
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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Chapter 27: The Giant Runestones

Earthrune - Solar System - Year 10

[Earthrune], the new name Earth, after the [Great Invasion], 10 years ago. Earthrune was derived from the fact that eight giant pillars of runestones protrudes from [Old Earth] and it reaches thousands of kilometers in the atmosphere.

When viewed from outer space, the [Old Earth] looked like a ball of spikes. But the number of those spikes are eight.

Scientist all over the world had gathered towards the places where the runestones landed. Scientists had found out that the runestones had specific set of runes carved unto them. The set of runes also differ from other giant runestone.

The scientists had deciphered the rune language and the specific set of runes on each runestones for nearly 5 years, despite having their advanced technologies, which can immediately decode some historic and ancient writings and languages on [Old Earth].

The discovery of the rune language made a breakthrough in the world to understand more of the universe, particularly where the runestones came from and what race the invaders are.

This led to the talks between the 3 factions of the world; Science and Technology, Mystical Arts, and Secret Organizations.

The 3 factions had to set aside their differences and talk about the changes in the world. Especially, the existence of superhumans that appeared 5 years ago.

This led to the unification of the 3 factions and named it,

[United Organizations of Mystic and Science (UOMS)]

The UOMS was set to unite all of the 3 factions to conquer the runestones and control the superhumans as they deemed them as dangerous existences.

A large amount of people and a particular general from Russia had complains about the installment of the UOMS and their platforms against superhumans and they claimed that they were the ones who saved and protected the Earth, 5 years ago.

The UOMS on the other hand, didn't believe the masses as they know that these superhumans can cause devastation on a wide scale with their powers. Thus, they needed to control them if ever they go on a rampage or on a killing spree.

It was all for the safety of the Earth, they said.

The UOMS also decided to name the [Old Earth] as [Earthrune] that was based on the deciphered set of runes on the runestones.

Two years later, the results of the deciphered set of runes has been publicized on countries that was affected by the giant runestones. The UOMS was taken aback by the new findings as they didn't know that the runestones could actually bring harm than good.

Nonetheless, they still chose to publicize the findings as the results are very important for the population to know.

The first runestone on the list is the giant runestone on China. The scientists had measured the dimensions of the runestone and it is said to be approximately 3,000 kilometers in height and 300 kilometers in width. It was also located near the Mongolian Plateau.

The set of runes, or what the scientists called as [Runeset], that are displayed on the runestone had rather a very ominious text. But, the scientists summarized most of what the runestones had displayed.

[Chinese Runestone]

- Turns off the main source of mystical energy in the world.

- Cuts connection to and from eastern gods and myths.

Nobody know what this means, but it is what it is. Now that the people of [Earthrune] had thought further, they have realized that the the source of energy of their mystical arts and training is depleting. The scientists and cultivators didn't know why and how, and they can't find any answers no matter how much they research on it.

The mystical masters had a secondary source of mystical energy, but that source also can't be used. Why? It was because of the moon. It was unresponsive and it was never the same as before.

For some reason, the moon lost all contact on [Earthrune], satellites can't make a connection on it and the mystical masters can't even do anything about it.

It was because, after the invasion, the moon changed its revolution time around [Earthrune] for 10 revolutions in 1 day. Furthermore, the moon rotates on a speed of 100 rotations per revolution, meaning, it rotates 1000 times in 1 day. No wonder satellites can't reach the moon nor any communications can be accessed on the moon.

Next Runestone is in the Russian Federation. It was estimated that it had a length of 3,500 kilometers and width of 300 kilometers. The runestone is located at the very center of Russia.

[Russian Runestone]

- Turns off any super advanced technology.

- Blocks any super scientific breakthroughs.

- Seals the mysterious power in Russia

No wonder there were no further developments in researching the runestones itself. The scientist had hit a wall, a literal wall. Although, the scientists, even Russia itself was surprised about the [Runeset] that said that the runestone had sealed a mysterious power of Russia. There were a few months of civil war in Russia to find more about the mysterious power after that information was publicized. In the end, no one found out about Russia's mysterious power.

The third Runestone had a peculiar place to land on, but it was also expected to be there when the scientist had deciphered the [Runeset]. It is also the second largest Runestone among the eight. The approximate length of the runestone is 4,000 kilometers and 350 kilometers in width. It was located 50 kilometers northwest of the Stonehenge.

[England Runestone]

- Blocks the Stonehenge portal and stargate.

- Seals the Excalibur, Durandal, other Legendary Swords, the Holy Grails, and the Greater Holy Grail.

- Stops the sprouting of Yggdrasil and other World Trees.

- Cuts connection to and from Greek and Roman gods and myths.

Excalibur and the Holy Grails are expected, but it was a surprise that there really was a Durandal and other Legendary Swords. The scientists, even the mystical masters, cannot believe that an Yggdrasil may grow if the runestone was not here. They even didn't know that a Greater Holy Grail existed!

What's more surprising is that the secret organizations, conspiracy theorists to be exact, knew that the Stonehenge may be a portal, but they also did not know that it could be a stargate!

The fourth runestone is located at the Canada-United States Border, right in the middle of Canada and America. It was 3,000 kilometers in length and 300 kilometers in width. It was right in the dead center of America and Canada and it was decided that both countries will be sharing the effects of the runestone.

[America-Canadian Runestone]

- Prevents manifestation of western fantastical events. (Zombie Apocalypse, Virus Infection, A.I. Domination, Nuclear Winter, Instant Death, Witchcraft, etc.)

- Prevents paranormal events in the world.

- Prevents overbearing natural disasters.

- Prevents manifestation of events from comics, cartoons, and movies.

It was said that this runestone was the most amazing runestone out there as it can prevent massive natural disasters and paranormal events.

The scientists also had to scratch their heads in contemplation about the manifestation of certain events. They already know that it was impossible for event from movies, comics, and fiction to come to reality. So, why didthe [Runeset] displayed those writings?

The fifth runestone is located at the core of the Amazon Forest in Brazil. It's length is 4,000 kilometers and 350 kilometers width.

[Amazonian Runestone]

- Cuts the connection to and from western gods and myths.

- Seals the Bermuda Triangle.

- Seals the Legend of the Seven Seas.

- Seals the Sleeping Leviathan in southern Brazil.

The scientists and mystical masters are agitated at this point as this was the third time that they saw on the [Runeset] of different Runestones had a reading of cutting the connection to and from gods and myths. They have no means to confirm this, unless the Vatican and the English Orthodox Church releases their findings about this.

The Runestone has also sealed the Bermuda Triangle, this means that cultivators from around the world can't get any more materials from mystical beast and plants that lived and grew in some islands near the Carribean.

The pirates on the other hand, had no choice but to abandon their life works as it was said that all of the legends in the seven seas has been sealed.

Furthermore, no one knows anything about the sleeping Leviathan on southern Brazil. They tried to find and unearth it and search for clues, but to no avail.

The sixth Runestone is located where there were no life or civilization, at the center of South Pole. It's approximately 3,000 kilometers in length and 200 kilometers in width. The scientists had to really prepare themselves as they will be venturing deep in the coldest part of the world.

[Antarctic Runestone]

- Shuts down ancient alien technology deep in Antarctica.

- Hibernates prehistoric and ancient deep sea creatures and land creatures in the world.

- Seals Agharta.

- Seals Santa Claus in North Pole.

The scientists can't help but laugh at the last [Runeset] that has been displayed, why would the Runestone even seal Santa?

Jokes aside, the scientists can't believe that there was ancient alien technology deep in Antarctica, even the secret organization of Agharta believers was ecstatic that Agharta was real and the proof of it was in the Runestone as it seals it. The scientist and mystical masters also cannot comprehend the existence of Agharta right below their feet.

Although scentists and mystical masters haven't been able to find or spot any peculiar creatures deep in the sea and on land, apparently they existed. Probably those creatures range from Megalodon, Collosal Squid, Flying Snakes, Giant Scorpions, to the mythical Rainbow Three-Horned Stag Beetle.

The seventh Runestone is located at, as expected, in Egypt. Particulary, a few hundred meters away from the Pyramidsof Giza. The Runestone has an approximate dimension of 3,500 kilometers in length and 350 kilometers in width.

[Egyptian Runestone]

- Cuts the connection to and from Egyptian gods and myths.

- Cuts the spiritual connection in the world.

- Seals the Pyramids of Giza.

- Seals the mysterious power deep in the Egyptian desert.

There was the mysterious power again, but it was on Egypt. The scientists can't excavate the whole Egyptian desert as it contains loose sand and not compact rocks. The secret organizations on the other hand, was clamoring at what that mysterious power is. Some said it was the emeral tablets, others said it was the disc mothership that was responsible for [Old Earth's] polar shift thousands of years ago, other said it was a kingdom of a powerful and unknown king, while others said it was Anubis himself. In the end, no one can confirm the answer.

As for the seal of the Pyramids of Giza, no one know why except that it was just a tomb, but one person knew why. It was because the three Pyramids of Giza acts as a ground-to-space laser, or in other words, planetary laser beam.

The spiritual connection however, the mystical masters already knew it. They can't communicate with the spirits of objects and other living things no matter hard they tried.

The eight and final Runestone is located at the Pacific Ocean, next to Mariana Trench, near the Philippines. This Runestone is the largest of them all, 5,000 kilometers in length and 400 kilometers in width. The scientists had to dive at the bottom of the ocean where the [Runeset] will be displayed.

[Pacific Runestone]

- Isolates Atlantis.

- Seals the mystical creatures.

- Prevents the manifestation of events from novels, manga, and anime in China, Korea, and Japan.

- Seals the Sleeping Giant in China.

- Seals a powerful and mysterious individual in the Philippines.

The Atlantis has been isolated and the scientista investigated it. The results of their findings is that they cannot find Atlantis anywhere in [Earthrune] nor they can trace them. The Atlantis disappeared again from the world.

The secret organizations of novel and anime lovers and institution was devastated that the Runestone sealed the manifestation of the events in them. They knew that the manifestation of events from novels and anime was impossible but they saw hope. Their logic was, why would the Runestone seal it if it was impossible to begin with? Unless, there was a chance that the manifestation could happen if the Runestone wasn't there.

The UOMS had to guard the [Pacific Runestone] in case someone went ahead and tried to destroy it.

As for the Sleeping Giant, the mystical masters had no idea what that is or where it is. The conspiracy theorists on the other hand, always knew that there is a sleeping giant on China or that's what was said as it was know since modern times, that the China is the sleeping giant itself.

The scientist was also confused as to why the [Pacific Runestone] had to seal the sleeping giant in China rather than the [Chinese Runestone] instead. They can't figure this out.


Two years later, a facility was built on Quezon Memorial Circle in the Philippines. The materials were obtained from the debris of the meteor, 7 years ago, deep in the pacific ocean. It was named Area 323, the whole NCR was forcely removed from their residences and leveled the whole area so that the facility will be off limits to anything.

Directly above the facility, in the upper atmosphere, where the influence of the Runestones can't affect it, lies a satellite, an orbital satellite to be exact. On its side was etched,

[Omega Laser Mark I]

The facility was shaped as a quarter-circle, like a horseshoe. In the middle of the facility, in the open, was a giant crater about 500 meters wide. In the middle of the crater is a golden rock, like a pedestal that is also glowing constantly. On the golden rock, is a sword stabbed on it, like Excalibur, that is glowing slightly green.

On the handle of the sword, is a necklace or an amulet that is tied around the handle and is floating in the air as if it defies the law of gravity.

The horseshoe-shaped facility was divided into five parts. In each part of the facility has a superhuman being contained inside of it. They are contained in purple colored liquid tanks.

The first part contained a superhuman that had his right arm and left leg looked like metallic strings.

The second part contained a superhuman that had his body charred and a skin that continuously formed molten cracks despite being in a liquid container.

The third part contained a superhuman that had a spiky hair and a short tail.

The fourth part contained a superhuman with a long spiky hair and a constantly trembling and vibrating body.

The fifth part, which is the center part of the horseshoe shape and is closest to the main building of the facility, contained a superhuman that had purple skin, white hair, and metallic spikes on her back as wings. She looked like a mech, or a gundam robot.

Under the facility, about 50 kilometers underground. There was an individual that was contained in a green colored liquid tank. He had a long spiky hair that is standing behind his head, a long spiky hair that falls down from the back of his head, a single signature bang of hair that dangles in front of between his closed eyes, a long metallic tail, and purple gradient on his arms and legs.


3 years later, the scientists made a discovery that the Runestones had the power to nullify objects that are out of the norm or that would breaks the rule of the universe.

The UOMS decided to rename the Runestones as [Breakerstones] as it breaks things that are out of this world, particularly superhumans.

The UOMS then invented an object by using a pebble of [Breakerstone] as a catalyst to create a collar. The collar then is used to control the contained and captured superhumans, therefore, the superhumans will not turn rogue and will bid by their superior's will.

The five contained superhumans in Area 52 has been equipped by the collars, along with the charred person and two new additional captured superhumans.

A superhuman that has spikes on his head and a floating white ribbon, and a superhuman that always wore a strawhat.

The collars, or [Breaker Collars], was put on their necks. Now they can only follow the orders of UOMS.


After the [Great Invasion] 10 years ago, somewhere in the shore of Manila Bay, twinkles of golden light started to form and golden air swirled around a bright golden light flashed.

It seemed that a facility was built around a familiar sword and amulet in the Philippines and contained some people that we know off. How did they get contained easily by humans?

What is the golden light that originated from Manila Bay?

Find out next chapter!


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