
The Only Son Of The Emperor

While the demons were busy rebuilding their strength to launch an invasion on the world, a prophecy came to light in a place in the heavens. Through this prophecy we could glimpse the destiny of a man, a man who would lose most of the people he cherished and who would have to go through the worst pain that a human being could bear, would walk on a mountain of corpses with a sword in his hand. At the end of the prophecy, man will eventually reach the Demon King, the cause of all the pain he will feel and the only being he will have to eliminate.

Nayzer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Class distribution (3)

Arthur Calumnia

"This situation looks familiar to me"


"Ha, excuse me, I forgot about you"

I removed my foot from the back of the young man who had attacked me a few seconds earlier, then I "killed" him before heading towards my group which was a little further away, after joining my group the first thing I could notice was the bodies knocked out by a dozen students.

"Ha, you're here"

Adel slowly approached me before staring at me for several long seconds and then nodding his head as if to confirm something. Elric and Celia ran towards us and glanced at me before Elric opened his mouth.

Did you 'kill' them all?"

"Yes yes don't worry, otherwise you're not hurt?"

At my words the three of them shook their heads, I turned around and motioned for them to follow me, which they did without complaining. After walking for more than an hour - and facing four groups of students - we stopped for a few seconds for Elric who needed to relieve himself... Decidedly he really likes it when we stop, why? It's simple since the beginning of the test for the distribution of classes we stopped THREE TIMES, at one point I like the other two were really fed up.

While I was quietly leaning against a tree waiting for Elric a beautiful girl of my age approached me wearing a long black dress the same one that mages like to use, the girl had long and beautiful black hair that went down to her waist and white skin that looked like porcelain, She also had beautiful gold eyes which I'm sure could look at a person's soul, after stopping a few meters in front of me she finally opened her mouth.


Well, that's what I thought she would do, I looked at her for a few seconds longer to see if she was finally going to talk but it never happened. I then slowly started smiling before talking to him.

"You're not the talkative type, are you''

She gently nodded her head to confirm my words before finally speaking.

"I'm not used to talking to people"

"I see, so what did you want from me?"

"Are you hurting?"

"Mm? Why this question?"

"You asked everyone, but no one asked you"

"Ahh I see, but don't worry everything is fine"

"I see"

After our little interaction, Elric came closer to us with a satisfied little smile that made me want to hit him as hard as I could, but two reasons kept me from doing it, the first is that if I hit him with all my strength he wouldn't be in a condition to finish the test, The second is that we were currently surrounded by about ten people.

After I realized all this, I drew my sword and stayed on my guard while putting Celia behind me to protect her. Elric and Adel both pulled out their weapons after noticing me before heading towards me and then surrounding Celia who was channeling the ambient mana towards her.

"Are we going to be surrounded?"

Adel asked, I nodded slightly while keeping my intention against the trees in front of me.

"Phew, at least I had time to relieve myself before fighting~"

"T-you, I swear I'll make you regret the day when the test is over" 

I'd break all the bones in his body one by one without stopping, but before that I have to eliminate the people surrounding us and then finish this damn test.


The sound of something coming out of the trees interrupted my thoughts, in front of us a really, really tall, muscular man was a few feet away from us. I glanced slightly in the direction of Elric who had his mouth wide open and then at Adel who was rubbing his eyes before asking a question in a slightly shaky voice.

"Your Highness, wasn't the giant just a myth? Better yet, HOW DID WE MANAGE NOT TO SEE HIM JUST NOW!?" 

"Ha ha, I don't think it's a giant or anything? Maybe it's just extremely tall or..."

"Or he's taking some kind of powerful drug that makes him grow and that must surely increase his strength tenfold on top of that" (Editor's note: Don't take drugs, it's not very good for your body^^)

I glanced at Celia, who had finished my sentence, before turning to Adel.

"This exactly that, ah and also stop calling me that please"

"A-Ah I'm sorry... Arthur"


The sound of something heavy coming into violent contact with the ground brought all four of us out of our discussion, and we then began to prepare for battle.

"Be careful, don't forget that he's not alone-"

As I was warning the group, I was cut off by the sight of a young man who went under the giant's legs and finally confronted me with his sword.



The sound of my blade coming into contact with the student's blade reverberated throughout the forest, the force of my opponent was too strong so that the ground under me started to destroy itself, my legs started to sink into the ground so I decided to end this fight before the situation got worse by pushing back my opponent as strong as I could.

The student was then pushed backwards for a long distance before rolling on the ground and coming into contact with one of the trees that was further away.

I then took a brief look at my right arm only to see it shake slightly from the small clash that had taken place earlier. 

"I think I'm going to have to get a little more serious"

I said with a smile starting to grow on my face.


"Why are you doing this?"

The person who had said his words was none other than a rather tall man who did not look to be more than thirty years old, he had white hair that went down to his shoulder, emerald colored eyes and perfectly chiseled and imperfect face, this person was Logan or also called the Sword Saint and he currently had his hands hidden in the sleeves of his kimono

He was talking with the principal of Balmung Academy, and they were watching the test area on a hologram - where there was a broadcast of all the new students - which was powered by the principal's magic.

"What do you mean ?''

I'm talking about the tracking system that was embedded in the artifacts of Arthur and his friends, and then the fact that you let some new cadets bring in this new drug that is now being sold on the black market in Oleone."

"For the artifacts it may be true that I did something, but for the drugs I just didn't feel it" 

"You know what, I don't believe a word of it but... "

Logan then walked over to the door of the room which was actually the principal's office and opened it before opening his mouth.

"If Arthur gets hurt, you're not going to have to deal with me, but Treivor''

He said before finally leaving the room and closing the door, maybe after his departure the principal continued to look at a certain image on the hologram where was present a young man with jet-black hair and a pale complexion who was dodging a tree, which had been thrown by one of the students who had entered the Academy instead with drugs making them grow up and who increased their strength tenfold but which in return reduced their life expectancies by five years with each use, the principal finally opened his mouth with a small smile that began to sprout on his lips.

"Don't worry, if it's him he shouldn't be hurt''
