
The Origin of the Cosmos

Story about Primal Chaos first Origin Primal System. 1. It has sub systems like Tribe, Clan, Sect, Kingdom, Bloodline system, etc First few chapters are very fast and confusing filled with grammatical mistakes hopefully it will improve. 2. I will try to make romance less generic as possible and will add a bit of modern romance environments. 3. Sorry for story's power scale being unbalanced right now but by end of vol 1, I will balance it out to make future power scale unbalanced again. 4. Interactions is a bit problematic because of confusion in first, third person, and narration. 5. Its has harem, romance, etc it will later have more on martial art comprehension. 6. Sorry but cultivation upgrade will always be fast. 7. Will try to add humour. 8. I am writing this as I want to write a story of my imagination as I felt many things are left out in the novels I read. 9. And please join discord and give ideas and help me writing the story things you want to add. 10. My last updated chapter will always be incomplete and it will be completed when next chapter will get uploaded. 11. Criticism are always welcomed but please do it with while pointing my mistakes out exactly so that I can correct myself. Adventures to the peak of existence He who is revered as LOrd of aweSomeness. I am a science student writing literature so please give me forgive my mistakes, support and give ideas on my discord. discord; https://discord.gg/EnsFuvm

omegasensei · Fantasy
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32 Chs


While cultivating whole night Nasir managed to control his power a bit. Soon morning arrived outside his training cave two silhouettes appeared.

"A very good morning dear Jasmine and Mu Xue" Nasir greeted them.

"Good morning...cough dear~~" Jasmine and Mu Xue shyly greeted back.

"Okay let get started..." Nasir laughed.

They started training, the training schedule was decided to test limit and control of strength.

1st match Nasir vs Jasmine- Nasir won, his last night practice, not wasted and all elemental essence was a huge buff, so suppressed his cultivation to Crossing Tribulation. He and Jasmine both benefited very much.

2nd match Nasir vs Mu Xue- Nasir lost Mu Xue won it was when Mu Xue suppressed her cultivation to Saint Ancestor did he managed to fight at same level. He and Mu xue both benefited.

(Note:- Due to Dual Cultivation Heavenly Fate giving sub origin systems to MC's dao companions [ techniques,soul,spirit, bloodline, essence,etc] they can cross across two-three large realms and even beat invincible realm geniuses while Mc can fight across three-four great realms higher due to all elemental buffs)

3rd match Jasmine vs Mu Xue- As expected Mu Xue won due to powerful cultivation realm. But Mu Xue benefited most.

After training finished they sat near a tree they chatted Nasir asked "Do you want to eat something?"

"Eat?... hmm make something spicy and vegetables only no meat!" Jasmine pondering slowly replied.

"Mu Xue what do you want to eat?" Nasir stared and asked Mu Xue.

Mu Xue confused "eat?..Do we needed to eat? I generally eat medicine pills"

"oh... I can cook Supreme Immortal Grade food you sure don't want to eat? it can greatly benefit understanding Daos and it will be very tasty unlike medicine pills which helps in improving cultivation, improves soul which taste very bad" Nasir cuckled.

"... I will eat dragon meat with phoenix soup" Mu Xue replied politely.

"okay... you two rest food will be ready in half hour" Nasir sighed in relief.

If his cultivation was in golden core he may have to face shame because in this planet divine dragon and phoenix cultivations are crossing tribulation peak. He vanished and appeared before Monster King forest and hunted one dragon and one phoenix. After half hour he called Jasmine and Mu Xue as cooking has finished. When they saw food and smelled.

"Let's eat..." Nasir said when he saw Jasmine and Mu Xue smelling the aura from food and they unconsciously started drolling.

"hmm.. good, very good never had I eaten so much in life thankfully I will not get fat..." Jasmine praised

"Nice haven't tasted... this taste cunch cunch..." Mu Xue she never stopped eating. She was eating hot and crispy meat of dragon and soup of phoenix.

After eating theys sat they felt law were easy to comprehend. It lasted two days suddenly they opened their eyes. Mu Xue can't help but say "1000 years of fire Dao comprehension..."

"I have also comprehend Water Dao for 1000 years?" Jasmine was also happy and confused.

"I have also comprehend four elements, 1000 years has no passed only two day it's the effect of immortal grade food" Nasir asked system.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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