
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Chapter 26: [Summary of Statistics]

[You died]










[Booting System]

[Starting up...]

[Omega System has leveled up!]


『 Omega System v2.0 』

[Loading Statistics...]

『 Loaded! 』

「 Name: Philip Ibasco 」

「 Race: Big Family 」

「 Alias: Road Big 」

「 Power: Omega 」

「 HP: 100 → 0 」

「 MP: 3,000 → 0 」

『 Achievement met: Imagination Shard 』 

[MP has changed to IS (Imagination Strength)]

『 IS: 3 』 

[1 IS is greater than or equal to 100,000 MP]


[Loading companion data...]

『 Loaded! 』


『 The Omega Ones met (12/12) 』 

「 Name: William Puertos 」

「 Race: Decay Agent 」

「 Alias: Pitch Black 」

「 Power: Void and Darkness 」

「 Name: Eduardo Ylo 」

「 Race: Saiyan 」

「 Alias: Son Goku 」

「 Power: Saiyan Blood 」

「 Name: Ysabelle Ylo 」

「 Race: Cyber Entity 」

「 Alias: Queen of Cyberspace 」

「 Power: Virtual Realm 」

「 Name: Jacob Bolaños 」

「 Race: π/×≠? \¶&€_∆•¿ 」

『 Attempting to decode... 』

『 Translating... 』

「 Race: Ylium Lifeform 」

「 Alias: Sonic Boom 」

「 Power: Force Apply 」

「 Name: Mystery 」

「 Race: Luman 」

「 Alias: Boogeyman 」

「 Power: Circularity 」

「 Name: Mysterious 」

「 Race: Luman 」

「 Alias: Nightmare 」

「 Power: Essence of Fire and Flame 」

「 Name: Sean Ford 」

「 Race: Half-Evo 」

「 Alias: Bionical Muscles 」

「 Power: Mechanical Master 」

「 Name: Charles Sparrow 」

「 Race: Grand Electron 」

「 Alias: Lightning Shocker 」

「 Power: Lightning Concept 」

「 Name: Smith Ziegfreid 」

「 Race: Weapon Saint 」

「 Alias: Weaponsmith 」

「 Power: Weapon Saint 」

「 Name: Laurence De Leus 」

「 Race: Paper Alien 」

『 Translating... 』

「 Race: Mimic 」

「 Alias: Copy Cat 」

「 Power: Copy 」

「 Name: Eric A 」

「 Race: Dimension Crawler 」

「 Alias: Fuzetzu 」

「 Power: Fuzetzu 」

『 Name: Kurt Ignacio 』

『 Race: ??? 』

『 Attempting to decode... 』

『 Failed 』

『 Attempting to translate... 』

『 Failed 』

『 Attempting to find... 』

『 Failed 』

『 Attempting to know... 』

『 Failed 』

『 Alias: The Great Kurt 』

『 Power: $×!&÷€^`}€ +$&;*(@}€\ 』

『 Attempting to decode... 』

『 Translating... 』

『 Power: Singularized-Plurality 』


[Loading collected variables...]

『 Loaded! 』


『 Variables collected (8/35) 』

「 Time 」

「 Bullet Time (Passive) - slows time by 90% upon entering life threatening situations 」

「 Space 」

「 Life 」

「 Death 」

「 Energy 」

「 Matter 」

「 Dimension 」

「 Reality 」


[Loading obtained shards...]

『 Loaded! 』


『 Shards of the Five (2/5) 』

「 Shard of Imagination (Level 1) 」

「 Shard of Consciousness (Level 0) 」


[Loading collected items...]

[Loading item data...]

『 Loaded! 』


『 Items Collected: 8 』

「 Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru (Death's Scythe) 」

「 Chrono Brachile (Time Bands) 」

「 Philippium Crystal 」

「 Ylium Quartz 」

「 Agium Blade 」

「 Willium Block 」

「 Kurtnium Needle 」

『 Would you like to process the elements? 』

『 Yes/No 』


「 Death's Eye 」

「 Flower 」

「 Flower has been recently used 」


[Loading unlocked gates...]

[Loading gate data...]

『 Loaded! 』


『 9 Gates of Wrath (4/9) 』

「 Gate 1: Irritation 」

「 Gate 2: Annoyance 」

「 Gate 3: Anger 」

「 Gate 4: Rage 」

『 9 Gates of Serenity (1/9) 』

「 Gate 1: Delight 」


[Loading liberated personalities...]

『 Failed 』


『 Personalities obtained: ? 』

『 Attempting to load... 』

『 Failed 』

『 Failed 』

『 Failed 』

『 Failed 』

『 Error 』

[Due to failing multiple times, personality statistics has been locked. Level up the system to attempt further complicated reading]


[Loading balls of power...]

『 Loaded! 』


『 Balls of Power unlocked: (9/9,999) 』

[Due to the number of data provided, individual data of balls of power are not listed. Use 「 Scan 」to view list]


[Loading list of unlocked balls of power...]

『 Loaded! 』


「 Ki Ball 」,「 Compressed Ki Ball 」,「 Condensed Ki Ball 」,「 Compact Ki Ball 」,「 Energy Ball 」,「 Compressed Energy Ball 」,「 Condensed Energy Ball 」,「 Compact Energy Ball 」,「 Portal Orb 」


[Loading abilities...]

[Loading skills...]

[Loading data...]

『 Loaded! 』


『 Abilities received: 』

『 Omega System v2.0 』

『 Sword Concept 』

「 Sword Concept: Swordless Technique: Omega Sword: 0th Form: Imagine Death 」

「 Personal Sword Techniques 」

「 Slice: Falling Leaf 」

「 Personal Sword Arts 」

「 Sword Concept Manifest 」

「 Swordless Technique 」

「 Swordless Technique: Combo Breaker 」

「 Swordless Technique: Ascending Stab 」

『 Scan 』

「 Description 」

「 Property 」

『 Inventory 』

[Inventory has been upgraded]

『 Hotbar 』

『 ??? 』(Unlocked! View at the end of summary)

『 ??? 』(Unlocked! View at the end of the summary)

『 Regenerative Ivory 』

[Regenerative Ivory has been upgraded]

『 Regenerative Ivory Armor 』

「 Regenerative Ivory Control 」

「 Shapeshift 」

『 Overload 』

『 Omega Laser 』

「 Omega Laser: World 」

『 Growth and Shrink 』

[Growth and Shrink has been upgraded and separated]

『 Enlarge 』and 『 Contract 』

『 Omega Sword 』

『 Omega Punch』

「 Omega+ Punch 」

『 Combine 』

「 Merge 」

『 Pillar Wings 』


『 Weapon exclusive skills: 』

『 Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru 』

「 Death Scoop 」

「 Death Stab」

「 Death's Stare 」

「 Cremate 」

「 Decompose 」

『 Chrono Brachile 』

「 Rewind 」

「 Back 」

「 Predict 」

「 Next 」

「 Decay 」


『 Skills received: 』

「 Flight 」

「 Martial Arts (Advanced) 」

「 Punching (Expert) 」

「 Kicking (Expert) 」

「 Ki Control (Expert) 」

「 Ki Blast (Advanced) 」

「 Calm Mind (Master) 」

「 Magic (Starter) 」

「 Scythe Arts (Expert) 」

『 ??? - unknown 』

『 Attempting to decipher... 』

『 Unknown 』

『 Known 』

『 Unknown... 』

『 Unknown! 』

『 Unknown 』

『 ^_^ 』


[Loading truths...]

『 Loading story plot... 』

[Loading story...]

『 Loaded! 』


『 Truths unlocked: (1/10) 』

『 ⟨The Threat⟩ 』

「 The universe may not seem what it is. The universe is not the limit, there was still something out there. The multiverse, fabric of space and time itself, and the ten dimensions. Time and space has reached beyond the universe itself. Time and space has reached the boundary of the ten dimensions and it will keep expanding. The dimensions however, are fixed and will not expand anymore, that will be the limit of time and space. Outside the dimension is the white empty void, called Infinite Abyss. In the infinite abyss, nothing exists here; time, space, energy, light, gravity, vaccuum, matter, nothing. Only beings that are not bound by the rules of the universes and dimensions are the only ones who can live and survive in the infinite abyys.

The infinite abyss is also not the limit, it has an end. The infinite abyss was created to have the illusion of infiniteness. There was an edge to the the infinite abyss, no one can find it or reach it, except for one. Kurt had reached the edge of the infinite abyss, he had gazed beyong the infinite abyss. He found a wall, a see through glass wall, he peered outside the wall and he saw a higher being that is sitting in a distance. He also saw dozens of ball-like structures that resembles snow globes beyond the wall. He found out that the laws and rules beyond the wall is extremely different from the infinite abyss or inside the dimensions. He waited and observed for quadrillions of years of abyss time and the higher being noticed his presence, peering from the wall. The higher being talked to him.

Kurt found out that he is inside of a wall, or a globe, that is called the Infinite Globe. The higher being, named One, connected to him and told everything. There was a threat, someone in the world or realm of One, that threathens to destroy their worlds. One has made dozens and hundreds of infinite globes to find the one that will be a successor to him and to defend or defeat the threat. To Kurt's surprise, it was their infinite globe, Infinite Globe 22, that formed a unique existence: Fate, in the form of Omega. That is where Kurt and the others are chosen by fate, by omega, to defeat the threat, whether they like it or not. 」

『 ⟨Origin⟩ 70% 』

「 Are you truly you? Or are you not you? You died from the meteor crash and a debris hit your forehead. You were born, approximately 100 years ago, as the youngest brother and child of the Big Family. Are you truly alive? Or did you really die? Eduardo found Philip on Earth, alive and healthy, during the invasion. Who are you?... 」

『 End truth... 』

[Fully unlock the truth, ⟨Origin⟩, to completely view the story and details of the truth. Upon fully unlocking the truth, questions are immediately answered and full origin will be displayed.]


『 Result of Summary 』

[You have unlocked the Omega special ability that is bound to your race and fate!]

『『 Plunder 』』(Passive)

「 You can obtain power from other beings once you defeat them 」

『 Plundered powers: 』

『 Combo Strike 』

『『 Alpha 』』

[Alert!!! You have obtained Alpha!!!]

「 Rebooting system!!! 」

「 Power surge commencing!!! 」

「 Body structure reforming!!! 」

「 Overall power updating!!! 」

「 Bending fate!!! 」

「 Unknown!!! 」

「 o.o 」





[You have obtained Alpha]

「 Power changed from Omega to Alpha and Omega 」

『 Alpha and Omega 』

「 The starting and origin power and the final and ending power 」

『 Resuming result of summary 』

[You have unlocked the Alpha and Omega special ability that rewards you with your unlocked and obtained abilities and skills]

『『 Resurrection 』』(Passive)

「 You resurrect upon death. You become more powerful once you resurrect. Magnitude of power depends on your performance when you were alive or from the powers you obtained. Duration of resurrection depends on the damage received before death. 」

「 System has detected that you have died 」

「 Do you want to resurrect? 」

『 YES/NO 』


[Hold on a minute...]




[System reboot!]

「 Fuah! Took you long enough to die! I was waiting for you to die so you could resurrect and level up the system! 」

[Commencing resurrection...]

「 I was quite excited to finally wake up from my deep slumber. So, you're my user now? Wow! You're power is pretty amazing! 」

[Recollecting scattared energy...]

「 Hey! Why are you not answering? Are you deaf or blind? Hello?? Helloooo?」


[Regathering strength and soul...]

「 Oh, that's right, you're dead right? Anyways, let me introduce myself! 」


[Resurrection in progress... (98%)]

「 My name is Emily! I don't know how I got this name but, I found it deep within your memories or somewhere deep in your soul! I gotta admit! It's a pretty cute name! You wanna know my three sizes? 」

「 -_- '」

[Resurrection complete!]

「 Oh look! Your resurrection is now complete! I look forward to your adventures and our travel together! 💓 Now go on! Wake up now! 」



Volume 1: Book 2: Omega Force

『 Start 』 

「 Hi! I'm Emily! I will be accompanying my user wherever he goes for now! Hope you bear with me! 」


Book 2 is starting! Look forward to the story!!

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