
The Only Son Of The Emperor

While the demons were busy rebuilding their strength to launch an invasion on the world, a prophecy came to light in a place in the heavens. Through this prophecy we could glimpse the destiny of a man, a man who would lose most of the people he cherished and who would have to go through the worst pain that a human being could bear, would walk on a mountain of corpses with a sword in his hand. At the end of the prophecy, man will eventually reach the Demon King, the cause of all the pain he will feel and the only being he will have to eliminate.

Nayzer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Class distribution (4)

Arthur Calumnia




I said as I dodged a tree that had been hurled at me targeting me, but let's go back a few minutes earlier to understand what's going on. 

After seeing the young man with whom I had met the iron a few minutes rather being sent up to the trees that was further away, the "giant" went into a mad rage before finally rushing at me taking me as his target. My group saw that the giant was targeting me and started to move away from me, leaving me all alone against him, so I had to push him away on my own, doing my best not to take one of those blows that did a lot of damage to the ground every time they were waving to try to catch me.

Then finally exhausting from doing that chasing me he started grabbing trees before finally throwing them at me which brings us back to now, I dodged another tree before rushing towards the "giant" to try and knock him out even though I have no idea how to do it.

After avoiding a few more trees I finally got in front of him, seeing me he swung his arm in an attempt to crush me which he managed to do. Or at least that's probably what he thought before his hand was covered in a large layer of ice that at least I hope would slow down his movements.

What he crushed was actually a clone made from ice, it's a fourth circle spell that I had refined like many other spells of mine, anyway clone is quite useful for situations like this where it can distract me so that for example I go behind the "giant" like I did while he was busy with the clone.

While I was behind the "giant" a brilliant idea came to me, so I put my sword in its scabbard before clapping my hands between them and pushing them against the ground. Suddenly, a stone column appeared under me and began to raise me fifteen meters above the ground, which was a little higher than the neck of a "giant''.

Celia, who had probably understood what I wanted to do, started to make long chains made of ice appear before throwing them towards the "giant" in order to chain him so that he wouldn't move while I channeled my mana.

As the chains sealed the "giant" temporarily a huge boulder began to form above me, but of course I knew I wasn't going to be quiet while I did all this. Students came out of the trees and started to run at me, while they were a few meters away from me, two people I knew too well appeared to "protect" me even though I wasn't really in danger because I was forming a barrier, invisible to the students' eye.

Soon a shadow began to attract my intention so I looked above me to finally see a huge rock, its size was much larger than I wished but it would only be more useful.

I then threw it at the "giant" who was still chaining to finish him off and then I went towards Elric and Adel to help them against the eight students, as my sword came into contact with my opponent's blade I raised my right leg slightly to crush the spear of another student who had attacked in my blind spot.



The sound of my spell hitting the ground reverberated throughout the forest, the impact was so loud that the ground vibrated causing most of the opposing students to stumble. We took advantage of this small opportunity to "kill" them, after having "killed" them all I turned to see the damage of my spell, and I finally found myself stunned by what I could see.

A huge crater that must have been more than twenty meters in diameter and ten meters deep was present at the place where the "giant" was a few seconds earlier, Elric and Adel looked at me with a hollow shock before Elric's face turned into a hideous face distorted by fear, seeing his face a big smile appeared on my lips as he began to move away from me trembling.

I'm not going to do anything to you, fool."

I could see relief on his face as I frowned slightly, so I whispered in a voice he could barely hear.

"Well, not now"

"Mm? Did you say anything?"


I said before turning to Celia who was a little further away, I approached her before handing her a high-ranking mana potion, she looked at me for a few moments before reaching out and taking the potion.

After drinking it, she looked at me for a long second before finally opening her mouth.

"Thank you''

I nodded at him before turning to Adel and Elric and then motioning for them to move closer to me and Celia, after he was close enough to hear me I opened my mouth with a frown.

"Let's hurry up and get out of here, because of the mess I've been doing, I wouldn't be surprised if all the other groups came here."


I turned my head in the direction of the noise while unsheathing my sword and raising my guard, Celia moved closer to me and Adel while Elric pulled out his spear sensing that something was wrong.

Soon the silhouette of three young women and a young man that I knew only too well appeared but I didn't let go kept me but why didn't I do it? It's quite simple really, we were enemies to last the test, or even after this one.

One of the female silhouettes approached me raising her arms, she had long pink hair and a white porcelain skin without imperfections and above all what differentiated her from the others was the fact that she was most probably blind, why do I say that? Well it's pretty simple, really.

"We're not here to fight"

She said as she continued to move forward, finally, seeing that everyone was looking at her without telling her I decided to open my mouth.

Uh, we're on the other side"

After my words she turned around to finally face us, her face completely red with embarrassment making her adorable.

"Hum hum, I--my name is Evalia Vera"

This girl was the Saint of the Church of Themis, and she was either very naïve or very trusting of her comrades. Sighing, I smiled before taking her outstretched hand and replying in a soft tone.

"Enchant Saint Evalia, my name is Arthur Calumnia"

"Huh? Wait, are you that Arthur?"

"Huh? um, yes that exact"

"Wow, how lucky she is to meet you here''

Mm!? Let's talk later Saint"

I said to him before placing it behind me and raising my sword in the direction of the trees which were now much farther away than before, soon the silhouette of a young man and entering my field of vision.


I said as I went with a twisted smile that began to sprout on my lips.
