
The Only Son Of The Emperor

While the demons were busy rebuilding their strength to launch an invasion on the world, a prophecy came to light in a place in the heavens. Through this prophecy we could glimpse the destiny of a man, a man who would lose most of the people he cherished and who would have to go through the worst pain that a human being could bear, would walk on a mountain of corpses with a sword in his hand. At the end of the prophecy, man will eventually reach the Demon King, the cause of all the pain he will feel and the only being he will have to eliminate.

Nayzer · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Balmung Academy (2)


A moan coming out of my mouth from an excruciating pain that was between my two legs, it was a pain I had forgotten over the years, I lifted my head slightly to look at the cause of it all. 

A girl of my age soon entered my field of vision, she had long ebony hair down to her waist. As I stared at her with a frown obviously representing the pain I was feeling, she turned and our eyes met. A shiver ran through my body as she looked at me, but as our eyes met each other, the male voice of someone I know all too well could be heard.

''Y-Your Highness, is everything alright?''

I turned my head to Welton who was looking at me worriedly, I nodded with a smile twisted by the excruciating pain I felt.

''I-I'm fine, don't worry''

After staying on the ground for a few more seconds, I slowly stood up, turned my head to my left, and finally saw an elf with his hands between his legs.

''Is everything okay?''

He said worriedly, I looked at him for a few seconds before answering.

''The pain is still there, but I'm fine''

''I see, but you'd really have to be crazy to hit that spot.''

He said out loud so that Alea could hear him.


A faint laugh came out of my mouth after Elric's words, as Alice was scolding Alea for what she had done, I could see the Academy that was further away.

The Academy had been built about fifteen years ago to train future soldiers to fight during the war with demons that will arrive in a few years, the Academy being located on an island that was quite far from the domains of dwarves and vampires. It was ruled by an angel who had been sent by the gods after a prophecy saying that a demon would one day ascend the demonic throne, he would then lead the other demons to destroy any race that might oppose them, at the end of the prophecy it is said that this demon would be able to kill even the gods.

In short, the Academy will be the place where I will study with several people ranging from the high nobility to beggars who will try to make a name for themselves to get out of poverty.

As I walked quietly, something hit my back very hard and took my breath off for a few seconds.


After catching my breath a thought came to my mind, and that one was that I was really unlucky today, I turned to see what had hit me and I saw a body on the ground that wasn't moving.

''Ah, Did I just kill someone by not doing anything?''

After saying this, the body that was on the ground started to move, the person sat down and raised his head to look at me.

The person was a girl of my age, she had long black hair with beautiful gold eyes, under her eyes were rather thick dark circles, she had a beautiful white skin although rather pale. I looked at her for a few moments before leaning forward slightly and reaching out to her, she grabbed it and then stood up before thanking me with a nod.

After thanking me, she let go of my hand before running towards the Academy.

''What a strange girl'' 

I said with a stunned expression, well if she goes to the Academy I could always see her again with a bit of luck.

''Your Highness, is everything alright?''

''Mmm? Why are you asking me that?''

''Well, you started coughing really hard and then you looked behind you with a blank expression before you reached out?''


I could see that everyone was looking at me strangely, Elric looked at me for a few seconds before he said stupid things. 

''Arthur did you go crazy because of Miss Alea's kick?''

''Don't talk, I'm just helping someone who hurt me unintentionally.''

''Your Highness, are you sure everything is okay?''

''Haa anyway, let's hurry up and go to the Academy''

I said with a slight frown at Élric's words.

'It can't be a ghost, can it? No, why I could see a few things that even dragons can't see, it wouldn't make any sense.'


After walking for several long minutes, we finally arrived in front of the main entrance of Balmung Academy.

As we walked, we soon arrived at the place where all the people who had signed up were waiting. I started looking around trying to find the girl from earlier, a small part of me thinking I was talking with a ghost so I wanted to clear it all up.

But even after a good look around I still hadn't found it, was it really a ghost? 


While I was asking myself a lot of questions related to the girl from earlier, a female voice that I knew all too well - especially because of the pain of a few minutes ago - called me.

I turned my head to Alea who was looking at me with a nonchalant expression.


''It's starting''


What does she mean by that? But unfortunately before I could even ask him, the sound of a male voice was heard.

''Well, everybody's here?''

I looked up at the sky to finally see the silhouette of a man who looked like he was in his early twenties. 

He had long golden colored hair that went down to his knees, it's blue eyes emblable to diamond can be seen even from a distance but the thing about this man that stood out the most was his four gorgeous white colored wings.

I couldn't see the man well as he was standing quite high in the sky, but as I looked at him, the silhouette of the missing man before reappearing in front of me.

"Mmm, I see, you must be Treivor's son, right?'

A man with a perfectly chiseled face and with white skin without blemishes appeared in front of me. Although I was quite surprised to see it appear in front of me, I didn't make it appear on my face and responded with the same little smile as usual.

''Yes, but if I may say so, Mr. Principal, this is not the right time to have a conversation.''

''Mmm, you're right, we'll talk later.''

After saying this, he disappeared again before reappearing further away on a platform that levitated a few meters above the ground.

''Well since everyone and there we are going to start the distribution of classes.''
