
The Only Son Of The Emperor

While the demons were busy rebuilding their strength to launch an invasion on the world, a prophecy came to light in a place in the heavens. Through this prophecy we could glimpse the destiny of a man, a man who would lose most of the people he cherished and who would have to go through the worst pain that a human being could bear, would walk on a mountain of corpses with a sword in his hand. At the end of the prophecy, man will eventually reach the Demon King, the cause of all the pain he will feel and the only being he will have to eliminate.

Nayzer · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Balmung Academy (1)

Tap Tap Tap Tap

As we were in a car heading towards a space door, the sound of something hitting the ground being heard was heard.

I looked up to look at the cause of it all, a man in his thirties wearing a traditional kimono – a popular outfit in a small country in the eastern part of the Empire – lightly hitting the ground with his foot, he had long white hair with a perfectly chiseled face and no blemishes.

''Holy Swords, can you tell me why you're here ?''


The man finally stopped tapping his foot and then he opened his eyes which had been closed for a long time now, a beautiful pair of emerald eyes revealed themselves before staring at me.

''Why am I here? isn't it obvious, I'm coming with you to the Academy.''

''But you can't.''

''Why not, you're taking Welton with you.''


Welton, who was sitting next to the Swords Saint, sighed, and I really wanted to do the same.

''So, why do you want to go to the Academy?''

''To train, you're still far too weak.''

"I don't want to sound arrogant, but my mana core is very high for my age and it's still developing."

"From what I've seen when you've trained with Welton, you can still improve a lot in your mastery of the sword."

''I see... Are you waiting to spy on me?!''

''Well, that's another proof that you're still too weak but don't worry, I'll make you someone who can kill even the Demon King hahaha.''

Haa let's forget the fact that he's spying on me, if I train with the Swords Saint I can only get stronger.

''Well from now on, call me master.''

I nodded slightly, then looking through the car window, I opened my mouth with a smile.

''We have arrived master''

Soon the car stopped and I got off first, the first thing I saw after getting off was hundreds of people queuing in front of the space gate.

''Looks like it's crowded''


I walked over to a man and then stood behind him waiting, the master next to me seemed confused.

''Why don't you use the fact that you're a prince to double so many people?''

He said with a smile, I glanced at him and then I said to him with a slight frown.

''Master, I'm not like you.''

''What do you mean?''


After that, we didn't talk much and waited to use the space door.


''Where could he be?''

''Hello Miss''

As I began to grow impatient that Arthur was still not there, a man with long, pointed ears and platinum hair spoke to me.

This man was the prince of the elven domain, I looked at him for a few seconds before turning my attention to the space gate that was located in the city that was located a few kilometers from Balmung Academy.

Soon two humans came out of the space gate, they started talking about something that caught my attention.

''Wow, it's finally over''

One of the humans said before the other opened his mouth.

''Yes, who would have thought that the prince would be queuing up like everyone else.''

Haa I understand better, Arthur was in line, so that's why he's still not here.

As I pondered—and also ignored the chatty elf next to me—the space door glowed pure white and three people walked out.

One was a man with white hair and emerald eyes in his thirties, the other was a blond with blue eyes approaching thirty and then in the middle of it is two there I could see a boy of my age who had a beautiful white skin rather pale, the boy had no imperfections on his handsome face he also had long jet black hair tied together.

I knew this boy well, it was Arthur, he and I had known each other since we were seven years old, we met for the first time during one of the meetings of the leaders of each domain at the time and after that we saw each other a few times.

Arthur who had a beautiful little smile approaching me, I put my hand in my long black hair that went down to my waist and then I rearranged it. 

Presently Arthur turned his head in my direction, noticing me, then he stopped, looked at me for a few moments before opening his mouth.

''Yo Aléa''

He raised his left hand slightly to greet me, I could feel my face turn red after my name was said with such a gorgeous smile.

I then turned around and walked around saying something that I very quickly regretted.

''You're late, fool.''

''Haha still the same from what I see''

'Why I said it is word with such an angry look ... Sniff'

As I could feel a tear rolling down my cheek, my personal maid moved closer to me to whisper a few things I already knew.

''You messed it up, princess'

''I know it''

I said in a trembling voice.


I turned my head to the source of the voice to see a girl my age who had long white hair and scarlet red eyes approaching Arthur with a frown.

''Ahaha Alice''

Arthur, who was greeting the platinum-haired elf - whose name I didn't know because I wasn't interested - turned his head to finally call this girl I had never seen before.

''Why did you lie to me about your name!?''

She said angrily, I looked at her and then a thought came to me 'I don't like her' indeed I didn't like this girl named Alice, she annoyed me especially when she got so close to Arthur.

I looked at Arthur who was still smiling like an idiot, soon he turned his head in my direction and then he stiffened instantly.

I turned around and my maid whispered something to me.

''Princess, you're scary''

"At this point? I'm just a little angry its all''

''I'm sure Prince Arthur was afraid of being cursed by you, Princess.''

''Don't abuse as much''

As we walked through the streets of the bustling city we could catch a glimpse of the Balmung Academy, this is where I could spend the most time getting closer to Arthur, I could make him fall under my spell e-and then n-we could get married and have lots of child-

"Princess, are you okay? You're all red''

"Huh? Oh uh, I'm fine.

"Should we stop somewhere to cool off?"


I jumped when I heard Arthur's voice whispering in my ear. He looked at me with a big smile on his face, his lip quivering, trying not to laugh at the strange sound I let out, but to no avail.


Soon only the sound of his laughter was heard, I could feel my face which was red changed and crumpled with anger a deep frown appeared on my face.

I turned to Arthur and then swung my foot behind me before speeding it back between Arthur's legs who laughed at me. 



Arthur fell to the ground lifeless, I turned and then I started to walk away, I could feel the gaze of everyone in the street on me but I didn't care because he deserved it.


Soon only the voice of Arthur's butler can be heard in the previously busy street.
