
Chapter 51

Chapter 51:

Percy didn't know what to do. He was without his weapons and stuck in this place which he didn't recognize one bit. His brain was telling him to sit tight and wait for Saito and Julia to get him, but he knew he couldn't afford to wait, people were being killed right before his eyes, their screams were loud and clear to his ears.





Percy closed his eyes as Gamer's mind did it's best to keep Percy calm, but Percy wasn't calm, he was angry. He wasn't just going to sit here and do nothing. It may mean he would never see his friends again, but that was a risk he was willing to make, no….he had to make. He would never forgive himself if he just stood by in the sidelines as people died, even if they weren't people from his world.

'I need a weapon,' Percy realised. He looked at his empty palms, he never should have given up Riptide and Waverider to Termilus, that was just stupid. But it was okay, Percy still had one more weapon up his sleeve, his body. Plus a suit of armour with two extra weapons inside it. Thank you Poseidon!

So Percy opened up his inventory and pulled out his armour gauntlet. He put on the black gauntlet and smiled at the familiar feeling of the material shift and bind itself around his arm.

"Tsunami!" Percy cried out causing the gauntlet to exploded into action.

Metal and cloth spun itself around Percy's body slowly forming his armour. The silk slid itself over him like a second skin while the metal pieces stitched themselves on his back. His cape materialized behind him flowing behind him, giving him the look of a bird about to take to the skies.

His white belt materialised around his hip breaking the constant black suit as a a silk face mask covered his whole face except the front portion. The helmet then shut down over Percy's face and closed down activating the helmet's hud display system. Percy flexed his arms causing the cloth to squeak, he was ready.


Armour activated!

+20% MP

+10% HP

+70% Elvish magic

+5 Dex

+2 Str

+3 Vit

+2 levels for water, ice, shadow and earthquake control

Percy channeled mana into the silk suit activating it's armoured features. The silk sharpened and hardened as it took on an almost hard fish scale like appearance. Metal knuckle bracers apparead, Percy reached for the compartment in his left gauntlet and slid it to the side revealing the two spare pens he kept in there along with the small tin box of Ambrosia and Nectar.

Percy took out the pens and popped off their caps turning them into celestial bronze greek style swords. They weren't Riptide or Waverider, but they would do for now.

Percy turned to the sky, the things flying in the air looked alien, maybe a monster, but mostly likely it was an attacking force of some kind. They were way to co-ordinated not to be.

'First mission, save as many people as I can,' Percy told himself as he waited for the quest alert notification form the Game. He waited and waited but nothing came. Percy didn't understand why, but right now was not the time for this, people were in danger, he could deal with this power crysis later.

Percy looked up at the flying….whatever those things were. He needed a way to get up there…...got it.

Percy put on of the swords away, he would need the use of at least one hand for this. He took a few steps back and then charged full speed ahead. He reached the edge of the roof and kicked up as hard as he could launching himself into the air.

He threw his left arm out and shout out a shadow grapple out of his hand launching it towards the flying monster.

"ARGH!" The thing screamed as Percy's shadow grapple dug itself into the monster's tigh.

"Help me!" a woman who was being dragged up by the monster cried out.

Percy pulled himself forward as drew back the shadow grapple coming closer and closer towards the monster.

"Get your hands off of her!" Percy swung up and landed on the monster's back. He had one had tightly wrapped around the monsetr's back and extended his free arm towards the others.

'Only got one shot at this,' Percy told himself as he began to gather mana into the plam of his hand forming a blue and green speher of energy.


You have created a new skill!

Energy blast, Lv- 1 (0%)

Sends out a blast of energy.

Cost- 100 MP

Damage- 100 MP

Percy launched the ball of energy forward piercing one of the nearby monsters with it.

"AHH!" the man the monster was holding started to fall down, but Percy didn't intend to let him die. Immediately Percy formed a hand made out of the moisture in the air and used it to grab the man.

Percy then turned to the other demons and started firing more and more of his energy blasts. He caught every single human that fell down in his water hand, that was slowly growing bigger and bigger.

Percy then turned down to the monster he was currently riding and drew back a hand, punching a hole through it's chest.

"GRAA!" the monster roared as it fell out of the sky. Percy used his telepathy and pulled the woman close, preventing her from falling. With her and the other's now safe Percy launched a shadow grapple and swung down landing on the roof of a nearby building.

Percy put the people down first and then the woman. "Are you all alright?"

"Yes, thank you!" the woman cried out. Percy looked at her name;

Lois Lane, Reporter

Lv- 8

Percy nodded, "right. Can you tell me what's going on? What are those things?"

"I-I don't know. I was in my office and the next thing I know they showed up out of these white portals or something. They just came in the thousands and-and they just started to grab people."

"I see," Percy looked up at the sky and Observed one of them;

Parademons, Minions of Darkseid

Lv- 39

HP: 20,000/20,000

MP: 0/0

Race- Mutated Servants

Str- Information not available

Vit- Information not available

Dex- Information not available

Int- Information not available

Wis- Information not available

Luc- Information not available

Information not available

Likes: Information not available

Dislikes: Information not available

Information not available

Information not available

Percy cursed, his powers weren't working. Other than their names and title he knew nothing about them. Maybe it was because the Fates couldn't reach him in this world, the gaming powers do come from them, it makes sense if they stopped working when Percy is away from them.

"Who are you?" Lois Lane asked.

Percy closed the box and turned to Lois, "I'm just trying to help. Although I have no idea where to even start."


Percy and the human he saved turned and looked. The sound came from the city port in the distance. Percy was amazed as he saw somebody dressed in blue use a truck as a baseball bat and smash several Parademons with it.

"Holy shit," Percy said, "who is that?"

"Him? Don't you know? That's Superman."


"Have you been living under a rock or something?" Lois asked, "Superman, you know, faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive. Can fly…..dude, come on, Superman!"

"I-I'm not from around here," Percy admitted, "but it looks like most of the Parademons are gathering at the port to take this guy down. Meaning that's where I need to be as well."

"Do you really think you can keep up with Superman?"

Percy chuckled, "lady you haven't seen what I can do yet."

"Who are you?"

Percy shrugged, "my name is Percy Jackson," Percy gave his name up freely, he was in another world, there was no point in keeping it hidden. "And I guess today I'm a superhero."

Percy then took off in a burst of speed leaving Lois Lane standing on top of a building watching as he blurred down the side of a building and make his way towards the big fight in the docks.

"Great, another one," Lois smiled.

With Percy,

The streets were overrun with these monsters. Percy cleaved a path of destruction as he ran to the docks. He saved whoever he could and killed whatever was in the range of his blade. The parademons it seemed were susceptible to celestial bronze, though they didn't react negatively to it like normal monsters, but Percy didn't need the extra boost. He just needed something to kill them all.

Percy quickly reached the docks as he saw Superman fight off the Parademons with the help of three other men, each dressed in unique and strange armours. Percy didn't have time to observe them at all as the moment he reached the docks a huge wave of Parademons burst out of the ground charging at several civilians that were caught in their gaze.

"YO! FUCKTARDS!" Percy roared as he activated both his blades.

The parademons turned to Percy and roared, "for Darkseid!"

"Yeah?! Well watch me kick your back sides!" Percy jumped into battle as he began to push them away from the civilians by cutting them up into pieces. Percy activated Body Form and released his strength seals, he would need everything he had to fight these things and make sure no one got hurt;

STR- 2.89 (+20 + 60 +2)= 84.89

Seal Release: Layer 6, Time: 1 month.

STR- 133,171 (+20+60+2)= 133,253

Body Form Activated: Full Body

STR- 1,332,530

The pain came on fast, and just as quickly disappeared. Percy grinned as he drew his arm back, "fuck off!"

He launched a punch right into the heart of the swarm of Parademons. The monster that Percy's first touched broke apart into blood and gore. The monsters next to it died of internal bleeding and shock from the blow. The rest of them however were sent flying back from the pure raw energy behind that punch.


The monster flew away as Percy cleared a path for the civilians to run away from. Percy turned, "go!"

The civilians didn't move, they were too stunned but what they had seen. Percy groaned, "I said, move or die!"

They were scared now, their feet started to hurry about as everyone ran away from the docks falling to bloody trail Percy had carved up while getting here.

Percy sighed and deactivated his powers, just because he couldn't feel the strain didn't mean it wasn't affecting him, he needed to conserve his strength. Percy turned and looked at the gathered men around him, each dressed up in a costume of sorts.

"So, who the hell are you guys?"

"We should be asking you that pal," said a man dressed in green. He wore a Green and black skin tight suit with white gloves. He had a green dynamo mask on his face and a glowing green ring on his right hand. He hoenstly looked like a fuckign CGI green screen worker. On his chest however was a symbol that Percy recognized, the symbol of Ion.

"You wear the symbol of Ion," Percy spoke out looking at the man's name;

Hal Jordan, Green Lantern

Lv- 14

Percy raised an eyebrow, 'damn, this guy is weak. Maybe he has a secret weapon or something...maybe it's that green glowing ring of his that powers him.'

"Ion? You mean the entity of willpower?" Hal asked suprised, "how do you know about that?"

"Because I meet him," Percy replied as he turned and gasped, "YOU!" Percy turned and leveled his blade at a man dressed in red with yellow lighting blasting around him.

"Ah, me?"

"Who the fuck are you?! And how did you get that power?!" Percy asked readying himself for a fight, "I swear if you try anything I'll gut you like a Harpy!"

"Woah, woah, no need to point that at me!" The man yelled out, "what the hell did I do to you?!"

"The last person I saw who was surrounded by lighting like that threw an amusement park at me!" Percy glared as he looked at the lighting bolt symbol on the man's chest. It was similar to the one Argo had, except it was reversed.

"Wait you know someone like me?" the red speedster asked, "who?"

"A mad man named Argo," Percy spat the name, "has a habit of kidnapping children and experimenting on tem, turning them into monsters."

"Woah man I am so not like that!"

"Yeah! Barry is a superhero!" Hal stepped in as his ring started to glow brighter, "and if you even think about hurting him you will have to get through me!"

"Dude! You just gave away my secret identity!"

Percy looked at the speedster's name;

Barry Allen, The Flash

Lv- 39

Percy looked at Barry who spoke up, "look man I promise you I'm not a crazy scientist or something. Well I am a scientist and I do kind of get stir crazy sometimes, but that's only if I don't get my morning coffee or something. I swear, I'm not this, what did you call him? Argo?"

Percy sighed, "shit," and lowered his blades, "of course you're not. I doubt even Argo could have followed me here. Sorry about jumping the gun, Barry, I just didn't have the best experience with….well whatever you are."

Barry nodded, "none taken ah….who are you again?"

"I believe we would all like to know that," came a dark and brooding voice. Percy looked and saw that the owner of voice was wearing a large black cowl and cape with grey armour underneath. His cowl had pointy ears at the side with white lens serving as his eyes.

Percy looked up at the man's name and title;

Bruce Wayne, Batman

Lv- 24

"My name is Percy Jackson," Percy pressed the button on the side of his helmet and opened it revealing his face, "and I'm not exactly from around here."

"Are you here to help?" the man asked in a brooding tone.

Percy nodded, "anyway I can."

"Wait, you're just a kid!" green Lantern exclaimed, "what are you 17?"

Percy shrugged, "14 actually"

"14?! You can't be here! You're barely old enough to drive!"

Percy shrugged, "I can run faster than any car and can lift building over my head, I think I'm more than qualified to be here. Plus you don't have a right to talk. You're all grown ass men wearing a skin tight spandex. At last I'm wearing armour, and maybe Batman as well, but the rest of you look like a 80's rock and roll band."

"He got us there lantern," a new voice called out.

The three heroes, plus Percy, turned and saw a man floating in mid air. Percy's jaw dropped at the sight. This being could be called the very pinnacle of human evolution. He had enough muscles to make even Hercules jealous.

"Y-You can fly?" Percy asked in amazement as the man landed before them. There was no heavy winds surrounding him like Thalia always had when flying, there was no propulsion system on his back or any other piece of technology. It was just him.

"Yes," the man smiled, "you really aren't from around here are you?"

Percy shook his head as he looked at the giant 'S' written on the man's blue armored suit. "Superman?"

The man nodded, "so you have heard of me?"

"Yeah," Percy looked at his name and title;

Clark Kent, Superman

Lv- 83

Percy's jaw dropped, "dude, are you even human?"

Hal chuckled as he leaned on Percy, "hell no kid, haven't you heard? He's an alien!"

"What?!" Percy yelled out.

"Yeah," Hal smiled.

Percy turned to Superman, "like from outer space?"

The man nodded, "yes."

Percy waited, but his powers picked up no lies. It could be because it wasn't working like the rest of them, but Percy didn't think so.

"Well…...fuck me," Percy sighed, "this world is so fucking broken. First flying monsters and superheroes. Now a real life alien."

"This world?" Batman repeated, "are you saying you aren't from this world?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. I'm from a parallel universe. Long story short, something pulled me here. Something, I think, that is related to these Parademons flying around."

"Parademons?" The Flash asked, "is that what these things are called?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. And apparently they serve someone known as Darkseid."

"How do you know all of this?" Batman asked in a threatening tone of voice.

"It's one of my powers," Percy shrugged.

"Really?" Batman drew a small metal object that was in the shape of a bat, "do you really expect us to believe that?"

"Batman the kids telling the truth," Superman spoke up, "I listen to his heartbeat, he didn't lie."

"You can listen to my heartbeat?" Percy asked in amazement, "dude, what can't you do?"

"I still don't trust him," Batman narrowed his eyes, "he could be the enemy sent to infiltrate us and destroy us from the inside out."

"Hey now that's not fair," Hal stepped up, "he saved those civilians lives, and he revealed his secret identity to us. I mean come on Bat's you trust us don't you! And today is the first day we meet!"

"I don't trust you," Batman replied, "but I know you. I have never heard of him. A being of his power, there should at least rumors going around about him. And the fact that he isn't shy to show off is just another example that he should at least have a title or a name for himself set by the public."

"Well I did say I came from another world," Percy stepped up.

"Ah guys," the Flash called.

"Another world, right," Batman narrowed his eyes, "next thing you'll tell me is that you are also a god or something."

"Demigod actually," Percy glared, "and I don't like your tone."

"Guys you should really look at this!" Flash called out.

"If you don't like my tone tough," Batman growled, "I don't care what you do or don't like."

"You should," Percy smiled, "Bruce." Batman's eyes widened in horror.


"What?!" Percy and Batman snapped turning towards the Flash.

"THAT!" Flash pointed at a huge swarm of Parademons flying towards them from the city. Luckily it was not the same direction that the civilians came from.

"About time!" Percy shut down his helmet and readied his blade, "I have some major anger issues to work out!"

They are readied themselves for the new wave of Parademons when suddenly a new voice roared out, "CREATURES OF EVIL!"

A red and blue blur rocketed passed them and into the swarm of Parademons with flashes silver that cut everything it meet. Several demons fell before the mysterious figure as slowly it also slowed down.

It was a woman wearing what looked like a one piece swimsuit which was very thickly armoured. She had silver bracelets and a silver tiara with a red corset and blue boots.

She crashed into and through the swarm of demons slaying them with her sword, which looked very similar to the two Percy was carrying.

"Is she with you?" Superman asked.

Percy shook his head, "I thought she was with you."

"Dibs," Green Lantern called out.

"BACK TO HADES WITH YOU ALL!" the mysterious woman roared out. Percy smiled, 'finally someone who speaks my language!'

"Let's do this!" Percy channeled mana the crystal in his forehead and summoned forth all his servants. Marcia, Zed, Craig, Timmy, Alecto and Alcyoneus. Since this was another world Gaea wouldn't be able to sense the giant here, Percy hoped.

"Holy shit!" Flash exclaimed.

"What are these things!" Green Lantern's ring started to glow dangerously as Superman also grew alert.

"Relax, their with me," Percy spoke quickly.

"Master," they bowed to Percy.

Percy nodded, "simple protection mission guys. Protect and evacuate all humans. And if you see things like that," Percy pointed at the Parademons, "kill them."

They nodded and quickly ran away from Percy. Maric and Alecto flew, Zed and Craig ran. Timmy used his wind control to guide him away while Alcyoneus simply walked.

"What were they?" Batman asked.

"Support," Percy said as he activated his strengthening skills again, "now we can fight without worrying about civilians getting in our way."

STR- 1,332,530

Percy then charged ahead with Superman at his side and the Flash leading, guess like Argo even he was faster than Percy's max speed.

They joined the battle and started to beat on the Parademons. Percy swung his blades like a madman, each strike carried out was fast and deadly. But Percy didn't lose control, not even for one second.

"You are a fierce warrior!" the woman exclaimed as she threw a bunch of Parademons away with a swing of her arms.

"Thanks, you're pretty good too!" Percy kicked a Parademon so hard it's head exploded from the force while sending the monsters behind it flying back.

"You both are very strong!" Superman called out as he threw a tanker at the monsters while Batman blew it up using an exploding bat shaped projectile.

"We know!" Percy and the woman called out as they started working together seamlessly. It was like every motion they made mirrored the other one's. Soon Percy and her were working in harmony, they formed a wall of death, a storm of swords. Percy knew her moves well, they were definitely Greek in nature.


You have learned a new skill through your 'Photographic Reflexes' skill!

Amazonian Style, Lv- 25 (90%)

The way of the sword taught by the amazons for ages past. It focuses on speed and agility, since it is used by women who often have to fight against bigger and stronger opponents.

+30 Dex while in use

+60% damage bonus

Percy was surprised at the new skill but pushed the box away. He didn't have time to deal with this right now, plus changing styles in the middle of a battle like this would definitely lead to injuries he could have avoided.

"You have been trained well warrior," the woman called out as Percy threw a Parademon into the one she was currently engaging.

"Thanks, you Greek?" Percy asked as he used his blood control to use the spilled blood as weapons and cut down even more Parademons. The blood blades tore through the enemy ranks causing even more blood to be spilt for Percy to use.

"Indeed I am, my name is Diana, I am the princess of the Amazons!" Diana kicked a monster away with her foot, she definitely had some kind of super strength.

Diana, Princess of the Amazons

Lv- 45

"Cool. I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon," Percy used the trails of blood he controlled and sent wave after wave of the liquid slicing off parts of the Parademons causing them to back away from them both.

"Truly?" Diana asked in amazement, "I did not know Poseidon had a son!"

"Demigods aren't common here?" Percy asked as he attacked the monsters still plaguing Diana. The two Greek warriors drove the monsters back.

"They are not, the last one was born many years ago," Diana exclaimed, "and the last son of Poseidon many decades ago."

"Well shit," Percy a frown formed underneath his helmet, "well it doesn't matter."

"Look out!" Diana said as a swarm of parademons came for them

"I got it," Percy then reached down to the water below their feet as suddenly giant hands of water broke through the wooden docks and grabbed Parademons by the fist full. Percy then proceeded to smash them against one another destroying them into pieces.

"Amazing," Diana exclaimed, "you truly are the son of Poseidon."

"Looks like we scared them off," Hal exclaimed as he floated in mid air surrounded by an aura of green energy. Percy was surprised, he didn't know Ion's powers could be used like that.

"No," Batman spoke, "they're assembling."

And they were. All of the ones that survived their encounter with the heroes were now flying into the sea circling around in the far away distance. It was almost like they were waiting for something.

"What are they doing?" The Flash asked.

"I don't know," Percy replied, "b-but….something's coming," Percy felt it through his connection to the sea. "Something big is about to pop out of the ocean."


A burst of red energy exploded out from underneath the water causing a tsunami wave to come towards the city.

"Get down!" He exclaimed as he formed some kind of hard green light structure out of his ring. It was a wall as he tried to put it on the docks to protect the city from the 50 foot wave of water.

"Don't' bother Hal," Percy said as he put both his hands up, "I got this."

"What are you...talking, about..." Hal trailed off as he stopped and started.

The water was still. It looked like it was frozen, but the water was still flowing. Slowly it started to move backwards and into the ocean once again returning to normal. Percy sighed as he put both hands down, that wasn't exhausting to him in the least, guess that just went to show how much stronger he was now.

"How did you do that?" Superman asked.

"I told you," Percy took a deep breath, "I'm a son of Poseidon. A demigod."

"Guys," The Flash called out, "I think you all need to look at this."

They looked and standing where the red beam of energy was a giant alien like watchtower. It had several Parademons flying in and out of it with gold and green lining its surface. It was definitely part of the Darkseid's army, and that was also where the Parademons took the humans they captured. Rocks were all over the surface, it was like the thing stood on an island of itself. Definitely something Percy was interested in.

"What is that thing?" Hal asked as he floated down to ground level.

"I was hoping you all could tell me that," came a new voice. The group turned and there stood another Parademon. They got ready to attack it only for the monster to fall down revealing a golden trident impaled on it's back.

"They were in the water too," a man with blonde hair and blue eyes walked up and pulled the trident out of the monster's back. He wore an chainmail armour similar to Percy's hardened silk suit. Only difference was that it was orange.

He spun the golden trident around with one hand and asked, "so who's in charge here? I vote me."

"Who are you?" Superman asked immediately going on the defensive.

"They call him Aquaman," Batman supplied.

"Aquaman? I thought Aquaman was a sketch on Conan O'Brien," Hal commented.

"I assure you I am very real," the blonde stranger replied.

"Great first Batman's real and now this," Hal threw his hands up, "what's next? Gods?"

"Be polite Lantern," Flash whispered to his friend.

Percy wanted to tell Hal that there were Gods but he was currently too busy looking at Aquaman's trident. Something felt off about that thing. It was like Percy had seen it somewhere before. Somewhere…..

"Hey! That's my dad's trident!" Percy exclaimed, "dude! So not cool!"

Aquaman looked confused, "I'm sorry?"

"That trident!" Percy pointed at the golden weapon, "it's my dad's!"

"And who exactly is your father?"


Aquaman looked confused when Diana spoke up, "he speaks the truth. The way Perseus controlled the ocean is proof that he is in fact a son of Poseidon."

"Ah sure," Aquaman said nervously, "look dude this is one of the seven treasure of Atlantis, it's a symbol given to the rightful heir to the throne of Atlantis. Yeah it's called the Trident of Neptune, but that doesn't make it so."

Percy blinked, "so….it's just a cheap knock off?"

"NO! It's the symbol of the king of Atlantis!"

"Right, but it's not my dad's trident. That would make this look like a toothpick."

"ARGH! You are so annoying!"

Hal sighed, "welcome to the club man."

"I am the king of Atlantis boy!" Aquaman shouted, "and you will give me the proper respect I deserve."

"Dude when I meet my dad for the first time I punched him in the face. In front of all the other Olympians. When I meet Ares, the God of War, I sodomized him using Zeus's lightning bolt. So if you think I'm going to treat you with respect just because you own a fancy gold toothpick you are dead wrong."

Batman spoke up, "enough. Aquaman, why are you here?"

The orange mail wearing king glared at Percy as he pointed at the Parademon, "these things started showing up underwater. Put some kind of bomb down there and blew a hole creating some kind of portal. Dozens flew out. We managed to drive them back and I came up here to assess the situation. You all obviously gathered to fight them off."

"Huh," Flash said, "guess….we kind of did."

"But I don't see a leader," Aquaman spoke.

"Then you're obviously not looking at me," Batman exclaimed.

"Oh give me a break," He exclaimed, "why the hell should we listen to you?"

"Because I'm the only one here who has experience leading a team," Aquaman replied.

Percy looked at the men's title;

Arthur Curry, King of Atlantis

Lv- 38

"Actually I have experience leading the Amazon's," Diana spoke, "and have been doing it for years."

"And I have lead an army of demigods before," Percy said, "that doesn't make me a good leader though."

"Etherway we need to do something, now," Superman stepped up, "these things are taking people into that watchtower, we need to stop them."

"Right," Aquaman agreed, he turned to Hal, "we need a lure."

"Why are you looking at me?" Hal asked.

"Your bright and shiny," Arthur explained.

"I'm not a fish pal, so don't treat me like one."

"Look we aren't going to save people by sitting around and arguing," Percy spoke, "we need to stick together Hal."

"I am not taking orders from you kid," Green Lantern sneard, "you may be powerful but this guy is shit," he pointed at Aquaman, "I mean what can you do?"

"FOR DARKSEID!" a huge swarm of Parademons swooped down from the watchtower and charged at the assembled heroes.

"I got this," Percy stepped up.

"No," Arthur stopped him, "allow me." Arthur then pressed his fingers to his temple and focused. Suddenly Percy felt a mental command come out of Arthur. It was reacting to the Godly side of Percy's mind, Percy couldn't understand what he was saying, but he knew he was trying to do something.

Suddenly the water in front of them exploded outwards as sharks jumped out and caught several Parademons in their jaws ripping them into shreds. A single Parademon escaped and charged Arthur. Percy was about to step in and help when Arthur moved.

The king of Atlantis discovered the monster by plunging his trident through it's head killing it instantly. He then threw it over his head and into the water giving it as a snack for a nearby shark,

Hal started, "well….never mind."

"I so have to learn how to do that," Percy exclaimed as he looked to the destruction Arthur caused, "dude, you are awesome. Still doesn't change the fact your trident is lame though" Aquaman groaned but said nothing in response.

"So you can control sea creatures?" The Flash asked.

Aquaman nodded, "yes."

"Incoming!" Batman cried out as the remaining of the Parademon wave crashed into them.

Percy and Diana stood back to back as they fought together. She fought like a warrior possessed, Percy was reminded of the way Clarisse fought, fury and all.

Flash and Superman used their advanced speed to make sure the Parademons are contained while Batman and Aquaman fought them one on one.

"Look out!" Hal cried out as he formed a green hard light shield in front of the group blocking a hail of bullets fired at them from a squad of oncoming helicopters.

"Shit!" Percy cursed as he jumped in front of Diana, the bullets didn't even harm him as he protected Diana from the bullets.

"I didn't need your help Perseus," Diana said as she pushed the demons back, "I could have handled it."

"I'm sure," Percy said, "but I would rather not risk it!"

"I see," Diana threw back all the demons around them as Percy used his telekinetic powers the lift the Parademons and move them in front of the oncoming bullets. "Who taught you to fight?"

"I kind of learn the whole fighting thing by myself," Percy began to throw the dead Parademon bodies at the live ones slowing them down allowing the bullets from the chopper to cut them down.

"Very impressive," Diana smiled, "I am eager to ask you for a duel Perseus after this."

"You know what, sure," Percy lifted up several Parademons and crashed them into the sea and kept them there until they drowned, "that is after this is all over."

"Agreed!" Diana smiled.

"We need to shut them down!" Superman yelled out as he put his hands up to deflect the bullets coming for his face.

"Shut them down?" the Flash exclaimed, "they're the US government Superman! Their just doing their job!"

"Look Barry you seem like you're a good person who's trying to do the right thing," Superman then started to float, "but the same can't always be said to people in positions of high authority."

He then took off towards the helicopters like a bullet from a gun.

"Shit," the Flash cursed a she took off leave a trail of lighting behind him as he ran across the ocean surface, "the government is so going to be pissed at me."

Superman threw men out the helicopter while the Flash caught them and carried them to land one by one. Soon the helicopters were empty as they slowly started to come crashing down into the ocean.

"The demons are retreating again!" Diana exclaimed as everyone stayed on alert, ready for anything.


Another one of those white portals opened up as something stepped out of it. This new being wore silver and looked...human?

"I got it!" He exclaimed as he grabbed the being using one of his constructs in the shape of a human hand.

"Hal no!" Batman examined, "he's not one of them?"


"I got this," Percy exclaimed as he caught the mysterious being using his telekinetic powers and slowly brought said person down;

Victor Stone, Football Prodigy

Lv- 23

Percy placed him down as Aquaman held him up, "it's just a kid wearing some kind of armour."

"That's not armour, that's him," Diana exclaimed. Percy looked at the man and sure enough the metal wasn't armour, it was skin. He was some kind of…cyborg. His left eye was red and only the right portion of his face was seen. Ether he must be suffering from burns or something or the rest of his body was robotic.

Diana was immediately at his side as she held his hand, "who are you? Do you need help?"

"N….o, no. T-they go world to world….he's coming…..right now," Victor spoke in a very human voice.

"Who is?" Batman asked.


A bright light exploded away from them near the entrance of the port. It was another one of those portals, this one however was bigger than any of the others before. A silhouette of a giant humanoid like creature walked out.

He was bigger than Alcyoneus, far bigger. Percy couldn't even comprehend what he was looking at. His face was very rough, almost stone like. He wore blue and grey armour around his body with an inverted omega symbol right in the middle of his chest. His eyes glowed red as he smirked menacingly at them.

"I'm guessing he's the bad guy," Hal said as they all looked at the new commer.

"Gee thanks captain obvious, we never would have figured that out," Percy commented as he looked at the things title;

Darkseid, Ruler of Apokolips

Lv- ?

"I am Darkseid," the thing's voice grumble out, "kneel before me!"

He stomped on the ground causing a major Earthquake that knocked down everyone off of their feet and to the ground. Building fell down on top of them burying them all under rubble. Percy felt it in his bones, a feeling he hadn't felt since Alaska, fear.

As a building came crashing down Percy turned to Batman, the rest of them could handle themselves but as far as Percy knew he was only human. He jumped up and put himself between the man and the building causing it to break down over his back.

"Fuck," Percy clenched his teeth as a sharp piece of metal hit his spine. There wasn't much damage though, thanks to the armour.

Defence - 432,851,332

Percy had lost 10,000 defence points from that. He looked down, "are you okay?"

Batman nodded, "are you?"

"Yeah, never better," Percy groaned as he pushed the building easily off of him. Those building lifting exercises really do help in the long run.



Percy and Batman turned to see Darkseid blast a set of fighter jets with what looked like laser beams that came out of his eyes.

Flash was up already, he was the one who had screamed. Darkseid turned to him.

Batman pulled Percy back, "we need to pull back, make a plan and regroup."

Percy nodded, the rest of them would be fine, he needed to make sure people weren't hurt because of that mini Earthquake Darkseid made.

"Flash," Superman groaned out as he got up. Darkseid then shoot two red laser beams out of his eyes and at the heros who took off at superhuman speeds. The lasers however didn't stop, it seems they were locked in on them.

Percy cursed, "Batman, get the others and keep them safe. I'll need to make sure Darkseid doesn't try and destroy the planet or something."

Batman wanted to argue but before he could Percy was gone in a blur of speed.

"YO! UGLY!" Percy roared as he launched a huge boulder at Darkseid.

"Pathetic," the thing grumbled as he flicked the stone away with his fingers.

"Well, so is your father's pull out game!" Percy yelled as he threw a punch at Darkside only to have the monster catch it with his bare hands.

A shock wave of force exploded out, the stones behind Darkside flew away, but he didn't budge an inch. Percy threw his other hand out only for Darkseid to catch that as well. He smirked.

"Impressive boy," He started to twist Percy's hands, "your strength is on par with even the kryptonian."

"Well your breath is on par with the New York sewage system!" Percy clicked his heels activating the hidden blades in them. He then swung at Darkseid's side only for the celestial bronze blade to not even cut into the monster's armour.

Percy looked horrified, "h-how?"

"You are not of this Earth, are you," Darkseid smirked, "yes...yes….a dimension walker. Truly a rare thing to see one other than myself."

Percy's eyes shot open in panic, 'this guy….he knows.'

"When I am done with this world, I'll come for yours as well," the monster swore, "all versions of Earth will be mine."

Percy's eyes flashed red. He imagined this thing bringing his army to his world, to his people. He imagined Thalia and the others fighting, and dying. Percy's eyes turned red;


Perk: 'Le Bete' activated! You gained +20 to all stats!

"No, it won't," Percy growled, "it will never be yours. As long as I live not one of your Parademons will step foot in my world!"

"Then die!"

Darkseid twisted his wrists snapping both of Percy's arms. The pain should have hit Percy hard but Gamer's body blocked it out. Percy knew he couldn't punch his way out of this, so he didn't something he promised himself he would never do.

Percy reached out with his mind and felt Darkseid's preceness. He then used Molecular manipulation and started to tear into the monster's arms as blood vessels and bones started to break apart under Percy's touch.

"What are you doing?!" Darkseid threw Percy to the side as he held his bleeding arms.

Percy landed on his feet and began to heal himself with his healing skills. His bones snapped back into place as Percy sighed in relief, "who said I was done with you Darkseid?"

"Just for that will make sure to hunt down your world in particular and kill it," Darkseid growled as a red aura surrounded itself around his hands, "now die!"

A blast of red energy rocket towards Percy. He lifted a boulder and placed it in front of him. He knew this wouldn't be enough, and he waited for impact.

"Hang on kid!" Hal's voice came up as he created a wall of green energy in front of Percy protecting him from the blast.

"Thanks," Percy lifted the boulder and threw it over the wall of energy towards Darkside who didn't even bother lifting a hand to block it.

"He's a monster," Diana exclaimed as she and the others slowly came up from their little rest.

"Anyone got an idea on how to beat him?" Aquaman asked.

"I thought you were the leader?" Hal asked with a smirk.

"Oh so now I'm the leader?"

Suddenly a red and yellow blur came towards them. The Flash stopped before them panting. He looked haggard, part of his costume was torn up, "they took Superman!"

"How?" came the rough voice of Batman.

"H-he got hit with one of Darkside's laser beams. A Parademon then came in and swooped him away."

"Why?" Batman asked.

"Let's ask him," Arthur said as they all turned to Darkseid.

"Happy too," Hal said with a cocky smirk.

"I'm not with you guys," Victor, the human cyborg was finally on his feet again..

"Your human dude, you are with us," Percy pointed at Darkseid, "besides I don't think Easter Island head over there cares for the difference."

"Anyone has a plan?" Diana asked.

"I think I do," Percy said, "I need some time though."

"No problem," Green Lantern started to fly, "I got this."

Percy nodded, "I'll be back as soon as I can." Percy then turned around and vanished into the city running as fast as he dared to go while inside the populated area.

"What do you think he has in mind?" Aquaman asked.

"Something good I hope," Victor spoke as he looked at Darkseid in fear, "because I really don't want to go up against this guy."

"You won't have to," Hal smirked, "sit back and watch kid."

"Hal NO!" Batman yelled out but the Green Lantern was already flying overhead to meet the giant ruler of worlds.

Green Lantern rose up and created a giant morningstar out his construct and smash it down over Darkseid's head. The monster didn't even flinch. He grumbled, "pathetic."

He then lifted his hands up in the air and smashed it into the ground sending waves of his mysterious red energy at Hal.

The Green Lantern thought quick on his feet as he brought up a shield. The red energy tore through it sending Hal flying back and into a building.

"Puny Lantern," Darkseid chuckled, "I have killed hundreds of you before. And they were far more skilled at this than you."

"Oh yeah?" Hal got up as blood trickled down the open wound on his head, "well then I'm going to be the first lantern that will kick your ass!"

Hal then charged again and began sending energy blast at the monster. Darkseid didn't even flinch as he moved, grabbing Hal out of the air and slamming him into the ground over and over again.

"Get off of him!" Diana roared as she and Aquaman charged at the monster.

The monster snarled as he threw Hal across the air. He was just about to land on a pile of rocks when the Flash blurred into place and caught his friend. Barry looked down, Hal was unconscious, his body was broken and beaten badly. The Flash zoomed into the city, he needed to get the Lantern away from the fight.

The two warriors began their duel with Darkseid. They swung their weapons against the beast as Darkseid kept sending blast of red energy at them both. Diana jumped up and brought her blade down across Darkseid's shoulder's only for the thing to blast her back with a concentrated beam of his energy.

"Diana!" Arthur yelled as he growled at Darkseid, "you'll pay for that."

"No, I don't think I will," his eyes glowed bright as red beams exploded outwards. Aquaman turned and ran towards the water, but before he could reach it the beams connected with him exploding behind him.

"ARGH!" Aquaman roared out as he was sent flying across the air with his orange chain mail ripped to pieces. His trident remained, stuck into the ground, knocked away from the force of impact.

Darkseid smirked as he turned away and began to walk into the city.

"Wait," Batman called out as he stood on top of a huge pile of rubble looking down at the interdimensional invader, "what do you want?"

"What I want is of no concern to you, mortal."

"It is when you invade my world," Batman snarled back, "why are you here?"

"Do you really think your little snarl can scare me?"

"No, but I know plenty of people who can."

"Really? Who?"

"Superman for one."

"The kryptonian is already being taken care off."

"There are others just as strong as him."

"Like who?"

Batman smirked, "like the 12 year old boy did that to your arms."

Darkseid growled as his eyes started to glow red. Batman got ready to move when suddenly, "I told you Batman," Darkseid turned to see Percy standing next to a giant being with metallic features and reptilian feet, "I'm 14."

"YOU!" Darkseid roared as he sent out his laser beams that twisted and turned flying right at Percy's stationary form.

"Don't bother," Percy summoned two large stone in front of them beams. But instead of hitting the stones the beams changed directions in mid flight and went around the stones and towards Percy.

"Huh, that's new, no matter," Percy snapped his fingers and Alcyoneus lifted one Haki coated in front of the attack.

The resulting explosion shook the entire block, but as the smoke cleared it showed Percy and Alcyoneus standing straight with not a scratch on them.

"How did you do that?!"

"Alcyoneus, I think he wants a demonstration of what Haki can do. Be a dear and show him would you?"

The metal man smiled, "with pleasure master."

The giant launched himself at Darkseid as the two humongous beings began doing battle. Alcyoneus punched Darkseid across the face causes the monster to cut his lips. Darkseid roared as he covered his fists with red energy and started to wail on the Giant. Wave after wave of energy exploded outwards as the two divine beings began to tear the city apart.

Percy ran towards Diana fallen form. She groaned as she picked herself up. "You okay Princess?" Percy asked as the Amazonian slowly got on her feet.

"I-I'm fine. His powers though, I have never seen anything like it," Diana groaned as Victor Stone and Batman regrouped around them.

"How long can your support hold him off?" Batman asked.

"Long enough," Percy replied, "but they may end up destroying the city as a result." A huge fissure was created in the ground as Alcyoneus was sent flying into a building by Darkseid. The Giant had Haki coating him from head to toe, but Darkseid's attacks were starting to break through it.

Alcyoneus grinned, "I'm going to enjoy breaking you boy!"

"Foolish beast," Darkseid roared, "you cannot hope to kill me! I am a God!"

"Yes, but the very reason for my birth is to kill Gods!" Alcyoneus charged as he sent huge chunks of metal at the self proclaimed God. Darkseid blasted the debris away as he began fighting the Giant again.

"Who is that?" Diana asked, "he seems familiar."

"It's kind of a long story Diana, I'll explain later," Percy looked around, "where's Hal, Flash and Aquaman?"

"Hal got beaten badly," Batman growled out, "the fool. Flash took him away from the battle. And Aquaman," Batman turned to the sea.

Percy sighed, "if he's anything like the Atlanteans on my Earth he will be fine. Water heals us. But for now we fight without him," Percy then reached out telekinetically and locked onto Arthur's trident. It shook slightly before it exploded out of the ground and into Percy's awaiting hand. The moment Percy wrapped his hands around the golden trident a burst of energy ran through him;


You have obtained a Godly weapon that you can connect with!

+100% HP

+100% MP

0 Mana cost for water control

Absolute control over all sea creature

Trident of Neptune,

A weapon of the god Poseidon/Neptune that can only be used by those of his blood. It is currently being used as a symbol of leadership for the Atlanteans.

User gets;

+100% HP

+100% MP

Perfect water control

Absolute control over all sea creature

Percy's red eyes glowed with power. Diana could see them glowing brightly even through his helmet.

"He was wrong," Percy smirked, "this isn't just a symbol of power. This is my dad's trident," Percy spun the weapon around, "time to show Darkseid the power of a Greek demigod."

"Keep him distracted and away from civilians," Batman said, "I'll try to find Superman."

"How are you planning on getting there?" Percy asked looking at the watchtower in the middle of the sea.

"We can go together. Maybe if we surrender ourselves to a few parademons they will take us to the tower and we can save Superman from there.," Diana said putting away her sword.

"No, you and Percy are our heavy hitters. We need you on the ground."

"No Batman," Percy spoke, "we need the real heavy hitter. I've seen what Superman can do, I may have his strength but only he can use it properly. Get him, me and Vic here will hold off Darkseid."

"Wait what?" Victor asked in confusion, "no way, I am so not fighting that!" He pointed at Darkseid who had ripped one Alcyoneus's arms clean off and was using that as a club to beat down on the Giant.

"Look we don't' have much time," Percy spoke, "Batman, Diana, get to Superman and bring him back. Hurry."

Batman nodded, he knew better than to argue. Percy had a valid point. "Fine, but you two better not destroy the world while we're gone."

Percy smirked and nodded. Batman and Diana then took off walking into the city hoping to find a few Parademons they could hitch a ride on.

Percy turned to Victor, "now, we fight."

"I said it before, I'm not fighting. I can't even-"

"-No," Percy cut in, "no more excuses. Look Vic you came here for a reason. You warned us about what is coming, you warned us, you came to us. Whether you like to admit it or not you are a someone who can now help save the lives of hundreds of people, understand? This power is a gift, use it properly, use it to save the lives of the people you care about."

Victor looked at Percy and amazement, "I don't know if I can."


"Because I'm just me. I don't think I'm strong enough."

"Then don't believe in yourself. Believe in me, who believes in you. Look man I don't know what you can do, but I'm guessing since you can open those white portals you must also have some sort of weapon up your sleeve. So come with me Vic, our entire world is in danger, are you really going to just sit there with your dick in mouth while you could be making an actual difference in the world?"

The man looked at Percy and sighed, "you're right…...God dammit I might die, but you're right." He lifted his left hand which transformed into a cannon like appendage, "let's go kick some ass."

Percy grinned, "at a boy." The two heros charged ahead running towards Darkseid.

Alcyoneus was bleeding oil out of one stump of an arm. He was currently bashed into the side of a building with Darkseid standing before him with a car on each hand.

"You have been a worthy foe," Darkseid smashed one care into the Giant, "It is sad to see you enslaved to a child like that."

Alcyoneus spat out a wad of oil, "you know why that is?"

Darkseid smashed the other car into him before grabbing the Giant by the throat and liting him upwards, "I frankly don't care."

The Giant smiled, "you should. The reason I serve him is because I lost to him."


"Yes. And if you think I'm tough you should see what he can do."

Darkseid narrowed his eyes, "he will die like the rest of the worms."

"Not bloody lucky pal. He might be a fucking demigod, but if I had to chose between him and you, I would chose him. You're on our planet freak, you will learn what that means."

"This dust ball isn't worth the space it occupies. The parasites known as man is nothing more than tools waiting to be enslaved."

"I agree, but not all of the beings living on this world is a chimp. Some of us, are God's."

Darkside eye's glowed red, "and yet you will die like a worm." Red beams blasted forward shredding Alcyoneus in wisps of grey smoke. Darkseid huffed as he turned around to walk into the city, he still hadn't found her yet. He didn't know where she was, but when he takes over this world he will have all the time in the universe to search.

He walked down the street as Parademons swarms around him. The humans were already emptying out their city, it seemed that there some kind of creatures helping them fight of the Parademons and leading them outside. Darkseid received reports of wolves with wings along with a woman with bat like features. But it didn't matter, he would rule them all.

Just then a flash of yellow lighting zipped before him and the Flash stood there in front of Darkseid's path.

"Get out of my way speedster," Darkseid raised an arm sending a blast of red energy at the hero only for him to easily dodge the relatively slow attack.

"I'm not letting you take another step into this city," Flash said as he stood his ground.

"How? You are but one."

"And now he's three!" Percy called from behind Darkseid. He suddenly appeared behind the dark god and charged him with the trident of Neptune plunging it into his back causing the monster to scream in pain.

"ARGHH!" Darkseid roared as he swung in a blind rage tossing Percy across the air with trident in hand.

"I got you!" Victor ran as he grabbed Percy before he fell head first into the ground. He placed Percy down and they stood next to the Flash.

"Between just the three of us, I think I may have pissed my pants a little," Flash said with a grin.

"You will all die!" Darkseid roared as he sent out his laser beams that were aimed at Percy.

"All you supervillain types always say the same thing," Percy said as he relaxed his form leaning on the trident.

"Percy look ou-" Flash tried to warn Percy but just the the red laser beams reached the demigod, and then went right through him as his body exploded into blue and green smoke.

"NO!" Flash yelled out fearing Percy's death. Victor leveled both arms at Darkseid and his army and started blasting them with pure energy.

"He was just a kid!" Flash yelled as he burst into yellow lighting rushing into the army. The two heroes tore into the Parademons. Victor took on all the ones flying while the Flash started punching them with enough momentum to turn their bodies into mush.

"Enough!" Darkseid then lifted a huge boulder the size of a truck with his mind and threw it at Victor. The cyborg dodged easily enough but the Parademons didn't let him get on his feet as they started to wail on him.

"You will all die!" Darkseid roared as he lifted more soldier with his telekinetic abilities and began throwing them at Flash, trying to pin him down.

'Warning, body sustaining damage,' Cyborg's new digital mind told him. "I know!" Victor yelled out as suddenly flaps on his back opened up and thrusters activated launching him into the air and out of the dogpile of parademons.

"Vic!" Flash yelled out as the two meet up on the other side of road, "we can't take him!"

"We are going to have to try Flash!" Victor said as he cut off his thrusters, "and besides Percy has a plan."

"What?" Flash asked in shock. Vic smiled, he didn't say anything but point at Darkseid and his army.

Darkseid didn't bother going after the two heroes, as far as he was concerned they were nothing but bugs, not worth of his attention. The only person he should have been worried about was now gone, reduced to smoke.

The Dark God turned and began walking into the city, he wanted to see what his armies were winning him, see what will soon be his.


The ground beneath Darkseid's feet started to rumble. The invader narrowed his eyes as he looked to the ground below his feet. Something didn't feel right. Using his advanced senses he tried to figure out what.

"Water Storm!"

Water Storm, Lv- 1 (0%)

Forms a storm by drawing water from all available sources.

100 mana per 10 liters of water used

Damage- Depends on the affected area.

-18,200 Mana used!

Just then the entire road he was standing in exploded outwards as all the sewage water below rose up like a tidal wave.

Darkseid and his entire army were swept into the harsh currents as the ground below four whole blocks of the city broke open. The waters grew faster and faster, the slowly raised up into the air like a tornado.

Buildings slipped into the sewages water as they started to break down into pieces. And just like that a whirlpool was created in the middle of Metropolis.

"Hows that Rocky?!" Percy's voice shouted from on top of building on the edge of all the destruction. He stood with the trident in hand and a grin on his face, "I figured you should get an in depth look at what all Earth has to offer! Next stop," Percy snapped his fingers lifting an open subterranean electric wire that he pulled from below the ground, "a very close look at our power systems!"

Percy threw the wire into the water below. The impurities helped the electric current travel faster as the entirety of Darkseid's army started to scream in terror. Cyborg had hacked into the city grid and diverted all the power to this one wire. A city wide blackout occurred as Darkseid roared in pain.


"What's wrong Grumpy? Sewage water not to your liking?" Percy asked as started to speed up the water current causing the Parademons to be bombarded with the broken chunks of buildings. Those that managed to fly away were quickly shot down by Victor's canons while the Flash went around the blocks to make sure people weren't affected by the damage Percy caused.

"I WILL KILL YOU BOY!" Darkseid roared out past the pain as he sent a shockwave of his red energy blasting all the water and chunks of stone away from him.


The explosion was strong enough to blow back nearby buildings as resulting shock wave caused an Earthquake with a magnitude of 5.5. This killed all the Parademons down there with him leaving Darkseid alone in the middle of a huge crater.

Percy smiled, this was exactly what he wanted.







The ping's just went on and on. For Percy it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

You have killed total of 350 beings while under the effects of 'Le Bete'! You have temporarily gained + 6 points to all stats!

Total points gained for all stats- 2,100!

Percy's felt his powers grow in leaps and bounds;

STR- 133,171 (+20+60+2+20)= 133,273 + 2,100 = 135,373

VIT-100(+11+20+3+20)=154 + 2,100 = 2,254

DEX-50(+11+20+ 5+20)=106 + 2,100 = 2,206

INT-100 + 2,100 = 2,200

WIS-53 + 2,100 = 2,153

LUC-100 + 2,100 = 2,200

Percy's strength also increased as Body Form increased the total amount of perk he had;

STR- 1,353,730

Percy opened up his statue and looked at all the titles he had. He picked the leader one and activated it;

Leader- allows the user to control his troops easily giving a +10 to all stats for all subordinates.

It wasn't much, but it would help. Percy flexed his muscles, it was time to end this.

He jumped from the roof and dived down towards Darkseid. Percy reached out with his mind and increased the range of his tactile telekinetic field. This was something he had been thinking for some time but never got around to implement.

Percy pushed against the air molecules around him and they pushed back. Though they were loosely packed, they were still there, so Percy could interact with them and use them to push himself through the air, guiding where he fell. Slowly, but surely, his telekinetic field allowed him to float in mid air, he smiled;


You have unlocked a new ability via tactile telekinesis!

Telekinetic flight, Lv- 1 (0%)

By pushing on the ground and the air via your telekinetic field you have obtained the ability to fly!

Speed - 5 Kms/ Hr

Percy swiped the box away, he could look at it later. He reached the center of the craters and then deactivate his powers, dropping down towards Darkside like a cannonball.

The Dark God looked up and sneered at Percy's falling form. His eyes glowed red as he sent out beams of energy at Percy.

Seconds before the beams hit him Percy turned into smoke. They passed right through him but circled around and came down. Percy moved to the side and turned solid, lowering the trident.

The red beams came closer and closer, Percy grinned, he was going to have to time this exactly right.

The beams came closer, Percy was only a few feet above Darkside. He thrusted the trident forward and pierced the dark god's shoulder. Percy then used the Flying God technique and kicked himself off of the trident so fast it looked like teleportation.

The red beams didn't have time to change. They didn't know where to go as Percy just seemed to disappear into nothing. So they just went forward, hitting Darkseid.


Percy appeared to the side as he skidded across the ground as he overshot the landing. He quickly pulled himself up and looked to see the smoking form of Darkside. Percy didn't let up as he reached out with his mind and ripped Aquaman's trident out of Darkseid's body.

The Flash and Victor appeared at his side. "You think he's down?" Flash asked.

"No," Percy and Victor responded as Darkseid picked himself up. His armour was covered with his own blood. His body glowed red with the mysterious energy he had. He turned towards Percy and stared.

"What is your name boy?"

"Why do you suddenly care?" Percy asked.

"Because you have proven yourself more than worthy to be my opponent."

"Thanks, but it was a team effort."

"You are a God among men boy. You can be great, you are as above them as I am."

"Is this the part where you ask me to join you?" Percy asked, "thanks, but no thanks. I don't plan on betraying humanity anytime soon."

"Really? Not even if I can take you home?"

Percy paused. The offer was tempting to say the least. Percy didn't know how he was going to get home, he didn't even know how he got here. All he knew that Darkseid was involved. And if he could bring him back….

Percy shook his head, "tempting, but no. I'll find my own way home. But for now, I'm going to make sure I put you under."

"Bold words."

"I know."

"You may have managed to injure me, but you cannot kill me. It would take an army of men and women at your calibre to even try!"

"Then it's a good thing that's exactly what we have," Victor grinned as he accessed the MotherBox he had observed opening up a white portal behind them.

Percy expected another fight, but instead of an army, only three people walked out.

"You are going to regret ever coming here Darkseid," Superman called as he Diana and Batman walked out of the portal.

"Did you do that?" Flash asked Victor.

"Yeah," Vic nodded, "it's called a boom tube, I absorbed one of the machines that could create them, so I guess now I can too."

"How did you free him?" Darkseid sounded very angry, "he was being protected by my greatest warriors!"

"Not a match for an Amazon!" Diana smiled.

"So the worms gather to try and fight back. No matter. If you all wish to die, do so together!" Darkseid roared out as he sent out his laser beams at full force.

Superman stepped up and sent out his own laser beams. The two rays of energy crashed into each other, fighting for superiority. Finally the resulting feedback caused Superman to fly back while Darkseid simply fell to his knees.

"Superman!" Batman called out. Percy reached out and caught the man of steel with his mind as he carefully put him down.

Superman got on his feet and rubbed his head, "thanks."

Percy nodded, "not a problem. Now," Percy leveled the trident down at Darkseid who was cauterize his wounds with his laser beams, "any ideas on how to kill this guy?"

"I don't think we can," Batman said, "I overheard his fighters talking, it seems he truly is immortal."

"Then we send him back to wherever he came from," Flash suggested.

"Vic," Percy turned to the cyborg, "do you think you can do it?"

"I-I'll try," the half-man replied.

Batman nodded, "then until then we keep him occupied. Diana, Superman and Percy will do that. Flash is Hal arlight?"

"No," the single word was all he could say on the matter.

"Then we do this without him," Batman replied, "I know you might not be the strongest fighter we have Flash, but you're still the fastest. Keep me and Victor safe."

"And what about you?" Victor asked.

"If you can create one portal to send Darkseid away then you should be able to create more. Maybe even send every single Parademon in the world away."

Everyone went wide eyed at that. "D-do you think that's possible?" Vic asked in amazement.

"Yes, I do, but you are going to need more more range. Do you have a connection station?"

"I don't really think," the metal plate on Vic's forearm opened up revealing a data port, "huh, I guess I do."

"Then let's begin," Batman said as he drew out a data cable from one of his gauntlets, "I'll give you access to the Wayne Tower satelite, use that to boost your signal."

"While they take care of that we take care of him," Superman said as he began to float in the air while Percy and Dina charged on foot.

By now Darkseid had finished closing his wounds. It was patchy work, but at least he was not be bleeding. He looked at the approaching fighter and growled, "BOY!"

"UGLY!" Percy shouted back. Diana looked at him strangely. Percy shrugged, "what? I thought we were describing each other."

Superman threw a punch clocking Darkseid across the jaw. The God took a step back and smirked, "the boy hits harder than you!"


Superman was sent flying backwards across the air from Darkseid's hit. Percy and Diana run past him, they knew he could handle himself.

[You hit him high and I'll hit him low!] Percy called out in ancient greek as his spun his trident.

[Gladly!] Diana replied back as a smile came on her lips.

Percy reached Darkseid first as he swung the trident of Neptune low. Darkseid raised one foot and brought it down pinning the trident. Percy pulled the trident causing Darkseid to lose his balance.

"BEGON MONSTER!" Diana roared jumped up and thrusted her sword into his eyes blinding the God.

"ARGH!" Darkseid roared as he swung blindly hitting Diana, throwing her across the land.

"Don't forget about me!" Percy cried out as he readied the trident and lunged upwards stabbing Darkseid in the other eye blinding it fully.

"BOY!" Darkseid roared as Percy drew out the trident and kicked Darkseid pushing him backwards.

"Shut up you ugly looking mother fucker!" Percy cried out.

"I will find your planet boy! I will not stop until it is nothing but an insignificant pile of dirt below my feet!"

"We go it!" Victor cried out.


Thousands upon thousands of portals started to appear all around the world. Every parademon had a Motherbox with them, a teleportation device. Victor hacked into that and used it to force them all to return back to where they came from.

Behind Darkseid himself was a portal bigger than the rest. He was slowly dragged backward into the portal. He then grabbed the very edge of the portal and held on, refusing to let go.

Percy knew if he got anywhere close to that he wouldn't be able to get away from the pull of the portal in time. He needed a ranged attack, and he had just the one. Percy embedded the trident into the ground as he started to gather out all the remaining mana he had. It was different than his energy blasts, it was much bigger and the mana was concentrated.

However Percy had used most of his mana during the mini whirlpool he created to destroy Darkseid's army. He gathered what he had left and compressed it into a dense fit sized ball of energy.

Darkseid however wasn't going to just let him send him away. The dark God sent out a blast of his laser beams at Percy. The demigod looked up in horror. He didn't expect Darkseid to have recovered already. He couldn't stop what he was doing, he was a sitting duck.

But just then a red and blue blur appeared in front. Percy saw nothing but a red cape with a black 'S' on it as Superman stood in front of Percy taking the full blast of the attack.

"Clark!" Percy cried out.

"It's okay," Superman grunted in pain as he stayed his ground absorbing the attack, "just get it done!"

Percy nodded. He looked down at the small ball of blue and green mana he gathered in his arms. He focused as more and more energy poured out of him and into the orb.

-3,720 Mana used!

Percy had poured everything he had into the orb. "Superman!" Percy cried out as he drew back his arms to the side holding the orb between his palms.

Superman put one foot forward and pushed himself towards Darkside. He put both hands in front of him and he fought against the blast. His feet dug into the Earth pushing back large amounts of dirt as he walked forward.

"Get ready Percy!" Superman called out, "I can feel it getting weaker! The moment he stops hit him with everything you got!"

"Right!" Percy planted both his feet into the ground and he lowered his body's center of gravity. Percy saw this once in an anime that Chad, his roommate in Nancy academy, introduced him to. He figured the bases of the attack would be the same, all he had to do now was pray to whatever God there was in the world that it would work.

Percy took as deep breath as he began to slowly increase the size of the ball of energy, "KA," the energy started to move violently, "ME," Percy's finger felt brittle as he tried to control all that energy between his hand, "HA," the mana he gathered was now slowly starting to vibrate the molecules in the air causing the sound of several ringing bells to be heard;

Ping ping! Ping ping!

"ME!" Percy's voice was as loud as it could go. He could feel the energy in hands just begging to be released.

Darkseid stopped his blast of energy, he was drained. The moment the blast stopped Superman jumped to the side, "now Percy!"

Percy swung his hands forward and opened his closed arms aiming the blast of energy at Darkseid, "HA!"


The beam of blue and green energy exploded outwards as it sailed through the air hitting Darkseid breaking his hold on the portal. "I WILL RETURN!"

The beam of energy threw him into the portal. "Close it Victor!" Batman yelled out as the half-human cyborg did just that shutting every single portal on Earth closing Darkseid's way to Earth.

Percy dropped down to his knees exhausted beyond belief. His fingers were sore, the armour luckily protect them from any damage such an attack could have caused.


New mana based move created!

KA-ME-HA-ME-HA, Lv- 1 (0%)

A concentrated beams of energy that can be shot out in one straight line.

Cost- X amount of mana

Damage- X amount of mana x 2

Percy smiled, he honestly didn't think that would have worked. If he ever saw Chad again he swore he would buy the guy all the anime merchandise he wanted. Percy swiped the box and turned to Superman who stood next to him.

"You okay Percy?"

"Honestly? I have never felt more alive in my entire life," Superman offered a hand and Percy accepted.

"Is everyone okay?" Percy asked as he and Superman walked towards the group of gathered heros.

"All reports of Parademons attacks have stopped," Bataman reported, "and Victor here says that he can't detect any boom tubes active on our world."

"So that's it?" the Flash asked in amazement, "we saved the world?"

"What about the civilians?" Superman asked.

"I think they are fine," Percy said pointing at the edge of the crater in which they stood in. People came out in drove, thousands of them. And standing next to them were Percy's servants. Marcia had an entire family on her back while Zed and Craig stood protectively in front of their humans. Alceto however was flying overhead with Timmy next to her.

"Come here guys," Percy called out causing all the servants walk toward him, after ensuring the humans were safe.

"Any casualties?" Percy asked once they were close enough.

"No," said Alecto, "I managed to shoot down a couple of those Parademons though. Tough little things."

"Really? I figured you were tougher than that Alecto," Zed gave a sly comment infuriating the Fury.

"Wait, that's Alecto?" Diana asked in amazement, "Percy, why does a Fury obey you?"

"Oh, right. Well she tried to kill me once, I killed her first, and to basically cut a very long story short she kind of serves me now," Percy explained with a shrug.

"This is amazing," Diana said in wonder, "to enslave a Fury…."

"This is nothing," Timmy said with a shrug, "boss also controls Cerberus. Nice dog, needs to go out more though."

"Cerberus?!" Diana exclaimed.

"A story for another time," Percy said as he turned all his servants into smoke sucking them back into his crystal.

"Shit," a voice came from above. Everyone turned and saw Hal flying towards them with Arthur carried in a green sphere made with his ring, "did we miss out on all the fun?"

"Kind of," Flash grinned seeing his friend. Hal landed softly on the ground releasing Arthur from his sphere.

"Are you okay?" Batman asked, "Darkseid damaged you pretty badly."

"Ah, are you worried about me Bats?" Hal teased, "and I'm fine, kind of."

"No your not," Victor said as his machine body scanned Hal, "you have three broken ribs, the bone in your arm is broke in three places. Internal bleeding and I'm pretty sure your appendix just burst."

"Hal we need to you get to a hospital now," the Flash urged.

"Relax Barry I'll be fine," He waved his friend's concern.

"No, you won't," Percy spoke up. He reached into his inventory and pulled out a low grade potion. He downed it in one swing restoring 30% of his MP. He threw the bottle away and touched Hal, a golden light shined out causing everything in Hal's body to snap into place.

"What the-" Hail stopped as he felt his body suit underneath his skin. He expected pain but found none. He looked at himself, "I feel great!"

"All your injuries are gone," Victor said in astonishment, "P-Percy, what did you do?"

"I can heal people," Percy answered, "kind of a gift I got from the Golden Fleece."

"Percy, you and I must spend some time together," Diana said in excited disbelief, "I think you might have many a story to share."

Percy nodded, "yeah, anyway," Percy turned to Arthur, "you okay? If you want I can heal you as well."

"I'm fine," Aquaman replied, "the water healed most of my wounds."

Percy nodded, "figured. You Being Atlantean and all. Oh and by the way you were wrong," Percy grinned spinning Aquaman's trident, "this is my dad's trident."


"Yup. Apparently if any of you guys use it nothing will happen, only Poseidon or his direct children can even hope to use it's full power."

"S-so what do you plan to do with it?" Arthur asked in a worried tone. He would have demanded the trident back, but he knew he was in no position to do so.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean," he threw the weapon to Aquaman who caught it easily, "it's your weapon."


"Dude I'm not even from this world," Percy said as he pressed the button on the side of his helmet opening up his helmet, "the version of Poseidon on this world isn't really my dad. Besides, if he doesn't mind you guys using his weapon then who the fuck am I to say otherwise?"

Arthur looked at the weapon and then to Percy. He was astonished at Percy's actions and wanted to ask why anyone would ever give up a weapon of the Gods. But instead he smiled and bowed, "thank you Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon."

Percy bowed back, "your welcome, Arthur curry, king of Atlantis."

"Ah guys, maybe we should leave," Flash said as slowly all the humans that were at the edge of the crater began to reach the group in the center.

"Why?" Percy asked.

"We don't have the best reputation with the public," Superman explained.

"Yeah, they kind of hate us," Hal nodded in agreement.

"Why? You're all superheroes!" Percy said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"People fear what they don't know," Batman said.

Percy looked at the people around them. Percy reached out with his powers of empathy and tried to feel out what the civilians felt. But instead of fear or anger, Percy felt only happiness, joy and hope. Percy smiled "actually, I think they know exactly who you are."

"You saved us!" one of the people suddenly cried out.

"You guys did it!" another man yelled out as he held his family close.

"You eight are the best!" a woman cried out as she helped her injured boyfriend stand up to get a good look at their heroes.

"You guys are heroes," Percy said, "and they know it."

"No," Diana said sharply. Percy looked concerned, but the princess smiled, "we are heroes."

Percy was surprised to be included when Hal patted him on the shoulder, "got to admit kid, you held your own. Hell you probably caused Darkseid more damage than any of us combined!"

"You may not be from this Earth Percy, but here you are a hero," Superman said putting an arm on his shoulder, "and I'm glad that you were here."

Percy smiled, "thank you," he looked at them all, "all of you."

"So how exactly are you going to get home?" Victor asked.

"I honestly don't know," Percy admitted, "I have a way," the new interdimensional travel skill, "but I'm not strong enough to use it."

"Well then for now you can stay here," Flash said, "and don't worry, we'll make sure nothing to bad happens to you."

Percy smiled and just as he was about to accept the Flash's help the ground started to shake;


A new boom tube opened up in front of the heroes and Percy as they quickly got ready to face the new threat. Hal was covered with the green glow of Ion while Percy slammed down his helmet as he and Diana leveled their blades.

"Flash, Hal, get the civilians away!" Batman ordered out, "Victor I thought you said all the mother boxes here were fried?"

"They are," Victor claimed looking through his readings once again, "th-this is something else."

"What is it?" Superman asked as he, Arthur, Percy and Diana stood shoulder to ready to face the new threat.

"It's….I don't know," Victor admitted.

"PERCY!" Thalia's voice called out from inside the boom tube.

Percy's eyes shot up in recognition, "Thalia!"

Suddenly Thalia's figure appeared in the edge of the portal as he held out her hand, "grab my hand! We are going to try and pull you through!"

"I'm coming!" Percy turned to his new friend "I have to go."

"Then go!" Batman shouted. The rest of the heroes nodded in agreement as they all told Percy their goodbyes.

Percy nodded as he turned and ran toward the boom tube. He jumped towards the portal, he reached higher and higher, but it still wasn't enough. He pushed out his tactile telekinetic field and pushed himself higher grabbing Thalia's hand. The moment he did she pulled him through the portal as everything went white.

The boom tube closed leaving the heroes and humans baffled by what just happened.

With Percy;

Percy was thrown out of the portal as he landed on something hard. He rolled along the floor until he suddenly stopped. His brain however was still ringing. He groaned as he blinked away the rush he felt in his head, it wasn't this bad when going through the portal into their world, maybe there was a reason.

Percy picked himself up as he opened up his helmet, "fuck me in the ass."

"PERCY!" Thalia's voice was heard. Percy turned to see his girlfriend on the ground next to him. She jumped up and wrapped her hands around him pushing him to the ground, "you're back!"

Percy hugged her back as he rocked her back and forth. He looked around and saw that they were right now in the middle of the Roman encampment. The roman demigods were gathered around them as they stood in front of the Golden Eagle.

"Percy," Saito called out. Percy saw the scientist standing in front of a hastily put together workstation with Julia at his side. The computer box Percy was holding before he dimensional traveled was on the workstation with several large data banks pulled up behind it. Wires ran from the box to the Golden Eagle which was currently sparking with electricity.

"Where did you go?!" Thalia broke the hug as she hit him on the chest, "idiot!" tears ran down her face as snot rolled down her nose. She looked a mess but she didn't care as she simply continued to beat on him, "don't you fucking dare do that to me ever again! You hear me?!"

"Yes, I'm sorry," Percy held her tightly. Thalia resisted as she kept hitting him but slowly stopped allowing Percy to pull her into a hug holding her tightly as she cried into his shoulder.

"Thank the Gods we got to you Percy," Saito said with visible relief washing over him, "what happened? Where did you go? What did you do?"

Percy looked at the scientist, "I…...I think, no…..no, I know, I traveled to another world."

"Really? What was it like?"

Percy smiled sadly as he held Thalia's crying form, "it was super. But I'm not going there again any time soon."

Saito nodded as he walked away. Percy picked himself up as he held Thalia's crying form. They both then walked hand in hand out of camp Jupiter. Julia didn't try to stop them, though she wanted to make sure Percy was alright. The Romans made way as Percy and Thalia walked towards the exit of the camp.

They reached the service tunnel now and Thalia was still crying, "it's going to be okay Thalia," Percy said again patting her back, "I promise. I'll always came back to you."

She looked at him, trying to control her tears, "promise me. Promise me you'll always come back for me."

Percy smiled as he best forward, "I promise," he then caught her lips in a kiss. They tasted salty from her tears, but Percy didn't care. He held her tightly as she slowly stopped crying.

She broke the kiss, "I want to go home Percy."

He nodded, "yeah...let's go home."