
The Not People

This is the story of John Cooper and his path through a world that has been irrevocably scarred by both forces beyond anyone's control and humanities response to them.

John_Doe_2280 · Urban
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Chapter 5

(On top of the bus)

As Tim fell unconcious, Camilla steeled herself, and got her weapon ready.

Tim had gotten her the target she needed to maybe end this quickly.

'If only he could have given me an idea of how big it was, if I am lucky it will be small.'

The side of the bus cried out a large wail as the man turned monster climbed it.

Fortune seemed to favor everyone on the bus at that time as Camilla saw the right mantis like forearm of the threat latch on to the top of the barriers of the bus in the attempt to pull itself onto the top of the bus.

On the the forearm a fist size glowing white runic pattern shown in the dim twilight of the morning right where Tim had reported. Its complex mathematical pattern having no time to be studied to glean insights on the nature of who he was nor what this man's existence meant.

"Thank God you are stupid too."

Camilla exclaimed as she took aim with preternatural accuracy and shot at it with no shred of remorse or hesitation in her actions, body language, or thoughts.


On that morning the schizophrenic man named Noah Smith died as the bullet tore through the small runic symbol. He felt the pain and the world go dimmer. But he also felt peace. The cold of the nights would never again seep into his bones while he slept on the streets. He would never have to go through withdraw again. Most importantly the many voices and hallucinations in his head would have to find someone new to torment.

His family, who gave up caring for him long ago, would shortly get a call from the police. They would act remorseful, but deep inside they would feel relief. A relief shared by the rest of society that he was no longer in it, no longer a threat, no longer a drain on resources, and that a small part of the worlds collective nightmare was put down.