
The Only Son Of The Emperor

While the demons were busy rebuilding their strength to launch an invasion on the world, a prophecy came to light in a place in the heavens. Through this prophecy we could glimpse the destiny of a man, a man who would lose most of the people he cherished and who would have to go through the worst pain that a human being could bear, would walk on a mountain of corpses with a sword in his hand. At the end of the prophecy, man will eventually reach the Demon King, the cause of all the pain he will feel and the only being he will have to eliminate.

Nayzer · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Return to the Palace

After leaving the orphanage in Stein, I headed to the palace. I walked for a good hour before arriving in front of a large door, dozens of soldiers were standing in front of it.

After seeing me, the soldiers put their left hands at the level of their chests and their right arms behind their backs, they then bowed slightly forward.

''Welcome Your Highness''

A familiar voice was heard behind the soldiers standing in front of me.

Presently a blond man with red eyes stopped in front of me and made a slight curtsey.

''Your Highness, His Majesty is waiting for you in the throne room''

''Let's make haste''

I started to walk and Sir Welton started to follow me staying two meters away from me, we went through the big gate and then we came to a big concrete road, greenery stretched along it to the palace gates.

As he walked, Sir Welton's voice sounded.

''Your Highness''

''Yes? What's happening?''

''You put me in a good mood, something good is going on?''

''Ahh, indeed I visited Stein the last time was two years ago I think''

''I see your Highness, but you must know that this man is very dangerous so please be careful.''

''Dangerous, isn't it?''

"Yes, that's why the bishops of the church of Themis stripped him of the title of paladin."

Indeed, Stein was one of the twelve strongest paladins in the Church of Themis, but this title was taken away from him after the death of a high-ranking priest. This priest was a traitor who had worked with some demons, Stein had tortured him to death, the bishops then used the excuse of too much violence in the direction of the priest to depose him of these titles.

But surprisingly he didn't care, I would even say that it did him good to cut all ties with the church. After leaving the church four years ago, he taught me how to use magic from the first to the fourth circle for two years before taking care of the orphans.

''I'd be careful''

I said to Sir Welton with a smile, he then nodded and then followed me without a word, soon we came to the great gates of the palace, they were white with small gold motifs embedded in them.

As I was about to lay my hands on the doors, Sir Welton opened his mouth.

''Your Highness, you intend to go to the Academy, don't you?''

I stopped what I was doing, then turned to see Sir Welton, and then nodded at those words.

''So let me come with you''

I then frowned in confusion and asked.

''But Sir Welton you cannot come with me, you are charged with the security of the Emperor and the palace.''

''I'm going to give up everything to become your sword''

''But if we go to the Academy, you'll become my butler, are you still okay?''


He said before putting his right knee on the ground and then his left hand on his chest.

''Does the Emperor know what you want to do??''

''Yes Your Highness''


I thought for a few seconds before speaking in a solemn voice.

''Good, but you don't want to come and complain, understand?''

A smile came across Welton's face.

''Of course, Your Highness''

''Well I'll leave you now, rest well, I'll be waiting for you tomorrow morning around six o'clock on the training ground.''


After that, he stood up and bowed slightly towards me before leaving. I then turned my intention on the two large, imposing gates of the palace, put my hands on them and then pushed it open.

After that the interior of the palace which was quite empty made itself felt, I closed the doors behind me and then I headed towards a long and long corridor, after walking a few long minutes I finally arrived in front of doors.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the doors, the first thing I saw when I opened the doors was the long red carpet that stretched to the foot of the large and imposing throne made of gold. On it a man was resting, I started walking until I got to within ten meters of the throne.

I then put my right knee on the floor and then my left hand on my chest, I lowered my head and waited for father to open his mouth.

''You're here''

After saying that father then straightened up and I nodded.

''Well tell me what happened'' 

''Yes father, so there you go....''

After telling him everything that happened to Lintone, father opened his mouth.

''Were you able to get information out of the mouths of demonic humans?''

''Yes, they had a contract with a princess's servants''

''A princess?''

''Yes, according to the demonic human I questioned, her name would be Valzé''

''I see, are you hurt?''

My eyebrows raised slightly at the words that came out of Father's mouth.

''I had a few broken ribs but he healed with an elexir''

''Well now tell me, what do you want?''

''Mmm, right now I don't need anything father, could I take my reward later?''

''Of course''

After that, father stood up and walked up to me, then he put his hand on my shoulder and then he congratulated me.

''You've done a good job, now go get some rest.''

''.... Yes Father'

He then left the throne room, after a few seconds I got up and left the palace, after arriving in front of my mansion some servants opened the doors for me, I then went to my room.

I opened the door and walked in, walked to my office and put my sword on it. After that I took a shower, then cleaned my sword before collapsing on my bed.

''There's nothing better than your own bed.''

I said before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

After that, two weeks passed, and with that the day of the distribution of classes at the Balmung Academy arrived.
