
Chapter 25:Illegal Auction


Seeing the Naruto gadgets pop up in your inventory, nature chakra mastery, and Jūgo Bloodline added to your stats, you get ready to go to the auction putting on the Akatsuki robe and a fake hollow mask, you head back into town.

Arriving at the suspicious shop, you walk in seeing the shop keeper ready for you next to the door leading into the back this time wearing a white mask.

Shop Keeper:"I see you brought your own mask as well. The auction is in another town farther in the Holy Empire because there is a lot of people richer there, we'll get there by using a teleportation array I set up in one of my other shops"

You:"How many other shops you have? And do you have any other curse items I could buy?"

Shop Keeper:"You and your cursed item, well seeing as you haven't died yet even though you bought all those cursed weapons I guess it wouldn't hurt to sell you some more. But know let's go to the auction you wanted to go first"

Agreeing with his statement, you follow him into one of the back rooms again, this time entering a room with a large magic circle. Memorizing the layout and runes on the magic circle just in case you might need this later on.

Walking towards the middle of the circle, the circle starts to light up until you could see nothing but the white light. Fading away, you see that your in a similar room with a magic circle, it's just that the walls and ceiling are different.

You:"Do we have enough time for me to look around in this shop?l

Shop Keeper:"If you must, you can take a look, we have about less than hour before the auction starts"

Taking you to another room, you look around again, taking every cursed item;2 bow, 5 swords, and 1 set of 50 throwing knifes paying 13 gold coins. Looking around to find a blood magic book and a curse mark book, buying them for 5 gold coins, looking at the potion shelf, you can't find anything useful but 4 bottles of poison which cost 4 gold coins.

Looking at the poison, you remember that the only resistance against poison you have is your regeneration, you think of a way to become immune to poison.

System:Ding! User has bought [(C)Poison Dragon Slayer Magic] for 500,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has learned [(C)Poison Dragon Slayer Magic]

Drinking the poison so that you can use magic to reproduce it, shocking the store keeper at the same time.

You:"When we come back, I'll buy all the Curse, poison, and Aphrodisiacs you have in stock. Don't worry about money"

Nodding, "Ok I'll get all of the items in my stock by you tomorrow, so let's get going to the auction before we're late. Also here is your number for the auction, just rise it when you want to bid on something"

Taking the sign with the number 25 on it, you guys head out to the auction. Getting to an alleyway with a dead end, you use Sage mode and check is there's anything seeing an entrance at the wall leading underground.

Not waiting for the Shop Keeper to say anything you walk pass the barrier, surprising the Shop Keeper a little. Walking down the stairs, you see that the stage and the seats of auction house. Although it is dim, you could see that the place is fancy despite being underground.

Following the Shop Keeper now to your seats, you wait for a couple minutes before someone walks onto the stage, it was a middle age man wearing a black suit and although he looked slim and weak, you couldn't see throw the man on the stage.

Cautious you start spreading out your Flying Raijin marks to move around the auction, while also using Sage mode to sense out anything unusual. Spreading your marks to the entrance and various areas around the seats and stage, and see nothing out of the ordinary you relax a little.

Auctioneer:"Lets not was any time since I know that most of you are busy, let's start with the first item on sale; a A Rank sword made by a dwarf using mithril, starting the bid at 5 gold coins"

Not caring about any of the items because you know that the low quality items comes out first, buying only books, poison, potion, herbs, and minerals that showed up every once and a while.

You got another Devil Summoning book just in case someone else in your dungeon needs it someday, 4 bottles of paralyzing poison your going to drink to increase the number of poisons you have, 4 rare herbs your going to start farming with your 5x growth rate, and rare minerals for the blacksmith mission.

After some waiting, the auctioneer announced that the last 3 items were coming and this was what we were waking for kinda talk.

Auctioneer:"The next Item we have today is 5 Catkin slaves that haven't been picked if you know what I mean. The biding will start at 50 gold coins, increasing by 5 gold coins at a time, starting with the first catkin in the far right that has white fur" after saying that 5 cat girls walk out; white A cup, black DD cup, blue D cup, red A cup, Brown G cup. Not wanting anyone to harm the Neko's you decide to buy them and 'save' them, giving them a better life in your city.

Without any hesitation, you rise up your sign, yelling, "250 gold coins for each catkins" hearing you, everyone is shocked and gasp at your proclamation.

Smiling, murmuring 'I guess we have a big spender today', "If anyone has another bid please say so now... Going once... going twi-"

Stranger:"255 for number 5"

Not wanting anyone getting any of them, "Humph, 275 for each of them" the stranger becomes quite from you say that.

The auctioneer smiles at your Bid, "Ok, Going once... going twice... going three times, sold to number 25 for 275 gold coins each"

Auctioneer:"Ok, The next Item we have today is 10 Elf slaves, The biding will start at 100 gold coins, increasing by 10 gold coins, starting with the blonde Elf on the far right" after saying that 10 elf's walked out;all the elves where naked, blonde, and big boobs beside number 8-10 which looked like dark elves which where also naked and big boobs, but had light brown skin, purplish white hair.

Going at it again, you yell, "500 gold coins each" many eyes of hatred and jealously lock on to you, while the auctioneer grins.

Shop Keeper:"I knew you had all it of many but still, you have quite a lot, and the show your putting on this very amusing"

You:"Thanks, I guess"

Auctioneer:"Going once... going twice... goi-"

Stranger 2:"510 For numbe-"

You:"600 each"

Stranger 2:"Hey at less leave one for the rest of us now"

You:"Sorry, no can do, I'm very greedy and I don't think someone as ugly as you needs to scar these girls with looking at your face everyday"

Stranger 2:"You'll pay for this one day"

You:"Of course I'm paying for them, I don't want them to fall into the hands of someone like you"

Auctioneer:"now, now behave or else we would have to throw you guys out and believe me you or me wants to do that" seeing the strange murmuring to himself, he continues, "Ok, going once... going twice... going three time, sold to number 25 for 600 gold coins each"

Auctioneer:"Ok for are last item of the day, it's a magic orb we found inside in an ancient rundown dungeon . The bidding will start, by the owners desire, anything that the owners willing to trade with, no money" walking out, an old man wearing a white robe pushes a cart with a large glowing orb which you could see space, stars, and galaxies inside, covered by a barrier, while hearing the system inside your brain say something.