
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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Chapter 25: Aftermath of the Invasion

Red Superplanet

Kurt was fighting against the shadows that swarmed the whole red superplanet that is as big as the sun. The shadows were originally the residents of the kingdoms that the omega ones ruled, there were also shadows that came from the sky and under the ground.

For mysterious reasons, once Kurt was returned back here, the residents started to become shadow entities and swarmed him from all directions.

Because of the overwhelming number of shadows that swarmed him that they can swallow a gas giant in one go, Kurt had no choice but to use 50% of his power.

The power of <Singularity> and <Plurality>.

The black robe that covered his whole body that his arms and legs could not be recognized due to how loose his robe is, started to partially uncover his body.

Black particles surged from his body that sparkled and shone and had an illusion of a rainbow from a prism, started to eat away the shadows that came close to him.

A while later, Kurt realized that this is inefficient and is almost not doing anything against the absurd amount of shadows. Then, the shadows became agitated and their number exponentially increased as they covered the sky and the horizon that is similar to a giant wave of tsunami, or in this case, a giant tsunami of black shadows that covered the sky.

Kurt made a move and decides to pursue all shadows and eliminate all of them before they can cause harm if ever they got out of this red superplanet.

A couple years of destruction and massacre later, Kurt has almost eradicated half of the shadows. The red superplanet itself didn't come unscathed from Kurt's rampage. There were chunks that are missing from the planet, as if there was a huge bite from an apple, and giant holes covered the planet, as if a giant worm ate everything inside the apple.

A portion of the core of the red superplanet was exposed and it released a intense red light that can hurt anyone's eyes.

<Singularity> almost ate half of the planet and the shadows, that's how powerful Kurt's power is. <Plurality> however, he didn't used it over the years against the shadows but he covered himself with it as it can burst and implode anything that touches it.

But then, Kurt felt a tug on his heart. It was painful and sorrowful. He knew why that happened and there was only one thing that caused this.

Kurt became angry for the first time since he gained his powers. He had enough playing with the shadows in this forsaken planet. He now became serious and chose to willingly sacrifice himself to end the suffering of his comrades.


Kurt's black robe started to untangle from the rest of his body. The robe then swirled around his neck and became a black cape that flapped on his back upwards, because of the intense singularity energy that he is exuding.

Black swirls then formed around Kurt's limbs on top of his inner clothes and surprisingly, Kurt is not naked under his black robe, but he wore a black tank top and leather pants.

Massive amounts of <Singularity> flowed out of Kurt like a waterfall. The <Singularity> covered the sky and deleted the shadows that touched it, and then, the <Singularity> fell from the sky and to the red superplanet.

The singularity began to devour the red superplanet along with the shadows into nothingness until it ate the core and became a marble of compressed singularity.

Kurt grabbed the singularity, and due to the singularity eating a fair amount of matter, it became unstable and at any moment now, the singularity may explode into a hypernova. It's a good thing that Kurt can control the stability of singularities and he locked the unstable singularity, he wanted to gift this to someone once he returned to Earth.

Kurt looked towards a direction and stared at that direction for a few minutes while his black robe kept flapping on his back. Then, moments later, <Plurality> swirled around Kurt and he disappeared from where he is standing. Space tore from where he stood and reached towards the direction where he was looking at earlier. Since it was <Plurality> that tore the space, the space will naturally repair itself overtime.


Asteroid Belt - Solar System

Kurt arrived at the particular where Trail's body just disintegrated into dust and into nothingness.

Kurt used <Plurality> to reverse Trail and bring him back to life but he didn't include the arm of the dark vengeful true sun god. Kurt knew the origin of the arm and he knew how dangerous this is and the taboo that is known in the whole infinite abyss.


"You killed someone that I know."

"That Philip? I'm sorry but that is needed to be done."

"I know, but I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about a collateral."

"What? That's not my problem!! It was their weakness that led them to that."

"Why did you have to bring the Breaker Essence from the Infinite Abyss?!"

"I had no choice! It was fate!"

Kurt squinted his eyes at Trail's words. He can't do anything about it since it's fate.

"Since it was fate that lead you to bringing the Breaker Essence to Earth, I'm going to do something to you that is also fate."

"What are you talking about?!"

"See this?!"

Kurt's voice went deeper by a level when he showed the locked unstable singularity he brought from the red superplanet.

"I'm going to banish you and bound you to Philip's fate!!"

This time, Kurt's voice became extremely deep that an illusion of thousand voices can be heard from his voice alone.

"W-what?! N-n-nooo!!"

Trail tried to run away but with his bionic arm, he can't run that fast. Then, Kurt tossed the locked unstable singularity on to Trail.

The ball of locked unstable singularity touched Trail's back, then Trail's body stopped as if time has also stopped. But in reality, Trail's body, soul, and existence was cut from the 『 $√¶•π 』.

Trail's body then crumpled like piece of paper and he disappeared into a point and probably went into the 0th Dimension.

Kurt then sighed as his work here is done. He began to power down and the black robe cape started to coil around and cover his body completely once again.

"I guess this is it. It's a shame Philip, it was still early, and I though it would be later."

Kurt then looked up above him. Since Kurt used 51% of his power, he needed to go. He spoke an unknown language as if he was speaking to someone from above.

His body then slowly turned into light particles and he disappeared from existence.

Then moments later, the universe rumbled for a split second that mortals didn't felt it but sages, seers, and extremely sensitive beings only felt it.


Light Side of the Moon - Luna - Earth

As soon as the white flames of Mysterious was extiguished, his body fell down as his body ceased to function anymore from overexerting himself and launching an attack that he never used before.

Mystery caught Mysterious and looked towards the meteor, giant crack formed on the meteor. But then, a blinding light covered her eyes as an explosion can also be heard from the meteor.

She saw someone was shot back towards the Earth from the meteor as there was a line of blur that originated from the meteor to Earth. It was Jacob, but then, she realized that Jacob had just died when she detected her energy.


The meteor then cracked and crumbled and broke into 8 parts. The biggest having a length of 5,000 kilometers and a width of 400 kilometers, and the smallest having a length of 3,000 kilometers and a width of 200 kilometers. The meteor pieces looked like shards of rock and runestones are revealed inside of th meteor.

The runestones then drifted along the atmosphere and Mystery watched everything that unfolded.

The largest runestone fell and stabbed the Earth in the location next to Mariana Trench. Another one drifted above the country of China and stabbed itself next to the Mongolian Plateau. The third runestone drifted above the country of England, next to the Stonehenge and stabbed itself a few kilometers away from it.

One runestone drifted far away to the south and stabbed itself exactly at the center of South Pole. The fifth one stabbed itself on Russia and another one stabbed itself at the center of the Amazon Forest in Brazil.

The seventh runestone drifted past America and stabbed itself exactly at the Canada-United States Border. While the ladt runestone drifted above Egypt and stabbed itself next to the Pyramids of Giza.

The smaller stones and debris however, rained down to the rest of the world while the bigger ones plunged down in the ocean, as if it was intentionally meant that way.

Mystery cannot believe what she witnessed as the Earth is now covered with pillars of stones that stuck out like a sore thumb.

No one knows what the purpose of these gigantic meteors are but the people on the surface are panicking as giant spires of stones stabbed on their countries.

Then suddenly, Mystery was surprised and shocked as she can't detect anyone from the surface, not even Eduardo or the others.

"What's happening here?!!"

And then, Mystery unconsciously looked back as she sensed a fast moving object approaching their way.

She strained her eyes to see the object, she was a surprised again for the 5th time today. It was Philip! But the speed of his arrival is way to fast and he doesn't seem to be slowing down at all. At this rate, he might collide with Earth and cause another extinction like the dinosaurs, millions of years ago. The only difference is that the meteor is Philip himself.

She immediately used his gravity manipulation to slow Philip down, even though the magnitude of her gravity manipulation is abysmal, at least he could slow Philip down by a little bit.


Space between Earth and Mars

Philip was unconscious as he drifted through space after he drilled through Mars and cause it to explode.

Philip's Ivory Armor has crumbled and crack and cannot repair itself as its host was hit in his weakness spot. Blood spurted out from his head and arms, as well as his whole body. His pillar wings has been snapped, shattered, and broken. He kept spinning and turning indefinitely in space towards Earth.

At any second now, he is about to collide with Earth and may cause it to explode like Mars or cause extinction.

This caused the speck of conciousness from Philip to emerge and wake himself up. The Shard of Consciousness went out of the inventory by itself and floated around Philip's left hand and spinned. It help Philip to retain his speck of conciousness.

Philip tried to slow himself down but to no avail. He then suddenly felt himself slow down as he saw that he just passed the moon. This made him curve the side of his lips slightly upward and his conciousness faded.

Before Philip's consciousness disappeared, the system showed a string of display, at least for one last time.

[9 Gates of Serenity unlocked]

[9 Gates of Serenity (1/9)]

[Gate 1: Delight]

[Removes all status ailments and abnormalities]

Philip complained before his consciousness disappeared completely.

'What will that accomplish now that I'm dead?! You stupid system!'

The Shard of Consciousness then stopped spinning and went back to the Inventory by itself.

As Philip reached Earth's atmosphere, Mystery's gravity manipulation on him disappeared abruptly. This caused Philip's body to fall next to Manila Bay and caused a huge fountain to spurt, a 10-meter high tsunami, and an earthquake. This is because Philip's body was still the size of a 5-story building.

Next to the shore of Manila Bay, there was Sean lying on the ground with his bionic arm and leg turned to like tangled cables, William lying on the ground while his white ribbon also lying on the ground and he was not emanating any black aura, and Eduardo lying on the ground on his base form without his wings and a shorter tail.

Philip then sunk at Manila Bay as his body faced up. His mind and vision are black. He has no consciousness. He cleary is dead.

Then, the system showed Philip a display that he can clearly see even though he's dead and his mind and vision are black. The display is highly contrasting to the black background as the display is shining gold.

The display says,

[You died]


Volume 1: Book 1: The Beginning

『 END 』

Book 1 has finally finished!!

Volume 1: Book 2: Omega Force is next

Look forward to book 2 as it will explain a lot about what is happening inside the Infinite Globe, and a glimpse outside the Infinite Globe


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