
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs


Sheila wasn't excited about that option but it was better than the alternative. "Promise me you'll look out for her for as long as you are here?"

I smiled. "I'd never let harm come to any Bennet witch. Let alone Bonnie. You have my word she will be fine while we are here."

With that promise, we turned away from the serious conversations to lighter topics. Bonnie told her grams everything she wished to know and more while I went out on a jaunt to prepare some things. I stepped into the prison worlds and robbed them blind of magic, gold and diamonds. I took its bullets and guns as well as explosives and materials used for magic.

I left only what would be missed, then I did the same to the second one. I drained both hell dimensions and pits of magic and magical creatures before coming back out of the pocket dimensions. I drained the pit here as well and took the magical creatures while erasing the humans minds as if they'd stepped into the pit themselves.

I freed the Dryad and broke the memory erasure on the vampire who was in love with it. It thanked me and left. All those creatures that were evil like the necromancer were drained to death while the neutral and good ones were kept in my vault.

I spent the day over seas and abroad selling diamonds and gold to those that would buy them. When I was done with that, I went to several money exchange places and turned it all into cash before depositing it all in Sheila's accounts and the accounts while Bonnie recommended she make a will that included a vast fortune of billions and leave it all to the Bonnie of here.

I asked that her father not be able to touch it as I feared he may use it for political gains. Sheila agreed, knowing her son-in-law. Bonnie gave her the old grimoire she finished long ago that she may pass it down or study it herself.

When we finished that, we went home and watched it all begin again. We changed our appearances and went to school all over again. We gradually became friends with all those we called so before and helped wherever we could to better their lives.

We partied and had fun while minimizing the bad. We were there when Bonnie was going to be attacked and I snapped Damon's neck while in my true body. Bonnie was in tears hugging me and Stephan and Elena were watching wearily. When Bonnie released me, she whispered. "It's you!"

I put a finger to my lips and turned to Stefan. "The Bennet line is protected from here on out, warm your brother than any more threats of violence against any Bennet witch will result in him being torn in half vertically."

I wiped away a tear on Bonnie's face before vanishing. My Bonnie hugged my side to avoid the storm inside me. We watched on as Bonnie kicked the shit out of Damon's body before going to the cars. I chuckled and our moods lightened. "You always had the attitude of a scrapper, even without me."

She kissed me saying. "I am nothing without you."

That sparked a very serious time out. We didn't come back again until the night the tomb was opened and even then, she had the gate of a we'll sexed woman. My mined turned back to events happening and Sheila was helping Bonnie open the tomb.

When it was over, Sheila went home with her to rest while I stayed and burned most of the tomb vampires that refused to give up on revenge. When Bonnie found her grandma dead, she pleaded and called out for anyone that would listen.

I answered in a way. I brought Sheila's soul to a visible spectrum so she could comfort her. Before she left again, she mentioned to Bonnie that she was protected and soon enough, rich. She told her of the money and tithe grimoire. When it was time, I appeared next to Sheila in Bonnie's sight.

I told her. "It's your grams's time Bonnie. I gave you this day to come to terms. Know that she will be able to watch over you from the other side as I do for you here."

Sheila nodded and faded away. I sat down and waved a hand. Sheila's body was wrapped in clean linen like a mummy. I sent for the EMT's and made it so they would accept and forget about it after she was taken care of.

I sat with Bonnie for several hours comforting her through the pain. My Bonnie made herself known after the humans left and sat with us. When we went to leave, younger Bonnie asked. "Please stay."

My Bonnie pulled me over and we sat throughout the night with her and when she slept finally, we watched over her like guardian angels. When she awoke again, we were invisible to her senses and we left once more when we saw her collect herself.

Throughout the coming weeks, we stayed by her side in one form or another. As friends, or invisible guardians. We comforted and hugged her at the funeral and took her home afterwards. She stayed with us a few days and we taught her the basis of magic.

My Bonnie found it easier to explain to her as she knew how she thought. They became inseparable even at school now. The Bonnie from here could feel it was us even in our kid bodies so she stuck with us and learned so much more.

By the time Damon showed up again as a problem, she put him down with a thought and broke half the bones in his body with another saying. "You do not threaten me or my friends again or I'll do far worse than this next time."

Elena and Stefan eventually came asking favors in his stead. She did those she found acceptable and told them off when she didn't. She was becoming a strong and powerful witch now. She came to us daily for guidance and help with her spells and learning.

When the other Bennett witch showed up at the ball to cause trouble, I warned her they were family and we wouldn't interfere unless it was life or death for one of them. She accepted that and when she spoke to her cousin, they came up with a plan.

Her cousin left town after freeing herself of Katherine's debt and Katherine herself was locked in the tomb. Bonnie stayed away from the mess until Elena went missing and Damon came calling again. This time he was nice and polite until he made the threat to snap her neck and I appeared in front of him with my arms crossed.

Bonnie smirked. "Go for it. I'd really like to see you try."

He looked me up and down with a scowl. "Who are you?"

I smiled. "Don't mind me, I'm only here to keep a threat I made to your brother if you tried to harm a Bennet witch again."

He paled and asked. "So you're the one whose supposed to rip me in half if I try anything?"

I grinned and gave him a vision of it happening in slow motion. When he paled and held up his hands saying, "alright, I give", I stopped them and vanished. He left and Stefan came over pleading.

She did the locator spell and sent Elena a quick message that would appear when she's alone. When she walked away, I and my better half appeared in our school clothed youthful bodies and walked beside her to the car she bought herself.

She had barely touched the vast fortune except to buy supplies and necessities until we told her we made it just for her and gave it to Sheila to hold for her. Eventually she asked us a very important question one evening. "What are you two? You're not witches, that much is clear."

Bonnie's older more mature self was revealed. "Would you believe me if I said I was one possibility of a future you could have had if he was born here?"

I appeared as my true self. "I'm the change. You see, there are an infinite number of possible realities out there. Ones where different people were never born or certain decisions went a different way. The difference between this reality and our original one was that I was never born in this one."

My Bonnie came over and sat in my lap before kissing me deeply. When the Bonnie here regained herself she asked. "Then what are you? And why are you here?"

My eyes changed and my Bonnie answered. "We advances further than any witch in this reality could hope to. We became more, became apart of nature itself on a larger scale. My husband here became apart of magic and the realm of death. Relax, death is apart of nature, it is not evil. It is a release from life, a resting area for the weary souls who pass on. I joined him much later as apart of the same, though we lean to the opposite ends. He is more aligned to death and I'm more aligned to-"

Younger Bonnie finished. "Magic.."

I nodded. "Both are an integral part of nature."

The young witch asked. "So I'll become-"

I shook my head. "I was not born here remember. Your path lay elsewhere and that's all I'll say."

The younger Bonnie bit her cheek before stepping towards us. "What if I want to become like you."

I shook my head. "You would need another me."

That seemed to make something up for her. She stepped forwards again and looked at her older self now. They exchanged something and finally my Bonnie sighed. "If that's your choice you'll never have another afterwards. Be very sure it's what you want."

She looked to me and nodded with a determined expression. My Bonnie stood up and pulled me upstairs to our room. When I saw the younger her following, I sighed and we appeared at our destination. I turned to the young witch and raised an eyebrow.

My Bonnie took the lead and began kissing me and eventually herself. She was changing the mood and building the tension between us. Eventually, when she returned to kissing me, the other Bonnie joined her. They stripped me slowly and then each other. My Bonnie became more aggressive with her wants and shoved me to the bed.

She straddled my head and I needed no other invitation. The room quaked with orgasmic moans that continued to build. Soon, the younger Bonnie replaces her while mine impaled herself. I continued my ministrations while my Bonnie road me and kissed and touched her self.

After a few mins numbing orgasms from everyone involved, the young witch replaced her and she helped guide her through it. It was a strangling feeling I hadn't felt since our first time. The young witch adjusted herself and set the pace.

A warm sensation grew in me and I looked to my Bonnie's sighing smile. "It's what she wants."

I gave in and the feeling grew until it became scolding. It burst out like a volcano and my roar shook the planet as if space itself was angry at the world. When I was spent, the young witch lay on my chest panting and moaning. Bonnie helped her off of me and lay her beside us. I grunted and sighed. "We're leaving soon. Place your protections on her. I-I can't stay. This place has become suffocating."

My Bonnie put her hand on my cheek smiling sadly. "I know. We'll go back in the morning."

She lay across me and we went to sleep. When we woke up in the morning, I heard them discussing the ramifications and effects. My Bonnie explained. "You won't have all of his abilities. Only the potential for more. Your body is absorbing his essence and your soul is growing to match the minimum to become like us. When your body reaches the same level, you'll have to connect to a part of nature. I can be anything from an emotion to a physical representation like the earth or air. Or if you do choose, magic. I'll leave the magical items we've gathered since we arrived and once you've completed your studies of the grimoire, there'll be a spell that will allow you to cleanse and transfer magic from items into yourself. Do so if magic is your choice. I'm leaving a set of movies and shows that have realities you can go to to explore later. Watch them all before you choose, but remember this, the price you pay for the power is to never touch another male with lust. He will know instantly and they will die in agony while you'll be stripped of your powers. You've taken his essence to fuel your own and so he will be the only one you can come to or end you. This reality is rejecting him for his disruption of the natural order. You can find our current reality among the others I've left you. You'll know where and how to get to us then, bless you sister."

She kissed her forehead and I sat up holding my chest. This reality was screaming in pain and fear, it was try to remove me. I clothed myself with a thought. "She gave you her gifts, take one of my own."

I made another pocket dimension and connected it to a ring. It floated before her and I turned to my Bonnie. "We must go now or this reality will collapse In on itself as it tries to remove me."

She appeared next to me and I punched a hole to the reality we came from. We stepped through onto the paradise planet we were supposed to be on in the first place. I felt out and I knew we couldn't dial earth as it was in a time loop with several other planets. I built us a house out of scratch and we stayed there in peace while we waited for months.

Nearly a year passed when finally the loop broke and I dialed home. When it connected, I put in my IDC and we stepped through. Even now I could feel a connection to the other Bonnie growing stronger as she did.

When we arrived on earth I reported in and did a debriefing. I sat with the team and told them. "We stayed for two weeks before I tried dialing in. It wouldn't connect so I waited in hour intervals and continued to dial. After a week, I cut it down to once a day. It's been eleven months since I started dialing to the day."

Jack pointed to my beard and Bonnie's long hair. "And the beard?"

I snorted. "I had to make my own knives out of rock Jack, I wasn't about to shave with them. I did however eventually make a crude cabin and I think it came out nice with what I had to work with. You're all welcome to use it if you ever go there for vacation, I however will not be going back to that planet unless it's with explosives and sharp things."

Jack asked. "That bad huh?"

I snorted. "If it wasn't for Bonnie, I would have taken up some boring sport like gulf or learned to juggle rocks until I went crazy and left the planet to attack the goa'uld to relieve the boredom. A guy can meditate for only so long straight before he falls asleep. I should know, I've tested it, repeatedly. I think I actually stopped my heart once because Bonnie here woke me up doing CPR."

Teal'c spoke softly. "If what you say is true, I suspect that you entered the deepest state of kelno'reem. A place forbidden to Jaffa by the goa'uld as they feared it would kill their loyal followers."

I shrugged. "Not really a fan of dying, it'll be awhile before I meditate again."

Bonnie snorted. "He means it'll be awhile before I let him meditate again."

Laughter echoed from the group and general Hammond filled me in on things. Jack looked at Carter with glistening eyes and turned to General Hammond. "Sir, I'd like to formally resign as of now."

General Hammond frowned. "What brought this on?"

Jack sighed and turned to Carter. "Myself and Major Carter have been involved and-"

I stopped him with a smack to the head. "Idiot, it's the twenty first century, laws are changing every day. As a matter of fact, I was concerned where Bonnie and myself were involved and I made a few donations and deals. The bill passed the day of our wedding, military personnel can become involved so long as neither are in charge of the other."

Jack rubbed the back of his head and General Hammond nodded. "He's right you know, I received a memo from the Secretary of Defense on the changes. It's not a problem, seeing as how Colonel Mikaelson here is on the team. She only answers to you when he isn't around, is that clear?"

Jack nodded and grinned. "In that case, what are the policies on marriage?"

Carter gasped as he pulled out a ring and set it before her. "I want you to know I've thought it through, god knows I've had the time, and I'm not doing this because of the secret you're keeping, I'm doing this for us."

I smiled and when he finished his proposal, Carter had tears in her eyes. She said yes, then she screamed yes and he slid the ring on her finger. I smiled and Bonnie looked smug. Teal'c wasn't surprised but he was happy.

General Hammond answered his previous question with a smile. "Our policy is to congratulate you Colonel, Major."

I chuckled. "Perhaps your alternate reality selves knew what was best after all."

Carters smile burst into laughter. Jack nodded and conceded. "Perhaps."

Bonnie spoke up. "I've actually been viewing the mirror for research and in almost all of them, there were indications of you two getting together. In a few there were even photos of kids."

Carter grabbed Jacks hand. "Speaking of which, I- we have an announcement to make."

Jack finished for her. "Carters pregnant."

I raised an eyebrow. "You move fast Jack. You just put the ring on her finger and I haven't blinked yet so I couldn't have missed it. Is she a Jaffa?"

He snorted. "Don't be an ass Alex."

I chuckled. "Only yanking your chain. I think this calls for a celebration. Or a baby shower or both. Tell you what, I'll give you your wedding present early. Hold that thought."

I ran to my lab and came back with a small box. I set it before them. "I was saving it for a rainy day, but since it's clear sky's for the foreseeable future, you can have it."

Carter opened the box and it was a set of keys and an address written on a piece of paper. "It's a luxury home with its own lake and backyard pool. There's two cars and a minivan in the garage. It's five bedrooms and has an office and work room if you take up building stuff. There's a kids room fully stocked with gender neutral toys. The full house is furnished and waiting for a family to move in. It's yours."

Jack went to decline but I waved it off. "Don't worry, it was our second house. We have several more. Bonnie and I are rich, our parents run a hundred billion dollar world wide company. We've both been declared the successors as well. That's not even mentioning all the patents and stuff we sell off that comes out of working here."

Bonnie told them. "Take it, it's from both of us. You've certainly earned it and you deserve a quite happy place away from base."

Jack nodded slowly and they excepted it. "Thanks, it means a lot."

I nodded and we were dismissed. I took them all out for drinks and food to celebrate. Carter stuck with the ginger-ale. A few boring run of the mill missions later our stargate was acting up. It wouldn't dial out on occasion then it became permanent. I activated Skyfall and reported that the Russian's have the stargate we used on Thor's ship.

I told him it was active and was stuck on. He made several calls and a few hours later we were meeting with a Russian scientist at the airport to fly in to Siberia. Carter asked me when we got on the plan. "Is this your first time in Siberia?"

I looked at Jack before saying. "Yup, never been. Must be cold from what I hear."

She clearly didn't believe me but let it go. I heard Jack whisper to her that it was classified and not even General Hammond knew all the details. I may or may not have stolen a Russian nuke and traded it to a country known for it terrorism and followed it back to a certain Taliban like group before killing them all and returning he nuke. The Russian's weren't happy, the Americans weren't happy and the terrorists were dead.

If the Russian government ever found out it was me, they'd be trying to shove me through an unstable vortex. I may have made their government look very bad and weak. Then when I returned it I made them relive the memories all over again.

We arrived over the area where we were supposed to parachute out and before they could say anything I jumped out. I parachuted to really close to the facility. They were still a distance away. I did a sweep of the air and checked the computers before waiting on them at the door with my mask off.

When I saw them I spoke. "Airs clean, whatever gas they used to kill everyone inside has dissipated. It's safe now though I wouldn't touch the bodies without gloves if I were you. By the way, I found where the Russian's got their information from."

Jack commented. "Well don't keep me in suspense."

I smiled. "Your old friends Maybourne. He's in the freezer by the way. I checked his pulse and he's still alive. I think whatever they brought back jumped into his body and is keeping him that way."

The scientist lady snorted. "Impossible, you have no proof."

I chuckled. "I said I think. It's a hypothesis and I'm hardly ever wrong Miss Russian."

She snorted and said she had a name and I chuckled while walking away. "Your name could be Pooh bear for all I care. I'm here to fix your mess from your people before it causes catastrophic problems for all of us. Now I'm going to defrost the good Colonel and see what type of alien entity you've brought back and why it wanted to go back through the stargate."

She snorted and yelled that it was preposterous. Jack told her. "He's right you know, he's very rarely wrong when dealing with these sort of things. You guys probably brought back a bunch of little aliens in the form of water or in the water and they're trying to get back home."

She shut up at that and began checking computers. I was busy defrosting a Colonel popsicle. When he got up, I stopped him from going further and asked. "Are you sentient enough to understand me?"

He nodded slowly and I sighed. "Alright then, let's get you home. Once you're on the other side close the gate by destroying the thing the Russian's sent through."

He nodded and I brought him before the open gate. "Alright now, as much as I'd like to toss him through with you, he's in trouble of his own here so out."

He opened his mouth and faced the gate before vomiting out water. It turned into a vapor as it hit the ground and went through the gate. A minute later the gate cut off and I zip tied Maybourne's hands behind his back.

He tried to struggle until he saw my face and then he paled. "You can't court-"

I smacked the back of his head. "You'll be lucky if I don't shoot you as a traitor. I'd get a medal if I did. As it is, the Russian's are allies and I'm sure they'd be happy to gift wrap you back to us for a favor or two."

The Russian lady asked. "How did you know it was sentient?"

I chuckled. "I asked. We've learned over the years to ask questions to all sorts of beings. I even spoke to a camel once-"

Jack interrupted. "That was before the program-"

I waved him off. "Don't tell her that, she's think we're crazy."

She sighed. "No, just you."

Jack chuckled. "Alright, gate is closed and we've captured a traitor, it's time to leave this god forsaken place."

Carter stopped him saying she wanted to know more about what caused it, and there went our day. Her, Daniel and the Russian scientist spent the rest of the going over their findings. When they asked to go through, I told them straight forward. "If you go through, I won't go get you. Our mission was to close the gate and find out what caused it. We've done that, now it's time to leave. The Russian military will come here to clean up the mess then they'll either shut this gate down, or trade it back to us for a finger or two of the pie."

They wanted to argue and I cocked my gun. "On the other side of that gate is an ocean filled with very angry aliens that can crush you like bugs. If you want to die right now at least I'll make it less painful than being crushed to death or drowned."

That shut them up and Jack spoke up. "He's right, the Russian's took their people and may have injured or killed many in their stumbling and mess up. We know for a fact that they aren't happy with us by all the dead bodies here and with them. If and when we make contact again with them, it'll be on neutral grounds and not rushing off into god knows what."

They seemed far less excited now. I turned to the Russian. "Call your people, tell them it's safe to come and clean the area and give your reports over. I'm sure our people are making deals as we speak for favorable outcomes all around."

Maybourne went to speak and I stopped him. "Except for you, I can guarantee you'll end up in a hole so deep you'd need a telescope to see the light of day."

Jack smirked. "You're done Maybourne, he's not only talking for the military, he's talking for Heretic industries. They'll buy all properties you own and give them to charities and the money will pay for a lawyer that'll never be able to dig you out of that hole."

Maybourne soured and I passed him off to Teal'c. "If he moves, feel free to hurt him really badly but make sure it's not life threatening."

He nodded and I made a call on my sat phone while Bonnie updated me on the agreement. Apparently all Heretic industries technology sold in Russia will receive a price cut and the rest of the cut will go to the government while we promised to build a air and water cleaning facility and hand over copies of blueprints to the advanced stuff that could be used as weapons or defenses to them for free.

The US had to agree to let them form their own teams under a General of their own and they agreed to follow our policies and rules while off world or be sentenced by our laws. The stargate will return to our people. All information will be given freely both ways and their scientists will join ours for further cooperation.

Basically it was the same deal as it should have always been. The Russian's agreed to follow our lead as we've been doing it for years. I was surprised to here it was doctor Elizabeth Weir that made the negotiations for our side.

Bonnie agreed to fund her campaigns for world peace with the full weight of our company. The world was about to get a lot more peaceful now.

The Russian's got a Hammond Hammer out of Maybourne for that trade. When I got off the phone I let them know about the full deal being struck and the cost if Russia tried to back out was a full cut off from the program. Jack pointed out. "They'd have to be stupid to back out of that. We're handing over all our knowledge and laying down the foundation for them to join us as equals. Hell, your company is taking the biggest hit out of all of this."

I shrugged. "It's fine. That's what the company was built for anyway. We've been funding future tech and the gate since it was founded. It was meant to bring the world into a better age. One of enlightenment."

They nodded and I chuckled. "Besides, I'll still be independently rich even if the company fails. Bonnie and I are the two richest people on the planet besides our parents."

The Russian raised an eyebrow and Jack waved it away. "Yeah yeah, don't rub it in."

I chuckled and we met our Russian escorts at the doors as they flew in. We left Russia a few hours later with Maybourne bound and gagged with a blind fold over is head.

We arrived at the SGC with our prisoner and he was taken from us and headed to a CIA black site where they don't speak about what they do to prisoners. Jack got a kick out of it and when we went inside the base he said. "I'll almost miss the little traitor. Almost."

I chuckled. "Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, literally."

A week passed as we began our next mission. Daniel and I joined an archeological dig on what he thinks and I know to be the goa'uld original home world. We dug up quite a few of them and he pointed out that they each had no naquadah in their bodies.

I chuckled. "The naquadah was probably added as a fuel for their technology later on. Sort of like a pair of contact lenses. It probably went a long way for them to prove their might as gods as well. They carried the battery to fuel their technology in their bloodstream. It certainly explains why Carter can use it now, after the goa'uld leave their hosts, they leave traces of the substance in them like an STD or a direct blood transfusion."

Daniel added my thoughts to his recordings and we marked each of their graves. The other archeologist with us made a few of his own inquiries. After a while, he asked the SG team leader we were accompanying to get more water. I shook my head. "That guy is the one keeping your ass from being shot if Jaffa come calling and you treat him like a dog. Don't expect me to cover your ass if we come under fire, your his responsibility."

That shut him up and Daniel offered to get the water, as he needed a break. He left with the empty canteen and after half an hour, I heard a scream. I ordered all scientists back to base and all military to form a single unit and begin a sweep of the area. When the gate connected, I reported that Daniel was missing in action and I was heading in pursuit.

I mentioned that the planet was a possibly goa'uld infested and everyone returning needed to be screened and all people sent to help with the search to stick together and stay away from water where the goa'uld possibly still living here may reside.

I took off while ordering the SG team doing the sweep worked as a single unit in constant contact and anyone going off on their own like I was, was to be put under immediate suspension until command cleared them.

I moved fast once I was away. I caught up and followed at a small distance. When the Unas stopped by the water to rest, I showed myself. It growled and I lowered my weapon. It grunted while I spoke to its mind in as clear intentions as possible. I made it clear that I wasn't going to harm it or stop it, only go with. I suggested it try communication in a verbal sense.

After it grunted our a few words, I connected the dots for Daniel. "He's trying time communicate with us."

I sat down and we tried a few times. When Daniel got the basics, I blocked the Unas from speaking about my mind tricks. We sat for an hour getting to know one another and I told Daniel. "The waters appear to be infested with goa'uld. Don't go near them unless you want a friendly enemy. It appears you're theory about this planet is correct, our sensors don't pick up any trace naquadah on this planet."

He nodded and started recording everything we spoke and learned. When we continued to the caves, he asked. "Why are my hands still bound?"

I chuckled. "He seems to want to show you to his leaders or chief. Originally I thing you were a meal as a right of passage, he doesn't trust you won't run and I'm letting him have his way to make him feel safe. You're not in any danger right now so relax."

He and I shared our rations with the Unas and I gave him a Bowie knife I kept a backup. I showed him how to use it. It looked impressed and handed a bone knife. I chuckled and stowed it in my vest pocket.

Daniel made notes of the exchange and noted it was one of equals and respect. We followed him further into the cave system until we came across a community cavern. He grunted and roared calling the alpha over.

A few minutes of grunting between them later and I cut in when the alpha insisted they eat us. I grunted and spoke in their language and came across as a threat of violence if it tried to push it. The alpha pushed the Unas that brought us here aside and SG-1 came around the bend, they fired on him and I waved a hand. "Stop!"

The friendly Unas took it from there and straight up murdered the alpha with his new knife. He shoved the knife under the alphas chin and up into it's skull. When it pulled away it looked at us then the other Unas and roared a challenge. The other Unas backed down immediately and he gestured for them to leave. As they went, he gestured for us to join the clan and I shook my head with Daniel. "Ka."

I motioned to the team and backed away with a smile while making gestures and speaking to it. I conveyed to it that we thanked it for the opportunity as we'd be back to speak again but it was time for us to leave. It gestured for us to go before roaring. "Cha'ka."

I chuckled and we left. Daniel asked. "So what do you think that last part meant?"

I shrugged. "His name I believe, or there form of thanks. For all I know it could be 'A Kuna Matata.' Let's head home and get our daily dose of needles and thermometers shoved in places."

He shook his head smiling. "You've got a strange sense of humor."

I chuckled. "You're the one asking Unas not to eat you and it working, well, somewhat. On the bright side, we may be able to count on him as an ally if we run into more Unas. He could be a decent translator for other tribes. Tell your team of archeologists to stay away from water now and to bring their own. I don't want him killing our people if they accidentally become hosts, he may think their beyond help if they do."

Our debriefing was interesting in the sense of being scanned repeatedly while asked questions. Since Teal'c is the only one logged in as a permanent goa'uld carrier, when the returning scientists tried to leave the gate room, the shields actIvated and they were each scanned there. The Tok'ra were sent for and the scientist that was ordering people around was found to be an unwitting host.

It was removed without incident and the planet was marked as a known goa'uld spawning world. The Tok'ra found it interesting but ultimately useless. Missions came and went, finally the relocation mission for the Enkaran ended.

We were visiting them and receiving their thanks when another Enkaran from a distant village came running over. I felt around and made sure all of his village escaped. He pointed to the huge ship in the distance burning the world to ash.

Carter took samples of the results and we went back to base to report in. I suggested trying to communicate with the aliens and seeing if they were peaceful. When I did so, Jack pointed out that they were destroying a planet.

I shook my head. "They're an advanced alien race that's clearly mastered space travel, I find it unlikely that their just bored and want to roast a planet slowly. If I'm right, I think it's their form of terraforming the world to fit their needs. Whatever it is about the world that's wrong, they may be trying to change it enough for their own people to live there. Remember the Enkaran's needed that specific environment to live, this race may need a slightly different environment and are changing the world to fit their needs."

Carter asked. "How are you so sure?"

I raised an eyebrow. "No ones bored enough to roast a planet that slow when they're that advanced."

Jack pointed out. "The goa'uld are."

I shook my head. "The goa'uld would've taken the people as hosts or killed them all immediately. Besides, if the goa'uld has that level of technology it wouldn't be a fight anymore, they'd have killed us off instantly or be here now slowly roasting us. Besides, it took us two weeks to get all the Enkaran's there, my scans of the planet with the MALP indicate that it began on the other side of the world long before we arrived with the Enkaran's."

With my argument out there, General Hammond asked. "Why didn't your scans pick them up before all this?"

I sighed. "I don't normally hook up the naquadah generator to the scanners of a MALP for planets that show no advanced technology within a UAV's distance of the gate. They usually either contact us if they're there on the planet or they build their civilization around the gate itself. I had no reason to suspect this was an exception to the rule."

He nodded and sighed. "You have my permission to make contact however you see fit, but if it comes to a fight with them, I can't authorize any military actions unless they strike at your team."

I nodded. "I grab our latest transponder and see if they answer. I just hope they're peaceful or this day is going to suck worse than it already does."

Carter stayed and looked over her samples while the rest of us went back to the planet. I set up the transponder and after a few minutes we were teleported up. When we arrived, Daniel notes the similarities in the atmosphere we were just in and commented. "It's almost as if they were expecting us."

I tapped on a couple draws and grabbed a slide out. "Specimen samples. They're definitely not a human like people if this is what I think it is."

"They aren't."

We looked over to the new visitor. It was a male Enkaran or at least appeared to be. I commented on it and he answered that he was created by the ship to help communicate between it and the Enkaran's.

I nodded as he explained the purpose of the ship and when he finished, I asked. "How many planets did you have to scan to find this one?"

He looked at me curiously. "Millions. This was the only one that fit all the parameters needed for the Gadmeer people."

I nodded. "Just three more questions and you can send us back either way."

He nodded and I asked. "Out of all those millions of planets, were there any that fit the exact needs of the Enkarans. You yourself as an Enkarans know their special needs."

He went to a station and began checking. When he found one and explained why it wasn't chosen, I commented. "I believe you've found the Enkaran's home world. Just two questions now. Can you temporarily stop the terraforming process and take them home?"

He thought for a moment and connected with the ships systems. I can, and if it will help, I will."

I smiled. "It would. You see, their home world doesn't have a stargate, the device I'm sure your scanners picked up not far from here."

He nodded and I asked. "Last question, would you or the ship be willing to take the stargate aboard and give it to the Gadmeer people with our gate address to have them contact us when they are revived, if they are willing to?"

He smiled. "I can do that easily."

I gave him our gate address and he teleported is down. We told the Enkaran people what it was offering as a compromise and they seemed more than willing to go. I dialed earth after saying our goodbyes and noticed they were being beamed aboard.

I smiled while telling General Hammond my report and informing him that the Gadmeer people may contact us and that they were like the Nox, a peaceful people. Carter joined us and let us know their physiology may not be carbon based, but in fact sulfur based.

I spent my next day off freeing a mind-wiped people and putting them on a tropical world where I'd built a small community of houses. I went back to the planet they were enslaved on and turned the upper echelons that enforced it all into mind-wiped slaves themselves with their own technology.

I buried their stargate in a glacier to give them time to adjust to their new lives. I left them to it and went back home. Over the next weeks I picked up work on the drone-hammer defensive technology and figured I could finish it just in time for the next big events.

Our next mission was brought to us by Bonnie who had skyfall find the escape pod left by the deserters from a planet that was under attack by the goa'uld. When General Hammond asked why It wasn't found before now her answer was simple. "It's buried and while skyfall gets results, it's not perfect. It needs fine tuned to different alien technologies and this one seems to be not to far from earth's current level. Which makes it even harder for the system to find it as it blends in. The parameters are set to above the over all of earth's technology. As we've been at this for a few years now, earth's technologies have advanced farther and faster then ever before. It makes sense that it won't pick up technology that isn't too far ahead of our own. If I lowered its parameters, we'd never get a hit as everything would light up and If I raised it further, we'd only find things of the highly advanced races that were left behind. The fact is, the worlds a big place and we've picked it clean of what our sensors can currently pick up. Soon enough we'll have to launch more sophisticated satellites with better and stronger scanners."

He nodded. "Alright, I'm just glad it was found if nothing else."

I pointed out. "We May have some stow aways General."

Jack asked. "What makes you think that?"

I smiled. "If the escape pod is buried, someone must have done so. With the size of it, I'd say no more than five. If you want, I'll take a walk and see what I can find when we get there."

General Hammond nodded. "You do that."

I turned to the team. "Use your scanners on everyone you come into contact with. They should pick up and terrestrial pathogens in the people you meet. It'll weed out the humans from those not born here."

General Hammond spoke up. "Remember, they may not be from here, but they could be refugees that are afraid and looking to stay hidden. Try not to destroy their lives if they are. Take them quietly and if they're given refugee status and found to be no threat, we may have to return them to those lives."

I nodded and we went to a small town in Montana. While the Air Force scanned the ship and got ready to dig it up, I took a trip on my lonesome around town. I found the One pretending to be a doctor in his office.

I stunned him and removed his ship control device while ordering a pick up at that location. I zip ties him and put a cloaking device on him along with a beacon guide for my team who were cloaked themselves.

I found three more in a ware house together watching a computer monitor. After stunning all three I turned my attention to the screen. I zip tied them and left a not with another beacon. I found Martin in a diner reading the morning paper.

When he left, I waited ten minutes and followed his trail to a pay phone. I tapped on the glass. "Come with me if you want the answers you're looking for."

I led him to the warehouse where SG-1 was currently looking at a computer screen and standing over the others. When I walked in, they pointed there weapons at me then lowered them.

I introduced him to them. "Read the files on him at the psychiatrist's office. He has the markers, I think they were drugging him for some reason. He's one of them but I don't think they got along. Either way, let's load them up and head to the pod, I want to see it for myself."

We did just that after cleaning up the warehouse of all traces. When I arrived at the pod, I held out the control device to Martin. "Deactivate the sensors and any explosives."

After looking at it for a minute he started fiddling with it and after a click, he handed it back. I scanned the ship with my mind and found it clear. I nodded to the troops. "Dig it up and have it transferred to the hanger. I'll look it over and see what I can do with it."

I turned to Martin. "If that's ok with you and your people that is."

He nodded. "Trust me, I don't mind, I just want to go home through your stargate, I have the address."

I nodded. "We'll have to see if it's safe or if your gate has been destroyed first, but so long as you cooperate, I don't see why it would be a problem."

We took a flight back to base with our guest who were then properly interrogated as to what the heck they were up to. When it came out that they were deserters and afraid to go back, we sent out a MALP to the planet and showed them it. They were offered sanctuary for any and all technology and or information they could provide.

I stepped through the gate with Martin and Jack and hooked up the generator to the scanners. It got all of their tech still in one piece and parts that were put back together by our computer program models. We went back and they were all released with new identities and a warning not to be continuing any more experiments.

I spent the next week going over the X-301 and it's technology. I made sure it was only designed like a death glider and all earth tech that had been made by us. This was one of Bonnie's projects and they were damned happy she helped.

When it was time for test flight, I met the Major General that was coming to see it in action. He asked about my project that the Secretary of Defense mentioned in closed doors and I gave him a nod. "With how things are going, it'll be ready on schedule and once it's completed, you'll be able to mass produce it."

He couldn't wipe the smile off his face after that. The test flight went as planned and the weapons test worked like a charm on the UAVs and the General's both celebrated. Unfortunately the material used to create the X-301 was the same material used in the blast doors of the base and took a lot of weapons grade naquadah and trinium.

I spent the next couple weeks raiding Apophis's worlds of all the naquadah and trinium I could find with SG teams coming as stealth thieves. Whenever possible I would pull it out of whatever world we were raiding and refine it with my power and deposit it with the rest.

We raided six worlds of all the supplies we could find and Tok'ra agents would take the cargo ships with them to be cloaked later and used on missions of their own. When we were finished with the seventh, I was told SG-1 was requested for a stealth mission of their own while I was away.

When I heard Teal'c wasn't involved but visiting the Jaffa on Chulak, I became worried. I took a few days of in case I was needed by Teal'c and went to Chulak.

After I arrived, I searched the minds of all the Jaffa on Chulak and found a hand full of those that helped in Teal'c's capture. I killed them and cloaked myself before I teleported to the ship he was on. While Apophis and Heru'er were striking a deal, I implanted the idea in Heru'er's mind that Apophis May have cloaked ships around his mothership.

I went to Teal'c's side and waited for his torturer to leave. When he finally did, I whispered in his ear while using the healing glove to fix him internally. "I'm here now, it took me awhile to catch up when I was told by command that you were on Chulak. I went there first and killed the traitors that betrayed you after torturing the location out of them. I took the last transport ship to the mothership before it jumped into hyperspace and I've been looking all over for you."

He asked. "Can you get me out of these chains?"

I chuckled. "Peace of cake, but I have and idea for a little revenge if you're in."

He nodded and I put and ear wig in his ear and told him to wait for his moment to strike when they release him for the exchange. I'd subdue his torturer and we send him to Apophis instead along with some explosives I brought.

He smiled when he heard that. I told him. "It's not enough to destroy his ship, but it should be enough to attract the mines in the field to finish the job. We take this ship and run like hell after that. I'll get started on the lower levels while dealing with the Jaffa here."

He nodded. "It is a good plan. I will endeavor to hold out until then."

I patted him on the back and the Jaffa that betrayed him came in as I left. I worked quickly, killing the Jaffa in the hangers and doing security. I killed them all in a blur that they couldn't see. By the time they were to free Teal'c only a few upper levels had living Jaffa on them. I came pack to the room and watched as they freed him.

He fought and took a Jaffa down as he was blasted with the hand held device. I waited and when the Jaffa that betrayed him began to torture the goa'uld that hurt Teal'c, I became visible. He backed away and I brought the goa'uld to its knees. I handed Teal'c my knife and healed him.

He buried the knife in the goa'uld's brainstem killing both host and symbiote. I smiled. "Let's go, there are only a dozen or so Jaffa left alive on this ship and they all are close to Heru'er. Let's send the package and end this."

He grabbed the dead goa'uld and I pointed to a set of ring transporters and tapped my arm. The C4 was stacked and ready. He set the body on it and hit the buttons. I led the way and gave him my stealth armor. He slid it on and hit the sequence to activate stealth.

I chuckled. "Happy hunting. I'll race you to see who kills the most. Winner kills Heru'er."

I heard a chuckle. "Indeed."

He went left and I went right. The Jaffa that helped him tried following me but I told him to prepare in case we need to flee. I took off at a run and began killing the Jaffa. By the fifth one, I was at the control deck doors. I grunted as Teal'c became visible again. "I have killed seven."

I sighed. "Damn, I only got five. He's yours, I'll kill the little guys."

I bowed a little and I made him wait. When I heard Apophis get pissed that someone attacked him and he blamed Heru'er, I cut the feeds with a Zat blast as we made our way in. Teal'c was invisible as he went after Heru'er and I made quick work of the Jaffa in the room. Heru'er went to raise his hand device at me and I chuckled and ignored him.

I took control of the ship and sent us into hyper space after firing at a few of the visible ships that were cloaked. The bombs hit our shields but we got away scot free. I set our destination as Chulak to drop the ship and the Jaffa off.

Teal'c finished dishing pain to the false god and ended him. I walked over and removed the tech before hitting him repeatedly with a Zat. He vaporized and I turned to the Jaffa that came into the room and said. "I'd like to see your god come back from that. Even a sarcophagus wouldn't be able to pull it off."

Teal'c smiled. "Indeed. Heru'er is dead by my hand and destroyed by yours."

I grinned. "We're headed for Chulak to give the resistance and free Jaffa this ship."

I turned to the Jaffa watching us. "And hopefully a true believer in their freedom."

He nodded slowly and I chuckled. "In that case, the ship is yours. I'll see what I can do about making a cloaking device big enough for it. I'll also upgrade the shields and see what I can do about the several hundred gliders in the bay. You may have to park it for a few weeks while I make the upgrades."

He smiled. "I'd be happy to. After all, any advantage you can give us will help in our freedom in the long run."

I nodded and turned to Teal'c. "I hope this doesn't mean you'll be leaving us just yet. We are still fighting at the SGC as well. We could use the help."

He bowed his head. "I could never abandon the SGC while they are still willing to fight the goa'uld."

I nodded. "One day when the goa'uld are finished, you'll make a fine ambassador between our people and yours."

He smiled. "I look forward to that day."

The Jaffa beside us spoke. "I do as well."

We arrived on Chulak with the ship and I gave the Jaffa a set of coordinates for an empty world he can park it on while I do the upgrades. I told him he should gather all the resistance he could to man it once it's ready.

Teal'c met with the rebel leaders and told them everything. When he finished, he suggested the Jaffa that saved him take his place as a leader and help the rebels. He told them of the mothership and that I'd be upgrading it over a period of time.

They turned to me while I waited quietly in the corner reading minds and watching for traitors and za'tarc. The made fists over their hearts in salute and I did the same. "May you all one day taste true freedom from your oppressors. Remember you will find allies among my people and the Tok'ra. I know you may have bad blood between you, but remember that they have been fighting for your freedom and all of ours since long before either of our peoples thought to act. Your goals are the same, but your methods are different. It is a strength to accept difference among each other and use it to improve yourselves."

They bowed their heads to my wisdom and I turned to Teal'c and the leaders. "It's time, take the ship to the coordinates and I'll begin work in a couple days. Teal'c, we must return, SG-1 was there in the mine field and they're the ones who helped the Tok'ra do the outside damage to Apophis's ship. I am only sorry I didn't bring a nuke with me or a naquadah reactor, then Apophis would be as dead as Heru'er."

He nodded and said his goodbyes while we left. I dialed the gate and sent the IDC before we stepped through. When we arrived and saw SG-1, I laughed and told them we were in for a hell of a debriefing. When I told them my side of the events, and Teal'c filled in his, the room was silent.

General Hammond asked. "You stole a goa'uld mothership and you didn't bring it here to use ourselves?"

I shook my head. "I felt it would be in better and more use in the hands of those that could utilize all of it immediately. I'll do the upgrades to stealth and shields with your permission and we may just yet have an army of Jaffa as allies with a mother ship of their own to fight with and a fleet of death gliders as well. Our technology is advancing fast enough here that it would do us little good right now for only one of them. We'd need a fleet for them to be useful, and I think I have an idea of where to get one."

General Hammond rubbed his head and nodded. "Alright, where and what are you planning?"

I smiled. "Apophis thinks Heru'er is still alive. He lost several ships while he was escaping the mine field himself. I propose we fish in troubled waters and start taking Heru'er's old fleet. Six teams with stealth and knives will split into three groups and take a ship per group. I take the fourth and the rebel Jaffa hold the upgrades shields while sending our teams to each ship. Once were out, they jump into hyper space and we get to work. At the end of it, if there's other ships, the Tok'ra and a couple other teams will take them. Get the Russian's on board if need be. We take the ships and decide the spoils among the free Jaffa and us. I and Bonnie along with Carter and every mechanic and scientist that knows the technology will do our own upgrades and we'll have a viable defense for earth. Since I'm already working on drone fighter technology, I may be able to make the ships we use into drones themselves. I'd need a lot of help though."

General Hammond's eyebrows shot up. "You believe it's possible to pull this off?"

I grinned. "I could do it myself but I can't be in so many places at -"

I stopped and smacked my forehead. "Never mind my last sentence, I can be in so many places at once. I'll dial up Harlan and get my clones here to help. I'm sure they're done with the facilities repairs by now. This'll make things so much quicker."

General Hammond got up and ordered us to get to it immediately and for Sam and Bonnie to familiarize all our scientists and mechanics with the technology. I contacted my clones with a thought and had them make more with the leftover DNA. They got to work and half dialed over to start the process.

We were in full work mode since then. In three days, a hundred of my clones were now working to upgrade the Jaffa mothership with the SGC scientists. On the fifth day we had completed the cloaking and shield upgrades. The only thing left to upgrade was the gliders.

Once I reported it mission ready, the free Jaffa of Chulak and the Tok'ra declared themselves ready as well. With that, my clones began working on adding shields and cloaking to the fighters while we were in route to Heru'er's territory.

When we arrived, my clones had only finished with half the gliders. The Tok'ra took over the helm and declared us allies of Heru'er come to help defend against Apophis's imminent attack. They started beaming us over as a delegation to each ship.

Once we were all away, there were still three ships that had no one to go to. I took out everyone one my ship in the first twenty minutes and opened fire on the three remaining ships with a coordinated attack of the free Jaffa. We took out two of them and bombarded the third's shields.

Two of the ships that were still on the goa'uld's side began shooting at us both. The new shields held on the free Jaffa ship but mine were failing and just before they did, I let up on firing at the one we were bombarding. I told the Jaffa I'd take it and for them to flee.

I ringed over to the one remaining goa'uld mothership while the one I was on before was destroyed. I moved quicker than before and slaughtered them all. In ten minutes I was in control and the other two ships were silent now. I opened communication between all ships and they answered after a minute.

I gave them the coordinates to meet up with the free Jaffa at. We'd just taken seven ships, which meant earth got four and the free Jaffa would get four. I sent the ship into hyper space and sat down. My clones were still working on the upgrades for the free Jaffa.

When they asked why my clones couldn't participate in the fight, I told them that with so many, I could barely direct them now and they had only basic functions since they were made in a hurry. They seemed to buy it because I'd had one of my clones bumping into a doorway half the time the others were working.

When we returned to the planet where I would be doing the upgrades, I went through the stargate to report a mission success. The entire SGC was ecstatic. When I told them we'd be receiving four mothership's with accompanying gliders, General Hammond saluted me before going to make a demand to the Secretary of Defense and the president of the United States that I be promoted immediately for my plan and actions I'd taken to secure earths defenses this day.

I got to work immediately and the alliance leaders of the Jaffa, Tok'ra and earth met in a secret meeting on base. I was called back to base to report my current progress on the upgrades. When I arrived, I was sweaty and seemingly tired from all the work. I was greeted by the combined leaders of the alliance in the gate room.

The one that represented the Jaffa was Bra'tac himself, the Tok'ra high chancellor was standing beside him and the president on the other side. All of the SGC was gathered together and saluting me. I saluted back and stood ready while the president spoke. "You have repeatedly gone above and beyond in the line of duty. You have not only secured a viable defense for this nation, but for our world and it's allies. Even now we had to call you away from your tireless work to congratulate you and award you with this."

The Secretary of Defense stepped forward and held out set of silver star pins. He held them out and the president took them one at a time and pinned them on my uniform. "You are hereby honored for your hard work and efforts with the immediate promotion to Brigadier General. Effective immediately you will be given the respect and honor your new promotion demands."

The Secretary of Defense gave me the oath and I took it in front of my fellow team members. Bonnie was recording it all. The Secretary of Defense gave me my new job posting, in charge of the defense of this world with any and all technologies we acquire. I was to be in command of all the space battles until Prometheus was finished, then I'd be given a choice to command the ship, or a posting of my choice. As it would be the new flagship.

On the bright side, I was stationed on base still and working hand in hand with General Hammond. When the ceremony was over, I was saluted one last time before everyone came forward to congratulate me.

I gave my report on the current progress and they were pleased to know I'd finished the first Jaffa ship and was installing the shields and cloaking in all of them before I moved on to the gliders. I had Carter and Bonnie working on a slave program to utilize our gliders all at once in an effective manor with UAV technology.

I myself went back to work and snuck of after the first day to wipe out the Ashen race. I couldn't allow them to continue any longer. They were worse than the goa'uld in my eyes. Which is why I was surprised a few days later when we received a note not to go to the planet we would have met them on if I'd not killed them.

I completed the Jaffa ships upgrades a couple days later and was working on all the crap I had to do to ours. The Jaffa took the ships and left while I continued to work. When I finished the upgrades to everything. I started removing recall devices.

When I finished that, I began the truly hard part. The tech we got from the breeders needed to be altered to earth tech then to goa'uld-earth tech so that they would work for us. I worked around the clock on the project.

I only caught the tail end of Shifu's teaching Daniel and his visit to Sha're. When I arrived, he was in the chair being questioned by the Tok'ra sent to help. I watched from the door and smiled. "So young to be so burdened by such a thing."

He looked at me and his eyes went wide for a moment before he answered. "So old to be so young."

I nodded and smiled. "If you want to erase your burden you'll have to go farther than any before you, I see you've found a different path."

He smiled. "All roads lead to the great path in the end."

I sighed. "Those that preach the great path are blinded by those that walked before them. A path is a path, walk it or don't, the end is the end and it shan't be denied in the end."

His eyes went wide again and he bowed his head to me. "There is great wisdom in your words, how far on the great path have you walked?"

I smiled. "I don't walk the path you speak of, I make my own path and I make mistakes along the way, after all, I am but a man."

He tilted his head. "But all roads lead to the great path."

I chuckled. "What you see as the great path, I see as a dead end of content. Those that have walked that path have stopped walking since they took the steps to achieve their current progress. They've forgotten that life is chaos, and death is order. Just because they stopped between, they think that's the end of the path."

He closed his eyes and thought on it. I walked away and Daniel came to stand where I was before. I went to see Hammond in the observation room. I told him almost everything was ready and that the Russian general wanted to make it clear he wanted two ships.

He advised me to speak with the Secretary and the president. I borrowed his phone for the call as my office was still being fixed up. I called both of them and I made it clear I didn't see a problem with it so long as they agreed to only use them in defense of earth.

They agreed and I called the Russian general in to get his agreement. When he gave it, I told him to send two people to control the ships as we had to bring them to earth to connect them to the chairs I'd made from the game chairs that I'd developed from the virtual reality chair tech we'd acquired from the garden world.

He sent two teams while I had my clones bring ours. When all four arrived cloaked, I began the connection to each specific chair and the gliders with each ship as well adding in ancient tech programming. Each chair was connected to five mark three naquadah generators using weapons grade refined liquid naquadah.

All four chairs were based in the SGC. And the ships orbited the world in sync while cloaked and running on ten liquid naquadah generators apiece to fuel the cloak and shields in emergency situations.

I heard about Shifu's departure and his last words passed on to me were. "Life, like a great tree, has its seasons. Perhaps paths follow the same principles."

When Daniel passed it on to me, I chuckled. "Perhaps he's found the right path for him and plans to forge ahead."

Daniel asked what it meant and I sighed. "Wisdom cannot be taught in a day, but it can be experienced in a moment."

I left him with that and made my report that all defenses were now viable to the president. After the goa'uld motherships, the Hammond Hammers were easy to turn into drones. Each one could now be used like any other UAV through the gate or in defense of the planet.

The Secretary of Defense asked about doing the same to the X-301s and I told him the problems with that, the X-301s were our designs after studying the death gliders, they weren't upgraded versions of goa'uld tech. It's a different set of programs and protocols and even controls that were completely of human design and engineering.

I don't even know if it would work. I promised to do my best, but in the end, it was probably better to have human fighters in them anyway. The goa'uld motherships were just a stop gap till we had our own ships up and running.

I was of course bullshitting him but he didn't know it and sense I made the programs from scratch with so many races technologies, no one else could prove otherwise. Especially since I hid most of it with a compulsion not to try it or look into it. Even the Nox wouldn't be able to get passed it or realize it was even there.

With all the work done now, my clones went back and returned to meditation. I felt a significant increase in my soul's energies while they were at it. When I finished with it all, I took a day off from science and did paperwork.

Bonnie took a trip to a certain planet to turn of an opium like device and heal the kid stuck there before teleporting him to the protected planet where I'd freed the people from the Unas goa'uld.

She sent all his belongings with him and cleaned up the temple. By the time SG-5 arrived it was empty and only good for studying the walls. Carter was now entering her third trimester and has been officially taken off all field work.

She spent her time in her lab, or volunteering to teach at the academy. While my time was spent doing paperwork, Bonnie was taking the stargate from a world that's species was electric in nature, similar to a computer virus mixed with an artificial intelligence.

Jack was leading a team of scientists with Teal'c and Daniel was spending his time with Sha're. I stuck to paperwork and side projects for the most part. My clones informed me that the team there has been going on missions with no clear purpose so they suggested they document and record all missions and when they attack goa'uld, they steal weapons grade naquadah and trinium for earths growth.

Any tech they find on the way was also welcomed and any ships taken would go to earths defense or allies. They seemed to like that and changed their parameters. Soon enough they were filling rooms in the facility with stolen weapons from the goa'uld with naquadah and trinium to boot.

When they stole cargo ships they were sent to Tok'ra bases and Chulak. A couple weeks passed and I decided to act on my boredom when Carter brought a girl to see the stargate. I came out for a breather and ran into them. "Carter, whose this?"

She introduced the cadet and when she told the girl my rank she saluted me. I saluted back. "At ease cadet. I'm new at this rank so I'm a bit unused to the paperwork. Either of you care for a stroll to meet up with Jack?"

The Cadet spoke up. "But sir, she's banned from active duty."

I chuckled. "If I offer to look after you, you can walk through a battlefield without a scratch. Carter, do you feel like a stroll, I need to get out of the office or I may build a bomb just to feel alive."

She smiled as I offered my arm and took it. "Sure, why not."

I turned to the Cadet. "I'll offer you the same protection, what do you say to seeing your first alien planet up close."

She nodded and got excited. "Thank you sir!"

I smiled and led them to the armory where I grabbed three zats. When I led them to the control room, I spoke to General Hammond and he had the airmen dial up the gate address.

I led them through and when we arrived, I called Jack on the radio and told him who I brought. He was a little angry until I gave my word nothing would happen to her. He led us to the base and I looked around while Carter explained everything.

When I saw the energy creature in the trap I released it immediately. "You know better than to trap intelligent beings we come across. If it happens again, I'll see to it your left on a planet of your own without a stargate."

He spluttered and Jack told him. "I told you not to mess with the damn thing, if this comes back to bite us in the ass, I'll shoot you first."

I turned to Jack. "Contact all personnel and have them return to base immediately. Tell them I sad it's an order if it gets them here faster."

Carter asked. "What's wrong?"

I frowned. "Bad feeling. You know how many intelligent beings we've come across. Experience says this'll end in violence. Teal'c escort them to the gate, Jack, you and I are going to retrieve your people."

I passed the girls a Zat apiece and gave Teal'c the last I brought. "They're made of energy, odds are it'll effect them negatively. Tell Hammond I've ordered a temporary evacuation until we know more about these creatures and we can establish a safe dialogue between us."

They left and while we were on our way to collect the scientists, one came running over saying the other was killed by the energy creatures. I turned to Jack. "Take him and retreat to the gate, I'll retrieve the body, that's an order. Once you're through, tell Hammond to activate the iris till I make safe contact."

They took off at a run and I intercepted the creatures. I pulled a Zat out of my ring and shot the whole group rapidly. As they retreated, I advanced until I saw the body. I grabbed him and tossed him over my shoulder before retreating at Zat point.

When I arrived at the active gate the creatures retreated. I sent the IDC and told Hammond the creatures were becoming more violent as I stepped through. I handed the body off to the soldiers and told them to shut it down.

I debriefed Hammond and pointed out their repulsion of the em fields being disrupted by the gate and the Zat guns. The Cadet suggested it may have something to do with the magnetic field of the moon as it passed over the poles of the gas giant.

I sighed and Hammond spoke. "However it was caused, it still makes the base unusable to us. We can't be risking our people like that."

I nodded slowly. "Might I make a suggestion. If we need an off world research base where the goa'uld and others can't find it, why don't we take a ship and take a stargate to another planet outside the original system. It'll be secure and accessible."

He frowned. "You aren't suggesting we use the defense drones to pull it off, are you?"

I shook my head. "There are more goa'uld and ships out there. I say we take one and get the job done. The only real difficultly will be finding a landed ship or getting aboard a ship already in space. It would probably work if you offer the same idea to the rest of the alliance's leaders individually as well."

He nodded slowly. "That would work. Only problem would be the ship itself. As far as I'm aware the Jaffa are using theirs in battles already."

I winced. "Damn, I was hoping they'd be more patient. The less they use those shields and cloaking, the less likely the goa'uld will come up with a way around them.or try advancing their own to match them."

General Hammond asked. "Is that possible?"

I nodded slowly. "They're advances for goa'uld shields, but they are a long way off from shields like say, the Asgard and the Nox have. They're around the level of what the Tollan should have if they had shields."

General Hammond nodded. "Then we've come a long way already."

I chuckled. "That's all thanks to your command sir."

The team nodded and agreed with me. I stood up and saluted him before taking my leave to let the team give the rest of the debriefing. I stopped and turned to the scientist that started it all. "Just remember that for whatever reason made those beings agitated, they more than likely would not have know to take it out on us if you had not played mad scientist with one of theirs. While it's still a possibility they would have still tried, it probably would not have gotten one of our own killed."

Even the Cadet didn't argue with that. I sighed. "While you are out there learning and testing, just remember you represent the whole of earths people in the eyes of those beings you would experiment on. And right now, I feel that we aren't being represented to the best of your abilities."

General Hammond spoke up. "I tend to agree on that. Effective immediately you'll loose command as lead scientist in the field until such time as you've proven to us that you can represent earth and it's allies while off world."

I left them to it and listened to the scientist splutter and try defending himself as I walked back to my office. Two weeks later we received a call from Harlan and he arrived on earth. I'd sent my army of clones to accompany the team on said mission to defeat Cronus and free the people on a world he would eventually show up to.

I had no further use for them as their numbers were only sustaining my spirits energy and not helping it grow any longer. Bonnie's were still of use to her unlike mine and it was discerning to have so many know about the stargate program at once.

When Harlan came through, he told the SGC what was wrong and only General Hammond and our superiors knew about the plan before hand. Harlan wanted them back, but I told him straight up. "We are aware and it won't make a bit of difference. I'm the one that sent them the order to act. They know too much about the stargate program and they've refused to stay on your planet where the goa'uld cannot get to them. I sent them on this mission to retrieve a ship for our uses here and to finally shut them down for good. They are fully aware and know of the plane and while they are sentient, they know what they're putting at risk because the goa'uld don't need to torture them to get the information. All they need to do is take the programming that makes up their memory banks. I'm sorry Harlan, but they're a liability to this entire planet that we cannot risk in the hands of our enemies."

Harlan spoke. "But-but they are you!"

I nodded. "Exactly, they are prepared to make the sacrifice because they are us. They will see our plans through and terminate themselves afterwards to remove any future risk to this planet that they may be caught. If it makes you feel better Harlan, my people are willing to give you a atmospheric cleaner to clean up the surface of your planet with. Eventually, life may grow there once more."

He seemed excited and sad. Bonnie's clones started coming through with all the resources the clones had taken from the goa'uld and a computer with all their mission reports. They did a repeated back and forth for several hours and emptied out the stock on Harlan's world.

When they were done, they followed to the gate address of where Cronus's ship was now at. Cronus was reported dead by the clone of Teal'c's hands. That made our Teal'c smile. My clones did the upgrades to the ship on the way back to earth for our plans to kick into action.

When they were on their way, I gave Harlan the schematics for the naquadah generators and the atmosphere scrubbers. I told him it would take several years if not decades before they finished and he'd have to keep sending more to keep the progress going ass the acid rain would rust them after a period of time, but it would work.

He left in mixed moods and when the ship arrived a week later, the clones had run out of power and died. I suggested sending them to a volcanic world where we could be assured of their destruction and Hammond agreed.

After we were done with that, Bonnie, taking over for Carter while she was off active duty, began the mission to start the gate moving starting with the ones who needed it most, the Tok'ra. While I was now to confined, she took my place to ensure it all played out like it was supposed to.

And it did, for the most part. Jack and Jacob may have had a heart to heart about Carter's present condition and the upcoming nuptials, but otherwise it went the same. When they returned to earth with a brainwashed Teal'c and a report that Apophis was dead, I dialed up Chulak and went through to send word to Bra'tac that Teal'c was in need of him and personally tell him that Apophis was dead.

The whole of Chulak celebrated while Bra'tac came back to earth with me to help Teal'c. When he took out the symbiote I knew to be Egeria, I took her from there and put her in a stasis jar. I sat beside him the entire day and night as the team visited occasionally.

When Dr.Fraiser asked me to get some sleep, I just closed my eyes and began meditating. When it was close to time, I connected Egeria's mind to his so that she could see the determination to be free that he carried within him. She tried to interfere but I prevented it as she hadn't made the choice to be good yet.

When he was close to death, I told him. "You have slayed a false god with your own hands Teal'c. You buried a k-bar knife in the back of Heru'er's skull with your own hands. If Apophis is a god as you say, then you are a god slayer."

That got everyone's attention and Bra'tac asked. "Is what you say true?"

I nodded. "We races each other in defeating Heru'er's guard and he won and got to kill the goa'uld himself."

Teal'c took a deep breath then his heart stopped. Bra'tac told him to make his decision and finally Dr.Fraiser hit Teal'c with the defibrillator to revive him. When Teal'c opened his eyes he spoke. "I choose freedom."

I smiled as he pledged his allegiance to our world and it's people once more. With that, another two months passed without incident while the scientist studied the schematics of the cloaked mothership's guarding our world. They finally couldn't go farther without going aboard themselves.

Carter was now on bed rest as she'd already started false contractions. SG-1 was officially on vacation for the next week, while myself and Bonnie were working on hyper drive technology for the Prometheus. The stolen goa'uld one wasn't nearly finished being reverse engineered by the scientists on the project.

After Sam gave birth to a little girl, she named it Christine after her mother. She took a couple weeks off for maternal leave, and Bonnie took care of the next big mission ahead of schedule by destroying the weapon and telling the ascended being to go away as she wiped out the planet from existence.

With no where to be punished at, the others were forced to take him back.