
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs


We arrived just as they were setting up. Bonnie parked the suv by the truck with the keg in the back and I hopped out to open the back. I grabbed the keg we brought and set it next to there's.

Tyler whistled. "Damn! I knew you'd bring something."

I chuckled. "Grab the bags in the back seat then whistle."

He raised an eyebrow. "Aight, we'll see."

He and a few buddies started emptying the back seat. He came back around and nodded. "You win."

I chuckled as they pulled out five gallons of vodka a three of whiskey with mixers and chasers mixed in and a box of limes. Bonnie came around with parrying knife. And handed to Tyler. I pointed went over to Matt and told him. "I heard your mom ditched and took your cash. You start next week at the grill. I just bought the place. It's mostly light duty but then, your pay is decent enough."

He nodded and I shook his good hand, his eyes were a bit read so I told him. "If you need some extra cash right this second you can help Tyler make mix drinks for everyone that shows up. Keep a tally of however many drinks you serve and I'll pay twenty bucks a drink."

He smiled. "Thanks man, I really appreciate all you've done for me."

I waved it away. "Pay me back by letting me be your first customer. Strawberry vodka with a lime chaser."

He chuckled and got to work. I hung out beside the water with Bonnie for an hour or so. I made sure to order a drink every five minutes for Matt's sake. When I was good and tipsy I switched to beer and finally Bonnie asked. "Feel like going for a swim?"

I chuckled and stood up before helping her up. We walked up to the swing and just before I was to go Mason showed up to warn Tyler about not staying too late. I spoke up. "Don't worry, I've got a mansion and an open bar. We'll pack up before dark and head there, anyone to drunk can stay in the extra rooms."

A lot of hollering and whistles went out after that. I waved Mason on and took my turn on the swing. I got some decent air time before I hit the water. Then I came up sober as fuck, my buzz was killed instantly. The water was freezing and I was not happy. On the bright side Bonnie was right after me.

I laughed as she came up spluttering and pissed. I swam to the shore with her and got out. She followed me around the vehicles and I channeled a little of her power to give us a warm dry breeze. When we were almost dry I stopped it and grabbed us towels.

I went up to Tyler. "You're a dick my friend. That water is freezing, I went in tipsy and came out sober."

He burst out laughing and Matt handed me a drink. After downing ten more I was back to my tipsy self. Caroline and Stefan showed up not long after that. I waved Stefan over to where I was then told him. "Keep an eye on Caroline. Mason is planning on turning tonight in the old Lockwood slave quarters not far from here. Keep in mind one bite and it's over for both of you. We're taking the party to my place before sundown so keep that in mind as well."

He nodded. "You said one bite and it's over for us, does that mean it isn't the same for you?"

I smiled. "Have a little fun before we leave Stefan."

I ignored him from then on and listened to Bonnie, Matt, Caroline and Tyler talk about the old days. A stray girl kept try pick up Matt and Stefan had to intervene before Caroline could kill her. I chuckled at Stefan's attempts at getting her to leave. Ever since I started dumping considerable more vervain in the water supply the younger vamps have found life more difficult when people actually disagree with them.

I pointed it out to Bonnie and she had a good laugh before replying. "It's there own fault for not developing people skills."

I chuckled. "Or learning how to bribe someone. Compulsion only gets you so far."

When it started to get dark I told everyone. "Let's pack up and head to my place."

In the confusion of packing up Caroline snuck off with Matt and Tyler found himself a girl to bang and wondered off. I turned to Stefan and smacked him in the back of the head. "You can't even keep an eye on one girl, scratch that all you had to do was watch out for Matt."

I shook my head. "Good luck, I have a party to throw then head to Bonnie's for the night."

He looked like I'd thrown him to the wolves. I shrugged and packed up the suv before hopping in the driver seat. Bonnie was a little tipsy now so I didn't want her to drive.

I led the caravan of drunken teens to the mansion. I texted Jason when I made the offer and he dead bolted the three rooms that mattered namely the Cursed object room, the basement and my bedroom.

The families had already moved out so the guests had forty rooms to sleep or fornicate in. I told the staff to make sure to cut them off before it gets ridiculous and to keep an eye out for date rape types.

The cameras would pick it up later but I didn't want that shit happening at all. They knew their posts and would confiscate keys upon arrival. Otherwise there was a fully stocked bar a surround sound stereo that got loud enough to here from the opposite side of the mansion and plenty of places to crash.

I left the teens there and took Bonnie back home to the witches house. I helped her shower and we went to bed snuggling each other. The next morning I got a rather angry call from Stefan. "So how did the teen vamp hunt with a wolf go?"

He was pissed. "We didn't get bit, no thanks to you."

I chuckled. "Kid, I warned you plenty. I even gave you simple instructions. Beyond that, I'm not your keeper or babysitter. If you can't handle a loan wolf and a teen vamp on your own, it's time to hang up your hat and call it."

Damon took over next. "Why didn't you help-"

I snorted. "Fuck off Damon, I still like you slightly less than Stefan right now. And he's not on my shit list."

He grunted and Elena took over. "We found a few things out about Katherine and a sun and moon curse."

I sighed. "While I like you a hell of a lot better than those two right now, neither of those things interest me."

She asked. "But you know about them don't you."

I sighed. "I've known about Katerina Petrova long before she was a vampire. Yes she's your ancestor, the easiest way to explain why you look alike is magic and it's true. Every few hundred years or so the Petrova line spits out a Doppelgänger. If it makes you feel any better Katerina was not the first, nor the one before her. That's all I'll say on the matter right now."

She took a few shallow breaths. "And the curse?"

I chuckled. "That would be part of the reason she's in town, yes. Now goodbye, I'll see you this evening for the you know what. And if you don't show I'll make Damon and Stefan suffer equally because I also know he'd be the only reason you didn't show."

I hung up and texted Caroline to send the invites and who the bands were. I texted Jason next and he assured me most of the guests have left and the house has been thoroughly cleaned. With everything set I woke up Bonnie and grabbed a shower. When I was done she headed in.

I went to the basement and summoned Sheila. When she showed herself I chuckled. "You know. Out of all I have planned, your still probably going to be the only thing she remembers about today."

She smiled. "I know, though you are doing a lot. How will you top it next year?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. It's exciting isn't it?"

She laughed. "You've truly fallen for her. If you haven't thought of something by then give me a call and I'll let you know a few ideas of my own."

I nodded and looked towards the ceiling. "It's time, remember, one hour. Then I the hectic schedule begins."

She nodded and I sat down cross legged and my body pales as hers became more corporeal. When she was flesh again, my body was nearly stone. She left and I gave the their time alone. I waited in my own thoughts about today and hoped it all went well. After an hour the spell started fading on its own.

After it was fully gone I went upstairs to face the music. I felt a little guilty about doing it but I also hope it helped her some. When she saw me come up she launched herself into my arms crying. "Thank you. I really needed it and now that I know she's actually there I'll try harder."

I sighed and shook my head. "You should try harder for yourself and your future not others. I wanted to give you a special day so we're of to Venice when I finish dressing, we'll have breakfast on my personal Gondola."

She smiled and I kissed her for the first time today. "Happy birthday Bonnie my love."

I noticed her wearing my old bracelet and I smiled. I blurred and got read. When I grabbed her next, I drained a small talisman and teleported us to a house I'd bought along the grand canal. Just outside was the Gondola and it's gondolier with a singer and accordion ready and waiting on the boat was a picnic basket with some Venice cuisine.

I led her to it and helped her on. We listened o the music and ate a light breakfast as I was unsure what she liked. When we arrived at the Rialto bridge we got off and I promised her we'd come back when we had more time if she wanted.

I teleported us right into Elena's bedroom. Elena had the shock of her life but Caroline was ready. "You two know what to do?"

They nodded and Caroline spoke up. "Duh, it's not rocket science. "

I sighed. "Be ready in an hour, the limo will be by then. Jason brought several to choose from if you need any."

I blurred and headed to the mansion. For the next three hours I cleared out the upstairs room of all the dark objects into my vault. When I was done I did a magic cleanse on the room and Jason had it cleaned. After that I made sure the stage was ready. By four in the afternoon the limo came around and the girls got out smiling.

They'd spent the day with Taylor Swift and it looks like they enjoyed themselves. When Bonnie got out I received another hug and kiss for my efforts. I led them into the parlor and Taylor came in not long afterwards.

Nearly the entire day came to completion as we went outside and Taylor Swift took the stage. Almost the entire town showed up for a free concert of Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Flyleaf.

Even Jenna canceled her barbecue to come. I had a section cordoned off with guards for those on the girls list of vips. Matt got to play bodyguard for fifteen hundred an hour and I ended up paying him three grand last night for the drink service so he should be good for pocket cash till he starts as a bartender at the grill.

When the bands started playing I tuned it all out but Bonnie's expressions. Towards the end of the concert the last musician on the stage was Taylor Swift. She announced a little surprise I had cooking up. Fireworks started thumping and I channeled a full medium talisman to get it just right. The fireworks burst in the air as I channeled and forced them to spell out 'Happy Birthday Bonnie my love'.

They stuck around a good long while fueled by the spell. When it ended I turned to see Bonnie staring at me and I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. She walked up and kissed me deeply.

We were in our own little world. The staff started serving cake and ice cream to the hundreds of people that showed up. We left just after Elena and the rest gave her presents. I drove us to the witch house and showed her to the basement where I'd set up one final present.

When we entered the spirits of the house made their presence known. They appeared together in a circle around us. I turned to Bonnie smiling. "A last gift to you. This ones from the spirits that reside here and your ancestors that wandered over."

I waved her to the alter and lit hearth. "You Bonnie Bennet, are going to make your first talisman. Remember this one doesn't need to be powerful or perfect, it merely need to reflect yourself. Meditation can only take you so far. I've brought out a few unique items from my personal collection for you to smelt down however you see fit. Your ancestors will guide you on the way, but it is you that must take the steps. The rest of the spirits are going to give up a bit of power with myself as a focus to give your ancestors flesh for one night. Come morning you'll have failed or succeeded by your own merits."

She turned to me as I smiled and sat down. I became stone once more. This time I was a living statue that lost all thought. As I did so every ancestor from Sheila to Qetsiyah was given flesh and blood. They crowded around her mostly. Qetsiyah could be seen standing beside my stone self looking at it funnily.

Once morning came the ancestors of Bonnie faded and I became flesh again. I stood up shakily and sighed. "Did you succeed?"

She held up a bracelet she'd made that matched my old one but in the center was an emerald the size of a walnut with silver chain like Links holding it in place. I looked at it for a second then looked at her. "I'm honored you used it in the process. Did they tell you the significance?"

She nodded. "Ayana told me it was an old tradition to bind ones self to another like that. It creates a sort of bond between us."

I nodded. "Did Qetsiyah speak on it?"

She shook her head. "She mostly stared at you funny and ignored us. Towards the end she said you'll do."

I nodded and smiled. "I sort of helped her out a few decades ago. Although I'm sure she'd never admit it, I at the very least made her very happy."

She asked. "What did you do?"

I chuckled. "I dropped a nuclear bomb on her ex fiancé. I figured he deserved it and he'd be a pain in the ass to face otherwise."

Her eyebrows shot up and I chuckled. "Let's get you to bed."

She nodded then stopped. "Wait, you said every witch makes their first talisman right? Where's yours?"

I frowned a little and shook my head. "I can't make one like that. That specific one will only work at its peak for you. It's made from your magic and yours alone. See where I'm going with this?"

She nodded and looked sad. "You have no magic yourself."

I nodded. "It's not quite true that I can't make one. It would take make natural equal to help me make one. Our souls were connected at birth and without her I'll never be considered a full witch."

She frowned and nodded. "Your sister."

I continued. "Just as well I guess. I've walked farther down the path of magic than most witches ever dreamed of. The fact that I'm cursed being and a vampire to boot would make most witches roll over in their graves."

I set my empty talismans on the alter and left the room with Bonnie in tow. We got some sleep. Or at least Bonnie did. No sooner did my head hit the billow my phone rang. I picked it up in my usual cheery manner. "If this isn't life or death I'll end you today."

I heard it switch from several hands and finally Jeremy spoke. "Hey, Damon did something stupid and stabbed Mason Lockwood last night after the party with a silver knife. Mason said he'll be coming for him now."

I grunted. "So Damon's a dumbass, tell me something I don't know."

Jeremy asked. "Is there any special way to kill a werewolf?"

I sighed. "Depends if he's dumb enough to wait for a full moon."

Jeremy replied. "He's shaking his head no."

I chuckled. "Now he sees sense. Tell me, before I answer his question, how are ya kid?"

Jeremy took a moment to answer. "A little bummed I can no longer see Anna or Vickie and still pissed Damon killed me."

I sighed. "Alright, since you didn't mention it first, I'll assume you're getting over it. Put Damon on the phone."

"Damon speaking."

I sighed again. "As long as it's not the full moon you have the advantage. Rip out his heart or cut off his head. If you want to use torture I'd go with a hot poker covered in wolfs bane. Ask the kid to look it up for you if necessary but the wolf will probably have some to weaken himself on the full moon. He tried to tie himself up and the only way it would remotely hold him is if he had it. Now I haven't been to sleep yet so unless someone is in the process of dying don't call me or I swear you will be."

I hung up and laid back down. Bonnie grumbled about having her pillow moved and half crawled onto me as I passed out. Later that night I woke up still tired. Even if it's not your magic channeling that much takes it out of you. I was about to order pizza then remembered what house we were in.

I got dressed and went for a drive with an almost asleep Bonnie. We got to the grill twenty minutes later. My mind was still on default sleep mode so it was a slow drive.

I led her to the booth and waved a waiter over. Matt actually came over in a Mystic Grill t-shirt. I mumbled my order and Bonnie hers. His only comment was. "You look like crap, gets some sleep."

I flipped him off and nearly slumped over. We dozed off through our meal repeatedly but when we finally finished I drove us back to the house and carried her back to bed. I got a text from Jeremy saying everyone was ok. I sent him a thanks and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up feeling better and after I ran over to the mansion and fed I was in to shape. I even fed a little extra to be sure I was strong enough for whatever comes today. When I got back Bonnie was up and chipper as well. I joined her in the shower, just to be sure.

She was looking at her phone for awhile. Then when she finished she told me. "We're doing a set up for a fundraiser or something for the Lockwood's."

I nodded. "Alright."

She drove us there while I called Damon. "How'd the werewolf hunt go?"

He snorted. "We're going after him today at the Lockwood's place."

I sighed. "And here I thought I'd miss all the excitement. It looks like I'll have a front row seat."

He asked. "You're going to be there?"

I looked around as Bonnie parked. "Actually, we are here."

I hung up and got out. Carol was running the event so I stuck to Bonnie's side and helped her. When we passed Mason Bonnie gasped a little and grabbed my arm. Stefan must've noticed because he came over as well.

He asked. "What is it? What did you see?"

Bonnie looked confused. "Elena was kissing Mason."

I chuckled and Stefan put it together. "It wasn't Elena it's Katherine. He's working for her."

I grinned. "I'll be punishing her soon."

I turned to the werewolf coming our way and grunted. "But not today."

Bonnie made a plan with Damon to deal with Mason. I ignored that and channeled a talisman before dropping him from afar while he was by his truck. I turned him invisible to human eyes and did the same to his truck.

I walked over and tossed him in the back of his truck and texted Damon to head over. I left him to Damon saying. "Torture him to your hearts content then rip out his."

He took off down the road and I released the spells. I turned to Bonnie and Stefan and asked. "Wanna ditch this and go on a treasure hunt?"

Bonnie who was a little relieved she didn't have to torture Mason replied. "Sure."

I turned to Stefan as I picked up Bonnie. "The first one to the well at the edge of the Lockwood's estate wins."

We both blurred running towards where the old Lockwood manor used to be. Once I arrived I turned towards the direction Bonnie pointed and blurred once more. I arrived just before Stefan. "Well I won but technically I cheated so Bonnie won. She gets to choose which of us gets to jump into the well full of vervain water."

Stefan snorted. "Are you crazy? That'll kill us!"

I shook my head. "No, just hurt a little, like a slightly to hot bubble bath. Or it would if you'd been drinking vervain every day like I told you to."

He looked sheepish and Bonnie volunteered. "I'll go-"

I shook my head vigorously. "Hell no, that well also happens to be full of poisonous snakes. You most certainly would die from it. But I'll do it since Stefan is like his brother and can't seem to follow simple instructions that could save his life one day. Imagine if I wasn't here, he'd be up shit creek without a paddle."

I tore off the iron door and henges and tossed it aside. I grinned and turned to Stefan. "If she does something dangerous while I'm down there you save her or-"

I tripped myself into the well as a joke. I laughed like a crazy person on the way down. The water boiled around me like I was an egg. I grabbed the box and killed the snakes that got in my way before jumping and grabbing the metal bar above. I tossed the box to Stefan who caught it and dropped it because it was wet with vervain water. I chuckled. "Always dropping the ball Stefan."

I swung out the well and brushed off the few snakes that clung to me before turning to Bonnie and telling her. "See, death all around. Next time there's something dangerous to be done you don't volunteer yourself."

She nodded. "I'll volunteer you."

I frowned and Stefan laughed. I snorted and picked up the box before turning to Bonnie. "I can live with that at least."

I opened the box to see the fake moon stone and chuckled to myself. I tossed it to Stefan. "Keep that for a bit. It'll be useful in luring Katherine into a room if you and Damon want a go at her."

I turned to Bonnie. "Let's head back and finish helping move crap. Or better yet."

I took the stone from Stefan and gave it to Bonnie. "You give it to Damon and tell him he better appreciate it. Me and Stefan will help move their crap."

She smiled and I ran her back to the car while using the wind spell to dry myself before heading back to work. After a tedious and boring day Stefan left and I followed. He drove to his house and I ran. I got there just in time to see Damon rip out Mason's heart and drop it on the mat he laid out. Luckily for Damon that Bonnie had left the room.

I clapped. "I give it a seven."

He snickered. "Not a ten? What did I miss?"

I smiled. "Well if you were being tacky I'd give an eight if you bit into it afterwards. But what I thought I'd see was you tossing in the fire. His burning passion for her going up in flames. Kind of poetic isn't it?"

Damon actually looked thoughtful at that. I coughed and shook my head. "No extra points for advice taken."

He scowled and kicked before turning to Stefan that just entered. I turned to the door. "Bye, I'll see you tomorrow."

I blurred next to Bonnie as she left the front door. I spoke. "We'll stay out of it mostly, let the schemers scheme. I'm more of an in the moment type when it comes to the actual battle anyway."

She sighed. "Home?"

I nodded. "Yeah, lets stop by and grab a pizza on the way."

The next day began like any other, with an annoying call in the middle of sex. "I swear if your not fucking dying Stefan your head will roll."

Stefan answered. "I'm not but Katherine is."

I peeked up to that. "I'll be there when I get there now stop calling."

I turned off my phone and tossed it on the nightstand. I continued going down on Bonnie.

Several hours later, we arrived at the Salvatore house. Jeremy greeted us at the door. "We're going to kill Katherine."

I snorted. "I doubt it."

That got the rooms attention. I waved them on. "Continue scheming. Don't worry, if you fail your schemes I'll see to it she's punished."

Damon shivered and I ignored his attempts to start up a conversation. I turned to Bonnie. "That silver and black number you have would be a great one to wear tonight."

She perked up. "Oh? Why?"

I smiled. "I really want to take it off you."

She shivered and blushed. I got up and whispered in her ear. "With my teeth."

She shivered more and crossed her legs. I turned to Damon's grinning face and asked. "Did you hear anything Damon?"

He began. "Well actually-"

I snorted. "Let me refraze that, would you like to hear anything at all ever again?"

He paled and looked away. I saw Jeremy smirk and Stefan smile. I ignored their schemes for the most part. When it was ready and planned out I took Bonnie home to change before heading to the masquerade ball.

I grinned when I saw she was wearing the silver and black number. She was nervous I could tell, but about what I didn't know. I put a hand on her back as we headed inside. "Relax, I'll protect you always."

I danced with her a few times before I heard Stefan say it was time. I led her upstairs and when she put the barrier spell up I followed her downstairs. I felt another witch nearby and I could tell she felt us. Bonnie led the way and grabbed her arm. I knew something else instantly as well.

I growled. "Bennet witch."

Bonnie looked surprised at that and when the other witch saw me she paled. "Guardian."

I nodded. "It's been a while since I'd seen another Bennet line. Sheila, you're not directly related but that's where it split off."

She nodded. "Katherine didn't tell me you were her enemy. I-I-"

I waved a hand. "Relax child. I won't interfere until the spells both you did are broken. Bonnie, this is where things change. Give the moon stone to your cousin here. No tricks."

I turned to the new Bennet witch. "You give it to Katherine and square your debts, I'll take it from there."

She nodded and looked towards Bonnie who was looking at me. I took Bonnie's other hand. "Trust me. While Katherine won't die today she'll pay for what she's done."

She handed the moonstone over and we headed upstairs. I turned to our new friend. "Ah ah ah. Get rid of the linking spell."

She pulled a rope out of the bag that was noted and said a few words while pulling the ends. When it was a straight rope again we continued upstairs.

She made sure her debt with Katherine was cleared and Bonnie brought down the spell locking her in. Once the Bennet witch was gone I turned to Bonnie. "Go meet with family. In a few minutes no one sane is going to want to be here."

She left and I turned to Katherine before throwing up my own barrier spell. When it was in place I turned to Stefan and Damon. "Have a seat boys and enjoy the show. Because until I'm done, no one else is leaving. Don't worry, no sound will penetrate to the outside. Humans can't even perceive of this room right now."

While they did as asked I turned to Katherine. "You dumb dumb girl."

I grabbed the moonstone and crushed it in my hand. "I took the real moonstone long ago and replaced it with a fake to trap bigger game than a silly girl like you."

She looked shocked then as my words sunk in, terrified. "You're hunting Klaus?"

I grinned. "How else am I to have a family reunion on my terms."

She fled to the other side of the room and started banging on the walls. All around my barrier spell held, not even a speck of damage was done. I blurred and smacked her across the room. "That was for Jenna, a good friend and person you nearly took from us."

She turned to Stefan and Damon and started begging. They clinked glasses with a smile like watching a show. I back handed her into the barrier so hard I wasn't sure it would hold but when it did she fell down bloody and screaming. "Now that was for Caroline, a bit talkative but a good person at heart and you murdered her then tormented the vampire she became. That you deserved the most."

She was bleeding all over now and begging with a busted lip. "Please please please don't kill me!"

I shook my head. "I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to put you were you should've been all those years ago. You sentenced twenty fife innocent vampires to death when you conspired with that Lockwood boy back then. The least I can do is make sure you actually visit their grave."

I grabbed her by the throat and bit into her neck. I took several long pulls and she was bone dry. I set her desiccating body down and turned to the boys. "How was the show?"

Damon saluted. "A perfect ten."

Stefan disagreed. "I don't know. It's not over yet."

I nodded and turned to Damon. "I warned you repeatedly and tried to steer you away from foolishness. I even gave you an undeserved reprieve. Now it's time the devil has his due."

Damon stood up. "So what's it to be? Trapped in the tomb with her? Or is it the well?"

I shook my head. "One way or another yours will be a quick punishment."

I grabbed Damon's shoulder then waved a hand and the barrier spell was dropped. I drew all the remaining magic back in the talisman. Then I turned to Stefan. "Go get him."

He disappeared for a second and came back with Jeremy. I turned to Damon and bit him, draining him dry then I set him at Jeremy's feet and tossed him a stake. "It's your call. I'll let him go if you will. Or, you stake him now and end his existence like he snuffed yours out. Either way it ends now!"

Jeremy looked at Stefan and I shook my head. "Don't worry he won't interfere or seek reprisals, I guarantee it."

Jeremy's hand tightened on the stake and for a second I really thought he'd do it. That is until he straight up dropped it instead. "Na, I can't live my life for revenge. Hate and anger only take yo so far."

I smiled. "Wiser words have never been spoken. Go, tell the others it's done and Katherine is captured."

I turned to Damon and walked to him. I kneeled down and told him. "You know, at the rate your burning friends and acting out, this will only be a stay of execution. I keep my word though."

I put my wrist to his mouth. "Drink. Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'm old and powerful, he'll it may do you some good."

Damon drank his fill then stopped. "Why?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Why what?"

He bit out. "Why the theatrics? You knew he was going to free me. Why go through all that?"

I smiled. "Did I now? And if I did, what did it accomplish?"

He thought for a moment. "You got me to drink from you."

I shrugged. "At worst it would make you stronger, at best, a lot stronger. What else?"

He thought for a moment and shook his head. I sighed. "Maybe it wasn't all about you boy. I've lived for so long, from battlefield to battlefield, a life of unending war and pain. In all that time, do you know what I valued after each battle?"

He shook his head and I sighed. "A clear conscience. Not that not feeling crap the younger vampires do, but a truly clear conscience. After what that boy experienced, a part of him would always be asking what if or why didn't I. That was the only thing I could give him after what you did. Now he'll be able to say to himself with resolve that he forgave you. Maybe not for you but for himself. And that makes him a damned better man then the lot of us. There's a secret in there Damon, perhaps one day you'll figure it out and be a better man. Maybe not a good one, but a better one."

I turned to Stefan. "I've said all I have to say, take Katherine to the tomb and seal her away. I'll be visiting her tomorrow, so just set her inside. Take Alaric for the task."

He nodded and I turned to Damon as he got up. "I gave you the potential to be better, but the boy gave you the wisdom. Cherish it because there'll not be anymore punishments from me. I'm far to old to be bending you newbies over my knee. It's the last lesson or advice I'll give you."

Sighing I headed for the door. "Oh, and Damon? Clean this place up, it looks like a child's room."

I heard laughing behind me and I continued onward to find my prize. I checked myself in the mirror before finding her on a bench outside. "So, how was your meeting with your cousin?"

She shrugged. "It was interesting. She said if she ever needed you she'd call."

I nodded. "Let's hope she's not like Emily, to stubborn to do so."

We danced a good long time after that, I drove us home later in the night and kept my word to Bonnie to use my teeth. Come to find out, she was wondering if I'd actually took notice and was anticipating the trip home.

The next day was hectic. I dropped Bonnie off at school and headed to the tomb after making a pit stop at my manor. I opened the stone slab and Katherine's dedicated body was right inside. I opined a water bottle full of blood and set it n her hand carefully.

"It's time we talked once more Katerina."

Her hand slowly raised it to her mouth and she drank. After she finished that one, I passed her another. It continued like that until she was full and healthy again. She asked. "Why? Why did you give me blood when you know I'll just desiccate all over again. Is this more punishment?"

I shrugged. "Perhaps it's a punishment in and of itself. Or perhaps I was feeling sentimental after so long. Either way, this is the last I'll be seeing you for awhile. Goodbye Katherine."

I closed the stone door and left.On my way out I got a call from Bonnie. "Yes love?"

Bonnie asked. "Can you go save Elena? Someone took her."

I sighed. "Send me the address and be sure to use talismans if your doing a locator spell, those things take more power the farther the distance from yourself."

After a few minutes she texted me an address I recognized.

I drew power and teleported into the a room I'd seen in my oldest memories. I saw Elena sitting there reading Bonnie's note. "Are you going to sit there all day or are you coming?"

Elena stood up shocked. "How did you get here?"

I snorted. "Teleported. Now are we going or do I have to fight off our guests?"

I turned to the doorway. "You must be Trevor, a young man still, though haggard and road weary."

Trevor walked into the room cautiously. "And who are you?"

I chuckled. "You call my baby brother here and you want to know who I am? Boy, how many years have you been running from my younger siblings now and you don't even know the family tree? You think you know vampire history boy? I've cut a bloody red swath through human and vampire history. The number to fall to my blade alone would drown out you puny littl-"

Elena grabbed my arm. "Let's go!"

Rose ran in with Elijah behind her. I saw him and growled. "Traitorous bastard!"

Elijah was taken aback and when I attacked he fled. "Get back here and I'll welp just like I did a thousand yours ago!"

I ran after him faster than he could move. I through him into a few walls about the sides before throwing him back in the room we started. "Get up you runt and I'll kick your ass for what you did."

Elijah stood up and was greeted with my fist, sending him back into the far wall. "Elijah, it's time we had a serious heart to heart now."

I turned to Elena. "Tell Bonnie I'm dealing with family business and not to bother, he's alone." I tapped her forehead and sent her to Bonnie.

I turned to the vampires. "You have two choices now that you're here and what you just tried to do. Try and fight me with Elijah and die miserably or wait in the next room over until we're done talking."

They fled instantly. I heard them in the next room and laughed. "You two are smart, I could track you instantly and kill you anywhere. Stay put and I'll guarantee Elijah stops pursuing you."

I pulled some sage out of my pocket and lit it before tossing it on the table. "Elijah get up, I know your not hurt and I don't need my pride or vanity swollen, I never have."

Seconds later he was sitting next to me. He asked. "How? When you left we thought the sun had burnt you up!"

I sighed. "There are a great many things you three brats don't know about our family and it's real history. Just a sec, I'm going keep out prying ears or eyes. Sage can only do so much."

I set the most powerful boundary spell I could. It even drew from my own abilities and absorbed magic around it to make itself stronger.

Sighing I sat back down. "Where was I? Oh yes. Things you don't know. Well, our mother's secrets are where it begins I guess. Did you know she has an older sister?"

He shook his head and I sighed. "Well, before we were born, mother was infertile. So she made a deal that will haunt us all I assure you. The deal was for her to give her sister every first born child from all of us and our children and our children's children. And so on and so forth."

I paused and let it sink in. He finally spoke. "Freya."

I nodded. "Did you not think it strange that she would give her supposed first born to a witch neighbor to raise? Bless Ayana I'm glad she did after what she pulled."1

Elijah grew more and more brooding as I continued. "I was bonded to Freya, my twin sister. We were so close any injuries one suffered the other suffered. Luckily for the both of us Ayana made an enchanted bracelet I wore, it blocked both of us from it but it did more than that. You see, with it on, I could no longer feel her, where before I could tell where she was across the village and if I concentrated I could tell what she was doing."

I sighed. "Anyway, the point is, I was there when the black hearted bitch we called our mother gave her away. I couldn't control myself, you see, Freya got the magical talent where I was born without magic of my own. But I had a unique curse since birth, it's why throughout my entitle life our mothers only touched me once. She feared me, I am Freya complete opposite, I absorb magic to use as my own. Not even death could change that, so now you know why she feared me let's continue."

I sighed. "Our aunt and my greatest enemy is one of the most powerful witches of all time. Our mother doesn't even rank."

Elijah sighed with me now. I continued. "When she took Freya I attacked. I tried to drain her of her magic and rip out he black soul if I could, but alas, I was but a boy. My body wasn't strong enough to handle even a fraction of her power. I realized then that I was to weak. She sent me fly and took my sister anyway."

I shuddered and continued. "I used what I had, I trained with father till not but one bruise each day and at night I learned magic from Ayana. The closest I had to a real mother. She taught me everything she knew. For my entire human life it was training after training. Until one day it became battle after battle. I fought with father and continued my magic studies with Ayana. And eventually even those ended. One day not long after I had started going into live battles with father, I met a girl from our village. She was one of a kind-"

Elijah spoke up. "Tatia."

I smiled and nodded. "You see Elijah, it was never you or Nik first. While your every attempts failed it was because she was already with me."

He went pale and I nodded. "Not long after my twenty fifth winter, Tatia came to me, pregnant she said."

I closed my eyes and smiled. "I did all the spells. It was mine you see. Then after the realization struck me happy and senseless another realization struck me. She would be coming for my child."

Elijah was clenching his hand on the side of his chair as it groaned under the pressure.

I shook my head at his antics and continued. "I knew what I had to do. I'd felt Dallas power once before and I had a measure of even then. I knew I stood no chance, my body would give out long before she weakened enough for me to kill her, or even die with her. So I dug into every protection charm I'd ever used or even studied. I combined it with family lineage magic and I cut off apiece of my very soul, ensuring there would never be an afterlife for me so long as I could give my child a fighting chance."

Elijah was crying now but I was to close to finishing my words. "I used it all, I turned my curse into a shield for my unborn child. While it was still growing in Tatia I cursed it with all I had."

I sighed. "My soul was numb from the chunk I cut from it. Ayana was the only one that knew what I'd done, the only one I could trust to see it through if I died in the process. When it was over, Henrik had just turned six. Father was battle weary and decided to spend time with him but I'd just done the unthinkable to my own child. I felt numb inside and Tatia had left to be with her parents through the birth. I through myself into battle hoping for the end and each time I came back a little stronger a little more focused. For a year straight I went to war, daring the gods themselves to kill me just so I could deny them all in the end."

Shook my head and Elijah was lost in thought. So I went on as well. "Tatia came back not long after the year of battle. She was changed as well, you see, she could no more keep the child then marry me. I was born cursed, a child of darkness and death. The battles I won and the bloody havoc I caused on the fields of battle went as further proof to it. They called me a berserker, and it was not a compliment. To them I was a mindless beast meant for only death and war. Tatia couldn't be seen with me and heaven forbid I had a child. They- they would have strangled the child in its crib. Tatia's parents moved villages and said it was from shame of her. I'd become cold and unruly and if I'm honest, every bit the beast they claimed I was."

I took a deep breath and continued. "Eventually, while I was unaware, she found herself a strong strapping lad that promised her love and comfort.-"

Elijah pleaded. "Brother I had no ide-"

I waved him down. "I'm not mad because of that. I'm actually grateful in a way. We both suffered loss and she was able to find a glimmer of happiness again. No, whatever grievances I have with you lay elsewhere."

I gave him a stern glare he couldn't meet. "Ayana was the one who knew me best and knew what I had done. She searched for all that time and finally found, we'll, not a cure, but a patch for my soul and psyche to heal. It worked sort of. I am a regular man except on the battlefield, then I am the devil incarnate. It worked for a time. The battles started to give the rest of me to heal, I was calmer then. I taught Kol magic and Bekah healing. I trained with you and Nik and even Finn, when he managed to pull his head out mothers ass."

Elijah snorted. "I remember that time, it was the best, even for Klaus."

I nodded. "I figured as much. While I was around father dare not try to beat him. He was battle warn and I was just hitting my prime. He could no longer win me and he knew it. That's why I was a bit surprised that the night after Henrik's death he killed me like a thief in the night. Not a word or anything, I turned to look at him and show respect and he plunges his sword in my chest. If it wasn't a nearly clean kill I'd have taken it out and beaten him with it."

Elijah laughed. "Yes, I imagine you would've but then, that's why he did it that way I suppose."

I snorted. "The bloody coward. I wake up to them feeding me blood from a bowl. I was enraged, but then you knew that didn't you? That's why you stood with him."

Elijah sighed. "They explained it to us before they killed us. You were the first killed but the last to wake."

I nodded. "My curse tried fighting the spell, I learned of its effects later. I became something new. A vampire that could use magic, who'd of thought. The youngsters even found a name for it just as blasphemous as all my others. They called it a Heretic. I am the original heretic. Isn't that funny?"

I laughed as Elijah's face soured. I continued. "I went to Ayana immediately, I felt the sun actually burn me and she helped me make a spell, one I would later learn she shared with mother to protect you all."

He looked a bit dazed at that. "We thought you'd died when you ran out there."

I shook my head. "I took my grimoire and copied mothers as well. I figured if I'm to have eternity, it might as well be used to kill my enemies. I spent the first five hundred years battling for money and knowledge. I traded spells with witches and tutored others. I battled throughout time itself, when I wasn't training in combat arts I was practicing spells or on the battlefield earning money. I burned cities to the ground and slaughtered thousands upon thousands of warriors. I trained the greatest witches of the ages and learned more then than the world remembers now. Through it all I was preparing, creating talismans to draw power from. All while protecting Ayana's descendants and mine. That is until one day, whilst I was deep in my cavern of spells creating a weapon of sorts to finally kill the bitch, I get word that my descendant is being used by my own brothers. All my power and magic was invested in spells. I pulled a smaller one in case of emergency and crossed from the new world to the old. I tracked Katarina to the Forest of Dean where none other than you are chasing her. I grabbed her and fled faster than her newborn body could move. I ran straight for where I knew she was from, Bulgaria. I get there and I saw some things I hadn't seen since id left the battlefields several decades before. Katerina was in tears and I knew I was to late. I knew her daughter Nadia had been taken in by the travelers and so I took her and fled with what she could carry. I ran then teleported using the last of my available Magic's to get her to safety. I told her about myself out of sheer stupidity and desperation for her to hide. Then I came up with a different plan. I gave her all my holdings in the old world and even gave her a ship in case she should decide to flee my way the I backed into the darkness, erasing myself from her memory. I used those loyal to me to feed you all falls trails and dead ends. For nearly four hundred years I protected her from the shadows. Then, a miracle of miracles. While I was off freeing slaves in the south. She finds her way to our home, where we grew up. I found she'd fallen in love. I encouraged it from the shadows. I was hoping she'd settle down there. I'd defy any of you to harm her in front of me even little Nik, wolf or no, I'd rip the magic that made him immortal right out of him."

I turned my cold gaze on him now. "Or you."

Elijah shuddered knowing now I didn't need a special stake to end them. "As it were while I was away, she'd felt an agent of mine get too close and decided it was time to flee again. She traded the moonstone for safe passage out and let those vampires she called friends suffer in her place. I wouldn't see her again for many years. My spies would occasionally send you more false leads creating a cloud for her to hide under. At that time it was all I could do until I could finish it."

Elijah asked. "What is it you need to complete it?"

I grimaced. "The one thing I hate as much as our aunt."

Elijah nodded. "Mother."

I sneered. "More like I need her blood. I couldn't care less how I get it but if she's alive I'll take great pleasure in ripping her still beating heart out and using that."

He grimaced at my words and I sighed. "I'll tell you what Elijah, you get me mothers blood and swear to never tell a soul what I've told you here today and I'll kick Nike's ass for you so you can find our siblings."

Elijah thought on it fo a moment then asked. "And if I can't swear?"

I shrugged. "I'll use my magic to erase all knowledge of this conversation from your mind."

He raised an eyebrow then sighed. "You have a deal. I'll keep your secrets he'd once we have our family back, mothers coffin is yours."

I nodded. "Very well. I keep my word as well. For starters, leave the poor vampires in the next room alone. They've suffered enough Elijah. And for things you had no business wanting them dead for. Or do you claim to love Katerina like that even after our conversation?"

He snorted and shook his head. "You're right, I'll let their transgressions go."

I nodded and took down the spell. It took a bit of effort to channel it all into my talismans. When I was done I put out the sage saying. "You two can come back in now, we're done talking."

Rose and Trevor came in and I chuckled as Trevor kneeled and apologized to Elijah. I waited and he pardoned them. I turned to Rose. "You both have run for so long now, I have an honest offer that comes with so much more than a simple pardon."

Rose and Trevor trembled before she asked. "What is it?"

I smiled. "I would like to take you on as staff for my home. It mostly would consist of running errands and guard duty. Don't worry, you won't have to fight anyone you can't handle. Just protect a few people I care about every so often."

Elijah smiled and held up his hands in a surrender when they looked to him. "I'm no fool. Even when we were human he was the strongest and oldest of us."

Rose asked. "Then Klaus?"

I snorted. "He's our little brother. Of the vampires, my father is the oldest, then me, then Finn-"

Elijah interjected. "He's locked away."

I snorted. "Then Elijah here-"

Elijah smiled now. "Then Klaus."

Rose asked. "But then why-"

I snorted. "Family drama."

I turned to look at Trevor who looked down. "But then you'd know how that is. Now you don't have tow worry, you won't be facing any of my siblings. You'll be under my considerable protections. That includes daylight rings and spells I personally crafted to make you immune to most Magic's including compulsion. You'll have money and a safe home, with plenty of blood. You have my offer now, why don't you take this time to mull it over. Meet me at the Salvatore manor In Mystic falls if you do decide to join me."

I turned to Elijah. "Do you have a ride or shall I take you with me?"

He shook his head. "I have a vehicle outside. I'll meet you there."

I nodded. "And Elijah, I've found so much more there. If you try to ruin it for me...-"

He smiled. "I wouldn't dream about it."

I nodded and drew out the power necessary and teleported to Bonnie's location. I found her at Elena's house waiting. I smiled when I saw her. "I've dealt with our problem and secured an ally for a future battle."

I turned to Elena. "For future reference, do try not to leave parties alone."

Stefan, who was beside her spoke. "Thank you."

I nodded. "I didn't do it for you, but your welcome all the same."

I turned to Bonnie and held out my hand. "Shall we? I have a lot to show you and even more to say after."

She took my hand and smiled before turning to Elena. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I teleported us to my basement in the manor. She looked around in wonder. I smiled. "Welcome to the entrance of the vault."

She looked at the golden walls lined with silver. It was as simple a room as you could imagine only made of gold and silver. The stairs that led up were in the far corner. In the center of the room was a wooden bowl filled with a liquid substance on an alter.

She asked. "Where is everything?"

I chuckled and waved to the alter. "Inside the liquid is a pocket dimension that I store it all in. What you saw from before was the dimensional energy it gives off."

I pointed to the floors and walls that had runic carvings on them. "All those runes are spells that seal it in and protect my life's work. I've cleared out the upstairs room into the vault again. If you want, I'd like to show you apart of it. A small part."

She nodded and I led her to the alter. "Hold my hand and I'll take us to the part of the vault we want to go."

As she took my hand I touched the liquid mercury like liquid and we were sucked inside a black void. I spoke an incantation. "animus ex animo."

The black void shifted and we were standing in a similar chamber to the one we just left. "Steady, it can be disorienting the first few times, I know."

I smiled and waved to the almost empty room. The alter even closely resembled the one we used but the liquid in the bowl was different. It was blue and bright, giving off its own light.

Bonnie commented. "It's almost exactly the same."

I nodded. "This is my mind vault. It's simple because I don't like to be in here."

She frowned. "Then why?"

I sighed. "Because I knew after today's events I had to tell you more secrets. I brought you here to show you what transpired today. I need you to know, so that you're not caught off guard."

I pointed to the alter. "There was a children's movie made by a witch who found a version of my vault when I was making copies to test and work out the kinks. I ignored it mostly but you may recognize some aspects."

She walked over to the alter and after looking inside she whispered. "Harry Potter."

I chuckled. "That's the one. Can you guess what it is or what it does?"

She raised and eyebrow and folded her arms while looking at me. "It's a pensive, it shows memories."

I nodded. "A bit more complicated than that but yes. You see the newer memories are the easiest to access. I tried going back further than a year and well, lets just say it shouldn't be done. You see, the older the memory, the more the mind needs it to stay sane and keep a grasp on reality."

She nodded and I stepped up beside her. "The newer ones can be copied as it were, and in the right circumstances, shared."

I held a hand up to my temple and closed my eyes. After using a wordless thought based incantation, I pulled my hand away and a bright whisp of light came with it.

I set it inside the pensive and stepped back. "View it to your hearts content. It will last a year anyway. Inside are a lot of my core secrets. Some you know already, some you don't. All are important to me."

She smiled and I nodded before she stuck her head in. I leaned against the wall with my eyes closed and prayed she could accept the man I am.

An eternity dragged on as I continued to pray, eventually I felt a change in the room and before I could open my eyes, I felt her arms around me.

I hugged her back and opened my eyes. She was staring into them with tears in hers. I cupped her face and smiled. "Tell me I'm doing it wrong and I'll stop. Gods I'll stop. I've fought and worked so hard to protect everyone and win, but I'd give it all up for you. I'd sacrifice my magic and immortality to be with you as a human. I'd give anything to give you a family and a life without worry-"

She kissed me, our lips met and I gave her everything I had in that kiss. When she pulled back I sighed. "What would you have me do?"

She put her hand on my cheek and looked me in the eyes. "Keep fighting. I'll keep your secrets and when it's all over, when everyone's safe and your sister is free, it'll be time to rest. We'll get a house and-"

I shook my head. "I can't give you a family."

She smiled. "Then we'll adopt. Or do a magical pregnancy. Hell, for all we know your sister could know a way for us to have kids. And another thing, I'm not even sure I want kids any time soon."

I nodded. "We'll do it then. After this is all over we'll settle down."

She smiled. "Then, and only then, I'll tell Elena of your connection to her family."

I chuckled. "Told you, you'd met one. Well, now three. Nadia's the only one who hasn't visited yet. I'll need to speak with Qetsiyah again before she does."

I held her and told her about it all. When we finished I sighed. "The vault is the only safe space outside of the spell I did when I met Elijah. It cuts all connections with the outside world. Not even the spirits can see inside here."

I wave a hand while I held her and we appeared in a thrown room surrounded by literal mountains of gold and jewels. "All my spoils of a thousand years. In this place, I am invincible. Nothing and no one can harm me here."

I picked her up and carried her to the throne before setting her on it. "All of it means nothing to me though. I'd give it all away to put a smile on your face."

She smiled at that and I shrugged. "It's something of a storage room for gold and valuables of the non magic variety. The thrown was a hold over from the crusades. The Roman emperors sat on it and fought over it. And in the end it means very little."

I took her hand and waved. We appeared in a vast library now. "All the knowledge I've collected. The spells and original texts that were copied into the grimoire. You already hold everything in here in one book."

She smiled. "You really do want me to have everything."

I nodded and waved a hand and we appeared on a scaffold above miles of shelves as far as the human eye could see. "Every magical item I've ever collected throughout all my years. Many I found on treasure hunts while searching for more magical texts."

I waved a hand an we were in a section of the warehouse 13 esc place. I pointed to a shelf and she spoke. "The moonstone."

I nodded. "I'd originally planed for Klaus to bargain for it. Our mothers body for the stone. Now that I have Elijah on my side, there's no need. I'll give it to Elijah and stay in the dark. Klaus won't come to town if he knows of mine and Elijah's deal, but Elijah will honor his words where Nik will not."

I sighed. "Everything else in this warehouse will be turned into several powerful talismans that you and I will use to bring my raging bitch of an aunt to her knees. Then, I'll drive my sword consecrated in her weaknesses through her black heart."

She spoke. "But I'm not ready!"

I shook my head. "It'll be a few years yet till it's all in place. It will take time for me to form the talismans that can hold all this power and channel it in. I've created the molds. For yours already, come, I'll show you."

After grabbing the moonstone I grabbed her hand and waved. The world altered one last time and we were in a cold forge. I pointed to the table. "There see."

On it was a mold for a necklace, ring, earrings, and several rings I saw her looking confused about. I chuckled. "The extras on the side were if you decided you liked piercings. I didn't know your opinions on them yet but I assure you their not necessary to it all. They'd be more like focus crystals to help with the strain of channeling all that power."

I pointed to the bracelets and jewelry that would be necessary. "You see, it's to much power for a single talisman, so it'll all be stored in two totems. They'll be linked to these talismans as focuses so we don't feel much strain. The extras would dampen it even further and if you wore them all, you'd have the power to equal or surpass the greatest witches of all time. Qetsiyah didn't have access to that much power and she created the other side, where supernatural beings go when they die."

She looked to me. "Even with this you're uncertain you could beat your aunt?"

I shook my head. "It's not about beating her, it's about killing her. She's linked herself with my twin and I want her back. My aunts immortal Bonnie. This will bring her low, and I'll finish her off with my sword. I'll need you to delink her and then I'll end it."

She looked to me. "What will you do with the power afterwards?"

I smiled. "With my talismans, I'll restore my sister to her full power and heal the damage she suffered at my aunts hands. Then, I'll leave it to you to decide. Personally, I say we channel it all to your talismans then give the rest to your ancestors. Witches on the other side bargain power for favors. I say we give Sheila, Emily, Ayana and the rest a boost. Perhaps if we both pass over eventually, they'll help us have an easy time."

She smiled and kissed me. I chuckled. "I owe Ayana so much already, it seems fair I pay her back with this. If you have any other suggestions I'm all ears."

She shook her head. "It sounds perfect."

I nodded. "I have one last surprise for you today."

I waved my hand one more time and we appeared beside a crystal pillar. "This is the center of this dimension. It's the very center of its power. I built this with over five hundred years of careful testing."

I turned to her. "Go on, touch it. Feel it and let its power flow through you."

She was not even a little hesitant when she walked over and touched it.

I saw the look on her face. "Describe what you feel."

She looked in ecstasy. "Power, emotion-"

She gasped. "It's alive!"

I chuckled. "Your right. It's a spirit of sorts. A living will of the dimension. Now let it in, let it feel you and your emotions."

She gasped and opened her eyes. "It's saying something.... it likes me!"

I laughed. "Of course it does love. It's connected to me as well. It knows how I feel about you and it wants to protect you. And now it will. It will allow you inside like it does me. Just think of where you want to go and it'll take you, so long as it's within the dimension."

After a second she was in my arms in a blinks. I chuckled. "So this is where you wanted to be."

She nodded. "Always."

I kissed her for that then sighed. "It's time we go now. You can come back later whenever you want now. It'll let you inside once your in the basement."

With a thought we were in said basement. When we broke apart something happened. The alter glowed and with a flash of light a pendant flew out. It floated in front of her. I chuckled when I saw it. "Go ahead, it's yours. The dimension wanted to protect you and it has. The necklace will let you back in from any distance. You'll come back to this basement when you leave, but it's as safe as can be."

I watched her put it on and smiled. "Now remember, if your in danger and you have someone with you that you really don't like, use it and it'll protect you. The dimension will take them with you and use its power and every curse I've ever brought inside on them. So be sure you want them gone, cause it's a one way trip for them."

She nodded and touched the pendant. "Thank you."

The pendant vibrates and I chuckled. "You'll get used to it."

She asked. "What's next?"

I held up the moonstone. "I'll give this to Elijah to deal with. He has his own witches following him. I'll let him deal with that, I have another task for you. Emily's grimoire should have the Gilbert ring spell in it. I want you to create another one. To save a life."

She asked. "Who?"

I smiled. "Elena's in a round about way."

She looked confused but I waved it off. "I'll tell you the full plan later. Let's just call it insurance."

She nodded and we left the basement. I got a call a second later. "What is it Stefan? I'm about to turn in for the night."

"Two vampires just showed up here looking for you."

I chuckled. "Put Rose on."


I smiled. "My house isn't far from Stefan's, head over and if you have to ask for directions be nice."

I hung up then turned to Bonnie. "We're about to have guests."

I tapped her pendant with a thought and two rings popped out. I took them and told her. "It will do the same for you, but it won't give out dark objects or things that are to be used for the final plan. Use the gold and all that for whatever you desire, you already have a credit card linked to my accounts and the Bennet families out there get their own money as well."

She nodded. "You've given me so much and trust me with so much more. I just-"

I kissed her and interrupted her speech. When I pulled back I told her. "I love you Bonnie Bennet."

I waved at the house. "All of this is pointless without you. I meant it when I said I'd give it all up for you."

She smiled with tears in her eyes. "I love you too."

I grinned. "Let's go greet our guests and do a couple spells."

She nodded and we walked side by side to the front of the house. We went to the parlor and Jason opened the door, letting them inside.

Rose and Trevor came in and I waved for them to sit. "Rose, Trevor, this is Bonnie Bennet. She's the one person in this house you don't piss off are we clear?"

They nodded and I sighed. "So, you have made a decision?"

They nodded and Trevor spoke. "We would like to work for you."

I smiled. "Excellent."

I waved Jason over and told him. "Draw up two contracts with open ends. Their first assignment will be guard duty."

I turned back to Rose and Trevor. "You'll be protecting the doppelgänger from afar. You'll keep track of everyone new in town and you'll pull her out of life threatening situations."

Trevor asked. "How?"

I chuckled. "My resources are vast. Jason will show you everything. Including where the blood is. Now, as for rules. No feeding on anyone. The staff will bring you blood if you but ask. They are on vervain and you will start taking it yourself as well. Small doses mind you."

I let that sink in then sighed. "There are two rooms in this house you're not to enter. The basement and the master bedroom. The basement is spelled and there are some very nasty curses inside. The bedroom because I don't want you in my private room, it's creepy and weird to have others in there."

Bonnie touched my hand and I sighed. "You're to do anything Bonnie here asks of you so long as it doesn't break our agreement. And one final rule."

I looked at them both very seriously. "You will not try for a repeat with Katherine on Bonnie, that's the one I'd kill you over. You protect her when she's in danger if I'm not there but you flirt with her and I'll pull you apart like taffy. We clear on all that?"

They nodded and I sighed. Jason came back with the contracts and they signed them. Bonnie reached forward and handed them their rings. "These are for you, they're spelled to protect any vampire so don't bet them away or lose them."

They took them with a smile and I chuckled. "You'll be given credit cards with no limits and your pick of any room not already occupied. The garage is full of expensive fun cars, you can use any we don't at the time. If I send you across the country we have a fleet of private jets. So long as you keep your words and do your jobs you'll live a life of luxury from now on. In a hundred years or so, you'll be given your choice of house to own yourself anywhere in the world. Now I know your tired and weary of the road, Jason will show you where the blood is stocked as well as vervain. Take a little each meal and no original will be able to compel you. Go take a load off, your shift starts tomorrow after a run through from Jason in the morning."

The smiled and hugged each other crying a little before leaving with Jason. I turned to Bonnie. "So, how was it?"

She smiled. "It was great of you to do that."

I shrugged. "I needed extra hands and so long as they keep an eye out their protection costs me nothing. I could kick Klaus's ass any day of the week."

She smiled. "And the Elena protection?"

I shrugged. "They've got to start somewhere. This will give them a chance to learn surveillance and undercover work first hand. It'll also tell Jason what their good at and their weaknesses he can train out of them."

She nodded at that and I sighed. "Shall we head to bed? I'm sure Jason's giving them the full rundown and how to utilize the sage."

She blushed and I chuckled. "Relax, I'll toss up a sound barrier. Now if only I could do it to my phone."

She snorted. "They would all be dead by the time you checked your messages."

I shrugged. "Then maybe they shouldn't be doing crap during our time alone."

She slapped my chest. "You'd take the opportunity to constantly have our time alone."

I wagged my eyebrow. "Yes, yes I would. And we'd enjoy every minute of it."

She laughed and pulled me towards to bedroom.

The next morning I woke to the sound of Elijah nocking on my bedroom door. I sat up. "I'll be down after a shower, make yourself comfortable but do try not to eat anyone."

I heard a cough. "Fine."

I turned to Bonnie who was up now as well. "Well Bonnie, how would you like to officially meet my little brother Elijah?"

She sighed. "Let's get this over with."

I nodded. "But first, that shower."

On the way to the bathroom I lit some sage.

Nearly an hour later we made our way downstairs. When we got to the bottom Elijah spoke from the parlor room. "If I'd known you'd take that long I'd have stopped by somewhere to have a meal."

I snorted. "There's plenty of blood in stock so long as it's from a bag so quit your bitching."

When we walked through the doorway Elijah came before us and held out his hand to Bonnie. "I do apologize for my brothers crass language. We were taught manors I swear."

Bonnie took his hand saying. "He's a warrior at heart, he saves the nice things he says for me."

I grinned. "That I do love."

I waved a hand to the lounge area. "Shall we?"

I led Bonnie to the love seat then turned to Elijah. "You came a little earlier than I expected. How did you find this place?"

He sat down with a smile. "You have your witches and I have mine."

I sighed. "What ever you may think about my relationship with Bonnie, I've never used her like that. To me she isn't some pawn in a game like yours are."

He looked intrigued. "Whatever do you mean?"

I shook my head. "Let's be open then brother. I know what you promised your witches to help you beat Nik. You know better then I do what kind of relationship Nik has with his witch followers. They want their family member back but we both know thats not possible after Nik had her."

Bonnie raised an eyebrow and I turned to her. "Niklaus likes to take witches while they're young and indoctrinate them to be loyal to only him. He does it to humans with compulsion but witches are immune to most forms of mind manipulation, so he takes them from their families while they're still young and teaches them magic. Or as close to it as he cares to get. Then the older witches that follow him take over their training."

Bonnie asked. "Why haven't you stopped him before now?"

I turned and lit some sage before answering. "In order to complete the plans I made, I stepped into the shadows. While I've been in them so long, I became deaf to most others plights. I protect everyone I could but to take down Klaus so publicly would ruin any chance of surprise I'd have when it comes to dealing with my true enemy. So I saved who I could from the shadows. My people save as many families as they can from my siblings perverse actions. Whatever you may come to realize about me Bonnie, remember, I am just one man. I can only do so much."

Elijah sighed. "We'll have to lure Niklaus to town in some way."

I nodded. "I can guess at your plans. They'll have to be heavily modified. For instance, he will not willingly step foot in this town if he knows I'm alive an here. And then there's the problem of you."

He asked. "Me?"

I nodded. "He has people watch were you go and your movements have not gone unnoticed. He's aware you're here, though I doubt he knows why for sure."

I sighed and sat back for a minute then told him." Call you witches. Send them to the Salvatore house not far from here. We're going to hold a war room. I'll contact the rest of the people we'll need. And I'm sorry brother, but if this new plan I thought of is to work, we'll both have to suffer for a time."

I stood up and turned to Bonnie. "Follow me, I want to show you my thoughts before I share them with others."

I touched her pendent and went inside. I found myself exactly where I need to be. The memory vault. After a couple seconds Bonnie showed up. I was already pouring my thoughts inside the pensive. When I was done I waved her on. "It's faster to hear it from there. Let me know what you think."

After several minutes she pulled back. She turned to me. "You thought of all that while we were sitting there?"

I shook my head. "I thought up that the moment you said you wanted to continue our plans. I've just been modifying it since."

She nodded. "I can do my part but I really hate your part."

I nodded. "I do too believe me. It's just I don't see another option without exposing you to magic your not ready for. I'm trying really hard not to think of it as him and more as me."

She nodded. "That's the same problem I'm having. Are you sure he'll choose Ric?"

I nodded. "He wont be able to resist putting himself in the highest position possible."

She sighed. "Let's tell them the plan then."

I followed her out of the vault and basement before texting the Salvatore brothers my instructions. I texted Jason next and he pulled the suv around front with Trevor and Rose inside. I told them. "Your assignments canceled. Your heading out of state to handle some matters with the staff. Your to refrain from acting unless Jason gives you specific instructions."

I turned to Jason. "You know what I need this time. Don't kill, capture and release only. Call up some trusted teams and activate them tell all active staff to join you. I need them as soon as possible."

He nodded and pulled away. After they left, Elijah joined me. "What was that about?"

I sighed. "Another necessary step for the final plan. Nothing that concerns you."

He shook his head and looked away. "You know brother, at that time, we all thought you were damaged from the battles. We thought it would help fix you. For whatever it's worth, I'm truly sorry I didn't stand by you. Kol was devastated when he thought you chose death by the sun. He never truly got over it. He kept indulging to drown out his emotions."

I sighed. "Stop. I don't wish to hear petty sentiments when they no longer matter. I've lived nearly all my life an outcast of our family. I see no reason to open old wounds now. Especially not when it's almost over."

He looked ashamed as I spoke. Finally I shook my head. "If we're successful in our little endeavor, when you free Kol, tell him I forgave him long ago. I knew he wasn't really apart of mothers schemes. He could no more betray me then I him. I sent witches his way when he was awake and studying. I made sure they never mentioned me, but I always wanted him to know I was still looking out for him."

I turned to face him fully. "No, I forgave you all of that long ago. I knew it was mother and fathers scheme. If only the irony wasn't so sweet. She had to have his trust to pull off that spell, or I'd never have died. She feared me so much then to be killed by the son she loved. I truly would've loved to been Nik when he killed her."

Elijah asked. "How are you so sure Nik killed her?"

I chuckled. "If she had cursed you like she did him, what would you have done? If it were me, she'd be dead before she could say another word. No, I take that back. She's not brave enough to try that crap with me. I'd drain her of magic and turn her human, or worse a vampire. Seems a fitting end. She made vampires out of her witch children, it's only fair she become one as well is it not?"

He actually cracked a smile at that. "Perhaps."

I turned to see Bonnie coming out ready. I picked her up and told Elijah. "Race you."

We disappeared at the same time, I was far faster though. My body was far more fit when I turned, and I kept it healthy. I arrived a good two minutes before him and set Bonnie down.

I walked into the Salvatore house with Bonnie. Elijah arrived just as we walked in. "A little slow brother?"

He grunted and followed us inside. Stefan, Damon and Elena were all in the living room. Stefan asked. "What's this all about?"

I chilled and stepped aside, reveling Elijah. "Meet my little brother, he's come to town to see to it another brother of ours suffers and you'll want him to succeed. Wait till everyone necessary arrives and you'll know the rest soon enough."

Bonnie was keeping a cool head but Elijah was the one to say something next. He blurred and appeared before Elena. "I'm truly sorry for the role I played in your kidnapping before. Had I known then, I'd have -"

I grunted. "Save it."

He stopped and grimaced before saying. "My brothers right, perhaps now is not the time."

Elena looked to me and Bonnie told her. "There are some very bad people coming to town for you Elena and what Alex means mostly is we have a plan to keep everyone safe."

I coughed and Bonnie smiled. "Well, mostly everyone. But don't worry it's no one you know that'll be hurt."

I chuckled. "That's not quite true. But more like know one that doesn't deserve or can't handle a little suffering."

Bonnie smacked my arm. "You don't deserve it!"

I shook my head. "I beg to differ, but that's beside the point now."

I sat down on the chair and Bonnie on my lap. Elijah raised an eyebrow but must have decided better than to comment. Bonnie began making idle chatter with them while we waited.

Eventually, people started to show up. First Jeremy and Caroline, then the Martin witches. When they were all inside I sighed. "It's time. Bonnie, bring it out. Just think of what you want done, it'll handle the rest."

I stood up after she climbed off my lap. I moved the table out of the way and told the Martins. "Before we begin, why don't you both introduce yourselves. Then Elijah and finally he'll tell everyone his plan before Bonnie here, shares ours."

The father witch asked. "Who are you? Why should we tell you anything?"

I raised an eyebrow and turned to Elijah. He sighed. "Meet my older brother and someone witches like yourselves should be more respectful to. He's done more for witch kind then Niklaus has harmed. If my guess is right, over half the grimoires in your possession mention him as a sort of guardian deity or an noble sage teacher."

I shrugged. "That's not nearly true. I'm no sage or deity. I was just there when shit went down."

Bonnie smiled and put her hand on my chest. "Be less humble. You've done a lot."

I grimaced. "Not nearly enough."

The younger Martin witch spoke up. "I think I've read about you! If I'm right it's far more than half our books. Nearly all of them mention a guardian some witch's can call on for protection that saves all the witches in the area."

The father looked enlightened. "That was you in Salem in the sixteen hundreds."

I sighed. "I was called there yes, but it wasn't until most of the massacres were held. You see, it's only one family of witches that can call me. The rest were just in the area at the right moment."

He shook his head. "Your the one who saved them and brought them here?"

I shrugged. "Like I said, right place right time. It didn't stop the persecution that eventually found them in the end."

The father held out a hand. "Jonas Martin, you saved some family of mine in the seventeen hundreds. Without you, my family wouldn't even exist."

I shook his hand. "Alexander. It was nothing."

Luka held out a hand and Jonas spoke. "This is my son Luka."

I shook his hand as well, then sighed. "I'm sorry for your parts in my own plan."

Jonas raised an eyebrow and I sighed. "You'll find out soon enough."

After they greeted everyone else Elijah spoke. "We have a plan to kill Klaus. If you're not already aware, our younger brother is a depraved sort. He'll be coming to town soon enough to kill Elena and break a curse-"

Elena spoke. "The sun and moon curse."

Elijah sighed. "The sun and moon curse was just a story Niklaus and I made up to get the vampire and Werewolves looking for the moonstone and Doppelgänger. No, the real curse was one my dear mother-"

I snorted and he stopped. "No, by all means continue."

Elijah did so. "-put on him. You'd see, my mother turned her children into the first ever vampires with a spell. Unfortunately, she'd had an affair with a neighbor of ours a couple decades earlier and the child was Niklaus."

I turned to the group. "Our neighbors were werewolves."

Elena spoke up. "So then Klaus..-"

I nodded. "Is a bastard."

Elijah spoke up. "I think she meant werewolf. And actually, he's both. He's the first ever hybrid."

I snorted. "You want to try that again?"

Elijah raised and eyebrow. "Let me clarify. He's the first werewolf/vampire hybrid. My brother here is a witch/vampire hybrid."

I turned to them. "Yes, our family is that fucked up."

Laughs spread from around and the tension eased for the moment. Elijah continued. "When he became a vampire and killed his first human, his wolf nature was revealed. My mother, fearing our fathers reaction, cursed Niklaus and locked away his werewolf side. He later killed her for it and told me and our other siblings father did it and was going to kill us as well. We believed him and fled."

Jeremy raised a hand and turned to me. "Where were you in all that time? You don't seem afraid of anything."

I chuckled. "I wasn't afraid of our father or mother, I'd have killed them both if I'd stayed. No, I left just after they'd turned me. I saw that my family would've stood together against me if I'd killed our parents then, so I left. Luckily for me the sun was up, they thought I'd perished. Even then my witch nature protected me from the side affects of our mothers ritual. It gave me a small immunity from the sun. As I fled it burned me some but no more than a harsh sunburn. I never turned back after that."

Elijah took over. "We thought him dead from the suns harsh effects on our kind. In our minds he couldn't stand what we'd become and killed himself."

I shrugged and ignored their gazes while standing beside Bonnie. Elijah continued. "My brother has spent the last thousand years searching for a way to break the curse. He nearly succeeded five hundred years ago when the Doppelgänger at the time managed to flee with the moonstone. She found a way to spite him by turning herself into a vampire and disappeared-"

Damon spoke. "Katherine."

Elijah nodded. "At the time she went by Katerina Petrova. I and my brother hunted for her until we got word she'd died in a church fire."

I chuckled before waving him on. "Your plan."

He nodded. "The plan was simple, I'd lure him to town with the doppelgänger and moonstone. He'd do the ritual, and while he was weak from its after effects we'd strike."

Damon asked. "And you could kill him just like that?"

Elijah shook his head and Jonas spoke up. "We believe if a witch can channel enough power, they'd be able to kill an original."

Bonnie smiled. "Not Alex though."

Jonas sighed. "No witch no matter their anger would attack him. He's done to much for our people."

Bonnie smiled. "That's not what I meant. No witch could kill him-"

I coughed. "You know that's not entirely true love, but your not completely wrong either. But that's not the point of this."

I held her hand and Elijah went into details. "The doppelgänger would need to be sacrificed with a werewolf and a vampire."

Immediately Stefan and the entire group bulked. Bonnie spoke up. "Quiet down and relax, that's where our plan comes into motion. We have a guaranteed way to keep Elena alive and ensure Klaus pays for it."

I chuckled. "Perhaps now is the time for us to share the plan."

She nodded and touched the pendant with one hand while holding her other out. After a few seconds an alter appeared with a familiar bowl with blue liquid in it. Luckily it can hold only one thing at a time or they would know my many secrets after this.

The group stood back and Damon asked. "What the hell is that?"

Bonnie smiled. "Ever read Harry Potter?"

I broke out laughing. After they saw it wasn't dangerous they approached while Bonnie told them what it was. Luka asked. "How did you make it appear like that? Magic has rules."

Jonas spoke up. "That's some necklace you have there girl. If I'm not wrong it's connected to a dimensional alter somewhere."

I chuckled. "Never you mind that. Let's just focus on the alter in front of us. And keep any thoughts of obtaining her belongings out of your head."

Bonnie smiled. "I don't mind sharing the knowledge inside with other witches but everything else isn't up for discussion. We'll talk later."

She told them. "Just touch the water and the plan will be revealed to you in it's entirety."

After they all did so, Bonnie and I watched as their expressions gradually changed. She turned to me. "Is that what it's like every time I do it?"

I shook my head. "For some reason you stick your head in it and I'm left staring at your very tempting backside."

She blushed and smacked my chest. I chuckled a little. "Don't worry love, I'd never take advantage of you while you were vulnerable."

She snorted. "That's ok, when we start your plan, you won't be taking advantageous me at all."

I grimaced. "Don't remind me. I'm still not sure I like that part. Maybe a glamor. Would work instead."

She shook her head. "We can't risk Klaus's witches breaking it and him fleeing."

I sighed. "I'm going to miss our time alone. Now at best I'd hold your hand."

She held mine now and held it up. "It'll do for a while."

I nodded. "When this is over we're spending a week in bed."

She nodded with a smile. "It sounds nice, though I doubt it'd last that long without some emergency popping up."

I kissed her. "We could always let them run around that long with their own problems."

I hugged her as the group started coming out of the alter. Damon was the first to speak. "How did you come up with that?"

I shrugged. "You people scheme small plots occasionally, while plan. I've spent a thousand years coming up with battle strategies that won wars. This, I came up with in an afternoon. Word to the wise, never become my enemy, eventually, they all die in agony."

He visibly shivered and I sighed. "Are you all caught up on your roles? Good. I'll have to begin my part tonight, in a few days Stefan will begin his and then Elena as well."

Jonas spoke up. "You're asking a lot of us."

I nodded. "It's the only way to be sure you and your son survive and actually get your daughter back. I couldn't think of any other and still win. Even my plans are not perfect so you and Elijah will have to be prepared to act in case of unforeseen events."

I turned to Caroline. "You have a loose role and a dangerous one if Katherine comes after you. Be careful, of all of us, yours is actually the one life I can't predict a solid outcome for."

She shrugged. "I'll wing it. Besides, I can help Tyler while it all plays out."

I nodded. "If you need help, call."

While the others were talking and discussing their own roles Luka came over to me. "It looks like we're about to get a lot closer."

I chuckled. "An understatement, but yeah I get your point. If you have any questions please ask, I'll be as open and honest as possible."

He nodded. "What will it be like?"

I sighed. "Like a dream I suppose. I'll share the experience as it's happening so you'll be aware at all times. You just won't always understand my actions or words."

He asked. "Have you done it before?"

I nodded. "I spent fifty years in a monastery as a witch monk practicing it. The person I was with described it as a dream that never ends and he thanked me for it afterwards. In that time he learned more about magic than most alive could ever claim. I shared whatever he thought to learn with him."

Luka looked up excited. "Can you do it for me as well?"

I shrugged. "I'll teach you what you can handle if you wish to learn it. Remember, you're still young and not a fully powered witch. You have a lot of growing before you're capable of some things so I'll not be teaching you those."

He nodded still excited. "I'd still like to learn!"

I chuckled. "Very well."

I left not long after and headed to start my part. I found Kathrine in the tomb where I left her. After altering her memories I left her with the moonstone and headed to the witch house to meet Bonnie and the Martins that she brought with her. "It's done, lets begin."

I laid in the circle in the basement as they began chanting. After closing my eyes, I opened them and stood up looking at my body from an all new prospective. "It's done. I'm here. Bonnie, you can channel my body without worry now."

Jonas asked. "And Luka?"

I closed my eyes for a second and felt his consciousness. "He's sleeping. The spell took a lot out of him. He should be awake and watching by tomorrow morning."

Jonas looked relieved. I sighed. "Don't worry about him, he'll be protected now that I'm in here. Any damage done to his body is easily healed and he won't feel any pain as I'm in control."

I flexed my witch muscles and a burst of wind shook the house. I turned to them. "This may make him many times stronger in the end. Let's leave this room. Ayana will protect my body with the spirits. No one will be able to enter."

As soon as we left the room, the door shut and locked without us doing anything. I chuckled. "Always the worried one."

I turned to Bonnie. "Now that you have my full power at your disposal and with your talisman you won't be harmed from using it, your by far the strongest witch in town."

She smiled as we walked onto the porch. Jonas asked. "How powerful is she?"

Bonnie smiled and closed her eyes. After a second the sky darkened and storms rolled in quickly. Lightning started striking the ground all over and I chuckled. "Very. That was a taste. My body has many talismans on it drawing from totems all over the world, and she hasn't even touched those yet."

She smiled and opened her eyes. "That was just a portion of his raw power from his body. I have no doubt it's more than enough to kill Klaus."

I grinned. "It is, though it'd take a lot more than you showed. You'd have to tap into my cursed nature as well and I don't want you doing that. It could backfire and hurt you. From today on, I want you to study battle Magic's I found and created. Just put your hand over the grimoire and think war."

She nodded and I sighed. "Some of those spells are nasty, try not to think any less of me when you read them. On the battlefield I'm a completely different person. I'm a lot colder and deadlier. I hoped to never show you that side of me."

She smiled and touched my new face. "I won't baby. I know why your like that and I don't judge you for it one bit."

Jonas commented. "This is just too weird, I'm heading home."

I nodded. "I'll have to go with you to keep up appearances."

I turned to Bonnie. "See you at school love."

She nodded and I left with my new bodies father. After he drove for a while he finally asked. "What are the real odds my family walks away from this?"

I chuckled. "With Elijah's original plan? Zero, you'd all die in the end. With my plan, so long as everyone plays their roles everyone walks away happy. I'll have to deprogram your daughter afterwards, but then you knew that before this all started. Since you're witches and have generously agreed to this, I'll set you and your family up with a house and all that out of state afterwards. In case Elijah changes his mind. Don't worry, so long as you're with me I'll protect you, I always protect my people."

He sighed and showed me the way to his apartment. Inside I found a few grimoires I had copies of and several I'd never seen before. "If you want, I'm sure Bonnie could loan a few grimoires to you in exchange for you loaning some of these. I see a few that I've never come across."

He chuckled. "That's because those are my families. Most of the rest we hunted down and collected."

I nodded. "If you're interested, the pendant she carries has a vast library of grimoires in it. If you agree to work for me, I'd be willing to give you time in it, as much as you'd desire. You would learn many things you don't already know. And if you looked hard enough, you could even find a spell or two to bring back your dead wife."

He shook for a minute and sighed. "My wife was a regular human."

I sighed. "Then I'm wrong. There is no spell I know of that can bring them back. I'm sorry for your loss."

He nodded. "Thanks for trying though."

I shrugged. "Don't mention it. If you're interested their are several sudo immortality spells in there. They won't make you a vampire but they could extend your life by centuries or more."

He shook his head. "I'm more interested in our history and culture than spells."

I smiled. "You're in luck. I've got several historical factual grimoires that date back two thousand years or more."

He looked interested and I told him all I could on the subject. "When it's your turn to replace Luka, I'll let you pick my brain a bit and share my thoughts into it."

After that I went to bed and got some rest.