
The Origin of the Cosmos

Story about Primal Chaos first Origin Primal System. 1. It has sub systems like Tribe, Clan, Sect, Kingdom, Bloodline system, etc First few chapters are very fast and confusing filled with grammatical mistakes hopefully it will improve. 2. I will try to make romance less generic as possible and will add a bit of modern romance environments. 3. Sorry for story's power scale being unbalanced right now but by end of vol 1, I will balance it out to make future power scale unbalanced again. 4. Interactions is a bit problematic because of confusion in first, third person, and narration. 5. Its has harem, romance, etc it will later have more on martial art comprehension. 6. Sorry but cultivation upgrade will always be fast. 7. Will try to add humour. 8. I am writing this as I want to write a story of my imagination as I felt many things are left out in the novels I read. 9. And please join discord and give ideas and help me writing the story things you want to add. 10. My last updated chapter will always be incomplete and it will be completed when next chapter will get uploaded. 11. Criticism are always welcomed but please do it with while pointing my mistakes out exactly so that I can correct myself. Adventures to the peak of existence He who is revered as LOrd of aweSomeness. I am a science student writing literature so please give me forgive my mistakes, support and give ideas on my discord. discord; https://discord.gg/EnsFuvm

omegasensei · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Last Night part 1

"so mysterious... this system is really so powerful" Jasmine and Mu Xue grasped.

Just when they were out of training cave they saw Noori and Mamni were waiting outside for Jasmine and Mu Xue. They ran and quickly hugged Jasmine and softly stared at Mu Xue, Noori weakly asked "sister Mu can we hug you?"

"Okay..." Mu Xue don't know what else to say.

Noori and Mamni were happy they ran to Mu Xue and hugged her rubbing their head in her breasts. She was every embarrassed but didn't push them away. After that two sisters played with Noori and Mamni for a while. After sometime they were hungry they ran to kitchen.

After that Jasmine and Mu Xue were again chatting Jasmine asked "So when will you take action to free your sister?, if you need help me and Nasir will always be with you!"

"I will after I go back... it's seems I need to hurry as soon as possible now that I possess the power I need to save sister I can let her suffer anymore!" Mu Xue replied soberly.

"Cough... though I am not invincible but I will always support you..." Nasir said solemnly when heard Mu Xue.

"Thank you guys, but I can take care of all this myself and also I can't wait anymore tomorrow I will go back..." Mu Xue said softly.

"I believe you, you go take rest" Nasir nodding Mu Xue.

After the first dual cultivation with Jasmine both Nasir and Jasmine sleep in same bed sometimes they dual cultivate. At mid night a shadow arrived Nasir woke up, this person is none other than Mu Xue she looked towards Nasir softy and said "This is my last night here I want to spent with you, who knows when we will meet next time"

"hmm... let start but carefully not to scream Jasmine will wake up hehe~~" Nasir said evily. His first sex with Mu Xue wasn't much pleasureable because it's seemed somewhat rushed but now he wanted to give her world's peak pleasure.

Her butt was round, perky and smooth-looking, like two pieces of beautiful pearl next to each other. Even in his previous life, Nasir has not seen many girls with buttocks as beautiful and flawless as Mu Xue.He gently caressed it as though it was a fragile treasure. The moment Nasir finger touched the surface of Mu Xue jade-like skin, her body trembled. He then pushed all ten of his fingers deep into her soft buttcheeks, sending a shock of pleasure through her body.

"Ahhh~!" Mu Xue unintentionally moaned from the sudden pleasure in midst her immense pain. She wasn't in the right mind to pay attention to what Nasir was doing behind her. She was a bit excited and frightened.

Nasir continued to massage her butt, and the way he massaged, each movement made with flawless precision.Mu Xue pain gradually subdued, and pleasure quickly overwhelmed her.

"Ahh… more... ahhh…" Her body began feeling lust for the first time, she moaned loudly and she unconsciously pleaded for more. Her black eyes flickered like the stars in a night sky, and a dark spot appeared in the middle of her red undergarment between her legs, gradually growing larger and darker. Nasir slid a finger underneath her underwear, touching the most sensitive part of her body.

The moment his finger touched her little pink jewel, Mu Xue felt as though her body was struck by lighting, temporarily shutting down her mind and body for an instant. And in that instant, the dam blocking the water within her body was released, causing a flow of sparkling water to gush out like a fountain.

Twenty minutes passed by within the blink of an eye. Nasir stopped his movements and walked away from the bed while Mu Xue tried to return to earth from heaven. Her mind has yet to catch up to the present and was still feeling Nasir fingers touching her body.

Nasir slender arms gently embraced her, and he closed his eyes as his mouth slowly reached for her soft lips.

Mu Xue didn't resist his kiss and also closed her own eyes. The two's lips gently connected, and Mu Xue body trembled upon contact.


A slippery object suddenly invaded her mouth and began running wild, entangling her tongue like a snake ensnaring its prey. The sudden and unexpected action by Nasir caught Mu Xue, who had zero experience in kissing by surprise, causing her to open her eyes.

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