
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs


The next day was the start of a lot acting by group. I went to school for the first time and met Bonnie there. I introduced myself to her as a stranger and invited her out for coffee as a date. The entire time I was also giving my knowledge on spells and witch history to Luka.

Not to fault him but the kid had a very intuitive mind. After a while I just put him to sleep in my memories I'd deemed safe for others to know. Over the next week, events played out like I'd remembered. Caroline distracted Stefan and Elena went to question Katherine on her family history. Real questions because she genuinely wanted to know. Eventually Stefan showed up and argued with Katherine calling her a manipulative lying bitch.

The irony wasn't lost on me either. I spent the day with Bonnie at the grill shooting pool and talking idle chatter. At the end of the day I kissed her hand like a gentleman and went 'home'.

Jonas asked when I arrived about Lukas. "He's dreaming of my time learning magic. It's a lot to take in but if you want, I can wake him up."

He nodded and I closed my eyes after I woke him I told him his dad wants a chat. I relinquished temporary control and gave them space. I heard from the back of his mind. "Dad, it's amazing! I'm learning magic from one of the oldest living witches. I've already learned so much. Although I'm not ready for a lot of it, I have the experience of a lifetime."

His dads voice came through. "Luka, just be careful. He's old and powerful for a reason. Don't go poking around where he doesn't want you to. And remember, just because you can-"

Luka finished. "-doesn't me you should. I know I know. I won't try anything until I'm ready. Besides, he's not teaching me anything dangerous. It's mostly different aspects of magic and a general study. He's showing me history, our heritage as he found them. It takes a while because I have to process everything I've learned as I do so, so I have to revisit each memory or dream several times."

After a while I toned out their boring father son conversations and finally Luka spoke. "I'm ready to go back."

'Close your eyes, I'll do the rest.'

He did so and I took over. He spoke in my mind. 'Thanks for that, I could tell you tried not to listen.'

I grunted and put him back to sleep in my memories where he left off. I turned to his father. "While I don't mind the occasional check up, do try to be quick about it."

I waved a hand and pointed to the sage I had burning in the corner. "Always remember to burn sage before you speak to me like I'm not your son. Supernatural beings can listen in if it's not burning."

He nodded. "I'll remember that."

I sighed. "I'm going to bed. This body is too weak. I think I'm going to order some weights for him. Maybe join the track team. Kid has no stamina."

Jonas chuckled. "You're feeling that way because you're used to being a vampire."

I shook my head. "I was raised a warrior. Even when I was human I was far stronger than this. It's physically tiring and I haven't felt tired from walking since I was on the battlefield with my clan during my human years."

He nodded in understanding. "Is it necessary to put him to sleep in your memories?"

I shrugged. "Kid had a lot of questions, every time I answered one he'd ask a dozen more. It's easier and he gets first hand experience learning what he wants to know. Don't worry, I won't allow him near my dangerous ones. He's mostly learning sex magic right now."

Jonas snorted. "I remember studying that."

I chuckled. "He'll have a safer experience with no chances of std's this way. Besides, it will help him out with the hormones of being a teen."

Jonas nodded and turned to leave. I headed to bed after a shower. The next few days passed quickly. Jeremy got the moonstone and myself and Jonas brought down Emily's tomb spell while Elijah compelled Katherine and released Stefan.

A werewolf showed up in town and Damon had to go and piss her off. The night of the full moon I showed up at the Salvatore house. When the werewolf Jules went to attack Damon I waved a hand. "Tell Elena Elijah keeps his word. Her friends are safe."

I tk'd the wolf out the window while inflicting a pain spell on it. Once I was sure it was gone I tossed down some sage and lit it. I turned to Damon. "What the hell were you thinking? You know werewolf bites kill vampires. If I hadn't interfered you'd be hallucinating and dying now you dumb ass."

He looked at me curiously and asked. "Alex?"

I smacked the back of his head and he nodded. "Yeah it's you. Look, I was just seeing why she was in town."

I snorted. "Now your marked for death. Most werewolves are apart of a pack. If she came to town looking for Mason then he was in her pack. Now that this happened she'll call her pack here. Call me as soon as they act. I need to be there to protect your sorry ass now."

Damon looked worried. "Couldn't you just kill her then?"

I shook my head. "Her pack would've tracked her death to here and attacked when you were vulnerable with lathes numbers."

He raised and eyebrow. "And now?"

I grinned. "They know you have backup. They'll wait and maybe leave town instead. Hopefully that's the end of it. I'll set an alarm spell that'll let you know if any intruders break in."

I got to work setting the spell and after it was done I turned to him. "Next time you decide to do something stupid, call first. That way I can at least be there to save you when shit gets bad."

I put out the sage saying. "Tell Elena Elijah's world is his bond."

I left him to clean up the mess and headed home. Two days later I got a text from Elena saying. (Johns in town.)

I texted Elijah to come see me. When he arrived I lit some sage as he closed the door. "Your eminent demise will come soon. How goes your historical society part."

He sighed. "I've a meeting tomorrow with a lovely woman named Jenna."

I nodded. "Alaric will show up. Perhaps even John Gilbert."

He raised an eyebrow. "So he's in town?"

I nodded. "He arrived tonight. He showed up at Elena's house."

I turned to face him now. "I'm sorry for what has to be done."

He nodded. "It's a short death. I've spent a lot longer asleep because of Niklaus's actions."

I nodded. "You'll be awoken as soon as they play their parts."

He frowned. "How are you going to save Isabel?"

I sighed. "I'll call in a favor from some people I saved a while back. After Isobel plays her part, they'll be there to snap her neck before she kills herself. They'll bring her to me and I'll destroy Nik's compulsion. Then they spirit her away and lock her up where she will be safe."

He nodded. "How do you know so much about us that you could come up with a plan like this. If I didn't know better I'd say you were psychic."

I shook my head. "I spent a millennium hearing the stories you all made. I've seen all the destruction and carnage you've done. I can anticipate your actions because you've did them before. For an original family, you are all so unoriginal."

He smiled. "I guess we've become predictable after a fashion."

I nodded. "Once I give him a beating of a lifetime, you'll either end him for his transgressions or make a deal with him for the location of our siblings. Either way, just remember our deal."

He nodded and we had a drink before he left. I headed to bed not long after that. The next day I hung around the house with Jonas until he left to play a small part at the park with Bonnie.

Later that night Elijah called. "There's a pack of wolves trying to coerce Elena into their arms by torturing her friend."

I sighed. "I got it, I'll deal with it now, enjoy your time at the historical whatnot."

I hung up and turned to Jonas. "We have things to take care of. I guess it's time we collected a wolf or two for the big event."

Jonas nodded. "Since they've come I guess they can't fault us for it."

I sighed. "I'll kill all but three. Leave the girl to run, the Lockwood boy can go as well. Knock out the leader of the pack for the sacrifice, they rest die."

We left and not long after we arrived the woods around the camper was a bloody mess. Jonas said his bit about Elijah keeping his word and I levitated the unconscious wolf behind me as we left the massacre.

Stefan and Damon freed Caroline and Tyler left with Jules. When we got back to the car I tossed the werewolf in the trunk and turned hoped in the passenger seat. We drove back to the apartment and handed the wolf over to Bonnie. She tossed it in the vault in a prison constructed to hold it. Meals and necessities would be provided for the wolf but otherwise it was in the void.

I gave her a hug saying. "He tortured Caroline for fun. At the very least he deserves this."

She sighed. "I know, it's just-"

I hugged her tightly. "I know."

She left not long after saying. "I'm going to Elena's for a girls night. We could all use it."

I nodded. "Use sage just in case someone slips up. You never know who might be listening."

She nodded and left. I got a text later that night from Damon saying. (John gave me the dagger, are you sure I can't use it?)

I snorted and texted him. (You can if your feeling suicidal. Let me know if you survive, you'll become a case study for my magic lessons on impossibility's.)

He texted. (Don't use it. Got it.)

I chuckled and went to bed. The next day I met Bonnie at the grill. After she handed me a iced mocha I raised an eyebrow and she nodded. I sighed and took a deep drink before the magical roofie blurred my mind. I felt someone caring me and I blacked out.

I woke up in the witch house. After I opened my eyes Bonnie's spoke. "It's safe to talk."

I sat up and sighed. "I guess this is a small price compared to what you'll be doing soon enough."

She nodded and took my hand. "Soon enough you'll be out of that body."

I chuckled. "Only to go to the fathers for a day."

She smiled. "Then you'll be in Jeremy's."

I sighed. "The problem with that one is he doesn't have the capacity for magic so I'll be unable to help any further."

She shrugged. "Your plan."

I nodded. "After this is over what do you say to a trip to a secluded island. You, me and the beach. We can even make a few waves."

She smiled. "I'd like that."

I nodded. "Alright. Let's get this show on the road."

She handed me the roofie shake and I took another long draft. "Bleh warm."

She laughed as my consciousness faded. "Price of winning."

I woke up what I can assume was several hours later in a bathroom stall at the grill. After getting my head on straight I left. I got a text a little later from Stefan saying him and Elena were at the lake house. I lit some sage then called him. "It's safe to speak."

He sighed. "Hold on."

A second later he spoke. "We're good. You're on speaker."

I chuckled. "Enjoy the weekend up there Stefan. You two stay out of trouble, and Elena."

I heard her say. "Yeah what's up?"

I sighed. "Your adopted father had his secrets. I'm pretty sure that's where the ones that survived are. Just remember, he may have hated vampires, but he loved his family. I had the pleasure of meeting several Gilbert's over the years and although most held your fathers views, they were still good people. Now relax and enjoy a wonderful weekend, and remember some of us aren't so blessed."

I hung up and went to bed. The next day I went to the grill and through some accusations at Bonnie and Jeremy told me to back off. I shared a look with her before I left. I'm finding it harder and harder to stay in this body now. Luka was dreaming of my magical lessons on voodoo now.

I went back to the apartment to rest. The next day I got a text from Elijah. (The dinner party is tonight. I'll see you when I wake up.)

I sighed and texted. (I'll be inJeremy's body by then and your witches will be hidden until the final night of the sacrifice. I'll be there when you wake brother.)

I spent the day at the grill getting hammered. When Matt asked for an ID I showed him a glamoured credit card. After a bit he started pouring shots. I was soon to drunk to stand. I sent a message to Jonas to bring the car.

After he picked me up I started getting the riot act. I lit some sage then told him. "Elijah dies today. Relax, what I do won't harm your sons body. I'll heal any damage done to it before I leave."

He glared then nodded before sighing. "You're right. I'm just worried."

I nodded. "Now is the time for faith in the plan. I got hammered as a send off to my brother. I'm already sobering up as we speak thanks to a nifty little spell I picked up in China."

He nodded and drove us to the apartment. When we went inside he lit some sage and asked. "How sure are you on being able to keep us alive?"

I snorted. "I've made some hoodoo pets linking us to a bunch of rats in the sewer. When your son catches fire, they'll burn instead. To you it'll look like a light show. Then when it's your turn I'll link your body to Elijah's. He won't even feel it when his neck snaps as he'll be dead by then."

He looked worried. "How sure are you it'll work though?"

I laughed. "How sure are you that you can kill a human?"

He took an odd comfort from that and nodded before smiling. "If it's that easy for you then I'd like to speak with Luka now."

I nodded and closed my eyes. I woke Luka and gave him partial control. He took over and I blocked out their talks. After fifteen minutes or so Luka closed his eyes and I took over. He went back to sleep and Jonas spoke. "He says you've shown him a lot about magic now."

I nodded. "He's got a basic solid foundation in all but Expression and Kemiya."

Jonas shuddered. "Don't show him those."

I chuckled. "I've no desire to, that's why he hasn't learned about them yet. Right now it's all witch history and vampire history he's learning. I'll leave the rest for you to teach him if you feel he's ready. If you want, I'll give you the master crash coarse when its your turn. We won't have long so you'll get the bare minimum of what I know about magic, I'll save the history for when you read the books yourself."

He nodded and sighed. "Looks like I'll be working for you later then."

I shrugged. "That's up to you, though I'll put you in contact with a few witches I know still kicking either way."

He left not long after our talk and I went to bed. Just before I went to sleep I sighed and thought. 'Goodbye Elijah, I'll see you when you wake up again.'

The next day I got a text from Damon. (It's done. He's in the basement and I'm taking a flamethrower to him. I'm looking into where the witches were buried, any tips?)

I chuckled and sent back. (Good luck with that.)

I left with Jonas to the grill. We got a text from Bonnie and we did the final dance before war. After we got back to the house we did the spell that sent me to the Salvatore house in astral form. I smirked and ruffled Damon's hair, letting him know I'm here. Katherine didn't seem to notice but he sure as hell did.

I headed to the basement and started to pull out the dagger. I had to go slow so she'd notice. My astral form wasn't Luka's body but my own. When she started pushing it back in I released it and broke the chair. She turned to face me and I staked her in the gut.

I went back to Elijah's body and Damon came in with Stefan. Katherine pointed to the dagger I was pulling out and Damon grabbed the flamethrower. I may have made Luka survive this but since I was in control I felt the pain as the flames consumed me. I ended the spell and the flames went out.

I turned to Jonas. "We need to switch now."

I sat down and let Luka take over helping his dad. After a few minutes I was in Jonas's body. After a quick chat mentally with him I shoved him in my master class memories on speed. I slowed his perception of the memories so he'd have more time then I turned to Luka. "Sorry kid, I'll have to knock you out for this next part."

I waved a hand and he fell. I turned to the door. "Come in Stefan."

As soon as he did I waved a hand and he fell in agony. I waved another and he passed out. I did a quick locator spell and found Elena at the grill. I drove over to her house first and tapped into my inherent rage. My magic swirled around me like a storm.

I went inside and tossed Jeremy into the wall. I said a few choice words then grabbed Bonnie arms. After a minute of swirling magic and flickering lights I released her and lit some sage. "Hide your talismans. Put the bracelet on your ankle and cover the pendant. From now on you no how to play it. The spell I put on you allows you to lie even to vampire and werewolves who can hear and smell subtle shifts in the human body. Head to the Salvatores and get ready, after today I'll be in Jeremy's body."

I left and headed around town till nightfall then I went to the grill for the next part. I made a mess. I blew the lights and power grid then lit the bar on fire as people screamed and fled. I put Bonnie to sleep and Stabbed Matt in the neck with a broken bottle on reflex when he grabbed me.

I left in a hurry after that. Caroline was taking care of Matt via vampire blood. I knew I was in for some shit when I saw her look. I headed to Elena's house and did my bit. After Katherine bit me I pretended to be dead until Bonnie tried to close my eyes then I grabbed her and made the lights flicker and wind howl.

I felt my neck snap and I was out. When I woke up an hour or so later in a trunk I healed up and waited. Not long afterwards I'd arrived at the witch house. As soon as Bonnie opened the trunk I sat up.

She spoke. "Jeremy's inside waiting. He's hoping you'll show him some cool fighting techniques and battles."

I chuckled. "Alright, but I'll have to limit it to the ones before the event."

She nodded solemnly. Knowing what I meant. "Maybe your years training with your father and the battles leading up to it?"

I nodded. "I can do that. I'll show him all the fighting techniques I've learned over the years. Who knows, maybe he'll turn into a natural martial arts master."

That brought a smile to her face. She took my hand then sighed. "Not too much longer."

I nodded. "After your little match with Klaus I'll be ready for my body back. Then we aren't leaving the bedroom for a week."

She laughed. "It sounds so wrong when you say that in his voice."

I nodded in understanding. I hate body jumping when it stops me from doing so much more. I sighed and headed inside. Jeremy was waiting. He asked. "We gonna do this or what?"

I snorted. "Just remember kid, my memories aren't a movie. You'll feel every that happens in them, so maybe you shouldn't be so impatient."

He grinned. "You lived through them, how bad could they be?"

Bonnie went pale and I sighed. "If I wanted to the dreams your about to experience would turn into nightmares that would haunt your every waking moment. They're my own life's history kid. Never assume everything's always great because of how I live today. I have worse memories than just your parents car crash, so just remember to not judge what you perceive of people as their life."

Bonnie swatted him in the head and whispered in his ear. "He's not joking Jeremy. And next time you want something so personal from somebody maybe use a little tact."

I snorted and sat down in front of him releasing control to the already waiting Jonas. They did the spell in record time. I gave Jeremy his wish and let him experience my warrior days. Afterwards I stood up and told Jonas. "Get comfortable, we'll pick up your son in the morning. Then you'll both be stuck in this house till the ritual. There's plenty of rooms and food. The water has vervain in it so be warned in case you feel like feeding a vampire."

He chuckled and I told him. "Your books will be here tomorrow with your son, I don't recommend you doing the channeling spell on this spot but hey, if the spirits let you, go for it. Just remember it can and will kill you if you use to much."

He shook his head. "I don't need it. You've seen to that. Thanks for keeping your word so far."

I shook my head. "I'm only a man Jonas. I do what any other in the same position would."

He shook my hand saying. "That's where you're wrong, not many would do so."

I shrugged and left with Bonnie to let him get settled. When we were in the car I asked her. "Have you studied up on the battle magic?"

She smiled and held up a hand while channeling a little power. A fire ball appeared. "I've got the basics."

I smiled. "Then when you fight him, give him hell."

She laughed. "I promise. Though I'll still have to die."

I shook my head and sighed. "Still doesn't mean you can't make him hurt. Just remember to make it look convincing."

She nodded and held my hand. She drove me to Jeremy's house and dropped me off before heading home herself. I arrived just as the big Isobel reveal happened. Jenna was upset as I walked in and asked. "Whose Isobel?"

Jenna looked to me with sad comforting eyes then replied. "Elena's not dead mother and Alaric's wife."

I did my best shocked expression and turned to Elena asking. "Did she fake her death? Is that why Alaric broke up with her? What did she do, piss off the mob?"

Jenna calmed down at her words and looked to Elena as well for answers.

Elena, to her credit, picked up that it was me and not Jeremy speaking and nodded. "She

faked her death and didn't tell Ric she did it. He nor I knew she was alive till a couple weeks ago when she came into town threatening to kill people if she didn't get to meet me. At first Ric didn't agree but then, when he saw she was serious, he set up a meeting for us. I showed up long enough to tell her to stay away from me and Ric told her the same. It wasn't right what she did so Ric preferred to remember her for what she was like before and pretended she was dead. I agreed with him after she beat uncle John up. That's why he was hurt before and I called to check up that night you said he fell and you were all laughing."

I turned to Jenna. "It makes sense, she's probably the one that cut his fingers off and stabbed him the night after founders day. If he's doing some crazy business with her its probably why he just arrived back in town and she followed again."

Jenna looked pensive. "If he's bringing dangerous people like her in town I'll file it with the court and see he never gets custody of Elena. Both of you bed, now!"

I followed Elena up and she followed me into my room. I put my finger over my lips and pulled out some sage. After going through Jeremy's draws for a second Elena handed me a lighter. I lit it and spoke. "That was intense. Don't worry, she could be on the other side of the door and she wouldn't here a sound."

Elena let out a deep breath then asked. "Alex right?"

I nodded and did a mock bow. "At your service. And your welcome. We just saved yours and Alaric's relationship with her."

She gave me a hug and I chuckled. "Stop, we made a great team there."

She finally pulled back and nodded. "How did you know it would work?"

I shrugged. "I was a kid once as well Elena. Learning to spin half truths like that took me years to learn. I was more of the guy who told you what I thought and if you didn't like it we'd fight. Habit of the Viking days. Speaking of which, Jeremy's watching my younger years as we speak. He's learning hard work and dedication. Along with how to take a beating."

She looked worried and I chuckled. "I was a Viking Elena. I fought for everything I had as soon as I could. By the time I was ten I learned to wield a sword. It's tough but he'll learn. In the end I may make a decent fighter out of him. At the very least he'll be able to aptly kick Damon's ass."

She asked. "He can do that?"

I smiled. "Technique trumps brute strength and although Damon's a vampire, he's still quite young. With a stake or some vervain a close combat fight against Damon would be easy for Jeremy. I'll even let him spend fifty years as a monk if it helps any. He'll learn patience at the very least."

She laughed and I told her to head to bed. I fell asleep almost as soon as I lay down. The next morning I texted the people that would save Isobel and met Bonnie and Damon downstairs. Bonnie had some lit sage. "Everyones gone. We're heading to the house."

I nodded and followed them out. On the way I ordered Jeremy a gift and had it sent to his house. Sage was burning in the ash tray.

Damon asked. "How long do I need to stay?"

I sighed. "Until you get the call. I don't suggest you go in or mention Emily while on the grounds. The spirits there were wronged in life and they'll take to torturing you for what you've done in yours. Your soul as it were is steeped in the blood of those you've killed. They'll be able to tell, and saying Emily's name will only draw her attention to you."

He grimaced. "I'll stay outside then."

I chuckled. "Good call."

Bonnie asked. "How much longer until he shows?"

I sighed. "If I'm right, he'll make an appearance tomorrow in Alaric's body. He'll make his presence known at the dance for sure. I got word Isobel was caught by him in person so there's a guarantee she's compelled. I'll need you to break it tonight. I've gotten word from some friends their waiting to capture her before she kills herself."

Damon asked. "How are you so sure of what he's going to do?"

I chuckled. "You know, Elijah asked me the same thing once. I'll tell you the same. I spent a thousand years saving people from my siblings. For those that call themselves originals, my family is as unoriginal as it gets."

Damon had a good laugh for a bit and I sighed. We arrived at the witch house not much later. Damon started smoking when his foot touched the ground. I turned to Bonnie. "Invite him in or he'll burst into flames."

Bonnie smiled and watched him smoke for a second before saying. "I invite you onto the property."

Instantly he stopped smoking and I chuckled. "Feeling confident in the plan yet Damon?"

If nothing else we could invite Elena here and Klaus wouldn't be able to set foot on the grounds."

He grimaced then looked thoughtful. I shook my head. "You could always give her your house. Then you'd only have to look out for his witches and him in another body. And those are easily dealt with."

Bonnie nodded and Damon asked her. "Your so juiced up, are you sure it's enough to beat him down at least?"

She smiled and electrocuted him with a lightning bolt before saying. "It's actually easier to use fire but as you've proven with the flamethrower, originals are immune. At least the lighting will make it hurt. And if that fails I'll break his bones with telekinesis."

I smiled as Damon stopped twitching. "Maybe next time, don't ask stupid questions."

I turned to her. "Go lighter on him tomorrow, maybe a telekinetic throw or something for the show. We don't want to fry him."

She smirked. "Just yet."

I chuckled and followed her inside while Damon got up. I spent the day holding her in my arms in our room at the witch house. When I got the text saying they were in route with Isabel, I woke her up. "Bonnie love, it's time to greet our guests. They need invited in."

She woke up a little startled at first then calmed down. "Sorry, it's the body thing again. I can't get used to it."

I nodded in understanding and followed her out. Once we were outside she got a great shock. There before us was Anna and Pearl. I chuckled at her expression. "They asked what they could do to pay me back so I gave them a job like Rose and Trevor."

Anna rolled down the car window saying. "By the way, when we left, we were half done."

I nodded. "The full moon is coming soon. When you leave here, tell them to pull back and fly to LA. They can start up again when it's past."

She nodded and Bonnie invited them in. I grabbed Isobel and headed inside. After I set her on the couch Bonnie came over and made a barrier around her and the couch. It took awhile or her to wake up. When she did, I turned to Bonnie. "Begin."

I turned to Isobel saying. "Try to endure the pain. Your born from strong stock. Make your ancestors proud."

I left the room just as the screams began. I walked over to where Anna was sitting and asked. "How weird is it that I'm in the body of the man you love and the woman I love is in the next room torturing this bodies aunt for lack of a better name."

She snorted. "Really weird. If you weren't so different and far scarier I'd tell you to stop pretending Jeremy."

I chuckled. "I can wake him if you want to chat, consider it a reward for all you've done so far."

She nodded and I closed my eyes and woke Jeremy up saying I had a surprise for him. I gave him control and blocked out their personal conversation and actions. I was jolted back into the forefront by something and I opened my eyes to find a pissed off Bonnie.

I held up my hands. "Relax love, I was giving them personal time. Whatever spell you used pulled me back to the front again."

That seemed to calm her down. I looked over to find Anna twitching on the ground. I chuckled and turned to Bonnie. "What were they doing that provoked that reaction?"

She blushed and looked ashamed. Anna stood up a moment later and told me. "Kissing. I asked Jeremy for a kiss and while we were kissing, she electrocuted me. The surge shocked you as well."

I shrugged and turned my sights inward. Jeremy was dazed but otherwise fine. We exchanged a few words and after promising him she'd come back to town soon he returned to sleep.

I opened my eyes again saying. "Jeremy's alright though a little shocked. He made me promise to have you back in town soon and finally went to sleep again."

I turned to Bonnie who was looking away. I walked over and took her hand. "You've nothing to worry about love, my heart only belongs to you."

She smiled after that saying. "The compulsions are broken on Isobel. She'll recover in a bit."

I nodded and touched her pendant. After a while I let it go saying. "Put her inside. It's made a special place for her. Stop by the manor tomorrow and touch the fridge of blood. It'll do the rest."

She nodded and went to deal with the vampire. I turned to Anna and Pearl. "Your job here is done. You have your assignments."

They nodded and left. Bonnie came back out saying. "It's done. Where did you put her?"

I shrugged. "It created a mansion like ours and all it needs is blood for her. It can't actually make consumable food without using power and I don't want to weaken it."

She nodded. "We should head out now. We have a lot to deal with tomorrow."

I nodded. "Your needed mostly. I'll see you at school then I'll meet you for the dance later in the night. I'm going to spend the time I have in this body honing his reflexes and weight lifting. The kid needs to be stronger."

She agreed and drove me to the Gilbert house. I hugged her before going inside and beginning my training. At first I started with a simple hand stand in the only place with enough space, the living room. Elena was back now and sitting on the sofa watching me.

When I was confident the body was ready and I was focused enough, I picked up one hand and let the other bare the weight. Elena was chatting away about her evening. I focused on my breaths and toned her out. I raised myself to my fingers now.

My heartbeat started to slow and I started to raise myself higher, taking away fingers as I went. My focus became razor sharp and I found myself on one finger now. Sweat was pouring from all over my body as everything was as tight as bridge cabals.

I steadied my breathing and started the real exercise, push ups. After five I stopped and fell over, breathing hard. When I was feeling up for it I sat up. I noticed it was quiet and looked to Elena. I saw her starring open mouthed at me. Jenna was behind her doing the same.

I chuckled and made up an excuse. "I saw a video on a Brazilian monk who was doing it and I wanted to give it a try. It's easier then it looks."

Jenna was the first to speak. "I didn't even think that was physically possible."

I chuckled and got up to grab a glass of water. "If you can do it, it's supposed cleanse the impurity's in your muscles and turn them all into pink muscle if you do it enough. It's great for learning to focus as well. You have to quiet your mind and be able to listen to your own heart beating."

Elena spoke up now. "Was it painful for your fingers?"

I held out my hand. "It's fine. It's about the muscles not the bones or veins and you kind of tune out pain as well so when it comes back, it's already fine. Think of it like cheerleading, you have to practice and it may hurt, but when you've got it all down and your ready it doesn't hurt at all."

They seemed to understand that. I downed four glasses of water to replenish what I'd lost in sweat. Then I headed upstairs for a shower and change of clothes. This body was already starting to feel stronger. I went back downstairs to stretch and limber up.

They seemed to go quiet when I started stretching. I head Jenna gasp when I did the splits and started going through the moves of every martial art I'd ever found and learned.

When I'd finished I asked. "Does anyone want pizza? I need to eat."

Elena raised a hand and I grabbed a phone. Twenty minutes later I was chowing down. Jenna asked. "Where did you learn all that?"

I chuckled. "The internet is an amazing place. I took that as far as I could go then I asked Bonnie's boyfriend for any ideas and he set me up working it all out with his butler. Dudes an Iraq vet that's done four tours in the special forces and went around the world studying fighting techniques. He helped me a lot."

She nodded. "And why did Bonnie's rich boyfriend help you?"

I smiled. "He said I remind him of his youngest brother for some reason. He's sentimental about it. His brother was killed before he could grow up all the way and he said he'd help me have a fighting chance."

She looked sad before saying. "I hope you're not using that to get things from him. I know about the expensive weight set in your room."

I shook my head and smiled. "Not a chance. He's nice but he's not stupid. That was for the training I did with his butler. He found it funny how I flailed around so he got that for me as a thank you for the entertainment. He's eccentric and rich, he bought the tv and game systems he could have something o play against me on while you were on a girls night in Paris if I remember correctly."

Jenna smiled. "I guess you're right. He did send us to have fun in Paris on a whim."

I shrugged. "Anyway. Pizza?"

She shook her head. "To many calories. I've seen how you burn them now and I don't think I can do the same."

I shrugged. "If you want, I can teach you what I know then send you to his butler. Maybe you'll flail around long enough to score a weight set too."

She smiled and shook her head. "While that sounds entertaining I think I'll pass."

I went back to eating and Elena asked. "How often will you do that now?"

I smiled and shook my head. "I'll tell you later, but I have a feeling it'll be a lot more often from now on."

After we were done eating I headed to the bedroom. After I closed my door Elena came over through the adjoining bathroom with lit sage. She asked. "Now can we talk?"

I chuckled. "Jeremy has finished the training memories for all of the martial arts and he's experiencing fifty years as a monk now. He should be done by the time I return to my body."

She asked. "And the martial arts training?"

I smiled. "I gave him a valid excuse to express it when I leave and now she won't question it. This way he has a good training motivation and I've already started his body on the right track. He'll be a bona fide bad ass a few months from now. He'd be able to kick a lot of ass if he wants to and the patience he learns from the time meditating will help him know when to act."

She nodded. "Why are you doing this for him?"

I sighed. "What I told your aunt about him resembling my youngest brother was true. Right now Jeremy's my second favorite human. I'd be very cross with anyone who harmed him. Didn't you here what I did to Damon when I punished him a second time for that very reason?"

She shook her head. "No. I was kidnapped before I could be told."

I grinned. "I drained him of blood effectively desiccating him, then threw him at your brothers feet and gave him a stake. I left Damon's fate in your brothers hands, Stefan couldn't interfere."

She went quiet and I sighed. "I did it for both of them in a sense. Your brother needed to let go on his own terms and Damon needed a spanking for his crimes. Their both young you know. Damon is very young for a vampire and he's not really learned what eternity means yet. Stefan is the same but he's more mature about it. And Jeremy's young for a human, though he's experienced with loss and pain. I helped them along because of it. If Damon were a vampire of say seven hundred years or more, I'd have killed him out right the first time he screwed up with Lexi, do you know why?"

She shook her head. I sighed. "Because when you're that old you've learned right from wrong all over again. I treat vampires like newborn children because of the constant bombardment of emotions they feel. And for a while at least, they can turn them off. When they get older th he ability to turn them off fades and their forces to deal with it all. Usually those that wait that long kill themselves because of the things they did for so long. A few survive and become very compassionate beings. The mean ones that are old didn't really turn theirs off or they were sociopaths before they turned and couldn't feel to start with. If you run into one of those your almost guaranteed death though. I spent a few hundred years tracking and killing them off where I could find them so there are few and far between so don't worry to much."

She finally asked. "What was your younger brother like? The one that died."

I sighed. "He was a sweet kid. A little stubborn but his heart was in the right place. He always wanted to help out, even when it was dangerous to do so. I remember this one time a neighbor of ours was bitten by a snake and it wouldn't release from the bite. Henrik walked over before I could stop him and grabbed the snake by the side of its head forcing it to release its hold. He walked over to the bushes then came back saying 'It didn't mean harm, it was just as scared of the villager as he was of it.' Here I was having a minor heart attack and Henrik had a goofy grin on his face as he helped the villager draw the venom out."

I looked up from my story and Elena had a hand over her mouth crying. I sighed. "A week later he was killed when he went with Niklaus to watch the werewolf neighbors turn on a full moon. We all turned into vampires a day after that. That was my last living memory of him."

I turned away and told her. "You can see why Jeremy reminds me of him now. I think it's time for bed. Good night Elena."

I went to sleep as she left in silence. The next day went of without a hitch. I worked out before school and after. When it was time for the dance I got there the same time as Bonnie and went inside with her. While the others were looking for anything suspicious I was dancing with Bonnie. I stopped when the DJ announced the next song was for Elena from Klaus.

I headed to the drink station while Damon danced with Bonnie. After a few words with Elena and Stefan I went into the hall. After a while three kids showed up looking for a fight. I took them down in seconds. I punched the first in the throat then back hand fisted the second in the temple knocking him out. I broke the thirds arm as he drew a crossbow. Then punched him in the back of the head and it was lights out.

I walked over to the one still choking on the floor and kicked him in the side of the head for a knock out. Stefan and Damon showed up a few seconds later and I told them. "They were compelled they had Ric's weapons. This is a distraction go find them and be sure to be just a second too late. Make it look good."

They nodded and ran off at vamp speeds. I walked towards their way and I arrived after they found Bonnie's body. I felt cold hatred run through me the moment I saw her like that and a rush of power surged out of me shaking the building. They looked terrified when they saw it but I sighed. "Take her out of here. And Damon."

He looked up to me as he was picking her up. "What?"

I grated my teeth. "Backseat please. I can't imagine her in the trunk."

He nodded and when he left Stefan asked. "What was that?"

I shook my head and sighed. "For all intents and purposes I'm possessing Jeremy's body. But my real body is very much alive. Intense and overwhelming emotions can cause bursts of power to leak through. That was a leak. If she were truly dead, you'd see a flood and this town would disappear in a moment. I'd track Klaus down and rip his soul out of his body and drag it into a dimension of pain and agony for eternity."

His eyebrows raised. "You can do that?"

I nodded solemnly. "If I don't care about the price, yes."

Elena asked. "What would be the price?"

I looked her dead in the eyes. "I join him for that agony as well for eternity with no chance of escape."

They both shut up and I turned and left them to their own devices. I found Damon in the car around front waiting. "Get in. An outburst like that means you need a drink."

I nodded and looked in the back seat before getting in the passenger seat. Twenty minutes later we were in the witch house waiting for Bonnie to get up. Even Damon came in risking pain to wait with me. He handed me a glass of whiskey and we silently drank.

When I finished it he poured another and by the fourth glass Bonnie woke up. I set it down before sitting beside her. "Hey there love, you gave me quite a scare."

Damon snorted from behind me. "Understatement of the year. Human boy over here let out a earthquake of magic when he saw you lying there. "

Damon came into view. "Glad your still with us Sabrina."

She smiled and touched my face. "You were afraid?"

I sighed. "Not really. I was confident you could pull it off. But a thought crossed my mind of what I'd do if one day you really died. I found the answer and it shook me to my core."

Bonnie asked. "What's that?"

I smiled a little. "Kill whatever killed you then join you."

She sighed. "I suspected as much when you offered me everything."

I held her hand to my heart. "I meant it too. Now let's get me out of this body and into mine so I can show you how much I've missed you."

I turned to Damon. "Bring Elijah's body here. I promised I'd be there when he woke up and it's time now."

He nodded and turned to Bonnie. "I am glad your back Bonnie. If for no other reason than the towns still standing. I have a feeling it wouldn't be if you died."

She smiled. "Thank you Damon, that was sort of sweet."

He nodded and left. Bonnie led the way and when we were at the alter door I spoke. "Ayana, it's me. It's time I regained my body."

The door opened and we walked inside. My Body looked a little desiccated but otherwise fine. Bonnie did the spell herself and a few minutes later I opened my real eyes for the first time in nearly a month. I looked to Bonnie. "Blood bag."

She tapped the pendant and held out a bag, feeding me till I could move to grab it. After a few more I stood up. "Elijah first then shower and after tomorrow, bed for a week as promised."

She smiled. "It's a date."

I grinned and led the way to the living room while she recounted her fight with Alaric/Klaus. I chuckled when I heard her tell it with excitement. Damon showed up carrying Elijah on his shoulder. I took him and set his body on the couch. I pulled the dagger out and turned to Bonnie. "Invite him in as soon as his eyes open."

She nodded and a few moments later he woke up. "Elijah, I invite you into this house."

He sighed and sat up. I handed him a blood bag. "Drink up, tomorrows a busy day."

He asked. "What's tomorrow?"

Bonnie answered. "The full moon."

I told him. "Tonight I want you to find a ruthless criminal and turn them. When you show up at a sacrifice it's always nice to bring guests."

He chuckled and Damon did as well. I sighed. "Damon, you know your objectives tomorrow, don't screw them up. I'll handle the tomb. Elijah will retrieve Katherine after Klaus leaves. Just be sure to get her the vervain."

He nodded and they both left not long after. I grabbed Bonnie's hand and headed for the shower. After a long hard scrubbing I took her in my arms and bed for the rest of the night.

The next morning we were on the move. I grabbed a very distraught John Gilbert and headed to the Salvatore house with the witches. After making the deposit to lounge I told John. "Tonight I'm going to link your life with Elena's when she dies in the sacrifice you'll die in her place."

He looked sad for a bit before Bonnie spoke. "Oh cheer up, you'll be wearing a special ring that brings you back from supernatural deaths. A witches spell counts."

John looked up. "But won't it upset the balance?"

I snorted. "Boy I've been a witch longer than most and I can say with a fair amount of certainty that ritual sacrifice and that ring aren't counted in the balance. The balance of nature is for all things to live and die eventually. What we're doing won't make you immortal it'll only delay the inevitable for when you die a natural death."

I turned to the Martin witches. "Your daughter will be yours again by tomorrow morning. You'll come with me to the tomb and link her to the witch Klaus will have guarding it to be safe."

They nodded and I turned to Bonnie. "When Elijah brings Katherine here break all compulsions and put her with Isobel."

John asked. "Isobel's alive?"

I snorted. "We're in the saving people business today kids. Everyone but the bad people get to live in my book."

I turned to John. "You're the exception to that. You're a morally grey area. A racist to be sure, but then, I was as well for a time. I hated werewolves for killing my little brother but over time I realized they were doing what came natural to them. My brother invaded their territory and they defended it."

He spoke up. "And vampires?"

I snorted. "I own the land this towns built on boy, I was here long before your people brought plagued blankets to trade with the Indians. Your the invaders and yet I've never killed an innocent human in my thousand years of life."

He snorted and I waved to the witches. "Ask them."

I turned and left the room. He'd either see reason or he'd be compelled to leave the supernatural alone. An hour later Stefan showed up with a distraught Jenna. Damon came back as well. "Katherine's got the vervain."

I turned to Elena. "Take your aunt to the lounge, Johns there. Sit down with them and tell her the truth."

I turned to Damon. "You stay here and ensure Jenna doesn't leave the house no matter what."

I turned to Stefan. "You go find Jeremy and bring him here."

Bonnie came out of the room with the Martins. They went into the parlor to give us time to talk. I sighed. "Bonnie love, when Elijah gets here tell Elena to let him in. Give him a daylight ring for his intended turn and give him the werewolf as well. Tell him I said it's where Klaus was first cursed."

She nodded and I gave her a kiss before grabbing the Martins and leaving. We arrived at the tomb an hour later. I turned to the Martin's. "You two deal with the witch together. I'll free the vampire and werewolf inside. Remember you need him alive."

I tossed them a talisman and ran inside. I foundCaroline talking to Tyler. I sighed and tossed Tyler a ring. "Keep it my friend. It's a moonlight ring. With it you can turn whenever you want and your bite is lethal all the time. On the plus side you'll be at peak strength as well. I spelled it so that no witch could tell how to make another copy using it so it's also unique."

He put it on and broke his chains. I did the same for Caroline. "You both need to leave now. Matt should be outside with a rifle and wooden bullets. Ignore the witches and take him before leaving."

They did so and I came out to see the Martins over a passed out witch doing the connection spell with his daughters picture. I smiled. "No one will interrupt you if you take him inside. I'll see to it your daughter is brought to you when it's over."

Jonas nodded and I shook his hand before leaving. I arrived at the Salvatore house to find Elijah waiting in the lounge with everyone else. I chuckled and sat down lighting some sage as I did so. "Klaus will be here at sun down to demand Elena. He takes her, Elijah heads to Alaric's place with him and he brings Katherine back before we both leave to deal with Klaus tonight. The rest of you will stay here. Don't give me crap, I'm about to ensure Elena survives so there's no need for you all to be there."

I turned to Elena and held out a hand. She took it and I held out one for John. He asked. "How well do you know this spell?"

I snorted. "I invented it moron."

He took my hand and I pressed a thumbnail into each of their palms. As the blood seeped out I let them go and began chanting. The windows and doors banged open and the fireplace lit. Lights began flickering faster as I chanted. When I finished everything went out and quiet. I stood up and lit some more sage. "It's done. Your life is linked to hers."

Bonnie handed him a ring like the Gilbert one and he took it before putting it on. I turned to Elena. "Don't ever say I never gave you anything."

I turned and left the room. Bonnie followed me up to a guest room. I lit some sage and put up a one way barrier for some alone time. Several hours later Elijah knocked. "I'm leaving to pick up Katerina, he's taken Elena. "

I brought down the barrier. "Be sure he's gone before you head in."

I put up the barrier and turned to Bonnie. "We need to get dressed love. If he's successful, he'll be back in a few minutes with Katherine."

She mumbled and started getting up. I followed suit and got dressed. By the time we were downstairs Elijah was at the front door with Katherine. She wasn't invited in by Elena so we have to do it the hard way. Elijah burned sage while I held her by the throat and Bonnie stripped her of all compulsions. When she was done I turned to look at Katherine and sighed. "You remember me?"

She nodded. "Grandfather."

I nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't protect you better Katerina. I promise I'll do it better now."

I turned to Bonnie who touched her pendant and Kathrine's arm. I sighed. "A few years in there for trying to kill our descendant and I'll let her out with a compulsion not to tell anyone or try to break the compulsion in any way. Hopefully it won't be long after that when we kill my enemy."

Bonnie spoke up. "Our enemy."

I smiled and kissed her before saying. "Inside the pendant is a safe place to have a chat with her if you ever want more information on Elena's family for her. Just remember not to take Elena in there. I can't have her knowing yet. It isn't safe."

I sighed and turned to Elijah. "Are you ready?"

He nodded and opened the back seat of his car. Both the werewolf and vampire sat side by side. I chuckled. "Let's go then. He should be there by the time we arrive."

When I got in the passenger seat I told him. "Elijah, when this is all over, and our family is awake, I want you to take them and leave this town."

Elijah sat in the driver seat and started the car. "And what'll you do? Continue with your plans and ignore the rest of us?"

I shook my head. "I'll be leaving town for a good while afterwards myself. My plans will continue of course but I'll avoid making such waves in the human world as well."

He looked to me. "And your witch friend?"

I smiled. "After everything that's happened, I think she needs a vacation away from this place as well. I'll be taking her to a private island I bought from an equuntance several decades ago."

He nodded. "Can I trust you to insure Klaus pays?"

I sighed and pulled out the silver dagger that had previously been plunged into his chest. When I did so he looked apprehensive so I shook my head. "Relax Elijah, I'm not going to use this thing on you. This is to give you a little closure."

I held it up for him to see as I drained it's magic from it then melted it into slag with its own energies. I handed him the burning hot metal saying. "I know how you feared it. I'm not Klaus, if I want to kill you, it wouldn't be temporary and I wouldn't need a magical toy to do it. I'd reach into your chest and pull out your heart while draining the magic that made you immortal from your body."

For a second he looked truly afraid then he calmed down and spoke. "So, you'd have long since killed me before tonight."

I nodded. "I don't wish death on any of my siblings. I'd long since forgiven you all for standing against me, and after I punish Klaus, I'll have forgiven you for your hand in Katerina and Bulgaria. And Elijah, I know and have long since forgiven you for killing Tatia."

He sighed as if a great weight was off his shoulders. I nodded. "If you keep our deal, I'll go a step further and give you a boon. To be used as you see fit later."

He smiled at that. "There's no need brother. I need to keep this deal as much as you want me to. For family, not just our siblings either. They are my family as well in the end, your descendants."

I sighed. "Until my enemy is dead, you must never mention them, be it in simple conversations like this with me, or behind my back with our family."

He became very solemn and nodded. "I so swear."

I sighed. "Then let's get this party started."

He drove us to the nearest access route to the old Lockwood estate and we headed on foot carrying the would be sacrifices. When we were close enough I left them with him and told him. "Make the exchange and see to it the werewolf he has is traded before he starts."

He nodded and I left to watch the show from a distance Klaus couldn't perceive of me. Elijah interrupted the ceremony just as Nik was about to chase the wolf "Brother don't!"

He stood in the way. Klaus asked. "What is this Elijah? Are you trying to stop me from breaking this curse?"

Elijah shook his head. "I'm trying to stop you from using the innocent in it. You can still kill a werewolf, just not the one that you brought."

He waved a hand and the werewolf Brady came out of the woods with the vampire Elijah aired during the day. "Use him instead. He is a vampire hating racist that tortured an innocent for fun. And the vampire is a serial rapist that deserves much worse than this ritual."

Klaus sneered. "I happen to like the sacrifices I brought myself."

Elijah shook his head. "And I'll protect them if you move against them. I am resolute in this matter Niklaus. Either use those I brought or I'll see to it you are forced to wait once more!"

Klaus was getting aggravated for a moment then stopped and sighed. "Fine we'll do it your way brother. And when I'm done with this curse you and I are going to have a conversation about priorities."

Elijah smiled. "And what an enlightening conversation it will be."

Klaus got on with the ritual and killed the werewolf. He shook his head at the vampire he'd brought. A townie that he'd compelled before to request a dance with Elena. He killed the serial rapist next then asked. "I've used your sacrifices brother, am I to assume you have another doppelgänger as well?"

Elijah shook his head. "Just get on with it Niklaus. You've always preferred to play with your food, try not to be so contemptuous."

Klaus grabbed Elena and bit her. To her credit she didn't scream or fight. She stood there like a true warrior, brave and strong until death. I sighed and shook my head when he dropped her body. When he started his transformation I made my presence known.

I appeared next to Elijah. Klaus looked confused. "You, your supposed to be dead!"

I nodded. "A conversation for another time little brother. For now I'm here to punish you for your transgressions and to have you give our siblings coffins over to Elijah. I require mother's."

I sneered at his expression of fear. "Yes I am well aware she's in one herself. And no, I don't extend to free her. Now finish your little side show before I give you the beating of a lifetime for your many transgressions against our family."

I waved him on. "And do be quick about it."

I knocked out the witch and passed her to Elijah saying. "Clean up this place, I'll keep track of him till he changes back. Do keep your word. I'll call when he starts to change back."

Elijah got to work and I followed Nik through the forest. Every time he went to make a kill I interfered and he snapped at me forcing me to send him flying. For the next two days I followed him and when he started to change I called Elijah. By the time Klaus was finished and dressed Elijah was with us.

I looked Nik over and sighed. "Now it's time for punishment little brother."

He grunted. "Go ahead, I cannot be killed."

I smiled and ignored his ignorance. "Be that as it may, even with your new strength you cannot win this fight."

He looked a little apprehensive and turned to Elijah. "What are you both to turn like father now?"

Elijah shook his head and heals up his hands smiling a little. "I'm not in this one. I'm only a casual observer."

Klaus looked a little more confident now. He turned to me and opened his arms. "Give it your best shot then."

As soon as the words left his mouth my knee connected with the underside of his jaw. Blood splashed everywhere and she went flying back several feet. I didn't let up though. I beat him worse than I did Damon and far more viscously. By the time I stopped, half the forest we were in was leveled and Klaus was a bloody mess.

I rammed my hand into the pile of rocks that was once a boulder the size of a building and pulled his bloody carcass out. Bones were sticking out of his skin all over and blood drenched every part of him. I tossed him before Elijahs feet. "Now that play time is over Niklaus, you'll bring me mothers coffin before the day is out or you'll truly experience my wrath. And brother.."

I kneeled down to face him while he healed slowly in agony. "If you try to deceive me or run, I'll make our little chat her looks like afternoon tea."

Elijah spoke up. "Don't worry, I'll go with him to keep him honest and retrieve my part of the bargain."

I looked to him and nodded. "Once I have mothers coffin both of you are to leave my town, and yes Niklaus this is my town. I've defended and protected it since long ago."

Klaus stood up finally saying."You are just like father!"

I back handed him. "Nik, I am nothing like him. The beating I just gave you was well deserved and you know it! Daggering our siblings and leaving them in boxes for centuries at a time. Or in Finn's case a millennium. Your petty little tantrums that saw the slaughter of thousands of innocent lives throughout the same time period. No little brother, you knew then as you know now that I only punish you when you do something wrong."

Klaus had tears in his eyes as he said. "You left us to run from father for centuries!"


I sighed and tried to calm down. After a few seconds I continued. "While you ran from father, he only chased you because you killed mother. Not that I blame you little brother. Had I been there, had you not all sided with them, I would have killed her and father for their transgressions the day I woke up from turning."

Niklaus's eyes shown with fear and then finally settled on sadness. I waved him off. "I've long since let it go Niklaus. So long as you give me mother's coffin I'll forgive you of all your other crimes now. I've had a thousand years to think on and let go of our past. Today's exchange was the last of it. I'll no longer find trouble with any of you so long as you give me mother's coffin and leave town. I'll even sweeten the pot, do so before sundown and I'll tell you where fathers desiccated corpse is and you can keep him locked up like you did the rest of our siblings for so long or kill him yourself. I'll meet you at the Salvatore house."

I turned to leave and headed towards where I knew Bonnie was at. She'd texted me all the details of the past few days. Elena's alive, John took off the ring and died. He left it to Elena with a note saying he wouldn't risk her life on my words.

Everyone went home so Bonnie's at her old house. The Martins were released to have their daughter/sister back and they even helped Bonnie complete a spell that freed her from Nik's manipulations. She sent them to help out Anna and Pearl with their tasks.

I received a text from Jason saying they were back on the hunt. Bonnie sent me a message saying we have a date to fulfill now. I chuckled to myself before heading over to her house. I showed up covered in Klaus's blood. When she welcomed me inside she asked. "How bad was it?"

I shrugged. "The worst beating I'd ever given out to anyone outside of battle. He's been forgiven and if he give up the coffin and leaves town all will be forgotten."

I channeled a little power and collected all the blood before filling a half gallon jug saying. "This is the cure to a werewolf bite. Later today I'll go back and collect the rest from the beating. We'll have to postpone our date till tonight but I've got a plan to make up for it later."

She asked curiously. "Oh? What's that?"

I smiled. "I'm taking you to a private island I bought for the summer break. It'll be you me and the beach all summer long. Martini's and skinny dipping on a beach. You can bring the grimoire to continue your education but nothing else distracting."

I pulled her into a hug and kiss while she smiled at my offer. When I released her she said. "Now that sounds like an acceptable date."

I nodded. "And when it's about to end I'll perform a ritual with your help to further our main plan along."

She nodded with a smile. "Nothing to dangerous I hope?"

I shook my head. "It just requires me to die at the end. But don't worry, I'll come back stronger than ever."

She shook her head and I sighed. "I have to love. Otherwise we stand no chance of surviving even if we win. After this ritual I'll be nearly unkillable. Like that my body will become a temporary talisman to draw that much energy through it. You'll have your talismans and I'll have my own body. I'll link it to the totem and we'll be one step closer to the end goal."

She looked really worried but I kissed her. "Relax love, there's also a chance it'll give me the ability to have kids again."

That shocked her. "How?"

I smiled a little. "The ritual will make me part wolf as well as making me far stronger. My bite will become lethal to any vampire, even my siblings. But the wolf is the interesting part. It will balance my witch and vampire side and I'll become a tribred. Vampires cannot have kids, but witches and werewolves can. Ayana and even Qetsiyah assured me it'll be a large possibility that I'll be able to afterwords. And I've taken an magical oath that if I were to have kids again, it would only ever be with you. That's the reason they've agreed to lend me the power of your ancestors to insure it works."

She was shocked and a little more than worried. "I need to sit down."

I nodded. "You'll have all the time you need to think about this love. Even after the ritual, I'll not try for a kid with you until we are wed and you've decided you're ready. I'm leaving all the decisions on this with you because even if you say no to the ritual or kids later or even marriage eventually, I'll still abide by it. But just know that one doesn't mean you have to decide on the others now or anytime soon."

She nodded and I shed before sitting beside her and holding her. Eventually I got a call from Damon. "Yeah Klaus is here and he brought a coffin, should I be worried?"

I sighed. "I'll be right there. So long as he doesn't attack don't provoke him."

I set my phone down and told Bonnie. "It's time to go see him love."

She nodded and I held her close before blurring and disappearing with her in my arms. We appeared at the Salvatore house a minute later. I led the way inside. They were in the parlor. Klaus tapped the coffin. "Mother's inside as promised and the sun hasn't set. I've kept up my end of the deal. Where is he?"

I held up a hand and touched the coffin. After feeling the magic surrounding it I turned to Niklaus. "And so you have. What of Elijah?"

He shrugged. "He left town with the others, now where is he?"

I nodded. "Very well. He's in a cemetery in Charlottesville. Leave town tonight and don't return. I've said my peace and so long as you do not return to this town I'll not have any problems with you."

He nodded. "For what it's worth brother, I do regret standing with them against you. We thought you battle mad. We were told we could only help you together."

I shook my head. "Already forgiven and forgotten little brother. I do feel bad about forcing you to leave town but almost everyone I care about is here and I'll not have them drawn into our siblings and your petty fights. Goodbye Niklaus and remember I love you my brother."

He shed a tear and replied. "And I you." Before disappearing in a blur.

I turned to Bonnie. "Inside the vaults if you would."

She nodded and touched the pendant. After a minute she spoke. "Something's wrong, there's interference that's stoping it. It says it would take too much power to take in. The plans would fail if it tried. Something is protecting the coffin."

I sighed. "That'll be my mother's faction on the other side. They have their own plans. Damn, this'll only make it harder, not impossible."

I touched the coffin and started absorbing the energy protecting it. Bonnie cried out and I stopped. "That clever bitch."

I let go of the coffin and grabbed Bonnie, keeping her from falling. She asked. "What was that?"

I sighed. "That love, was bloodline magic. It means she's linked herself to the spirits of your ancestors and she isn't willing to let go without a fight."

I sighed. "Another problem for another time."

I turned and picked up the coffin and grabbed Bonnie before turning to the Salvatore brothers. "I thank you for your patience, I'll take it from here. Klaus shouldn't be in town after tonight and everyone can go back to their lives. Goodnight."

I took Bonnie and the Coffin to the witch house. I put the coffin in the basement and told the spirits. "Make it unseen to everyone until I need it. No one but I should be able to see it until then. Bonnie and I will be leaving town tonight, lock the house down till we're back. I'll leave several talismans to help you all."

I tossed those I didn't need on the alter then I met Bonnie in the parlor. "Have you packed what you needed?"

She nodded. "I've got the grimoire."

I carried her to her old house saying. "Pack for a long summer in the sun. Whatever you don't bring we can buy later. I'll be back before you know it."

I ran to the cleared forest that I'd destroyed in the process of beating Nik and gathered nearly a gallon and a half of blood. I took it to the mansion and deposited it in the vault. And packed my own things. When I was ready, I drove to Bonnie's house and picked her up.

After that I told her. "Just two more stops and we're leaving town."

I drove to Elena's and Bonnie gave her goodbyes while I told Elena. "I need my mother's necklace now, my sister will come looking for it and if you have it when she finds you, she could react violently. Besides, it's a witches talisman and it keeps my mother's connection to this world strong. It's time I destroy it."

Elena handed it to me and as soon as I grabbed it it burnt my flesh and tried to wiggle free from my grasp. "Ah, Ah, mother, your not getting it back that easily. You may have a connection to the Bennet line but this necklace was never used by one of them."

I started drawing it at a fast speed and it's struggles floundered until all the magic in it was gone. "There, one less connection."

I tossed the necklace in the vault with Bonnie's pendant. Then I sighed. "We'll be gone all summer and I may be gone a little longer after that. After I drop Bonnie off Before school starts I'll be settling business with my staff."

I turned to Jeremy. "The manager is expecting you at the grill for a summer job, I'll be keeping good on my promise in about a week when Anna flys in from Kansas I think."

He grinned at that and I chuckled. "Don't be too happy, Vickie could be heading in as well by the end of summer."

He smiled wider and I shook his hand while he told me. "I'm going to keep practicing all you taught me."

I nodded. "Be sure to take off the Gilbert rings now that it's safe. They're a flawed design that eventually leads to madness and slaughter. Your ancestors were effected by it as well. I've a feeling it's my mother's way of trying to piss me off. I'll destroy the extra one but-"

I turned to Alaric now. "Keep the other two for emergencies. Just don't wear them all the time or tempt fate by freelance vampire hunting."

I sighed and turned to Elena. " I was very close with a few of your Petrova ancestors and I have to say, you may be the best of them. Try not to start any fights for the Salvatore brothers, they both love you, you know. You should know, I do as well, though in a different way. I see you and Jeremy as family."

Bonnie knew my meaning and smiled laughing a little with tears eyes. I gave Elena a hug and shook Jeremy's hand before devolving into a hug as well. I sighed as Bonnie gave them all hugs and I held the door as we left. The next place we went was Tyler Lockwood's house. We found him and Caroline outside talking.

I spoke as son as they saw us. "Caroline, why don't you and Bonnie talk for a bit. I need to have a chat with Tyler."

They left outside and I sat down next to him. "Tyler, I've done all I can to help you. I've tried to be a friend and I hope you see me the same way."

He nodded smiling. "You gave me more than I could ever ask for. If you're not my friend then I don't know who is."

I nodded. "Then as a friend I'll give you my last bit of wisdom. The ring is a crutch. Use it sure, but remember, you are still a wolf. I suggest you use it to turn. Repeatedly, until it is painless. Then and only then will you have mastered the wolf inside. You won't need the ring then, it's a secret that was buried in the histories of time. You'll be strong always."

He looked serious and went to speak I raised a hand. "Relax, it's just a bit of wisdom. If you want to use the ring for the rest of your life, do so. But, if you decide it is only a tool to make you stronger, then you can truly be wise. Keep it as a family heirloom and when your descendants turn leave words to them that'll make them stronger. There is one ring, pass it down to them after you've mastered it and they'll do the same."

He looked scared and thoughtful. When he spoke he had a firm resolve in his voice. "It'll take time, but I'll master it."

I nodded. "And a word to the wise. Your mother needs to know of your secret before she finds out on her own. It's bound to happen. That's why wolves do like Mason did and leave home when they turn."

He nodded solemnly. "Jules came by a couple days ago asking me to run with her again."

I shrugged and looked pointedly to Caroline. "I don't know what to tell you on that. Personally, I'd stay and fight for what I truly want."

He followed my gaze and I patted him on the back. "It's all down to how bad you want it. In the end, it's the people we fight for that truly define us I think."

I stood up and said. "Goodbye my friend. I'm off to give Bonnie the best summer I can think of."

I shook his hand and walked over to Caroline before asking. "You heard my advise to him?"

She nodded. "Yeah, though I don't know how to apply it to my life."

I shrugged. "Then maybe it's time to come clean to the ones you love. Compulsion is a cowardly move. I've only used it to defend my family and those I love from others. That's why I removed the temptation with the vervain in the water supply. If you truly love someone, you'll give them the choice to love you back without your control."

She sighed and started a rant. I shook my head and told her after she stopped. "Life is supposed to be difficult and gritty. It's why love means so much more when you find it. Because nothing is perfect. That's why I use my mantra and tell those I care about that I am just a man. I am flawed and broken in places. I try and that's all I can do in the end. Because true courage is trying when the odds are against you and standing up when the world tells you to fail."

She went quiet and I held out a hand to her. "It's been a pleasure, Caroline. I'll see you agin in a few months I think."

She looked at my hand before giving me a hug. I chuckled and told her. "I've sealed up the dangerous parts of my mansion. If you decide to tell your mom all about yourself and she rejects you, your welcome to stay there."

She squeezed harder and I sighed. "I've told you about courage, well, wisdom is preparing for all outcomes and learning from them one at a time as they come to you. So long as you learn something no matter how small, you won't make the same mistakes next time. You have eternity, but you need to fess up to her in her lifetime not yours."

She cried a little as she released me. I took Bonnie's hand after they hugged and led her back to the car. As we drove away, Bonnie smiled. "They're going to be ok."

I nodded. "Yes, they are. Now let's have some fun."

I drove us to the private hanger where the jet was waiting. Once we were loaded up, I asked her as we started to take off. "Have you ever wanted to join the mile high club?"

She laughed and we had a very long flight. I kept my promise the first week after we arrived. We settled on the entire island as a bed and found ourselves entangled all over the place. When she found herself sore we stopped long enough for a massage and a healing spell.

We were currently a month in and now in the hot tub sipping Mai tai's, while she video called Elena and her other friends. She was describing all the locations we'd been to without mentioning all the sex. I chuckled at her evasion but kept it to myself.

When it was Elena's turn she spoke. "It's been normal around here, though Stefan disappeared not long after you left saying he had to visit an old friend. Damon's been rather fun lately throwing parties. Aunt Jenna and Ric are like a couple teenagers now, sneaking off to have sex. You know, I actually found them having sex on the kitchen counter. Who does that?"

I chuckled and poked my head over in the cameras view. "Yeah, that's a good question-"

Bonnie shaved me out of view. "Quiet you!"

Elena burst out laughing from very far away. She asked. "Wait , wait. You two were in the kitchen having sex?"

I chuckled. "Not your kitchen Elena, I do have morals."

Bonnie spoke next. "You said that on the volcano as well, but it didn't seem to stop you then either."

I laughed. "Hey, it seemed romantic and passionate. "

She came back into the camera view while looking at me and saying. "We caused a natural disaster! It erupted!"

I smiled and came before here with a kiss. "It did didn't it? And I was right, it was passionate."

Elena spoke up. "Wait what? You caused a volcano to erupt?"

I grinned and looked at Elena in the camera. "Correction, it exploded very violently. I had to teleport us out of there before running through a jungle bare ass naked carrying this one while my ass was on fire and lava rained from the sky."

I turned to see Bonnie's heavy lidded eyes as she was remembering it. Elena was stunned. "How did you cause it to erupt?"

I turned to Elena and sighed. "Bonnie channeled Mother Nature and I channeled sex magic and the combination was explosively orgasmic."

Bonnie snorted. "Yeah, that is until he had to jump off a cliff to avoid the lava. And our clothes burnt as well."

I shrugged. "We made it to the other side and we weren't using our clothes at the time, so it's fine."

Elena was laughing her ass off now and Jeremy had apparently come in and joined her in time as well.

I turned to Bonnie. "You are a force of nature in and of itself my goddess."

She kissed me passionately and we were interrupted by some coughing. We looked over and all the video calls were linked now to all her friends. I chuckled. "I'll leave you to it love, I'll go start the grill."

I gave her a quick kiss before leaving to keep my word. After that night, we traveled the whole island taking pictures while enjoying ourselves in innocent fun as well as passionate nights. On the last night we had there we ended up causing a tsunami that hit a nearby uninhabited island.

If one were to look at the news they'd find it was actually not as innocent as it seems. We had apparently been effecting weather patterns in the Bahamas since we arrived.

I chuckled when I showed it to her and she blushed in embarrassment. She'd become far more adept at magic in these two months. To the point where I didn't have to fear her fighting any vampire other than original's.

On our flight trip back I got a mission accomplished text from Jason. They'd been successful in acquiring the werewolf venom and had it waiting for us. The Martins trip to the witch prison house for Freya's blood was successful as well. They even left her a message from me for when she wakes up.

When we landed at the private airstrip I owned I turned to Bonnie. "It's time, I need to know if you want to do this. I won't do it without you."

Bonnie looked serious. "If you think it has to be done I trust your judgement."

I sighed and nodded. "To win, it does."

I drove us to the graveyard where it needed to be done. Jonas and his family were waiting with Jason. When we arrived I got out with Bonnie and prepared the circle and the alter.

When it was ready I turned to Bonnie and touched the pendant, pulling out a Kyanite stone and a fragment of white oak from the sign. I put them on the alter and turned to Jonas first.

He handed me a vial of blood then Jason handed the bottles of venom and a box.

I prepared it all and got ready to begin. Bonnie held out her hand and we started. "Ancestors of the Bennet line, across space and time, we summon you here in this hour and need. Step forward from the other side use your power and mine."

Seconds later we were surrounded by them all. Qetsiyah and Ayana stepped out from the encircling spirits. "You've made your oath, we've come to fulfill our own. Sisters, brothers,, lend them your power for this spell and fulfill our side."

The witches began chanting as one. " Filia maximo. Filia maximo. morsus, morsus, morsus, morsus, morsus, morsus. advenio donec duo est revertus mors..."

The fire below the cauldron lit and the alter came alive. I started mixing the ingredients together as the Bennet witches continued to chant. After it was nearly complete I tossed in the bone I'd pulled from the box and added my own curse to the mix.

Qetsiyah laughed at my own enhancements to the spells ingredients and I chanted with them. "Filia maximo. Filia maximo. morsus, morsus, morsus, morsus, morsus, morsus. advenio donec duo est revertus mors..."

Bonnie and the Martins joined as well. Soon it was completed and the chanting stopped. I poured half the contents into a glass and drank it. I raised my hand over the second half and chanted. "Hoc liquidum lapidea." Repeatedly.

When it took the shape I envisioned, I picked it up and pulled a ring out of my pocket before installing it into it. I bound the stone to the ring and set it down, before turning to Qetsiyah. "Your part is next."

She nodded and chanted in a language that was so old I'd never heard of it let alone spoke it. When she was done she turned to Bonnie and handed it to her. "Part of the bargain we struck was that you would bare his only weakness. This ring will be the only thing that can kill him."

After she gave it to Bonnie, she stepped back in with the other witches and began chanting something new. I felt my body weaken and before long I fell to my knees. Ayana stepped forwards now. "I raised you as my own in life, I shall be the one who gives you rebirth my child."

She shoved her hand in my chest and pulled out my heart. I blacked out and knew no more. It must have been several days because I woke up ravenous. I sat bolt upright in bed. Bonnie was next to me and woke up because of me. "Easy, easy. The spirits said you'd be disoriented and hungry when you woke up. I'll have someone bring you some blood."

I nodded. "How long has it been?"

She smiled. "Three days. I start school tomorrow."

A little while later Jason showed up with a portable cooler. I drank and drank, emptying the cooler. "I have never been this thirsty before. I'll have to learn control all over again."

Jason nodded and left with the empty cooler. Bonnie sat up beside me and leaned on my chest. "You'll have to learn to control your strength as well. Your several times stronger than before. I asked my grams what the bone was in the box and she told me it was the oldest form of wolf. I actually had to look it up, your a dire werewolf."

I chuckled and nodded. "From what I understand of it, the originator of the werewolf curse used a similar bone in her spell as well. I know Qetsiyah was amused as I tried to get as close as I could to it for any chance at giving us children later."

Bonnie blushed and nodded. "Why the white oak though?"

I chuckled. "White oak is a natural immortal tree. It just so happens that my mother used it in her vampire spell long ago to give us immortality. It was one of the few things that could kill an original vampire. Though it can't kill me now, only you can do that."

She shook her head defiantly and fingered the ring on her finger with the swirling colored stone. "I'd never do that!"

I chuckled. "Never say never love. But, I appreciate the venom in your words. It warms my heart."

She smiled. "About that heart warming."

I chuckled. "Give me a minute and I'll see to it you regret those words. I need to apply a contraceptive spell now or odds are you'll be a teen mom."

She paled a little then blushed. I chuckled and did the spell before pulling the covers off her slowly saying. "Vampires had a heightened sex drive and now with the werewolf side added I'm going to be horny for you all the time."

She bit her lip and whispered. "Then we'd best teach you control."

My eyes shifted a little and my raging hard on nearly drove me to madness as her sultry voice. I growled and she laughed a little before I lunged and pend her down. Soon her laughs turned to moans then screams of ecstasy. By morning she was tired and limping a little and something about her gait spoke of great sex and lots of it.

I drove her to school before spending the day training my new senses that were screaming at me. I locked myself in the basement and went through my first shift. I couldn't really tell what I looked like but As far as I could tell I was a snow white color and bigger than any wolf I'd ever seen.

The pain was excruciating but I kind of liked it a little. It made me feel excitement for what came after. Thanks to the kyanite I'd added I was in full control of myself. I looked up the stairs and pawed the door. After a few minutes Jason opened it to se me. When I saw him I knew I was chest high to him on all fours.

He raised an eyebrow. "Master?"

I nodded as best I could then bolted as soon as he opened the door all the way. I ran past him to my bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I was all white and my eye were black except the burning red rings in them.

He laughed when he saw me looking at myself when he caught up. I turned to him and snorted. I shifted back in front of him. He handed me a towel when I was done saying. "That looked unpleasant. "

I grunted. "It was. I'll have to spend some time shifting repeatedly to get it down painlessly."

He nodded. "Is it time?"

I sighed. "Gather all the staff that are unwilling to leave and want to turn. I'll make them into vampires tonight. Make sure they take the oath Jason. I won't make monsters like those that follow my siblings around. They're never to drink directly from humans, I'll compel it so, even you."

He nodded. "I know old friend. I want nothing to do with killing humans."

He left to carry out my orders and I began training my body and senses in earnest. I don't want to touch Bonnie and end up hurting her so I started with picking up eggs. It took a while and while I trained, Jason had to pick up Bonnie from school.

When she saw me covered in exploded egg, all was forgiven as she laughed at my expression. For blood lust control, Jason brought in bleeding animals. I can fairly say it was an interesting day. Later that night Bonnie stood beside me as I turned the staff into vampires. After I broke their necks she spoke. "Why did you want to turn them?"

I sighed. "I never really wanted to. They asked and stayed on for it because they wanted to serve forever. They were afraid I'd be alone without them and couldn't bare the thought after I helped raise them and became their friends. They agreed to all my demands to ensure they were safe around others and in exchange they asked that should I ever die they be aloud to watch over their own families from afar. They will never seek to turn anyone be it themselves or through others. Every staff member has seen more combat then most care to. They are war weary and will not seek a fight but only defend if necessary."

She nodded and I told her. "I'm making them stronger to defend themselves in the end. I don't wish to see any of them killed so I'll give them this."