
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs

Ch. 8

When the staff all woke up I handed each a blood back and started compelling them to be all they were before and to never drink from a human or witch. I used those words because if a vampire or something else picks a fight it's fair game. After it was done I told them I had their rings waiting in their rooms and left.

They need time to themselves now to get used to their own bodies. Luckily for me they weren't sure bonded to me but it was close. Especially Jason. He'd been the one I'd personally groomed and trained before he ever saw combat. Now he was a little energetic to do things, luckily it was not just for me.

He had a people pleaser personality and now it was magnified. He was also a perfectionist so right now he was doing the egg test as well. I followed Bonnie outside and asked. "Care for a trip to the grill? I've gotten the urges under control now. They weren't as strong as I was expecting, I guess wolves aren't that into blood compared to vampires. I even completed the egg test so as long as we don't use thin glass I'll be fine."

Bonnie nodded. "The grill it is then. Tonight though, you're showing me your wolf form."

I nodded. "I'll leave it as a surprise. Just remember I'm big. Dire wolves were the largest out there and I managed to enhance even that."

She nodded. "I'll keep it in mind. If your big enough I'll ride you."

I grinned and pulled her towards me. "Oh, I promise I'm big enough love. But then, you already know that."

She blushed and I pressed her hand to the effected area saying. "Maybe a quick stop to the bedroom before we go. Your words had an instantaneous effect on me."

She blushed deeper and nodded. "Alright, I'll take responsibility for it. But I'll remember this when you're in better control of your body."

I grinned. "I look forwards to it."

We ended up spending several hours in there before we left. Her gait spoke wonders again. She drove us to the grill because it was the only way to ensure we got there without road sex on the way.

I desperately tried controlling myself around her and it was barely showing. I sighed and decided a trip to the time room was the only way I'd ever regain my full faculties without public sex. I'd do it tomorrow while she was at school.

Bonnie went to speak then stopped. Her pendant started shining a little. She spoke. "Someone is trying to summon something inside the vault!"

I grunted and touched the pendant. After a second my mother's necklace appeared in my hand. I started sparking and I drew it's power out. I felt the locator spell and sent the witch on the other end a message. She screamed in agony for awhile and I heard her say my name before her head exploded and the connection was lost.

I grunted. "A thief tried to interfere in my business. She paid for it though. She just killed herself to stop me from taking her magic."

Bonnie looked pensive and I sighed. "Relax, she's a voodoo high priestess. You should know what that means."

Bonnie nodded. "She used a substitute didn't she?"

I nodded. "She'll be back in a day or two, though I doubt she'll try again after that. Most witches back off when they know it's me. I avoid harming them until they attack, if this one hadn't overreacted I'd have stopped. I was just sending a warning after all. I wonder why she was looking for it. I've already drained it of power and the little she used to find it was drained as well."

Bonnie spoke up. "She could want it for her collection."

I nodded. "Ayana used to do the same. She had my mother's for awhile to do a few spells as well."

I shrugged and handed it to Bonnie. "Put it back. I'll keep an eye out for anyone coming to look for it. They should be looking for me as well."

She nodded and the pendant took it in again. I touched the pendant ant it vibrated it's answer. Bonnie spoke. "It says it'll keep an eye on it and warn us If anything try's again."

I nodded. "Alright, lets eat."

I waved over a waiter and Jeremy actually came over. He'd changed a lot in the two months we'd been gone. He was filled out with a slim muscular physique and he carried himself with a calm confidence. "What's up?"

I chuckled. "Sup kid. You look more relaxed now, I take it you've kept up your training?"

He nodded. "I don't even wear the ring anymore. I'd prefer not to go all psycho and commit mass murder or something."

I nodded. "How's the martial arts coming along?"

He shrugged. "It's apart of the self discipline I'm practicing so pretty good I guess. I haven't had anyone to practice with really."

I nodded. "Come by the mansion when you get some free time. The staff will pick up your training for you. Just be careful, they're newborns."

He looked surprised. "You turned them? Did they turn out like you?"

I shook my head. "They became regular vamps. But they've already got control of themselves and they're working out the kinks. Don't worry, they don't feed on humans."

He looked relieved then asked. "Did you compel them not to?"

I nodded. "Apart of the agreement I'm afraid. They loose most of the stuff other vamps enjoy. I won't turn people into monsters. They only feed from bagged blood and animals. They can't turn anyone and they don't compel people."

He nodded. "I can see how that would dampen the appeal for some I guess but for others.."

I shook my head. "After college, if Anna or whatever vampire your currently dating agrees and you're sure you don't want kids, I won't say anything if they turn you. Before then I'll kick yours and their asses if if they're already dead."

He had a complex look now. "Still better than Elena's demands. I practically have to be dying and no other way out."

I shrugged. "Its a big decision and her vision is clouded by those she's dated or that wants to date her."

He raised an eyebrow. "But now you? You're like the only male vamp that isn't attracted to her. Even that Elijah fellow was giving her a weird stare."

I snorted and Bonnie laughed. She spoke up for me. "He doesn't view her like that. It's more like a parent sees a child. He views you as a kid brother and Elena as a daughter."

Jeremy laughed. "Are you serious? Ha, finally hire them her on the pecking order."

I chuckled. "Sure whatever floats your boat."

Bonnie told him our orders and he left with a smile. I asked Bonnie. "Should I have told him Vickie's on the way to town?"

She shook her head. "Let him figure it out himself."

I shrugged. "So how's school?"

She gave me the run down. "Elena's sort of miserable since Stefan hasn't come back since he left to meet an old friend. Caroline and Tyler are together now and going at it like bunnies. Matt's actually the most solid right now. He's been promoted to assistant manager here on his own merits. I recommend him for a raise."

I raised an eyebrow and she asked. "What? Not like you care about money anyway."

I chuckled. "Fair point. Just tell Jason how much to raise his pay. Technically he's an outside separate employee since we're the ones paying him."

She nodded. "Well he's actually doing good and he's moving into a new bigger house soon. Then there's Caroline, her and Tyler told their moms the whole truth and showed them their other sides. Caroline's mom took it hard but she's accepting it now that she knows everything. Apparently Caroline used your words to help her and she even mentioned you as a friend. Though not by name."

She took a deep breath. "Tyler's mom was more resilient and stoic. She's accepted it's a family curse and he's given his ring up for future generations. Apparently, his mom keeps it in their own family vault in the basement of the manor. He's mastered his wolf now though I doubt he'd show it. Maybe you two can get together for a run or something."

I shrugged. "Maybe. Wolves need a pack after all. Will you be the wolf master then?"

She smiled and I kissed her. "I'll talk to him about it sometime. I have a lot of woods behind the manor we can run in."

She nodded. "Already thinking ahead. Then there's Elena's problem. With Stefan gone so long, Damon's been there for her and I can tell she's become fond of him."

I nodded. "Figures. When the tigers away the monkeys play."

Bonnie snorted in laughter. "Is Elena a monkey too in that analogy?"

I nodded. "Damon and her are actually more compatible. Stefan's to wrapped up in his own guilt to actually be there for her emotionally. He has two spectrum of emotions, while he's nice and all, if he flips his switch, he becomes the worst part of all vampires, the bloodlust turns him into a ripper."

She looked solemn. "What's a ripper?"

I sighed. "It only happens to truly pure hearted people who are turned into vampires. Their blood addicts basically. They get caught up in feeding that they black out and they rip the humans apart, killing them in the process. Later, when they come to, they'll feel remorse so powerful that it addles their minds and they try to put the humans they kill back together again. It's why he's on the animal diet. He wasn't cut out for being a vampire."

I sighed and sat back at her horrified expression. "The sad part is, he doesn't remember the kills as much as humans one moment and dead bodies the next. I'm sure he hates it by now but then Damon's hated being a vampire since he became one. Its why he has a could give a shit attitude. He knows he can never be human again and he's been to the edge of suicide enough to not really care about his own life. It just as the adverse effect of making him a dumb ass at times. He's searching for a reason to live. Him and Elena would make a descent enough pair if they so chose."

She sighed. "I guess. I just figured you would want her with someone human."

I shook my head. "I want her to be happy. I could care less the specifics of her partners. I've always wanted them to be happy, and so few ever were."

She patted my arm. "I understand the feeling."

I smiled. "Love, I would do anything to make you happy."

She smiled and kissed me before saying. "You already do."

The next day while Bonnie was at work, I had completed my training and headed to the grill where she said to meet her. While I sat in the booth waiting, a blonde woman sat down in front of me. "Hello Bekah. I'm surprised Elijah didn't warn you about this town and me."

She looked apprehensive for a second before asking. "Where's mother's necklace?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What, no hello, how are you doing after a millennium?"

She shook her head. "Since you're alive and clearly knew where we were I guessed you were mad at us."

I sighed. "You and our other siblings gave me a lot to do, saving so many people from your bloody rampage throughout the old world and eventually the new."

She snorted. "We were on the run!"

I shook my head. "Not always sister. And don't feed me excuses. I'm well aware you knew father was only after Nik. Otherwise you wouldn't have summoned him to New Orleans."

She looked scared now. I waved a hand. "I've no interest in telling Nik. Hell, if you've brought the daggers he used on you and our siblings I'll even destroy them for you."

She shook her head. "Nik would kill me if I removed them."

I raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't Elijah have them? I could've sworn Nik handed the coffins over to him."

She shook her head. "Nik daggered him as well. He freed me to get mother's talisman to contact her and see why he can't make his stupid bloody hybrids."

I sighed. "Nik lied to me then. I'll deal with him appropriately after I find him."

She went quiet for a second then spoke. "He can't be stopped, not now that he broke that bloody curse."

I snorted. "He's not the only one who was born with a curse little sister. I promise you If you bring me to him I'll make him pay for his lie. Then I'll free Elijah and complete my deal with him."

She got up. "If you're confident you can beat him-"

I chuckled. "Beat him before he left town to look for werewolves to change. He must be dumber than I thought though. I went easy on him because he was my little brother. He only lost two gallons of blood and broke a descent size hill with his forehead before I stopped."

Her eyebrows raised. I snorted. "You seem surprised little sister. I was always the strongest of us. My own curse made sure of that."

She looked confused. "What curse?"

I chuckled and grabbed her arm. I channeled a little power from her and made the tips of my fingers catch fire. "Magic sister, I was cursed to never have my own, but to always be able to take it from others. I don't need white oak to kill our siblings because I can destroy the spell that binds them. Even Nik's werewolf side is a magic curse. I could kill you right now with a touch and a thought. Your body would return to human and die from the extreme age."

She looked terrified. I chuckled. "Relax sister, I'm not Nik. I wouldn't do it to you unless you harmed my heart. And I'm not talking about feelings either."

She raised an eyebrow. "Then what is your 'heart'?"

Bonnie walked over from the doorway and I held out my hand to her. "This sister, is my heart. Though I call her Bonnie most days."

Rebekah snorted. "You expect me to believe some-"

I grabbed her arm and it desiccated. "Careful what you say about her or I'll end even you sister."

She went quiet and I released her arm. "Even Nik would hold his tongue around her or I'd hold it for him. Now, while I'm surprised Nik was able to dagger Elijah so quickly, I'm less surprised he would do so. Though where he gets the guts to lie to me like that, I haven't a clue but I'll be sure he spills them soon enough."

I turned to Bonnie and told her. "I'll have to cancel our lunch plans love, I have a brother itching for another beating."

She nodded. "Just be quick about it, tonight's prank night at the school. I promised Caroline we'd go."

I nodded then handed her the keys to the car before turning to Rebekah. "Lead the way."

She lead me to a warehouse that had a cargo truck in front. When I checked inside I saw the coffins. I opened them till I found Elijah and just as I was about to pull out his dagger, one burst through my chest from my back.

I closed my eyes and absorbed its magic before reaching behind me and grabbing the hand holding it. I forced them to pull it out and turned to see Nik. "Nice try little brother, but this is going to earn you a beating that father would envy. You not only lied to me but you tried to kill me, albeit temporarily but that's beside the point."

I grabbed him by the throat and he roared as his face changed some. I squeezed until he passed out the I turned and pulled the dagger out of Elijah. Rebekah saw the whole thing and she looked caught between hopeful and terrified.

I melted both daggers in my hands and sat down to wait. Stefan showed up not long after looking terrified. "What are you doing here? I was told you were off meeting friends."

He sighed. "Klaus and I were friends in the twenties. He compelled me to forget when he ran from someone."

I shrugged. "Probably our father. Even when we were human father must have sensed he wasn't his. He beat him regularly unless I was there. I prevented as much as I could but I couldn't always be there. When we turned, I'm sure Klaus killed someone and triggered his curse. After mother cursed him to satisfy our father wrath, Nik killed her when she refused to lift her curse. Our father chased him for killing his wife and Nik had the balls to lie to our siblings as to why he was chasing them. He wanted Nik dead for destroying our family when the real fault lay with our whore mother."

Rebekah smacked me. "Lie! You weren't even there!"

I snorted. "Little sister, I know nearly every detail of all your lives. Just because I wasn't there doesn't mean I wasn't watching from afar. I know of Tristan and the rest as well as Elijah's strix. I know of your lovers and spurned woman and Kol's witches and bloody path. I even know of Sage, Finn's lover. Like I said, there's little I don't know about you all and when I say something I do not lie. At least not about serious things."

She sat down. "It can't be true."

"It is."

I sighed. "Sorry for the wait Elijah. Nik lied about it and I'd thought you gone."

Elijah got up and I offered him my wrist. He bit it a started looking better. When he was good enough I asked him. "Are we good now? You have your coffins and I have mine. I'm about to teach Nik the reason the witches never made a dagger for me."

Rebekah snorted. "You already did that when you pulled it out like it was nothing and melted yours and Elijah's."

Elijah raised an eyebrow and nodded. "You kept up your end of the bargain. I was caught by surprise is all."

I shrugged. "They're yours to do with as you please. After I kick Nik's ass again you can take him with you and leave town. I'll be keeping the Salvatore he compelled and ran off with though."

He nodded. "Do try not to destroy another forest though."

I chuckled and kicked Klaus out of the truck and into the nearly empty warehouse. "Wake up little brother. The sooner you're up, the sooner the beating is over."

Nik got up and tried to flee. I was on him in a second and tackled him to the ground. The concrete cracked as I started beating him into the ground. The building shook and Nik's screams of agony rang out, echoing in the remote warehouse. After half an hour of constant beating, Nik looked less like a human and mor like a bloody bag of flesh with bones sticking out. I stood up from the crater I'd created with him in the center. I looked to see our other siblings awake now and looking at Nik with scorn and hatred.

Sighing I told Nik as he healed. "The next time you lie to me I'll do something a little more permanent. I could always dagger you and stick you in a box, but then that would make me like you so my way will be more painful. I'll tie you to an anchor and desiccate you before throwing you in a well for a few hundred years. You'll drown over and over again as your own immortality keeps you from ending yourself."

I shook my head. "You tried to kill me and I can forgive that slight. I've been at war nearly all my life, but I won't be lied to by my own family."

I walked out of the crater and hugged Kol. "My favorite brother, it's good to see you. Although I can't give you what you desire, if you find a willing witch I'll put you in his body so you can practice magic again. It won't be a permanent solution but a temporary fix works just as well."

I released him and he looked stunned. I sighed. "I watched you all from afar and while you disappointed me at times, I was never truly angry over it after I meditated."

I turned to Finn. "I know you seek mother's body so she can resurrect, let me warn you now, neither you nor she can kill me. While I could kill you all if I so wished. If life as this existences so bad, I can give you the same option as Kol. Maybe you can have a human experience again. Fall in love, or see a movie. Either way Finn, you plot with mother and you'll join her in death. I'll see to that personally."

He frowned. "We are an abomination. A blight on humanity."

I snorted. "Mother turned us into vampires. You turned yourselves into monsters. I am not an abomination, I am as I have always been, cursed. There is no fixing me. My curse is to my soul. I should know, I've delved deeper into the magical arts then even mother ever did. If you want, I can compel you to only feed on animals and never harm humans."

He looked thoughtful at that. "I think I could live with that."

I nodded. "Just remember, you won't be able to fight back if a human attacks you. One lucky hunter with white oak and your toast."

He shrugged. "It's worth the risk."

I nodded and looked him in the eyes. "You will only feed from forest animals and never harm humans."

I turned away as it took hold. I looked to Elijah as he asked. "How did you do that?"

I sighed. "I wasn't lying when I said I'd gone further into magic than our mother. I've gone so far as to alter my very being. I'm no longer an original vampire. I am a witch, vampire and werewolf all in one. I cannot be killed by white oak and my bite will kill any vampire. Original or not."

They all looked shocked and Klaus looked horrified. "I'm the hybrid!"

I grinned. "And I'm the tribrid."

He looked defeated. I sighed. "Klaus, you want to be unique? I get that, but then you want to make more like you? What was wrong with vampires? Anyway, that's not the point I'm trying to make."

I sat on a coffin one of them had tossed out. "The point is, whether vampire or werewolf or hybrid or even tribrid, there all just spells witches created in the end. If you want to make more hybrids I'll tell you how, so long as you get the hell out of my town. While they're in transition feed them the blood of a doppelgänger."

Klaus cursed. "I killed her!"

I snorted. "You're an idiot. Did you think I'd let you come into my town and kill whomever you please? I'd have put you down before you even got the chance. No, I ensured the doppelgänger is alive with a spell."

Klaus demanded. "Then you'll give her to me so I can leave!"

I snorted. "Speak to me like that again and I'll continue your beating. I'm not your servant or slave. You have no right to demand anything from me."

He went pale so I continued. "Besides she's not my slave either. I don't own her, I protect her is all. If you want her blood you can be a big boy and ask her for it. If she says yes without coercion or being compelled, I'll not stop you. My advice is to trade her for it. You're old and rich, I'm sure she wouldn't say no to money for blood. Plenty of humans sell theirs nowadays. Or trade some of your art, I know I have a few of your earlier pieces locked up in storage. She might like them or something else. My point is, be a man and not a boy throwing a tantrum."

He looked like I'd punched him in the gut. I sighed. "I'm one of the richest men on the planet. I don't often say it because it's tacky but I got to be that way by my own two hands. I fought in so many wars for money and to let that other side of me loose. After it started to mean something I caught for whatever I thought was right and I took the money I made and invested it. I grew up long before I was ever a vampire and I only blame those responsible for that. It's time all of you grew up."

I turned to Kol. "You're desire to make a dagger to harm Nik is petty and vindictive. Grow up and find love. Find someone that makes your heart beat for them."

I turned to Rebekah. "Stop window shopping for love, it makes it cheap when you do find it. Look for other things in a person than their silver tongue."

I turned to Elijah. "Nik is not your responsibility nor fault. He's a grown ass man with daddy issues all his own. When he's truly ready he'll have his chance at real redemption."

I turned to Finn. "Your the one whose known me the longest so all I'll say is she's alive."

He shuddered at that and I held up my wrists. "As you can see, I'm no longer wearing my bracelet. You know my words are true now. Stop being so depressed. I get that it sucked being dead that long and having to listen to mother's nagging, but she never really lived either. And if I have my way she'll never get to. You know why I hate her and you know I'll kill her if she ever wakes up from that coffin. But I'll make you a deal. If she does, I'll turn her in front of you. Then you can see for yourself how loose her morals are. I already know the answer. Now go live. I know for a fact Sage is still alive."

I turned to Klaus. "I don't really have any advice for you Nik, you're just not ready to hear my words."

I turned and grabbed the daggers from the ground. I melted them to slag before their eyes. "These should have been destroyed long ago. Now that they are, you have nothing to fear from Nik. Even if he finds fathers white oak stake, he'll use it on father to ensure his own safety."

I turned to look at Klaus. "And god help you if I hear otherwise Nik. Because I'll turn your hybrid ass into a throw rug."

And like that I was done. I blurred grabbing Stefan and ran back to the grill where I knew Bonnie would be waiting. I found her in the booth I'd left. "Hello love, did you miss me?"

She looked at me then Stefan before asking. "What happened?"

I shrugged. "Nik was being a dick. I taught him to be otherwise. Stefan here is under his compulsion. He needs to go in the vault till I or you can free him of that. Elena May get very rich soon and I think some of my siblings are going to try staying in town. If they start anything I'll end it and send them packing. Oh, and I destroyed all those dumb daggers."

She took it in stride. I blocked everyone's view while she put Stefan in the vault for later. I texted Lexi to get here for a Stefan detox and then texted Elena to meet us at the grill. We ate while we waited and when she showed up I gave her the low down. I smiled at the end. "You can name your price to Klaus. I'll ensure he keeps it or fucks off. I suggest bonds or cash. Although he's a talented artist as well, so it's up to you. You can sell it by the pint or not at all. If you choose not to sell it I'll inform him to leave town. Just think on it."

She nodded and joined us for a meal. When we were done we headed to the school for mischief night. We set up several pranks for the teachers, though I was mostly leg work and extra hands it seemed fun.

The next day after I dropped Bonnie off at school, I found Rebekah and Elijah at my front door. "What is it I can do for you today?"

Elijah asked. "We'd like to stay in town. I understand you want us gone but we were hoping you'd reconsider."

I sighed and opened the door. "You don't feed on or compel anyone. You harm Bonnie in any way I'll end you. You don't harm her friends and you don't lie to me unless you want a beating."

I turned to face Rebekah. "Your a Viking woman so I'll extend it to you as well. I know your temper, you're not a child I'll coddle."

Elijah heard my rules and nodded. "I accept."

I turned to Rebekah who spoke next. "Fine, I accept."

I opened the door wider for them to come in and I went inside myself. "Oh and stay out of the basement unless you want cursed. It's protected by several thousand spells that'll even hurt you a little."

I passed them to the parlor and poured myself a drink. As I sat down they both came inside. "There's plenty of rooms in this house. The cars in the garage are at your disposal when they're not in use and you'll find plenty of blood bags in the coolers all over the house. If you want to go somewhere far away, I have a private airport and a fleet of private jets on standby. Leave the staff alone unless it's to ask a question. They'll answer to the best of their abilities and if you harm one of them I'll get to find out if you can breath without lungs or any major organs."

They shivered and nodded. I offered them a glass saying. "The best alcohol money can buy. Drink as much as you want, I've got plenty."

A couple hours later, Lexi arrived. I led her to the basement and into the vault. She asked. "What Is all this?"

I smiled." The most dangerous place for a thief. My personal vaults. Stefan's in here."

I waved a hand and we arrived in a large room where Stefan is trapped behind a glass wall. "So, how long till he's back to normal, no rush, just curious."

She looked at Stefan's very calm expression before saying. "It'll take a while."

I nodded. "Blood bags will be provided for you every time you ask. When you're ready for a break or done for the night just say it out loud and you'll be dropped off in the basement. Be warned I have family in the house. If they start something come get me and I'll end it for you."

She nodded. "So you're an original?"

I shrugged. "Something like that."

I left in wave and went to see a woman about a cave. I met Carol Lockwood. "How would you like to have proof Vikings found America first, well, next to the Indians of course?"

She raised an eyebrow. "I take it you have proof?"

I shook my head. "Nope, you do. It's currently sitting in the old cellar Tyler showed you his transformation in."

She looked shocked. "How did you know about that?"

I chuckled. "Because I'm the one who gave him the ring that allowed him to do so."

She asked. "What are you?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Cursed like him and more. I figured he could use a break after all the crap he's been through. So, what do you say to an evening exploring a cave system over a thousand years old with me? It'll be dangerous for you to go by yourself. It's booby trapped."

She sighed. "Fine, if nothing else it'll be something I can show the historical society."

I nodded and waited for her to change before driving her over to the old slave quarters. She followed me inside while I carried lanterns. When I was at the right wall, I told her. "Stand back a bit, I don't want any flying debris to hit you when I break the wall down."

She backed away and asked. "How do you know it's even here?"

I chuckled. "My family has been here for over a thousand years. I own the land half the town sits on. My ancestors are the ones that sold the land to the Lockwood's to look after. You see Carol, these lands were werewolf territory before and since. The Lockwood's were just the newest wolves to own it."

I punched the wall and it came apart like a collapsing building. When the dust settled I handed her a lamp, saying. "Follow me, and be careful."

She nodded and followed me through the newly uncovered entrance. I led the way and when we reached the two way juncture I stopped. "There's a trap to the right, but it's also the direction we need to go."

She asked. "What's to the left?"

I chuckled. "These tunnels go all over under the town. This isn't the only entrance but it is the easiest to take someone else with me for. I'll deal with the trap, just stand back a little."

I walked into the trap and when it activated, I moved and pulled the wooden poles out of the walls before tossing them to the side. When I finished, I turned to Carol. "Come along, we're almost there."

I led her a little further and I stopped at the entrance for a second before the magic felt I was a witch and let me pass. I pulled a couple flashlights off my belt and turned up the lanterns before setting them down to cover more lit up areas.

I turned to Carol. "Tada! Cave paintings that go back more than a thousand year's as promised. And the best part for you is that vampires can't enter this part of the cave."

I passed her the flashlights and she started taking pictures with her fancy camera she brought. After a while I got bored. "Alright, it's time to go get something to eat. While this is fascinating and all, for me it's kind of boring as well."

She replied. "Perhaps you're right. I'll come back here with a survey team and some historical society people to get official carbon dating on this. It'll reshape how the world views the history of America."

I shrugged. "Want to get lunch at the grill? My treat."

She shook her head. "I've got to make some calls for all this."

I nodded in understanding. "Alright, I'll drop you off at your house after this. Just remember, cell phones don't work down here. To much minerals between the cell signal."

I took her out and commented. "Maybe you should get rid of the chains on the walls. The Lockwood's owned slaves but it won't be a very pretty advertisement when the history buffs get here."

She nodded. "I'll see if I can have Tyler take them out."

I shook my head. "No need. I'll pull them out now. My family wasn't into slave ownership. We refused and even fought to free them. I'll take care of the chains. Tyler doesn't need them anymore and you have the ring to help future generations later. They're not necessary now."

I started pulling the chains out of the walls and when I finished it looked like a wine cellar. I smiled. "There, you can say the wall collapsed in your wine cellar and you found the cave paintings. Or Tyler did and he showed you."

She smiled and nodded. "I appreciate what your doing."

I shrugged. "I originally wanted to see if Tyler was skipping school. I wanted to see if he'd like to take a run in wolf form with me. It's a liberating experience and I have a lot of land that's miles of woods behind my house."

She smiled then asked. "Do you know what makes you werewolves?"

I chuckled. "Witches curse I'm afraid. Don't get me wrong. Witches aren't satanic or anything like that. They actually predate Christianity. They're servants of nature mostly. But a few throughout history were vindictive and created curses that last. Five Indian tribes about fifteen hundred years ago found that out the hard way. They pissed of the strongest witch alive at the time and paid the price. They became the first werewolves. From them all werewolves were descended, even the Lockwood's."

She asked. "And how does it pass on?"

I chuckled. "It's not a disease Carol. It's a gene in our dna that the witch cursed. We have it therefore if we take a human life we shift."

She sighed. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you trigger your curse?"

I chuckled. "I'm a war veteran Carol. It gets pretty dangerous in battle and I've killed more than my fair share I'd imagine. I've never killed outside of battle."

She looked intrigued but I didn't elaborate further. I dropped her off with the chains at her place before heading to the grill. School should be letting out soon so yay me.

I ordered a beer with nachos and sat down. Not long afterwards Elijah and Rebekah sat across from me. Rebekah spoke. "I'm starting school tomorrow, I need money to grease their greedy hands so I can attend."

I sighed. "Jason will give you a limitless credit card. Be sure to not try and rob me blind. It'll only be linked to a billion dollar account. You use more than that and you'll be on your own money wise."

Elijah spoke up after thinking for a moment. "Niklaus has made his offer to Elena. She's taking him up on it but limiting what she gives him at one time. They've agreed on a price of half a million a pint. Every week she'll donate it at the local clinic where he's set up a compelled worker to draw it."

I nodded. "That's fine. So long as he didn't use any threats or try to compel her. Now, what is it you want to do Elijah? Our sister is joining the school."

He sighed. "I'll stick to my role as an historian then."

I nodded. "If you find any good charities your welcome to make an anonymous donation in our family name."

He nodded. "I think I'll do that."

I chuckled. "Perhaps you'll find a women to love in all that history. I wish for you to have the best."

He smiled and I sighed. "Bonnie's here now. I think it's high time we had a meal together. If you're going to stay, I'd like you to get to know her."

We actually had a decent meal together getting to know one another. Even Rebekah seemed to like her. Towards the end of the meal Jeremy came over and I introduced them to him. When he eventually left I asked them. "Does he not remind you of someone?"

Elijah thought long and hard for a while before turning back to Jeremy's direction in surprise. "Henrik."

Rebekah looked at him again after that. "He looks nothing like him."

I shook my head. "It's not the body but the soul that's the same. I don't know how but it is. It's hard to describe, it's like he was reborn in that body."

Bonnie spoke up. "Perhaps he was. Maybe the spirits decided he deserved a new life after dying so young. It's a possibility at least."

I nodded and sighed. "Perhaps. I've done everything short of a soul search and I couldn't find it. If it's a genuine reincarnation then it would damage him if I did that so I'll not risk it."

Elijah nodded and Rebekah went to meet Jeremy and get to know him. I turned away knowing she'd never harm him. We finished our meals and Elijah left to go to a historical party the Lockwood's were hosting. I gave him the warning about not being able to enter the cave and he nodded.

The next few days were hectic to say the least. Sage showed up in town looking for Finn. Elijah pointed her in the right direction and Stefan was finally released from his rehab. I told him the best to meet up with his brother and girlfriend for the up to date and Lexi left saying she brought Vickie.

I chuckled a little and more days passed. Eventually Klaus's presence was felt when he turned Tyler into a hybrid. Bonnie told me Caroline told her. I blurred and gave Nik a beating before telling him to leave town.

He disappeared with Tyler and enough of Elena's blood to make several dozen more. It was nearly a month before another major event happened. Nik came back to town saying father was free and killing his hybrids in an effort to get to him.

I sighed. "So you brought him here for me to kill. I'm starting to think you're doing it because you want to see me smile. At least tell me Tyler is ok."

Klaus snorted. "He's fine. He's actually the one that came up with the idea."

I shook my head. "Well at least you're honest now. You can stop getting your panties in a bunch. If father shows his face here I'll kill him and destroy his toy stake. Then I expect you to leave town again."

He nodded. "I'm staying at the Lockwood's house. I'll call if he shows."

I nodded. "Be sure you do. If father stakes you before I get there you're screwed and if you take away my fun by managing to kill him I'll be very cross with you."

He nodded and left. That night I got an invitation to a party at the Lockwood's home. When I arrived with Bonnie on my arm Nik greeted us at the door. "Do come inside and make yourselves comfortable."

I nodded and took Bonnie dancing. After a while Tyler came over to me. "Mikael is out front. We don't have enough hybrids to slow him down."

I sighed. "Dance with Bonnie and keep her entertained while I deal with him."

He took my place and I went out front. Mikael was standing on the front porch with the white oak throwing insults at Klaus. "Well that's not nice now is it father? You're here insulting Nik when you haven't even greeted me."

He turned and saw me and backed up. I saw Nik smile when he saw the fear on fathers face. "Whose afraid now Mikael?"

Father tried to flee and as soon as he did i lunged for him. A few hybrids under compulsion got in the way but I managed to tear through them in time to grab our father by the throat. He gasped as I choked him. "I'm sorry-"

My face shifted as I bit him before taking his stake and throwing him to the ground. "It's too late for apologies now father. That bite has no cure. It is a death sentence and you'll be dead by morning. It's only fare, after all you killed me. The difference is you played the coward in both scenarios."

Klaus walked up next to me and I handed him the stake. "Finish him yourself Niklaus. Then leave town. Oh, and I'm sorry for breaking your toys, they seemed to demand getting in the way."

Nik grinned. "Think nothing of it. It's a small price to pay for this moment."

He looked at me oddly for a second and I smiled. "If you want to test out the white oak on me brother, then Just remember I warned you before hand. It's up to you, I care not."

He sighed then turned to Mikael. "I guess that just leaves you then. I'm tempted to see you die slowly from the bite, but then again.-"

He stabbed him in the heart. "I really wanted to end you myself."

Fathers body paled and caught fire. I looked over and Elijah was there with Rebekah. After the fire was gone I sighed. "I need a drink and a dance. This is after all a wake now."

I turned and cast a spell to clean myself of all the blood before heading inside to reclaim my date. My siblings followed while Klaus gave orders to all his remaining hybrids to clean up the mess.

I found Bonnie talking to her friends at table. I sat down in the empty seat beside her saying. "It's done. My fathers dead now. This party just became a wake."

Bonnie grabbed my hand saying. "I'm sorry for your loss."

I nodded. "He wasn't always a bastard. He did the best he could with me. After mother's betrayal I hardly saw a day without him. He clung to me like I would go missing as well."

I took a drink before sighing. "I may have learned a lot in all my time, but he taught me the most important lesson. How to be a man."

Damon raised his glass. "To fathers teaching their sons important lessons."

I raised mine with a sigh. After the party I took Bonnie home and she spent the night holding me in her arms. It was a comfort I'd not felt in a very long time. The next day she was on a new mission of her own. She was determined to open the casket now more than ever before.

When she asked how I sighed. "My mother has locked it with a family binding. It would take two generations of Bennet witches to open it. I could do it myself but it would drain all living Bennet witches of magic and that's not something I'm willing to do."

She nodded. "So I need to find my mother."

I nodded as well. "There's something else you should know. When you're mother abandoned you your ancestors spirits took away her magic as a consequence. She won't have magic unless she makes things right with you. The best she can do now is herbal remedies as some earth magic with herbs."

She asked. "Do you know where she is?"

I shook my head. "Not unless she calls my name. I don't know where any other Bennet's are. Last one alive I'd met was your cousin and I lost track of her not long after she left."

Bonnie sighed. "Then I'll turn it into a project I'll work on."

I smiled. "Alright. I won't interfere unless you ask me to."

A few days later she took a trip with Elena and came back the next day with her mother. When her mother asked her about me she was shocked. "You're the guardian?"

I shrugged. "I'm just a man who keeps his oaths."

That night I went to the grill with Bonnie after they spent the day in the witch house chanting. A spell together. Her mother stayed to do a bit of research and talk to the spirits. We came back a couple hours later and found her mother lying on the floor and the coffin empty and open.

I looked around and found nothing. I sighed and asked the spirits. "Where did she go?"

Whisperings answered. "To your siblings."

I sighed and picked up Abby, Bonnie's mother and carried her to the upstairs bedroom. When I laid her down Bonnie asked. "What now?"

I shook my head. "If my mother convinces my siblings to side with her she could very well force my hand in killing them."

Bonnie sighed. "Then we'll have to stop her before she gathers them all."

I shook my head. "A little hard to do. They're meeting tonight to say goodbye to Klaus, he's supposed to be leaving town."

She asked. "Where are they meeting him?"

I replied stoically. "At the Lockwood manor. Odds are she's already there."

Bonnie grabbed my hand. "Then we need to be there as well."

I took her and sped off as fast as my body could move. When we arrived I found my siblings all standing around her in a circle. I snorted as she told them she was there to unite our family. "Save the theatrics mother. If you really meant that you'd have gone after Freya long ago."

She turned to me. "You arrogant boy. You know well enough I am not strong enough to face your so called enemy."

I set Bonnie down and charged her saying. "Then you shouldn't have sold us out to the bitch in the first place."

I grabbed her by the throat and just before I could snap her neck, I started weakening. She grabbed my hand and pulled it away. "You've sold yourself to the Bennet line, I channel their power, living and dead. You shouldn't have left your weakness to them."

I grunted and I felt her cursing my body with Bonnie's magic. "You're not her mother, this won't hold me for long. She's the only one that can kill me now. My life is literally bound to her will."

I felt myself desiccating. Bonnie screamed and my mother sneered. "You are no longer my son. Ayana made that clear when she ripped out your heart and gave you new life. I'm binding your life to your greatest secret. Only when your line ends will you be brought back."

Bonnie's magic bound my life to my only living descendant. I felt myself dying, albeit temporarily. My world went black and I woke up on the other side. I stood up and heard a voice. "You were too confident my son."

I looked over and sighed. "Ayana."

She smiled. "You can call me mother."

I smiled back. "You were always my mother in my heart. I just called her it out of spite."

Ayana chuckled. "Come, let me show you what's happening."

With a thought we appeared over my desiccated body. Bonnie was crying over me, while my siblings looked at me a little sadly. Klaus was the exception. Bonnie screamed and lashed out at Esther with her magic that failed to do anything. Esther told her. "I am channeling all the power of the Bennet line child. You can no more harm me than you could fight all your ancestors combined."

Bonnie screamed and started channeling the power in my body. A storm of magic lashed out at Esther now. Unfortunately, as powerful as I was, I wasn't as strong as every Bennet witch ever born combined. Eventually Bonnie tired out and fell unconscious from the mental exhaustion of channeling all that power at once. While it won't harm her because of the talismans, it still takes concentration to use so much. She just wasn't ready.

Esther tapped her body and mine and they disappeared. I turned to Ayana. She answered my question before I could ask it. "She's fine. She was sent home via teleportation. To the witch house as you call it."

I sighed. "At least she's safe. So why did you allow her to channel your line?"

She sighed as well. "I struck a bargain with her long ago. She gave me you to raise and protect in exchange for a favor to be named later. She was going to kill you before you could grow up. She thought you a blight on nature."

I wanted to be angry but I just couldn't. I smiled weakly and hugged her before asking. "Is that why she treated me as a stranger when I was human?"

Ayana nodded. "She pretended as best she could to get along with you because of Mikael learned she'd sold you, he'd have killed her. It was actually him that demanded you be turned as well. He wanted you to be safe like your siblings. Esther argues against it using your cursed nature as the reason but he refused and went through with it out of love."

I was shaken at my core. "Then I wanted revenge on him for nothing."

Ayana nodded with tears in her eyes. "He refused to tell you about it later when I told him the truth. He said that hatred would make you strong and keep you safe as well."

I shuddered and fell to my knees. "What have I done mother. I've killed him."

She sighed and another figure stood over me. "I don't blame you my son. I stabbed you in surprise and killed you then because you were right, I was a coward. I couldn't look you in the face and still go through with it. I ran before because I knew if I stayed it would be a fight to the death I was never prepared to win."

I cried softly. "I'm sorry father."

He put his hand on my shoulder. "I forgive you, Alexander. Ayana has told me all of what has truly happened and what you've been planning for a thousand years. I whole heartedly approve. If you need me I'll be there."

I stood up and faced them then closed my eyes. I opened the broken part of my mind and memories and thought up a solution to the current problem. After a while I opened my eyes and spoke as if in a trance. "When the New Orleans witches go to war with the originals, looked to the strongest girl and she will make you flesh again. Come to me when you break free of her bindings and I'll use you in my plans to get my twin back."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, locking that part of me up again. When I opened them up again, Mikael just nodded. "I'll be there when you need me."

He vanished into the shadows and I turned to Ayana. "Shall we watch how they protect themselves from Esther?"

She nodded. "Just remember, you're not allowed to interfere on this side. Qetsiyah made special rules for you because of your unique powers and curse. If you interfere in the living it is them that will pay."

I sighed and nodded. "When I finally get back there I'll make Esther pay a very gruesome price for linking me to the life of my descendants."

Ayana nodded solemnly. "That was an uncalled for blow. You cannot meet Elena again or any of her children she may have. If she doesn't die in Bonnie's lifetime you'll never see your love again either but in passing."

I grunted. "Then I'll end myself when I get back. I will not live without Bonnie."

She nodded sadly. "I understand."

And so we watched on as Esther rained in my siblings and tricked them all. Even Finn eventually agreed to die for her cause again. I watched as she threatened Elena and linked my siblings then failed when Damon turned Abby to prevent her from killing them all. I found out all of the staff died out when I did, even Jason.

Ayana held me as I wailed in grief and let me see them as they passed over. I got to say goodbyes and apologies before they were sent to their own version of the other side. I watched on as Esther forced the ring on Alaric and killed him a few more times before he went mad.

I watched her lock everyone in the school and spirit Elena to the graveyard to turn Ric into a super vamp and make the indestructible stake she stole from Bonnie's pendant thanks to her own talisman being inside. The vault couldn't keep her out so when she stole the stake it through out her talisman as well to prevent future thefts.

When I thought she'd finally died after turning Ric I smiled and turned to Ayana. "Bring me to her. I'm going to make her afterlife a living hell. No spirit on the other side will want to help her after this."

Ayana smiled and took me to her. The screams that echoed in the other side could be heard by all as I tortured her worse than anything I'd ever done to another being. I cursed her soul to agony and linked it to the other side to ensure it lasted eternity.

Even Ayana looked a little scared after I left Esther. No spirit here would help her for fear that I'd retaliate and give them the same treatment. Even Qetsiyah showed up to ask for tips when she saw that. I turned to her. "I want the cure to vampirism that your ex was holding. Give me that and I'll give you my list of personal spells I'm saving for my worst enemy."

She thought for a moment then asked. "Who would you use it on?"

I sighed. "You already know about my descendants. I figure it's a fifty-fifty shot that Elena gets turned by one of the Salvatore brothers eventually. I want there to be another option for her to choose from if she ever desires."

Qetsiyah sighed. "If it were any other reason I'd say no, but she is your descendant so I'll allow it. But you have to move the doorway to here. I don't want those pesky travelers learning its location. "

I nodded. "It'll be done. Give me its location and I'll stick it in my basement under the vault in bedded in concrete. I don't care if she suffers. She's of no consequence now."

Qetsiyah smiled. "If only you were alive back then, we'd have made an excellent pair."

I smiled and shook my head. "Bonnie's all I need. Thanks for the compliment though."

She nodded and told me how to make it. It was a nature restoration spell with a version of the immortality spell reversed. I kept in mind then we parted ways after I gave her my full list of torture methods. The final one had her shivering a little as well.

It was a curse I'd contemplated using on my aunt before I'd settled on turning her soul into a talisman. It was a curse so nasty it rotted the soul and so painful you'd do absolutely anything to stop it even kill everyone you loved and it would only grow stronger over time.

In the end the cursed would become a rabid seething mass of agony and torment. I'd made it just after I'd sliced off a piece of my own soul to save my daughter. Qetsiyah was left shivering in what looked like ecstasy.

I walked away with Ayana and went to see what was happening. Alaric has captured Caroline and Elena in the school and Klaus and the Salvatore brothers went to save them while Bonnie did a spell with Jeremy as a focus to stop Alaric's heart.

When Klaus found out Elena and Alaric were linked, he tried drawing out her blood for later until she was dead. Tyler went to save her and Elena was knocked out. Klaus ended up being desiccated in Alaric's place and locked up.

Elena went to the hospital when she was found passed out in paint. I watched as doctor Fell injected her with Damon's blood. Sighing I looked to Ayana. "If this is her fate, how do I not interfere?"

She shook her head. "Because it could be worse if you act."

That thought is all that restrained me. I watched as Elena was run off the road by Rebekah when she destroyed parts of the new bridge I'd had built. I was with Elena as she died. I held her hand and let my sorrow wash over me.

Ayana was there with me watching over her. When Elena was dead and Matt saved I turned to Ayana and left to find Bonnie. She was doing a spell to transfer Nik into Tyler still.

She had all the power she needed. I asked Ayana. "Why aren't I returned yet?"

She shook her head. "Elena's in transition now. When she chooses to die finally or becomes a vampire, Esthers curse will be broken."

I nodded and watched on as Bonnie slept beside my body crying herself to sleep. I turned to Ayana. "Tell her please. I can't stand her not knowing."

Ayana disappeared for a moment then Bonnie woke up as she reappeared before her and told her why I haven't come back. After Ayana reappeared next to me again I told her. "Thank you mother, I mean it."

She smiled. "I did it for both of you, my son."

When Jeremy came to Bonnie with the idea to bring her spirit back to her Bonnie hesitated before sighing. "It's what he'd want me to do."

And she agreed to try. I was there with her through the process and I saw Sheila stop her. The witch spirits were watching and making threats. I sneered and chased them off but Bonnie had already stopped her spell.

When Elena finally got the blood and tasted it for the first time, Ayana turned to me and kissed my forehead. "Goodbye my child, I hope we don't meet under these circumstances again to soon."

I was jolted back to my body before I could reply. I sat upright and got up. I rushed over to Bonnie. I found her in the basement with Jeremy. I picked her up and held her close.

Jeremy spoke. "I tried to tell her to stop but she wouldn't then these black veins are-"

I grunted. "Enough! Go home Jeremy. I'll deal with the rest of it all."

I carried Bonnie to bed where she could finally rest. Then I headed to the farm where everyone else was. As soon as I appeared, I told them to leave. "I'll take care of the council. I'm going to remove the vervain from the town and compel them to forget."

I turned to Damon. "Burn the house down. If the good paster doesn't leave he can burn with it. This was a precision strike and if we don't stop it now, it could lead to war."

Damon lit the fire with a smile and when they came running out, I knocked them out. After packing the live ones into the truck, I burned the dead ones and left it to Damon to talk to Liz.

I left the council members in a magically locked room with clean food and water in my vault then I went to where the rest were hiding and locked them away as well. That night I burned all vervain in town and destroyed everything within a hundred mile radius.

I took no chances and I even sifted the towns water supply of it, before destroying that too. I found Bonnie awake in our room as soon as I got back. She spoke as soon as she saw me. "I've missed you!"

I hugged her back then sighed. "I was watching every step of the way and I even made Esther pay a heavy price for her tricks."

She nodded. "Ayana said you were watching."

I sighed. "I would've helped but I was told explicitly, that if I interfered it would make things worse for everyone. Though I was able to chase off the spirits threatening Sheila and you."

She sighed. "How were you able to chase them off?"

I chuckled. "I can be very scary when it comes to protecting you. The other side is where witches rule. I'm a cursed witch and I can take all their powers from them so when they saw me pissed off and coming at them, they ran away."

She laughed. "To bad it was to late."

I nodded. "You were right though. I would've wanted you to save her life if you could. I would've found another way to get to you eventually."

She finally changed the subject after a long silence. "I have to meet Tyler."

I chuckled. "You mean Klaus. Let's go see what he wants."

When we got to the old Lockwood's estate, Bonnie went in first. Klaus started making threats to rip out Tyler's heart while Caroline cried. Bonnie smirked. "No you won't."

Nik asked. "What makes you so sure?"

I came in and slammed him into the ground. Bonnie replied. "Him."

Klaus was in shock now. "You're supposed to be dead."

I chuckled. "You've said that before Nik. Now, you're going to behave or I'll stick you in a fish and put you in an aquarium for a few years."

Bonnie walked up beside me and told him. "Now I'll put you back."

She began her spell while channeling me to power it. When I felt Sheila show up I did a spell of my own to see her. When she started crying as the other spirits punished her I snorted and grabbed her arm before drawing the power they used for the spell into me. Sheila started looking better and I could faintly here wailing spirits as I drained them of magic.

I purified it and gave it all to Sheila. She smiled and wished us luck before disappearing. Bonnie completed her spell and asked. "What did you do to help her?"

I smiled. "I took the power they were using against her as punishment and gave it to her to use."

She hugged me. "Thank you."

I laughed. "Any time love."

I saw Klaus get up and I punched him in the mouth. "That's for being an asshole while I was gone. Oh and if you'd have succeeded in draining Elena you'd be dead now."

He grinned. "You'd kill so many of her friends to kill me?"

I snorted. "I can separate them from your line and kill you once I've done that if necessary."

He went pale at that. "You wouldn't!"

I snorted. "I would because she means a lot to Bonnie and while I would she'd a few tears and drink myself blind afterwards I'd still go through with it. You're not a child anymore Niklaus, if you act like a warrior I'll treat you like one and we both know you're not my match."

He left in a blur. I turned to Tyler and helped him up before saying. "I have a vacation home in the alps. I know you liked it there, if you decide to go back it's yours."

I grabbed Bonnie and left them alone. The next day I compelled the council to forget it all and sent them on their way. A vampire hunter showed up a few days later. I met him at the grill with Bonnie while Damon was giving us an update on the council.

He offered each of us a gloved hand and I was the first to take it. My hand sizzled and he went for his gun. Bonnie yelled he's got a gun and sheriff Forbes shot him in the head.

A couple days later Jeremy mentioned a tattoo on his hand so I took a look at it and drained the magic away. I broke the spell on it and left him with a few gifts it provided. Speed, strength and reflexes were all heightened.

I'd destroyed the vampire hating obsession part and the tattoo vanished even to his eyes. I figure it be transferred to someone else or the five just became the four. A couple weeks later Klaus came back into town with the last of his hybrids.

He was setting up a home base and building his own manor. I caught site of a face that could change everything for my family. Hailey Marshall was with the hybrids. I could smell the pure wolf on her so I knew she wasn't one.

At a miss Mystic pageant, she showed up with Tyler as his date. I noticed Klaus was talking with Caroline so I went over to Hailey with Bonnie. We sat down at her table and I took a deep breath before saying. "You smell like pure wolf, why are you hanging out with hybrids?"

She looked me over before asking. "Let me guess, you're a hybrid yourself?"

I chuckled. "Once upon a time yes, but not anymore. You see, my little brother Klaus wasn't the first hybrid I was. I was born a cursed witch and when we were turned into vampires, I was a witch/vampire hybrid. He became a wolf/vampire one and I left the family for my own stint of lone wonderer. Earlier this year, my lovely girlfriend here helped perform a spell that made me so much more. I'm part witch, part vampire and part wolf now."

Tyler nodded saying. "He's not joking, I've gone on runs with him before. He's a massive white wolf."

Bonnie spoke up. "He's a dire wolf. The oldest of the species. A piece of dire wolf bone was used in the ritual we did."

Hailey looked intrigued. I asked her. "How would you like to turn at will without being a hybrid. Your bite would be lethal 24/7. You'd always be strong as well."

She was clearly interested. "How? It's not like you can snap your fingers and make it happen."

I smirked. "Actually, we can."

Bonnie snapped her fingers and a moonlight ring appeared in her hand. "This is a moonlight ring. It will give you all we offered and more. It's the last moonlight ring we'll ever give out. There are only two working ones in existence now. One is in Tyler's family, and the others yours if you want it."

Hailey sat back. "What's the catch?"

I smiled. "It's simple. I give this to you and you tell me the truth to my one question. If you're honest, I'll tell you what I know about your family as well."

She shuddered then demanded. "You'd better not be playing me!"

I nodded. "Now, is Professor Atticus Shane the one that sent you here? Remember honest answer only."

After a minute of quiet, she sighed. "Yes, he promised if I help him kill twelve hybrids, he'd tell me about my birthmark."

I raised an eyebrow. "The crescent moon birthmark?"

Bonnie raised an eyebrow as Hailey nodded. I sighed. "All crescent wolves are born with it. In fact they're the only werewolves that are born with a special mark that I'm aware of."

I turned to Bonnie. "Relax love, I've no more desire to see her undress than to see Rebekah or Elena naked."

Bonnie raised another eyebrow. "Is she related to you?"

I chuckled. "No, but I fear she's now tied up to my family as if she were."

I turned to Hailey, who looked confused. "That's a conversation for another time. The crescent mark, like I said is from a specific werewolf bloodline that goes straight back to the witch who made the werewolf curse. An evil bitch she was. Cursed her own family and the five tribes that helped put her down, into werewolves. The crescent pack was werewolf royalty for the longest time until a pack leader decided to turn on his own and kill off the crescent bloodline some couple decades ago. He killed the last three members from what I'd heard. Husband, wife and a few month old daughter which I'm starting to think is you."

Hailey was listening intently to my words and when I stopped she finally asked. "Why did he do it?"

I snorted. "Remember the witch ancestor I spoke of? She's a crazy power hungry spirit that's trapped by the New Orleans witches under their version of the other side. But the thing is, witches that powerful are crafty. Why separated her body and split her soul into four totems across the land they controlled and if she's as powerful as rumor she could reach out threw those totems and influence people. The pack leader that did the deed was Richard Dumas. Rumor has it he started acting strange in the weeks leading to the murder and on occasion his eyes changed color."

Hailey snorted. "Werewolves eyes change color when they turn or are angry, that's nothing special."

I snorted. "Child, when I deem something worthy of mention it means it was significant. You see, his eye didn't glow a burning gold of a normal wolfs. They supposedly closed an eerie blue and shone bright like a lantern. Significant enough for you?"

She went quiet and asked. "Why would a witch ancestor want to kill my family?"

I smiled now. "That's the rub. When most witches reach a certain power level, the only things they have to fear are what makes them mortal. And your witch ancestor was rumored to be the most powerful witch that ever lived. And after being so old, the only mortal remnants still around would be-"

Bonnie spoke up. "Her descendants."

I nodded and turned to Hailey. "Our bargain is complete, I'd suggest you stay away from our dear professor. He's about to experience a very quick and brutal end."

I took Bonnie's hand and got up, walking away from the table. When we were a descent distance she asked. "Why are you going to kill him?"

I sighed. "If I'm right, he's become a puppet of sorts for a very powerful immortal that I can't allow to walk this earth. Your ancestor Qetsiyah's ex. His name is Silas. He can get inside even my head under the right circumstances. He's hell bent on destroying the other side and I'll not be letting that happen."

Bonnie nodded and asked. "Can't you just compel him to stop?"

I shook my head. "Silas's mental powers are stronger than mine. He'd break the compulsion and we'd be screwed if he succeeded in his plans."

Bonnie looked worried now but I couldn't give her a positive answer. "I need to speak with Qetsiyah now. This shouldn't be possible. I dropped a nuke some fifty years ago on his prison. He should at the very least be at the bottom of the ocean, if not atoms after that."

I left the party with Bonnie on my heels. We went to the witch house to get answers. In the basement I yelled out. "Qetsiyah, we have a very big problem! I need to speak with you now!"

After a few moments I released some energy from my talismans and channeled a summoning spell. She showed up finally and not very happy. "What is it that you'd summon me like that?"

I snorted. "Silas has a foothold in the mortal world now. I need to know if he's with you!"

She stopped moving and faced me. "I just left him when you summoned me. If he's got a foothold it means his body is reforming."

I yelled. "Fuck me, this is bad. I need to make a contingency plan and the cure ahead of schedule. You need to keep me updated and let me know when he's gone from your side."

She raised and eyebrow. "Oh, what are you going to do?"

I snorted. "I'm going to shove the cure down his throat then tare his head off."

She seemed amused now. "How do you plan to combat his psychic powers?"

I sighed. "I'm going to do something I haven't done in a long time. When I know he's in within my area. I'm going to tap into my other side full throttle and see how he controls a mind he can't touch."

She looked impressed. "You're willing to go that far? You do know you'll not come back from that without major help."

I nodded. "When it's over and he's dead for good, I'm hoping you and the spirits from the other side can give me a jolt."

She smiled. "You know, Esther was wrong about one thing, Mikael and Alaric were never her greatest monster creation. She made the apex when she gave birth to you."

I snorted. "I'd cause her more agony if I could for what she's done but I'll never agree that she created that part of me. That was my own creation and punishment."

I walked out listening to her laughter. I headed over to Whitmore college to look for the good professor. I found him in Sheila's old office. "So, Silas's puppet is a petty teacher ready to pick fights with immortals now."

Professor Shane looked up. "Do I know you?"

I smiled. "I've used many names over the centuries but you can call me death."

He went to move and I snapped his neck. A little easy for my taste but it works. I saw Silas's tombstone that was full of Qetsiyah's blood. Sighing I hung him from the rafter and typed up a suicide note, leaving it on his computer.

I left after taking the stone. When I was back in the witch house Bonnie was waiting there. "What happened?"

I sighed. "I killed him and made it look like suicide before grabbing Silas's tombstone that's filled with Qetsiyah's blood. Right now it's a super powerful talisman for you. It wasn't his connection to Silas but it will help in finishing of the immortal bastard."

Bonnie sighed helpless. I nodded solemnly. "I know, I distaste killing mortals as well. If I had even an inkling of thought he could be saved, trust me I'd do it. Unfortunately, Silas is a tough and powerful bastard."

"He's right, Silas survived a nuclear bomb to the face and he's able to control minds while he's on the other side without help."

We turned to see Qetsiyah. I asked. "Do you think I could bring you back long enough to weaken and find him? I can handle the rest."

She nodded. "I don't like it but I won't let him complete his plans either."

I sighed. "I'll make the cure tonight. Tomorrow's the full moon. I'll use it plus the stone with Bonnie's help to resurrect you for a months time. It's the best I can do on short notice."

She sighed. "So long as I get to watch you kill him I'm happy."

I nodded. "The doorway has been found and sent across the world until this crap is over. I won't let him near it."

She smiled. "Thanks for that."

I snorted. "I'll have to magically lock the knowledge away till he's gone so I really do expect you to stop me once it's over."

She smiled. "It'll be challenging because of your cursed nature but not undoable especially with Bonnie's help."

I paled and looked to Bonnie. "I don't want you to see that side of me but I know you need to before long. Just stay by Qetsiyah's side until I'm incapacitated."

Bonnie asked. "What's so bad about it?"

Before I could speak Qetsiyah answered her. "That part of his psyche is a cold blooded killer that runs on pure instinct and rage. That side of him is a ripper that makes any vampire in the history of the world look tame. Even Stefan Salvatore and his brother are nothing before it. His alternate personality is worse then Klaus. It can not be reasoned with because it doesn't run on reasoning. Until it's bloodlust is sated, it'll kill every living thing in sight. It's truly beautiful in a savage warrior sense."

I snorted. "It's the gaping wound in my soul that feels nothing but rage. I keep it locked away for obvious reasons. I haven't released it since sword were the weapon of choice for battle. It was to dangerous to do it later on. To large a chance I'd kill allies as well as enemies."

Qetsiyah nodded and Bonnie looked horrified for a moment. I sighed. "Since I've met you Bonnie, I've found myself forgetting about the battlefield and focusing on the actual living part of life. I imagine it's going to take a minute to get fully going now and when it is, it may not want to let go. It'll probably fight to stay in control of me."

Qetsiyah smiled. "That's where you come in Bonnie. You'll channel the ring that can kill him to bring him to his knees and I'll knock him out with a sleeping spell that was designed to put down Klaus. Esther's spell actually."

I walked to Bonnie and gave her a kiss before touching her pendant and disappearing. I got to work on the cure for Silas and Elena. It took half the night and only created enough for two but it will be enough.

I put them in small vials and when I came out of the vault, Bonnie was waiting. "Is it done?"

I nodded. "It's done, there was enough for two but I'm pretty sure I can't make anymore. Some of the plants I had to use were extinct except for my stock. It'll be enough for two people. Silas and Elena."

I held her hand and sighed. "If I took it and someone fed from me I'd die. Without the cure in my system, time itself would catch up to me. I'd be dead in a few days. It's the only weakness I have other then the ring you wear."

She touched the ring next to the pendant on her necklace. I smiled sadly. "If you want I'll drain Silas after my aunt is dead. We'll only have one lifetime but I'm sure it would be exciting together with you."

She kissed me before saying. "One lifetime will never be enough for us."

I chuckled. "Then when I have the proper spell, I'll link us and we'll have as many as you desire. I'll truly show you the world."

We kissed there for awhile before heading to the bedroom. The next day I prepared everything for the ritual while she was at school. I got word Hailey left town heading for New Orleans to look for any surviving family members.

I called in Anna and Pearl to meet up with the doorway across the world and not contact us for a month. After they took off, I found myself sitting alone so I went to the Salvatore house to see what Damon was up to.

When I sat down in his parlor he tossed me a newspaper that depicted the late professors demise. "Heard this was you from Klaus. Apparently he overheard your conversation with a certain wolf girl and was a little angry to find out the werewolf chick was plotting to free and kill his hybrids. Now I want you take in the irony that he was covered in hybrid blood when he told me about it."

I chuckled. "Figures he'd kill them in spite. And Tyler?"

Damon smiled. "Don't worry, he's fine. Apparently your last warning to him struck a cord and it's hands off Bonnie's friends. He was quick to point out I'm not on that list."

I shrugged. "Maybe you should be nicer to her or at least less of a dick all around."

He looked perturbed. "I thought I had been."

I chuckled. "You nearly killed Matt and you've not really spent a lot of time on anyone else but Elena since she turned. Bit of a dick move in itself. I hang out with them more than you and I was dead for some of that."

He shrugged and I sighed. "I know you're hurting because of Ric. I'll tell you what. It'll take me awhile to gather the right herbs and stuff but when I do, I'll dig him up and bring him back. Don't give me that look."

He shrugged. "I just didn't expect you to willingly bring back the guy who killed two of your brothers and almost a third one."

I raised my eyebrows. "What the fuck did you just say!"

Damon looked a little shocked. "No one told you Alaric killed Finn and Kol did they?"

The glass of bourbon in my hand shattered. I started hyperventilating. Damon tried calming me down till I snapped his neck. I called Elijah who was with Klaus. "Why the fuck didn't you mention Kol or Finn's deaths to me."

Elijah sounded sad. "We thought you knew. You said you were watching all the time."

I sighed. "God dammit Elijah you should've known I had no clue when I wasn't angry. I spent some time getting even with Esther. It must've happened then. Gather Nik and Bekah at my place in an hour. We'll hold a proper wake with only family."

I hung up after a few minutes of apologies. I grabbed another glass and poured another drink by the time Damon woke up again. I sighed. "Sorry for that. I'm not myself right now. I truly love my siblings and I was shocked and horrified I'd missed something so important for so long."

Damon ribbed his neck while grabbing his drink. "Don't mention it. I'd be put out if it was my brother as well."

I sighed. "How about I pay you back and help you win Elena's favor, making you the favorite brother in her eyes."

His eyes narrowed. "What's the catch?"

I tossed him a small vial. "The immortality cure. She takes that and she's human again. Be sure to actually give it to her as an option she can chose. I'm aware she's been acting strangely and I believe you know she's sired to you. You do this right Damon, and you could join her as a human man in love with his girlfriend and possibly more. If she decides on taking the cure, then feed on her afterwards and you'll both be mortal."

He looked totally gut punched. "What's the catch?"

I smiled. "You'll never be able to become a vampire again. Vampire blood won't even heal you anymore. If a vampire fed on you after you took it from her you'd age rapidly and die because of your actual age."

He frowned. "What's the good part then?"

I sighed. "You'll get a chance to grow old together and have kids and grandchildren. You'll get to see the looks of pure joy on her face when your kids take their first steps and get to here a bundle or two of miracles call you daddy and raise them to be strong and maybe a little devious. You'll get a chance to hold her hand as you both pass away into an afterlife even I'm not sure about. Perhaps if your lucky, you'll be reincarnated together and fall in love all over again."

Damon had tears in his eyes. "Enough. You had me at pure joy."

I smiled sadly and sighed. "Make sure it's completely her choice to take it Damon. I've a feeling it'll be a yes if you do so. You were always a far better match for her than Stefan. You challenge her and bring out both the best and worst in her. Life is chaotic like that and you'll do just fine."

He smiled a little before asking. "What are you and the witch going to do?"

I chuckled. "I, unlike you, can have kids. A side effect of a ritual I did a while back. Perhaps ours will grow up alongside yours. For now though, it'll be off to college soon and then who knows. Isn't it exciting? I've lived so long and for once I truly look forward to seeing someone's face in the morning. I love her with everything I am."

I set my glass down and sighed. "It's time I go Damon. I hope you succeed in your happiness. If you do, I'll tell you now, don't name any kids after me. I've heard Alexander is too common. Be original."

I left while he laughed at my words. I arrived at the mansion a while later and set up the bar. I built two pyres of wood in the front yard and waited. Not long after I was done they showed up. I grabbed a couple bottles of the hard stuff and passed one to each of us.

I lit the fires and poured half a bottle on each pure. They followed suit and I raised mine in the end. "To family. Love them or hate them they're yours."

Several toasts later we were all good and plastered. We'd nearly emptied my bar. I sat down and watched the embers burn. "If I'd known I'd have held it sooner. They deserved better than an elder brother like me."

Elijah shook his head. "You held it nearly as soon as you heard. It's all anyone can ask of you."

Rebekah spoke next. "You know, I honestly almost didn't come. What kind of sister does that make me?"

I sighed. "You came, that's all that matters. In the end whatever you felt about them was dropped and you came."

Klaus spoke up. "Finn May have been a bore but he didn't deserve to die. Kol even less. They both died saving me from that thing mother made to kill us all."

I shook my head. "Her pet monster would not have been able to kill me. She did not care about me a bit. In the end I was inconsequential."

Elijah snorted. "You tried to stop her before she could even move against us. We all should've acted then, but she banished you from the family and we thought it for your plans to kill her."

I chuckled. "No, I was never her child. When she found out about my curse, she tried to kill me as a babe. Ayana stopped her to save my life and cut the bargain that saw Esther win my confrontation with her. She sold me as a child to Ayana for power. Just like she sold Freya."

After that I stood up and took off my shirt and turned to Klaus. "How would you like to go for a run with me? Right now. I need some air and I'd like to hunt a mountain lion or bear. My forest stretches for miles on end and has both."

Klaus saw I was serious as I started to shift. Rebekah and Elijah watched on as I finished my transformation. Not to be outdone, Klaus started his shifting. Rebekah touched my fur saying. "Beautiful."

Elijah whispered. "Magnificent."

I ignored them and nipped at Klaus and started running. He chased and we ran for miles on end, playing and eventually, hunting. I killed my mountain lion and him a bear. He stood over it proudly. I snorted and started eating the mountain lion.

He looked at me curiously while I ate and after a fashion he tried some of his bear. When he couldn't finish it I did. We ran around for another hour before heading back.

We found Rebekah and Elijah drinking wine now as I shifted. I grabbed my clothes looking at Nik's and told him. "Upstairs master bedroom. You can borrow a suit."

He trotted off and I sat down and grabbed a glass of wine for myself. I asked Elijah. "Did you retrieve what I need from Esther's body before you buried her?"

He nodded and passed me a vial of blood. "I hope that's enough."

I nodded. "It will be. With this I have all that is necessary but time itself. After I deal with Silas I'll start making it all and preparing what is needed."

He nodded. "Who is this Silas?"

I chuckled. "He's the worlds first immortal and a true one at that. Two thousand years ago one of Bonnie's ancestors made an immortality spell for and her fiancé. Once he had the potions he dumped her rather effectively by taking one himself and taking hers to his secret lover. When they took it, they became truly immortal. Nothing can kill him and his previous witch powers were focused into mind arts. He's a master at messing with peoples minds."

I turned to see an angry Klaus. "So he's the one responsible for my hybrids turning on me?"

I nodded. "He's the one behind the scenes on it, yes. Don't interfere in this Niklaus. I'll be making him pay soon enough. You see, I talked to Qetsiyah about her ex and his plans. She's agreed to weaken him so I can shove the cure for immortality she came up with down his throat. Then I plan on pulling his head off his shoulders."

I sighed. "He's to powerful mentally, even weakened he will be able to fuck with my mind. So I'm going to do something I haven't in a long time. I'm going to unload my darker side and it'll tear him apart before Qetsiyah shoves the cure down his throat and ends him."

Elijah shivered then asked. "Are you sure that's wise? What if he manipulates that part of you?"

I shook my head. "He can't. That part of me has no mind, only instinct to kill and it's directly linked to my cursed witch power. There's nothing in creation short of a god that can manipulate it. It'll take Qetsiyah and every Bennet witch working together to stun me long enough to knock me out before I go on a never ending rampage of slaughter."

I looked to each of them before speaking. "The only reason I'm telling you all this is because I don't want you there at all. My bite is lethal to each of you and there isn't a cure for it. Not to mention my curse will probably be active and would kill you anyway. Leave Silas to me."

Nik spoke up. "It sounds like your darker half is a descent enough bloke."

I snorted. "It's a ripper with rage issues and sees everything as food. Believe it or not but it's gotten worse over time. Don't even think of playing with it Nik. It would eat you and I'd have to live with the memories afterwards."

He went quiet after that and Rebekah asked. "What made it? Was it mother's spell?"

I shook my head. "It was the consequence of a spell I did before I ever turned into a vampire. I don't regret making it but I do hate that it's there. It's a result of a wound to my soul."

Now they all went quiet. After a while Nik asked. "What was the spell?"

I shook my head. "Nothing I'd tell you about right now. Let's just say I willingly paid the price it demanded and leave it at that."

A little while later I left them to pick up Bonnie while they drank my expensive alcohol stock by the crate. After picking up Bonnie, I took her to the grill and told her of today's events. She admitted being aware of their deaths but thought I was handling it, until I was ready to tell her.

I kissed her for that and continued telling her about everything. In the end I spent the rest of our time before the ritual telling her what I remember of Kol and Finn's lives as humans.