
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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37 Chs


As the night set in and the moon started to rise, we made our way back to the witch house where everything was ready and waiting on tonight's events. I brought everything outside in the light of the full moon and when it reached its apex, we began.

While Bonnie channeled the stone with Qetsiyah's blood in it, I started a elemental resurrection spell. "Respire là vie corpore! Respire là vie corpore! Respire là vie corpore!"

As I chanted and drew on the power of the full moon, Bonnie added in the power she drew from Qetsiyah's blood as well. "Respire là vie corpore! Respire là vie corpore! Respire là vie corpore!"

The blood from the stone seeped into the mud bath that began boiling. "I called on the elements of fire, water, earth, air and blood, the element of life. Bring your child of nature back to us. I call on the power of the moon to connect her soul with body once more. Bring your child back to us!"

We repeated the words and pleas to nature over and over. The blood stone ran dry and the elements surrounded the mud bath. The moon shone brighter and created a beam of light on the tub.

The earth seemed to cry out before everything went quiet. The mystical energy in the ritual was sucked into the tub and it stopped boiling. After a few silent breaths, Bonnie asked. "Did it work?"

I chuckled. "It did. We should see the results as the sun rises. For now, let's grab a shower and see about a nice rest."

We were both magically drained from the ritual. Though we didn't use any personal magical power, we were still conduits for powerful energies for well over an hour. I bounced back after a bag of blood while the shower and a nice comfortable nap seemed to help her.

On the bright side, I know knew for a fact I could win in a fight against Qetsiyah. I was the channel for her soul and power through the moon while Bonnie was the link for her new body and connection to the earth. When I channeled her soul with the moons power I felt how powerful she was at her peak.

While I know I could win, it would be a bloody battle to end all battles. Destroying her would take nearly all I had and that's if she didn't channel her descendants. If she did, I'd have to resort to fighting dirty and neither of us would enjoy that because odds are it would destroy the other side in the process.

I kept my thoughts to myself and focused on holding Bonnie in my arms as she napped and waited on her long dead ancestor. As the sun rose I woke her. "It's time. She'll be waking now."

We walked over to the mud bath as it started to crack and burst apart. As Qetsiyah stood slowly in flesh again I tossed her a robe. "You have a month to find him and an eternity to turn him to your side or just torture him. Showers upstairs and you have a room ready when you're done. If you need supplies ask Bonnie and she'll provide all that you need, even the cure when it's time."

Qetsiyah nodded and turned to Bonnie. "We have a lot to talk about while I hunt the bastard down. Perhaps if you're lucky I'll tell you the meaning of your talisman you made."

I snorted and walked away to give them privacy. "I'll be in the room. By the way, each room has Sage already enchanted. All you need to do is lite it for a private conversation."

I blurred and headed to bed. Some time later that day, Bonnie joined me. She seemed a little hesitant and a lot happier than before. I didn't ask because it was her business what Qetsiyah told her. Over the next few days I started gathering energy from the mystical objects in the vault and making the totems and their talisman counterparts.

I spent all the time Bonnie was at school making them. Every now and then Qetsiyah would watch or read grimoires while doing her locator spell. It would have a location when he was fully on this side, so until then it was a boring wait.

After the third week she got a hit on the spell. "He's in this side now and it looks like he's on the move. He should be on the outskirts of mystic falls by tonight."

I sighed. "It looks like the late professor really retrieved what was left of his body from the ocean some time ago. Let's intercept him in the outskirts. Keep the spell up until we're near him. You two keep a two hundred meter distance behind me as we start to get close. I don't want to kill you on accident."

After we set out she had a decent idea where we would cross paths with him so we set an ambush. They watched from far away as I sat on a fallen log listening for Silas's footsteps. When I heard them I started giving myself over to my darker side fully. By the time he was in eye sight range I was already gone, my conscience was buried under an indomitable rage and beast like instincts.

I watched unable to fight myself as my body rose and roared to the heavens before magic and my curse started absorbing every bit of power around me amplifying my power and bloodlust. Silas's true face was revealed to my beast sight as it attacked him with everything it had.

He tried to fight back and even flee at one point but it was too much. Qetsiyah must've activated her curse on him because as we fought and traded blows he became weaker and weaker. My darker self bit into his flesh and ripped him limb from limb as it feasted on his blood.

It let out another roar as he started healing. After a repeated process, Silas was running out of blood and power. I could tell he was trying to use his mind arts on me but I wasn't in control so it failed in the end. His psychic powers were being absorbed by my curse and feeding my own power.

After he could no longer move or fight back the beast roared again in challenge. When no answer was given it started looking around for opponents and food. That's when we both felt it. A massive jolt to our body that brought us to our knees. It struggled and fought as hard as ever but it couldn't move.

When Qetsiyah came into sight with Bonnie, she went to Silas first and shoved the cure in his mouth before turning to me and saying something. The beast roared and struggled harder. I started my fight for dominance with it and it became a power of wills. It had spent so much time repressed that it was willing to fight so much harder for control.

Qetsiyah and Bonnie summoned their families spirits for an all out mind attack on the beast. I screamed in agony as I barely won. When I fought to the surface I smiled and passed out. My world went black as the witches attack struck my mind now in full force and in my already mentally drained state I collapsed.

Bonnie must have stopped them because I woke up several days later with a massive headache but still sane. I groaned as I woke up. "Who hit me with a meteor?"

Bonnie snorted. "It was a thousand witches with a mind crippling spell. You nearly drained my ancestors just stopping your alter ego."

I sighed. "It's grown stronger since I last used it. The patch is failing in places."

She looked concerned. "What happens if it fails?"

I shrugged. "I'll have one last fight with it, winner take all. If I lose, I'll be suppressed for all time and it'll gain permanent control of my body. It would rampage and slaughter until either you put it down or it killed every living thing on the planet."

She looked horrified before asking. "If you win?"

I shuddered. "My soul will forcefully call back the piece that's missing and I'll be whole again. Bonnie, if I have to fight it before my aunt is killed you'll have to kill me. I won't put my descendants in danger. She'd link herself to them and vampires or not they'd be turned into powerful talismans for her use. I can't do that to them."

She shook her head and said forcefully. "Then you won't use it again until after she's dead. We'll work together to call it back afterwards and heal you for good. I can't lose you, I won't."

I held her. "Then it'll be as you say. I'll not touch that side of myself again."

Qetsiyah came in. "It's done, Silas is dead and on the other side. Whatever the beast did to him seemed to permanently weaken him. Even on the other side he isn't nearly as strong as before."

I snorted. "It fed on his blood and power. I've a feeling I'll be developing a stronger mental power now. Not psychic but I'll probably have a stronger ability to enter and manipulate dreams and a mass compulsion ability at the least."

Qetsiyah nodded. "It'll most likely manifest as strengthening your own abilities instead of developing others."

Bonnie sighed. "At least it's over."

Qetsiyah smiled. "Not quite. The doorway still isn't safe yet."

I chuckled. "It'll be here next week. I have two very strong vampires and three powerful witches, some I personally taught, guarding it. They won't make contact till the beginning of next week to be certain Silas was destroyed before coming back with it."

Qetsiyah smiled. "Then it looks like my job here is done."

She turned to Bonnie. "Care to see off your oldest living relative to her grave? Well, just the basement but it's where I'll cross over and your needed to release the spell binding me to this body. Come, I'll tell you a few secrets about the family and perhaps answer a few of your questions."

I nodded and released her as she followed her soon to be dead again ancestor. After downing half a bottle of aspirin and a glass of bourbon, I grabbed a shower. After a while Bonnie joined me under the hot water.

We spent the rest of the day having mind numbing sex. When we revisited the world again the next day I sent messages to my siblings letting them know I'd won and the immortal was dead.

While Bonnie was in school I made a trip to meet up with them. They were at the mansion sitting in the lounge room drinking together. As soon as I walked through the door Nik asked. "Why didn't you tell me that you had the cure for immortality? And you gave it to Damon Salvatore of all people?"

I sighed. "Because Nik, unless you wanted to be just a werewolf, it was useless to you."

He snorted. "I could've given it to the doppelgänger."

I shook my head. "It doesn't work like that Niklaus. Her blood will never work to make hybrids again. The cure stops all forms of immortality and that includes vampires and hybrids."

He snorted. "Then perhaps she'll have children and grandchildren and eventually another doppelgänger will surface."

I snorted. "Yes, that would work but you'll stop any idea of that now Niklaus. When it is time, I'll tell you my reasons why I'm protecting her from you but for now, understand that the Petrova line will not be touched by you or anyone meaning them harm again. I mean it Klaus. I've had enough of people taking advantage of them and I'm tired of seeing them hurt. Whether it's Elena or Katerina or even Isobel, yes I know what you tried to do to her, I'll not allow you to harm them again."

He looked enraged but Elijah spoke. "He's right Niklaus, they have suffered enough at our hands. Leave them be."

Seeing he wasn't going to win the argument he sighed. "Fine, you have my word I'll not harm them."

I nodded. "Then you have my word so long as you have need of my help, all you have to do is ask. Contingent on you not harming them or those in this town."

He nodded and I tossed him a bottle of whiskey. "I picked that up in 1308. It's been spelled by a witch to enhance the flavor and guarantee the bottle will never run dry. Think of it as a gift for good behavior."

I tossed Rebekah a box. "Inside you'll find all you need for a life of your own. ID, birth certificate and social security number. There's a descent sized bank account and a private jet attached to it. Have fun."

I turned to Elijah. " I did not know what you desired so name your gift."

He smiled. "You've given us enough brother. The fact that you're still speaking with us after telling us to leave town, means more to me than money or words."

I clasped him on the shoulder before sighing. "The reason I wanted you gone was because you've invited disaster after disaster everywhere you went with infighting. Now that things are quiet, I do not mind you staying. I actually enjoyed our time together, and if any of you are willing, I'd like to do so again sometime."

I turned to Nik. "If you're feeling restless or want to master your wolf side, I'd be willing to go on more runs with you anytime I'm not with Bonnie."

He smiled a little. "I think I'd much enjoy that."

I nodded and turned to Rebekah and Elijah. "My door is always open and if you want to stay here go ahead. Other than a few people every now and then, this place is usually empty now that my staff is dead. It could use the lively ness again. I keep a closet of spelled sage in the hallway for each room if you want to throw a party and the other wants peace and quiet."

I turned to Nik. "The offer is for you as well, though I know you have a place already."

He smiled. "Thanks, but I think I'll keep to myself and paint or conspire with others."

I shrugged. "Up to you. I'm rarely here but during school hours I'm free for runs until the end of the year."

Rebekah asked. "What happens then?"

I grinned. "Summer break. I'm thinking of taking Bonnie traveling around the world. I want to show her everything."

I turned to Nik. "I think we'll start with the louvre. I hear a renowned artist I know has a set of paintings hanging there."

He smiled. "They were decent but not my best work."

I grinned. "I know. I have my favorites you ever sold locked away if you want to hold a viewing sometime I'll lend them for it but they're mine now."

He chuckled and and raised a glass. "Cheers, to family."

I raised mine as well. "To family."

Later that night after I met Bonnie and the gang at the grill, we started discussing Elena's decision as a group. Elena seemed for taking it but she also wanted to give it away. I sighed. "Damon gave it to you for a reason. He wanted you to have this choice to take it. If you don't then I'll destroy he damned thing."

She looked at me. "So you're the one that gave it to him?"

I smiled. "I'm the one that made it. I gave it to him because you seemed like you were in love with him. I figured if it was real and you wanted kids down the road then you'd take it and he'd feed from you after you were human. He'd become human as well."

She frowned. "Then why can't Stefan and every other vampire feed from me and become human?"

I shook my head. "The only reason you wouldn't die after he feeds and takes it from you is because your natural age isn't advanced beyond the human years. If another vampire fed off of him after he took it from you, then he'd rapidly age and die."

She quieted at that. Stefan asked. "What's stopping other vampires from feeding on him after that?"

I smiled. "Me. I'll put a spell on him to lock it in his body and even if they tried to feed it wouldn't come out. He'd be like a doll of sorts. No blood would come out. Therefore no elixir as well."

I turned to the group and sighed. "There isn't enough ingredients to make anymore. Most of the herbs I used were from a thousand years ago and are extinct now. There's no way to make more and since I'm not the original witch that created it, I don't have a clue what to substitute the ingredients for. This is a one shot opportunity for you. It's the best I can do."

Caroline asked. "Can't you ask the witch that made it to tell you a new recipe?"

I snorted. "If only life was that simple. To make deals on the other side you have to have something of equal value to trade."

Jeremy asked. "Well, what did you trade for the first recipe?"

I sighed. "A list of my strongest offensive spells I personally made to inflict the most pain on an enemy and a favor on this side. Both have been paid for and I've nothing more she wants."

Damon commented. "Must be some spells you made."

I nodded. "It was the worst things I'd ever imagined on my enemies come to life. I used one one the list while I was there and she was impressed. Let's just say Esther isn't feeling good and after I cast it, no other spirits there would be willing to help her for fear of the same fate."

Elena asked. "What did you do to her?"

I smiled. "I payed a soul torturing spell on her. My list is particularly unique because every spell on it effects the soul. It's an eternal pain if you're a spirit. If you're flesh and blood it'll drive you to suicide or madness."

Jeremy asked. "How would you even come up with something like that?"

I shrugged. "Misspent youth. When I was still human, I created a spell and used it on myself to protect someone precious to me. I sliced off a piece of my own soul to protect them. I was in eternal agony so my mother Ayana, the witch that raised me, created a patch for my soul. Basically she helped me split my mind in two. The agony and the man. The agony turned into a manifestation of my darker side. I call it the beast. It slaughters without remorse and is fueled by rage brought on by the agony my soul is in. I can't feel it myself but the beast can. From the original spell I used I gained a understanding of the soul no other witch has ever had. From that I've created a list of spells that inflict agony on the soul. It is my greatest and most unique spell list I've ever made. I didn't even right it down in my grimoire because it is a horrific thing to do to another being. It's a form of the darkest Magic's that have ever been made."

Damon asked. "And you just gave it away and a favor for the recipe to make one cure?"

I shrugged. "It made two but I used the other on an enemy I recently helped kill. It along with his body has been destroyed as thoroughly as possible."

Elena asked. "Why not take it yourself?"

I chuckled and held up Bonnie's hand to my lips while she answered. "We can have kids if we want to. Besides, we can chose when we're ready to pass on as well."

I turned to the group. "I plan to make us all a semi other side for friends and family later on in life. We'll all have each other and be able to watch over our descendants together as well as have our own version of eternal peace. If anyone chooses to pass on further to see what's beyond you'll be able to as well. I just wanted you to know that death isn't the end for us. There's always other options."

I kissed Bonnie and ordered a plate of Nachos and a bottle of tequila. We drank and chatted about everything while having fun. I drove everyone that needed a ride home then took Bonnie to her old house where we spent the night as a normal couple.

A week later I buried the doorway and gave the vamps and witches a break. From then on I led a normal average life with Bonnie until one day after a run with Klaus he told me about a liquor filled one night stand with a certain wolf girl back in town.

Sighing to myself I told him. "Perhaps she's the one for you?"

He shook his head. "We are too damaged to be together. Besides, I'm waiting on Caroline to eventually get over Tyler."

I chuckled. "You're in luck there. He left to go on some quest to save other werewolves and teach them everything he can in Texas last I heard. Caroline was pissed and he dumped her over the phone."

Klaus snorted. "He was never right for her anyway."

I shrugged. "I'll see you tomorrow little brother. I've to see a girl about a thing."

I ran back and got everything ready for the surprise. When everyone and thing was in place we waited and as soon as Bonnie walked in the door we yelled. "SURPRISE! Happy birthday Bonnie."

She burst out laughing I gave her a hug and kiss before the crowd consumed us. After a night of drinking and cake, the party died down at last and I brought her to the bedroom.

I handed her a small box she opened up and gasped. "It's beautiful!"

Inside was a heart locked made of crystal that opened up with a picture of us together on the volcano looking at the sunset. "I wanted you to have a more family-friend oriented party and Caroline May have threatened me with castration if I whisked you off to another country on your birthday again."

She laughed and gave me a kiss before having me put it on her. It seemed to hide the pendant as they touched. She spent the night showing her appreciation for my efforts to please her and everyone else. By morning I needed to feed or I was going to go on a rampage.

The next few months were quiet. That is until Klaus took off on an anonymous tip that a witch in New Orleans was plotting against him. Elijah and Rebekah called me and I told them the same. "I'll not interfere unless he asks me to. You can go see what it's about if you're that curious, yourself."

Elijah took off the same day and Rebekah continued to go to school. A week later Elijah showed back up and met me in secret. I took him to the vault and asked. "What do you need?"

Elijah sighed. "The werewolf Hailey is pregnant with Niklaus's child."

I flinched and stared him down. "I can't do the same spell on his child and he doesn't have the magic to perform it himself."

Elijah shook his head. "Is there not something you could do? You said Ayana would help you complete it if you failed perhap-"

I shook my head and frowned. "That's not possible. She would've used my sacrifice and violent death to fuel the completion of the spell."

I looked up and sighed. "The best I can do is ensure it lives to see birth. But then, my enemy would feel it and come for the child. If it were as simple as a few spells do you think I would've resorted to the measures I did?"

He looked defeated and I sighed. "I'll cast a cloaking spell on the child and link it to Nik, you and Rebekah. It wouldn't last on me with my nature but so long as the child is within say two blocks of one of you at all times, no one will be able to tell if it's existence. Can you bring Hailey and Nik here?"

He shook his head. "Hailey is bound to a witch in the quarter. If she tries to leave her and the babe will die."

I let out a string of curses before settling down. "Why didn't you mention this sooner Elijah. Fuck me this is gonna suck. I'll need to head there. Call Nik and make sure him and Hailey are away from them. I'll head there tonight. Grab Rebekah as well."

I blurred and packed everything I needed before meeting Bonnie. "We're going on a trip tonight love. How would you like to meet the witches of New Orleans?"

She smiled. "I'd love to. I've been studying up on ancestral magic lately and I have several questions to ask them."

I nodded. "Pack a bag were flying out in a an hour. It seems my brother is having a kid."

She turned serious now and nodded. We left not long after that. We met up with Elijah and Rebekah at the airport and flew out from there. When we were in the air I asked Elijah. "Are these witches enemies and do they have the power of the ancestors behind them?"

Elijah explained. "They're using us to bring down a vampire that apparently runs the city. They say he has something that stops their magic."

I snorted and asked. "There's other all magic? Be very clear."

He shrugged. "They say Marcel has a way of knowing when they use magic and he punishes them for it."

I snorted. "That's a completely different meaning. I doubt it'll work on me and even if he could tell I'm using magic I know for a fact nothing he has can kill me. If he wants a war I'll empty the city of vampires tonight. I don't care what his silly little secret is."

Elijah nodded and I turned to Bonnie while Rebekah asked about Marcel. "Don't worry about using magic love. If anyone tries to stop you I'll kill them. Vampires controlling witches isn't right in any sense."

She put a comforting hand on my arm and calmed me down before saying. "I'd like to see what makes them so confident as to stop me from using magic as well."

We arrived an hour later at a small airport that a company I'm invested in owns. They had a car waiting when we arrived. I waved my siblings on. "Elijah, you drive. You know the way. Rebekah, you're up front."

We got in and rolled down the windows so Bonnie could see the city and view a small bit of their culture. After a short trip through the city he drove us to an old plantation. "This place looks like crap. I think I was here in the eighteen hundreds fighting southern forces. That's definitely a slave plantation, Elijah, what the hell are we doing out here?"

He answered as we got out. "This is where it all began for Marcel and Klaus. This is the former slave home of Marcel, before Niklaus killed the owner and set him free. Niklaus raised him as his own and when he grew up he turned him into a vampire. When father came for us, we thought he'd perished. Come to find out he was ruling the city for the next hundred years."

Hailey and Nik were on the porch waiting for us. "What took you so long big brother. We've been waiting for hours."

I snorted and replied. "I was listening to the mess you've made."

I turned to Hailey. "You should know better than to play with witches girl."

Hailey snorted. "Not like I had a choice in the matter. They did some witch Juju and knocked me out before telling me I'd die if I fled."

I sighed and put my hand on her stomach and cast my senses inwards. After a minute I took it away and turned to the two. "Congratulations, it's a girl. Now let's go inside and make sure it lived long enough to be born."

Klaus spoke up. "We can't do it here. Marcel has some sort of weapon that lets him know when and where the magic is being used and by whom."

I snorted. "Fine."

I grabbed my phone and made a call. "John this is Alexander. I need you to have the penthouse cleared out in an hour. Tell Mitch he can have it back Monday, I've some business in town."

I hung up and turned to them. "I've a penthouse waiting for us in an hour. Now tell me in detail all you know."

An hour later I was furious and frustrated. "I can't break the link without killing the baby. On the bright side it'd kill the witch on the other end as well but-"

Hailey spoke up. "Absolutely not!"

I sighed. "I know relax. I'll put a few protective spells to prevent something like that happening again once it's gone, but it won't stop the one in place."

We were all frustrated, we headed to the penthouse and I started casting spells. After I was done I turned to Bonnie. "Did you feel it as well?"

She nodded and I turned to Nik and Elijah. "The weapon you were talking about is another witch. I felt her watching us as we worked. Don't worry, I obscured all but mine and Bonnie's features from them. Once you leave here they won't be able to tell you were here in the first place."

Niklaus and Elijah thanked me while Hailey gave me a hug. I sighed. "So long as the linking spell is removed, no other magic will work on the child while it's near the four of you. A powerful and determined witch could use other methods to find it once they know it's alive but they'll never be able to hurt it when you're around."

I sighed. "You four can leave for now. We'll be taking a trip to a jazz bar tonight to see who tries anything."

They left and we followed not long after. I felt a tracking spell take hold after we left the building. I sensed it was just us so I let it go. We arrived at a little club where I recognized Marcel singing on stage from my memories and order drinks.

After a bit a crowd started rolling in. I watched with amusement as Marcel came out of the center. "What do we have here? A couple witches new to town."

I snorted. "Kid, you don't want to pick this fight. I felt how powerful your little witch is and she's not a threat from a distance to me."

He moved and grabbed me by the throat. I chuckled as he tried to squeeze. I grabbed his arm and broke it like kindling. "Like I said kid, this isn't a fight you want to pick. I'm an original. And you aren't my match. If you continue I'll kill you and all the vampires here before sitting down and finishing my drink."

He frowned as he fixed his arm. "I've never heard of you."

I snorted. "I'm Elijah's older brother. As far as vampires go I'm the oldest living one. Now either sit down and have a drink or piss off before I get angry. I'm only in town for the weekend. After that I'll be leaving the state. There's no need to pick this fight."

Marcel frowned for a second before smiling. "Then have a drink and enjoy the sights. This town has a lot to offer."

I nodded. "I'll be using magic on and off while I'm here. Tell your witch friend to either ignore it or me. I've no reason to stop and I follow my own rules."

He looked a little angry but then he turned to Bonnie and I sighed. "I wouldn't do that. I may kill you for coming after me, but I'll make you suffer agony before death if you go after her."

Bonnie held out a hand to Marcel. "Bonnie Bennet, pleasure to meet you. This teddy bear is Alexander Mikaelson, my boyfriend and bodyguard from hell. While he seems rude it's because he's protecting me. If you must know, the magic we did was to protect a mother and her unborn baby from harm. We came to town only for that and to view the sights."

That seemed to calm Marcel down. "That's alright I guess. I have a thing for protecting kids myself."

She smiled and I growled a little before telling him from the side. "A little less charm there kid. I'd hate to have to take you out back for hitting on my girl."

Marcel laughed it off and ordered a round of drinks. Everything seemed to devolve into a party. Marcel jumped on stage after a few rounds and started singing. I listened to the music and smiled as Bonnie seemed to enjoy it as well. We said our goodbyes and Marcel asked. "Where are you staying, I'll send an invite to tomorrow's party."

I gave him the address to the penthouse saying. "Usually a friend of mine stays there but I needed it for the weekend and he had his own place."

He asked. "So you own it?"

I nodded. "I own the building actually. But the penthouse is where I'll be staying. I haven't been in this city for more than a week since the civil war. I had to free slaves and kill the southerners."

He smiled. "That's a good cause."

I shrugged. "I'd been freeing slaves for a good eighty years before the war so it wasn't a new cause but you're right, it was a good cause."

With that we left and headed to the penthouse. The next morning an invitation showed up for us at the door. One of Marcel's day walkers, Thierry, was at the door. When I opened it up I sighed. "What's up kid?"

He snorted. "I'm seventy years old!"

I chuckled. "And I'm a thousand and some change. You're a kid once you're turned and you'll be a kid till you're seven hundred. Young vampires like you are barely in control of themselves and don't know the meaning of patience."

He actually smiled at that and I tapped him on the arm. "Don't let it get you down. I'm fond of you kids. I usually avoid killing those that don't cross a very thick line. I spent more time than you've lived sleeping."

He chuckled now and I invited him in. "Don't worry the place is mine so vampires can come in. Coffees on the counter, I'll be right back. My girl's in the shower and I need to let her know we have company before I have to blind you for seeing her naked."

He chuckled and headed for the counter while I headed to the bathroom. After I warned Bonnie about the company, I grabbed my clothes and got more dressed. When we came out Thierry was sitting at the table.

I chuckled. "Did you enjoy the snooping? Don't look surprised, I can smell you all over the place now."

He looked alarmed and I shook my head laughing. "Relax kid, I'm not mad. Now if you'd stolen Bonnie's underwear we'd be having a totally different conversation followed by you learning how to fly without wings."

He held up his hands. "Guilty, Marcel wants to know what brought you to town."

I sighed. "Nothing that'll keep me here. It's a pointless conversation that only leads to pain and death if I tell you. I don't like people knowing my business. That's the line kid. Now what is your excuse for coming so early in the morning and ruining shower sex."

Bonnie blushed and slapped my arm but Thierry thought nothing of it. "There's a party tonight a Marcel's club. It's a mostly vamp party and he wanted to invite you."

I chuckled. "While it sounds nice, I don't partake of human from the vein unless it's Bonnie here and that's for private shows only. Tell Marcel I said thanks but I'll pass. If you want to join us for a day on the town though, you're welcome to it. Bonnie here wants to go on a tour of the city and we could use a guide."

He smiled. "I know this town like the back of my hand."

I chuckled. "I could say that about many things but I still find things new on the back of mine."

We left not long after our chat and went on a tour of the city. We saw everything from the bourbon street to the bayou. When it was over the sun started to set. I tapped Bonnie's pendant and pulled out a diamond the size of a fist.

I tossed it to Thierry. "Thanks for the tour kid. Now show us where we can find the best gumbo in town. It's dinner time."

He dropped us of at Rousseau's for the meal. Still holding the diamond all the way as he left to see what Marcel was up to. As our waiter can over I noticed it was Sophie Deveraux.I gave her order. "We'd like to try your gumbo as well as a little of everything on the menu. While we're doing so, why don't you join us and tell me about the witches problems that they would go so far as to threaten an unborn child to solve."

Her eyes went wide and I smiled. "Sorry, that was rude of me. Alexander Mikaelson, at your service. I'm known by the witches of this city as-"

She spoke up. "The immortal elder. I've heard of you."

I nodded and held up a hand to Bonnie. "This is the love of my life, Bonnie Bennet."

Bonnie said her hello's and I pulled some spelled sage out of my pocket and lit it before setting it in an ashtray. "You can relax now, no one can overhear our conversation now."

She smiled. "I'm sorry about your brothers child but we needed his help and it was the only-"

I snorted. "Spare me the half baked apologies. You know as well as I, that your covens had a way of contacting me."

She shook her head. "It was lost to time I'm afraid. All we have is history written down from centuries ago."

I sighed. "I teach and learn from your covens and they misplace my totem in a graveyard and forget about it."

She blushed in shame and Bonnie asked. "Why didn't you tell me you had history with the New Orleans covens?"

I chuckled. "I thought you'd read about ancestral magic in the grimoire? It's on the first page of that long magical introduction."

It was Bonnie's turn to blush now. "I skimmed it a little but it was getting late and you were very interested in other things."

I smiled. "Sorry about that then. I usually save witch history for the books. About six hundred years ago I came here to study ancestral magic and teach what I'd learned in my travels. In the process, I became an elder of the community. I stayed for fifty years teaching and helping where I could and the covens thrived. I was nominated a couple times in that period to become the Regent but I always refused because I knew I'd have to leave to continue my learning elsewhere."

Sophie spoke up. "You left a tablet behind to contact you if we were ever in need but we couldn't find it. The books said it was a totem that granted power but eventually we lost track of it. All the covens looked for it before they were forced to settle on the harvest."

I nodded. "I've been to one of those. That would get the witches up to full power again. I assume the reason Marcel has all of you tied down is because he interfered in it and prevented the completion?"

She nodded. "My niece Davina. She's with him because she's afraid she won't come back."

I snorted. "Nonsense, I've studied the harvest in it's entirety and even participated in one. I was the elder who performed it then. All four girls came back just fine and lived to a ripe old age. They were even taught by the ancestors on the other side."

I turned to Bonnie. "It's not the same other side as the one your ancestors are in. It's an offshoot the really old witches made and bound to the earth here. It's why witches who practice the ancestral magic only, can't use magic elsewhere."

Sophie asked. "Can you bring Davina and finish the harvest?"

I shrugged. "What do you say love, care to see a ritual sacrifice that goes right and no one dies permanently?"

She nodded. "Sounds interesting."

I turned to Sophie. "Gather the covens. Tonight we complete the harvest. I'll grab the girl and bring her to the alter. Oh and I want the witch that cursed the innocent priests nephew served up for her hex. He was an innocent boy and even your ancestors would frown on harming mortals like that."

Sophie was conflicted before nodding. "She'll be there, you'll have to punish her yourself. She's an elder as well."

I snorted. "Just get everything ready. Oh, and have someone bring our order, I'd like to eat first."

She nodded and got up, dealing with our order and leaving work early to call the covens. I enjoyed a meal and learned Bonnie's favorite creole dishes. When we were done, I took a walk to a particular church with her.

After walking up the stairs and to the attic, I opened the door. The barrier lasted a minute before I smashed through it. The walls showed cracks in them from the force I used. Davina tried to say something but I moved to quick for her to speak and knocked her out.

Bonnie watched as I carried the girl over my shoulder out the door. She followed along and asked. "Is this the girl that's apart of the ritual?"

I nodded. "She's the one spying on us from before."

I held out my hand and when she took it we blurred and disappeared. Our figures became solid to human eyes outside a massive cemetery. When we walked inside, the energy in the air quakes and let the witches know I was here and an elder.

We walked to where they were gathering and I sat Davina down next to the alter. "So, this is what passes for New Orleans witches now a days? Cowards and child killers."

One of the elders spoke up. "They come back after the harvest."

I snorted. "I'm not talking about the harvest sacrifice idiot."

I turned to Agnes. "I'm talking about killing a mortal human after driving him to kill other innocent mortals. He was a boy you evil bitch. And even your ancestors will approve of my punishment for you."

I moved and grabbed her arms. Magically, I broke her link with the coven and stripped her of magic. When I released her I spoke. "You are banished from the covens and shunned. Should any witch help you they will share your fate. As the oldest elder alive and barring a regents decision to overturn it your are forever banished. Now leave this place at once."

I turned my back on her and she screamed and cried. I walked towards the alter and woke up Davina. "There there child, it's time to wake up."

She opened her eyes and looked around. "Why am I here? Please they'll kill me."

I sighed. "You were never properly told what the harvest does were you? Relax, you won't die permanently. Even the ancestors on the other side can't hold you there for too long. Listen here girl. I've performed the harvest before, centuries ago and gave power not only to the ancestors but to the covens as well. Those that are chosen have a chance to study on the other side with their ancestors for a time. It's a tradition that not only keeps the covens powerful but ensures they never forget their ways. It's just been too long since it was performed and this generation has forgotten it all. You have my word girl, you'll come back. And if I do it myself, they won't even be mad at you on the other side."

She looked sad and asked. "Why?"

I smiled. "Most of those ancestors over there were either taught by me or very fond of my contributions to the community. Tell them I said to be nice, you're still very young and barely learned. They'll treat it as a child not knowing better and you'll actually get to learn things."

I turned to the vampires showing up being led by Marcel. "You on the other hand they'll be very angry with. You thought you were saving her when in fact you were killing her and the rest of this city. If the harvest isn't completed after it begins, the witches will lose their magic true. But the magic has to go somewhere and as the ancestral realm is cut off it'll all lose its focus and destroy the city as a giant horrific natural disaster."

Marcel yelled. "Why should we trust you?"

I snorted. "Because I've actually performed one and studied the magic behind it in its entirety. You on the other hand are a young self entitled kid. I've studied all forms of magic out there. Whose the expert you going to believe, a young witch that ran away to party and lost her faith or a witch that spent longer studying the subject than anyone here has been alive."

I turned to Niklaus. "Even longer than my little brother here has been alive."

Marcel backed off at that and turned to Sophie. "You told me it was a sacrifice of little girls and you had no proof it would work."

I turned to her as well and shook my head sighing before grabbing the ceremonial knife and starting the ritual where it was left off. When I completed the prayer I turned to Davina. "Do you believe in the harvest?"

She was crying and looked to her aunt who nodded. "I do."

Thunder rolled and storms gathered. I held up her head. "Remember my words girl."

I slit her throat and she bleed out. As her blood flowed a tablet near the alter glowed and I spoke. "The harvest is complete. By this time tomorrow the first of the girls will be brought back, if they're luckier, it'll be sooner. Bury her as ceremony demands. She'll have her chance to learn from the ancestors and come back with greater understanding."

I turned to the very red eyed Marcel. "Next time you interfere in witch business you'd better be Damn sure it's actually the right thing to do. Because my tablet is now revealed to the coven and with her death, Davina just activated it. Now it'll start charging power and fuel witches for generations to come. As well as call me if you try this shit again."

I grabbed Bonnie's hand and handed the ceremonial knife to Sophie saying. "You'd better start adhering to traditions again or you may find yourself hexed by those that believe."

I turned to the crowd. "I'll be destroying that petty werewolf curse one of you lot put on the wolves long ago. I don't need to point you out, you know who you are. If you try and place it again I'll ensure you never body jump again."

I walked out with Bonnie and Klaus followed. On the way out he asked. "Was that his secret weapon? The girl you killed?"

I nodded. "He has no weapon now. The vampires are yours for the taking. I'll break the werewolves that are cursed and leave you a pile of moonlight rings as well. You can have both armies backing you to defend your child. My only warning to you is do not turn on family Niklaus. You have all harmed each other over that long time and your petty fights end now or I'll beat the shit out of all of you. You have a future to protect, do so together."

I turned to Elijah and Rebekah with Hope standing by the car. "That goes for all of you. My advice is for you all to get drunk and tell each other the worst things you've done to each other. Then the next day forgive and forget. You're family, that means you'll have me to deal with if you fuck up. Now, I'm taking Bonnie to the bayou to see a bunch of werewolves transform as I break the spell that's kept them in wolf form till each full moon."

We drove in silence and they decided to come along. When we were there I turned to Nik. "Shift and call them to us. I'll break the curse when they all get here."

He did as I told him with a grin. I turned to Bonnie. "Unless you fancy seeing my brother naked, I'd suggest you look away."

She did so and Klaus chuckled. "Come now love, I'm not that bad."

I snorted and he laughed harder as he began stripping. Hailey looked away with Rebekah as well. I was more focused on the crescent moon. I smiled at the irony and started setting out candles from the pendant.

When everything was ready Nik was finally fully shifted. He growled and called out to the other wolves. I petted his head and he nipped my fingers as I laughed. Hailey asked. "Doesn't the venom effect you?"

I chuckled. "I'm a wolf as well and my bite is far worse. No, it does nothing but a little tingle before it's healed."

I petted him some more and laughed. "Perhaps you've forgotten how to howl little brother. Should I shift and show you how it's done?"

He snorted and reared his head back howling for all he was worth. After several more minutes the first signs of wolves started to appear. I spoke in a deep baritone voice. "Call all of your pack here and I'll break the curse you've all been unjustly given."

After a few moments several howls went out and wolves started coming out of the brush in real numbers. Nearly fifty wolves were here. I asked. "Is that all of you?"

The biggest in the front snorted and gave a weird nod. I sighed. "Very well. It'll be over in a few minutes."

I stood in the small pentagram and focused my curse and magic from my talismans into the curse that was put on them more recently. After a loud pop, the curse gave way and shattered. "It's done. I've made it so the same curse cannot be applied on you all again."

They started shifting in front of us. I grabbed Bonnie and growled at them. "Find a bush or I'll shift myself and eat you."

Several betas crawled into the bushes while the female didn't care either way. I ignored them and focused on Bonnie. I kissed her deeply to distract her from the group naked people appearing.

After a while a couple of guys came out of the bushes speaking. "We'll go find some clothes before we come thank you in person."

I snorted and turned to Nik. "Go with them and make yourself known. You want to be their leader, you've got to lead. Remember not to manipulate family in your quest though or I'll be coming back to this town for a repeat punishment."

He snorted and ran off following the werewolves. I turned to the group. "They're heading to a shack not far away. Let's drive over and meet them there."

After a short drive we were at a shack with its own dock on the bayou. I chuckled as we got out. "Elijah, if Klaus takes over the werewolves you may have to take over the vampires. Use both factions to keep our family safe and remember no fighting. You of all people know why I'm helping so much. We need to be strong."

I turned to Rebekah. "If you decide to stay here, I'd suggest you stick with Hailey as a last line of defense and a direct line to me if shit goes bad. Who knows, maybe you and Marcel can hit it off. I saw the looks you shared."

She snorted and looked away with a smile. I chuckled and turned to Elijah. "Just like I saw the looks you and Hailey share. It's the same as Caroline and Niklaus. I approve by the way."

He smiled and looked away while Hailey blushed. I sighed. "Now my little brothers and sisters can finally start growing up."

Bonnie chuckled. "As if, they've been kids forever."

I nodded with a smile. "I agree. But what can you do."

I turned to Niklaus as he walked up with the leader of the wolves. "This is Jackson, he's the alpha of this small pack. He'd like to thank you personally for breaking the curse."

Jackson held out a hand and I shook it. "Thanks for that by the way. Names Jackson Kenner."

I shook his hand and turned to Hailey. "His grandfathers the one that killed your parents."

She looked hit punched and I sighed. "Sorry, I usually have a little more tact but I'm a blunt person on average."

Bonnie nodded. "He really is. He's not trying to be mean or rude it's more of him spouting facts as he comes across someone related to them."

Jackson looked ashamed and a little appalled. I sighed. "Sorry again friend it's a bad habit I can't seem to quit. I like straight forward because it cuts through the bullshit."

An older woman was walking up laughing. "I like you. You remind me of me."

I smiled. "Then we'll get along just fine."

I turned to Jackson. "If the rumors are true, he was possessed by the spirit of a very powerful witch that refuses to stay dead. Don't worry I don't blame sons for their fathers mistakes."

The woman asked. "And what was my husbands mistakes then?"

I chuckled. "He was a follower of said spirit. If you aren't a follower of them, they have no hold on you and it's a bitch for them to get in. It usually ends up with the person whose possessed taking back control and causing a magical ripple that attracts witches to the spot. The kinds of witches that would stop said spirits. I haven't heard of such an occurrence near this area so he must have been a follower. That's not to say he was evil or would have willingly done it anyway. It just means he believed it's lies long enough for it to take control away from him."

She seemed to accept that. "Damned witches and their hewy baluey."

I shrugged. "I'm just a witch here myself with my witch girlfriend doing my little brothers a favor."

I turned to Bonnie and touched the pendant. After a moment a large pile of moonlight rings appeared. I turned to Klaus. "It's your show little brother. The wolves can be your people and the vampires leave to Elijah. He can set them straight. Work together to protect the family and take back the city. I'll speak with the witches tomorrow and set them straight. After that, I'm leaving this town. I'd suggest you tell the good priest that runs the human faction to call a meeting and set the rules as the new king of the city."

I turned away and grabbed the pendant one more time and a pile of daylight rings appeared as well. When I was done I told them. "These rings are spelled to only work for one person a peace. Once they put them on that's it. They're also spelled to be impervious to other witches magic so they can't be tampered with or duplicated. I've destroyed the spell in Esthers grimoire a long time ago. I and my lovely Bonnie here have the only copy. Give me a call when you need more and I'll teleport over to you. This way I can make sure you're not at each other's throats and you get an instant army if necessary. Elijah I'm giving you the building with the penthouse for your vampires when you take over and Niklaus can have the compound Marcel took over. You both win."

I grabbed Bonnie's hand and turned back one last time. "Make your own deals so long as it's not using family as leverage. By the way, Hailey, welcome to the family. If they pick on you, call me and I'll set them straight."

I blurred taking Bonnie with me to the penthouse for the night. The next morning we took a stroll to the witches graveyard. There we found all the current elders and Sophie Devereux. I told them. "The harvest is over. Drop the spell on Hailey or I'll see to it there's a cleansing before I leave tomorrow."

Sophie and the elders paled are my words. They looked to Sophie who lit a candle then did a silent chant before blowing it out. "It's done. The link is broken."

I nodded. "The witches will have their rise to power. But it'll be as equals. For to long you've all struggled to take control."

I turned to the alter. "Here me ancestors of the covens. I put forward a covenant. My brother Niklaus will name himself king soon enough. Let him. The witches will be his advisers. The wolves and vampires his army. There are dark times ahead and if you do not unite under one banner, you will all fall. Let it be known that I abolish my title as elder of the covens to put this forward. If you choose otherwise I'll stand with my brothers against you. We need unity or we'll all die. Your descendants alone aren't enough anymore. Nature itself has brought this out. Things are in motion that requires the power of so many originals to gather here. Now is not the time for petty differences."

The graveyard shook and a loud ringing came out. After it faded. I turned to the awestruck elders. "You kids have a lot to learn about what it means to be a real elder of the community. The ancestors here and respect your words not because of age or power, but because of the wisdom in them. Now that I'm no longer an elder, your harvest girls will lead you all. They have been counseled by your ancestors to know how and what to do next. If the ancestors except my decree, send word to the human faction led by the priest. And I'd suggest letting him know the one responsible has been excommunicated until a regent is in power at the very least."

I turned to Bonnie. "Touch the alter and ask your questions. The ancestors will answer a young witch still learning. They know you're with me so don't worry about an attack."

I turned to where they put my tablet and sighed. I picked it up and set it in its original place in front of the alter. "There. It should always be available for the community to see and use if need be. It'll gather latent energies and store it for later. It's best not to cover it up."

I sighed and sat down waiting for Bonnie to finish. While I waited I heard a tomb stone fall. I turned to the witches. "The first harvest girl is awake. Go and great her, it's customary."

After a few minutes they came back with a girl in a rotted nightgown. She looked at me and spoke. "The ancestors agree. Though they say what you're doing is risky."

I snorted. "Tell them I don't need them to win. I've found other sources of power that guarantees my victory. I'll turn the bitch into a totem and if the spirit bitch rears her head I'll drain her as well. I've already got a purification ritual set up for both."

She nodded and after looking towards the alter she looked back with white eyes. "We heard. Since you're so prepared you have a deal and our full backing. Your title of elder can be reinstated-"

I shook my head. "I've taught enough witches. I'm only teaching my woman then I'm done as a magic teacher for a few decades. I've recently lost a lot of dear friends thanks to my mother. If she ever comes to your side, see to it that she continues to suffer, as a personal favor."

The harvest girl nodded. "It will be done. If you decide to teach once more our offer will always be open."

I nodded. "Don't give Davina a hard time, she was a confused young girl and Sophie's behavior caused a fracture in her faith. You know as well as I the young are impressionable and she's suffered enough from fear and terror that her visions caused. She was seeing glimpses of what's coming as well."

The harvest girl nodded again. "Always the soft teacher."

I chuckled. "I hear you Maddox. And I'd remind you I taught you well enough."

The harvest girl smiled then her face went blank and another spoke. "We will not act against the werewolf or her babe. But we need your word you'll be available of danger comes. You have been gone for so long."

I nodded. "Tell your descendants not to forget about and loose my tablet again. They can contact me if they need help or just need me to spank my siblings into line."

The harvest girl snorted and muttered something about useless descendants not knowing their heads from there asses. I chuckled at that and after a moment the harvest girl blinked and her eyes were back to before. "I'll see to drawing up a magical agreement for the covenant."

I nodded. "Do so, but leave your greed and prejudices out of it. Remember, the ancestors are watching always and they've done it before."

She blinked at that before nodding and walking away. I texted Nik and Elijah of my success and the details. By the time I was done, Bonnie was walking towards me. I checked her over and did a small soul search spell and spell detection on her and found her clean. We left after I finished and headed to town to listen to jazz and enjoy lunch.

Around nightfall, I got a call from Elijah. "We have a problem. One of the witches that Niklaus killed a long time ago is back. He's running around sacrificing vampires. His name is Papa Tunde. He's managed to sacrifice Rebekah in a boundary spell and since she can't die-"

I snorted. "Whose with you?"

He sighed. "Just Hailey and Marcel."

I grunted. "Cut Hailey's Hans and pour it on the boundary line. I'll talk to you in a bit I have a witch to kill for interfering in the harvest. That's how your dead witch is alive."

I closed my phone and held out my hand for Bonnie. After she took it she asked. "Are you really going to kill a witch?"

I nodded. "Don't worry, she's already technically dead. She's possessing another witch. In fact if I run into the other two witches hijacking the harvest ritual I'll kill them as well. These are already dead witches using innocent girls lives to fuel their own."

We blurred and we appeared in the graveyard before the alter. I yelled. "Is this the real answer you've given? Allowing one of your own to hijack the harvest? Do you wish for war against me?"

I channeled my talismans and the power of my being and the graveyard shook. "If you don't give me an explanation now I'll show you what war against me entails!"

The graveyard shook harder as our powers collided and a voice rang out. "STOP! WE DON'T WISH FOR WAR WITH YOU!"

The harvest girl came out of the nearest mausoleum. I rained in the power and put it away. "Then explain what's the hell you're doing allowing Céleste Dubois to use the harvest energy to exact revenge and declare war on the other factions!"

She went quiet and looked at the alter. A monotone voice rang out. "We were unaware of her actions. She is not consecrated here and so we were blind to her actions until this evening. You may deal with her as you see fit to lesson your anger. But the dagger of Tunde must be reacquired and sealed away as you are aware."

I sighed. "Very well. Any witch conspiring with Céleste will be put to death as well. You know the old laws as well as I. I was an elder when I completed the ritual and that makes me responsible for the outcome."

The voice rang out. "Very well. Any damage done by them will be fixed by us after they are in the ground."

I sighed. "So be it."

I grabbed Bonnie's hand and we blurred all over the city for a few minutes. We found Elijah in the warehouse with Rebekah and the other two. We ran into Niklaus in the compound and after a bit more searching, we found Papa Tunde in the garden of desiccated vampires.

When we stopped moving Bonnie was a little dizzy. While she caught her breath I killed Tunde and destroyed the already sacrificed vampires, leaving the rest. I destroyed the focusing sigil and took Bonnie for another run. We found the newly alive Bastiona at the church talking to the priest.

Right before she could grab his hand I ripped hers off. "Ah, Ah, it's not nice to hex humans or did your elders fail to teach you the guidelines set down when the covens were founded? Humans aren't to be touched unless they are an immediate threat to a witches survival."

I smacked her head and sent it flying from her body. I turned to the priest saying. "Have you heard the good news?"

Bonnie smacked my arm. "Don't be an ass. He was almost hexed into insanity."

I nodded. "Very well."

I told the priest. "The witch that was responsible for your nephew has been stripped of her magic and excommunicated from the covens. They wouldn't help her even if she was on fire right now. That may change if a new regent is appointed."

He nodded and smiled a little. "Thank you for what you've done."

I waved a hand. "You're a good man in the end. Just remember when my brothers come to form a council that they are not good men. They are dangerous men who've killed thousands and will do so again if provoked. I won't stop them because they are currently on a path that leads to redemption. I'd suggest honesty and caution when dealing with them. Together they'll have three factions backing them."

He looked confused. "How did they gather all three?"

I grinned. "I'm a doting big brother most times. I gave them the means. I've suggested to them you're to be trusted. Don't prove me a liar."

I took Bonnie's hand and we disappeared. When we were standing still once more, we were in front of Céleste in a corner of the graveyard. I grabbed her immediately and took away her magic then I stripped her of the body's she had prepared to jump into before dragging her before the alter in the center of the graveyard. She kicked and screamed repeatedly.

I tossed her towards the alter and spoke. "She has been killing and taking over witches bodies for centuries. I request you punish her with a more permanent solution than joining you."

The harvest girl came out with the ceremonial dagger and carved something on Celeste's forehead. She died right then and the harvest girl spoke. "She will join the ancestors for but a moment before her soul is shredded for abusing our most sacred rights and perverting them for personal gain. There is one more that needs killed."

I nodded. "She's of no consequence. When she returns you can use a Tunde solution to strengthen the coven further."

She nodded and I set the Tunde blade on the alter. "Seal it away good. Neither of us want to deal with that bitch unless absolutely necessary right now. While I'm prepared to if I need to, I'll not look for that fight until my enemy is dead."

A vibration rang out and the blade was gone. I sighed. "This is my last night in town, try not to lose any more dead witches."

I texted my brothers that it was safe now and to be on the look out for a red headed witch that's from their past. I suggested they clear the air tonight over drinks in case I was needed to interfere.

I turned to the harvest girl Monique. "You're aunt has lost the faith. She's yours to deal with as you see fit. Either show her the way or kick her out but if she does another thing against the coven, I'd suggest you find a more permanent solution."

She nodded and I grabbed Bonnie for one last run. We arrived at the compound. When we walked in, a very angry Marcel was there drinking. "Why isn't she back yet? Why did these dead witches come back instead?"

I snorted and grabbed a drink. "Céleste Dubois interfered to get revenge on my brothers. We just came back from her very violent ending at the hands of the ancestors. The witches are allies accept the red headed witch."

Klaus and the rest of our siblings came down from upstairs. "I take it they all met tragic ends?"

I nodded. "I found Tunde in a basement full of half buried vampires. He's now very dead. I found a resurrected witch about to hex the priest. She lost her head and Céleste was finished off by the ancestors as her soul was shredded. She got the worst fate because she was the cause of it all. I couldn't find the red headed witch but if she shows herself, give her to the witches they have a very painful fate in store for her."

I turned to my siblings. "You have daylight and moonlight rings now and the ancestors of the witches will back your play. All you have to do is sign a decent enough agreement with everyone in attendance and the city is literally yours. Everyone will answer to you and the witches will be your advisors. I've done all I can to help you. After tonight I'll not step foot in this city unless it's an emergency."

I grabbed a bottle of scotch and told the group. "Alright enough, out with it."

Hailey asked. "Why can't you stay? Every problem that pops up is easily handled by you."

Klaus smiled. "She's right brother, you'd make an excellent advisor."

I sighed. "I have a life of my own to live. I'll come if you call, but it's time you learned to get along without me stepping in or someone getting a dagger to the chest. You'll do just fine after tonight so grab a glass and clear the air. Who wants to start first?"

Bonnie spoke up. "I planned to kill Klaus during the ritual he used to become a hybrid until Alex stopped that idea."

I chuckled. "I've planned to kill our mother since I was five years old. I wanted to feel her heart pumping in my hand as the life drained from her eyes."

Hailey looked horrified and even Niklaus was shocked. I snorted. "The bitch tried to kill me when I was a babe and she sold my twin to a monster. I'd have cooked marshmallows over her burning corpse as she screamed in agony."

I chuckled at their varied looks and turned to Elijah. "Who have you done the worst to and what was it?"

For a second he didn't speak but just as Rebekah was about to say something he told us. "The worst I have wronged is you brother, but you know that. The second worst was Niklaus, I compelled Aurora not to come with us and took her tragic love away when she threatened to kill her self."

Nik looked hurt but sighed. "I daggered nearly my entire family repeatedly for centuries on end. I've killed my sisters suitors repeatedly and I've dragged my family around after lying to them saying our father killed our mother and was hunting us all when really, I killed her and he was chasing me."

I sighed. "And May the bitch burn in agony where I left her for all eternity."

Hailey spoke next. "I conspired to turn Klaus's hybrids against him so that he would slaughter them all for information on my birth parents."

Rebekah spoke up. "I conspired with Marcel to bring our father here when he chased us back then. I thought he would never let us be happy together and the same day the message was sent he told us he approved. I couldn't get the witch to stop him so I gave her a plague and compelled the guards to not listen to her pleading."

Klaus's eyes went wolf and I snorted. "Live and let live Klaus, we're doing this for us but for the baby and any future she may have or lack of if we don't stand united. You know as well as I, I'd do a lot worse than that if you tried to stand between me and Bonnie."

He grunted and calmed down so I continued. "I plan to kill a family member of ours that none of you have ever met. She is our aunt and her name cannot be spoken in the open without drawing her attention to us. I plan to make her experience pain beyond any of your understandings. Then I plan to crystallize her soul into a talisman of power. Where she'll stay for all eternity."

They all shivered and I sighed before drinking. Marcel spoke up. "I not only brought Mikael here, I brought Papa Tunde as well."

I snorted. "You give yourself too much credit. Papa Tunde's blade was from here so odds are he was heading this way either way."

Klaus spoke up. "Before Alexander arrived I was plotting to overthrow you Marcel and make your power mine. I wanted all we lost back, and I was willing to do anything to get it. And now I have all that and more thanks to my doting big brother."

I chuckled. "Just remember to call if shit goes sideways. So long as you treat everyone as your subjects equally and listen to the witches advice, you'll be the raining king for a very long time. Speaking of which, the Guerrera crime family has hidden themselves in with the humans. I'd inform them it's a new world order here and your meeting with your new council needs to be set to dictate terms for the covenant you'll eventually sign and the rules you'll set down for each faction to follow. If you run into a snag, send Elijah and call me if it turns big enough for you to act. I'd like to be prepared to pull your asses out of the fire. That goes for all of you. I'll not be afraid to come back for a day to spank my siblings for being brats."

I heard chuckling from all of them. I grabbed Bonnie's hand and told them. "Continue with this. Get them all out, then as the sun rises, drop all the anger in your hearts because it's a new day and you are family, for better or worse."

As my words faded, so did we as I teleported is to the penthouse for a long night in the jazz city. Come morning we left to the airport and flew back to mystic falls.

As the next few weeks went on, Bonnie's graduation day got closer. One night, I sat down with her at the grill and asked. "If you could go anywhere in the world for a few months, where would you go?"

She smiled. "I'd see it all. I'd want to visit everywhere I could."

I grinned. "Mark a map with as many places as you can think of and we'll travel on a jet to each of them."

She shook her head. "But I'd want to bring my friends as well."

I sighed. "There goes more plane sex, but for you I'd give up a lot more to see you happy. Tell your friends they can come with us and to pack light. We can buy anything they want or need at the location we need it at. Just remember I do fancy a date for ourselves at each spot."

She smiled brighter. "Deal. I'll spread the word."

I chuckled. "Just your close friends please or I'll buy a jumbo jet they can fly in while we have our time alone on a private one."

She snorted and smacked my chest. "Fine, it's just the group anyway."

I chuckled and in a matter of days the word spread to the group. Stefan declined but the rest were excited. Even Jenna was going. She needed a break after Alaric died anyway. On the graduation day, I broke the basement in the mansion and to dig up the doorway and stored her in the vaults.

Now usually it would be a problem to do so but I made a section spirits could pass through and sectioned it off from the rest of the vault. They were in for a nasty surprise if they tried to wonder about into other areas. I did an unsealing ritual and the mansion shook for awhile.

After an hour or so the room started getting smaller and the barrier that was the outside defensive runes got smaller until it passed me by and into the alter. The alter itself shook and the bowl with the mercury like fluid started to shrink and change shape.

Eventually it formed itself into a small ring and flew to my finger. As it landed, I smiled and looked around to the now plains empty basement with a hole in the floor. I walked out whistling and singing a tune. I called Bonnie and told her the good news before going to get ready for the graduation ceremony.

It was a rather unique experience now that her father was the mayor and giving out graduation diplomas. I'd already prepared mine for next year and I even bought a two story fraternity house next to campus. Bonnie broke me down and insisted her friends live there as well by speaking logic. "Caroline and Damon will need blood and Elena if she doesn't take the cure before hand. The easiest way to do that is to have somewhere they can all get it close by. It's the best solution."

My only argument was. "But then I can't have sex with you on every surface of the house, including the roof under the stars."

She laughed and kissed me. "If that's your only problem then remember we'll be in college and you have to take the good with the bad."

I tried my damnedest to make her see my way I swear. I went so far as to use my best sex magic and all my stamina. That is why when she was walking up to the stage to get her diploma she had a very pronounced limp and a sexed up strut.

Alas, in the end I'd failed with a smile. When she sat back down, Elena asked her. "What's with the limp? And your walking like you've had sex for a week straight again."

Bonnie's answer made me laugh and several vampires heads turn towards me. "I convinced Alex to let you all stay with us at the house he bought next to the Whitmore college campus. His only argument was not a lot of places to have sex and I won the argument but only because I cheated and channeled him for stamina. Even then I feel like I could nap for a week straight."

Damon's face with Elena's and Caroline's turned towards me. I even saw Niklaus was staring at me with a smile from the side. I snorted. "I knew she had to be cheating. There's no way I'd lose otherwise."

They chuckled and looked away mostly. I looked towards Nik and whispered. "I take it you're here to see Caroline's graduation?"

He nodded slightly and I chuckled. "Then not a word of what I heard to our siblings or I'll be adding Texas to our summer vacation spots."

He snorted. "Fine, I don't need a word. They heard you themselves."

I raised an eyebrow and he turned his head and faced the back of the crowd. I followed his gaze and I saw Elijah, Rebekah and Hailey standing in the back. They each had a smile on their faces. I frowned and whispered. "Fuck."

Their smiles grew bigger and Rebekah repeated my words to Hailey. I turned back to Nik. "I take it you need something since you're all here?"

He nodded. "I do, but it can wait till tonight. Let's enjoy the loves of our lives graduating."

I nodded and focused on the ceremony. I noticed Caroline was fidgeting and seemed nervous. After the ceremony was over, I walked over to the group and gave Bonnie a kiss. "Congratulations love."

I gave her friends a folder a peace before saying. "That's from Bonnie to each of you."

Bonnie smiled. "The summer is from both of us."

I grinned at their faces when they opened it up. Elena spoke up. "Bonnie, you paid for ten years of college for each of us?"

She smiled and nodded. "I didn't know what you wanted to do so I had Alex cut a deal with the dean that if you wanted more time to study law or medicine he'd bill me after you signed up for it. The rest is prepaid for any subject and if you'll turn the page you'll see Alex's gift."

When Matt did he started shaking and spoke. "You gave us a million dollars apiece for school supplies?"

I shrugged. "It's nothing to me, but to you all it's books and appliances. Living expenses are taken care of, as Bonnie won, you'll all have a room at the ten bedroom house I bought near campus. All I'll require is for you to remember to lite sage whenever you're about to have sex. I'd rather not here the act from any of you."

Klaus took that moment to laugh as he came over. "That's rich from you brother. Especially after what I just heard."

I grunted. "At least if I want to I can draw power from it and smack the shot eating grin off your face with a spell."

He laughed harder. "And there's the sex magic talking."

I turned to see Elijah walking up. "Perhaps the both of you could be a little less crass."

I snorted. "I smell you on the wolf and vice versa so don't give me criticisms. I can even smell exactly how far you've taken it little brother. Congratulations by the way for finally getting out of your own way. I'd half feared I'd need the worlds best proctologist to pull the stick out your ass."

They all laughed and even Elijah smiled a little. I smiled. "Come, I've decided to host the largest graduation party this city has ever seen. The mansion is ready and the guests should be heading there as we speak. I've brought in a DJ with a mouse helmet from Canada. He calls himself dead mouse for some reason. I'm told it'll be a rave, now I haven't been to one since the eighties and they were full of hallucinogenic drugs so do be careful. I hadn't been that screwed up since I got drugged up at a rave in Moscow and thought a wall was talking shit to me. Berlin was never the same after I fought that wall."

Damon asked. "How did you end up in Germany?"

I shrugged. "I saw a snail that asked for a race. I found myself talking to a picture on the Berlin Wall an hour later and it said some very disrespectful things. One fight and a long night of people yelling anarchy later and I woke up naked on top of the ruined wall."

Damon commented. "That's history for you, a bunch of drugged up vampires fighting walls nude."

They all laughed. Bonnie grabbed my arm. "Let's go party."

Jeremy asked smiling. "Who won the race?"

I laughed now. "This is why you're my second favorite human. You ask the important questions... the snail did."

Everyone laughed as we left and headed to the mansion. Hours later I was dance grinding in a crowd of people I'd never seen before until today. The best part was Bonnie was with me and I felt her grinding against me. My arms were around her waste and let's just say I was ready for other activities by now, and she knew it by the way she responded.

When the music set ended, we made our way to the private area. Aka the lounge. I closed the door behind us and turned to her putting a bottle of tequila to my lips and kissing me with a piece of lime.

After we shared that very enthusiastic kiss. We were broken apart by a cough. I growled and my eyes shifted as I turned to face the offending party. Hailey backed up a little and looked surprised at my aggression. Bonnie put her hand on my chest and told her. "Sorry, he's a bit teased up right now and his horny wolf side is acting up. It's my fault."

Hailey smiled a little. "What's with his eyes? Why are they black and red?"

While Bonnie was answering her questions my mind was elsewhere as well as my hands. They were currently roaming her body while I continued to sway to the music I could still hear. "It's because he's part witch, werewolf and vampire. Much like your daughter will be. But he's a bit more special because he's also a siphoner witch. They take magic from others to use as their own. It's why he has always been the most powerful of his siblings. They get their power from a spell, he can take the magic of the spell out of them and kill anything on the planet. The ancestors of the witches know that too. It's why they agreed so readily to back you all. They fear him and for good reason. He's had a thousand years of practice as a witch."

Hailey's eyes shot up and stared at us in mixed fear and awe. Bonnie had felt something in the way I moved or my hands that warned her it was time to depart from the room. "Sorry, but he's about a minute from very public sex now. I may have teased him a little too much. We'll be back down for the rest of the party in a bit."

As soon as she touched me in my arms and turned, kissing me, we blurred and disappeared to Hailey's senses. The next couple hours Bonnie was paying for her teasing with world shaking screams of ecstasy.

After I was finally satisfied and she was drooling a little on my arm, I was back to my right mind. "So, what have you learned?"

She snorted and bit my left peck. "Hot sweaty dancing leads to mind numbing orgasms."

I chuckled. "I was going for, don't tease the wolf or you may find yourself eaten."

I put a hand between her thighs and came back moist. I licked it an murmured. "Damn do you taste good."

She shuddered at my words and I smelled her arousal. I grinned and gave her a kiss before making sure to take care of it personally and with great relish. I smiled and went lower with my mouth to where I smelled heavens fragrance and feasted. Screams of pleasure once more rang out.

Eventually someone knocked on the door. I pulled myself out and off of Bonnie's tired pulsing body. I could still see the after effects of her most recent orgasm rocking her body. I grunted and yelled. "If this isn't important I'll be ensuring this party becomes a wake."

Jeremy spoke up and ruined my current arousal. "The vampires downstairs can hear you now. They wanted to be polite and they figured you're less likely to kill me for interrupting your fun."

Bonnie and I frowned together and she spoke. "We'll be down in a minute."

After I heard him walk away Bonnie spoke up. "It must be the sexual energy in the air, we've been going at it for hours and I still feel energized and ready for more."

I chuckled and stood up, putting my clothes on. "You're right. Now that you mention it, almost all the rooms are filled. I can hear them all going at it."

I absorbed a little of the energy and focused, lighting all the sage in each of the occupied rooms. "Ah, that's better. Now let's go see what they're up to."

She got up and I helped her into her dress. Just before we were about to leave she spoke. "Wait, can't they smell us?"

I chuckled. "Love, they heard us. Besides, I happen to like the lingering smells of our combined satisfaction on you. It pleases a very primal part of me."

She snorted and smiled. "The wolf. It's the alpha part of you. It's a way of staking your claim."

I sniffed the air and kissed her neck. "Yes, well, it's a major turn on and it'll keep my inner wolf calm if you smell of me as well."

She laughed and led the way outside. Once we were downstairs again, the music was going strong. She led the way to the VIP area where the lounge was and some muscle I'd hired opened the door for us. Once we were inside, Nik spoke up. "Jesus brother, have the common decency to grab a shower."

I growled and I shifted and turned into my wolf form. He followed suit and we wrestled until he let out a yelp and stayed put. I walked behind the bar and shifted back, grabbing clothes. "Anyone else have something to say? You interrupted us so this had better be important."

I grabbed the spare clothes I keep in a bag here and tossed some to Klaus as he shifted in front of the group. "You have nerve, at least I was decent enough to cover myself in front of the ladies."

He grunted and smiled while he put them on. "I was pointing it out to lessen tensions. Besides we both know I'm more a beast than a gentleman."

I chuckled. "You and I both. Sorry about that, your words challenged something in me. Unlike you I wasn't born with those feelings and it's taking time to adjust to them as I feel them."

He snorted. "Serves you right. You want to be a wolf, you have to live it."

I slipped the pants on and walked shirtless to Bonnie's side. Damon chuckled. "Now that you ladies are done, let's get to business."

Elijah spoke up. "Quite right."

I snorted. "No respect. Man can't even have a brotherly chat without young upstarts poking fun."

Klaus smiled. "Well, you are a old man by any standards."

I tossed a bottle at his head and he caught it laughing and poured himself a drink. I sat down in the only unoccupied chair and Bonnie sat across my lap with a drink of her own in hand. Elijah walked over to us and handed me a paper. "The witches request that we consecrate a powerful witch from our family line to ensure the peace. We found everything else to be satisfying but we wanted to be sure it wasn't a trick. I proposed we see you when Niklaus suggested Esther."

I looked it over before checking the spell work on it. After a sigh I replied. "If this is what you've decided on, it's fine. I've bought several hundred acres of land and most of the bayou as a baby present, you'll have to get a court signed deed for the girl. But it's legit and I see no current reasons I'd object."

I handed him the paper. "You'll have to channel the energy into a New Orleans witch you trust. Make sure it's not the redhead or Davina. The redhead needs to die again and Davina can't become the witch matriarch of our family. Since Esther sold me, I no longer count as an official Mikaelson in the eyes of the witch community."

Elijah asked. "How did you become an elder of the New Orleans covens if you don't mind me asking?"

I sighed. "Six hundred years ago I went there to study their brands of magic. A plague had preceded my arrival and killed the elders. There was an old law in place that said the witch that consecrated the most powerful witch would become an elder and be able to perform the harvest. I'd spent four hundred years training witches from all over. They'd aged and died as my followers and I decided to put them in a place of power. In one night, I consecrated over five hundred powerful witches that I'd personally trained and another thousand that were my students' student's. I became lauded as their strongest and best elder to ever join them. The next day I preformed a harvest and the ancestors accepted not only the girls power but all I'd gained from my students bones as well. I had singlehandedly brought the witches into the height of their power. I spent the next half century studying everything they had and after their twentieth attempt to make me the eternal regent of the nine covens I left them saying I needed to learn other things elsewhere."

Klaus asked. "Then you could theoretically become regent today?"

I shrugged. "I could but I won't. The elders are teachers, the regent is the soul voice of the ancestors. Right now the harvest girls will be that voice, until a regent is chosen. I don't wish for that kind of responsibility. The regent is the one who answers the communities prayers to the ancestors and they're basically he ancestors puppet on earth. I'll pass."

Elijah asked. "Is it that bad?"

I snorted. "Even with my cursed nature I'd be stupid to put myself at their mercy. Once you take those oaths your body belongs to the community and your soul belongs to the ancestors. Like I said, I'll pass."

Damon asked. "What's the upside then?"

I sighed. "The power to do whatever the hell you want. You become a conduit for the ancestors powers on earth. That's a lot of power kid. We're talking raising the dead, raining apocalyptic fire from the sky. No vampire coven would survive. Only our family members would be left standing because we can't be killed by that. There's a reason you can piss of a werewolf or vampire and get away with it but if you piss off one witch you're fucked. Granted, they save that kind of power for special occasions, but it's still there."

Rebekah added. "And we owe you in major part for donating fifteen hundred super powerful witches to that?"

I snorted. "If I hadn't, the spirit they're keeping under wraps roams the earth devouring every magical creature in existence. That bitch is nastier than any regent. I can bring down the ancestors if necessary but even I hesitate on taking on that spirit. It should give you a good idea of why I did things that way."

Elena asked. "Who is she?"

Hailey spoke up. "My ancestor and the one to make and use the werewolf curse on her own people."

Bonnie was next. "Her name is Inadu. She was born like Alex here. She was a siphoner that was also a sociopath who craved power."

I nodded. "So you have been reading up on New Orleans covens. Though it's not the full truth. She was a twin much like myself, but unlike myself she ate her twin in the womb and absorbed its power. She wasn't meant to be a siphoner, she was supposed to be the magical counterpart. As for more details, they get blurry after fifteen hundred years. From what I can tell, the power are at her mind giving her a hunger for more of it. She used her new abilities to feed off several shamans and some spirits. The tribes joined together and the last shaman, her mother, put her down using her own blood against her. Unfortunately, the crazy bitch refuses to stay down. The spirits on the other side called on the nine local coven to come together and keep her down and locked away."

Jeremy spoke up. "The nine covens of New Orleans."

I nodded. "It took me a long time and a lot of resources to hear that story. I sacrificed several totems of great power to hear it from the spirits. Inadu is said to have been the most powerful witch to have ever walked the earth. Even Qetsiyah, the woman that literally invented immortality wasn't nearly as powerful. Now do you understand my reasoning. Give the ancestors power and they keep that bitch locked away."

Even Caroline wasn't questioning it now. I sighed. "The paper is legit. You'll need a priest and a dagger while you bury Esther on New Orleans soil owned by a Mikaelson not already a vampire. The baby in this case. Chose a witch you trust and she'll become your magical representative among the witches. I'd suggest someone old and wise. Maybe Josephine LaRue. She was a powerful regent before she semi retired. Be straightforward and honest, she'll like that I'm sure."

Bonnie smiled. "She was a lover of yours, you said she played the violin and had an ear for it."

I nodded. "Just don't mention me unless you want a trip down memory lane. She dumped me for the violin. She wanted to go pro so I bought her a plane ticket to New York and gave her a recommendation with a few friends I'd made in the music industry. I haven't spoken to her since. When I got word she became regent instead, I left it at that. Don't worry, we parted on good terms and she's powerful. Don't let her helpless act decisive you. She used to pretend to be prey so she could punish the vampires that attacked her with gruesome curses. She thought it a game to be played. It's how I met her. And that's all I'll say about it."

After the business was over, we all sat around drinking except Hailey.