
Chapter 26:Orb

System:Ding! Mission:Obtain [Space Dungeon Core] and get it to the dungeon core room, Reward:[Shukaku(1 tailed beast)], [Ichigo's Bankai], 1,000,000 Dp

System:User should note that the [Space Dungeon Core] cannot be teleported, such as Flying Raijin and teleportion array User use to get to this city

You(Head):"I can put it into one of the storage rings I bought?"

System:User can store the [Space Dungeon Core] inside any storage unit besides the systems inventory

Know that you take one of the storage rings you bought and unsealed from the Shop Keeper. Before bidding you see what everyone else bids and see if you can find something the old man in the white robs might like or dislike.

White Robed Man:"My name is Shiroi Nazo, remember that my Item will not be bided by money but anything that catches my interest"

Stranger 3:"Um, may I ask if you could tell us anything about yourself? Like Job, hobby's, and anything that might help us determine what you might like us to bid?"

Shiroi Nazo:"Unfortunately no, I will not be giving you any information about myself so try bidding something instead of asking questions"

Stranger 3:"Fine, you look old is probably trying to find something to increase your life span isn't it? I have a herb called the Striped Phoenix Flower which gives you 10 more years and recovers any injuries, illnesses, or B rank poison would you like that?"

Shiroi Nazo:"Sorry, But your guess is wrong and I'm not dying and I'm not interested in your Striped Phoenix Flower"

Stranger 4:"How about a title and land?"

Shiroi Nazo:"Sorry, I'm not interested"

Listening to everyone's bid, it's either some rare item, mineral, or herb which the old man keeps on rejecting. Thinking about what you could do, you think of buying something from the system because most of the items are from another world it's just how do you just add and prove that it's from another world. Plus most items are worst then the items bided already, and most things like electronics shouldn't be introduced into this day an age yet. Thinking for a bit more, if worst comes to worst, you'll either try to bid on how to learn chakra, reishi, or other energy's this world doesn't have or know yet or steal from someone that is successful.

Looking at the Shop Keeper.

You:"Don't you have something that might interest him with all the items you got in your stores?"

Shacking his head, "I don't think I have anything that's of interest to him from what I hear so far in this bid"

You:"Yeah I guess your right. I'm trying to think of something though, I really want that orb"

Shop Keeper:"Why so?"

You:"It's just that I have a friend that might want it a lot"

Shop Keeper:"Is that so? Why do you think your friend would want it?"

You:"Oh, I know him for a while now and I can just hear him say it in my head 'get that orb' like he's right in my brain when I saw the orb and telling me just that"

Shop Keeper:"Interesting"

Finishing your chat with the Shop Keeper, you try to think of something the old man on stage might want; Information? Immortality? Power?... didn't Ellie say something about everyone wanting to be or meet a legendary being?

You:"I'll show you an Archangel" hearing that, everyone silences, looking at you surprised, even the Shop Keeper.

Shiroi Nazo:"Oh, now this is interesting. How will you show me this Archangel? One the legendary heavenly beings"

You:"Let's just say I know someone, but if I may ask first. If I can show you a real Archangel, could you be willing to give me the orb?"

Shiroi Nazo:"... Yes, seeing one of the legendary beings that surpasses SSS rank, would definitely be worth it, especially a higher holy being such as the Archangel"

You:"I'll come up on stage and show you the mythical Archangel" walking up to the stage, you get ready and use summon on Ikaros, while everyone looks at you.

You:"Remember what you said Ok"

Shiroi Nazo:"I'll keep what I said true as long as you can fulfill your end of the deal"

hearing that your summon Ikaros, and with a flash of bright light on the stage floor, Ikaros forms with her 4 majestic wings popping out of her back, leaving feathers and a sense of holiness from the light summoning her which shocks everyone, leaving their mouth opened in awe.

Shiroi Nazo:"Never in my would I imagine that I would actually meet a real life angel. I don't think I seen anything as beautiful as this in my entire time I lived in this world. All my memories and experiences could add up or amount to this scene" the whole room goes silent as everyone looks at Ikaros in all her beautiful.

Thinking to yourself you feel kinda guilty and at the same time wanting to laugh out loud because Ikaros isn't an actual Angel. Ikaros looks around and then back to you before tilting her head, confused at what is happening right now. Seeing that the old man and everyone just looking at Ikaros, you decide to break the silence.

You:"Cough* Cough*, Um, I know that Ikaros is beautiful and all, but could I get what I was promised?"

Shiroi Nazo:"Cough* Cough*, Um sorry, hear you go, just take it" waving his hand the barrier disappears. Seeing this you walk and get the Dungeon Core, putting it into your storage ring immediately just Incase.

You:"I'll be going to pick up the rest of the items I bid today. Ikaros let's go" seeing you and Ikaros leave, Shiroi Says something.

Shiroi Nazo:"Um, wait for a moment, what is the relationship of you and... Ikaros?"

You:"Oh yes, I summoned her just like the Devil summoning book you saw early on in the auction"

Shiroi Nazo:"But those types of books only summon low level monster, although powerful in there own right, they still can't amount to the Archangel you just summoned and form the looks of things you meet her before"

You:"Let's just say that I'm a high rank summoner, and although I might be weak, I shouldn't be underestimated either" knowing that it's rude and your not going to tell him any of your secrets, he leaves you alone.

Getting off the stage you go get the 5 catkin and 10 elves and the other items you bid earlier, paying about 7,500 gold coins or 750 Dp. Thinking about how you would get home without teleporting since you have the Dungeon Core with you know. Not knowing what to do, you go find the Shop Keeper.

You:"Hey, I want to look around a bit with my girls. Is there a fast way to travel back to the town we were in besides teleporting?"

Shop Keeper:"I guess you could take an air ship to one of the closer towns and then take a carriage or Some type of steed back"

You:"Could you buy 17 tickets for the fastest way to the closes town?"

Shop Keeper:"Yeah come back to the shop in 2 hours, and I guess I should keep those items you required?"

You:"Hmmm... no we'll just spend a day before leaving"

Shop Keeper:"I'll keep that in mind when I buy the tickets for you"

Going your separate ways, you buy a couple rooms for the girls and you because their naked. After letting them change with the cloths you got in your inventory, you guys go out on a date. The girls had a blast shopping, eating, and going out on a date with you, they believed that your were taking to save them with the help of the affection necklace you have while spending time with them and with Ikaros looking like an angel and all.

After the date, you leave Ikaros to protect the girls, while you pick up the air ship tickets from the Shop Keeper. Getting the tickets, the Shop Keeper tells you to pick up the items you wanted tomorrow half pasted noon.

Leaving you to look around the city.