
The Next Vampire

A poor boy, happened to stumble upon a system which turned him into a vampire, in a world where all the weak are suppressed. This is his story.

Opxis · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Glow Up

Once he woke up, Victor felt empowered. He felt his body had changed, and looked down at his body. He skin was now toned, and his once lanky body was nowhere to be seen! His skin was smooth, and his skinny frame was still there, however had gotten a bit more muscle. However, his face was unnaturaly pale, his whole skin for that matter.

'Like your little glow up?'

Victor looked around annoyed. He soon realized the voice was in his head, and was really and absolutely annoying. Wait a minute thought Victor. He suddenly remembered that Oliver had been affected by the glow and was currently in the same room as him. He looked around and saw him lying unconscious on the floor. Even though they weren't related in anyway, Victor felt an invisible string that tied him to Oliver, to protect him, and care for him. Oliver he noticed, wasn't coming around anytime soon. He realized he would have to wait for a while until Oliver did come around. Soon he was bored and looked around for stuff to do.

'Oho, bored already my friend? Wanna know what happened to ya?'

No matter how much he thought about, Victor could find no other thing on this planet that was more annoying.

"Sure", replied Victor.

'Okay so, can you say, or think System Interface?'

"And I should because…" asked Victor suspicously.

'For gods sake, I have known you for five minutes and your already getting annoying.'

Victor rolled his eyes and decided to do as he was told.

'System Interface' thought Victor.

"Nothing is—"

In the middle of his talk, an entire screen appeared in front of him with a black rim, blue light in the middle.


[Title:] None - (None Equipped)

[Character Status:] Normal - (Semi-Hungry)

[Status:] Peasant - (Very Poor)

[Name:] Victor - (Full Name)

[Family Name:] None - (No Family)

[Race:] Lesser Vampire - (Lowest Rank Of Vampires)

[Health:] 100/100 - (Full)

[Experience Points:] 0/100

[Level:] 1

[Stamina:] 10

[Strength:] 3

[Durability:] 5

[Charm:] 3

[Intelligence:] 12

[Blood Power:] 10

[Skills:] None - (No Skills)


"Nice. So this is my what.." asked Victor trailing off.

'This is your main screen of yourself. Your title would be a type of status you have over certain people, and will have different effects depending on who you are talking to. Your status, is what you appear to other people, and your status in society. Your family name is basically your group of people you affiliate with in the vampire world. If you don't want to be part of a vampire family, you can create your own, and lead it. I would recommend joining a family, but that is my opinion. Your race is exactly what you think it is, and you're a lesser vampire. You are the lowest kind of vampire, and if you were to enter the vampire realm, you would instantly be forced and beaten until you join a family. Once you do, you are to follow that family's legacy, and rules blah blah blah. The rest is pretty self explanatory until your blood powers. It is basically like your mana, except instead of being a human where you have mana, it has been converted into blood power. Blood powers are about 4x stronger than human mana, so having 10 is considered a huge amount. I'll give you some time to digest this. Also, that guy down there on the floor is your subordinate. I'll explain in a bit more detail once I am back.'

Victor had never been more overwhelmed in his life. He had been basically told that he had become a monster now, and was no longer human. He needed to learn how to disguise himself quickly, and get the hell out of town. Once done, he needs to learn to survive in the wild, because he wouldn't be allowed to live with humans. The humans would kill him as soon as they caught a whiff of what he was. He also quickly needed to rise the ranks of vampires and become stronger than he currently was, or he could be one shot by an F rank hunter. The matter about Oliver was that he was his subordinate? He would need to ask the damn voice about it, and he needed to get out of town quickly. He would have to wait until the voice came back to get out, as he still need a bit more help. Although he didn't like relying on him like this, he couldn't just let his only source of information go. Little did he know, a king who would be a legend was born!

Thank you for staying with me this far! I promise, something fun is about to happen.

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