. It's mission is to find the source and although no one pilots it right now, it will not be changed off its course by any of you easily."

They finally quoted down at the implications and after a while they each asked for the address. I turned to the other council members and they nodded. "We no longer have any interest in it. But if they wish to change its course, we can stop them."

I nodded and waved a hand. A hologram appeared with the eight symbols on it. I sighed. "If you fight over it, I'll ban each of your people from it. It's a research vessel, not a warship. If you can find a way to it, I'll not stop you or your people."

After that meeting, I spent the next year in meditation. At the next meeting, I officially resigned as the high chancellor. The position was given to Helia the ex-captain of the Tria. I and my partners gave up our seats on the council. Helia asked us to stay on and I shook my head. "It's time we retired. We've done all we've set out to do for our people. It's time we stepped aside for others to do more."

She couldn't argue with that. She gave up and the Lantean people voted for the new council members. We retired off planet with a city ship of our own. I parked it on the moon of earth and cloaked it while setting the shields to just outside the walls. It would not need to consume as much power and it could last another ten thousand years before the shields fail.

We teleported to Destiny and started fixing it up. When it was fully repaired as good as new, we began doing upgrades. It took nearly a year to finish with the three of us alone. By the time we did so, the first arrivals came.

They were the people from the show, as scattered and hurt as I remembered. I teleported to the world that was about to explode and teleported all the people to the SGC.

I teleported those in space ships that couldn't possibly escape the explosion to their respective planets as well. As the planet was about to explode, I removed all the unstable naquadria and stored it in the vault. The planet still blew, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

I teleported to my city ship where Bonnie and Ayana were both waiting. The upgraded destiny could send them home as it was powered by twelve potentia that were refilled when the ship recharges in a star. The ships systems were much more informative to those that could read Alteran.

Now that it was all set, I released the memories I was stopping people from remembering before. All over the galaxy people were remembering my wedding day. With that, I punched a hole in reality and stepped through with my wives.

We appeared in a castle with a throne of swords. Niklaus was sitting on it with our family around him . It had only been three years by their perspective. He sat up straight when he saw us. "So have you come to finally end these blasted gods?"

I grinned. "Of course. After today, no god of this world will be alive. Their essence will fuel my next step in ascension. You have nothing to fear now."

I sat down right there on the floor. Bonnie and Ayana joined me. I let my soul delve into the realm of this worlds gods. They appeared to be weak old things. Less than alive but more than dead. They were feeding on the Magic the creatures I'd brought into this world gave off.

I held out a hand and them and their entire realm was swallowed by blackness. I turned my eyes to a fiery demon demons domain. I ripped it apart and ate it before turning to an ice demons domain. Rinse and repeat. When I finished it off, the world shook. I muttered. "Shit!"

I came back to my body. "We have to leave now. Apparently this world was made by the essence of the gods here. When I consumed them, this reality became unbalanced and now it's about to shatter."

Klaus frowned and I sighed. "No time, I'll give you another world to rule if that's your desire."

I pulled all living things in this world into the vault dimension. They were given their own place to stay until they were set free. I grabbed Bonnie's and Ayana's hands and punched a hole into the shaky reality and stepped through as it collapsed.

We arrived on the city ship approximately a year after we left. I teleported to the world I'd given to the magical creatures and put the rest in it as well before grabbing the city ship and landing it in the ocean of the planet. I let my family out into the gate room and the people of the game of thrones world on the continent.

When everyone was out again, I told them. "That reality was destroyed just after I left. The damn thing nearly took me with it."

Elijah asked. "I thought you said you'd survived it before?"

I shook my head. "I survived several collapsing dimensions but a reality is different. A reality can have many dimensions but a dimension has to be linked to a reality. Realities are notoriously stable, think about it, I punch holes in realities with ten percent of my full strength and it heals immediately after I step through. I can collapse many dimensions with a fraction of that power."

He thought on it for a while. "I guess that makes sense."

I turned to Nik. "If you want to go back to that one, I can find one just like it for you. But if you want to stay here and rule over this planet, I'll give you all the knowledge of how to control this ship and the ability to do so. There's a earth like ours in this galaxy as well. There are thousands of planets with life and this ship carries with it the ability to make more if necessary."

Nik asked. "What happened to the people from the last reality?"

I pointed to the continent not far away. "I took all living thing from that reality and put them over there. There were already creatures of our reality here. I planned to make it a garden world for all those that suffered the war to live in peace. The entire planet has a barrier around it preventing others from entering."

He looked relieved and said. "I think I'll stay here."

I nodded and raised my hand. I gave them the knowledge of how to use everything and read the language of the Alteran's. I gave them the full Alteran evolution.

When I was finished Hope asked. "So whose the new girl?"

I smiled. "This is Ayana. It was her people that built this city ship. She has bonded with Bonnie and I. Her people's version of marriage and soul bonding in one."

Hope nodded and turned to Ayana saying. "Welcome to the family. We're a dysfunctional bunch but we work it out. It's good to meet you though, I'm-"

Ayana finished for her. "Hope. I know. When I bonded to Alex and Bonnie, they shared everything with me. Not just memories either. I've experienced everything they have through the experience."

Niklaus winced. "Sorry about my part, love. I acted like an angry child for a long time because of our past."

Ayana smiled. "And that's how Alex remembers it. Bonnie's perspective is different but her opinion changed because of your later actions."

He looked to Bonnie and smiled. "It's good to know I've at least redeemed myself in your eyes at least."

She shrugged. "You're family, what was I gonna do? It was either forgive you, or hurt Alex by killing you. As much as the thought crossed my mind, I could never hurt Alex like that. So I forgave."

He nodded. "Still, it's good to know."

She smiled and turned to Hailey. "I've missed three birthdays so you'll have to forgive me if it's not fancy but here."

She waved a hand and took three dragon eggs out of the vault. They appeared floating in front of hope. "I can help you hatch them when you're ready."

She nodded excitedly then turned to me. I chuckled and waved a hand. A unicorn I'd taken from a distant reality appeared. "If you're expecting more then-"

I waved another hand a heard of them appeared. "There, they're all yours but make sure you take care of them. They are only attracted by pure hearted people so don't be like the rest of us, be better."

She gushed over them and turned to Ayana who looked helpless. Bonnie took pity on her and made a couple adjustable saddles appeared. "From Ayana. There made of materials from her people. They are virtually unbreakable even by your fathers strength."

Hope gave Ayana a hug and said her thanks before turning and hugging Bonnie as well. I sighed and thought of my long dead twin. She'd ended herself when her werewolf wife was killed in the war. My thoughts turned to the war and Bonnie and Ayana grabbed me and forced my mind away.

Apparently the ship and the rest of the planet began shaking when I thought of it all. My family looked sad again. I tried to cheer them up by showing them the worlds and alien people I've met by hologram.

They didn't buy my change of subject but let it go none the less. I showed them everything we'd accomplished in the passed century away from them. They looked proud at mine and my wives accomplishments.

When it finished and they were all caught up, I revealed the six Lantean warships. "These are for each of you. The city itself can be our home and a ship as well. The warships are for those of you that want to go stretch your legs. All I ask is that you not start a war. I'm trying to make this reality a home for us."

After they agreed, I spent the next month with them as a family before I left them to their fun. I found some new crew members on destiny now. The Lucian alliance had apparently arrived and were holding the crew hostage. I made myself visible. "I could have sworn I warned all of the alliance members that anyone who fights over Destiny will be sent home."

The Lucian alliance people fired their guns at me and I held up a hand. All the projectiles froze in front of me. I waved another hand all their weapons vanished and reappeared into a black hole. I snapped my fingers and the Lucian alliance members were flung upwards stuck to the ceiling.

The people from earth asked. "Can you really send us home?"

I chuckled. "Well if you'd read a console here, you'd know that Destiny's stargate can take you home easily."

The one called Eli spoke up. "Rush said it would take too much power to do so."

I chuckled. "Kid, I upgraded Destiny personally. If the potentia run out of power, the ship will fly to the nearest appropriate sun and refuel. It takes in heavy elements from the stars themselves and recharges potentia. To gate to earth, it would only need an hour to fully recharge."

They were all gobsmacked by my words. I continued. "All of which you'd know if you looked at a console."

Eli shook his head. "Dude the consoles are locked by an ancient code."

Now it was my turn to look confused. "Show me."

He led me to a console and began typing things in until a lock screen popped up. I frowned and traced it back to Rush's doing. I broke the inscription saying. "It wasn't my nor any ancients doing. As a matter of fact, it wasn't here when your people arrived. I should know, I left just after you arrived. I broke the password and now everything is open again. Just don't abuse it or try getting Destiny to abandon its journey. The stargate will work again."

The military man cursed and punched the skinny scientist next to him that looked guilty. I separated them and they both were stuck to the floor. "What did I just say? None of you seem to be ready for what Destiny is."

I sighed and let the Lucian alliance members down saying. "The first one to start a fight joins the weapons in a black hole."

I turned to the humans again. "All who wants to leave to earth May go now."

I waved a hand and the wormhole formed in the stargate from the ground up. The military man on the ground got up. "We don't have a way to open the iris on earth."

I snorted. "Do you think I haven't deactivated that? Go or don't go, it's up to you."

Almost all of the human faction went through to earth. When only Rush and Eli were still here, I asked. "Are you both sure about this? If I find you fighting on this ship again, I'll not be giving you the option to stay."

When they nodded I let the stargate close then waved another hand, forming another and turned to the Lucian alliance. "This goes to your alliance domain. Those that don't wish to be here leave now. Those that stay are not allowed to fight on this ship. You are not to try and change Destiny's course or try stealing technology from here."

The people of the Lucian alliance all stayed. When I asked if they were sure, they all nodded and the Leader replied. "We all knew it may be a one way trip when we came. Now that we can leave at any time, we'd all like to stay."

I nodded. "Then you'll treat the humans of earth and any that come through the gate as equals. They will do the same or they'll be forcefully removed."

One of the smarter Lucian alliance members commented. "I noticed you said through the stargate. What about those that come by ship."

I shrugged. "If they're peaceful, they can join you as well. If not, they'll be sent to their home worlds as well. If their ship attacks, this ships automatic defense system will kick in and vaporized them. This ship will not be diverted off course by anyone. If they board the ship first, the defense system will open a wormhole to their world and the teleporters will send them through."

They seemed relieved by my words until Eli spoke. "Then why did it allow those aliens to attack and kidnap our people?"

I turned to face Rush. "Because a fool locked most of the system in his attempt to take control of this ship. It's fully operational now and the same thing will no longer be possible. If say, one person or group tried to lock anyone out, it will no longer work, no matter how you try."

Rush now looked ashamed. "It won't happen again."

I nodded and closed the stargate. "Now that we're clear on everything, I'll go to the next council meeting and offer each of the races a chance to join you here safely. No more blowing up planets for a trip here."

With that, I teleported to the latest council meeting. I appeared in the council chambers with all the members. All the people that were at my 'wedding', recognized me immediately for what I was. I sighed as the Jaffa tried to bow. "Teal'c, Bra'tac, you need never kneel to me, I am not your god. I am merely a being that has stepped a great distance on the great path as it were."

Teal'c asked. "Do you not answer the prayers of those that worship you? No matter the prayer?"

I nodded slowly. "Those are people in need, they will learn as I require all those that worship me to. They will eventually step on the great path themselves. I merely help them along the way with whatever it is they require that does not harm others."

Bra'tac asked. "Are you all knowing?"

I sighed and shook my head. "Not at the moment, no."

Bra'tac persisted. "But you can be?"

I nodded. "I can tap into the matter stream of this reality to know everything, past, present or future if I wished to. I can do so to any reality, but I don't wish to."

Bra'tac grinned. "Then you are a god who doesn't wish to know everything."

Helia asked. "What is this god business?"

I waved a hand and gave her a memory of my wedding day along with everyone present that wasn't there. I sighed. "When I met Ayana, I copied your people's physiology to my human form. It's why she recognized me as Alteran and eventually insisted on a bond when she though she was the only one left."

"I haven't regretted it since." Ayana's voice came from behind me.

I turned to see both of my girls standing there. They were a little sad that I left them out of this part but understood the need for me to act now.

I turned my attention back to the council. "The Tau'ri and the Lucian alliance were found fighting on Destiny. I sent most of the humans home and intend to open Destiny up to all races as I've modified it to stay on course and separate those that try fighting again. I'm hoping the opportunity will bring the races closer than just this council. I do not wish to see a war between this councils people."

I sighed and spoke on. "To that end, I've designated a planet specifically to send and receive all groups from everyone here to board and learn from Destiny. This way I'm hoping the younger races will stop blowing up worlds to get there."

I waved a hand and the address to the planet that would be the way to Destiny was projected in the air. It would stay there until next year. I turned to leave and complete the planets power requirements to do so and Helia spoke up. "Wait! We have so many questions-"

I waved a hand and more crystals appeared in front of all council members. "You all once agreed to share your histories with each other for further learning and study. Those contain my entire history except for the experiences as what I am now. It would take a memory crystal roughly twenty times the size of this planet to hold that. I hope you learn from my mistakes and better yourselves from the knowledge within."

With that, I teleported away to a small barren moon that was to be the new base for the alliance members. I started with taking from my stockpile of potentia and creating a power system that would hopefully last a very long time. I basically turned the surface of the moon into a giant honey comb like power structure and filled it in with potentia.

The full power of the moon could potentially wipe out the galaxy if it exploded, so I put in many failsafes and requirements to even access a little of the power. I forbid any access to its full power and tampering with it. Even the Lanteans were locked out from abusing it.

I put a shield around the surface of the planet which ties into a potentia as a power source. That way no one could remove any of them for their own gains. The gate would be able to dial only Destiny, so if others wanted to leave after coming, they'd have to bring a ship.

I sent the warning to each member of the alliance once I finished and left the moon after creating an atmosphere to breath in. I went back home and built thousands of potentia satellites and dropped them off around stars all over the galaxy.

While the potentia harnessed energy from vacuum space, they closely resembled my totems and I could absorb their power as a weaker form of totem magical energy. When all the satellites were in place, I built more and did the same to every galaxy surrounding the Milky Way. Close to a million potentia we're charging all at once now.

I spent the next year hanging out with old friends from the SGC and Atlantis. They of course had their own questions but for the most part it was peaceful. Oddly enough, Ronan was one of them. He insisted we spar and get a workout. One evening he asked how strong I really was and I showed him a fraction of it when I punched a planet and it shattered.

He watched from a puddle jumper and when I appeared next to him, I fixed the planet saying. "That was a thousandth of my full strength. If I'd hit you with it, your body would be blasted into molecules, not that I would though."

He sat down. "So you really are a god?"

I sighed. "A god as you put it, was the only term I'd found for what I was when I became like I am now. I can maintain the power of my soul if people worship me, that's true, but I spend that same power answering their prayers."

He looked solemn and kneeled down. "I don't know exactly what to call you other than Alex, but I hope that you'll answer my prayers and bring the people of Satida back to life. They were honorable and didn't deserve their deaths at the hands of the wraith."

I sighed and put an hand on his shoulder pulling him up. "I hope you still call me friend. But understand that I am reluctant to answer your prayers. The people of Satida died long ago and almost all have found peace and moved on to a heaven of their own. It would be cruel of me to pull them back into this world as the experience would be agonizing for them. It would pass, sure, but to do so would mark their souls and not allow them entry into the same heavens they now reside."

I put a hand on his head and showed him where his people were. Tears flowed down his eyes and he s as I let go. "I get it. Thanks for showing me that."

I smiled. "What are friends for? Besides, when it is your time take comfort in knowing you'll join them if you wish. So live life to the fullest, and tell them the stories of your life when you arrive."

He nodded and grasped my arm. "Friend is a good name for a god."

I smiled sardonically and teleported us to the planet I just put back together. I told him. "I want to show you something."

I shifted into my wolf form in front of him. He looked cautious and I changed back. "To my followers I am the white wolf god. To my family and friends, I am called the Heretic god as a joke. If you ever need me or my strength, just think a prayer and what you need to either one and I'll know and help."

He asked. "So you're a wolf?"

I chuckled. "Yes, In many ways I am as much the wolf as I am the man you see before you. Both are apart of the whole."

I sat down and made a small camp fire appear in front of us. "I understand loss more than most. I've a daughter that is long dead and I never got to meet. I've so many descendants of hers that died over time and the last of her line, my line, died off long ago during a war I was helpless to stop. My siblings have lost as well. Though they are not gods, they are immortal for the most part. And the last person we lost, was my twin sister. Her partner was killed in that war and she sacrificed herself to save the innocent children the humans of that world were intent on murdering. After my twin died, I had to leave or murder every living thing on that planet."

Ronan sat down and asked. "Why didn't you? I would have."

I chuckled. "Because I am old, Ronan. Old and wise, for whatever it's worth. I saw the humans acting out of fear of the unknown and bigotry and racism. They needed someone or something to hate and when they found beings that were hiding because they knew the humans wouldn't understand them, they grew angry and attacked. Over the course of a year, the war raged with those that hid because they were different being slaughtered because they protected their young more than they fought back. I couldn't act without confirming and justifying the humans fears. When my twin died, she asked that I not take my anger out on them as they were just as afraid as our people. And so I gathered what little remained of our kind and left the world, and even reality. I felt the magic, the energy that our kind gave off that nurtured the planet, collapse as we left. I don't know how long the planet lasted after we did so, but I do know it eventually died and became as barren as this world you see before you."

He looked sad and I sighed. "So you see Ronan, I made the same choice you just made. When I saw my twin at peace, I left her there instead of being selfish and bringing her back. She's happy there, and that's all I ever wanted for her."

We sat in silence for a while before he asked. "Is that why the humans from earth say you helped them so much, because you feel guilty for your home planet dying when you left?"

I shook my head and made a stick to poke the fire. "I spent a century helping the humans on earth develop their technology and gain a foothold in the galaxy because I wanted them out there understanding other races and peoples. I wanted them to be different from the humans of my world. I hoped that if they understood other races, then one day they wouldn't attack my remaining family out of fear and prejudice when I brought them to this reality. They're here now, on a planet a small distance away from this one settling in and hopefully rebuilding their lives."

He nodded slowly. "I'd like to meet them some day."

I smiled. "Then you shall and you'll be welcome to live among them if you wish to. But for now, let's drink and take solace in the fact that the people we care about are safe."

I waved a hand and a cooler appeared before us. The night, like time passed quickly in my eyes and eventually, centuries later, I grew agitated and itched for something once more. With my wives at my side, we said goodbyes to our family and those we called friends before punching a hole in reality and stepping through to the next great adventure and possible growth in our powers.