
The Only Son Of The Emperor

While the demons were busy rebuilding their strength to launch an invasion on the world, a prophecy came to light in a place in the heavens. Through this prophecy we could glimpse the destiny of a man, a man who would lose most of the people he cherished and who would have to go through the worst pain that a human being could bear, would walk on a mountain of corpses with a sword in his hand. At the end of the prophecy, man will eventually reach the Demon King, the cause of all the pain he will feel and the only being he will have to eliminate.

Nayzer · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Imperial Capital

So I see what happened, thank you for your help Your Highness. »

"It's okay, and if you want to thank someone, you have to go to my father, I just followed orders."

"I will not fail to thank Her Majesty."

"Well, now that it's all over, I'm going to have to leave."

"Let me take you home , Your Highness."

After talking to Count Vrath and telling him about demonic humans, I walked out of the office with Adel.

We chatted for a while before arriving at the entrance of the mansion.

''Are you sure you don't want a carriage to take you back to the palace of your Highness?''

''Yes, don't worry about me''

''Well, I hope to see you again at the academy, Your Highness.''

After that I bowed my head slightly and said goodbye.

And a few minutes later I left Lintone.


''Oh I can finally see the palace''

After running for two days I could see the great wall, in the center of it was the capital of the human continent, and then in the middle was a large and beautiful palace.

I continued walking for a few minutes before arriving at one of the entrances to the capital, I queued like everyone else and then I arrived in front of a soldier.

''Who are you and why do you want to come in?''

I pulled down the hood I used to cover my face, looked at the soldier before saying with a smile.

''My name is Arthur, and I'm back after completing one of the tasks the Emperor gave me.''

The soldier looked at me for a few seconds in a daze before putting his right hand on his chest and his left arm behind him, he leaned forward slightly and opened his mouth.

''Greetings Your Highness''

''May I come in?'' I don't want to keep the Emperor waiting."

''O-Yes of course''

After that, he turned around and opened a large iron door.

''You can go, Your Highness''

I passed in front of the soldier and said thank you, after passing through the great iron gate a large and wide road presented itself before me and I began to walk on this road which led to the gate of the palace.



I turned my head towards the source of the noises to see two adult men kicking a child of about four years old.


One of the men shouted as he slapped the child, "I walked up to them and then put my right hand on the left shoulder of the screaming man.


The man closed his mouth when he saw me, his eyes widened and he began to make an excuse by stuttering.

''Your Highness j--I didn't know you were behind me, s--please forgive that fool, I--I have a wife and children.''

Tears were starting to flow from her eyes, but I didn't care, in fact I didn't really listen to what was coming out of her mouth.

I let go of the man's shoulder and walked over to the child, pulled an elexir out of my space ring and put it in his mouth.

A few seconds later the child looked at me wide-eyed, stood up and spoke stammering.

''B-Hello Altes-''

I raised my hand to stop him, looked at him for a few moments and then said with a kind smile.

''Are you hungry?''

He looked at me for a few moments and then he started shaking his head from side to side violently, growling unfortunately his stomach was not in line with the gesture of his head.

''Haha well follow me''

''O-Yes sir''

''As for you, don't let me see you again hitting children, understood.

''Yes, Your Highness, this will not happen again.''

''Well, I hope so, because next time I won't be tender, is that clear?''

The man then nodded violently in confirmation.


I turned my head to my right and saw the child holding my hand. I didn't push her hand away and started walking slowly so that her little legs could keep up with me.

I walked until I came to a tavern, walked in and the smell of alcohol and food was felt.

With the child we walked to a table, we sat down and then a few seconds later a waitress came up to us to take our order.

After choosing from the menu what we wanted to eat the waitress and leaving, she came back a few minutes later with our food.

Me and the child ate well and then we left the tavern and walked for a good hour, we were currently standing in front of an orphanage where I was planning to leave the child.

''Well, hou'll live here from now on''


He nodded visibly excited, we walked to the door and then I started knocking, soon the door opened and a black-haired man in his twenties appeared.

''Hello Stein.''

''Ooh Arthur, What is yours this visit?

He said with a big smile.

''I'd like to entrust this child to you''

I showed him the child who was hiding behind my leg.

''He's a pretty quiet kid who doesn't talk much.''

''I see, what's his name?''



I looked at the child next to me and asked him in a soft voice.

''Tell me what's your name?''


''I see Greg, come on, I'll show you around the place where you'll live from now on.''

Stein said with a smile, little Greg looked at me and then pulled a few things out of a small pocket that was hanging from his pants.

Presently he handed me... A black ball?

''And are you sure you want to give it to me?''

I asked with a smile, he then nodded and I grabbed the black ball. I put him in my space ring and then said goodbye to him.

I looked at Stein and then I said to him with a smile.

''Please take care of him''

''Don't worry Arthur, he's in good hands''

He said with a smile.

''I already know that''

I turned around and raised my right hand in the air and shook it from side to side in goodbye.
