
Chapter 53

Chapter 53:

Percy took a deep breath and let it out. He opened his eyes, he floated in mid-air staring up at the red sky.

He looked down, the city of New York stood before him in ruins. The entire south of the city was destroyed by an artificial tsunami Percy had made. A few buildings in upper town were leveled flat thanks to Percy throwing buildings around using his super strength and Mid town was now laid in ruins thanks to Percy's molecular manipulation skill.

All this destruction had taken him a day to completely inside his time dilation ID, and it was all in the name of training. After all he was extremely powerful now, him destroying cities is now basically a regular workout.

Of course it wasn't all just chaos, there was a reason for it. The first being improving his control over water;

Water Controlling Lv-29 (61%)

Allows you to control any form of water from any source of water. You can reconstruct it in anyway you wish and it will obey your every command.

Cost-1 MP per minute

Special attack- Water Spikes-800 Damage cost 110 MP

Special defence- Water shield-1000/1000 Durability cost 50 MP

Special control- Blood control-cost 20 MP per minute. (Can control those who are weaker than you and those 10 level above you.)

Special control- Moisture control- cost same as water control + 5 MP

Special defence- Water armour- X/X durability cost- 100 MP + X amount of water available

Special control- Water construction- Create structure out of the water- 50 MP per liter of water.

This was Percy's strongest skill and the one he was most used to using in an emergency. No matter how many different powers he got, Percy would always be a son of Poseidon, the water was a part of him on a basic level.

Percy had also trained his water storm skill, the same one which helped him fight off Darkseid and Argo;

Water Storm, Lv- 12 (23%)

Forms a storm by drawing water from all available sources.

50 mana per 10 liters of water used

Damage- Depends on the affected area.

It was a big improvement, Percy mainly used this attack as an area attack, causing mini whirlpools on land or sea.

Percy has also been training in his ability to control fish. Ever since he saw what Aquaman could do with them…..well let's just say Percy didn't like being the second best at anything;

Control Aquatic life, Lv- 5 (89%)

You have the ability to control creature from the sea or those who need water to live.

Range- 50 feet

Can control- normal life forms

The skill was a strange one, Percy already had the ability to control fish, thanks to his status as his dad's son,

Status- demigod, giving Percy - +11 VIT, +11 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, enhanced strength, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.

Percy wasn't a slouch thoug. He grinded that skill away as much as he could, it was difficult at first, almost impossible even. The fishes had a very low attention span, didn't really take to the more complicated of Percy's orders. But soon it became easy, the trick was to focus on simple commands. Soon Percy became skilled at it, it was just like his ability to talk to horses and dogs.

Percy had also trained up his ice control;

Ice control, Lv- 19 (10%)

Allows the user free control over the element of ice.

Cost- 10MP per foot of ice created

Max size- 230 foot

Special skill;

Snow creation/control- Lv- 13 create snow. Cost- 20 MP per inch

Heat absorption- Lv- 9, absorb the heat from your surroundings. Cost- 200 MP per second of heat absorption.

The snow creation skill wasn't really a surprise, it was the next logical step for his ice control skills. But the heat absorption thing….well now that was unique.

Percy had gotten that particular skill when his ice control went past level 10. It kind of just showed up, maybe it was a type of reward or something. Either way it was usefull.

The next skill allowed him to absorb heat, causing the area around him to turn frigid, arctic even. He used it once when he was sparring against Zed, it surprised the servant long enough for Percy to knock him out with ease.

Plus it was super usefull to beat the summer heat. When Thalia realised he could do this she basically made him reduce the temperature in any room they were in to 21 degrees celsius. Soon other people realised what he could do and Percy basically became the walking air conditioning unit of camp half-blood.

Percy had also made some minor improvement to his shadow control, not much, just a few level ups;

Shadow control, Lv-16 (+10= Lv-26)(20%)

Where the user can control shadows and manipulate them.

Cost- 35 MP (- 50 MP= 0 MP)

Shadow explosion- 1,500 Damage (+500 Damage=2,000 damage ) cost 500 MP250 MP250 MP)

Shadow Grapple launcher – Launches a tendril of shadows that acts as a grapple to pull user. Cost – 50 MP (-80 MP = 0 MP)

Shadow lockpicking, Lv- 5/5 (0%)

Creates a tendril of shadows that can be used to open any mechanical lock.

Limits- complicated locks with delicates systems.

The best thing about this was that the armband of cerberus made Percy basically amazingly

awesome at shadow control. Thanks to that this was one of the most useful skills he had.

And apart from those main three elemental controls Percy also increased his strength;

STR-115(+20 + 75 )=200

And also his Vit;


He didn't improve much for his Dex and Wis;



But he didn't improve his Int by a solid 20 points;


This was mostly because Annabeth forced Percy and Thalia to learn for the coming school year. She had been relentless, Thalia at one point got so irritated by Annabeth's constant tutoring she started to fly away any time Annabeth approached them.

So Annabeth stopped focusing on Thalia and aimed for Percy instead. Hence it became normal for anyone who meet him for Percy to have a book in hand.

When he was out training the other demigods he would have a book to read. While he was training his other skills, he would have a book to read. He even spent a lot of time in his ID in order to get more study time.

Well...he didn't want to, but Annabeth kind of forced him to. And in order to make sure he studied she tagged along, Percy would have thought it was a selfless act, if Annabeth wasn't also using the time dilation ID to squeeze in more study time.

But Percy couldn't complain, mostly because even if he did no one would care. So he read. He read, and he kept reading.

At first he decided to read up all he would learn in high school. He learnt physics, math, chemistry, history, english. And his skill in the theoretical subject skills rose;

Science!, Lv-X

A branch of knowledge that deals with the physical world.

Physics- Lv- 9- Basic concepts of physical science.

Radiation – Lv- 3 – The study of radiation

Quantum physics- Lv- 9- The study of subatomic particles.

Chemistry- Lv-8- Basic concepts of chemical science.

Botany- Lv- 9- Basic concepts of science dealing with flora.

Zoology- Lv- 10- Basic concepts of science dealing with fauna.

Marine Zoology- Lv-15- Basic concepts of science dealing with marine creatures.

Genetics- Lv- 9- A strong base for the study of heredity and variations of inherited traits.

Genetic engineering- Lv- 3

Medical genetics- Lv- 3

Microbial genetics- Lv- 3

Human genetics- Lv- 3

History!, Lv-X

A collection of knowledge based around the past. You know….history.

Greek History- Lv- 15 – A deep understanding to Greek History. You may not posses all the knowledge about the subject

Roman history- Lv-8 - A basic understanding towards Roman history. Slightly above common knowledge

American history- Lv- 13- A understanding to American history. You known enough and more to function in society.

Math!, Lv-X

A branch of knowledge that deals with numbers.

Algebra- Lv- 8- A branch of math where symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities.

Geometry- Lv- 5- A branch of Math dealing with lines and structures and surfaces

Calculus- Lv- 6- A branch of Math that deals with Integrals and differential equations

Applied math- Level- 4- Math the can be used in the real world.

This of course also resulted in him improving his reading skills;

Language: Modern English, Lv-34 (64%)

Due to you being a demigod you have Dyslexia, but with hard work you have overcome your disabilities and you're reading is now near grade level-College ++

+102% reading speed

And since Percy kept using his ID's so much that also leveled up;

ID Create, Lv-25 (12%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

Empty Dungeon- no monsters.

Monster Dungeon- Zombies

Monster Dungeon- Goblin Camp

Arena Dungeon – Mountain/ Island/ Swamp/ Forest/ Plains

Empty Dungeon – Time dilation (1/5)

Monster Dungeon- Parademon invasion

ID Escape, Lv-25 (12%)

Used to escape from Instant Dungeons.

This didn't do much, just improved the amount of time Percy could spend in his ID. He liked that bit, he also checked out the new dungeon he unlocked. It basically recreated the Darkseid invasion, putting up a fake Metropolis that was sharing with Parademons for Percy to destroy. Darkseid was the main boss, and Percy didn't have any help, unlike the real battle.

So far he didn't have time to check it out fully, he was very very busy, what with the reading and the training and all that. But he swore he would check out latter, well...whenever later was anyway.

Percy also improved other skills;

Telekinetic flight, Lv- 12 (0%)

By pushing on the ground and the air via your telekinetic field you have obtained the ability to fly!

Speed - 100 Kms/ Hr

Molecule manipulation, Lv- 31 (08%)

You can manipulate the molecules of objects within your range. Your control over this ability is at practitioner's level, you can scan the object and manipulate it paying great attention to the fine details.


Scan- Allows you to have a scanned mental image of the object you wish to manipulate. Also allows for a very detailed manipulation of said object. Rage- 40 feet

Rush- You can program the molecules to act in a certain way without your attention.

Cost- 500 MP per 15,000 pounds of mass

He was now faster when flying, but never really used this skill in the real world, he so did not want to get on Zeus's bad side. He could now travel pretty fast, but Thalia was still faster, something she loved mentioning over and over again.

And the molecular manipulation ability was really coming along well nicely, especially since Percy kept using it to build more and more buildings in his Haven. He especially like the new sub-skill he got, Rush. It basically allowed him to program something and forget about it. It was the ultimate multitasking tool.

Telekinesis, Lv-23 (80%)

The physic ability to move objects with your mind.

Range- 75 feet (Exception- Any object present on the surface you stand on or interact with can be manipulated by your mind.)

Max weight- 1,000 Pounds

Cost -30MP

Carrying Multiple item, Lv-8 - Carry multiple items, Max- 12 (Exception- 'X' number of objects can be manipulates and carried as long as they are present on the surface you stand on or interact with can be manipulated by your mind.)

This was something that just automatically leveled itself up as Percy kept using his tactile telekinetic skills. It wasn't much, but it was usefull. Percy had gotten much better at it, hell he could now lift a Legion zombie up fully with his mind.

He also improved his super strength;

Super strength- You can exert extra force through a combination of your mind and body simulating super strength.

STR- + 75

And his Second skin force field;

Second skin force field- An invisible force field around your body that simulates invulnerability. This force field covers your whole body and cannot be felt by others unless you wish them to.

Defence - 500

And surprisingly thanks to all these improved skill Tactile telekinesis also leveled up. It seems that Tactile Telekinesis only levels up once all the abilities under it goes above level 10. It was a brutal skill to level up, but thankfully the reward for the level up was well worth the effort;

Force field- create a force field around you. Size- based on user. Limit- Concentration of user.

Percy had flipped when he got this skill, literally. He was flying and when he saw this skill he literally back flipped and nearly broke his head on the ground due to his lack of focus.

This skill was basically the ultimate defence tool. It followed the basis on his material enforcement skill, as long as Percy could handle it his force field wouldn't break.

And obviously Percy had to test out his theory.

So first he had Zed punch it with his full strength. It didn't budge an inch. He then had Marcia blast it with the strongest demon curse she knew. It shifted a bit, but that was mostly because Percy didn't want to risk getting hit by magic, he didn't know if his force field could block that. But apparently it could.

After that came Cerberus who basically picked up the force field, with Percy inside it, and started using the spherical ball as a chew toy. Needless to say that was not an experience Percy wanted to repeat, but at least now he knew that his force field could also stand being the chew toy of the guardian of Hades.

Then came the ultimate test, Haki. Percy had Alcyoneus punch the force field with all the Giant had. The defense skill lasted 5 seconds.

It wasn't because of the Haki alone though, it was that plus Alcyoneus' insane strength. It seemed Haki was a sort of equalizer, it brought it down to a battle of wills, and that was a battle between Percy's mind over Alcyoneus fist. Needless to say the Giant won.

So yes, he had to work on it a bit, but at least it provided some form of defence from Haki attacks. In the end Percy was happy, he had gotten a pretty cool skill, maybe with some more training it could actually serve as a trump card of sorts.

Percy sighed, he slowly lowered himself down to the destroyed city and floated down towards his mom's apartment. He slipped into a nearby alley way and put one hand up, 'ID Escape.'

The red sky shattered as Percy slipped back into the real world. All the damage he caused vanished before his eyes, Percy smirked, he loved that part.

The son of Poseidon looked down, luckily his little work out didn't ruin any of his clothes, unlike the first time he tried destroying a building. He wore a white button up t-shirt with black slacks and shiny black leather shoes. And of course his ever present leather jacket that Thalia gave for his birthday.

His mother had contacted him the day before, she told him that she and Kate were throwing a little get together at Kate's place for something and she wanted him to come. She specified again and again that he must wear formal clothes and look proper. It was a pain, but Percy didn't want to disappoint his mother.

Percy checked his watch, he was on time. He had actually come a little early, so he spent the extra time working out in his ID, no need to waste going early to a party that he already didn't want to go to.

After checking his clothes one more time Percy made his way inside. He quickly reached the third floor and knocked on Kate's door. He waited for a few seconds before it opened up revealing Alexis standing on the other side.

"Percy!" Alexis exclaimed as she stepped forward wrapping Percy in a hug, "it's so nice to see you again."

"Hey Alexis," Percy hugged her back before stepping back to admire her dress, "you look amazing."

"Oh, thanks," the pretty red head smiled. She wore a red blouse and skirt with just a touch of makeup on. Her red hair flowed freely down her shoulders, it honestly reminded Percy of Artemis.

"You clean up nice Percy," Alexis said as she stepped aside allowing Percy inside the apartment.

"Thanks, I try," Percy smiled as he took off his jacket and hung it up on the coat rack.

"And you look a lot different," the redhead commented looking Percy up and down, "like a lot different."

"Puberty has it's advantages," Percy chuckled, "though the side effect can be kind of...well, you know."

"Yeah, I know," Alexis chuckled, "but hey look at it this way, only three more years to go."

"Yay," Percy cheered enthusiastically. Alexis took him to the living room where Percy realised how small of a gathering this really was. And by small he meant like a hand full of people.

"Percy," Sally called out as she quickly approached the demigod hugging her son, "right on time."

"Oh please, you would have killed me if I wasn't," Percy chuckled as they broke the hug. Percy then turned to Kate and smiled, "hey detective."

"Nice to see you again Percy," Kate smiled.

"Hello Percy," Castle spoke up besides Kate with a sly smile on his face, "or should I say, junior detective."

"Stop it Castle," Kate swatted him playfully, "he's not a detective."

"Why not?"

"Because he's a kid."

"Who solved a case quicker than you."

"He got lucky."

"Weren't you the one who said in this line of work there was no such thing as luck?" Kate grumbled but said nothing back.

Percy smiled, "guess those two didn't change."

"No, they didn't," a new voice called out. Percy turned and noticed Chad and Diana Rebowl, the parents of the two kidnapped people Percy had found.

Percy smiled as he turned to Chad who had spoke, "nice to see you again sir."

"On please young man, call me Chad," the farmer smiled, and this wasn't the fake smile he had before, it was a real smile. And it could light up the entire room. Guess finding one's missing children did that to a man.

"How have you been?" Percy asked shaking the man's hand.

"Good, good," Chad smiled.

"We can't thank you enough for what you did Percy," Diana smiled sweetly at the boy, "you gave us our worlds back and…..and" she broke down into tears.

"Oh come now dear you're embarrassing the poor boy," Chad chuckled as he patted his wife's back.

"Oh you," Diana sniffed as she smiled wiping away her tears. She looked at Percy and smiled, "thank you Percy, thank you so so much." She stepped forward and wrapped the demigod in a big hug causing him to stiffen at the surprising motion before emailing.

"You're welcome," Percy smiled and hugged her back. Diana soon let go as Sally and Castle guided the women to the kitchen to talk to her, leaving Percy with Chad and Kate.

"So how are Angelina and Mark?" Percy asked Chad.

The farmer smiled, "they're doing fine, considering, in fact they are up stairs right now, in Alexis room, I believe the young girl is entertaining them."

Percy nodded, he noticed Alexis had slipped away after Percy meet his mom, guess that's where she went.

"They were released from the hospital just a few days ago," Kate informed Percy, "doctor's said they are perfectly fine."

"Physically yes," Chad's face grew dark, "who knows what the bitch did to their heads."

"It's okay Chad, she'll get what's coming to her," Kate said putting a comforting hand on the man's shoulder.

"When's her trial?" Percy asked.

"In a few weeks time," Kate told him, "but we already know the verdict."

"What is it?"

"Insanity," Chad spat out, "she'll be sent to a mental asylum. If you ask me that's kind, someone as dangerous as her needs to be hanged."

"She's insane Mr. Rebowl," Kate argued, "she needs help."

"Did you see what she did to my kids detective Beckett?" Chad snapped back, "did you?"

"Yes, I did," Kate's face took on one of horror and regret, "and I know in very graphic detail what she did. But the psychiatrist said she was insane, meaning she needs help, not jail."

"She will never be part of normal society, nor should she," Chad grumbled.

"I agree," Kate nodded, "but…."

"But?" Percy prompted.

"Well it was the strangest thing," Kate shook her head, "after her psychological assessment she just….well she broke down. She started crying, staring telling anyone who would listen how sorry she was. It was like she understood what she did was wrong."

"Then why isn't she in prison?" Chad asked, "I mean a psychopath is called that because they don't understand what's right and what's wrong correct? Then if she understands what she did then isn't crazy."

"Yes but the doctor said this might just be a temporary sign of clarity, like a junkie going clean before a relapse."

"So what? She suddenly grew a conscious?" Chad asked.

"Maybe," Kate sighed, "honestly we don't know. She could be faking it, or she could not be. Either way it's out of our hands now. Hopefully she'll get the help she needs."

"That monster doesn't deserve any help," Chad spat as he took a swing of the whiskey he was currently holding in his hand.

"Percy why don't you go upstairs and see Alexis and the other's," Kate prompted, obviously she didn't want him hearing what they were discussing.

Percy nodded, he took the hint, "yeah. Got it." He turned to Chad, "I'll you see later sir."

The man gave Percy a sad smile and the demigod quickly left the two adults. Percy went to the side of the apartment where a set of stairs lead up to the second floor where Alexis was staying.

While he walked up those stairs he thought of what the two adults spoke about. They were talking about Carol, the girl who kidnapped the kids Percy was searching for. She took them and tortured them. But it wasn't her fault, kind of.

She was sick in the head, Percy's powers discovered that she had an alliment that made her crazy. That was the reason she acted like that, she wasn't some nut, she was sick. And Percy healed her, a decision he always second guessed.

But at least now it seems the girl will be getting the help she needs.

On the second floor hallway of the apartment were several rooms, each with a label on the front. The first one on Percy's left was labeled 'Alexis' written in pink glitter with butterflies drawn all along the door's frame.

Percy chuckled, it was honestly kind of cute. He knocked on the door gently and waited. It swung open revealing a pair of green marbles that Percy had seen before.

"Hello Angelina," Percy smiled at the girl. She looked healthier than before. But considering the last time Percy saw her she was basically a corpse that wasn't saying much. Her body didn't look anorexic, if anything she had put on a few healthy pounds. Her cheeks were full along with her dress. The only thing that damaged this vision of beauty were the three scars running along her lower jaw.

"P-Percy," the green eyes girl said in amazement as she stopped and started at the demigod.

Percy nodded, "you're looking better," he smiled, "glad to see your doing well."

"T-Thank you," she stuttered before she realised she was standing in the middle of the door, "oh, I'm sorry, please, come in."

Percy nodded as he walked in, Angelina shutting the door behind him. The room looked like it belongs to a college student, books, clothes and pens littering the floor. This was definitely where Alexsis slept. Though strangely enough she and Mark were missing.

"So where is Alexis?" Percy asked looking around.

"She ah, well she took Mark out to the roof," Angelina motioned to an open window, "he doesn't like closed spaces all that much...not after..."

"I get it," Percy nodded in understanding, "and you?"


"How have you been? Last time I saw you things were…..hectic."

"I'm fine, all things considering," Angelina sat on the bed and looked up at Percy, "y-you saved me."

Percy nodded, "yeah…..it's kind of what I do."

"So what? You're a superhero?"

Percy chuckled, "wrong parallel word Angelina," the girl looked confused, "never mind. Inside joke."

The girl sighed, she looked down at her hands for a moment thinking before speaking up, "what are you?"

Percy sighed, "that….is a very complicated story. And quite honestly…..you don't want to know."

"No," Angelina's voice took a steely tone, "no, I do."

"It won't be pretty," Percy warned her, "once I tell you the truth you won't be able to go back to a normal life."

"Does it look like I have a normal life now?"

"Yes," Percy answered back, "it does look like you have a normal life now."

"I wake up every night screaming," Angelina got up and started the demigods down, "I feel her scraping her blades across my skin, her laughter as she raped my brother. She...she destroyed me, she burnt my soul. How is that normal?"

"Simple," Percy replied, "because you're human."


"I said your problems are human," Percy repeated, "yes, they're horrific, and no I'm not trying to make them seem less valuable than they actually are. But…..but they are still human problems."

"Why do you say human? You are one aren't you?"

Percy smiled and shook his head, "no, not really. Well, I am half human more than anything else. But at this point in life I honestly don't know anymore."

"What do you mean half human?"

"Well…." Percy thought of ways to explain this to her when it hit him, "Carol loved Greek myths right?"

Angelina stiffened before she nodded, "yes...she kept calling herself….look that doesn't matter. Just tell me what Greek myths has to do with what you can do."

Percy nodded, "well you see…...I'm part of it."

Angelina blinked, "ah...what?"

"Remember Perseus?" Percy asked, "I mean the original one, the son of Zeus? Well that guy was a demigod, and so am I."

"Your….your a demigod?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. I'm the son of a God."

"Are you….are you Jesus?"

"What?" Percy looked surprised, "no, why would you ask that?"

"You said you were the son of God!"

"No, I said I was the son of a God, not God God, big difference."

"So whose son are you?"

"The son of Poseidon."

"Do you honestly expect me to believe that?" Angelina crossed her arms, "if you don't' want to tell me that's fine. I just wanted to know how you healed me because I was grateful that you did. But if you don't..."

Angelina watched slack jawed as Percy made a trident made out of water form before him. She spun it around a few times, "well? Anything to say."

Angelina looked at him and then the trident. She turned to him, "what are you?"

"I told you, I'm a demigod. I'm the son of Poseidon, the God of the seas, the Earthshaker, the father of horses and, ah…..fuck this. He has a lot of titles, he basically just this big important guy that you should respect. Or don't, Gods know I don't'."

"What is going on?" Angelina said as she plodded down on the bed holding her head in her hands, "I thought...I thought you were a faith healer or something, I didn't...I didn't realise….how is this even possible?!"

Percy sighed, "better settle down, this is one hell of a long story."

Percy sat down besides the semi-traumatized girl and began to explain the world to her, the real word. He didn't go into the details, the less she knew the better. He told her about the Mist, the fact that monsters and the Gods were real and he even told her about camp half-blood.

In the end the girl simply sat down in bed, slowly going over the entire story. Percy had sat down besides her, "so….any questions?"

"I..I…." she looked so lost, Percy honestly felt bad. He couldn't' help thinking it was her fault, but what was he supposed to do? Not heal her and her scars risking her life?

"I know it's difficult, believe me, I still can't believe it sometimes," Percy said as he patted her shoulder, "but I promise, it will get better in time, I promise."

Angelina sighed but nodded in acceptance, "thanks Percy….so, demigod huh?"

Percy chuckled, "yeah I know. Don't really look like the son of God do I? I was thinking I should grow a beard or something, you know get that whole roguishly handsome thing going."

Angelina chuckled, "yes, you would look cute."

Percy smiled, he got up and offered Angelina his hand, "come one, let's go downstairs I'm sure Kate and my mom has something ready to eat by now."

Angelina smiled, she took the offered hand as the two quickly left Alexsis room going downstairs. "By the way I have a question."


"If you're the son of Poseidon, how did you heal me? Like can all demigods heal people?"

"Ah, right, I get your confusion. Well to answer your question, no. Most demigods just can a certain set of skills. Like since I'm a son of Poseidon I can control water. I have a friend who is the daughter of Athena and is basically a genius. I know a son of Pan, who is a nature god, and he can control plants and I think can also communicate with animals. So basically we have a specific set of skills, but children of Apollo are the only ones who can heal other people with their magic."

"But you healed me."

"Right, well that's because I'm special. I can do a lot of diffrent things. It's because….well it's because I'm wired differently."

Lie Successful!

"I see….so what else can you do?"

"A lot. Like a lot lot. Like a whole lot of a lot. It would be easier if you just state a power and ask me if I can't do that?"

"Can you control ice?"



"Only fireballs."

"Can you teleport?"

"No, but I can run faster than the speed of sound."

"Can you shoot lasers out of you eyes?"

"No, I'm not Superman."


"A superhero I met in another world," Percy shrugged, "no big deal."

Angelina blinked, "okay…..can you fly?"

"Yeah, though not as good as my girlfriend."


Percy nodded, "yup. Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus."

"I see….wait, if she's the daughter of Zeus and you're the son of Poseidon...doesn't that make you cousins?"

"Not really," Percy shrugged, "it doesn't work that way. You see when we are conceived the genetic make up in the DNA of God's gets corrupted. It changes. Hence why we are called demigods and are still mortal. So technically speaking though I am the son of Poseidon, there is no true genetic signature in my blood that I am infact the son of a God."

"I see," Percy could tell the woman was confused, and he didn't blame her. When Annabeth first explained this to him he was also lost, and he had an Int stat level of over 100 points.

"Look don't try to think too much into it," Percy told her, "I know I don't. I leave the discovery of the secret to the mythical world to the children of Athena and the like. Believe me, those guys make Einstein look like an idiot."

Angelina nodded as he continued to ask Percy questions about the divine world, and Percy gladly answered. He didn't tell her the dangerous things, like the war approaching or the Titans, she already had enough to fear.

Soon Percy and Angelina joined their parents downstairs just a Kate had finished preparing everything.

"Where are Mark and Alexis?" Castle asked when he spotted Percy and Angelina walking towards the dining table.

"We're here!" Percy heard Alexsis call out. She quickly ran down the stairs followed by Mark. The boy looked a little different from when Percy saw him. He had gotten rid of his long blonde hair, he instead got a buzz cut. He looked thinner, like he hadn't been eating well. He also had rings under his eyes, Percy felt bad for the guy, he honestly looked better when he was being used as a sex slave by Carol.

"Mark, you okay?" Angela asked as he approached her brother.

"Yeah, I'm fine," the boy grumbled before turning to Percy, "who's this weasel?"

"Mark, this is Percy, the guy who saved us," Angelina introduced them.

"Hey, who you holding up?" Percy asked as he extended his hand.

"Fine," Mark shook it, he had a weak grip, was it because of his lack of strength or his lack of enthusiasm Percy didn't know.

"I see….so, how's Jinna?" Percy asked.

Mark looked suprised, "how do you know," he started to yell out before realising his was drawing attention to him. He quickly lowered his voice to whisper so that only the group of youngsters could here them, "how do you know about Jinna?"

"I ran into her and her gang when I was investigating your disappearance," Percy replied with a shrug, "she was drunk and kind of in the dumps. She better now?"

"Well, yeah. She is. When she heard what happened to me, she became a little...hysterical."

"Ha, right," Angelina chuckled, "that's an understatement if I ever heard one. She became nearly crazy Percy. Threatened to skin Carol alive. Hell I think was she also planning on hiring some guys to shank the bitch in prison."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, she does seem the type. I'm just glad she didn't kill you or something. When I meet her she was drunk off her rocker. She was going on and on about how she was going to kill you if she ever found you."

"Woah, really?"

"Yeah, she also tried to kiss me, but that's neither here nor there," Percy shivered, "also you might want to talk to her dad about trying to kill your parents."

"I'm sorry he did what?!"

"Yeah, he taught you dumped his baby girl and he wanted revenge. So he basically tried to scare your parents by shooting at them."

"Oh God," Mark groaned as he rubbed his temples, "I am already getting a headache from this."

The others chuckled as quickly the four kids started talking. Soon dinner was ready and they all gathered around the dining table. Percy sat with his mom on his left and Alexis on his right. Castle sat at the head with Kate on his right and Algesis on his left. The Rebels occupied the rest of the space.

Dinner was a quite affair, people chatted pleasantly.

"So Percy you ready for you job on Friday?" Kate asked.

Percy nodded, "yeah. My school starts in two days time. It should be tough, but I can make it in time for my shift on Friday."

Lie Successful!

Of course that was a lie, Percy could run from Yancy academy to NY in minutes.

"Good," Kate nodded, "I told a few of the people at the precinct about you. Needless to say they are excited."

"Ha, I'll say," Castle chuckled, "we have a colleague named Esposito, real good cop and all around badass. The moment we mentioned how you were basically a one man army when it came to combat he was determined to have you as his protege."

Percy smiled, "sweet."

"So what's your plan for school Percy?" Alexis asked as Castle started talking to Sally about Percy's camp and how he could get Alexsis into it.

"No plans," Percy admitted, "when do you join Harvard?"

"I already gave my application," Alexsis informed him, "but it's not a sure thing. The only way you can even get in is if you're a super genius or something."

"I see…..just out of curiosity what exactly would one have to do to join Harvard?"

"Well...you would have to at least maintain a 4.0 GPA"

'Check,' Percy told himself. Ever since his gameing powers kicked in Percy had never failed a single subject. In fact he had always gotten high scores reached the A+ category. Last Percy remembered his GPA was 4.5 or something.

"You would also need like a variety of talent. Like horse riding, knowing how to play musical instruments, ah….maybe learning another language or two?"

'Yeah I got that,' Percy almost wanted to hit himself. He was already fulfilling the categories to go to one of the most prestigious college in the world. Plus any skill he didn't have he could just learn with his photographic reflexes. But the language thing might be a bit difficult.

"It would also help if you had a few recommendations," Alexis told him, "or friends in high places. Like one of the reason I might have a chance is because my dad is a famous writer. So if you know someone like that it could help."

Again Percy chuckled to himself. He literally knew the Gods, it would be hilarious for him to simply just hand over recommendation letters to the head of Harvard each signed by an Olympian God. funny, but it would probably end with him being sent out an insane asylum.

"Damn," Percy whistled, "maybe I might join."

Alexis chuckled, "sure, you go ahead and try. You can't just up and decide to join Harvard Percy, you need to prepare for it. You need to do your SAT's, your model papers, it's a pain."

Percy shrugged, "no biggie. I'll be doing my SAT's next year, I'm sure I'll ace them."

"Wait, aren't you 14?"

"Wait, you're 14?" Angelina, who was sitting opposite to them, asked.

"Yeah, I know, I look and sound older," Percy shrugged as he turned to Alexis, "and yeah, I'm 14. But I was put into an advanced class."

"So what grade are you right now?"

"Well I am supposed to be in the eighth grade right now, but last year I skipped ahead so I already did that. So I guess I'm supposed to be in the ninth grade right now."

"No you're not sweaty," Sally called out, "I got a call from your school, they were offering another chance to skip ahead."

Percy blinked, "what?"

"Yes, they said you did so well they want to put you in all the advanced placement classes and make you take your SAT's this year."

"WHAT?!" Percy cried out, "what did you say?!"

"Yes of course," Sally chuckled.

"Why did you say that?! Do you know how scary that sounds?! All my classes will be advanced placements why did you do that?! And I'll also have my SAT's this year! I'm so going to...wait, why am I freaking out," Gamer's mind took some time but it did kick in, "okay, it's cool. I'm sure I'll do well in these as well."

Alexsis, "that was a pretty quick personality change there Percy."

Percy shrugged, "yeah, but I realised I was worrying over nothing, so no biggy."

"But aren't you even a little bit scared? I mean they are your SAT's."

"Meh," Percy shrugged, "the way I see it I'm not even supposed to be in higher grade level. So even if I fail it doesn't mean much."

Soon the conversation changed. The Rebowls kept asking Percy about his life and he gladly told them. Angelina however was the only one who knew the truth, but so far she seemed content with keeping silent. Percy didn't really feel bad about telling her his secret tough, after all the woman needed answers, and Percy had them. It would be a dick move to not give her what she so desperately needed them.

Soon the night was over and Percy left with a hearty goodbye. As he ran back to camp through his ID he wondered about what Alexis said. Harvard seemed like a cool place, maybe Percy might even have to study hard to try and get in. But with an Int level of 120 that really didn't seem likely.

But still Percy wondered. After this was all over, and he did intend to live through the war, Percy didn't know what he would do. He loved Thalia and wanted to stay with her, but other than that….he was so focused on fighting this war that he didn't even stop to think about what he should do with his life.

And while Percy might have some inclination towards being a cop, after all he was volunteering part time at the police percent in New York, he didn't know if that was what he wanted to do. Yes he wanted to stop bad people, but he felt like he should do more than that, after all he could do more than that. He could do so much more he could be…..well a super hero.

Percy chuckled as he pushed that thought out from his head, that was the future, he should focus on the now. And right now he had a camp to protect.

The next day;

Percy stood in front of the Poseidon cabin as he sighed. He had spent the day cleaning up his cabin and now it was time to say goodbye. Percy had already dropped off Leo at his mom's place in the morning, and since John still wasn't back from whatever quest their dad sent him the Poseidon cabin will be empty.

'I'm going to miss this place,' Percy sighed. When he returned to the cabin in the beginning of summer he was quite literally a different person. He was smaller, weaker, lonely and so full of self doubt.

But now, in just four short months Percy had become almost unrecognizable. And all of that was thanks to this summer, truly it was a time he won't soon be forgetting.

Percy now stood dressed up in his Yancy academy uniform. A set of brown slacks accompanied by a blue sweater vest and a white shirt underneath.

Percy also wore his camp beads, this time with two more new beads. The first one was a pink giant on a blue background, this represented his quest to destroy Argo's base in Nassau. The second one was green bead with a roman building carved in the center, this represented his quest to unify both camps.

"Well...guess I'll see this place next year," Percy sighed as he closed the door behind him locking it with his telekinetic powers.

He slowly made his way to the Mess Hall where everyone was gathering to wish those who were leaving good bye. When Percy arrived the meet and greet was already in full swing. Siblings wished each other the best of luck, couples were torn apart and even a few friends were found sobbing in each other's arms.

Percy knew he was lucky, Thalia was coming with him, they wouldn't have to break up or something like that. But that didn't mean Percy also didn't miss the rest of his friends.

Percy sighed as he moved to the Poseidon table. He sat down and threw his duffle bag to the side. There was no reason he needed a duffle bag, most of his clothes was in his inventory, but he kept it anyway, just incase people wondered where he got all those clothes from.

Percy looked around, he couldn't spot any of his friends, not even Thalia. He was alone, and he didn't like it. Percy sighed and he hit his head on the table repeatedly, "I hate this day."

"Sweety, stop hitting yourself, you're going to give yourself a migraine," Percy quickly turned around to see Thalia smiling down at him. She too was wearing the Yancy academy uniform, it consisted of the same shirt and vest but the girls had a brown skirt instead of pants.

Percy smiled as he got up and kiss Thalia, "you look awesome."

"Thanks, you look cute too," Thalia then looked at his shirt, "like a little nerd."

"Okay first if I'm a nerd you're a dating a nerd," Percy smirked, "second, yeah, I know. I so hate this uniform."

"I don't know Percy, I think it looks pretty good on me," Percy heard Michael say.

Percy looked over Thalia's shoulder and there standing before him was Michael and Clarisse dressed in the Yancy academy uniform.

"Woah," Percy blinked as he looked at the couple, "why are you guys wearing that?"

"Because we're coming with you, duh," Clarisse rolled her eyes at Percy's question.

"Wait what?!"

"You heard her, we're coming with you," Michael grinned.

"Seriously?!" Percy asked as a smile came on his face, "you guys are seriously coming?!"

Michael nodded, "yup."

"We talked to Chiron about it," Thalia told him, "he pulled a few strings, add in a touch of Mist, and boom."

"Wait where are Annabeth and Nina?" Percy asked.

"Unfortunately we won't be able to come," Annabeth called out as she and Nina walked towards the group, "my work is far too important here and Nina….well Nina doesn't do well in crowds."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I see. This is so cool!" Percy asked with a grin still plastered on his face, "we are going to turn Yancy on it's head!"

"Hell yeah!" Michael cheered, "wait till they get a load of us demigods!"

Annabeth sighed as she rubbed her temples, "just don't like destroy the school or something, okay?"

"No promises," Percy chuckled evil, "haha, WAHAHAHA!"


Thalia then hit Percy up the head causing the boy to groan, "fine, I promise I won't destroy the school."

"Good," Thalia grinned, "no how exactly are we getting to this amazing school of yours?"

Percy gave her a surprised look, "woman you and I have been dating for months now, are you seriously asking me that?"

Thalia was confused for a while before she realised what Percy meant. She sighed, "inventory, right."

Percy chuckled as he turned to Nina and Annabeth, "I'm going to miss you both," he gave them both a big hug, "remember if anything goes wrong call me right away."

"Got it Percy," Annabeth smiled, "don't worry, if the shit hits the fan you will be the first to know about it."

Percy grinned and quickly everyone began to say their own goodbyes. Thalia and Annabeth embraced like sisters while Nina just gave her a polite handshake. Michael and Percy were saying goodbye to Nico and Decker, both of whom would be staying back in camp. Clarisse was in the corner talking to Seliena, the two were as close as sisters and it hurt them to move away from each other.

Soon they had all said their goodbyes and Percy gathered his friends storing them in his inventory. He then slipped into his time dilation ID and zoomed passed the state running towards Nancy academy located towards the northern state border.

Percy stopped outside the academy gates and snuck into the bushes. He opened his inventory and quickly took out all his friends and their luggage before guiding them back to the front.

"Welcome to Yancy academy, home to troubled kids and the rich delinquents," Percy said motioning to the grand gates, "but it also is home to few of the best teacher money can buy and this is also the kind of place you might meet those rich assholes who own big companies only because they got it from their parents."

"So it has it's ups and downs," Michael said as he grinned at the open gates, "not bad. Do you guys have any sports?"

"We do, our mascot is the Roaring Lions and we mainly focus on basketball and swimming. We have a pool, and that's pretty cool, but other than that not much. There is a chess club, but I don't think you'll be interested in that."

"So what exactly do you do for fun here?" Clarisse asked as the small group of four walked into the academy. Percy took the lead, as he was the only one who knew where to go.

"Well me personally, I like to explore dungeons and study up on mortal stuff. This is kind of like my time off from the whole camp half-blood thing, so I like to remain mortal."

"Okay, so we are not going to be doing that," Thalia said as they reached the main building. Percy lead them inside and quickly got them registered. Thalia and Clarisse ended up as roommates, which they loved. Percy and Michael on the other hand were separated, Percy was with his old roommate Chad while Michael got someone new.

After showing the girls where their dorm was Percy took Michael to the boys dorm.

"So what should I expect?" Michael asked as they climbed to the first floor.

"Well….it's kind of like any other preppy school," Percy said with a shrug, "first off there are the nerds. Their cool once you get to know them. When I realised I was actually smart and started studying I kind of became their number 1 rival in the field of academics. They tried to recruit me to the debate club, but I managed to wiggle my way out of that.

"Then comes the jocks. Assholes, number 1 assholes. Like if one ever approaches you and tries to bully you either kick their ass or tell them you're with me."

"Why? What would that do?" Michael asked.

"Once the star of the swimming team tried to hit on one of my friends, she wasn't interested but he didn't let up. I intervened and distracted the dude, but because of that he blamed me for 'stealing his girl'. So to make a long story short, he tried to beat me up, I kicked his ass. The End."

"Damn….so is there anyone I can fit in with?"

"Well there are the music kids," Percy scratched his head, "but there aren't that many of them. Just like a hand full I think. Honestly I never really payed attention, you're just going to have to find them out by yourself. Basically if you see a kid carrying a guitar or bragging about how awesome he is at picking up chicks that's your guy."

Michael nodded, "nice. So any idea on what I'm going to learning?" Percy nodded as he quickly filled Micheal in on all that would be covered in the tenth grade. Michael was 16 years of age, which was surprising given how childish he sometimes acted, and that meant that he and Percy were going to be classmates. As such any advice Percy had for the demigod was valuable.

Soon Percy dropped Michael off at his dorm, his roommate hadn't shown up yet. Percy then went to his own room. He opened the door and sure enough there was Chad. the room was already in a mess, anime poster hanging on the wall, Chad even had his computer open on the table playing reruns of his favorite animes.

"Damn Chad, couldn't you have at least waited for me to arrive before you decorate the place?" Percy said with a shit eating grin.

Chad looked up from his computer with a confused look, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Now it was Percy's turn to look confused, "yeah, I hope so. We have been roommates for over a year."

"Wait…..Percy?!" Chad said in suddenly realisation as he got up and gave Percy a big hug, "how have you been man?!"

"Great Chad, just great," Percy broke the hug and looked the boy over, "you lost weight."

Chad chuckled, "yeah. But nowhere compared to you! Shit man! You look like you got hit by the pubert space ship! I didn't even recognize you!"

Percy nodded, "yeah, I kind of had a growth spurt over the summer," Percy put his bag on the lower bed, "so how's your summer been?"

"Not bad. Went to Rome, that was cool. Saw the Vatican and a few ancient Roman buildings. Oh did you know that they are currently reconstructing parts of the Roman Colosseum, they say they found secret underground passages and want to try and excavate them."

"Really?" Percy asked surprised, "I didn't know that", 'I should probably ask Julia and Rob this the next time I see them.'

"So what did you do this summer?"

Percy sighed as he pulled up a chair, "lots. Went to Nassau for sometime, explored the Atlantic on one of my cousin's ships. Then I visited San Francisco and took a boat ride up to Alaska and back. Then….well I just lazied around. Nothing big."

Lie Successful!

"Wow, you went on a cruise?"

"No, not a cruise. It was more like forced labour. I told you my dad's a sailor right?" Chad nodded, it was a lie Percy and his mother made up incase anyone ever asked about Poseidon, "well this summer he decided I needed to learn what it meant to be a sailor like him. Hence the trips. I basically was forced to sail the things myself, with a little help."

"Damn, that's amazing. Your dad trusts you with a boat, mine won't even give me his credit card details."

"That's because he know's you'll spend all his hard earned money on anime and other figures."

Chad rubbed his head, "haha, yeah."

"Oh, I almost forgot," Percy reached into back pocket and opened up his inventory. He then took out 200 dollars and handed to Chad, "here."

The boy looked confused, "what's this for?"

"Over the summer I kind of ran into some trouble," Percy recalled the time he hopped dimensions and fought Darkseid. If it wasn't for that attack he made up in the last moment, the KAMEHAMEHA WAVE, Percy would have been in deep do do, "and I remembered that anime, Dragon Ball Z. It helped me out a lot, and I promised if I ever got out of that alive I would get you whatever you wanted, so," Percy shoved the notes into Chad's hands.

"Dude I can't accept this!" Chad protested, "I didn't even do anything."

"Just shut up and accept the money ass whipe," Percy walked to the door, "now if you'll excuse me, some of my camp friends decided to join Yancy academy, I need to show them around."

Before Chad could argue any further or return the money Percy walked out. He quickly meet up with Michael, who had finished settling in, and the two went to find the girls.

The girl's dormitory was just a few short feet away from the boys, kind of redundant that they were even separate dorms, but whatever, Percy wasn't complaining.

Percy and Michael quickly spotted Thalia and Clarisse outside their dorms waiting for them, only problem was they weren't alone.

Surrounding them were a couple of guys. They were trying to chat up the girls, who were clearly doing their best not to kick their ass. Of all the boys there there was one who stood out. A tall blonde haired boy who was very well built, and he currently leaning up against Thalia.

"Who the fuck are these guys?" Michael growled.

"That's the swimming team," Percy sighed, "remember what I said about them be assholes?"

"How the hell are you so calm!" Michael asked, "those are our girls they are trying to hit on."

"Exactly, our girls. Do you really think they would be interested in them?" Percy asked rolling his eyes, "those guys don't even have a chance. In fact I'm more worried about their health. The way Thalia's eyes keep twitching I'm guessing she's doing her hardest to not shove a lightning bolt up Tyler's ass.

"Tyler? You mean that blonde douche bag?"

"Yup. He's also the head of the swimming team," Percy sighed, "come on, let's go save those stupid mortals before they get turned into shish kebab."

"So you know being the star if the swimming team give me certain perks," Tyler smirked perversely, "if you want I can show you around. I know some pretty private places you and I can go to to get comfortable."

"Thanks," Thalia spat, "but I have a feeling my boyfriend wouldn't like me spending time with a tool."

"Come on girl give me a chance," Tyler didn't stop the stupid smile as he scooted closer, "I promise your boyfriend's got nothing on me."

"Yeah somehow I highly doubt that," Clarisse snorted.

Tyler it seemed didn't hear her as he continued to grin at Thalia, "you know my parents have this really nice guest house in the town, they never use it. If you want I can show you around."

"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, what part of no don't you understand?" Tyler and the other's turned around to see Percy and Michael approaching them. Percy had a lazy smile on his face while Michael was straining to reign in his anger.

"P-Percy?" Tyler gulped, "w-what do you want?"

Clarisse and Thalia was surprised, they clearly detected the fear in Tyler's tone. The looked to Percy for an explanation but he gave none.

"I was just walking by with my friend Michelle here, say hi Michael."

"Hi," Michael replied as he stood next to Clarisse glaring at everyone else, daring anyone to make a move on his girl.

"Anyway, we were just walking around when we spotted your harassing these fine women," Percy turned to Thalia and winked, "and what beauties they are."

"Back off Jackson," Tyler growled, guess he found a little courage after all, "I saw them first."

"Yes yes. Good for you, here have a medal," Percy gave him the bird as he turned to Thalia, "and who might you be."

Thalia smiled, "depends on who's asking."

"Percy Jackson."

"Thalia Grace," the daughter of lighting chuckled.

"Well Thalia, might I interest you for a tour of your new school?" Percy asked offering his hand.

"I don't know, my boyfriend might get a little worried."

"Yeah, she has a boyfriend, so fuck off Jackson," Tyler tried to intersect but he was ignored.

"A boyfriend you say? Wow, lucky guy," Thalia bite her lip, she was trying her best to hold in the laughter. "Tell me Thalia what would I have to do to get you to go out with me?"

"Hm, I don't know, I have pretty high standard. My boyfriend basically spoiled me rotten, you would probably have to take me to Alaska or something," the girl smiled.

"Done. Anything else?"

"You would have to teach me how to fly," Thalia took his hand as slowly Percy stepped closer.

"I'll get right on that," Percy slowly wrapped his arms around her waist closing the distance between them, "when I'm done you'll soar through the sky like an angel."

"Hm..you would also have to take me concerts."

"Do you like Green Day?"

"Who doesn't like Green Day?"

Percy started at her eyes as he held her tight, "okay then, anything else?"

"Yeah, you're going to have to kiss me," Thalia leaned in close.

"Done," Percy leaned in as he caught her lips in his own. She moaned into his mouth as Percy lifted her off the ground biting her lower lip as his arms curled around her waist.

Clarisse and Michael rolled their eyes while the swimming team just looked in absolute horror and amazement. Some saw Percy as a God, others still couldn't believe their own eyes.

Finally Percy broke the kiss as he looked into her electric blue eyes, "I love you."

"I know," Thalia replied.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tyler yelled, "what the fuck is going on?!"

Percy threw the blonde idiot a confused look as he put Thalia down, "you still don't get it huh Tyler? She's my girlfriend, I'm her boyfriend."

"But, but...what about Nancy?!"

Percy shrugged, "well honestly it wouldn't have worked out, we were too….different."

"But, but...ah!" Tyler roared, "you made me look like an idiot Jackson!"

"Well he didn't really have to do anything," Thalia shrugged, "you did that yourself."

"Shut it you bitch!" Tyler spat.

Percy was about to beat the shit out of Tyler when Thalia moved. She closed the distance between them in seconds as she grabbed Tyler's crotch with one hand squeezing them hard.


"Call me a bitch again, insult anyone I know or care about, and I swear," Thalia squeezed them harder, "I'll rip them out."


Thalia drew back her free arm and socked Tyler across the jaw. She let go of his groin as the boy fell on his ass. His friend quickly grabbed him as they helped to carry the boy away.

"And don't come back!" Michael yelled as he grinned in excitement.

Percy turned to Thalia, "I'm so proud of you. You managed to piss of Tyler in the best way possible."

Thalia chuckled, "yeah, though I have to say if those are the kinds of guys that are in your school I might have a worst time then I thought."

Percy shrugged, "it won't be that bad, I promise most of the guys here are nice. Some are arrogant as hell, but they aren't assholes."

"So why exactly is the swim team mad at you?" Clarisse asked, "and why aren't you part of them? Shouldn't you be like their star member or something."

"Simple," Percy shrugged, "first off the entire swimming team is filled with a bunch of tools and second I didn't want the drama and hate I would get when I would eventually kick their ass."

And so with that said the three demigods quickly moved. Percy still had to show them the campus, and the others were excited to be studying together. Clarisse would still be studying in the ninth grade, but that didn't discourage them.


12 mysterious figured sat around a wooden table with an omega symbol carved in it. In the center of said table floating above a hearth was a giant crystal ball out of which rainbows flew out off. Each figure stared at the ball with interest, displayed in the sphere was the image of Percy currently talking with Clarisse about the female sports team of Yancy academy.

"He's strong, very strong," the individual sitting at the head of the table spoke up.

"It would be difficult to get him on our side," said the figure sitting near the end.

"Not really," argued another person, "I have seen him in action, he is a good person."

"I didn't think you would like him," a figure said.

"I don't," the first one replied, "but I can't deny he is a good person."

"And he already loves our children, he would gladly help us," said a third person.

"I don't know where you get this faith from Iris, but we cannot let this up to chance," the person at the end of the table spoke in a tone of disdain, "the Olympians call him their champion, why would he help us?"

"Because we are his family," Iris responded, "he will at the least listen to us."

"Bullshit," the same voice cursed, ",if he found out about us he would tell the Olympians, then all we worked for would be for nothing. He's loyal to them, not us!"

"Come now Morpheus have some faith," the figure at the head of the table spoke, "we must at least try. Kronos has waited so far, but the mad titan may change his attitude at any point and simply wipe us from existence if he so chose to. We need the demigod's help."

"And why do we?" the God of sleep asked, "we are powerful, more than him. He can deal with Kronos and the Olympians, we don't have to chose a side in the war. Please brother's and sisters, listen to me, let me take our children into my realm and keep them there until this war passes. That way we won't have to fight, and we won't have to bury our young."

"You know as well as I Morpheus that that is not an option," another person shot back, "your realm is unstable, it would mean trapping our children in their own minds, and that isn't an option."

"And you would rather them risk their lives for a battle they wish no part of?!" the God snapped as he slowly shifted into his true form. Wings of black and white sprouted from his back as his body slowly shifted through different human faces.

"Morpheus please, we can't-"

"-No Iris!" the God snapped in anger, "I have had enough. You people want this don't you? You want war, and you will go through any means to get it. You don't care about your children, you just pretend like you do."

"Enough!" the figure at the head of the table rose up in anger, "do not speak another word Morpheus, for if you do I will cast you out of this council."

"Fine," Morpheus threw his chair back as he walked away, "I'll leave. Good luck in your future endeavours brothers and sisters, may at least one of your children live to see the ripe old age of 20."

The god of dreams vanished in a bright light leaving the now 11 beings looking saddened by the events that just occurred.

"I know we are all...disturbed by Morpheus leaving us," Iris spoke up, "he was often the drive that pushed this council forward. But we can't stop now, we need to work together to try and save our children."

"Yes….yes, you're right," the being at the head of the table sighed as they sat down in their seat. They looked at the glowing rainbow ball that now showed Percy and his friends eating in the cafeteria.

"Do you think he will help us?" a person asked.

"Honestly, I don't know," Iris responded, "but...but we don't have any other choice. It's either this or Kronos."

"Then we stick with Percy Jackson," the figure at the head spoke, "when should we contact him."

"Not now," a person down the table shook their head, "he is just settling in, let him rest for now. But we need to contact him soon."

"Fine...Iris, I leave this duty up to you," the head of this council said turning to the rainbow goddess, "when you believe the time is right, reach out to Percy Jackson, explain to him our situation and how desperate we are for his help. If you're right, he won't deny us."

Iris nodded, "I understand, and believe me, Percy won't say no to us."

"You better be right Iris," the person looked at the ball and groaned, "a war is coming. And I don't want our children suffering because of it."