
The Not People

This is the story of John Cooper and his path through a world that has been irrevocably scarred by both forces beyond anyone's control and humanities response to them.

John_Doe_2280 · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 0 (Epilouge)

As the Earth spun through space, hurdling through the cosmos at barley conceivable speeds, it finally arrived at a destination in the void that it was always headed towards. This world's path had been set since the since the gas in its star was but a lose drifting cloud yet to even start nuclear fusion. A path that could only be changed by an act of something approximating a God.

If there were such a being, on the day that the fate of the world was set and the trillions of days following, it did not feel the need to spare nor even warn the inhabitants of the planet, of the horrors to come.

On an innocuous summer night the planet passed into a region of space that would in the future be clinically labeled, Dark Matter Cluster A1-1217. The first ripples of this even was when THEY started to change, The Not People.