

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


As a caring mother, Monica Yen didn't stop on asking. She rather walked gently towards the bed where her daughter Babara Yen was sitting with a laptop on her thighs and sat right by her left hand side, to see what exactly was consuming her minds.

Shockingly, on the laptop screen were pictures of Monica's second twin daughter Pinky. Immediately Monica saw the photos, her voice started stammering anxiously in a panic to make an excuse.

She thought Babara had already found out about having a sister yet it wasn't the case. Babara was only jealous after finding out about a girl who physically looked exactly like her, that she claimed wanting to steal her new boyfriend Kevin Moore away from her.

However, Monica's excuse made matters worse. It alerted her daughter to know every secret she never wanted her to know yet about her past.

Panting and sweating consecutively, "I... I... am... I, I can explain!" stuttering in her voice, Monica Yen stated.

Babara Yen slowly turned her face and aggressive eyes and looked at her mother with a wondering stare.

"I d-don't know where to start from!" Monica Yen stuttered once again and fled out of her daughter's bedroom.

Babara Yen wisely knew that before tackling the problem worrying her about the identical girl Pinky, there was vital information she had to hear from her mother. Anxious to hear it, Babara closed her laptop and quickly went after her mother.

Monica Yen sat on her bed inside her room and whined on and on, regreting her weakness of not being open when there is a need for the truth to be told. This was the same weakness that forced her husband Jonathan to flee and abandon her.

Gently, Babara Yen pushed the door and entered inside her mother's bedroom. She stood right infront of her but never did she open the mouth to speak. She instead watched her crying, keenly for quite some time.

After shading enough tears in guilt under the watch of her daughter, "....sit down here, please!" Monica politely asked.

Quietly, Babara stepped slowly closer and sat right next to her mother with open ears, ready to listen to whatever she had to tell her about Pinky. There was a moment of silence between the mother and daughter before a word was said.

"I'm scared," Monica Yen spoke, but it's all my fault."

Babara Yen curiously listened in the silence of the night.

"What am about to tell you right now, I would have told you long time ago when you were still a child," fifty years old mother and a billionaire boss lady Monica Yen began to narrate what was important for her daughter to know.

"Perhaps if it wasn't my selfishness, my family would have been together by now. I regret the pain I've caused to you all and If you're to hate, please hate on me but not on any one else. They are humans with no crime whatsoever."

"Your father that I've never wanted to talk about every time you asked is alive and his name is Jonathan. He was a very nice human to me.. that's why I married him. My selfishness made it tough to tell him the truth about my identity."

"From when me and him were kids, I knew I was a vampire and never told him. Even before and after our wedding I remained silent about it. How heartless was I to do such a thing! It was like I forced him into a dark marriage."

"Apart from not telling him I was a vampire, another selfish decision I made was not telling him I was carrying twins in my womb. What makes me more heartless is, I had made a decision to kill you immediately after birth."

"Kill me! gosh!" Babara wondered.

"Monica Yen sorrowfully said, "I'm sorry but that was it. As a mother, I wasn't courageous enough to kill my own baby even when I raised that sharp blade and pointed it at you when your innocent eyes where openly looking at me."

"You must understand that Pinky is your twin sister. Your father fled with her on the day of birth after finding out about my poor secret. At the sight his wife turning into a huge bat he froze, being too scared to even run out of the room that night."

Bitterly Babara Yen raised up on her feet and said, "you think am going to sit here and say thank you for telling me? What do you except me to do? Hug Pinky and say welcome to family dear sister! that won't happen mom! I don't have a sister in my entire life!!"

Babara found it hard to believe. Her mind was teemed up with a million hurts and angers that she walked out of her mother's sight madly, shutting the door behind her.

Monica stood up in confusion, "Babara!" and tried to call her back, but it was kinda hard for Babara to pay attention to her mother any further. Monica Yen gave up in despair because it was now senseless to go after Babara when she's freshly mad.

On a laptop, Babara scrolled through pictures and videos of her twin sister Pinky, after madly leaving her mother's bedroom feeling keen disagreement. Babara had never put on such a gloomy face before than she was holding.

In party pictures, there was a grown up gentleman who kept appearing on Pinky's side that Babara paid attention to. She zoomed to look at him so closely, and the written information clearly stated, "Pinky's manager and father Jonathan."

Monica Yen in her bedroom was on a laptop doing exactly the same thing her daughter Babara was doing. She had never taken time to think that she can actually view her husband Jonathan and second daughter Pinky on internet.

So, meeting Babara on a laptop earlier viewing Pinky on internet was a mind opener to Monica. She smiled with a sad face while she scrolled through photos of Pinky and Jonathan. She even watched a video of Pinky modeling.

Looking on both sides, Babara Yen came to know how her father looked like for the first time in her life whereas her mother Monica Yen came know the kind of life her husband and daughter where living by that time.

Monica and Babara were sad and happy at the same time in their bedrooms, on the beds where they were sitting, each holding a laptop on thighs.

Pinky visits Tsunami's lady's shop to do some shopping:

It was afternoon, Pinky and Kevin Moore had to go for lunch as lovers. On their way in one of Kevin's super cars Pinky threw a blame at Kevin for picking her from home that fast without allowing her to even organise the hair.

Kevin: "Seriously!"

Pinky: "You caused this so, suffer the consequences."

Kevin: "Your beauty talks and am not complaining!"

Pinky: "Not with this hood and messy face darling!"

Kevin: "Alright, what if you put these shades on! No one will be able to identify you."

Pinky: "Uh uh, however convincing your words maybe, get for me a lunch box and I'll have it right here in the car. Am not getting into any restaurant!"

Kevin: "Okay then, find a nearby makeup paradise that can change your style somehow. Am not ready to have lunch in a car."

Pinky: "A real man treats his woman like a queen. That's why I love you."

On Google map, she searched. "Bingo...!" excitedly Pinky yelled, "The paradise is called 'TSUNAMI PARA', half a mile away."

Kevin turned the car around depending on the Google map, stepped on gas and the car accelerated towards the target destination.

Safely, right infront of TSUNAMI PARA, Kevin Moore parked the super car. 'Here we're," he said. All eyes inside the PARA and nearby environment stuck on the classy car to see who exactly came with it.

As usual on a very expensive super car, both doors went up in the sky to make an elegance statement.

Well known for his handsome looks and un comparable unique taste of fashion which caught almost every eye in the area he appeared, Kevin Moore stepped out in asky blue combination, a silk shirt and trousers with a white vest showing inside and white sneakers.

He walked infront of the car towards the passenger's seat where he picked his pretty lady Pinky, who was disguising in a pink jump with a hood over her head, pink pants and pink hairly sandals. The dark shades which covered her eyes made it difficult for anyone to recognize her.

"Wow!" Tsunami's friends gape-jawed in a shock over what their naked eyes were watching at the moment. The couple walked majestically towards the the entrance of TSUNAMI PARA as the doors on the car behind went down to close at once only by the press of a remote control button.

"Hey!" Tsunami called her two friends in a very low voice, "he's got a lady... you all better calm your eyes down."

Hey!" Tsunami called her two friends in a very low voice, "he's got a lady... you all better calm your eyes down."

"Oh my goodness, check out that white handbag right there!" Pinky saw a handbag at the display immediately she got inside TSUNAMI PARA and got attracted to it.

"You want to check it out?" Kevin Moore asked her as he released her arm.

"Of course sweetheart!" she said and rushed to where the handbag was; "this is so beautiful!" Pinky whispered in joy holding the bag in her left hand, as she turned around to see her lover who was walking gently towards her with a smile on his face.

"How about that one... and that one... even that one!" Kevin Moore pointed at other beautiful handbags around the place which Pinky had not yet seen. They were very attractive that she had to take off her sunglasses to show appreciation.

"Wow!" she exclaimed in delight, "I think am taking every bag in here!"

"No, you wont!" Jokingly Kevin Moore refused, "it's the make up and then lunch." He grabbed her hand playful and dragged her to the make-up side. "We have less than an hour here," kevin told the artist, "make sure my baby shines."

Pinky was holding on tight the white handbag when Kevin told her, "you're too rich to steal that bag", kiddingly while he took it out of her hands where she was sitting, waiting for her face to be painted with makeup.

"When it comes to making my girlfriend's make-up, she's a real baby. Please treat her with excessive care", Kevin told the make up artist, a male who never lost his smile at any point, but looked like a female.

Kevin Moore found himself a seat which gave him a clear view of his lover Pinky and he relaxed with his legs crossed akimbo. From a distance face to face, Pinky laughed. Kevin became uncomfortable and stood up. He began to walk around the shop checking on the bags.

After preparing his tools accordingly, the make-up artist started on a job he knew well to do, starting with removing the jumper hood off Pinky's head then he covered her well with a make-up apron around the neck to protect her outfits.

Tsunami was busy carrying on a conversation with her two friends who were testing different types of new make-ups right in her office which had a glass display, allowing her to see clearly the whole shop.

"He can't hit on me and disappear just like that! I can put his house on fire", one of Tsunami's friends stated.

"That's too rude to do, I can't hurt him!" another friend of hers responded defensively.

"But you smashed Martin's phone back in high school!" Tsunami reminded her, "remember?"

"Remind her baby... remind her!" cheered the other friend, "months back she went her separate ways with Ben for smashing his car window after catching him red handed with another bae!"

"That's because I wasn't mature enough to keep my cool!" she replied to them.

"Tsunami can believe your story but not me girl, I know what you're capable of... I learned from you how to deal with cheaters," her colleague said.

As it is a girls' habit to talk about boys especially when they are more than two in number, boys was the topic between Tsunami and her two girlfriends.

"I can't have a dude like him and don't tighten the security," the same colleague added, pointing at Kevin Moore who she watched on the other side through the glass wall of the office.

"Tsunami and the other friend, turned their eyes to see the dude their friend was referring too, "he's such a pretty guy, that girl is the luckiest", a friend stated in an admiring tone.

Tsunami turned her eyes on the girl who was having her facial make-up done. Through the glass wall in a distance she frowned her face in wonder when she saw the girl who looked familiar.

Slowly she put down on the office desk the make-up kits she had in hands and moved curiously with keen eyes nearer to observe clearly if who she saw was exactly who she thought.

"Are you alright girl?!" one of her friends asked after noticing her sudden change of conduct.

"That girl there!" Tsunami said.

"Oh, so the elegant dude came with Pinky!" one of the two Tsunami's friends exclaimed in surprise.

"Why are you calling her Pinky!" Tsunami's wondered.

"Stop pretending girl!", a friend urged, "who doesn't know Pinky the top fashion model in the country!"

Since Tsunami was a poor beautiful girl who got lucky to be on the ship as one of Felix's brother's ladies to earn herself a living, she heard of but never seen Pinky before. And also being with Felix in shadows at the mansion kept her green.

However, Tsunami knew Babara with whom they met at the police station to rescue Felix when he was arrested, and also got enough time with her at hotel OCEAN when they took Felix in their hotel suite and served him a blood meal.

"Her name is Babara, a good friend to my boyfriend," Tsunami stated at the lowest of her voice. Her friends heard.

"When will you ever stop that drama Tsunami...? Always deceiving yourself about having a boyfriend! Tell us, which kind of boyfriend you never call to talk to or him to call you! never had he ever visited your shop or sent flowers", they argued her out, "stop lying you're single."

She looked at both of them but couldn't argue back because her lover Felix was a vampire which could not move during day time except at night. Besides, this was a secret she had to keep away from the public, not even her closest friends to know.

Tsunami ignored her friends and put her attention back to sorting the make-up. It wasn't even a minute when one of her employees came in and asked for assistance from her, which gave her a chance to leave her friends' space and breath.

On the side of the shop display she approached. Pinky was making a selection of five classic handbags and on top of that they were some of the most expensive ones. Tsunami had to attend in person to such a zealous customer.

"My name is Tsunami, the CEO of TSUNAMI PARA", she introduced herself with a handshake to Pinky and her lover Kevin Moore.

"Oh, you're the boss! nice meeting you... am so impressed with your shop, its such a classic," Pinky complimented.

"Thank you so much", Tsunami happily replied with a surprised expression on her face, wondering how possible it was for Babara to pretend as if she had never seen her before.

While helping Pinky with her choice of handbags, Tsunami took some good time to observe her clearly at the closest range. The way she talked, her tone of voice, the hand she used most, height and physical appearance in general.


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