
The Only Son Of The Emperor

While the demons were busy rebuilding their strength to launch an invasion on the world, a prophecy came to light in a place in the heavens. Through this prophecy we could glimpse the destiny of a man, a man who would lose most of the people he cherished and who would have to go through the worst pain that a human being could bear, would walk on a mountain of corpses with a sword in his hand. At the end of the prophecy, man will eventually reach the Demon King, the cause of all the pain he will feel and the only being he will have to eliminate.

Nayzer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Class distribution (2)

Aléa Kylien

After the principal's words, most of the students started to come up with a plan to be part of the last ten surviving teams, me and my group should have done the same but unfortunately there was a problem, what was that problem you might ask? Well it's quite simple, I was in the same group as the girl named Alice, the one who had been sticking to Arthur since we had arrived in Oleone.

"Girls please stop fighting, we're going to be in the testing zone soon''

Oh yes, I also forgot to say that we were fighting, after hearing Elijah's voice I pushed back the two short swords of the leech - Alice - with my sword before raising my leg to kick her which was directed at her solar plexus pushing her even further, even though I didn't want to admit it, this leech was pretty strong for its age, but still very far from the levels of Arthur or me.

After pushing him away with enough force to just cut off his breath I put my sword in my dimensional ring and then I started to look around, many students looking at me and the leech and among them I could see a young man with jet black hair, he had a well-chiseled jaw with rather pale skin and his beautiful blue eyes that were looking at me made me look at me. blush

His gaze then went to the leech spanking me slightly frowning, then a girl I had never seen then started patting him on the shoulder and turning him around, he started chatting for a few seconds before finally sinking into the crowd of students.

"You're really scary with that lizard head"

At the leech's words, I bit my lower lip before retorting curtly.

"The Farm"


We gave each other a dark look before being interrupted by the soft voice of a young girl who was my age, she had beautiful pink hair and porcelain skin, her outfit revealing her slim and sexy waist, but if you look closely at her beautiful doll face you could see misty blue eyes, making us see who was blind.

Holy come back here"

Elijah - a young man six feet tall by the eye, who had rather short black hair and a face that could only be described as handsome - rushed towards us and then he placed himself between me and the holy Evalia to defend her, I looked at him with a frown as he trembled with fear.

"I'm not going to hit you, so stop shaking"

"Mmm, p-let me in doubt"

"It's okay don't worry, she's not going to hit a blind person, is she?"

"Indeed ... but I'm on the other side."

"A-Ah excuse me" 

Evalia who was looking the wrong way turned to where she had heard my voice, her face was completely red making her even more adorable.

Well then if you're calming down why don't you start-" 


Elijah was interrupted by a noise so loud that my ears had started to bleed after it echoed throughout the Academy training ground, I and many others turned my head towards the source of the noise to finally see the main one knocking..... Hands? Wait, such a loud sound happened just by clapping hands?

As I wondered about the principal, he finally opened his mouth after drawing all the students' intent on him.

"I see you've finished your cadet fight"

I turned my head to the leech at the principal's words and I could see that she was looking at me too, the principal then continued to speak with indifference.

Well, not that I don't care, hum hum, well now that the artifacts you were distributed I'm going to send you to the test area but it may turn your stomach, ah and you have the right to kill your opponent, so don't hold back~, well now I'll see you later~"

He said with a big smile and several people screaming in amazement, suddenly shouted at them and when I opened my eyes I was in a forest covered by birdsong.

"A-Wait, I don't have an artifact? Is this my punishment for beating me with the leech?"

"Shut the lizard, you're breaking my ears"

I turned my head towards the unpleasant voice echoing behind me, I could see this leech looking at me and next to her were Evalia and Elijah who approached me, he then handed me some kind of bracelet.

This is the artifact you wanted."

"Haaa thank you" 

Sighing I threaded the artifact around my left handle before pulling my sword out of my dimensional ring, looked at my team members and then opened my mouth.

"Alice and Elijah, you're going to protect Evalia, I'm going to take care of the enemies."

As I was talking to them, I turned around while drawing my blade from its scabbard and then I parried an arrow that was heading towards my shoulder, five people came out of their hiding place which was behind trees, seriously how did I not feel their presence? Nor better how did he know where we were going to appear? 

I didn't have time to find an answer to my questions, I started to swing my sword to deflect all the arrows that were heading towards me, if there were no people behind me I could have dodged them quite easily.

While I was already struggling with the dozens of arrows that are heading towards me every second, two people - a man and a woman - rushed towards me swinging their blades in the direction of my legs and head, a thick layer of ice formed around my legs, the woman's blade came into contact with my right leg and arching my back back I dodged The man's blade can.

I then turned my body to my right while raising my left leg which a few moments later ended up colliding with the right ribs of the man spanking him stolen up to one of the trees that was further away, the girl's eyes widened in terror after seeing the stolen man.

She then jumped more than two meters away from me so that I couldn't reach her but it suited me and so I took advantage of the time lapse to get up before taking my sword again, after that I glanced behind me to see Alice and Elijah doing quite well.


The sound of an arrow made me refocus on the girl who had come back damn close to me, she swung her blade towards my neck with the intention of finishing the fight as quickly as possible. Well it was understandable, compared to our group which was doing well theirs was rather in, but back to our fight, I raised my right leg towards his sword which the moment I hit it broke into a hundred small pieces.

I then grabbed her by the neck before slamming her against the ground, the impact was so strong that the girl started to cough up blood and the ground was shattering, she then disappeared, she was probably teleported into the Academy grounds. I then went to the man I had sent into the trees and then I "killed" him, after that I hurried to the forest to look for the archers but unfortunately I couldn't find anyone even after several minutes, not being able to find anything I redirected towards the group.

"You've finally come back the lizard"

"The Farm"

I replied with a frown, I turned to the other two to confirm how they were doing before telling them with the same frown.

Let's go"

At my words, they nodded in confirmation and then we went deep into the forest.
