
The Next Vampire

A poor boy, happened to stumble upon a system which turned him into a vampire, in a world where all the weak are suppressed. This is his story.

Opxis · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Insubordination

'Neat' Victor thought. He wondered if he had gotten any abilities, but he guess not, as he didn't really have any when he checked.

Oliver soon was standing fully, blinking his eyes. He looked around the room for about a second before realizing that he was in a dark room with no one else except him. No matter how Oliver looked at it, it looked like he had been kidnapped. He, however would not let them use his body for research purposes. He got into a hostile fighting stance and faced Victor.

Victor however, was grinning maliciously inside. He could finally test his power over his subordinates.

"Oliver, I recommend you don't try and fight or run. You can't. Your now a vampire knight under me. You are my subordinate, and are subject to listen to my orders. To put it frankly, I am your master, and you are my servant." said Victor looking at Oliver for a response.

Oliver spat in his face.

"If you expect to get a response out of me, don't get too excited. I'll kill myself, before allowing me to be subject to you." Saying this, Oliver rushed at Victor intending to land a hit.


Oliver suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure to sit. The more he resisted, the more the feeling grew. Soon he couldn't resist and submitted to the will of whatever it was. He sat on the floor grudgingly, biding his time.

"So now you see what I can do. I am your master as said before, and you shall follow my orders, and—

[Your Subordinates loyalty has decreased by 1%]

[Your Subordinates loyalty has decreased by 1%]

[Your subordinates loyalty has reached zero. They are not subject to your will any longer.]

[To regain their trust, you must affect the, deeply, or mark them with your mark.]

'Mark? What's a mark?' thought Victor.

'Ah, why do you have to move so darn fast. A mark is your family seal, and it ensures your family members never disobey, or go astray, because if they do, and they attempt to do anything that could harm you, they will die on the spot. To conjure your mark you just first feel the blood energy in you. Then try to exert it out of you and onto him. That should do it, but I warn, you lose all your blood power if you do this.'

"Seems simple enough," said Victor aloud. Victor then closed his eyes and focused. He focused on every part of his body, mainly his mana veins. He then tapped into his mana, and he felt a rush of energy rush through him like a raging river, but his mana pool was so big, it seemed like an endless sea of cyan colored energy. He started scanning through the mana, looking for soemthing, anything that could be his blood power. There in the middle of the ocean of mana stood, a small red dot, incomparable to the plentiful mana. He tapped in on it, and there he felt a devouring hunger, for blood, blood which he craved. He grabbed the blood, and lurched forcing it on top of the mana, covering it in a layer of red, making his blood powers to the maximum it could be.

[You have received a quest!]

Victor, was past being suprised by the systems random notifications, and clicked on the pop up.


[You have received a quest!]

[Quest: Form your blood mark on Oliver!]

[Oliver, a member of your family has lost his loyalty to you! Get his loyalty back, and make him one of your own for eternity!]

[Rewards:] Brand New Skill, Oliver's Loyalty, 30000 Exp!

[Penalty:] Lose Oliver's Trust, and Lose your family!

[Do you accept:] [Yes] | [No]

Note: Not accepting the quest will result in immediate failure of it.


Victor clicked on the yes prompt and finally opened his eyes determined, not aware how creepily he was grinning.

Oliver was startled. The guy he was just arguing with a second ago was now dead quiet and had his eyes closed. He then opened and was now staring at him with a devilish grin.

Victor dashed toward Oliver at top speed aiming for a particular spot on his body, his nape. Oliver dodn't know how to react and stood rock still tracking, surprisingly Victors movements. Instead of aiming for his head Victor rushed forward and did a summersault straight over victors head. He flipped around, and was suddenly behind Oliver. He then channeled some of his demon energy into his finger tip and touched Oliver's nape. Suddenly..

[You have marked a member of your family!]

[You are now required to create a family!]

[Please create your family seal!]

Victor was given threee options for his vampire seal. A blood dripping from a vampire set of teeth, or a single red claw mark and last but not least, a custom one. Victor decided on the custom and created his own, which had a purple blood drip, falling into a vampire that was all black, and had purple jagged lime marks running down his entire body. He now also need to create a family. He opened his menu, and clicked the family create button. In it he found the following:

[Please create your family name: ______________]

Victor wanted something that would stand out, a emblem that no one would dare ever mess with. He knew from the voice, that a family name was permanently chosen, and could never be fixed. Victor was thinking hard when Oliver suddenly spoke up.

"Um, whatever the hell your name is, what the hell is going on? I'm confused as to what happened to my body, and what is on my neck. I feel like I am about to burst from feeling inferior."

'Hey, Voice mind explaining to him?' thought Victor.

'I can't. I'm stuck inside your head, and I dont't have access to other peoples minds. Also my name is Servan. Stop calling me voice.'

Victor mentally sighed, and then explained everything that happened for the past few minutes to him, except for the system parts. He called them pieces of divine power. He didn't want to reveal anything to him yet. Wait! I know what to make my name…

The Blood Corruption

Soon he entered that and…