
The Not People

This is the story of John Cooper and his path through a world that has been irrevocably scarred by both forces beyond anyone's control and humanities response to them.

John_Doe_2280 · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Camilla let out a sigh of relief as the sun fully broke the horizon.

She sat down next to her unconscious partner, collecting her thoughts and allowing the adrenaline to wear off.

She checked Tim's pulse as his body twitched in pain even while unconscious, finding it weak but present.

Half to herself she commented

"Lucky your healing factor in human form is good enough, if you weren't a cat 2 you would probably be dead. Shame I won't get to try that lobster though, I can't go on a date with an addict."

Relieving herself of her brief mental break, she got back to completing her job and radioed down to the bus driver.

"What's the situation? Any injured?"

The driver's tired voice responds.

"Looks like maybe two. One, for sure, they have a punctured shoulder. The other I'm not sure about they were sitting next to the first one. They seem physically fine but they are trembling."

"Ages and gender?" Camilla asks with tension in her voice.

"The one trembling with no visible injuries is a freshmen girl." Camilla loses some tension in her voice as she hears this and responds.

"This Cat 3 was really weird. It had a toxin. *She glances at her twitching partner* We have to make sure, but if she is not rolling on the floor in agony right now, it is probably just psychological trauma. What about the other one?"


Camilla's face loses most its tension.

"...same age as the girl, but he looks really young."

The tension returns as fast as it left.

"Shit." Camilla responds and takes a second to collect her thoughts.

"Ok, drive to the school as fast as you can, the school is brand new and they made a huge investment in it's medical facilities. I'll radio ahead to the next stop and tell them to send the kid home. I'll also let the police know about the dead Cat 3 and about it having a toxin. I have never seen that kind of thing before. Typically that is a Cat 1 kinda thing, someone will probably want to know."