
The Odyssey of Zagreus

Follow Zagreus, a headstrong and talented Youth on the path to Divinity. This is a harem novel, so before anyone complains, I'll publish it. The harem is not that big and it is slow. (At least 2chaps per week.) I love you guys. I don't own any stories I'm going to write, just my OC. The first few chapters aren't that long but I'll improve throughout the book, the Tags are kind of illogical but here are some Tags: #KungfuPanda, #Multivers, #PercyJackson, #HowtoTrainYourDragon, #DisneyMovies.

AbelWizard · Movies
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48 Chs

Chapter 36- Regicide (2/2)

Break Line

"Shall we begin?" Zagreus said with a smile, confident of his victory.

In this form, our protagonist was easily over 6'5 pes, huge wings with a curvature 20 pes wide, arms completely covered by scales and a kind of well-refined metal armor, the gloves had laughing devilish faces that glowed with a sickly purple color. (Image here)

Its horns were even larger and spiraled, its glowing heterochromatic eyes even more mysterious, with its once black eye now a bright light purple color while its other eye glowed even more brightly in gold.

Its fangs were now even more pronounced and vampire-like, and a puff of smoke along with a faint stench of sulfur was coming out of its mouth.

The Queen of Dragons looked at Zagreus with swagger and anger, she stares at Zagreus while ignoring the others in the group of Berk tamers, and then when she recovers from her shock and surprise she finally speaks to him in an authoritative voice filled with Fury.

{What... are... you?} Says the Queen, in a voice broken by anger and slowed down by the confusion she is feeling, her voice was hoarse and similar to those very old and cranky women.

Zagreus smiles at the Queen's question, causing his fangs to show even more, and with a simple flap of his wings, he flies off and settles before answering.

"I am a Dragon, a Human and ... well, it doesn't matter to you now. For to you, I am your downfall! Be thankful for the fact that I will be the last face you will ever see, a lizard like you being graced with my beautiful face!"

And in response to Zagreus' speech and provocation, a very loud growl came from the horrible, huge Dragon.

The demigod then looks at his group who until now were waiting for his orders, they were not shocked because they knew this part of his power (Only the power of the Talismans) and their certainty that Zagreus is a lost son of Odin increased even more.

"You can rest now, leave the rest to me!"

Astrid looked at Zagreus worriedly but still followed what she was told. Before this fight, Zagreus had told her about facing the Queen alone if necessary so she made him assure her that she had everything under control and only believed he could beat her when she saw this form of him a few weeks ago.

They all flew their respective Dragons to a safe distance, out of range of the puff of fire and the ball of destruction in the Dragon's tail. All this under the cautious gaze of Zagreus and the anxious Dragon, who did not give a damn about the "ants" that came out and focused all his attention on the real threat in front of him.

Zagreus didn't want to start the battle until they were safe, however, the Queen didn't have the same thoughts and quickly started running to attack Zagreus, and with a spin as fast as her body could make it, she performs a flurry of blows in an attempt to finish Zagreus off in a single blow.

Zagreus quickly deflects by summoning his fire from his hands similar to a thruster, when he stabilizes in midair, Zagreus closes his eyes while raising both hands in an attempt to access his source of power and summon his Flames.

And it doesn't take long as a large quantity of sickly bright purple flames bleed all over his body, he manipulates them out of his body and shapes them to form tens of hundreds of swords, all in a short period of time and with one characteristic motion of moving his hand downwards all the Blades descend to strike the Queen of Dragons. (Picture of the Purple Fire Blades here)

The swords manage to penetrate a few inches before stopping and although it caused the Dragon immense pain, the area attack didn't have much effect in the damage department and using this type of attack to deal with this type of enemy, proved to be a poor decision.

The Dragon Queen roars in pain and her hatred for the demigod increased even more, she became even angrier when Zagreus proved to be a more fearsome enemy than she thought. She quickly turns her head towards where Zagreus was flying, high above her, and throws a great puff of terribly hot flames.

The young demigod calmly looks at the flames coming towards him, he covers himself with his wings to avoid receiving any damage.

However, when he made such a move, due to his inexperience in fighting with his own wings and against an enemy of such magnitude, he caused his vision to be covered and prevented from perceiving his enemy's next move. And it was at the next moment that he regained his sight that he realized the real danger ahead of him, but before he could even make any sarcastic comment, he was swallowed by the Queen.

The Queen of Dragons used the Flames as a distraction, and ended up baiting Zagreus' instincts that although used regularly but were not trained to a higher level, the real attack being to completely engulf the Demigod.

The group of Berk tamers who were at a safe distance watching the fight, have just seen their leader, friend, lover being swallowed up and apparently dead.

A perennial silence pervades the entire scene until the plug completely drops after a few seconds, and Astrid's expression melts from her natural stoicism to one of despair and fear at seeing her boyfriend's situation.

"ZAGREUS!!!" Astrid screams with all the force her lungs can bear and because of the potency of her emotions contained in that scream that even hurt her vocal cords.

She tries to climb on her Dragon but is stopped by Fishlegs and Snotlout who were with a rueful expression on their faces.

"LET ME GO, I need to save him....." *sniff, sniff* "I need to save him..."

She started with a strong front showing anger but with each passing second she lost control of her emotions and her true feelings came out and she cried more and more and more.

"We have to distract him so that the others can get away, we can't let our emotions control us, take other people as our priority before ourselves, that's what Zagreus would want!"

A few minutes passed while they decided what to do and calmed Astrid down, and meanwhile the Queen had remained motionless after roaring as a sign of victory.

(Pov- Zagreus) (At the exact moment it was swallowed)

Damn, damn, damn... I underestimated her speed and intelligence and overestimated my speed and abilities.

I never thought she would use this as a distraction and I was caught off guard, arrgh, now it's all my fault for being here in her stomach, but I will make her regret eating me. For my mother always told me, rapadura (sweet brown sugar) is sweet but not soft.

As I descend into what I assume is the stomach, I pierce the top to hold myself together and prevent myself from being swallowed, I think of the best way to escape from here as fast as possible, and preferably before Astrid surges.

It doesn't make any sense and will be very difficult hands if I try to go back through the same place I came in, I have already tried to use my flames to burn her stomach but it seems there is a protective layer, so the most obvious thing I can think of is to rip her belly open to get out.

So, using my flames, which in this form turn purple, to form a blade similar to a scalpel (Style the chakra scalpel and Ki sword technique of Goku Black), I then use a type of energy that makes everything around it stronger and harder that I discovered during one of my recent fights, and increase the size of it before striking with all my might as I let go and use my weight to increase the attack power.

The Chi and Flame Scalpel easily slices through her belly and I hear a pained roar from her before I force my way out of her stomach.

As soon as I exit, the cool air hits my face, at least fresher than the odor of this Dragon's stomach, I spread my wings and start flying as high as I can, ignoring the roars of pain and the cries of relief from my friends.

But as soon as I reach a safe height, I wave to my worried friends and even from a distance I can see my girlfriend's crying, puffy expression.

*Sigh* I guess I wasn't quick enough and made her worry, well, I'll hear much more later. Even if some people find it annoying, I still feel a warmth in my heart knowing that she cares that much about me.

In the meantime, I need to focus on killing this damned lazy Dragon and putting an end to this war.

The Queen has huge wings that I haven't seen used yet, let's put this sedentary Dragon to flight.

I gather large amounts of Flames in my hands and compress them in circles before spearing it in its back, bringing immense pain even without doing much damage.

But it still hurt enough and had enough force to make the Queen stumble to the side and fall to the side, my goal is not to defeat her with this but to irritate her enough to make her fly after me.

{You annoying fly, I've had enough of you!}

And that is proof enough that I have succeeded in my endeavor. It begins to slowly but surely spread its wings and with a strong wing flap that exerted enormous force to lift its huge body and begins to chase me into the air.

I maintain a medium speed so she thinks she can catch up with me at some point, and I spot a series of stone and earth towers over the sea similar to the ones she has in Berk, upon seeing them I get an idea.

"Hey, sulfur breath, are you too fat to get me?" I tease her with my characteristic smile that is greatly irritating to my enemies.

{You filthy human. In this battle the winner will be a real Dragon and not just a weak imitator like you!}

Haaa! Ignorance! Sometimes it's a blessing, but this time it will be her downfall. And she said it was a real Dragon? Really? A lizard is really saying that? I will show her the power of a Dragon.

I'll go to the towers and use my size advantage and fly between the towers with great speed.


But it seems that the Queen behind me didn't have it so easy, she was hitting every possible tower, and it seems that this time she was doing some damage, as some parts of her skull were broken off along with some teeth.

But she doesn't seem to care about any of this and continues to chase me with the same anger and momentum as before, and damn, it looks like the towers are over and she's more pissed off than before.

While flying with a 510 foot Queen on my tail, I realize that almost all the Vikings are on the beach watching and cheering for me in this fight. I can't continue this fight here, I have to go up!

I spin around and start shooting small balls of flame at the Dragon's head while controlling my wings to start climbing, and as planned, the Queen soars with me as she roars with rage and even though the strong winds are blowing in my ears, I can still hear the screams of the cheering Vikings.

I fly up to the height of the clouds which were many and black, I decrease the amount of flames expelled by my body and manage to disguise myself among the clouds, making it so that the Queen cannot see me, cannot sniff me due to the smoke of the volcano and cannot hear me as I have the Night Furies characteristic of flying silently.

In short, the Queen was stupidly standing around flying and looking for any trace of me, and her patience being quite short, she soon roars and communicates with me.

{Damned human! Stop hiding and face me, you coward!}

She roars and her eyes are injected with blood and fury, and she doesn't stay still for long and then starts throwing fire puffs in all directions in an attempt to hit me.

I wait for her to finish her attack while I charge my own, as soon as I no longer see the flames and hear the beginnings of her gruff voice in my head I swoop down at high speed toward the Queen, causing a loud hiss to sound and slightly frightening her.

In my two hands are two balls of purple flames condensed and coated with black rays, I call them "Dragon Shooter", once I get close enough to the Queen who had her back to me, I launch two "Dragon Shooters" towards her while slightly manipulating the winds to decrease resistance to increase speed.

*Blast* *Burst*

I do this again and again, always aiming for its wings to try to knock it down.

But at some point it spots me and chases me without losing me, so I decide to end it now, I summon my loyal Scythe and cover it with the energy that hardens it and makes it even sharper but this time the energy leaves my Scythe with a totally black color and a red aura leaking from it.


[The Armament Haki Skill has been acquired].

[The Armament Haki Skill has gone up a level: 1 --> 2.]

I ignore the notifications for now and focus on the battle, I use lightning to increase my speed, causing black lightning to crackle around me and use wind manipulation to decrease the air resistance on me, soon after I disappear from the Queen's view.

But before she can speak in an arrogant manner, which was annoying me greatly, I go to the Queen's back and fly with all my speed and execute a blow with all my strength while using lightning and flames to further increase the power of my attack.

"That's the end of you, Skadoosh!"

And at the end of my sentence, under the Queen's frightened look, and with Chi, Lightning and Flames enveloping my weapon and increasing its range, I cut her in half.

She couldn't even let out a single sound, and soon the two parts start to fall slowly towards the island, which I made sure was the empty side.

And soon I notice a purple ring beginning to form near the Queen's body, or what is left of it.



[You killed the Dragon Queen and ended a centuries-long war, thus changing the course of this world's history: You got - x2 Ticket Multiversal (Items).


I ignore the notifications for now and look at the falling body of the previously invincible and imposing Queen.

*Small Explosion*

The Dragon's head explodes and a large cloud of smoke surrounds her body, I approach the Spirit Ring and don't know what to make of it.

'System, do you have any idea what I have to do to absorb this Ring?'

[Yes, Host! You just need to get into a meditative position and want to absorb the Ring! The system will do the rest!]

'Okay!' As soon as I sit down and follow what the system said, I feel something in me... a kind of emptiness that I didn't even know existed being filled and after a few minutes of mild discomfort and pain I get the familiar sound of success.


[1st Spirit Ring Absorbed, Skill: Titan Wing, has been acquired].

[1st Scythe Dragon God of Death Skill has been unlocked: Corruption.]

Zagreus smiles at the notifications that just resounded that he got stronger, every fight he won, every hardship he survived makes him stronger.

He undoes the fusion and stows the Talisman in his armor, a burden is lifted from his shoulders as he finally exits the fusion that put both his and Alduin's bodies under great stress.

But his thoughts are soon stopped when a familiar voice shouts his name.


Astrid, shouted and ran through the great cloud of smoke, even though she stumbled several and several times, she still ran trying to find him.

Zagreus decides to help her and still look cool to her, using one of his Gifts of divine origin to manipulate the air and get rid of all the smoke that surrounded him.

As soon as Zagreus raised his hands, great gusts and masses of air begin to gather at the top of the Volcano and due to Zagrues' newly increased powers in general, he got rid of all the mist and smoke that surrounded not only him but the whole island.

And brought the sun back, to the forgotten and dark island of dragons, Astrid finally finds Zagreus with the new lighting and throws herself at him while hiding her crying face in her chest.

"Stupid, stupid Zagreus, idiot..."

She muttered in a low voice in his chest but thanks to his Superhuman senses, he heard her.

Alduin, a few meters away, was laughing at his situation, but you could see that he was hurt and tired.

And seeing the crowd of Vikings socializing with the Dragons was not hard for Zagreus to believe, since he had planted these seeds and they finally bore fruit now.

But from the way they looked at him, Zagreus realized after looking at his body that he was in his standard form, with scales and horns, although his girlfriend had already seen his true self, he would have several explanations to give everyone.

'*Sigh* It's going to be a long day' Zagreus thought with a smile on his face, finally he wouldn't have to hide anything anymore.

Break Line

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