
Chapter 31

The Ascension was anchored away from the island as Percy and teams Alpha and Beta used smaller row boats to reach the island. Rocks jutted out at the shore, but the forest looked welcoming, almost too welcoming.

"We have to be careful lads," Galen said in a low tone, "I remember coming here with Odysseus the first time. The forest is filled with monsters and traps laid out by the stupid Cyclops. There is also a charm around the forest that causes everyone who enters it to become influenced to do stupid things leading you astray or into danger. Be careful."

Percy and the others nodded as the two teams slowly entered the forest;

You have entered a forest!

+5 to all stats!

Percy could also feel the mana of the charm Galen was talking about, but luckily thanks to Gamer's mind he was immune to all mental manipulations.

"Here I think I found a way," Marc said pointing to a trail leading into the forest. The sailor took one step onto the trail when suddenly something burst from the ground towards Marc.

Percy however was on alert and had moved fast enough to push Marc to the side avoiding a giant iron spike that would have otherwise skewered him.

"Merde!" Marc exclaimed as he got back up, "it's already messing with our heads. I was sure there was nothing there! Thanks Percy, you saved my life there."

"Yeah no problem. But ah guys maybe I should lead," Percy said.

Galen raised an eyebrow, "and why is that?"

"I'm kind of immune to mental manipulations. It's the only reason I'm still alive after meeting Cthulu," Percy explained making the others remember the incident.

"Any objections?" Galen asked as no one raised their hands, "then Percy, lead on."

Percy nodded and soon the team of sailors and demigod walked into the forest heading towards the mountain in the center of the island. The forest was big and filled with bugs and other type of creepy crawlies. Luckily Percy had brave men with him and -

"-A bug!" William screamed out a he ran away from a big centipede that was crawling up a tree.

Percy sighed, 'okay maybe not so brave….'

The forest was playing tricks on them, people were lead astray more than once. Percy had to not only make sure nobody died but also make sure they were going the right way. Once he caught William just as he was about to fall into a 10 foot deep ditch.

They soon crossed a big bridge over a fast flowing river and slowly the forest started to die out. The tree line soon went away revealing to them a wide plain of open grass.

"There, that's the cave," Galen said pointing at the big mountain in the center of the plains. By the side of the mountain was a large opening which was closed by a huge rock.

Everyone walked towards it and gathered around the entrance. Percy knocked on the stone, it was thick, maybe 40-50 feet thick.

"There is no way in hell we are getting past that," Galen said with a tsk, "we tried it the first time we were here and we didn't even make a scratch on the stone."

Marc raised an eyebrow, "ah, Galen you do remember who you're with right?"

Galen looked confused, "who I'm with? I'm with you all but what does that-"

Before Galen finished his sentence Percy turned around and activated his Speed, Body Form and Earthquake powers. He charged up his right hand with Body Form and Earthquake vibrations;

Body Form Activated: Right Arm

Percy drew back his hands and in a flash his fist collided with the giant stone. Web like cracks formed around the spot of impact as they grew bigger and bigger. The cracks didn't seem to be stopping as they soon covered the entire stone.

Percy's first was stuck inside the stone, he pulled with all his might which caused the stone to collapse on itself as Percy took his fist out.

"-Right...I forgot you could do that," Galen said causing everyone to laugh at their Quarter master's expense.

Percy shook his fist, that was new. He had never really tried to add speed to his attacks, it just didn't seem….well relevant. But just then he realised that if he increased the velocity of the attack that would cause the force behind his punch to increase resulting in more damage.

'Why hadn't I thought of that before?' Percy wondered looking at his fist, 'it seems so obvious now, but…..the extra Wisdom skill.'

Percy quickly realised the reason for his new innovative thoughts, guess the wisdom stats really are useful. Percy turned to the sailors, "let's go kill a cyclops."

The sailors nodded but Galen spoke up, "ah Percy I don't think that's a good idea."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "and why not?"

"Well last time we fought Polyphemus we blinded him and Poseidon cursed us to be lost for 10 years at sea. If we actually kill him…."

Percy nodded, he got the message, his dad would be pissed….wait Polyphemus was his brother? The thought sickened Percy to the core but he quickly pushed it aside. Percy turned away from the cave and formed a mist by increasing the moisture in the air. He then prayed to Iris and called on his dad.

Poseidon's image showed up clearly in front of Percy, the god was reading a book focused on the pages. He smiled and let out a perverted giggle turning the pages.

'Okay….that's not creepy at all' Percy thought as he cleared his throat, "Hey dad," Percy called up startling Poseidon.

"Percy?!" Poseidon yelled as he threw the book away and off screen causing Percy to raise an eyebrow at the strange behavior.

"Bad time?"

"No, no, I was just ah, just doing some light reading," Poseidon said giving a nervous chuckle, "so ah what can I do for you? Did something happen?"

"Yeah actually, my friends are stuck in Polyphemus's island and they are about to be eaten. So I just wanted to call you up and tell you beforehand that I'm going to be be killing the stupid bastard."

"What?! Percy he's your brother!" Poseidon yelled out.

"Yeah, and he's right now trying to eat my friends. I would try talking to him but something tells me he isn't really going to listen."

Poseidon sighed, "look Percy I understand your situation, but please also understand that despite all that Polyphemus is, he is also your brother. Please do not kill him."

Poseidon's face told Percy all he needed to know, his dad really cared for the cyclops. Percy sighed, "okay dad. I promise I will try not to kill him."

Poseidon sighed, "that's all I can ask for. Oh and what's this I heard about you picking a fight with Triton?"

"Ah sorry what was that? You're breaking up dad! I can't hear" Percy canceled the message and sighed in relief. His dad was going to be pissed when they actually met face to face. He turned to the sailors and nodded, "well let's go."

They nodded and soon the group walked into the cave. It was dark and creepy, like one would expect a cave to be. The ceiling was at least 50 feet above them with stalagmites and stalactites everywhere. There was almost no light in here, other than the light coming from the entrance. But then again light may not be the most important thing for a blind cyclops.

"You know I'm surprised," Marc said, "I kind of expected Polyphemus to come rushing out here, after all Percy did make a lot of noise breaking the stone entrance."

"Yes he should," Galen said scratching his chin, "the only reason he hasn't-"

"-Is because he is busy trying to eat my friends!" Percy's eyes shot up in realisation as he activated his super speed dashing forward deeper into the cave.

The cave was small in comparison to the mountain. Percy reached its centre in less than a second. Standing right in the center of the cave was a giant being that automatically drew Percy's attention. It was bigger than a Gergosa but smaller than a Gigantic Gergosa, wearing nothing but a filthy loin cloth and a golden cape strapped to his back. Percy didn't even have to Observe him to know who he was;

Polyphemus, Carnivorous Sheep herder

Lv- 25



Race- Cyclops

Str- 62






Polyphemus is basically your mythological equivalent of Joffrey Baratheon, if you don't know who Joffrey is then fuck you, go read a book. The cyclops is big, dumb and spoilt to the core. He is arrogant and egotistical as fuck. He loves his dad, but more often than not takes advantage of Poseidon's love for him.

Likes: Poseidon, human flesh, female cyclops

Dislikes: Odysseus, Popcorn and bad sheeps that bite

He doesn't know about Percy

He is happy he is about get married and eat human meat.

Percy bleached at the idea of Polyphemus eating his friends. Percy then took notice of the rest of the cave. Polyphemus was standing in front of a huge cauldron stirring the pot. There was a platform to the side of the cave where Percy saw Grove standing in a …..white wedding dress… what the hell?

"Please don't eat us!" Percy heard Nina's voice yell out. Percy turned back to the cauldron, tied to a stick on top of the boiling liquid was Nina and Annabeth. Polyphemus was slowly spinning them like meat being heated above a fire.

"Oh shut up, you demigods are all the same!" Polyphemus yelled out as he took a giant salt shaker sprinkling Nina with it, "there, now you might just taste better."

"You know that really won't help!" Annabeth shouted out, "we humans are nasty! We don't taste good at all!"

Percy knew he didn't have time to waste, Nina and Annabeth were keeping that thing distracted, none of them even saw Percy arrive, he had the element of surprise.

Percy wanted to kill the stupid monster for even trying to kill his friends but he remembered his promise to his dad. Instead Percy focused on Binding Hands;

Binding hands, Lv-Max

Allows user to bind an opponent's body making it unmovable. Release is possible only when user deems it. Only allowed to bind a maximum of 5 people at a time.

Time limit- none.

Cost-1000 Mana

"Yo ugly!" Percy yelled out startling everyone in the room.

"Percy?" Grover called out his voice was filled with disbelief, "PERCY!"

"Percy?" Polyphemus asked out loud as he turned to Percy. His eye was scratched up and scathed, Percy doubted he could even make out his silhouette with that thing.

"Hey asshole I heard your ma'mas so ugly that when she looked out the window she got arrested for mooning!"


Percy backed up slowly, he needed to get the giant away from his friends, "your mama is so ugly even hello kitty said goodbye!"

"Who the hell are you?!" Polyphemus roared as he turned away from the cauldron stepping towards Percy.

Percy backed up some more, "your mama is so stupid she stuck a phone up her ass to make a booty call!"

"Don't talk about my mama like that!" Polyphemus roared out charging Percy.

The demigod just smiled and waited for the cyclops to try and trample him. Polyphemus was right on top of him as he brought his fists down hard.

"PERCY!" Nina cried out.

Percy waited for the possible moment before dashing away from the attack. He ran behind Polyphemus and quickly sent out the blue ribbons of Binding Hands to wrap around the monster. Polyphemus's wrists were tied together with his ankles causing the cyclops to fall to the ground unable to balance himself.

"What in the name of Poseidon is this?! I demand you let me go!"

Percy huffed, "fat chance you giant tub of lard." Percy turned and dashed towards Nina and Annabeth and quickly untied them. He grabbed them before they could fall into the boiling water below and brought them back to the ground.

"Wow," Annabeth said trying to maintain her balance, "that was fast."

Percy smiled, "thanks, I have been trying to improve my speed."

"Percy!" Grover called out. Percy turned and saw Groove running to him with arms open reaching for a hug.

Percy raised a hand and stopped the Satyr midway, "one, why are you here, two, why are you dressed up in a fucking wedding dress and three what the hell is that?" Percy said pointing to the giant eyeball Grover had stuck on his forehead.

"It's a long story," Grover said sheepishly, "I suppose it all began when-"

"-No time for a the long story Grover," Annabeth said turning to Percy, "Percy we need to find Clarisse and Michael, he got injured badly trying to protect us."

"Get me out of this!" Polyphemus shouted again. Percy rolled his eyes and repositioned a blue ribbon over the cyclops's mouth shutting him up.

Percy turned to Annabeth, "Clarisse called me, that's how I knew you guys were in danger. But where the hell are they? I can't see them anywhere and this cave is pretty small."

Annabeth pointed at the walls and Percy noticed several tunnels built there, "they are in one of those. Polyphemus was too big to go in and try to find them, but he had us so he let them be."

Percy nodded, "Clarisse come out!" He shouted, "it's me! We have dealt with Polyphemus!"

"Percy they aren't going to come out if you do that," Nina explained, "Cyclops's have a very good sense of hearing and can mimic voices perfectly. She probably thinks you are just Polyphemus trying to trick her."

Percy raised an eyebrow, he didn't know a cyclops could do that. "Hey Clarisse it really is me!" Percy shouted again.

"Percy-" Nina began.

"-Hey give me a second," Percy told her before shouting again, "look I'll prove it! The last thing Michael said to me before we left our separate ways was how he didn't want to be stuck in a boat filled with racist zombies!"

Still nothing happened, 'well then, time to turn it up a notch.'

"Oh I get it! You don't want to come out because you actually want to spend more time alone with Michael! I can see it now! He struggled to breath as he whispered, 'I'm cold Clarisse, hold me closer'. You slowly lower your defense; you sleep next to him hoping your presence will help him heal. You snuggle close, but Michael is still cold, so you take of your clothes and pile them up like a blanket before you press up on each other's bodies. Skin on skin breath on breath as-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP SEA SHIT!" Clarisse's voice came out from a cave to the right as a spear came flying through the shadows right at Percy's head.

The demigod easily caught the spear and spun it around in his hand. He turned to Nina, "found them."

"Damn Percy you should be a smut writer," Grover commented as the two friends shared a laugh while Annabeth shook her head in amusement and Nina blushed a deep shade of red.

The group of questers quickly ran towards the cave the spear came out of and found Clarisse and Michael there. Clarisse was by Michael's side holding a piece of cloth over a wound on Michael's shoulder. The cloth was covered with blood, Michael's skin was a pasty white. Percy looked at his health;

Michael's HP: 10/1,000

"Shit this is bad," Percy said as he opened up his inventory and pulled out a medium grade potion. He went to Michael's side and slowly lifted the boy's head up, "Michael? Michael can you hear me?"

The child of Apollo slowly opened his eyes, they were unfocused but they turned towards Percy, "Percy? Dude is that you?"

Percy nodded, "yeah it's me" as he uncorked the potion pressing it up against Michael's lips, "drink this up man."

Michael slowly drank the potions, his lips were parched beyond belief. His throat could only take a little of the potion at a time. But slowly the color returned to his face.

"His wound stopped bleeding," Clarisse exclaimed as she took off the piece of cloth she was holding.

Percy nodded, "yeah but he's not out of the woods yet," he said as he used blood control to take out a tiny amount of his own blood and used it to create runes around Michael's injured shoulder. The potion had restored 75% of his health, normally that would be enough but Percy wasn't going to risk his friend's life.

Percy poured out 250 of his own HP along with 200 MP to full restore Michael to his full health.

Michael's eyes slowly readjusted as he blinked away the pain. He looked up, "thanks Percy."

The demigod of the sea smiled, "no problem man. Just don't kill yourself any time soon okay?"

Michael smiled, "okay."

"Now that that's done," Clarisse said as she got up and grabbed her spear that Percy laid down on the side. Electricity poured through the tip as she pointed it at Percy, "it's time for payback asshole."

Percy took a big gulp, "Clarisse I just wanted to find you quickly and that was the best-"


"Shit!" Percy exclaimed as he felt the electricity go through his whole body. His Marble skin was still active so he only lost around 500 defense points but that still hurt.

"Stay still so I can impale you!" Clarisse shouted as she chased Percy around the tunnel much to the amusement of everyone else.

As soon as Michael could walk again the demigods walked out of the tunnel and to the main cave where they found the crew standing there taking turns drawing dicks on Polyphemus' face and body.

"We got company you guys!" Clarisse said as all the demigods quickly readied their weapons for a fight, everyone except Percy and Grover, the former because he knew the crew were on their side the latter because he had no weapons and chose to promptly scream and pretend to faint.

"Relax guys they're with me," Percy said stepping forward, "this is the crew I sailed with to finish my quest."

The demigods glared at the sailors who had finally noticed Percy and the other campers. "You sure they are trustable?" Annabeth asked looking at the sailors.

Percy nodded, "I trust them with my life. Heck they saved my life once."

The demigods nodded and slowly put away their weapons.

"Ah Percy you found your friends I see," Galen commented giving the demigods a big smile, "hello kids, I'm Galen the Quartermaster of The Ascension."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow, that name sounded familiar to her.

"These are the guys you sailed with Percy?" Michael asked with his jaw wide in surprise. Percy smiled and nodded, "so not fair! What the fuck man! I got stuck with racist zombies and you got stuck with what looks like the bloody A-team!"

"Oh shut up," Percy said smiling, "the reason I got the A-team and you got zombies was because I got the tougher quest and I needed the extra help."

"Odysseus!," Annabeth suddenly shouted out drawing everyone's attention to her, "that's your captain right? Odysseus? You called yourself the Quartermaster meaning you must have a captain above you."

Galen smiled, "Aye lass you are right. Judging by your eyes and your sharp brain I would guess you are a daughter of Athena yes?"

Annabeth blushed at the compliment and nodded. Percy smiled when suddenly a thought hit him.

"Shit we forgot about Odysseus!" Percy shouted causing the entire crew to go into panic.

Grover sighed, "it's like you always forget about people Percy. Last year you left me in LA this year you forgot about Odysseus."

"I didn't forget!" Percy yelled out opening his inventory, "I just pushed the memory aside until I needed it again. Okay so where is this fucking golden fleece I have heard so much about?"

"Right here," Marc said as two sailors went on top of Polyphemus and removed the golden fleece bringing it towards Percy.

"That's the golden fleece?" Percy said looking at the stretched piece of cloth. It glowed gold and with a pure golden aura that drew Percy to it.

"It's amazing," Nina said as it drew the attention of everyone present.

"Okay," Percy said drawing everyone's attention, "time to get to work." He slowly reached into his inventory and slowly and carefully pulled out Odysseus. Everyone gathered there looked at the man. The crew members could see their captain still breathing but just barely. The spike was still partially inside him, Percy gripped the end and pulled it out.

"AHH!" Odysseus roared out in pain as he blinked his eyes open, "w-what-"

"Shh, don't talk," Percy said as he grabbed the fleece and wrapped Odysseus up in the golden cloth. Slowly color came back to his face as the fleece glowed brighter and brighter. Percy used his observation skill on the fleece;

Golden Fleece;

This enchanted piece of cloth has the ability to heal any living being be it monster, man or plant. Even if the being is on the verge of death the fleece can bring them back to perfect health, destroying anything that causes the being to not be in perfect health.

Percy was beyond amazed at the power of the fleece, it could bring back anyone from the brink of death. Percy looked at Odysseus and found that the man was no longer poisoned; Janai'ngo's venom had been flushed out. The Greek Hero's health was being regenerated at a rate of 5% per minute.

'Maybe….' Percy thought out as he opened his inventory and pulled out the loot item he got before, the power mimicker;

Power Mimicker,

It has the ability to copy a certain skill possessed from any being or object and give the user the same ability.

Note: This will only grant the skill, not the proficiency of the skill. Meaning all skills gained through this object will start at '1'

'Well it does say skill from objects as well,' Percy thought out.

"Ah Percy what is that?" Michael asked pointing to the small golden ball.

"Just an experiment," Percy replied as he pressed the small walnut sized object up against the Golden Fleece. The ball glowed brighter and then;


The power of 'Healing' has been granted to the Power Mimicker! Are you sure this is what you want?


Percy pressed yes without hesitation and the small golden ball disappeared into dust which then floated over to Percy's body fusing with him;


You have gained a new skill!

Healing, Lv- 1 (0%)

Allows the user to heal any disease or ailments affecting himself or others.

Limit- 1 ailment per use.

Cost- 500 MP

"Wow," Percy said reading his new skill. It was stronger and better than the healing runes he always used, plus it was not that costly.

"Percy what happened? What was that thing?" Annabeth asked worried.

"It's nothing," Percy waved it off closing the skill box, "the small ball was supposed to help in healing, I just wanted to use it on Odysseus.

"But it went into you."

Percy nodded, "yeah it kind of backfired there."

Lie successful!

Annabeth looked suspicious but accepted the explanation. "Percy why exactly was Odysseus injured?" Michael asked.

"Oh, it's kind of a long story. Let's talk over there" Percy said as he got up and walked away from Odysseus allowing the sailors to gather around their captain, waiting for him to be fully healed. Percy and the other demigods, plus Grover, walked away from the group giving them some personal space.

"So what happened?" Annabeth asked they all sat around in a circle.

"First things first," Percy said as he opened up his inventory taking out several plates filled with food, "fresh food straight from camp. I put it in my inventory so it's still hot."

Percy gave his friends each a plate, they had been looking tired and used up. Percy may not need to eat any more but that didn't mean he didn't understand hunger.

"So, what happened to you?" Nina asked as they all ate their hot camp cooked meals.

Percy then began to explain to his friends what had happened to him after they left. He told them about how he travelled to save the Ascension from the giant octopus Dave, how he met Odysseus himself and how he got along with the crew. He then spoke about how he managed to save Mera from an underwater monster that wanted to fight Triton. He didn't tell them it was a Great Old One because, well he already got plenty of people pissed at him for that.

He then spoke about Nassau and meeting Elsa's team. Annabeth and Clarisse cringed remembering those three, it hadn't been a pleasant fight. But after Percy told them how they wanted to get Argo too and how Argo had experimented on Elsa, they started to like the three member team. He then told them about how he and the crew basically collapsed the entire base on top of the creepy scientist's head before traveling here to save their asses.

"I still can't believe Gergosas are people," Annabeth said in a low tone of voice, "but it does make sense." She turned to Clarisse, "remember that warehouse we ran into?"

"You mean the one which looked like it was abandoned in a hurry?" Clarisse asked.

Annabeth nodded, "yeah. Argo must have transformed the first batch of Gergosas using the people there. The clues were right there in front of our eyes and yet we didn't see them!"

Percy patted Annabeth, "don't be too hard on yourself Annabeth, it's not your fault." The demigods nodded and soon silence fell. "So, you guys never did tell me about what happened to you."

"Right," Grover said as a smile came on his face, "well I suppose that it starts with me first."

Percy nodded, "right...so why the wedding dress?"

Grover smiled sheepishly and rubbed his neck, "well it's kinda my fault really. You see during my search for Pan I kind of got attracted to the scent of the Golden Fleece."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "attracted?"

"The Fleece is like a beacon for nature spirits," Nina explained, "most of them can feel it even across the Atlantic."

"And Polyphemus knows that," Grover said, "he used it to lure me into a trap and tried to eat me back in Saint Augustine. I went and hid inside a bridal dressing shop and tried to change my scent by changing clothes hence the ah, garments," Grover said pointing at his clothes.

"Why didn't you call for help?" Percy asked surprised.

"I did try," Grover explained, "I tried to form an Empathy link with you, but I couldn't. Somehow something was blocking my attempts."

"Empathy link?"

"It's a type of magic Satyrs can do," Grover explained, "we from a connection with people that are close to us, like really close and then send messages to them via dreams. I tried to form one with you but….well I couldn't. It was like trying to break down a metal wall using a piece of string."

Percy nodded, the reason Grover's Empathy link didn't work was probably because of his Gamer's mind. And the reason he didn't get dreams was because….he never got dreams. Not since getting his powers Percy hadn't had one single dream. 'Why am I just realising this now?'

"Percy you okay?" Nina asked snapping Percy's attention back to them.

"R-right, sorry. Anyway what happened next?"

"Well I then got caught by Polyphemus but the stupid cyclops thought I was a female cyclops because of the dress and took me back to his cave to marry me."

Clarisse snickered, "you two would have made an excellent couple."

"Like you and Michael?" Grover sneered causing everyone to laugh while the two in question blushed. "Anyway so I got stuck in here, hell I thought I was actually going to have to marry him when suddenly you guys arrived and tried to save me. That didn't go so well, but then everything worked out for the best."

Percy nodded and then turned to Annabeth and his other friends, "what happened with you guys."

The group all groaned at once and began their story. After leaving Percy they sailed right into the sea of monsters. They quickly ran into trouble in the form of Scylla and Charybdis which pretty much tore the ship into pieces. After sailing in dead water for a few hours they came upon an island called C.C's Spa and Resort.

The questers were happy to get help as the island was filled to the brim with beautiful women, something Michael liked a lot. The moment they landed the girls were escorted to get a free makeover while Michael was turned into a guinea pig by Circe.

"Circe?!" Odysseus yelled out, "you all met Circe and lived?!"

Annabeth shrugged, "kind of yeah."

"Please tell me you broke her nose or something," Odysseus asked.

"We transformed every male she had captured on her island back into human and when they were distracted we kind of snuck away."

"But it did piss her off yes?"


"Good girl."

Percy smiled, "he doesn't like her much."

Annabeth nodded and continued on with her story. After that incident the questers stole a boat and sailed forward, they met and thankfully avoided the Sirens, and managed to land on Polyphemus's island just this morning.

They tried to save Grover but failed. Michael was injured and Nina and Annabeth were captured. And the rest was history.

Percy sighed in relief, "Sounds like you guys had one hell of an adventure."

Everyone nodded, they looked tired but happy that it was finally over. They soon got up and walked over to Odysseus who was also back on his feet.

"This certainly is one hell of a carpet rug," he said giving the fleece to Percy, "thanks kid, for saving my life."

Percy smiled as he took the fleece and put into his inventory for safe keeping, "thanks Odysseus. Oh, and I think I have something that belongs to you."

Percy reached into his inventory and pulled out Yew's Breath. He presented the blade to Odysseus who smiled.

"My men told me you did amazing things with this blade," he said touching the metal, "you probably used it a lot more than I ever did."

Percy nodded, "yeah, it saved my life."

Odysseus smiled, "you want it don't you."

Percy blushed but nodded slowly, "yeah it's kind of awesome."

"Well then," Odysseus began, "make your own."

Percy blinked, "huh?"

Odysseus snatched the blade and hugged it tightly, "you think I'm going to give you my blade?! Fuck that! It's my baby! My precious!"

Percy and the others blinked at the captain's behavior as the sailors simply laughed it off.

"Don't mind him," Galen said wiping his tears, "he's always been fiercely possessive of that blade. In fact when we met Tolkien he got inspired by Odysseus' behavior with the blade and based a book around it. Smeagol, I think, or was it Gollum? I never was good at names."

Percy chuckled; he could see how Odysseus could have inspired such a character. 'Wait… did he just kiss the handle? Okay I am never touching that blade again.'

Soon everyone got ready as the all made their way out of the cave.

"Hey Percy what about the big spoilt brat?" Michael said pointing at Polyphemus.

Percy sighed, "I'll release him from his bonds after we leave the island. Let's go, the further I get away from this embarrassment of a son of Poseidon the better."

The demigods nodded, they really couldn't understand how that thing and Percy could ever be related.

They made their way off the island, Percy again worked over time in the forest to make sure no one died, and quickly they reached the beach.

Percy snapped his fingers causing the binding hands spell he used on Polyphemus to break, "I just released the cyclops," he said.

"You sure that was a good idea?" Michael asked.

Percy shrugged, "I don't see why not."


Percy gulped, "maybe we should hurry up and leave."

"I didn't know you guys came in two boats," Nina said as she looked at the sea, "kind of Elsevier don't you think?"

"Two? But there was only one," Percy commented as he activated his 8.0 eyesight looking for the Ascension. It was easy to spot and right behind it there was another boat The second boat was state of the art and looked more stylish when compared to the Ascension. Percy focused and found that a name printed on the side, 'Princess Andromeda'.

"That's not ours," Galen said narrowing his eyes, "it's not something I recognize at all."

"It looks pretty cool though," Percy commented deactivating his eyes. He and the other were about to get onto their rowing boats when suddenly;

Warning! Behind you!

Percy immediately activate his super speed. He drew out Riptide in a flash and summoned a big ball of water from the sea before turning around to face the enemy.

"Wow Percy what's with the fancy moves?!" Grover asked shocked.

"We're not alone," Percy said narrowing his eyes and activating his special eyes again. He looked through the forest for any signs of moment when suddenly a huge figure walked out from the shadows of the trees.

"Your reflexes have gotten better demigod," his voice was deep and loud, Percy recognized it right away.

"Hyperion," Percy growled out through clenched teeth. Annabeth was shaking, this was the same titan that had killed her. She was scared and Percy could feel her fear. Everyone quickly armed themselves while Hyperion started to glow brighter and brighter until his body was covered in flames again.

"I went through all that trouble to hide my presence to sneak up on you and it was all for nothing," Hyperion said as he drew his blade using his left hand, his right one still a stump.

"So I'm guessing the ship is yours?" Percy asked as he stepped forward in front of the group, Hyperion probably wanted to fight him, if so maybe he could take the fight elsewhere to avoid harming his friends.

"Indeed, though I don't like traveling by sea, I prefer the sky," Hyperion covering his blade with flames.

"So what do you want? A rematch?"

"Tempting, tempting," Hyperion said smiling, "but not now. A rematch would be going against my King's orders."

"I didn't realise you were someone's bitch Hyperion," Percy taunted but the Titan didn't fall for it.

"Enough talk, surrender at once and I will not harm you all," Hyperion said turning from Percy to the others, "resist" he smiled sadistically, "and you will all be killed."

Odysseus snorted as he drew his blade, "you may be a Titan but you are still one, we are many."

"Last time I checked we outnumbered you," Michael said as he drew his bow string back knocking an arrow.

"Really? Count again," Hyperion said strapping his leg on the ground causing a huge shock wave and breaking the stones underneath.

Suddenly the forest came alive in front of them. Slowly the trees parted ways as several new figures revealed themselves.

Percy didn't know where to look, there were so many of them all over the place. It was an entire army of animals each armored and looking like semi humans. There were hundreds of them, lions and rhinos with metal along their horns to be used as a weapon. Percy remembered the bears he fought back in Largo's lair, the Upgraded Bears. Argo must have made an entire army of them for the Titans.

Hyperion smirked, "what do you think?"

Percy glared, "I think that an army of losers still won't make you a winner."

The Titan threw up his head and laughed, "you know I said the exact same thing! But the point is, they may be weak, but there are enough of them for you all."

Marc walked up with his sword and pistol drawn, "we can take them."


An arrow flew across the air sailing towards Marc's eyes. Percy used his super speed and caught the arrow before it hit the frenchman.

"Fuck!" Marc yelled out in surprise as he landed on back, "where did that come from."

"There," Percy threw the arrow to the side pointing at the top of the trees which were filled with monkeys wearing archer gear with arrows pointed at them all.

"You can probably survive this Jackson," Hyperion stated, "heck you could probably kill this pathetic army in minutes. But how many of your friends will die in the process?"

Percy gritted his teeth, he knew the answer already. He put his weapon down and lifted his hands up, "I surrender."

"Percy-" Clarisse began to protest when Percy threw her a glare shutting her up.

Hyperion smiled, "I knew you would see to reason." The titan walked up to Percy and looked down at the demigod. He smiled, drew back his fist and punched Percy across the back of the head hard enough to knock him out.

Some time later;

Percy's eyes slowly opened up to see a notification in front of him;

You were knocked out!

Defence - 134,000

Percy sighed, at least his defense was still holding on strong. Percy shook the feeling of numbness from his head and looked down to find himself kneeling on a hard wooden floor.

'Well fuck,' Percy cursed as he lifted his head up only to find a big weight around his neck. Percy looked down and a saw a giant golden metal collar around his neck. There were four chains with one end on the collar and one end bolted to the ground. Percy's hands were locked behind his back with cuffs and his legs were strapped down to the ground.

"I'm liking this less and less by the minute," Percy muttered.

"Percy? You're awake!" Percy heard Michael's voice from behind him.

"Michael? Are you okay? Where are the others?" Percy tried to turn but couldn't. He was facing a metal door but the cell extended behind him as well.

"We're fine Percy," Clarisse spoke out, "we are all fine, well Grover is still knocked out. He kind of fainted when you were knocked out."

"After Hyperion knocked you out he took us all prisoners," Percy heard Nina say, "he handcuffed us up and threw us in here. However you were special, so he put you into….well that."

Percy pulled on his chains as he tried to get up, not only were the straps holding his legs down powerful but so were the chains. Percy cursed under his breath, "shit, where is everyone else?"

"The crew are being detained in their own boat with Odysseus locked in his quarters," Michael explained, "from what information I managed to eavesdrop on it seems they are taking us back to the island for something."

"Then why haven't they done it yet?"

"Because they are waiting for sunset," Annabeth explained, "they don't want Apollo to catch wind of this and tonight is a lunar eclipse so Artemis will not be able to spy on them."

"So they are keep us alive for something, but what?"

But before they could answer any more questions the door to their cells creaked open. Percy turned his eyes to the door and a tall blonde haired man stepped through. He wore a dark blue cape over a greek style armor with an hourglass emblem etched into both.

"Luke," Percy growled out as he tried to move pushing his body forward only to have the straps jerk him back causing him to hit the ground.

"You really shouldn't have done that Percy," Luke said as two black bears came into the room behind him closing the door, "those chains have been made especially with you in mind by Argo himself."

"Yeah well that fucker is dead now," Percy said as he tried to control the moisture in the air to form a water blade to attack Luke only to find that his mana was being blocked. Percy couldn't understand it, it was like something was there making sure he didn't' have access to his powers, blocking his mana from leaving his body.

"I told you they are specially made for you," Luke said as he tapped on the metal collar, "a mix of imperial gold and iron, very powerful. It's nearly unbreakable and added to that is an enhancement to block all magic being sent outside your body."

Percy gritted his teeth, 'okay so I can't go outside, what about inside?' Percy activated his Body Form perk and used it on his whole body. Percy's entire muscular structure started to bulge out as a glow of green surrounded him. Percy tried to break out of the cuff's using pure strength but to no avail.

"I told you, unbreakable," Luke said as he turned his sights behind Percy, "hey Annabeth, Clarisse, Michael."

"Yo traitor," Michael said with what Percy imagined a smile, "fancy seeing you here."

"Luke why are you still with them?" Annabeth asked in a pleading tone, "you're fighting a battle nobody wants."

"I know Annabeth," Luke said lowering his eyes in regret, "I know. But I have made my choice, I want vengeance beyond anything else."

"You really haven't changed have you?" Percy said in a harsh tone, "always going on about yourself. Tell me Luke, who is it? Who is the spy you have working inside our camp?"

Luke turned away from the others and looked at Percy, "if I tell you their life will be in danger."

"Considering they are the reason the entire camp is in danger I think people won't be in a forgiving mood."

Luke bent down in front of Percy, "I didn't come here to talk Percy, I ca-"

"Didn't come here to talk? Please that's all you care for. You know who you sound like? Hermes. Gods that god could-"


Luke slapped Percy across the face cutting him off, "don't you dare compare me to him. I am nothing like him!"

Percy smiled despite the red mark on his cheek, "sure you're not."

"I didn't come here for this," Luke snapped looking serious, "I came here to get the Golden Fleece."

"Well go ahead, I think that half brother of mine still uses it as a loin cloth."

"We know you have it Percy," Luke narrowed his eyes at the boy, "and we know you are keeping it in your pocket dimension."

Percy smiled, "well let's say I do have it, not that I do, why would I ever give it to you?"

Luke stood up and drew a celestial bronze blade, "simple, for every hour you don't give me the fleece I will kill one of your friends."

"They were your friends too Luke," Percy said with narrowed eyes, "I know you. You don't kill demigods. You would never do that."

Luke narrowed his eyes, "true, but I have my orders."

Percy growled, "you are the worst type of creature in this world Luke. A traitor to your own kind and family."

"So who's it going to be first Percy?" Luke continued ignoring the threat, "Annabeth? Michael? Or how about the blonde daughter of the ugly god?"

"Luke you don't' want to do this!"

"Nina was it? Pretty name for such a pretty face," Luke said as he took a step forward. Percy could hear the ring of the blade as Luke slowly lifted it up into the air. He stopped, the blade was raised even higher, Percy could hear the leather grip crackle as Luke tightened his grip and-

"OKAY!" Percy yelled out, "OKAY I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU!"

Luke lowered the blade, "I knew you would see reason," he then walked back towards Percy, "give it."

Percy opened his inventory, "I need to use my hands to pull it out."

Luke narrowed his eyes, "no, just direct me and I'll do it."

Percy shook his head, "no, it doesn't work like that. I am the only one who can access it."

Luke groaned, "well… you have your mouth don't you?" Percy blinked, "use it for something useful instead of always talking so much."

"Bu-but I'm not even sure that-"

"-Do it Percy!" Luke said raising his sword, "or do I have to threaten another one of your friends again?"

"No! No Luke, you don't," Percy turned to his inventory and pushed his head into it. He thought of selecting the Golden Fleece and opened his mouth to feel with his tongue. Suddenly it touched something warm and fluffy. Percy reached deeper inside and caught the object around his teeth and pulled removing the Fleece out of his inventory.

Luke reached down and pulled the Fleece out of Percy's mouth, "good doggy."

"You're not going to get away with this Luke!" Michael shouted out as Luke promptly ignored him turning towards one of his guards.

"Give the Fleece to Hyperion," Luke said as both the bears bowed and left the room. Luke went to the door but instead of leaving he closed it shut. Luke turned to Percy, "do you remember the offer I made last summer? The one right after the Gergosa attack?"

Percy looked up at Luke and nodded, "yeah, what about it." Percy remembered the small crescent moon device Luke had slipped into his pocket to try and convince Percy he wanted to help him and camp again. Percy had shot Luke down hard, he didn't trust the demigod then and not certainly now.

"You didn't trust me then, you said you didn't trust me," Luke said looking sad.

"Yeah, I did, what about it."

"You were right. You had no reason to trust me back then," Luke said turning to the door, "but tonight I'll give you a reason to trust me." And with that Luke opened the door and left leaving Percy surprised and the rest confused.

"Percy what the hell was he talking about?" Michael asked.

"Nothing...it's nothing," Percy said as he began to think, 'is he serious? Does he really want to be on our side by betraying them? They why did act like that before? He freaking threatened to kill Nina! Maybe he was putting on a show….those bears! He wanted to make sure no one suspects him, maybe he is on our side.'

"Percy," Annabeth called drawing Percy out of his thoughts, "what did Luke mean by that?"

Percy sighed, "he….he. Sigh why is it always me? Last year, right after our first meeting with those Gergosas Luke messaged me and told me that he wanted to become a spy for us against the Titans."

""And what did you say?" Nina asked.

Percy sighed, "no. I said no."

"What?!" Clarisse shouted, "and your telling us this now?!"

"Because back then you guys would have shut down the idea too," Percy said, "or have you forgotten it was because of him you nearly died and Annabeth nearly became lunch?"

Clarisse growled but didn't' speak.

"Percy we could have helped Luke, we could have gotten him out of danger and back with us," Annabeth said causing Percy to feel guilty.

"I know Annabeth, but I didn't trust him. Tell me would any of you?"

No one answered, no one. Silence rained on for a few moments before Annabeth spoke up again, "it wasn't your decision to make Percy."

"Yes it was, he came to me, not you. So it was my choice to make."

"You should have told us Percy."

"Okay fine, tell me what would you have done huh? Tell me what would you have said to him!?"

"That's not the point!" Annabeth yelled, "the point is that you didn't trust us, you didn't think we deserved to know!"

"You know what maybe we should talk about this later when we aren't prisoners," Michael said.

Percy clicked his teeth but remained silent as did Annabeth. They didn't speak to each other, no one did.

'Why don't they get it? It's not my fault!' Percy told himself, 'how the hell was I supposed to trust Luke after the shit he pulled?'

Percy shook his head clear of such thoughts, a problem for a later time. Right now he needed to find a way out of here. Percy cleared his mind and thought back to the file that contained all the information Argo had collected on him.

If what Luke had told him was true that mean Argo built these chains based upon the information he had on Percy back then. So the only way Percy could escape is by using something Argo didn't know about.

'Ice control? No, I can't throw out any type of mana. Something in my inventory?...no, nothing useful.' But just then it hit him, 'he didn't know about my gem.'

Argo didn't know about the crystal in Percy's forehead, when he made this he still though Percy used the gauntlet. Percy poured his mana into the gem in his forehead, he could feel the crystal activate.

Percy summoned Marcia as smoke poured out of the crystal taking shape of the giant wolf in front of Percy.

Marcia looked down and smiled, "oh this must be a dream. You kneeling before me like that, oh god thank you!"

Percy sighed, "great, this just got more embarrassing."

"Percy how did you do that?" Michael asked surprised.

"I got a new upgrade to my crystal that Argo didn't know about," Percy looked at Marcia, "can you get these things off of me?"

The wolf looked at the chains and then to the cuffs and shook her head, "no, it's made out of imperial gold, I don't think I can.."

"Why don't you try and summon one of your other monsters?" Clarisse suggested, "like that big red one with super strength."

Percy sighed, "I can't, I left him at camp to protect it."

"And I doubt the Goblin king of the Damned Knight could as well seeing as they are just at average strength," Marcia explained before turning to the other demigods, "but I can break their cuffs."

Percy nodded, "okay do it-"

"-No way,' Nina said stopping Percy mid sentence, "like hell we are just going to leave you here by yourself."

"Yeah, ain't gonna leave you Percy," Michael said in a reassuring voice, "we'll find a way to get out of this together."

"Guys there is no time," Percy snapped, "Marcia do it."

The Wolf nodded and went towards the demigods.

"Percy this is no time to play the martyr!" Clarisse shouted out as Marcia broke Nina's cuffs open.

"I'm not playing the martyr Clarisse," Percy said as another pair of cuffs broke, "you guys need to get out of here. Get onboard the Ascension and free Odysseus and his crew. The Titans are planning something big, you guys heard it yourselves. You need to try and stop it."

Annabeth walked in front of Percy glaring at him, "are you sure you're okay with this?"

Percy nodded, "if what Luke said is true then he wants to help me escape anyway, I'll be fine."

"Oh so now you're going to trust Luke?"

"I don't exactly have a choice do I?"

"Guys stop fighting!" Michael shouted as he and the rest of them walked in front of Percy along with Marcia.

"He's right," Percy said looking at Annabeth, "we can settle this later." Percy closed his eyes and focused on the gem summoning Timmy and Craig. The two appeared in front of Percy next to the demigod and bowed, "master."

"Okay you two listen, you both and Marcia get these guys out of here and onto the Ascension. Listen to what they tell you do your best to be a pain in the ass for the Titans."

The three servants nodded. Marcia walked forward and licked Percy's face, "I'll make sure they come back for you Percy."

Percy smiled, "I know you will. By the way Timmy I want you to carry Grover out," Percy said pointing to the unconscious Satyr.

The Goblin King nodded and picked up Grover swinging him over his shoulder, "got it boss."

Percy nodded, "now go all of you!"

The wolf turned around and sent a blast of darkness at the jail door breaking it open. Timmy and Craig walked out first followed by the demigods with Marcia being the last one out.

Percy couldn't see what was going on but he could hear several people shouting out. From what he could hear it seemed like the group were spotted pretty quickly. Percy looked at the view from outside the cell and saw the sea, he realised he still must be in the Princess Andromeda.

The entire ship was in disarray, Percy could feel the rumble of feet all along the ship. And then suddenly silence. Percy smiled, they had managed to get away. Slowly a cloud of smoke entered the cell and entered Percy's crystal, it seemed Craig had been defeated.

Percy sighed and bent down lower, the only thing to do now was to wait.

5 minutes later,

"How did you do it?" Hyperion growled out.

Percy smiled, "do it? Do what? Your mother?"

"Shut up!" Hyperion shouted as he smacked Percy across the face.

Defence - 124,000

Percy smiled as he spat out a wad of blood. "Is that the best you can do?"

Hyperion raised his hand to slap Percy once again only for Luke to step in front of Percy, "get away from him demigod."

Luke glared at the titan, "Lord Kronos said he wanted him alive. You keep hitting him like that he won't be."

"You saw what he did! If he somehow manages to escape-"

"He won't."

"And how do you know that?"

Luke turned around and faced a kneeling Percy, "because if he could have he would have done it already," Luke swung his leg and kicked Percy across the face.

Defence - 123,980

Percy smirked, "I didn't even feel that."

Luke narrowed his eyes but said nothing. He turned to Hyperion, "let's go, our time is wasted here. We have to be ready for tonight."

The titan grumbled but nodded, "come, we have lots to do."

Luke nodded as the Titan turned and walked away leaving Luke alone with Percy. Luke turned, "are they safe?"

"Yeah," Percy responded.

"You don't trust me so I won't bother asking where they are. But will they try and rescue you?"

Percy looked at Luke for a few second before nodding.

"Good," Luke said walking away, "they managed to free Odysseus and his crew before sailing away faster than we could catch up to them."

Percy smiled, Triton's blessing must have still been in effect, "good, that's good."

Luke nodded, "one hour, the event will start in one hour."

"What event?"

Luke was about to answer when a gorilla in a pink set of armor walked in to inform him of a meeting. Luke nodded to the gorilla and turned to Percy, "you will see soon enough."

Percy sighed and lowered his head as once again he was alone.

After his one hour of solitude Percy was moved to out of the cell. They removed the straps on his legs and pulled him out of the cell and on the deck of the ship. The four chains around the collar on his neck were held by four Upgraded Gorillas, in case Percy tried to resist they could drag him forward with pure strength.

Percy was taken off the ship and onto a boat which took him back to Polyphemus's island. They crossed the forest without incident, being animals themselves the gorillas must not be affected by the forest's spells.

Soon they arrived at the plains in front of Polyphemus's cave only this time it wasn't empty. Lights poles were strung up all around, there was no moonlight to be found. And in front of the cave was a giant chest, bigger than Percy and around 10 feet wide. It was covered with the marble carvings of Titans battling the gods along the side and the top had a wicked sickle on it.

Percy immediately understood what was going on, he didn't believe it, but he understood it. They were trying to bring back Kronos using the Golden fleece. Percy doubted the thing had that much power, but at the same time fear took over Percy's heart, fear that the biggest threat to Greek myth would be soon be brought back from the dead, and that it was all his fault.

Luke and Hyperion stepped out of the cave, Polyphemus was being dragged outside by Hyperion. They walked forward and stood in front of the giant chest, Hyperion threw the unconscious body of Polyphemus to the side next to Percy.

"Ah, the guest of honor has arrived," Hyperion said smiling, "do you know why you're here? Have you figured it out yet?"

Percy narrowed his eyes, "you can't bring him back."

Hyperion smiled, "that's what you think." He touched the chest carefully and smiled, "the Gods were thorough while destroying their own father. They cut him up into so many little pieces that we barely found half of him."

Percy smirked, "way to go dad."

Hyperion glared at Percy and walked forward to try and hit him only for Luke to beat him to it by kicking Percy across the face before smashing his leg on top of his head pushing the son of Poseidon into the ground with his boot.

"You will not speak of Lord Kronos like that," Luke said as he shoved Percy into the ground harder before bending over and lifting his head up by the hair, "do you understand?"

Percy glared at Luke, "why don't you go suck Hyperion's cock?"

Luke's eyes narrowed in anger as he pushed Percy across the face before taking out a roll of duct tape and sealing Percy's mouth shut, "keep you mouth closed, or else."

Hyperion threw back his head and laughed, "There's loyalty for you! Kid you have balls," the Titan patted Luke on the shoulder, "when we take over you can have any city you want, except New York that is."

Luke bowed, "you are too kind lord Hyperion."

Percy glared at them but said nothing. Inside however he was smiling. When Luke pressed the duct tape against Percy's mouth he had slipped in a small golden key, the key to Percy's collar and cuffs.

Percy moved the key across his mouth and pressed it up isn't the tape, pushing it outwards until the tape became loose. Now all that Percy had to do was to wait for them to be distracted.

Hyperion stood up in front of the chest as Luke handed him the Golden Fleece. The Titan placed the Fleece on the chest and slowly the thing glowed brightly. Hyperion smirked and turned to several gorillas guarding Polyphemus, "bring him here."

The gorrilas nodded and dragged the unconscious cyclops over to the Titan. Hyperion sneered, "He should be awake for this."

The Titan reached down and grabbed the Cyclops by the head and lifted him up. He smashed the Cyclops against the chest again and again until Polyphemus woke up screaming.

"Who are you people?! Where am I?" Asked the blind son of Poseidon.

"HMMM!" Percy shouted through the duct tape, "HMM!"

Hyperion raised Polyphemus up into the air with one hand, Luke slowly slid the chest's top to the side and Hyperion lowered the cyclops over the chest.

"Please let me go!" The cyclops cried out as he struggled to loosen Hyperion's' grip on his neck, "I promise I won't eat any more humans!"

Hyperion smiled, "Luke, get out your blade."

Luke nodded and took his blade out before placing it under Polyphemus's neck.

"HMMMM! HM!" Percy tired to yell out to them, to find out why they were doing this.

Hyperion looked up and smiled his sadistic smile, "you were right boy, we didn't have enough pieces of him to completely reform him. But with the death of this useless crybaby," he then slowly moved Polyphemus's neck along the blade cutting it open causing the cyclops to bleed out onto the chest.

As soon as the body was drained of all blood Hyperion threw the body into the chest closing it shut again.

"HMMM!" Percy cried out as slowly the Golden Fleece grew brighter and brighter.

Hyperion turned to Percy, "he was your brother wasn't he? Oh well, what's done is done. Now be witness to his rise! The Rise of Kronos! Father of Time, the one who will destroy the Gods and rule the world once more!"

The chest now started to glow as well. Percy could feel mana flow out of the chest, he could feel something being born inside of that thing.

"Charge!" Percy heard the voice of Marcia roar out as suddenly the forest exploded in motion. The crew of Odysseus came out yelling with their weapons drawn tackling all the upgraded animals in the area.

"What's going on here?!" Hyperion shouted out in blind panic.

Percy got up, his gorilla guards were distracted now. Percy spun around causing his chains to fall out of the gorilla's grips. Before they even understood what was going on Percy activated his Super speed and zoomed off towards the pirates.

Percy quickly found Michael in the midst of all this confusion. He was holding back and firing arrows at any possible targets. Percy appeared in front of him startling the demigod.

"Percy?! Did they gag you?" Michael asked in horror.

"HMMM!" Percy yelled out.

"Oh, right!" Michael pulled the duct tape off in one flick of the wrist.

"OW!" Percy yelled out.

"Did Luke give you the key?" Michael asked. Percy nodded and spat the key out. Michael grabbed it and quickly unlocked the collar around Percy's neck and the cuffs around Percy's hands.

"I think I got a neck cramp," Percy said as he stretched his body out for the first time in hours. He quickly picked up his collar and cuffs and threw them into his inventory, after all anything which was able to hold him would definitely be useful in the future.

"Everyone it's time to go!" Michael shouted out as all the sailors of Odysseus moved back to a clearing in the forest they had made beforehand.

"Michael you go on ahead," Percy said turning to the cave, "I need to stop this from happening."

"Percy-" Michael started only for Percy to vanish in a blur of speed. Michael sighed, "asshole."

Percy ran towards the chest and reached out for the Golden Fleece. Just as he was about to grab it a hand grabbed his and threw him aside.

Percy landed on his feet and looked up to see Hyperion standing there with a smile on his face, "now I end you."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "I don't' have time to deal with you!" Percy activated his Speed demon perk, Body Form and Earthquake control. He first activated his Binding hands spells causing blue ribbons to fly out from Percy's hands and tie themselves around Hyperion.

"You think ribbons can stop me?!" Hyperion's roared out as he covered himself with fire burning off the ribbons. Just as the flames cleared Hyperion saw Percy raising him. His eyes went wide in surprise, but before he could even do anything Percy punched Hyperion.

Hyperion's eyes popped open as his mouth flew. His skin was slowly turning purple in pain as his entire body started to shake. Percy drew his hand back allowing Hyperion to slowly cover his groin and fall down into the fetal position;

Attack - 900 (Earthquake) X 5 (Body Form) = 4,500 Attack!

Bonus for speed (X 11) = 49,500 Attack!

Critical Strike!

2500% of 49,500 = 1,237,500 Attack!

Percy didn't have time to appreciate how powerful he had gotten. He zoomed away from the fallen Titan towards the chest and grabbed the Fleece. Just as he was about to take off the chest a hand exploded from inside the chest and grabbed the Fleece.

Percy's eyes went wide in fear and shock. The hand was black, blacker than Hades' robes. Slowly chunks of the black skin started peeling off revealing golden brown skin underneath.

"You will not take this from me demigod," a voice came out of the chest shaking Percy to the core. It wasn't a human, it wasn't a god, it was something more. Percy started to panic but quickly Gamer's mind shut it down.

"I'm not letting you get away with this Kronos," Percy growled as he pulled on the Golden Fleece harder. The hand however wasn't letting go. Percy activated his Body Form and pulled again using his added strength, but the hand wouldn't budge.


The Fleece tore into two as Percy fell to the ground holding his part and the hand went into the chest with his part. Percy looked at the torn Fleece, the ends were pouring out dust, hopefully it would still work. Percy shoved it into his inventory and looked at the chest, he couldn't get the other piece.

Percy turned and ran, he ran at his top speed and quickly reached the beach. There was only boat left, the rest of the crew had already left for the ship.

"Come on Percy!" Nina yelled out from the last boat.

Percy was about to get on when one of the sailors yelled, "look out!"

Warning! Sw-

Percy moved quickly as he spun around and took out Riptide aiming it at the person who attacked him. "Luke?"

The son of Hermes stood in front of Percy with his sword drawn, "I can't let you leave Percy."

'He's putting on a show again,' Percy realised as he looked to the side seeing several upgraded monkeys standing near the forest line.

"Nina go on, I'll catch up," Percy said as he readied his blade.

"But Percy-"

"-GO!" Percy said as he connected with the sea ordering the water to take the boat off shore and towards the Ascension.

Percy then charged Luke as the two clashed in a heated battle, or so it seemed. Percy could have finished Luke off before the son of Hermes even got a single strike in, this battle was all for show.

Sparked flew as the swords collided, Percy leaned in, "why are you doing this Luke? Come with us."

Luke shook his head as he disengaged from the standstill before attacking Percy again, "I need to be here, the closer I get to Kronos and the others the better I can protect you all."

"That's crazy talk Luke!" Percy said pushing Luke to the side before pushing him to the ground. Percy then jumped on him with his sword coming down for his neck which Luke blocked, "if they found out they will kill you, or worse!"

Luke smiled, "glad to see you still care about me Percy." He pushed Percy off him and the two began circling each other, "What's important right now is you leaving Percy. I got this, trust me."


"-Percy, trust me."

Percy looked at Luke and sighed, "You are a stubborn son of a bitch."

Luke smiled, "look who's talking," Luke charged forward and attacked Percy with his blade while sweeping Percy off his feet and throwing him to the ground, "you may be faster, but I am still a better swordsman."

Percy smirked, "for now." He got up and the two began their mock battle again.

Luke then head butted Percy to the ground. He stepped over him and put his blade over Percy's neck, "here I have this for you," Luke said as he slipped a roll of paper into Percy's pocket without any of the monkeys seeing.

"What is it?"

"The reason Kronos wanted you alive. The reason you were being targeted from day one," Luke explained, "now go, you are wasting time."

"You sure you don't' want to come?"

"Yeah," Luke nodded, "now hit me and escape, you have to make it believable so that Kronos doesn't question my loyalty."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what?"

"Didn't you hear me? I said hit me."

"I always hear 'hit me' when you're speaking, but that's usually subtext," Percy said as he head butted Luke pushing him off him. He then grabbed him and threw him towards the forest before turning to the sea and running forward with full speed.

Percy actually forgot to harden the surface of the water before hand, but somehow he didn't fall in. 'I must be going so fast I can hit the water before my body is pushed down by gravity.' Percy realised as he raced across the water towards Odysseus ship.

Percy climbed on board panting and exhausted beyond belief.

"You're okay now Percy," Nina said as she enveloped Percy in a blanket.

"No, it's not," Percy said walking to the bow of the ship, "they can still follow us with their own ship. I need to boost our own speed."

"Wait what about Luke?!" Annabeth asked.

Percy sighed, "He didn't want to come."


"He said he needed to stay with them to be our spy," Percy lowering his eyes in regret. He should have trusted Luke sooner, he regretted that, "I tried to convince him but-"

"-Bullshit you did!" Annabeth yelled out.

"Guys we can fight over this later!" Clarisse stepped in, "Percy get us out of here, now!"

Percy nodded and activated his connection to the sea;

You have accessed the power of the sea! You may now control it to varying degrees and also may control vessels or any other items on the sea with great precision!

Percy raised his hands up as suddenly the ship was jerked forward heading straight for Miami.

On the Island;

Luke walked back to the chest area with his head still ringing, 'damn Percy has a hard head.'

As he walked out of the forest and towards the chest he realised something had changed. Hyperion was on his knees bowing, Luke turned to the chest and saw a figure standing on it.

The being was big, bigger than Hyperion. It stood nude in the cold night, the winds didn't affect him at all. He had the body of the perfect man with muscles bulging out and a long flowing beard. His eyes glowed gold like the Golden Fleece that was now tied around his shoulders. The only thing that shattered the image of perfection the being was projecting was his giant grey right arm and left grey leg.

Luke could feel his power all the way from the edge of the forest. Luke's stomach churned, he got a severe case of deja vu, like he had been in this situation before.

"The prodigal son returns," the being spoke and instantly Luke knew who it was. It was the same voice who haunted his dreams, the same one that had started all of this.

Luke walked forward and stopped next to Hyperion before kneeling down, "Lord Kronos, it is an honor seeing you reformed and well."

"I am not reformed," the being spoke out as he looked at his hands, "nearly half of this body is mine, the other is part of that wretched cyclops." He said looking at his deformed right hand and left leg.

"My Lord it is so good to see you after all these years," Hyperion looked up with a smile on his face.

Kronos narrowed his eyes, "yes, it has been so long and yet you never looked for me did you, brother?"

Hyperion stammered, "m-my lord that is not true! I was the one who found your body parts in Tartarus. I-" Hyperion stopped mid sentence as he started to choke on his own words.

Kronos glared at the titan, "you dare speak to me in this manner? Do you think I am weak because I have only just reformed?"

"No my lord I would never-"

Kronos waved his hand over Hyperion cutting the Titan off. Suddenly screams of pain erupted from the titan as he fell down to the ground in pain. Kronos huffed, "the only reason you even searched for me is because Luke told you I was alive. If he had not I doubt you would have even tried."

Luke remained silent as Hyperion whimpered in pain. Kronos turned to Luke, "you went to stop Jackson, I assume you failed."

Luke bowed his head further, "I am sorry my lord. Percy Jackson was too strong for me. The only reason he did not kill me was because he was more worried about escaping with his friends."

Kronos hummed in agreement, the titan stepped out of the chest and onto the Earth for the first time in 4000 years. A shock wave of energy went through the ground as the entire world of Greek mythology felt a shimmer of power.

He walked up Luke, "Jackson may possess amazing powers. But soon you will as well, my champion."

Luke looked up at the titan, "thank you, my lord."

With Percy,

It took them all night but eventually they made it to the port of Miami. Percy had stayed up the whole night making sure no one was following them, but it seemed they had bigger fish to fry.

Last night just as they had been sailing away Percy felt something, and so did everyone else. It felt like a dark cloud had risen over the world, something had changed, the rules had changed. Percy knew why it was and so did everyone else, Kronos had risen.

The boat quickly docked in a private port in Miami away from the city and the eyes of the public. Galen had used the Mist to confuse the owner into letting them use the port and soon all the demigods were off.

None of them looked like they had slept a wink last night, none except Percy, thanks Gamer's body.

Percy turned to the crew, "thank you guys, all of you. I mean it. You helped me a lot on this quest and I got you all into trouble on more than one occasion."

"Oh shut up you big idiot!" Marc cried out with tears in his eyes

The crew laughed as Marc hugged Percy while shouting, 'you're the best little brother anyone could ever ask for.'

Percy smiled and finally broke the hug turning to Galen, "you owe me a rematch."

Galen smirked, "any time kid. Also don't forget to eat your vegetables every single day, or else you won't grow up to be strong like me!"

Percy chucked before turning to Odysseus, "captain I need a favour."

Odysseus nodded, "name it kid."

"Luke," Percy began, "you guys know he's a spy right?" the captain and the crew all nodded, "well this goes without saying but he's risking a lot to help us. If word got out that-"

Odysseus raised a hand stopping Percy, "relax kid we know. We aren't stupid. We'll keep the kid's secret. After all being a spy for the God's against Kronos? Now that takes guts. " The hero smiled at Percy, "plus you saved my life kid, I owe you one."

Percy smiled back, "it's okay, you saved mine, I think we're even."

Odyssey nodded, "either way, I think you earned this," Odysseus took out a brown bag and gave it to Percy. The demigod quickly opened the bag and found a little necklace inside it in the shape of a Cyclops skull, the same as the one on Odysseus's flag.

Percy observed it finding out it was nothing more but a simple metal necklace. "What is it?"

"The crew and I talked and we all decided that you earned this," Odysseus and the rest reached into their shirts and pulled out a similar necklace, "it's a symbol that you are officially part of our crew!"

Percy's eyes lit up in joy. He opened up the chain and took out the skull before taking out his camp necklace and stringing it like a bead. The skull now sat next to his previous two beads and it shined brightly in the morning sun.

Percy looked at Odysseus and smiled, "thanks captain."

Odysseus grinned, "You're welcome sailor. Oh and one more thing," Odysseus took out a scroll and gave it Percy, "this scroll contains the method I used for creating Yew's Breath. So while I would never depart with my own blade," 'Gollum,' Galen coughed out, "I think you deserve your own."

Percy looked at the scroll and his smile somehow grew wider, "this is so cool!"

Odysseus grinned at Galen, "told you he would love it," the Quarter master rolled his eyes.

"Alright men time to leave!" Galen shouted at the top of his voice getting everybody back onto the ship. Odysseus stayed behind giving Percy a pat on the head before leaving as well. The sailors all waved goodbye to Percy as The Ascension slowly went back to the sea.

"So what's our next adventure captain?" Marc asked as he readied the sails.

Odysseus smiled, "what say you Galen?"

The Quartermaster smiled, "well since Percy's isn't here anymore we don't have to censor ourselves. Let's go do something fun"

Odysseus grinned, "I like the way you think. What say you lads? Want to go to France get us some of that French ass?!"

"Aye! Aye! Captain!"

Percy stood in the port as a cold wind blew across him causing him to sneeze.

"You okay?" Nina asked.

Percy nodded, "I'm fine, I just have this weird feeling like a lot of pent up lust just got released all at once."

Nina gave Percy a weird look, "that was….oddly specific."

The five demigods quickly walked out of the private port and to the main road. "Okay so how are we going to get home?" Clarisse asked.

"We fly," Percy said as he tried to hail a cab.

"Really? You okay to flying?" Annabeth asked raising an eyebrow.

"I think Zeus has bigger things to worry about than me flying in his domain," Percy said as he finally got a cab to stop.

Percy opened the door as everyone got in the back while he sat up front with the driver. "Where to kids?" The driver asked.

Percy looked at the man's name floating above him, "to Miami airport Juan, and step on it."

The man smiled, "si senor," he then took off heading back towards the city and then the airport.

It took them around half an hour to get there, Miami airport was strange. For Percy, a guy who basically lived in New York his whole life the simple Miami airport kind of startled him. They quickly paid the man and walked towards the counter to book their tickets.

"We need five tickets to New York please," Percy said.

The woman across the desk looked at them with a critically eye, "and where exactly are your parents?"

"Away, but look that's not important. We really need a flight to New York ma'am," Percy repeated but the woman was having none of it.

"Now look here young man I cannot in good conscious just sell plane tickets to five teenagers! Hell you might be trying to run away from home and if I sell them to you I would be accused of aiding a crime!"

"We don't have time for this," Annabeth said as she stepped up and snapped her finger causing the Mist to cloud the woman's eyes, "look, you don't' see anything wrong with us. You want to sell us tickets and will treat us like regular passengers."

The woman's gaze became unfocused, "I don't see anything wrong with you, I want to sell you tickets and I will treat you like regular passengers."

"There," Annabeth said as she moved back.

"I was going to do that..." Percy commented before turning to the woman who was now cheerfully smiling.

"Okay so that's five for New York?" Percy and the others nodded, "well let's see here. Oh dear, looks like we might have a problem here."

"What now," Michael grumbled.

"You see there are two planes going to New York today, the first is in one hour but only has one available seat while the second one is in two hours but has 8 seats free."

Percy turned to the others, "what should we do?"

Annabeth started thinking before speaking, "Clarisse," the daughter of Ares looked at her friend, "you take the earlier flight and the Fleece and get to camp as soon as you can."

"What?" Clarisse asked, "why me? Why not Percy?"

"Because this is your quest," Percy said as he opened up his inventory taking out the Fleece and giving it to Clarisse.

"And remember the prophecy you received," Annabeth reminded, "'And Fail without friends, to fly home alone.' It means that you were supposed to fly back alone, without us."

"But what if we wait for the second flight? Wouldn't that be safer than just me going?"

Percy shook his head, "that would be equivalent to challenging the prophecy, and believe me you do not want to pick a fight with Fate. If we do try to board the same flight then something else will happen to make sure the prophecy comes true. Maybe the plane will crash leaving you the only survivor or maybe we all die suddenly by a struck of lightning before boarding leaving you the only one alive."

Clarisse started to shake in fear. "Great Percy I think you broke her," Nina said as she wrapped her arms around Clarisse comforting her.

"No, no he's right," Clarisse said nodding at Percy, "I go on the first flight alone. Make sure you guys are on the second one okay?"

Percy and the others nodded and they quickly bought their tickets. Percy went to an airport store and bought a bag for Clarisse to put the Fleece in before they sent her off. The remaining demigods then went to eat breakfast at the food court and soon it was time for their flight.

Since they didn't have any check in's and only carry on's, they got through security fast. Luckily anything suspicious mortals might have seen them carrying was quickly covered up by the Mist.

Percy entered the plane and took his seat in the economy section with Nina to his left and Michael on his right. He strapped himself in and started taking deep breaths calming his running heart.

"Nervous?" Nina asked with a smile.

Percy nodded, "it's my first time flying."

"What?" Michael asked, "How can it be your first time?"

Percy shrugged, "never really flew before that's all plus you know son of Poseidon and all, I think I just had a natural fear for flying."

Michael raised an eyebrow, "didn't you always say you loved the feeling of running because the wind in your face made you feel like flying?"

Percy nodded, "yeah but that was like flying, this is actual flying. Totally different."

Soon the flight started as slowly it went towards the long runway. Percy gripped his seat tightly, tight enough to form a small crack in the handle, but luckily no one saw.

The plane started moving faster and faster until suddenly Percy felt a lot of force push down on his body. Percy closed his eyes and waited for it to get worse, only nothing happened.

"Relax Percy that's it," Nina said, "you can open your eyes now."

Percy opened his eyes and sighed, "that was...kind of easy actually. Heck I think I could probably run faster than this plane."

Michael nodded, "yeah you probably might. So how do you feel?"

Percy smiled, "not bad, I could get used to this whole flying thing." Just then the plane hit turbulence, it was almost like a warning from Zeus not to get too comfortable, "Or not,. should have kept my mouth closed."

"Maybe," commented Annabeth from the row behind them.

Percy sighed and slowly sank back into his seat. Suddenly his ears started to pain, "ah guys my ears are-"

"It's the extra pressure," Annabeth said, "don't worry you'll get used to it."

"Thanks Annabeth," Percy said only for the girl to ignore him.

Percy sighed, she was still angry he hadn't told her about Luke. Percy didn't know what to do, he felt so bad, he should have trusted Luke before, but at the same time he knew he didn't do anything wrong, it's not his fault that back then Luke had acted in such a manner that Percy didn't feel like trusting him.

The demigod sighed again, his mind slowly drifted back to his first quest. Everything was simpler back then, he only had to worry about one thing, saving his mom. Percy laughed remembering the good times he spent with Luke and Grover. He made so many mistakes back then, he used to be so…..quick to anger? Sure he wasn't any better now, but at least he learnt from his mistakes. Like last time when he forgot Grover, boy was that a mistake he never wanted to repeat again. Hell Grover was pissed for weeks…...wait.

Percy's eyes shot open, "GROVER!"

Odysseus ship,

Grover walked out of the sailors' quarters rubbing his eyes. He finally changed out of that stupid dress and into a nice set of greek armor one of the sailors had leant him. He turned around and took a deep breath of the sea, the whole ordeal with the Fleece was finally over.

Grover walked out and suddenly everyone stopped working and turned towards him, "ah, do I have something on my face?"

Galen stepped forward, "Grover? Didn't you leave with Percy?"

Grover blinked once, twice, 'that son of a bitch did it again!' "PERCY!"