
The Next Vampire

A poor boy, happened to stumble upon a system which turned him into a vampire, in a world where all the weak are suppressed. This is his story.

Opxis · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Vampire Knight?

Victor had at least 2 seconds of peace before, the annoying voice came back.

'Alright, so I'm back' said the Voice. 'So the thing is you're a Vampire. Vampires are a race of blood hungry creatures who drink blood as food. Vampires are classified in families in which there are different types of vampires doing different types of things. There are countless vampire families, and if you were to create one there is no guarantee it would transform into one of the high families. High Families or for the families that have many members, and are part of the Vampire King's Council. Each Council member is a Vampire Lord, in which they rule their own territory. Vampire Family Leaders are able to create subordinates by infusing their blood with a human, or another vampire that isn't in a family. I will get into detail about that if you decide to create a family.'

"So, what is Oliver? He is my subordinate, but does he listen to my orders or does he do anything he wants" asked Victor.

'If he is not suicidal, then he will follow your orders. Subordinates cannot harm, or attack their Leader in any way, unless given the order to do so. It is extremely rare to have a subordinate while not in a family but, I guess you're an exception?' said The Voice in a casual tone.

Before Victor could reply, he heard a grunt come from his left side where Oliver was laying. Sure enough, Oliver was stirring and was currently awake, yet dazed. Victor decided he would test something.

"Arise, Oliver," said Victor. He wanted to see to what extent Oliver would follow him.

[Congratulations, you have named your first brethren.]

"Hm?" thought Victor, wondering what the pop up meant.

'Ah, I see what's going on here. So you see, once you have turned a vampire subordinate, they immediately lose their name, and remain an unnamed Vampire. Once named however, they receive the blessing of the leader stat, and gives them a 5% boost in all their stats, regardless of their rank in your family. Rank, is pretty self explanatory so yeah. If you wish to create ranks, you would need to create a family first, and the rest is pretty easy. So if you wouldn't mind, can I contr—'

"Silence. I don't need your begging, and for the last bedamn time, you're not having my body."

'So, how do I check your peoples stats, is it like…' thought Victor.

'Oliver Stats' he thought. Well at least that was easy…


[Title:] None - (None Equipped)

[Character Status:] Normal - (Craving Blood)

[Status:] Pauper - (Very Poor)

[Name:] Oliver - (Full Name)

[Family Name:] None - (No Family)

[Master Name:] Victor - (???)

[Race:] Vampire Knight - (One of the most capable subordinates classes)

[Health:] 100/100 - (Full)

[Experience Points:] 0/100

[Level:] 1

[Stamina:] 12

[Strength:] 8

[Durability:] 1

[Charm:] 0

[Intelligence:] 8

[LoyaltyLevel:] 2%

[Skills:] Loyalty Teleportation - (1 Skill)



Victor noticed two things. The first being that Oliver had one skill. He clicked the skill and…

[Loyalty Teleportation:] Your named subordinates automatically gain this skill. This skill allows your subordinates to teleport to your side at any time. This skill has a cool down of 24 hours.
