
Chapter 24:Trainning Chapter

Murmuring 'Trainning Arc', you remember every scene of Naruto training the Rasengan with Jiraiya; there are two major points that your kept in mind. First you need to check which way your chakra spins; using a shadow clone, you look at your hair and what way it 'spins':(Right). Second thing you need to keep in mind is to spin the chakra inside the water balloon in different directions; countering and colliding it's each other; Naruto realize this by watching a cat roll the ball back and forth.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LmaWYgof9zI (Video of Jiraiya checking Naruto spin, and cat scene)

Picking up the water ballon, you spin your chakra to the right, and while making different starting points, and curving them differently. Slowly building up spinning your chakra inside the water ballon, you open your eyes to see the water ballon forming bumps chaotically before popping.

Seeing that you mastered the first stage of Rasengan, you move on to the next step of the Rasengan training and buying a rubber ball from the system. Not wanting to have to use a shadow clone like Naruto to make the Rasengan, you try doing it yourself first.

After 1 hour you feel board, thinking that learning the Rasengan is hard, tedious, and slow... thinking about Naruto's training method, look at your Shadow in the west and the on inside the dungeon. The one in the west is finish practicing Fire Style Jutsu already, while you other Shadow is training with the Hobgoblins in weapons.

Knowing what you are thinking, the Shadow in the west start practicing the Rasengan with his 2 shadow clones, while the Shadow in the dungeon comes to you making 2 shadow clones. Making your own shadow clones, you guys start training again.

After another hour you guys have little progress by seeing little bumps on the rubber ball. Remember to sort out your memories, you release the Shadow Clone Jutsu to process your guys training. After 5 minutes of progressing, you feel hungry thinking it's time for a break.

Leaving your Shadows to train again, you head towards Alice's Restaurant to eat. Walking into the restaurant, you find that the 6 Hobgoblins that join Alice staff are working hard to learn from Alice. Seeing that you walked into the store, they made fried rice for you using the rice, jaded bird eggs, and herbs from the farm.

After eating, you look around the dungeon again noticing that the farm growth speed and size has increase due to placing the Elves and Fairy's in the Clan Hall closes to the farm so that they can 'be with nature'. Since the Elves and Fairy's have been training with there Senju and Jūgo Bloodlines, their effect on the crops increase, making the farms grow from 4x to 5x the normal rate.

Also the Otaku and TRPG Minotaurs are leveling up slowly, making them level 17-19 now. Most of them are sticking to the fantasy theme of this world mostly because the TRPG group find it kinda similar to D&D, while the Okaku's try to keep it the same theme but sometime buy some anime related skills and item. Another thing is that they get along with the Elves, Fairy's, and Hobgoblins a lot, after all it's literally a dream come true for them to meet magical creatures from there shows and games. Although they do have some of those creatures in their world like vampires, centaurs, harpy's, slimes... etc they can't use magic like the ones here can.


After going back to training you finally finished the rubber ball training after 4 hours, making your want to finally start training on how to form a real Rasengan.

After 3 hours you could form a Rasengan, but it does have enough power, only forming a spiral hole inside the rock instead of exploding. Seeing that is was getting late, you rest up and go to bed with Ikaros and Nymph, sleeping naked of course.


The next day in the morning, you start practicing the Rasengan again, which after another 3 hours you could form a Rasengan your proud of. Seeing that your mastered the Rasengan you check your stats to see if it's a skill yet.


Name:(your name), Job:[Anime Dungeon Master], Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Vampire(Shinobu Oshino)

Spirit:Snow, lvl:57








Sp. Atk:A



Ability:[Golemancy], [Synthesis],[Basic Monster Language], [Hand-Signs Mastery], [One Hand-Signs Mastery], [Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Sharingan](three tomoe), [Vampiric Regenerate], [Shadow Imitation Jutsu], [Summon], [Golem Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Shadow Clone], [Reverse Summoning Jutsu], [(C) Swordsmanship], [(C) Archery], [(C) Taijutsu], [(C) Reishi Control], [(B) Chakra Control], [(E) Life Steal], [(C) Reishi Regeneration], [(C) Chakra Regeneration], [(F)Magic Blacksmith], [Body Flicker Jutsu Mastery], [Flying Rajin Mastery], [Basic Chakra Nature], [Chakra Kekkei Genkai], [Gaia's Blessing], [(F) Earth Style Jutsu], [Basic Magic Knowledge], [(F)Mana Control], [(F) Weapon Mastery], [Lust (Tier:1)], [Transmutation], [Eidetic Memory], [Duel Casting],[(D) Fire Style Jutsu], [Rasengan]

Items:[Ichigo's Shikai], 50x[Flying Raijin Kunai], [Affectionate Slave Collar], 2x[Transmutation Circle Glove], [Crucifix Affection Necklace], [Byakuya Kuchiki Shikai], 2x[High Grade Mana Poiton], 28x[Paper Bomb],1x[Aphrodisiac(2-hours)], 3x[Aphrodisiac(1-hour)], 7x[Aphrodisiac(30-Minutes)]

Dp:2,461,011 Dp


Looking at your stats, you see that Rasengan is a new skill, Chakra Control went up a rank, leveled up to level 50 finally, and upyou have more Dp now probably because your Shadow in the east is hunting Ogre and Troll villages with the goblins and wolves.

Thinking about how Rasengan is just energy spinning rapidly in the shape of a ball, you try using mana to do the same thing, lord and behold it actually worked. Excited you also try making a Rasengan with Reishi which also works, having 3 types of Rasengan is really useful if one energy runs out, plus, although I don't know about Reishi, you could make new types of Rasengan with this.

Wondering what type of magic would be cool to combine with the Rasengan, you remember the magic books you bought at the suspicious shop, while also remember that it's almost noon so you send your Shadow in the west to head out for the auction.

Looking at the 3 magic books you have, you decide learning necromancy would only be useful when you have human body's you could resurrect, experiment, and test on leaving the summoning magics left. Reading through the 2 books, you find the difference between the 2 species.

Demons have dark or red skin, and usually have beast or monster type wings; dragons, birds, and bat wings. While devils are humans with kinda bat wings like the main group from 'Highschool DxD'. Not knowing which to try, you think of what you could use your Dp for. After thing awhile, you decide to buy Nature Chakra Mastery and Jūgo Bloodline to always be able to absorb nature chakra at all times.

System:Ding! User has Bought [Nature Chakra Mastery] for 300,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has learned [Nature Chakra Mastery]

System:Ding! User has bought [Jūgo Bloodline] for 1,500,000 Dp

Feeling the nature chakra inside you, your eye lids turn orange, and your puppies are in the shape of a vertical rectangle. Wanting to test out you new power, you make a Sage Art Rasengan, forming a more powerful Rasengan. Satisfied, you buy a few more things before leaving the rest of the Dp for the auction.

System:Ding! User has bought [Shinobi Gauntlet] for 500 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought 100x[Scroll Cartridge(Empty)] for 1,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought 20x[Smoke-Flash Bomb] for 200 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought 50x[Flying Raijin Kunai's] for 1,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought 500x[Paper Bomb] for 7,500 Dp

After buying everything could think of that you might need just Incase the auction goes south, you start filling the Scroll Cartridges with Sage Art Jutsu; Rasengan, Fire Style, and Earth Style. After filling up your Scoll Cartridges, all you could do was leave it to your Shadow in the west before gathering your chakra again to train some more.