
Chapter 52

Chapter 52:

Percy stood in front of the Golden Eagle in the middle of the Roman encampment. He had stayed away from this place for a few days, but eventually his curiosity won out, he needed to know what happened here. The Eagle looked like it had been well used, almost tiered even, that shine which had been there before for was gone. Percy could feel like it was recovering slowly, but still, for now it looked like it was tuckered out.

"I didn't expect to see you back so soon," Saito called out as he worked on the workstation he had built near the Golden Eagle structure.

"I needed to find out what happened," Percy explained.

"Honestly Percy…..I have no clue," Saito shrugged as pulled out the computer box Percy and him used to find the quantum number of parallel universes. It was burnt out beyond belief, "fucking broken."

"How did you bring me back?" Percy asked as he looked at all the fired equipment on the table. Saito had always treated his toys with care, but seeing them like this told Percy just how much had to be sacrificed to bring him back to his world.

"After you left my computer was able to decode the probability matrix of the world you traveled to," Saito sighed, "nearly took up my entire memory storage to do so….anyway, we had the number, we just needed to find a way to bring you back. It seems that the box emitted some extra dimensional radiation that could be harnessed to open another portal, all we needed was a strong enough energy source."

"Did you use the Golden Eagle?" Percy asked pointing at the Eagle. He had unlocked a skill while traveling through worlds, it was called 'dimensional portal creation', and Percy could use it to travel between world. But to use it he needed 20 million MP, something he didn't have. So if Saito needed to open a portal he would need the exact same amount of energy.

"Yeah, we did," Saito nodded, "but we were afraid that might not be enough, after all the Eagle isn't a power source, it's a weapon. Thalia was….insistent we try something. She might have threatened to neuter me once or twice."

Percy chuckled, "yeah she's like that."

Saito sighed, "anyway, yeah, we were afraid we wouldn't be able to help you, and then I saw this," Saito pointed at the marble slab the Eagle was inserted into. Percy remembered this, someone had fused the Eagle with the stone and had drawn runes on it.

"Did you figure out what it is?" Percy asked.

"At first, no, but the longer I looked at it the clearer it became to me," Saito said with a smug smile, "honestly I don't know why no one else figured it out, it's so simple."

"Alright Narcissist, enough with the boosting. What is this?"

"It's a power distributer," Saito said with a smile, "it channels the lighting produced by the Eagle into energy that is channeled through the marble," Saito pointed at the latin words inscribed onto the black marble structure.

"So it was a spell," Percy muttered as he observed the thing once more;

Block of marble;

This is a simple block of marble that is inscribed with the names of dead Roman legionaries and power distribution spell which will convert the lighting attack of the Eagle into energy.

Supplies- 25,000,000 MP

"I'm sorry what?" Saito asked curiously.

"When I first saw this it felt like the woman who put this block of marble here put some kind of spell on it," Percy said, "guess we know what that spell was now."

"I see…...a woman did this you say?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. She somehow summoned this thing out of thin air and stuck the Eagle right in the center."

"Did anyone get a description of her?"

"No, well, yes. A Lares did, he said she had blue hair, a soft jaw and yellow sulphuric eyes."

"I see," Saito rubbed his jaw, "well I know no one like that here, nor do I recall any Roman goddess matching that description."

"Yeah….but that's not the thing that worries me," Percy said as he ran he hand over the carved runes.

"Then what is?"

"This was exactly what was needed to bring me back," the demigod stated, "and I mean exactly. The person who made this, this…..blue haired ghost, did she make this because she knew what was about to happen to me? Or was it all a coincidence?"

"I don't' think it's a coincidence Percy, it's to perfect to be one," Saito spoke as the two faced each other.

"That means that this mysterious woman knew what was going to happen to me and helped bring me back."

"And the question now is, why? And who is she?" the two men looked at the Eagle, it didn't say anything though, it was, after all, just an object.

A few days later;

Percy floated up in the air as he looked at the red sky above him. He was still not used it, the flying, the floating, whatever it was, it was amazing. He stood there in mid air and simply looked at the sky, everything was just so…..amazing from up here. Not as amazing as the sea, but still amazing nonetheless.

"You okay?" Thalia asked from the ground as she looked up at her boyfriend floating in the air.

"I'm good," Percy replied back as he looked down, "maybe I should try and move on to the next level."

Thalia nodded, "okay, but only if you're sure."

Percy nodded, "I'm sure," he then bent forwards and laid himself parallel to the ground. He put his hands in front of him like he remembered Superman doing, maybe this would make him more aerodynamic or something. He then pushed the air around him, flying forwards slowly.

"Can you go faster Percy? I can literally walk faster than you can fly," Thalia chuckled at the slow pace her boyfriend was moving at.

"Well I'm sorry some of us aren't natural flyers okay? I'm literally a fish out of water!" Percy suddenly lost concentration as he began to fall down. 15 feet from the ground he caught himself, he really needed to focus properly, he needed to keep his tactile telekinetic field up at all times.

"You okay sweetie?" Thalia asked in a worried tone, "I was about to step in, but you caught yourself before that seemed necessary."

"I'm fine," Percy told her as he slowly rose higher and higher into sky. He had no limit to how high he could fly, but he did have a limit for speed;

Telekinetic flight, Lv- 1 (90%)

By pushing on the ground and the air via your telekinetic field you have obtained the ability to fly!

Speed - 5 Kms/ Hr

Percy sighed as he stabilized himself, "you make it seem so easy."

"And you can make an olympic swimmer seem like a beginner Percy. We each have our natural talent," Thalia reassured him, "mine just happens to be flying, while you can swim around like a fish. Not a big difference."

"Har har, and for your information I can swim faster than you can fly, so eat that!" Percy shot back. He knew what Thalia was trying to do, keep him talking allowing his mind to split its attention between between keeping Percy afloat and talking back.

"You're doing better hun," Thalia called out, "how much more till you level up?"

"10%," Percy called out looking over the skill one more time. He just just needed to hold this a little longer.

Warning! Lightning heading your way!

Percy turned to see Thalia blasting a bolt of blue lighting towards Percy. He rolled out the side to avoid just in the nick of time. "What the hades Thalia?!"

"I got tired of waiting!" Thalia shouted back, "doge lover boy!" she sent blast after blast of lighting at Percy who kep moving away just in time. The added quick motion helped him level up sooner;


You have leveled up a skill due to constant use!

Telekinetic flight, Lv- 2 (0%)

By pushing on the ground and the air via your telekinetic field you have obtained the ability to fly!

Speed - 10 Kms/ Hr

"It;s done Thalia! I leveled up!" Percy shouted as he avoided another blast of lighting, "you can stop now!"

"Not happening fish head! We aren't stopping until you reach level 10!" Thalia slowly started to quicken her pace blasting Percy over and over with lighting bolts. She was slow before, but her speed was quickly picking up forcing Percy to move faster.

"Is this because I traveled to another dimension without talking about it to you first?" Percy asked as he narrowly dodged a lighting bolt aimed for his crotch. He started to move around, trying his best to avoid the attacks. Soon he was bouncing through the air, it was similar to moving in water, only here you aren't limited to just the water.

"Maybe!" Thalia shouted sending a chain of lighting bolts at him, "or it could also be because you did something stupid again!"

"Hey! I didn't know I was going to get sucked into another world!" Percy yelled, "it wasn't my fault!"

"Yes it is, Julia told you stop, but noooo, you just had to mess with things you couldn't control," Thalia then sent out a lighting bolt faster than the rest. Percy couldn't react fast enough and it hit him square on the chest pushing him back.

Defence - 432,841,332

Percy groaned he should really start dumping mana points in his marble skin, it's starting to get a bit to low. He slowly lowered himself to the ground and looked at the hole Thalia's attack burnt into his shirt and groaned, "I really like this shirt."

"Well think of it as punishment," Thalia grumbled, "I'm sorry, by the way. It just...well I just got carried away is all."

"Relax Thalia, no harm done. You knew I could take it," Percy smiled, "and besides it's kinda our thing isn't it? You punch me, I say sorry, we have a steamy make out session…."

Thalia smiled, "and I guess since we already finished the punching and the apologizes that just leaves out the make up huh?"

Percy walked up behind her wrapping his hands around her putting his head on her shoulder, "I don't know. You tell me."

"I was so worried Percy," Thalia sighed, "you-you were just gone. And I didn't know if you were ever going to come back. I…..I lost it. I almost blasted Julia with the Golden Eagle, Jason stopped me but…..I need help Percy, my anger is getting out of control. I fear that-"

"-You might hurt someone you care about," Percy nodded, "I get it. I understand, for the longest time I couldn't' control myself whenever I got angry, I told you right, about Le Bete?" Thalia nodded, "but I got my anger under control, even before the entity of rage upgraded the Le Bete perk. And I can help you as well."

Thalia smiled as she turned to Percy and pissed him gently, "thank you Percy….promise me you'll never leave."

Percy smiled as he tightened his grip around her, "I promise. You're going to have to try very hard to get rid of me."

"Good," Thalia kissed him again as the two sat down enjoying the peace and quiet. Soon Percy was back in the sky back to flying practise as Thalia helped him from below. It took a few tries but he got it in the end. At the end of their session he had leveled up three more times;

Telekinetic flight, Lv- 5 (0%)

By pushing on the ground and the air via your telekinetic field you have obtained the ability to fly!

Speed - 25 Kms/ Hr

Percy finally landed on the ground and smiled, "I think I'm finally getting the hang of this skill."

Thalia nodded, "yeah, I'll say. Soon you'll almost be as good as I was when I first started. You know, after a few more years of training really really hard."

Percy grumbled, "stupid girlfriend and her stupid super powers."

Thalia chuckled as she pulled him along as they walked around the empty time dilation ID. She brought him to the beach and sat down with Percy by her side. There were no waves in the ID world, but it wasn't really a deal breaker.

Thalia spread her feet out on the sand only for Percy to place his head on her thighs using it as a pillow. Thalia smiled, "comfy?"

Percy nodded with his eyes closed, "very."

The daughter of lighting chuckled, "alright then, tell me about this other world you visited."

"Well….it was amazing, to say the least. I was in this city, I think it was their version of a clear New York, only thing was it was infected with these things called Parademons that seemed to be attacking Earth."

"And you obviously had to help," Thalia said rolling her eyes.

Percy chuckled, "you know me so well."

"So what were they? Monsters?"

"Nope, extradimensional being," Percy supplied, "beings that travel between dimensions."

"Like you?"

"Yeah, except I can't do it on purpose. They can, they have these things called mother boxes that can teleport people. I figured I needed to get my hands on one of those in order to escape, but they were all destroyed when I and the others sent the army away."


"Oh, right, when I arrived there, on that Earth, the planet was being invaded, but a few people were fighting back. I can honestly say I have never seen anyone like them Thalia. They were all so...amazing. There was one guy, Arthur, he was basically a child of Poseidon, expect he could control sea creatures on such a wide range it pales in comparison to my own abilities."

"Then you need to step up your game Percy," Thalia patted his forehead, "can't have someone steal your crown of most badass thing that ever came out of the sea now can we?"

Percy smiled, "no, no we cannot. Anyway, next was Victor, half man, half robot, all awesome. He was basically like if the terminator had a human side that hated violence."

"Wait if he hated violence how did he help drive back the parademons?"

"I may have given him one of my world famous pep talks."

"You mean the same one you gave Michael to push him to date Clarisse?"

"The very same," Percy smiled, "anyway then came Hal, he basically has the ability to control the emotional spectrum of will power. Remember Ion? The green whale I meet in my trials? His symbol was on Hal's costume, apparently Hal could weaponize his will power and project it as hard light constructs, isn't that amazing?"

Thalia smiled, "I love it when you get all nerdy like that."

Percy rolled his eyes, "fine, maybe talking about weaponised emotions isn't all that interesting for you….hm, how about an Amazonian princess?"

"Now you're talkin my language," Thalia said excitedly, "what's her deal?"

"She's an Amazon, well trained, a lot better than the average demigod in camp. You could probably take her though."

"Hm...there's something you're not telling me isn't there?"

"Well…..she might have been kind of attractive."

"I see….." Thalia smirked, "well then it's a good thing she's in another dimension isn't it."

"You know I wouldn't ever cheat on you right."

"I know, but I still gotta mark my territory," Thalia shrugged, "anyway, other than the Amazonian bimbo who else did you meet?"

"Well there was the one guy, he calls himself the Flash and….and he has the same powers as Argo."


"Yeah, lighting and all. Well, except his lighting was yellow and his suit was red while Argo's was blue and black. He also seemed like a nice guy, he mainly focused on help the people get clear of the attack, he saved many lives…..he's clearly a hero…..."

"But you can't help but worry," Thalia finished for him, "it's understandable, but Percy, just because they have the same power doesn't mean they are the same person."

"I know, I know," Percy waved off her worries, "I just can't help but think….how many more speedsters are out there? I'm not fast enough to stop them if they ever become a threat."

"Don't' worry about that now," Thalia kissed his forehead, "focus on the here and now. We have a war to win, then we can worry about the future."

Percy sighed, "right….anyway. There was also this guy called Batman, total badass."

"Let me guess, he could fly like a bat?"


"He had bat like wings?"


"He's blind and uses sonar to get around?"

"Different superhero honey," Percy smiled, "actually he's a human. Just a plain human."

"What?! And he helped you fight off bad guys?!" Percy nodded, "bullshit! What's his level?!"

"24. And he did help fight them off, a human Thalia, a human did that."

"Dman..." Thalia whispered in amazement, "I wonder what the hell he did to be that powerful."

"No clue…..but anyway, all that aside there was one more hero there. One guy was was more amazing than all of them combined. I didn't get to see much of him, but he saved my life Thalia. He called himself Superman, and by the Gods he deserves that title."

And so Percy went into his story about what Superman would do. He then told her about Darkseid and his army. She was understandably a little frightened, the monster was as powerful as a God, and he also had the means to travel between dimensions. With the power he could just pop into their world and start attacking. At least in this world Percy had an army of demigods to back him up. If Darkseid even things of coming here he'll be in for a 'warm' welcome from them all.

Soon Percy was done with his tale and Thalia just sat there quietly taking it all itn. She sighed, "we need to get stronger, faster."

"I know," Percy sighed, "I figured I should probably train my tactile telekinesis more. I will need the molecular manipulation to be at a higher level if I want to build the Haven. Plus it was also one of the only things that seemed to actually effect Darkseid, it tore into his skin and armour when not even celestial bronze could. Obviously it's worth looking into."

Thalia nodded, "yeah….this would be so much easier if you had a skill disk."

Percy blinked, "wait….I do!" Percy got off of Thalia's lap and opened his inventory. He quickly went through it and found what he was looking for.

"When did you get this?" Thalia asked as Percy pulled out a level 10 skill disk.

"It was the quest I did in finding those two kids," Percy reminded her, "you know the one which got me a job with Kate and Castle?"

Thalia nodded, "I see, and why haven't you used it yet?"

"Because," Percy tossed the disk to Thalia who caught it with ease, "it's yours."

Thalia blinked, "excuse me?"

"Well remember when I used a skill disk to improve my...bedroom skills?" Thalia blushed remembering that night, Gods she didn't get a wink of sleep, "well you said that it wasn't fair and that cheated."

"Because you did!" Thalia hissed.

Percy rolled his eyes, "right, anyway, if you remember you also said that the next skill disk I found had your name on it, hence…."

"But Percy you need it more than me," Thalia argued.

Percy chuckled, "hardly, a few hours of grinding and I'll be golden. You so need it more than me, like seriously so much more than me. Like it's not even funny how"


"YOW!" Percy hissed as Thalia sent a lighting bolt at the demigod's back making him jump into the air.

"I get it Percy, you can stop making me feel weaker now," Thalia grumbled.

"Just trying to make you see reason sweetheart," Percy rubbed his back, "I figured you would be too stubborn to admit it otherwise."

"You know me too well," Thalia pocketed the disk, "thanks for this by the way….seriously, thanks."

Percy nodded, "not a problem. So what are you going to use it on?"

Thalia smirked, "what do you think I'm going to use it on?"

Percy blushed, "well, I remember you mentioning something about improving your bedroom skills in order to get even with me, so..."

Thalia smiled, she threw her leg over Percy and straddled him. She pulled him close and whispered into his ear, "why would I need to use a skill disk to that, when I can just practise on you?"

Percy's heart started to beat faster, he felt his clothes get hotter, "you're such a tease Thalia."

"Why do you think I'm teasing?" she asked in a playful tone as she ran her fingers through his hair, "you know we really haven't had any fun for sometime."

Percy smiled, "yeah, I guess so..." Thalia smiled, she leaned in and kissed him hard pushing him down on the ground pinning his arms.

Some Time Later;

Percy eventually and reluctantly dropped Thalia back into the real world. After their little makeout session Thalia decided it was time for him to start his training, she also said she wanted to do her own training.

When Percy offered her the use of his time ID she declined, she said that she was working on something that involved the wind and that she would need real wind movement in order for her training to be effective.

So Percy now stood alone in his Time ID. He cracked his knuckles, 'time to get to work.' He first pulled up the skill in question;

Molecule manipulation, Lv- 7 (43%)

You can manipulate the molecules of objects within your range. Your control over this ability is minimal, you can only separate the molecules not manipulate them.

Cost- 500 MP per 4,000 pounds of mass

Percy's skill in this was meager at best. He could only separate molecules, not manipulate them in any way or form. So it was useful in a battle, but it was so much more than that. In fact the potential for this skill was limitless. It was like having a super computer and only using it to play minesweeper.

So now Percy had one goal, level it up high enough so that he was skilled enough to manipulate molecules and reshape them into any structure he wanted. This was he could basically create any structure he wished, it would be like transmutation from that show Chad liked to watch…..Fullmetal something.

And so Percy got to work. He first began destroying the camp around him. And when that was done he ran to New York and destroyed the city as well. He was halfway done with reducing the city to dust when he realised he had leveled up enough.


Molecule manipulation, Lv- 15 (0%)

You can manipulate the molecules of objects within your range. Your control over this ability is basic, you can scan the object and manipulate it to a certain degree.


Scan- Allows you to have a scanned mental image of the object you wish to manipulate. Rage- 20 feet

Cost- 500 MP per 9,000 pounds of mass

Percy smiled, the level up provided him with a way to scan and manipulate an object. It may not be exactly what he wanted, but most times he never got what he wanted so he will have to make do.

Percy closed the box and looked around, 'time to test this skill.'

He quickly traveled back to camp and exited his ID. After that he reentered it causing everything inside to set back to normal. Percy wanted to test out his new powers in a familiar place, after all he practically knew this camp molecule by molecule.

Percy first went to the Apollo cabin, fuck you Apollo, and pressed his hands on the cabin walls. He sent out his mind and tried to feel the molecules in the cabin wall but instead of simply getting a vague sensation of what he was touching he was able to feel everything.

He could see it all, no, that wasn't the right word, he couldn't see it, he could feel it. It was like a mental image popped up in his head, displaying the walls like a 3D picture. He could spin the image around in his head, it was similar to a computer generated image, he could see it from any angle.

'Now how do I manipulate this thing?' Percy asked himself, 'wait, if it works like a 3D computer image maybe I should just try a change it like one of them.'

So Percy imagined a cursor appearing on the 3D image in his head. He used that as a symbol of his ability to manipulate and slowly started to pull the wood apart on the surface of the wall.

Percy felt the wood below his palms start to move, shift and turn. He didn't stop, he kept going. Using his mental cursor he slowly started to push away the wood in a certain region of the wall, pushing it to the sides, creating an opening in front of him.

When he was done Percy opened his eyes and saw a crude opening formed in front of him. The wood was pushed to the sides, the opening was circular in nature, almost oval in shape. Percy felt the wood around the opening, it was thicker than the rest, Percy had pushed it all to the side.

Percy smiled, this was good, this was exactly what he needed. But of course he needed to practise, he needed to be better. If he was going to build his city he needed his abilities with Molecular manipulation to be perfect.

So Percy turned to the rest of the camp and sighed, there was a lot of work to do.

Later that night;

Percy had spent 3 days in his time dilation ID, and in the real world that came up to 18 hours. By the time he came out of the ID everyone had already gone to bed, in fact it was the middle of the night, almost the next day even.

Seeing as there was no reason for him to stay awake Percy simply walked to his cabin, he needed a good night's sleep. He had been working very hard, and luckily for him that hard work payed off big time;

Molecule manipulation, Lv- 19 (78%)

You can manipulate the molecules of objects within your range. Your control over this ability is basic, you can scan the object and manipulate it to a certain degree.


Scan- Allows you to have a scanned mental image of the object you wish to manipulate. Rage- 21 feet

Cost- 490 MP per 9,000 pounds of mass

Percy reached his cabin and saw Leo sleeping outside the cabin. He smiled and walked in, careful to not wake the loyal companion up. He opened the door and walked in, Thalia was already in bed holding a pillow tightly in her grasp. Percy smiled and quickly took off his jacket and pants.

He slipped under the covers and Thalia stirred, throwing her pillow to the side the moment she felt his familiar warmth by her side.

"You're late," she muttered still half asleep.

"I'm sorry," Percy kissed her forehead as she placed it on her chest. He wrapped one hand around her and pulled her close. The demigod smiled, he was happy. He closed his heavy eyes and let his sleep take him. Darkness fell slowly.

Unknown Location

And then someone turned the fucking lights on.

Percy blinked away the temporary blindness as he looked up to find himself in a familiar place. The room had no windows or door and was bare except for the greek style pillars lining the corners. And in the center of the room was a giant spinning wheel with multicoloured threads running through it. Each unique, each representing a person living on Earth at the moment.

'Oh shit,' Percy cursed, he remembered this place. He came here once before right after he finished killing Janai'ngo. Percy sighed, "you can come on out Clotho, I won't fall for the same jump-out-of-the-shadows trick."

"Well never say never," a voice came from directly behind Percy causing him to jump away in surprise.

"Shit! Don't do that! It's creepy as hell!" Percy cursed as he looked at the Fate. She was different this time, she was no longer a hag dressed in grey rags, she looked younger, maybe late 20's early 30's, wearing greek style clothes. She looked similar to her godly form, yet Percy knew that was not the case. Why? Because he was currently not getting hit with visions of the future.

"You are wondering why I look different yes?" Clotho asked as she walked past him towards the giant wheel.

"Yeah, that as well as why I am here," Percy said walking behind her, "I assume it's because of my little adventure into another world?"

"Yes, it is, for all three of your questions," Clotho snapped her fingers and a pink transparent bubble floated out of Percy's head and into Clotho's. She suddenly stopped for a few seconds, standing as still as a statue.

Percy was worried, "ah, Clotho? You okay?"

Suddenly Clotho gasped as she blinked away a look of pain that broke through her face. Percy knew she needed to sit down, he grabbed the stool next to the giant spinning wheel and brought to behind the Fate helping her sit down.

"Thank you Percy," Clotho held her head in pain, "that was not pleasant."

"I beat it wasn't," Percy nodded, "what happened?"

"I simply reviewed all the things that happened to you in that world via your memories," Clotho groaned, "easier said than done though. I'm not used to transferring memories. It's more of Atropos' skill to review a life."

"I see," Percy nodded, "so….what do you think?"

"You did a very stupid thing Percy," Clotho snapped, "the powers we gave you were not supposed to be used as toys. And it's not something you experiment on as you wish. We trusted you with powers you cannot even comprehend, and you abused it."

Percy sighed, "look I'm sorry okay, it's just-"

"-No, I'm not done," Clotho cut him off as she got up and stared Percy down, she was much taller than him now, "you have no idea what's at stake here Jackson. No idea, you cannot just throw your life away like that. Do you understand? You are more valuable than some simple science toy, your life has a purpose, a great purpose and you cannot just throw it away like that."

"I'm sorry," Percy hung his head, "I really am. I-I didn't know it was going to do that."

Clotho sighed, "yes well you didn't chose to be sent into another world, thank Chaos for small miracles. Stupid Darkseid, he wasn't supposed to be able to come here, don't' know how he managed it."

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Percy asked a little taken back. Clotho just cursed someone, she never did that, none of the Fates ever did that. They never showed emotions, ever.

"Darkseid is an interdimensional dictator," Clotho explained, "meaning he is a threat. A long time ago this world was sealed away from him, but somehow he was able to pull you through into his world, maybe it was because of his boom tube technology, but either way it's never happening again, not if we have anything to say about it."

Clotho then snapped her fingers and suddenly Percy felt something inside him seal up;


Until further notice the skill 'Dimensional portal creation' has been sealed. You cannot train in it, level it up or use it. Signed- Clotho the Amazing.

Percy groaned, "I didn't know you could take away my skills like that."

"We gave them to you, of course we can take them away."

"So if I get a skill which you don't want me to have you can just seal it up huh?" Percy narrowed his eyes, he got why she had to do, but it didn't mean he liked it.

"No, only if said skill is to dangerous," Clotho said in a gentle tone, "this is the same case with Janai'ngo Percy, Darkseid is simply too big a threat and we cannot afford to have him attack us, especially when we already have so much to deal with."

Percy nodded, "I get that….fine. Anyway what's with the new look? Decided to change things up a bit?"

"Yes," Clotho nodded as she looked down, "this is what I look like when I have been using my powers actively. My sisters and I have been working day and night to seal up the breach you created with your little adventure. Hence we all started to take on forms similar to our true selves."

"So wait all of you look like this?" Percy said, "why would you ever want to change?"

"Being beautiful isn't something we care about," Clotho explained, "it isn't a trait we posses. And since we rarely see anyone else except ourselves we see no need to look differently."

Percy shrugged, "to each their own I guess. So is that it? That's all you called me for?"

Clotho nodded, "yes. Don't ever try and experiment with your power Jackson, this is our final warning to you. Oh and before I forget," she snapped her fingers forming a blue ball of energy in her hand. It flew into Percy as the son of Poseidon felt energy flow into him;


Quest Completed!

Survive Darkseid's attack and return home!


+100,000 Exp

+10 points

Percy smiled , "okay, I didn't expect this but I'm grateful either way. Thanks Clotho."

"You are most welcome," Clotho nodded, "now it's time you went back. Oh, and before you leave, here," The Fate snapped her fingers and Percy was blinded by a flash of light.

When the demigod opened his eyes he found something in his hand, something very familiar. It was a black bat shaped metal projectile that Percy remembered Batmana using. It looked dangerous and very, very sharp.

"Isn't this one of Batman's?" Percy asked as he inspected it's sharp edges.

"Indeed it is," Clotho nodded, "it is the very first one he made. I believe he calls it a 'batarang'. I thought you would appreciate a souvenir from your time in the other world."

Percy smiled, "yeah...thanks Clotho," he put the weapon inside his inventory, he couldn't wait to show Thalia the batarang, she was going to be jealous!

"Now, it's time for you to go back Percy," Clotho became serious as she glared at him, "and remember, your life has meaning to it, do not ever risk it, understood?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. I got it." Just then a flash of light overtook Percy's vision as he found himself back in his body and bed. Thalia was at his side sleeping soundly, he looked at he watch, not even a minute had passed.

The son of Poseidon groaned, there was going to be a lot of work for him to do over the coming month. He looked at his side and smiled, but at least it was going to be worth it.

Two weeks later;

Percy stood in the middle of Gardner island. He had cleared out 2 square kilometers in the island, this was where he was going to make his Haven. It was located right in the center of the island, a few miles away from the old Gardener mansion which he left untouched, after all it was a part of this island as well, it didn't feel right getting rid of the old place.

The two square miles Percy had cleared used to have trees and large boulders, but with a little bit of elbow grease, Super Strength, he managed to clear it all up, moving the trees and stones towards the edge of the city limits.

He used flags to mark the appropriate location on the land. He made sure to leave plenty of space for the defencive wall they were planning to build along with the various other watch towers and commercial buildings.

Percy now stood in the middle of the land. This was where he was planning to build 'The Hearth', the public heart of the entire city. He mainly wished to build this place in order to have some place for people to gather and talk, like the Senate of Rome.

Percy looked to the side and saw several huge blocks of marble stacked up. Ed's material supply company, Tekton, had come in last night and Percy had carried out all the material they brought with them to the island, obviously the huge supply ships they came in couldn't come anywhere near the island.

Percy had revicived what he had asked, water pipes along with waste disposal pipes. He also got several lengths of thick wires that would be used to conduct electricity. And the moment he did he got to work.

Annabeth gave him the exact details on where and what he had to do. She had marked down everything in the map and Percy had laid down the wire and pipes exactly as she specified. Hell he triple check his work by flying over head to gain a bird's eye view of it all.

Laying down the pipes and wires had been tricky. First Percy had marked each pipe with a different coat of paint, blue for water and green for waste disposal. He so did not want to ever imagine those two getting mixed up.

He then used his telekinetic power to lift up large amount of land and lay down the lines. It was hard at first, he wasn't used to holding something so heavy up while at the same time laying down the pipes. But as time went on it became easier and easier.

Percy had managed to lay down the pipes and wires for half of the city. They still didn't have an exact number on all the buildings and apartments they were planning on building, so for now Percy just layed down what he could.

Most of the wires went to the future location of the Power storage area in the Apollo district while the water pipes went to the Poseidon district to the location of the water purification place. The waste disposal pipe however went outside the city, where Annabeth planned for the fertilization facility to be, Percy still didn't like the idea, but it was necessary.

Now all of that was finished, and Percy was ready to build the first structure for the city, the Hearth.

He turned to the several cubic meters of marble he ordered. They stood up tall, at least 40 feet high, Percy was really happy he had super strength, or else this would be a pain in the ass to do.

Percy walked up to the first block of marble, they were all white, pure white. He flexed his arms and activated his Body Form;

Body Form Activated: Left and Right arms

Percy didn't need to release his strength seals for this;

STR- 1.64 (6 layered seal) (+20+60) = 81.64 X 10 = 816.4

Percy reached out with his mind and carefully lifted up the block of marble with his mind just long enough for him to slip his fingers down and lift it up manually. He still wasn't used to carrying such heavy objects with his telekinetic powers, but he was getting there.

He carried the block of marble and carefully laid it down on the center of the city, this would be the foundation of the Hearth.

Percy jumped up and stood on top of the marble structure, he pressed his hands on the surface of the stone and activated his molecular manipulation ability.

Ever since he realised how useful this skill could be he had been grinding it left and right. It became a sort of obsession for him, Thalia was a bit worried, but she knew this was something he had to do.

Molecule manipulation, Lv- 29 (78%)

You can manipulate the molecules of objects within your range. Your control over this ability is at the rank of the average practitioner, you can scan the object and manipulate it paying great attention to the fine details.


Scan- Allows you to have a scanned mental image of the object you wish to manipulate. Also allows for a very detailed manipulation of said object. Rage- 40 feet

Cost- 400 MP per 12,000 pounds of mass

Needless to say Percy had reached the level of fine control he wished for. Now he could add great details to his manipulated works. He once changed the statue of Zeus in the Zeus cabin into that of Poseidon, and the fine detail was spot on. Sure he had to change it back, but it was the thought that counts.

Percy had used this skill continually, creating buildings in his ID grinding another skill of his;

Architecture, Lv- 17 (30%)

The ability to build buildings and other man made structure meant for housing.

All buildings you build have a 25% chance of falling over

All buildings you build have a 75% chance of looking good

0% of product wastage.

This of course only applied to any building he designed. Since Annabeth designed the building there was a 0% chance of it falling over and a 100% chance of it looking awesome.

Percy focused as a 3D images of the stone popped up in his head. He saw the marble in fine detail and he smiled, 'transform!'

The marble slowly started to change form. It almost looked like the solid rock had turned into water by the way it flowed outwards, spreading itself out reducing its height while increasing its length.

The marble laid flat down on the ground while a small portion of it drilled itself into the ground as a 30 foot marble rod form bellow the mirabel surface drilling itself into the ground. It would serve as the foundation of this place.

Percy opened his eyes and smiled, the marble block had been reduced in height and stretched out to around 100 meters wide in diameter in a circular shape. Honestly it felt like he was playing with clay, only he had a lot better control and it was so much cooler.

Percy then grabbed a second cube of marble as he put that in front of the marble foundation he created. He closed his eyes and focused, and slowly the marble started to move in a way similar to water as it started to wrap around the circular marble foundation below it.

It slowly encircled the entire area the marble fondation covered and transformed into a set of stairs that were present around the area evenly. Percy opened his eyes and sighed, 'nice. Now...' he closed his eyes again and focused, he fused the marble steps to the marble foundation making them one single piece.

Percy sighed as he stepped back, this had been a trick he picked up on accident. The train of thought was that if he could separate molecules of objects, he should also be able to fuse them. And then one thing led to another until, boom, molecular fusion.

Now he didn't get a sub skill in this, but maybe that was because it should have been obviously it was included in the skill mentioned.

Percy wasn't used to this skill, he had difficulty fusing things with different molecular compensation. He could fuse wood and wood, stone and stone, marble and marble, but that was it. Maybe he needed to level up the skill more in the future to do that, but for now this was enough.

Percy then got to work. He used the rest of the marble to build up the Hearth, the center of the Haven.

He designed the building exactly like he imagined. The steps lead up to a row of marble pillars that were 40 feet tall. On top of the tall pillars was a circular done with a hole in the center in order to let out all the fumes from the inside.

Inside the Heath had walls that went up halfway, this was in order to encourage proper ventilation while also keeping the heat from the central hearth from escaping.

There were seats going down from the top to the bottom spreading all around the building's inside. And in the center was a huge empty space with a raised marble walkway around it. The center was covered with woods and other burnable substance, it would serve as the Hearth.

Percy put torch holds along the walls and inscribed the names of Gods, minor and Olympian, on it as well. Soon he would also inscribe the name of fallen demigods, a way of honoring them all.

The inside of the building was dark, the only sunlight that came in was from the hole on the roof and the upper half of the wall. Percy walked up to the center and stood on the walkway looking down at the soon to be hearth. He snapped his fingers causing a fire ball to appear in the palm of his hand.

"Lady Hestia, I invite you to this island of mine," Percy spoke out loud hoping the estranged Olympian would hear him, "I wish this place to be one of family, love and above all, a home. I ask that you bless this place and watch over this Hearth, tend it to, make sure that it never goes out. I...I know that it is a lot to ask, but we are family, I hope I can ask that."

Percy launched the fire ball into the pit and instantly the wood caught on fire, lighting up the previously darkened building. The flames of the Hearth roared to life as it raged on and on. Percy looked at the flames and was assaulted by it's warmth.

"This is certainly an amazing place Percy," the demigod in question looked up and standing there on the other side of the Flames was the hooded form of Hestia herself.

Percy smiled, "I'm glad you came," he walked around the marble walkway and stood next to her, "and I'm happy you like it. I tried to make this place as best as I could but….well I'm still trying."

"It looks like it has been carved out of one single piece of marble," Hestia noted looking at the stone below her feet, "but that should be impossible."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, I'm awesome like that."

Hestia's 8 year old form smiled as she pulled the hood off her red cloak down revealing her brown hair and warm fiery eyes, "this place feels nice Percy, it has the potential to be a place for hope, for family. What you are trying to do is amazing…..well I must say I'm honoured you asked this of me."

"Does that mean you'll accept?" Percy asked as a feeling of happiness took hold in his heart. He had always feared the Goddess would say no, or even refuse to come, out of all the Gods Percy meet, she seemed the most reasonable. Well apart from his dad and Artemis….well maybe not Artemis, she did at one point turn him into a deer.

"I would never deny a request such as yours Percy," the Goddess kneeled down on the marble walkway and pulled a red poker out of her dress, "you are family, I would never deny family a home."

"Thank you Lady Hestia," Percy bowed, he seriously owed her, "it's nice to have the Goddess of the Hearth on my side."

The Goddess nodded, "tell me, what do you call this place?"

"Well I was thinking the Hearth," Percy said with a shrug, "not that original I know, but it's appropriate."

"I approve," Hestia chuckled, the very sound of her laughter made Percy happy, almost as happy as being with Thalia made him. Guess this as why all the other Olympians loved her so much, it was simply impossible to hate her.

"I'll give this place my blessing," Hestia snapped her fingers causing lite torches to appear on all the torch holds Percy ad carved into the walls. The inside of the building was doused with the orange hues of the flames as slowly the temperature became warm, pleasant even.

"As long as you call his place your home Percy Jackson, this flame will never go out," Hestia tended to the fire, "it will burn for as long as it can. You will never have to put wood to fuel it. And the more people that call this place home, the more joy that is felt here, the bigger the fire becomes, and the stronger it will roar."

Percy looked astonished, he never expected this, "t-thank you Lady Hestia," Percy bowed again. This was the first time he ever bowed to a God twice. He owed her a lot, she deserved it.

"You are welcome," Hestia then snapped her fingers again causing the walls to glow orange before returning to normal, "I have also put up a minor barrier around this place. Anyone who is considered your enemy will not be allowed inside, be it God or man."

"Holy shit, I didn't realised you could do that!" Percy eye's were wide opened as he used his mana sense to feel the barrier, and sure enough there it was;

Hestia's Protection,

Anyone you, Percy Jackson, call an enemy will be unable to enter this building.

Strength- strong enough to repel a human.

Percy was surprised, "Lady Hestia, you said it can push back a God, but-"

"-It's not strong enough to do that yet," Hestia explained, "very good Percy, your knowledge about magic has improved, not many would be able to sense that. You see this ward is similar to the flames, the more people who call this place home the stronger it becomes."

Percy nodded, "I see… so I suppose the barrier won't be unto full force until I finish building the rest of the place huh?"

"Not at all," Hestia smiled, "this place is amazing Percy, truly an accomplishment worth sharing with others. Bring the demigods here, have fun, break this place in, bring joy to this hall. That will increase the power of the barrier and give something for the demigods to believe in."

"Wait….are you telling me to have a party?" Peyc asked in surprise.

Hestia nodded, "well….yes. I heard about what happened on your birthday, it was supposed to be a day of relaxation, but it was spoiled. Maybe this could be a chance to give the demigods the break they so deserve. Plus while here you can never be attacked by monsters, so I doubt the same situation that happened on your birthday will occur here."

Percy grinned, "you know, I think you're quickly becoming my favourite aunt. But then again the only other people contending for that position is Hera and Demeter, so it's not saying much."

Hestia nodded, "well then, I suppose it's time I leave. If you ever need someone to talk to Percy, you will always find me in the closet hearth."

Percy nodded, "thanks Lady Hestia…..for everything." The goddess smiled back and exploded into flames vanishing before Percy's eyes.

The demigod smiled and looked around, Hestia was right, this place needed more people in it, it needed the human touch. Well, demi-human anyway. But first Percy couldn't' just jump in there and tell everyone it was party time, no, he needed to prepare.

This place basically had stone cold seats, he needed to get pillows, and blankets. He would also need alcohol, Thalia would kill him if there wasn't any alcohol. And maybe he should talk to Katie about the Happy fruit he gave her a month or so ago. Surely she should have figured out a way to use that for fun now.

Okay, so what else was needed?...Music, and good music. Percy could buy a few speakers, maybe he could get a DJ or something….wait, what the fuck was he thinking. He literally knew a cabin full of kids who were the children of the God of fucking music, he could just get the Apollo kids to play something.

Then what else? ….Well they were Greek, so maybe a movie? No, that's stupid, no movies. Plus how would he get electricity here? They haven't set it up yet.

Food, he would need lots of food, maybe a quick stop in the Lotus Casino was in order. He would also need plates, cups…...maybe even a porta potty.

He would also need a pool table, no, no that's stupid, besides the Apollo kids would just win their their superior aiming skills. Maybe he should put up some decoration, like a banner or something, and trash can's, many many trash cans. Annabeth would kill Percy if he let them trash the place on the first day.

'Shit, I need to write this all down,' Percy realised as he took out a piece of paper and a pen from his inventory. He quickly jotted down all he would need;






Food (Lotus Casino)



Porter Potty

Trash Cans


Percy put away the list, it was time to get to work.

First things first, the pillows and blankets. Percy entered his time dilation ID and took off at mach 1 speeds. He went to New York city and searched the entire city for a place to buy pillows in bulk. Sure enough he found a warehouse for Bed, Bath and Beyond.

He entered the building easily enough, he tore a hole in the side of the place, and quickly found where they stored all the pillows. He slipped out of his ID and into the real world, he grabbed all of them, big, small, fluffy, not so fluffy, and then slipped right back into his ID. He promised himself to return all the pillows once he was done using them.

He then searched around and found blankets as well, he repeated the same thing he did with the pillows, but this time he left a note saying, 'I'm going to use these, bring it back as soon as I can.' Hopefully that would serve as some kind of promise to the people who would eventually discover the pillows and blankets were missing.

Two down, 7 to go.

Percy went to a wal-mart for the plates , the party decoration, the trash cans and the cups, this time he did buy them, no reason not to. While there he also picked up several large bottles of soda and water. It took a while and Percy saw some things he never wished to ever see again. Truly Wal-Mart was the pitstain of America, hell he saw so many half naked people in there he lost count!

There was also this one lady with crooked yellow teeth that looked like a textbook definition of a witch. And she was currently breastfeeding her 7 year old son. Needless to say Percy ran out of the place.

Next was the porter potty, which was a little tricky. It took him an hour to search the entire city for the company that supplied them to various construction sites, but in the end Percy did find it. He snuck in and like with Bed, Bath and Beyond he stole them, he so did not want to fill out all the paperwork involved in renting these things. He took three of them, one for the guys, one for the girls and one for the Ares kids. Seriously, no offence to Clarisse, but those guys were pigs.

Percy then went to central park where there was a secret entrance to the Labyrinth that he could access. Useing that he traveled halfway across the country coming out on the Camp Jupiter side of the tunnel. This way Percy didn't have to run across country to get to Las Vegas, though that would probably give him a good workout.

Percy got the food from inside the Lotus Casino cafe easily enough, this time however he didn't wait and look around, hell he didn't even bother slowing down. He kept moving at super speed, not bothering to stop for any reason.

This was why the Lotus Casino's mental manipulation ability was nulled out, Percy could barely feel it working on him, and he also didn't lose out on any time.

And now came the most difficult item to get, the alcohol. Well not difficult, not if you the ability to manipulate the Mist.

Percy quickly ran to the nearest liquor shop he could find, and since he was in Las Vegas that meant all he had to do was walk two blocks in any direction and boom, there was at least one liquor shop open even at 4 in the afternoon.

Percy waited outside the liquor shop and quickly looked through his skill list for the skill he was looking for;

Mist Control, Lv-3 (0%)

The user can control the mist to create illusions.

Can be used on- Mortals

Range- 30 meters

Percy used his Mist control and made himself look older, around late 20's, early 30's. And for good measure he even gave himself a 5 O'clock shadow. He then double checked his disguise and readied himself. He had a level 20 acting skill with 80% believability rate, it's time to use that.

He walked in casually and casually had a look around. There was no one else in here, except a clerk in the back who looked bored as hell. But at least she was cute, curly blonde hair made into a pixie cut.

Percy walked up to the nearest shelf and looked at all the booze stacked up there. He was so nervous, he knew he shouldn't be doing this and felt nervous. He could just imagine what would happen if he got caught, his mom would.…...wait…..he fucking fought monsters and just a few weeks ago was sent into another world, if he could do all that then he could drink some bloody liquor!

Plus it's not like he never drank it before, there was that time with Odysseus and his men where they celebrated after Galen kicked his ass in hand to hand combat. Percy smiled and wondered if there would be any difference in their skills now.

But he quickly took himself out of memeory lane and focused on the task at hand, getting the booze.

First, they would need light beer, mostly for the first timers and the casuals. Percy grabbed a cart from the side and quickly filled it up with several six packs filled with beer, he got diffrent flavours, he honestly didn't know what he should get, he also stuck to the basics, no need for any flavored stuff.

He then went to pick the really hardcore stuff. Percy first grabbed two bottles of rum for himself. What? He liked the stuff, if anyone was to blame it was Odysseus and Galen. He also picked up a bottle of vodka, some grape juice, a bottle of fizzy water, two bottles of Johnnie Walker Black and a bottle of scotch.

Percy walked up to the counter and looked at the young woman there giving her a friendly smile, but not too friendly, don't want to seem in a hurry or anything. Percy looked at her name;

Amanda Cole, Party animal

Lv- 9

'Huh, that's a pretty weak level for an adult,' Percy told himself, usually if a human was an adult their level would range from 12 to 19, with few going 20 and above. But it seems this girl was kind of weaker than most humans.

"Find everything you need?" Amanda asked lazily sounding like she was repeating a revised script.

"Yeah I did," Percy stacked up all the liquor he got.

"Great, if there's anything I can-" Amanda's voice got stuck in her throat as she stopped and stared at Percy. Slowly a red tinge came on her face as she smiled shyly, "I'm Amanda by the way."

Percy smiled, "Percy, Percy Jackson," Percy shook her hand. Amanda however had a little trouble letting go of the offered arm.

"Right," she got back to work billing all the items, "has anyone ever told you you look like a movie star?"

Percy blushed a little but slammed down Gamer's mind killing the shyness, "ah, no, no they haven't."

"Well they should have, seriously, you are so hot enough for it," Percy honestly didn't know what to say. Amanda spoke again, "so, you haveing a party or something?"

Percy nodded, "something," he opened his inventory and after making sure Amanda wasn't looking he carefully took out several 100 dollar notes.

"Cool, I haven't seen you around here before, just moved in?"

"Not really, I'm passing by, friends and I are going on a road trip to New York, so we figured we have a party to start the trip off."

"Damn, really? That's so not fair."

Percy looked surprised, "really? Why?"

"Because I just saw you," Amanda bit her lips seductively causing Percy to blush, "so when is this party?"

"T-tonight," Percy said as Amanda finished his order.

"So are you planning on doing anything between now and then," she leaned forward, her tits were smaller than Thalia's, but she definitely knew how to use them.

"Ah yeah...my girlfriend and I are planning to catch a movie."

Lie succeeded!

Amanda sighed, "why is it that the cute ones are always gay or in a relationship?"

Percy chuckled, "don't worry, I'm sure you'll find someone."

Amanda, "yeah, you and my mom. Anyway, your total comes up to 540$," Percy handed her the amount, "ID?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "seriously?"

Amanda shrugged, "state law dude."

Percy grumbled, he was about 50% sure she was just giving him a hard time because he refused her advances. Percy reached into his inventory and pulled out his library card, using a little bit of Mist he manipulated the image on it into a fake driver's licence before handing it to Amanda.

The girl checked the card and nodded giving it back to Percy who immediately put it back into his inventory. The girl bagged all the drinks and put it back into Percy's cart.

Just as he was about to leave she called out, "hey Percy, if things don't work with that girlfriend of yours you should totally hit me up."

"Thanks Amanda, I'll think about," Percy lied and walked away. Once he was outside the store he quickly snuck around the nearest corner, away from security cameras. He opened his inventory and deposited all the drinks into it. He then pushed the shopping cart away, it would look like he just left it there. Not very responsible sure, but it was better than having to answer unwanted questions.

Percy now had all he needed for the party, all that was left to do was to get Gardiner island ready. Oh, and also talk to a certain daughter of Demeter about a particular fruit.

A few hours later;

Thalia Grace sat alone in the Zeus table as she played around with her food. Her boyfriend was currently held up in that island of his doing Gods know what while her friends were busy doing their own things.

Michael and Clarisse were currently shooting kissy faces at each from across the room, Thalia was so glad Percy and her never did anything like that…..but they did do worse so that was a moot point.

Annabeth was currently running herself to the bone trying to figure out Argo's notes while her siblings tried their best to keep her alive. Nina was busy at the forge along with her siblings while the Hermes kids were pushing themselves to the limits, Hades, Travis once asked Percy to keep things up a notch.

Mera was also showing her face into a book, it seems she was due to return to Atlantis for an exam of some sort. Thalia smiled at that, guess not everything was all that bad. Sure Kronos and all that, but at least the stupid fish bitch will now finally stop flirting with her boyfriend.

Just then a pair of arms wrapped themselves around Thalia's neck pulling her back as a warm set of lips kissed her forehead. The daughter of lighting smiled, she didn't need to look back to know who was there, "I haven't seen you all day."

"I was busy," Percy said as he sat next to his girlfriend with a smile on his face, "I was...well, I was planning a surprise for you."

"Really? A surprise? For me?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, you and everyone else in camp."

"Okay, this I got to hear."

"Well, I know everyone had been pushing themselves to their limits, Hades, just the other day Travis had asked for more training!"

Thalia chuckled "yeah, I know what you mean."

"So, I figured why not help them relax? Now I know what you are thinking, the last time we tried that Argo crashed the fun, but this time I can guarantee that won't' happen."

"Why not?"

"Because it's going to be on Gardiner's island," Percy told her with a grin.

"So….you are going to take everyone from camp to the island for….why?"

"Because my amazingly beautiful, sexy and awesome girlfriend, I want to throw a party," Percy said a grin.

"WHAT?!" Thalia shouted out causing everyone in the Mess hall to stop and stare.

"Not so loud!" Percy hissed out as he looked around, people slowly we're moving on, giving them their privacy, "do you want Chiron or Mr. D finding out?"

"Sorry," Thalia said in a whisper, "but seriously? A party? You are planning on throwing a party?"

"Yes….don't sound so surprised," Percy huffed.

Thalia chuckled at her boyfriend's brooding form, "I'm sorry honey, really, I am, it's just that….well I've alway been the fun one in this relationship."

"That is…..true," Percy couldn't argue against that, "but I decided to do something about that. You were right, I'm basically a stick in the mud, I don't know how to have fun, but that will change. And beside," Percy came in closer wrapping his hand around her hips and pulling her towards him, "you surprised me and the rest of the camp with such an awesome birthday gift, sure Argo kind of ruined it, but that doesn't matter. I want to finish what you started Sparky," Percy leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips, the kind that sent goosebumps down Thalia's spine causing her toes to curl up.

"Damn it, you're getting better at that," Thalia cursed, "I swear Jackson, one of these days you are the one who'll be melting into my arms."

"I already do that every morning I wake up," Percy said causing Thalia to blush up a storm, "now come on, we have a new mission. Tell everyone you can about the party, invite only the ones you are sure that can keep a secret. And at no costs do not let any of the adults find out. If Chiron finds out he'll tell my mom and then she'll…...well let's not think about that okay?"

Thalia nodded, "got it. Let's go," Thalia moved to get up but Percy pushed her back down on her desk with his telekinetic powers.

"Yeah, not so fast," Percy then pushed Thalia's plate forward, "you need to eat Thalia."

"Didn't you get food for the party?" Thalia asked.

"I did, but that's not the point," Percy took up a fork and cut the meat on her plate. He picked up a small piece of meat, "here, say 'ah'."

"Percy," Thalia blushed looking away as Percy tried to feed her, "I'm not a baby!"

"Well you're my baby," Percy said pushing the fork full of meat forward, "now open up."


"-No buts, just open up," Percy replied. Thalia sighed and gave up, she opened up and Percy put the meat in. The demigod smiled as Thalia chewed her food, "see, was that so bad?"

"I hate you," Thalia spat out.

Lie Detected!

Percy smiled, "no you don't." After that Thalia quickly finished off the rest of the food on her own, she may have liked the way Percy doubted on her, but there was a limit to how much he could embarrass her in public.

Percy and Thalia then split up and started to jump around different tables telling whoever they thought would want to show up for the party.

The plan was this, right after 11, everyone who knew about the party would sneak out of their cabin and they would meet up at the Fist of Zeus, where Percy would take them where they needed to go.

Soon the news spread out like wild fire. The campers made sure not to tell anyone they thought couldn't keep the secret. Nico, Decker and all the other younger demigods were left clueless about the news, while everyone actively avoided Chiron like the plague that night. Why? There was this rumor going around that the centaur could read the minds of demigods, who started this rumor no one knows, but people avoided him just in case it proved to be true.

At 11 Percy and Thalia waited on the Fist of Zeus, and slowly all the demigods started showing up. The first person there was Michael, with Clarisse in tow. Then came the older half of the Hermes cabin along with the whole of Ares cabin.

Bianca wasn't there, Percy really wished the girl tried to have more fun. Surprisingly Annabeth and the entire Athena cabin was here. It seemed they had collectively decided to spend a night out enjoying life, plus this gave them all the perfect opportunity to forget about work for some time.

They waited for 20 minutes, just incase a few campers found it hard it sneak out. Percy finally got up and addressed the crowd, "all right people, who's ready to party?!"


"Keep it down!" Michael hissed, "you don't' want to alert the Harpies!"

"Right, sorry," Percy chuckled, "kind of got excited."

"Why?" Lee asked looking around, "no offence man, but this doesn't really feel like a party."

Percy green, "who said the party was here?" the campers looked confused while only Thalia smiled knowing what he meant.

"So...you are going to take us to the party?" Clarisse asked.

"Yeah," Percy opened his inventory, "I'll take you all in my inventory."

"Ah, where exactly is this place you're going to take us?" Annabeth asked.

"It's a surprise," Percy grinned, "now, who's first?!"

"What the hell," Michael shrugged, "hopefully you won't screw this up. I mean, it is a party organized by you."

"Dude, you are so going to eat those words," Percy responded as he put Michael in his inventory. Slowly one by one everyone got stored away. Surprisingly Mera also showed up, it seemed she had charmed a son of Ares into telling her what was happening. Thalia didn't like that, but she refused to let the mermaid ruin her night.

After everyone was loaded up Percy took off for Gardiner's island and reached there in record time, thanks to his time dilation ID.

He stood at the edge of the Haven city borders and opened up his inventory carefully taking out every demigod inside his inventory.

Soon all the demigods were out and confused wondering where they were.

"Percy, dude, where the hell are we?" Peter, the son of Ares, asked.

"This is Gardiner's island," Percy said motioning to the island, "it's kind of….well, it's mine."

"Wait, what do you mean yours?" Selina asked.

"I mean, I own it," Percy motioned all around them, "kind of got it from this creepy albino that owed me a favour or two."

"So this is it," Annabeth said looking around in amazement, "it's bigger than I imagined."

"Wait, you know about this place Annabeth?" Matthew, Annabeth's half-brother, asked.

"Yeah, this is where Percy wished to build the Haven for the demigods," Annabeth explained, "and if I'm correct….we should be standing right at the edge of the city limits."

Percy nodded, "yup. I already told the head counselors this, but after my trip to New Rome, I kind of realised how unfair it was for all of us to die at the age of 20. It sucked and it was unfair, so I decided to do something about it. It took some time, but I finally got started in building a place for all us."

"Wait….so this is where you wish to build the city for demigods?" Michael asked looking around, "dude, you have a lot of work to do."

"I know, but it will be worth it," Percy smiled.

"Hey, what's that?" Nina asked pointing at a building in the middle of the clearing. The demigods squinted and could just make out the vague silhouette of the structure in question.

Percy smiled, "that my friends, is where we are going to party, come on," Percy lead them on a walk towards the center of the clearing all the while telling them what was going to go where.

Over all the demigods were very impressed. Percy admitted Annabeth helped out a lot, but he didn't have to do that. Not because he needn't show his humility or something like that, it was because no one in their right minds would ever believe Percy could have thought of all this up without some help.

Soon they reached the building in question and the demigods gasped in wonder.

Thalia leaned in close, "Percy, how long did you take you to build that?"

Percy shrugged, "a hour, I think."

"Dude seriously?" Michael's jaw looked like it was broken, "I take back my previous statement, if you can build that in an hour you can build a city in a week."

Percy nodded, "yeah, but it's a lot more complicated than that," he walked up the set of stairs leading inside the Hearth. He turned and looked back at the hesitant demigods, "well? What are you waiting for? Come on!"

The demigods talked amongst themselves before finally just giving in, it was Percy, there was a 50% chance they might enjoy what was inside and a 50% of them being dosed with sea water.

The demigods slowly went up the steps of the Hearth for the first time, there was a warm glow that came from the inside, it felt welcoming. The pillars were inviting, which was a strange feeling to get from a hunk of stone. The walls looked like they were carved from a single slab, with waves etched into walls. Obviously Percy was a little partial when it came to the city designs.

The inside was even more amazing as a wave of warmth hit them all, bringing them out of the cold and into a large room that decorated with a giant banner in the center with the words, 'PARTY!' written in blue.

The steps leading down to the center of the room were all covered with pillows and blankets. In the center was a big heart whose flames grew bigger and warmer as more and more demigods got inside.

Percy stopped in front of the hearth, next to him were several table filled with drinks, food and plates.

"Alright, here are the rules," Percy began, "no littering, seriously, you dirty this place I will throw you into a lake. Also if anyone wants to there are several Porta potties outside, one for the guys, one for the girls and one exclusively for the Ares kids."

"Hey! That's segregation!" Peter roared out.

"Thems the rules Pete," Percy shrugged, "alright, now, Katie," Percy called out, "you have it?"

The daughter of Demeter had a huge smile plastered on her face, "got it!" She jumped down towards Percy with a huge duffel bag around her had. She took it off and opened it up searching inside for a bit before pulling out several bottles of orange cider.

"Sweet," Percy picked one up and Observed it;

Happy Fruit juice,

Cider taken out of the Happy fruit, diluted, it makes the drinker feel happy for 2 hours.

"What is that?" Annabeth asked.

"My secret recipe," Katie replied grinning like an idiot, "I call it the Happy Happy juice!"

Percy narrowed his eyes, "did you drink some of this before you came here?"

Katie giggled, "hehe, maybe."

"Okay, what exactly is this happy happy juice?" Michael asked as slowly all the demigod gathered around filling up the bottom level surrounding the hearth.

"It basically makes people happy for 2 hours time," Katie explained, "it's like super good. Percy gave me a Happy fruit and I used my powers to create more of it and boom, happy happy juice."

"So it's a drug?" Annabeth asked.

"No," Percy quickly replied, "it doesn't have any sideeffects. So no, it's not a drug."

"But it is addicting!" Katie replied in a melodious voice, "like I had four bottles before I came here!"

"Katie you may want to hold back," Percy said nervously, "like seriously, you're starting to scare me."

"Ah ha! So it is a drug!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"No!" Percy hissed back, "I didn't help create a drug!"

"Does it make people addicted?"

"YES!" Katie shouted as she hugged Clarisse tightly as the daughter of Ares tried her best to push the girl off of her.

"Does it make you feel high?"

"Well..." Percy looked at Katie as she tried to kiss Clarisse on the cheeks much to Michael's awe, "...yes."

"Then it's a drug," Annabeth huffed.

"Percy….did you just help create a drug?" Thalia asked in awe.

Percy gulped, "ah...I plead the fifth?"

"Dude, I didn't realise you could be so cool!" Michael shouted out as he jumped on Percy giving his friend a big hug, "I'll never question your awesomeness again!"

"Neah, you're just saying that because you're hoping to get a threesome with me and Clarisse," Katie stuck her tongue out at Michael who blushed on que.

"N-no I'm not!" Michael roared back.

"Really?" Katie sighed, "that's too bad. I would totally be down for that."

Michael paused for a second, he looked like Thalia had just hit him with a lighting bolt. He slowly turned to Percy, his movement looked forced, like a his bones had somehow rusted. He looked at the son of Poseidon, "Percy….give me that juice."

Percy stepped back, "ah, maybe we should get cups or something."

Michael narrowed his eyes, "juice. Now."

"Dude, your kinda scaring me," Percy took another step back.

Michael started to drool, Percy didn't need to read his mind to know what he was thinking of. He looked like a zombie as he eyed the bottle in Percy's hands, "juice….juice….juice."


Clarisse hit Michael across the face snapping him out of his zombie like trance, "stop acting like an idiot."

Michael rubbed his cheeks, "sorry, super tempting. The image of you and-"

"-Okay we don't need to know that," Selina shouted stopping Michael in his tracks, "but now I totally need some of that juice!"

"Why?" Charles asked.

"Because I want to see you smile Charlie," Selena grinned as she grabbed a plastic cup form the table of liquor. She presented it to Percy, "fill it up."

Percy nodded, "sure, everyone grab a cup," Percy then began to pour the happy happy juice for everyone there. He didn't give them all a full cup, this stuff was like Nectar, a little was enough for the effects to take over.

Soon everyone had a shot glass amount of the drink in hand. Percy lifted his up in the air, "to camp half-blood!"

"TO CAMP HALF-BLOOD!" the demigods cheered as they drowned their drinks in a single swing, and instantly the effect of the juice activated.

A smile came on everyone's face, even Percy's. This stuff somehow worked over Gamer's body and mind affecting him in a way not even alcohol could. But considering it came from a fruit he's got as a loot item that was to be expected.


You have consumed Katie's 'Happy Happy juice'! You will be happy for the next 2 hours!

"Let's party!" Castor, the son of Dionysus shouted as he cracked open a bottle of beer chugging it down without a second thought.

Everyone was moving, the Apollo kids got up on the marble platform around the hearth and started to sing and play, it was a good thing Percy asked them to bring their instruments.

Soon everyone was all over the place. The Athena kids drank more than anyone else, this was a rare thing for them, Percy had never seen such a drastic change in behaviour. Hades, Annabeth even got on stage and started to dance like no one was watching, and soon her siblings joined her as well.

The Ares kids started to wipe out all the food on the table, luckily Percy had a lot more stored up in his inventory, they wouldn't be running out any time soon.

Soon everyone was smiling and having a good time. It seemed that Katie's extreme reaction to the Happy Happy juice was a child of Demetre thing as only her and her siblings acted like they were high.

The first thing they did was open the vodka, something simple to ease the beginners into. Percy poured the drinks while Castor and the other more experienced drinkers made sure they first timers dranks properly.

Soon everyone there had a cup in hand dancing like there was no tomorrow.

Percy stood to the side with a smile on his face. He took a sip from his cup of rum as he watched everyone having a good time. They deserved it, they had worked hard, they needed a break.

Percy looked at the barrier Hestia put up and he could already feel it growing stronger;

Hestia's Protection,

Anyone you, Percy Jackson, call an enemy will be unable to enter this building.

Strength- strong enough to repel a minor nature spirit.

"You know I really am surprised," Thalia walked up to Percy with a cup in hand and a smile on her face, "I didn't really think you had it in you."

Percy chuckled as Thalia wrapped her arms around his neck pushing him down on the ground on top of a pillow. She straddled him with her legs as Percy wrapped his arms around her.

"You and Michael both," Percy smiled as he kissed her deeply tasting the Happy Happy juice on her lips, "you having a good time?"

"Yeah, but you still look like you have a huge stick up your ass," Thalia hummed as she kissed his neck slowly tracing her lips down his neck sending small bolt of electricity down his skin.

Percy shuddered at the feeling, "goddamn it woman, you know me too well."

"Yeah, I know," Thalia moved back looking at him with concerned eyes, "what's wrong?"

"It's nothing it's…." Percy sighed, he wanted to lie and say everything was fine, but he couldn't' not to her. "I'm worried, about everything. The war, the Titans, the Gods, the demigods, what the future will hold….I'm just so worried."

"You put too much responsibility on your shoulders Percy," Thalia said in an understanding tone, "especially when you take other people's problems and make them your own."

"What do you mean?"

"Kronos and the Titans are my problem remember? I'm the one who has to fight them."

"And your problems are my problems," Percy stated as he drew her closer placing his head on her neck, "you think I'm just not going to worry about the monsters my girlfriend has to face? Sorry Thalia, but if it's your problem then it's my problem."

"Fine, fair enough, but what about everything else? The world isn't your problem Percy, the demigods, while family, isn't your problem. Believe me, they have survived long before we came and they will do so after we die. Same for the world."

"Yeah...but Thalia I can make it better, I can change everything. Demigods don't' have to die at 20 thanks to the Haven. Which I remind you exists because of me interfering. And I remember what happened in that other world Thalia, that world filled with heroes, they didn't just hide in one corner when the world needed them, no, they stood out in the light and fought back, they fought for the world, for the future."

"And you think you have to do the same?" Thalia asked, "that's not fair. Why you? Why us? Why can't it be someone else?"

"Who else but us? Who is stronger? Who else would be willing to do what is needed?"

"So that's it? You just want to give your life up for someone else?"

Percy shook his head, "no, not someone else, you, and every other demigod here and in camp."

Thalia pulled away from Perry and looked at him, "Percy you promised me you will always come back to me," Percy nodded, "thank you for that. But I want one more promise from you."


"If there comes a time when you have to chose between the world and your happiness, you must pick the thing that makes you happy."

Percy chuckled, "isn't that just a tad bit insensitive?"

Thalia shook her head, she don't look like she was laughing, she was deadly serious, "no, it isn't. Of all the people I know you are the one who needs some fucking happiness in your life. You, not me, not the camp."

"You make me happy Thalia," Percy kissed her on the check, "don't' you see that?"

"So let's say Kronos captures me or something, would you come for me?"

"Is that really a question?"

"Okay, fair enough, how about….if you had to chose between me and saving Olympus, what would you pick?"

"You," Percy replied without a moment's hesitation.

Thalia smiled, "good boy," she leaned in and kissed him for all he was worth. She grabbed his jacket collar and pulled him close grinding on his crotch.

They broke the kiss and Percy smiled, "you know I think the Happy Happy juice might be working a little too well."

Thalia chuckled, "yeah, maybe," she got off of Percy and helped him up, "come on, we have a party to enjoy."

Percy nodded as the couple walked back to the gathered demigods. Percy was still worried, but for now he put that all to the side, he didn't care for any of it. For now, just this moment, he was happy.

Suddenly Michael jumped out of the group of gathered demigods and made a mad dash for the bottles of Happy Happy Juice.

"Micheal! Drop that bottle of Happy juice!" Percy ran to stop his friend.

"No Percy! I'm getting my threesome!" Michael yelled as he grabbed the remaining happy juice running around the Hearth like a man possessed.

"Get him!" Clarisse yelled as everyone ran off chasing the son of Apollo.


Dionysus and Chiron stood outside the Hearth looking down at the demigods.

"How did you know about this place lord Dionysus?" Chiron asked.

"I'm the god of parties, you think I wouldn't know that the kids were throwing one?" Dionysus said with a shrug as he gulped down the rest of his diet coke.

"I must admit this is certainly surprising," Chiron smiled, "but they deserve it."

"So we aren't going to punish them?" Dionysus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I don't' think we should. They need this, they have far too much weighing on their shoulders, let them have their fun," Chiron chuckled as he saw Percy tackle Michael to the ground grabbing a bottle of what looked like apple cider.

"Hmph, you're growing soft Chiron," Dionysus snapped his fingers sending an invisible wave of energy over the demigods.

"What did you do?" Chiron asked.

"I gave them my blessing," the god of wine stated, "now they won't end up with a hangover the next day."

Chiron smiled, "that is very kind of you lord Dionysus," the god grumbled under his breath but said nothing. Chiron turned back to the demigods and noticed Percy looking right at him. The legendary trainer was surprised, he didn't expect Percy to notice him, Dionysus was a god and Chiron was a master of stealth, how a mere demigod could pick them out….it was unnerving.

"He must have sensed my spell," Dionysus hummed as he noticed Percy looking at them.

"Maybe," Chiron waved and Percy waved back. Quickly the demigod turned back to his party, an unspoken agreement ran between the two, Percy wouldn't react to Chiron and the trainer wouldn't stop the party.

"He's gotten too powerful," the god frowned, "Zeus is worried about that he might become a threat."

"He won't be," Chiron assured the God, "he considers the demigods his family. He would never betray them."

"And what of the Gods?" Dionysus summoned a new bottle of coke cracking it open, "from what I understand he only likes a handful of us, and I'm not on that list."

"As long as we don't betray him he won't betray us."

"Why do you have such faith in him?"

"Because….because he's my student."

"Tell me has he even taken a single lesson from you?"

"Does that not make him my student?" Chiron shot back, "in the end it doesn't matter. I have put my faith in him before and was not lead astray. He has done so much for demigods it is almost akin to the tasks of Hercules."

"Fine, I'll judge him based on his actions, not on his sayings," the god grumbled, "still I don't like it. He could hate us and we wouldn't even know about it. For all we know we could be hosting our own weapon of destruction."

"I doubt that's true," Chiron stroked his beard, "after all there isn't much the Gods don't know. Despite Percy's power I doubt even he could hide his actions fully from the Gods."

Dionysis nodded, "agreed….nothing can remain hidden for long."

Unknown to both the camp workers a third figure was hidden right next to them. This figure hide herself using the Mist manipulating it so skillfully not even a God like Dionysus could see through it. In effect she was invisible to the world, but she could see it just fine.

The blue haired woman smirked as she heard Chiron and Dionysus speak, it was almost ironic, no, wait, it was ironic. Like the textbook definition of ironic. The woman shook her head chuckling under her breath, 'those two are still so funny.'

She turned to look into the Hearth and at the demigods. A smile came on her lips as her eyes became glazed. It was almost heart aching to see all that happiness and not join in. But she kept her distance, after all it wasn't time to reveal herself, not just yet.

"Thalia get back here!" Percy shouted as he ran after a half drunk Thalia who had stolen his jacket.

The blue haired woman chuckled, 'they are certainly a lively bunch. Almost makes me wish for...no, no don't think about it. Just...sigh, just focus on the task at hand. You have waited for so long, you can wait a little bit longer.'

"You better catch me sweetheart!" Thalia roared as she jumped from seat to seat with the jacket flying behind her, "or else I'm going to throw up all over it!"

"I hate it when you get drunk!" Percy yelled as he chased his girlfriend, "you always act like an idiot!"

"Hey! You take that back!"

"Fine! You act like Micheal!"

"I think I liked being called an idiot," Thalia frowned as Percy zoomed to her side grabbing his jacket and pulling her close. Thalia laughed as Percy wrapped his arms around her once more, "okay fine, you caught me. Now what do you plan to do with me?"

Percy smiled, "I have a couple of ideas," he kissed her as slowly they ignored everything else happening around them.

The blue haired woman sighed, 'damn, now I'm depressed. Sigh, why oh why did you ever think this would be a good idea?'

Chiron and Dionysus left after a few more minutes, but the blue haired woman stayed. She looked as the demigods slowly began to go to sleep. They all wrapped themselves up in blankets and slept on the floor of the Hearth. Pillows were used generously as Percy had gotten way too many of them.

Percy and Thalia slept right next to the Hearth, they had a thick blanket over them as they snuggled in close. Slowly one by one they all fell asleep. Even Michael, who was tied up for the majority of the party, was now snuggled up close to his girlfriend.

Once everyone was off to the realm of Morpheus the mysterious blue haired woman walked into the Hearth. She bypassed the wards like they were nothing. She slowly walked past all of the sleeping faces, each so young and innocent, she felt pity and pain knowing what they would have to face.

Finally she reached Percy and Thalia. She looked at them and smiled, Thalia had her head snuggled into Percy's' neck, it fitted perfectly as Percy wrapped an arm around her warm body pulling her close.

The woman knelt down over Percy's head, "when we meet everything will change. I'm sorry it has to be this way, I promise I'll do my best to lift some of this burden off your shoulders Percy, but in the end only you and Thalia can end this, only you two are destined to."

She bent down and pressed her lips up against Percy's. It was warm with the taste of apple cider hitting her strongly. She broke it and waited for him to react, nothing, the demigod was knocked out like a log.

So she kissed him again, this time it lasted longer, it was almost like she was memorising how it felt. And then like a shadow in the night she was gone. It was almost instant, one moment she was there, the next she wasn't.

Percy's eyes fluttered as he woke up. He felt something strange on his lips, something warm. He looked around, nothing was out of the ordinary, maybe it was nothing. After all his Area sence would have notified him if it was.

Percy brought his hands to his face and felt his lips. They were warm and wet, maybe Thalia had kissed him in her drunken stupor? But just then Percy felt something, a single wet spot on his cheek, a tear drop and it was freshly made.

Percy turned to Thalia, 'was she crying?' He couldn't tell, there were no tears streaks on her face, but it didn't matter. Percy quickly drew her closer wrapping both arms around her.

Thalia reacted to the warm embrace by snuggling closer, "I love you Percy," she muttered as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Percy smiled, "I love you Thalia."

End Of Volume One