
Chapter 23:Suspicious Shop

Entering the suspicious shop, you had a feeling that it was calling towards you like any anime MC plot sense.

When you entered, you see shelf's and tables full of antiques covered in dust. Looking around you see nothing but junk, even the systems menu says it's nothing out of the ordinary no OP, cursed, or valuable items.

Continuing to use your system to see if any of these antiques have any value, you feel like your anime MC aren't working. Thinking about it again, you try to think of what could be in this shop.

Thinking a bit, "Hello is anyone here" hearing someone falling down and coming out.

Shop Keeper:"Yes Yes, I'm coming, what I can I help you with?" Seeing a middle aged man in a black rode walk out, you think your anime MC sense started working again.

You:"Does this shop sell anything else beside antiques?"

Smiling, "Oh yes, this shop mainly sells information about almost anything for the right price"

Thinking of what information you want for a bit, "How much for information about Black markets and auctions?"

Surprised, before smiling, "That would be 10 gold for me to get you in the auction and we sell some items you might be interested in the back"

You:"Ok, here is 1 Gold coins, and show me what you have in the back" taking out 1 gold coins you give it to him and follow him into the back.

Shop keeper:"The auction tomorrow, just come back in the middle of the day tomorrow, and here we are" walking into a room, you see books, potions, and weapons inside.

Looking around you find that the books contain dark magic; Necromancy, Demon and devil summoning while the potions have either bad side effects or aphrodisiac that last at most 2 hours, and the weapons are cursed or make you go berserk.

Seeing that your have a way to remove the curse you take the cursed weapons; 2 bows, 3 axes, 5 swords.

Shop keeper:"Oh, your taking the cursed weapons aren't you? Do you have a way to remove them?"

System:Ding! User has bought 30x[Gold Coin] for 3 Dp

You:"Yes, here is 23 gold coins" taking out the coins you bought, you put the cursed weapons into your inventory.

You:"Do you have any throwing type weapons?"

Hearing your request, the shop keeper walks to a shelf and pulls out 2 boxes. Opening the boxes you see fancy throwing knifes, kunai's, and shurikens.

Looking throw the boxes, you take out a set of 50 cursed shurikens. The shurikens are made of dark iron and have a silencing, low grade anti-regeneration, and mana channeling.

Paying the shop keeper 2 gold coins, you look around the shop again. All the other weapons had bad side effects you couldn't fix without paying or working a lot so you decided to Buy the Dark magic books; Necromancy, Demon, and Devil summoning and illegal potions;1 2-hours, 3 1-hour, 7 30-Minutes Aphrodisiac, and 5 sealed 100Meter^3 storage rings costing 37 gold and 70 silver coins in total.

After saying good buy and leaving the shop, you use 125,000 Dp to unseal the storage rings. Putting the storage rings and the other items you don't need into your inventory, you head out of the town to finish your quests.

Looking throw the quests, you find that your missing a few monsters in your inventory. Hunting around the forest you find the monsters you need by finding them from when you saw them on the way here and your past hunting trips into the forest.

After hunting the monsters you need, the sun was about to set, teleporting back to the room in the Inn you payed for the past 3 days, you head towards the Adventurers Guild.

After turning in all the monster hunting quest, the staff lady from before was very shocked that you hunted all the monsters in one day 'alone'.

Marking the an alleyway near the Adventurers Guild for next time, you ate some grilled meat from a stall and drank Minotaur Milk from your inventory you undid the Shadow Clone Jutsu, Turing into a puff of white smoke in the alleyway.



After the goblins, and wolves got to the destroyed Ogre and Troll village, you let the goblins and wolves rested up before setting out in a hour towards the next village to help them level up and evolve.



The elves and fairy's are getting learning fast on how to use chakra, they learned clone Jutsu already. The elves and fairy's said that chakra was like mana with a nervous system.

The elves who had Jūgo Bloodline picked up on nature chakra fast because of their connection to nature already.

Alice also had fun with cooking with ingredients from another world, making cakes and other foods that require milk, and eggs using Minotaur milk and jaded bird eggs as a substitute. Alice also tried cooking jaded bird meat, it was the best bird you ever tasted.

Looking at your inventory through the day, you found the herb seeds, books, cursed, and illegal items. Planting the herb seeds, giving the books to the hobgoblins you head to the church to see how Ikaros is going on her holy magic training.

Ikaros learn the basic holy magic low heal, and low increase defense. Seeing that Ikaros can't remove the curse yet you leave her to train again.

Seeing Ikaros train, you see the memories of the shadow in the west training in the cave. Reviewing the memories your Shadow learned transformation Jutsu and is know practicing Fire Style Jutsu you warmed from beating Diana.

Visiting everyone around the dungeon, you found snow is awake and is mad that you made a contract with her. Finding out that your a dungeon master she points out that your Golem farming and patrolling the city look exactly like the one inside the dungeon.

Realizing your mistake, you decide to close the dungeon and make the entrance inside the castle because your to lazy to change over 1 thousand golems to look different and don't want the chance of someone finding and destroying your dungeon core.

After giving Snow a tour of the city she becomes happier after eating Alice's sweets. Touring around again you see that everyone is training so you think you should do the same thing.

Before you start training you ask Snow where the knight found her to see if you can find more Snow Saint blood for her. Finding out that the knight was named Willam McGowan and that he found her far northwest on another island pasted the holy empire and Hanito.

Seeing that you can't get there anytime soon, you also start training. Going into one of the training field you made, you start learning one of the Jutsu they showed on screen in naruto; the Rasengan! Buying a water balloons you start training like how they did it in the anime.