

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


After noticing their faces, that was when a die hard officer of fashion and a fan to Pinky saw Babara Yen and walked excitedly to meet her for a greet and an autograph.

"Hey! its not why we're here!" Monica Yen quickly stepped in to intervene.

An excited police officer stepped back after being stopped by Monica Yen from interacting with Babara Yen, a young lady he mistook to be Pinky, his fashion model celebrity.

Since it was at the police station and they had come for a different reason, Babara Yen didn't speak a word about it however much it disturbed her conscious.

She recalled a moment when she saw Kevin Moore for the first time, a handsome dude who was standing infront of her hotel suite door having a conversation with secretary Jamila, immediately Kevin saw her together with her mom approaching in the corridor, he turned excitedly, for him to address her, "Pinky!"

Babara Yen had never taken an initiative to concentrate on it but this second incident with a police officer blew her mind that she never took it lightly. And how her mother intervened in both incidents, it was something else to think about.

However, Babara Yen kept her cool to respect the visit at the police station.

"You have visitors Mr Felix," a police officer came to the cell with keys to bring him outside.

Felix put his hands out through the bars to be handcuffed. After that, the cell was unlocked and by his left hand he was supported by this officer, who accompanied him to the room where he met his visitors.

His skin had started to turn pale and the eyes were reddish. This was due to the fact that he never fed in time the whole night when he had to.

However, the officer didn't know why Felix was in such a bad shape. As they walked shoulder to shoulder, Felix never took his eyes off the officer's neck for he was thirsty and needed to feed so bad.

Felix was excited to look at Tsunami, his beloved girlfriend. He gave her a warm hug for quite a moment, which resulted into emotional tears between both of them, more so Tsunami.

"Everything is going to be alright," whispered Felix into her ear.

After, they had to release each other so that Felix could pay attention to the most important matters. He asked his lawyer and Tsunami for an excuse and wait from outside the room, which they comfortably did.

Inside the room stayed Babara Yen, her mother Monica Yen and Felix himself together with the officer who stood on the side.

"Can you please allow me to privately speak with my people if you don't mind?" Felix requested the officer who remained standing, refusing to go outside.

"Why are you here Felix? What happened?" Monica Yen as a mother figure was so touched to see Felix in such a state that she asked on a sorrowful face.

Felix couldn't say anything infront of the officer because it was to get him convicted for the murder of fifteen young ladies which he wasn't ready for at that moment.

When Monica Yen's eyes accidentally concentrated in Felix's eyes, "No! this is impossible!" Monica Yen spoke worriedly, "it can't be!"

She noticed Felix had turned into a vampire.

"I'm going to get you out of here first then we can talk about everything later at a safer place," Monica assured Felix in a bad state he was into. His body was already shivering.

According to how Felix looked at Babara Yen, it wasn't at all friendly. He suspected Babara to be the major reason his life turned upside down, and the reason for loosing his beloved brother Franklin Baron.

"No evidence for the charges," said the lawyer to the officer in charge of the police station, "and my client is sick as you can see, you can't keep him here!"

Sickness was written all over Felix by just looking at his physical appearance. His whole face was ashy, eyes were reddish and his body was all shivering, squeezing himself so tight as if he had a very high fever.

Officers had no option except to release Felix out of jail.

Secretary Jamila took off her coat which Felix put over his head to prevent sunlight from reaching his delicate vampire skin while he walked outside to the car.

Monica and her daughter Babara put their veils, shades and scalfords back on so that they could safely access their car without the sun roasting their skins too.

Officers at the station never took their eyes off these people for they couldn't understand why they were over packaging themselves to this extent.

"Who doesn't know Pinky the top fashion model celebrity! And that's why she's disguising that way to avoid 'we' the die hard fans from noticing and gathering around her. We usually delay her programs," an officer who earlier on was asking for an autograph said happily to other colleagues.

The two car accelerated away from the police station, leaving officers in the arms of their fellow officer lecturing them in a convincing conversation about how much he knew Pinky and never missed her television modeling shows.

"Forgive me about the death of your brother," Babara Yen asked for an apology standing infront of Felix who was sitting shivering on the coach, "I never knew what I was until that day at his mega ship."

A detailed conversation carried on inside the hotel suite at hotel OCEAN when they arrived. Monica Yen from the other side came along with human blood packets labeled with words "property of the blood bank", in capital letters.

"My chiller keeps it warm and fresh like it's direct from a human," Monica Yen told Felix as she opened for him a packet to drink.

With some doubt, Felix looked at the packet full of blood and slowly lifted his hand to collect it. He read the words and then after, still in doubt, slowly took the packet to the mouth and began to suck blood out.

When he tasted, it was wonderful even though it was not looking appetizing from the packet. Felix greedily began to enjoy the blood meal, finishing one packet after the other.

In a very little time, his health was regained, his skin and eyes were just as normal as those of a perfect human being and he was not shivering no more. None of all of them was happier than Tsunami his lover among the four who were besides him watching.

Monica: "So, how did you end up like this?"

Felix: "My brother Franklin Baron infected me."

Monica: "Where is he?"

Felix: "I've tried to trace for him but I think the accident finished him."

Babara: "Accident!"

Monica: "Which accident?"

Felix: "After finding him dead on the ship, I wanted to take his body for burial. I sailed it to the dock into the car where I sat to drive. He woke up when I was not aware and I just felt a sudden bite on my neck from behind. That's where my memory stops; at the moment when the car is flipping."

Monica: "A mere car accident cannot destroy your brother trust me. If it did, then you wouldn't have survived too."

Babara: "Mom is right Felix."

Felix: "Then where could he possibly be?" Could it be?!" (thought and whispered).

Monica: "Do you have any idea where he could be?"

Felix: "I think we're hunted!"

Babara: "Some men tried to kill you too?"

Monica: "Don't tell me they're still alive....! Please tell us what you know because if it is what I am thinking, those guys are to dangerous to defeat."

Felix: "They were in a black cadillac escalade, all dressed in black outfits following me before the police arrested me. As soon as I looked at the one who was driving, I wasn't the same. It was my first time to fear ever since I got sick!"

Monica: "Thank heavens the police arrested you because if they got you first, you would have been destroyed by now."

Felix: "Am more dangerous than the police why didn't they take me from the police hands?!"

Babara: "When those guys attacked me, their weapons and skills were specially for hunting something dangerous and not humans."

Monica: "Those guys are more of our kind and not humans. We have to find out why they're targeting us and maybe they could tell us more about our origin."

Babara: "And if you want to survive, then you better stay with my mom because she's the only one who can fight them."

Worriedly, every one around looked in a moment of silence.

"One more question," Felix said when all of them were quiet and he asked, "I still need to know what happened inside that private lounge at the ship when you entered inside with my brother."

Babara sighed. "Your brother raped me. I never new that I had a demon living inside me until that night. I just found myself becoming extremely powerful and turning into something deadly when he was on top of me."

On hearing this, Felix felt so broken and busted into tears. He knew his brother was capable of doing so according to his obsession with ladies.

"I advised my brother to control his weakness but he didn't listen. Whenever he saw a beautiful woman, If he failed to convince her then he raped her. I warned him that one day it was going to cause him a very big problem," Felix spoke in tears.

"I deeply apologize on my brother's behalf, please forgive us Babara Yen," Felix knelt down on his knees before Babara and apologized in the presence of Monica Yen, secretary Jamila and his lover Tsunami.

Babara Yen came foward to lift him up for it wasn't his fault.

"It's alright Felix.... it's not your fault," Babara told him, "am also sorry for putting your life into this misery of a disease."

Up on his feet Felix said; "Now I know I deserve to be sick, I'm paying for my brother's sin."

"No....! you don't have to think like that Felix!" Babara told him.

"It's the truth Babara, in fact in have to dry all my tears from today onwards. Someone must carry the cross of all the wrong deeds of my family," Felix stated, "and am here, ready to do so."

Felix whipped tears off his face using his palm and stopped crying.

A business call came from Buena city to secretary Jamila's phone here in Capricon city. She answered and listened. "It if for you," she gave it to Babara Yen as the CEO in charge.

"Excuse me," Babara Yen asked and went private in her bedroom to speak to whoever was behind the phone. Even in Capricon city, Monica Yen's businesses in Buena city were performing well under the management of her next of kin and daughter Babara Yen.

Felix and his human lover Tsunami had to move into the hotel suite which was formally used by Monica Yen before she shifted into her daughter's hotel suite.

This was to keep Felix safe from the realm leader Jelly Spatters and the hunter vampires of which he had no idea about, all after being cautioned by Monica Yen and her daughter Babara.

"I want you to know that am glad to have you by my side," Felix told Tsunami who was enjoying her human food, that is chicken and a fruit salad followed by a smoothy. She smiled so pretty.

"You have to go to the mansion and get us a car of your choice which you're going to be using around and some good cash from the safe," he added.

Tsunami got a business of her own, a makeup shop which was also selling luxury handbags and lady's shoes. It kept her busy during the day that she had to leave the hotel every morning and drive out in a ferrari for work.

By the time Felix was going to bed in the morning after being awake for the whole night as a vampire, Tsunami was waking up for work to start a busy day as a human being and vice-versa at night.

This created a room for Babara Yen and Felix as vampires to interact so much because they were usually awake midnight and beyond while Tsunami was asleep. At the glass balcony on the highest floors of hotel OCEAN they stood and conversed.

And from here Babara Yen came to know about Pinky through a conversation with Felix.

Time check was was one minute to 2am. From a far in the dark skies the moon shined so bright. At the glass balcony stood Felix and just next to him on the left was Babara Yen putting on a night gown which was yellow in color.

Both of them held red wine glasses in their hands which were filled with nothing but human blood. They relaxed in a night breeze which kept on blowing Babara's long shiny black hair backwards while they sipped on human blood.

Felix: "I just miss it."

Babara: "I know."

Felix: "Tsunami tells me it yummy... she puts it on my lips."

Babara: "I bet you even feel the aroma!

Felix: "For that crispy chicken, not at all. It's human blood now.... my favorite."

Babara: "just enjoy the vampire privileges, forever young, hyper speed and energetic."

Felix: "You smile exactly like her!"

Babara: "Who?"

Felix: That fashion model celebrity.... her name is Pinky."

Babara: "Wait a minute!"

Felix: "You mean you don't know her?! when you look at her physically, the difference between the two of you is the similarity."

Babara: "Are you being serious!"

Felix: "After seeing her on television, I went to meet her thinking she was you. Believe me, even your voice tones talk the same way."

Babara: "Occasionally, people have always addressed me by that name."

Felix: "You mean Pinky! You people deserve to be identical twin sisters if you don't know. I called her Babara Yen and she didn't notice me, not even the name! When I stood infront of her, she welcomed me like a fan. I was surprised."

Babara: "So, she's the one dating my man!"

Felix: "Is everything okay!"

Babara: "Don't mind everything is alright. I think I need to go inside and chill in the bathtub... I'm hot."

Babara Yen said "seen you later", to Felix and she walked on a plastic smiling face but with bitterly bursting jealousy deep within. Felix looked back at her with Instinct eyes but he left the feeling to drop.

When Babara Yen got out of Felix's hotel suite, quickly in a night dress and barefoot she rushed through the red marble wide corridors of hotel OCEAN on a very inquisitive face to get to her hotel suite.

She reached and opened the door, bumped inside and shut it absent-minded, then quickly passed by her mom where she was in a living room flexing muscles in yoga pants, to her bedroom.

Monica Yen turned and looked at her daughter with her face in wonder about what had come upon her daughter wherever she was coming from, to pass by her holding such a very unfriendly face to nearly slam a precious door.

When Babara Yen got inside her bedroom, she straight away got on her laptop and turned it on. Breathlessly she typed in the words, "Fashion model Pinky." Since it was a first class gadget, in a blink of an eye it served her data.

That's when her mother also knocked and pushed the door to walk in.

"Is everything alright my daughter?!" Monica Yen softly asked Babara whose eyes were stuck on a laptop screen, in a caring tone of voice.


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