
Chapter 30

The air rushed upwards as Percy felt himself being pulled towards the lower levels of the tunnels. The light from the room above faded into the size of a pin hole, Percy could barely make out Elsa at the very top screaming, "PERCY!"

Percy found himself in a big space surrounded by darkness. The only light coming in was from the hole above. But that light was enough for Percy to see just who was holding him.

It was big, 60 feet tall, and the room they were in was bigger than that. The thing was a Gergosa, but different from the others, it didn't' have any skin. Percy could see it's muscle tendons clearly as the giant among giants held Percy in its tight grip. Steam poured out of it's nostrils and teeth as it looked at Percy with eyes filled with hunger and ittlegence.

"What the fuck are you," Percy asked himself Observing the thing;

Gigantic Gergosa

Lv- 65

HP: 40,000/40,000

MP: 0/0







A mutation in the process of creating Gergosas resulted in this abomination. It's size is it's one advantage along with it's strength. It is very intelligent when compared to it's normal brethren and might be a challenge to defeat.

Kill to gain- 45,000 Exp

Percy was both impressed and disgusted at Argo's creature. He somehow manage to take something already big and ugly and make it bigger and uglier. The monster opened its mouth and slowly brought Percy closer to eat.

"Yeah that's going to happen," Percy said as he transformed his body into smoke slipping out of the monster's grip launching himself upwards.

The monster kept searching for the demigod all over and was so distracted that he didn't notice Percy turn solid right over his neck.

"Die," Percy whispered as he took out both of his blades bringing them down into the flesh of the monster cutting a huge chunk of it out.

"GRAAA!" The monster roared in pain;

Attack - 9,250 + 70% bonus due to sword skill = 15,725 Attack!

Critical strike!

2,500 % of 15,725 Attack = 393,125 Attack!

The monster instantly disappeared into nothing in front of Percy's eyes. 'Damn! Maybe I should get Odysseus to lend me his blade more often!' Percy thought as he transformed himself into smoke before slowly floating to the bottom.

The giant Gergosa slowly disappeared into nothing leaving nothing behind but Loot items;


Driving license of one Marcos Sanchase

Health potion- restores 50% health

Piece of a giant rib

Percy ignored the rib as it was basically useless but picked up the rest. The cash he stored along with the potion but the credit card intrigued him. Percy picked up the card and looked at it carefully, the man's photo on the card showed him to be hispanic with a goatee and warm brown eyes.

"AYEEEE!" Percy heard Elsa's voice yelle out. Percy threw the card aside and looked up to the hole. Elsa was free falling downwards with one of her arms broken and bleeding out. Percy knew he needed to act quick so he channeled his mana into the crystal in his forehead summoned forth Marcia.

A smokish figured flew out of the crystal and changed into the winged wolf. It bowed, "mas-"

"-No time for that," Percy said as he jumped on to the wolf, "we have a person free falling right above us!"

The wolf nodded and ran forward flapping her wings and taking off. She circled her way upwards going past Elsa before taking a sharp turn downwards. Percy reached out and caught Elsa pulling her close, "I got her!"

The demon pulled up hard breaking their speed and slowly she landed on the ground panting, "never do that again," Marcia said as Percy and Elsa got off.

"Sorry Marcia," Percy said as he inspected Elsa's wounds. Her right arm was broken bad, the bone could be clearly seen bent the wrong way.

"Fucker destroyed my ice attacks with ease," Elsa hissed out through the pain, "little shit."

"Yeah he pisses me off to," Percy said taking out a medium grade health potion and giving it to Elsa, "here this should help."

Elsa nodded, "thanks," she chugged the potion down and Percy saw her bone snap back into place healing itself. " Hm, tastes like strawberries."

Elsa's HP: 4,000/ 5,000

Percy groaned, she wasn't up to full strength but this should be enough.

"Do you have any idea where we go now?" Percy asked Elsa who shook her head.

"What have you gotten us into this time master?" Marcia asked before looking at Elsa and growling, "and who the hell is this?"

"Marcia this is Elsa, Elsa Marcia. Elsa is basically a human experiment gone wrong and Marcia is a demon who I defeated and then made my slave. There you're all caught up," Percy said.

The two looked like they were about to scold Percy when suddenly Argo spoke up from the hole in the roof., "you know I really am impressed you managed to defeat the Gigantic Gergosa so easily."

Percy narrowed his eyes activating his super sight catching a good look at Argo as the man sat on the edge of the hole smiling.

Percy gritted his teeth, "yeah well why don't you come down here and let me show you what I can do to your face?"

Argo laughed, "no thank you, I don't like getting my hands dirty, much. I usually like to send my minions to solve my problems for me, but seeing as you defeated my strongest one in a flash maybe a change is in order. Instead of quality let's try quantity."

Clap! Clap!

Argo clapped causing the room Percy and the other were in to light up. Big industrial lights hung off the ceiling as slowly the entire room was revealed. This room was huge, Elsa did call it the training room so that made sense. But when the lights turned on they realised that they were not alone alone.

Surrounding them was an army of Gergosas. Each was a different height, some being 8 feet tall other being 13 feet tall. Each had the same look, hunger. Thier mouths were salivating with saliva, their smiles were large and terror inducing. If Percy had to guess he would have said there were around 30 of them, probably more.

"You know what I'm not even mad," Marcia said in a genuine tone, "you managed to piss of a Great Old One and an army of Gergosas in less than two days, I'm impressed master. It must be a special skill of yours to somehow manage to piss off everyone you ever meet. Congratulations, asshole."

Percy smirked, "now now is that any way to talk to you master like that?"

"Guys we talk talk later let's focus right now on the monsters surrounding us," Elsa said as she changed her arms into ice claws.

"Right," Percy nodded taking out Riptide and Yew's Breath.

"I swear to god if I die I am going to kill you!"

Argo laughed from high above, "haha, well this is an impressive team," he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a can of pringles. He opened the can and began eating them, "well then, entertain me!"

The moment Argo spoke those words the Gergosa's all became active. They moved all at once charging toward Percy and co.

Elsa threw her hands forward and froze the Gergosa charging her. Percy launched himself into the monster smashing through the monster shattering it into pieces before jumping to the side to take on another monster.


You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health-5,850/5,850 (+1000) = 6,850

Mana-3,325/3,325 (+1000) = 4,325

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-29 Exp- 4,760/ 90,000









MONEY- 234,137$/1,208D

Marcia took off into the air and began sending waves of dark energy at the monsters hurting few but unable to outright kill them.

"How do you kill these things?!" Marcia shouted as she maneuvered to avoid several Gergosa that were trying to jump up and catch her.

"Hit the back of their necks!" Percy shouted out as he cut the ankles of one Gergosa causing it to fall over before climbing on top of the being and cutting into it's neck, "that's their weak spot!"

Critical strike!

2,500 % of 15,725 Attack = 393,125 Attack!

Percy removed both his blade out of the disintegrating Gergosa and charged at the next. Percy reached out and commanded the shadows under its legs to skewer into the monster's legs impaling it to one spot. With the monster was stuck Percy ran behind it and jumped up, dragging his blades through it's body carving into it's back.

Critical strike!

2,500 % of 15,725 Attack = 393,125 Attack!

Elsa sent a wide blast of ice around the field freezing the legs of the Gergosas around her. She then formed huge ice spikes and sent them through the necks of four of the giant monsters killing them instantly.

Percy whistled, "I have got to learn how to do that."

"Percy behind you!" Elsa shouted out as a Gergosa launched itself at Percy's back. The demigod however didn't move and in the last moment a wave of darkness cut through the Gergosa's neck killing it instantly.

Percy smiled and looked up, "thanks Marcia."

The wolf scoffed, "just don't die master."

Percy gave the wolf a thumbs up and dashed away using his improved speed. Percy launched himself to a Gergosa further out in the back and dodged the monster's attacks. He landed on it's back and cleaved it's neck in two before jumping of it's disintegrating body.

As Percy leapt through the air a giant hand reached up to try and punch him out of the sky. Percy knew he couldn't get hit by that. Gamer's mind calmed him down, he needed a way out. Percy used shadow control and pulled the shadows out from underneath the clothes on his right arm and formed a tendril of shadows out of it. He used the shadow as a grapple launching it outwards into the back of another Gergosa far way.

'PULL!' Percy yelled out as the shadow pulled him forward narrowly avoiding the Gergosa's attack.

Percy was quickly approaching the back on another Gergosa when he got an idea. He controlled the shadow under the clothes in his left arm now and launched that shadow to the wall next to the Gergosa pulling him diagonally across. Percy picked up speed as he swung across the air with his blades shining.

The Gergosa didn't even see him coming.

"ARGH!" The monster roared as a chunk of it's neck was cut off. Percy smiled as he launched another tendril of shadow to the other side of the room;


You have created a new skill!

Shadow Grapple launcher, Lv- 1 (20%)

Launches a tendril of shadows that acts as a grapple to pull user.

Cost - 100 MP

Shadow control, Lv-10 (+10= Lv-20)(20%) [Due to armband of Cerberus this skill gains 10 more levels]

Where the user can control shadows and manipulate them.

Cost- 55 MP (- 50 MP= 5MP)

Shadow explosion- 1000 Damage (+500 Damage) cost 2000 MP (-500 MP)

Shadow Grapple launcher - Launches a tendril of shadows that acts as a grapple to pull user.

Cost - 100 MP (20 MP)

Percy closed the box and pulled himself all over the battlefield. He could feel the rush of the wind, the sound of going fast. This was amazing, Percy felt like a free-

Warning! Fist coming right at you!

Percy belched reading that and tried to get away but just then-


A Gergosa had pushed Percy right in the face mid flight launching the demigod into a wall.

Defence remaining- 132,000

Percy shook his head, maybe he should have been more focused on the fight than trying out his new skill. Luckily the marble skin defence skill Percy had activated before was still in use otherwise Percy would have been toast right about now.

"Alright asshole," Percy said pulling himself out of the hole in the wall, "you asked for it."

Percy launched one shadow grapple to the wall on the right and one to the floor on the left. The demigod launched himself out of the hole in the wall and flew across the air towards the Gergosa that hit him.

The monster roared and threw a wide punch at Percy. The demigod disengaged the grapple on the left and pulled on the right one dodging the punch. Percy swung to the monster's back and disengaged the right tendril before launching two new one's right into the exposed monster's back.

The Gergosa tried to dodge by ducking but Percy was faster. The shadow tendrils dug into the monster's skin and Percy pulled hard. He flew across the sky as his blades grew closer and closer;


Critical strike!

2,500 % of 15,725 Attack = 393,125 Attack!

Percy dropped the ground and rolled to a stop. The Gergosa was slowly disintegrating. Percy gathered a wad of spit and spat on the monster's corpse, "that's what you get for puching me ass hole."


You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health-6,150/6,150 (+1000) = 7,150

Mana-3,500/3,500 (+1000) = 4,500

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-30 Exp- 4,760/ 92,000









MONEY- 234,137$/1,208D

Percy was surprised. He had just beaten a few Gergosa's, maybe 7 if he recalled correctly, and he already had gotten another level up. Maybe this would be easier than he thought.

"A little help Percy!" Elsa screamed out from the center of the room.

She was surrounded by two monster constantly attacking her, the ice queen was barely holding on to her life. Percy launched two shadow grapples at the two Gergosas attacking Elsa and pulled, hard. The monsters fell to floor allowing Elsa the chance to launch an ice shard into their necks killing both.

"Thanks!" Elsa called out.

"No problem-" Percy began when suddenly his Area since activated;

Warning! Argo approaching!

Percy looked up at the hole in the ceiling and saw Argo not there any more. Percy snapped to Elsa, "Elsa watch out he's her-"

Warning! Ar-

Percy didn't even bother reading the rest of the line as he jumped up as high as he could and launched his shadow grapples near Elsa. He pulled and fell right in front of the older woman. Percy got up and turned around to see Argo standing where he was just a few seconds ago.

Argo had a smile on his face with his right arm extended upwards, "well I honestly didn't expect you to move that quickly," he said as he lowered his black arm slowly changing it back to normal, "it's almost like you knew I was going to pierce your heart."

"Luck guess," Percy said as Marcia landed next to them as slowly the small group was surrounded by the remaining 15 or so Gergosa and Argo.

"We need to get out of here," Marcia said.

"I don't really think that's possible," Percy replied before pointing at Argo, "besides we came here to get him."

"And make him pay," Elsa grumbled as slowly the area around them grew colder and colder.

Argo walked up to them slowly as he took off his top hat and jacket throwing them aside. He rolled up his sleeves while smiling his shark like smile, "this is going to be short."

The Gergosas moved first as they charged at the small group. Percy moved back grabbing Elsa and Marcia, "hang on."


'ID CREATE- EMPTY!' Percy thought out dragging the three into his empty pocket dimension.

Elsa looked around with eyes wide open, "where the hell are we?"

"Pocket dimension," Percy said as he pulled the over to one corner of the room.

"Where is everyone?"

"There is nothing in this dimension," Percy explained as the three stood in one corner of the room away from their previous position, "this dimension is an exact duplicate of ours and when we move across in this one we move in our dimension as well. Argo won't know where we are."

Elsa was surprised, "wait...why didn't you use this to sneak in?"

"Simple, we needed to plant the bombs," Percy explained grabbing hold of the two again, "ready?" The two nodded and Percy thought out, 'ID ESCAPE!'

The worlds shattered as slowly Gergosa's reappeared in the center of the room with Argo looking around, "don't just stand there! Find them!"

Elsa's hands started glow as slowly she formed a figure out of snow and ice. It grew bigger and bigger forming into a creature that was around 10 feet in height with sharper icy claws.

Sweat formed on Elsa's brow but she smiled, "hey Snowball."

"I still think it's a crappy name," Percy commented as he walked forward, "follow me."

The three charged forward and Percy activated his Speed perk halfway launching himself at Argo. The mad scientist moved slowly compared to Percy and couldn't stop the demigod when Percy charged up his fist with Earthquake mana before throwing it into the ground.

"Earth Mover!" Percy roared as the ground in front of him cracked into pieces as a shock wave ripped across the room. The Gergosas fell down on their backs exposing their neck for Marcia who was flying overhead. The demon sent wave after wave of darkness destroying around three Gergosas.

Snowball had landed into the destroyed battlefield as it grabbed the closest Gergosa's neck and ripped it off before moving to it's next enemy.

"That certainly was amazing," Argo said as he walked up to Percy.

The demigod stood up straight and dusted off his hands, "thanks, I try." Argo didn't have a speck of dirt on him.

"You know we never really settled things back then," Argo said as he slowly turned his arms black, "let's call this round 2."

Percy glared at the man as he mentally opened up his inventory ready to draw his secret weapon.

"What's wrong Percy? Cat got your tongue?" Argo taunted.

Again Percy didn't say anything as he slowly scrolled through his inventory quickly finding what he was looking for.

Argo huffed, "well if you aren't going to participate in the pre-battle chit chat then this isn't going to be any fun."

Percy activated his super speed and reached into his inventory pulling out a submachine gun;


A machine gun made by the KBP Instrument design bureau. it is a 9mm round and is capable of using armour piercing rounds and can store 44 rounds. It was previously used by Russia but is also common in the hands of the russian mafia.

Bullets- 44

It was one of the two guns he took from the run in he had with the criminal underground back in Boston.

Argos eyes shot up in wonder but Percy didn't give the man time to react. He activated his 8.0 Eyesight and slowly everything went into slow motion. Percy could track everything and slowly the demigod turned his attention to Argo alone.

Percy squeezed the trigger for a moment spraying out three bullets at Argo. The mad scientist moved his arms forward but Percy was already moving. If Argo was using his arms to block that meant the back stuff was bullet proof, Percy had used the first shot to test that.


The bullets bounced of Argo's hands as Percy dashed to Argo's left side, aimed at his face and fired. Argo moved his hands again, to Percy it seemed like slow motion but the man had superhuman reflexes to be even moving at all.

Percy lowered the gun a little and fired again at his legs. Argo jumped up, his left hand going to protect his face and his right moving to protect his torso. Percy however was already moving as he moved to face the man's back.

He aimed at the man's open back and pulled the trigger spraying all of his bullets out. Argo was in mid air, he arms were stretched out to protect himself, there was no way he could doge.

Percy saw the first bullet pierced his skin, his improved eyesight showed him the blood pouring out of the wound. The second bullet came closer and closer and cut into the skin but didn't break through. The third bullet didn't even do that.

Percy narrowed his eyes and saw through the holes in Argo's back made by his bullets. His back was completely black, the man must have activated his power in the last moment.

Slowly time became normal again as Percy dropped his speed. Argo dropped down and fell to the ground holding his side, "SHIT! YOU LITTLE FUCKER!"

Percy threw the gun into his inventory and charged at Argo with his super speed. Percy was almost on top of him when suddenly a Gergosa fist came in blocking his path. Percy stopped and circled around just in time to see a black fist coming for his face.


Percy felt himself sailing through the air and roll across the ground. Blood came pouring out of his mouth as Percy felt a few of his teeth knocked out, hopefully they would grow back with a good night's rest. The demigod slowly got up with his head still ringing with the sound of that last attack.

Defence- 32,000

'That attack cost me 100,000 points,' Percy told himself as he gathered 2000 mana points and put it into Marble skin to improve the defence;

Defence- 190,000

Percy looked at his remaining mana;

Mana-900/3,500 (+1000) = 1,900

He didn't have enough, but Percy knew he still had one ace up his sleeve, Death touch. He couldn't use the skill on enemies 30 levels higher than him, but Argo despite his intelligence was only Lv-53, he could use it on the man.

Percy closed the boxes and looked at Argo. The man was on his feet now but holding his side. Percy could see the exit wound and the blood pouring out. The man was surrounded by Gergosas, but Percy also had back up.

Percy focused his mana into the jem stuck in his forehead and summoned his remaining fighters, Craig and Timmy. The Goblin King and Damned knight appeared before Percy and stood ready to fight.

Percy opened his inventory and took out a celestial bronze blade and threw it to Timmy, "those gigantic things are called Gergosas, their only weak point is the back of their necks. The woman with ice powers is an ally, kill the giants and protect her. Don't interfere with my fight, got it?"

The two didn't say a word, they simply nodded and ran forward fighting the monsters near Argo leaving the man alone.

"I don't see the gauntlet anywhere," Argo commented, "and since I doubt you somehow created your own version I'm guessing it's inside you now."

Percy didn't speak, he was forming a plan. He took out Yew's Breath and Riptide and slowly walked towards Argo.

"So if it's inside you it must be impossible to separate you both," Argo said as he straightened up turning his fists black, "but I'm sure going to enjoy trying."

Percy activated his speed and exploded forward. Argo caught Percy's first strike and deflected his second. Percy kicked Argo with his Giga kick but to no effect. The moment his foot touched the man's body his mana was drained out of the attack.

Percy kicked off Argo's body and dashed forward again launching every attack in super speed. Sparks flew but Percy quickly realised he was being pushed back by Argo, not the other way around.

Percy couldn't understand it, he was moving in super speed, faster than any human should move. Argo might have superhuman reflexes but even those have a limit.

Percy looked at Argo's face and flinched. Argo took that chance to punch Percy's chest in and send the boy back a few steps.

Defence- 150,000

Percy coughed out blood but quickly got back to his fighting stance. The reason he slipped was because he looked at Argo's face. The man didn't even have his eyes open, he had blocked every attack Percy had made without opening his eyes. Percy was reasonably freaked out.

"How are you doing that?" Percy asked as he circled the man with his blades ready to attack at any moment.

"It's called using your senses kid," Argo smirked as he opened his eyes looking at Percy, "I learned to use mine to the fullest."

"No," Percy shook his head, "it's something else. I know the limits of a normal man. I have faced monster and demigods and I know what the limit of man is. It's true that we aren't using all our senses to the limit but what you're doing….what you're doing is something else. I'm moving faster than any normal human body can react to, yet you're blocking me, it's almost like you can read my thoughts."

Argo grinned, "Luke did say you were a quick study. 'A genius in coming up with on the fly battle plans but stupider than a brick in everything else,' that's how he described you."

"Yeah well Elsa called you a sick little pedophile that licked to play with little girls."

Argo shrugged, "you have no proof of that."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "you don't' deny it?"

"Of course I do, but just because I do doesn't mean you'll believe me-"

Percy vanished into a blur running right at Argo and jumping up bringing down his blades hard on top of the man.


Argo had blocked with his black arms, "hey I was talking!"

"God you are annoying!" Percy said as he kicked Argo's face in only to have the man cover his head with the black substance as well.

"Well now you know how people feel when fighting you!"

Percy then used his head as a jumping board and launched himself upwards shooting fireballs at the man.

Percy landed with his back to Argo when suddenly;

Warning! Ar-

Percy kicked back aiming high only to have Argo catch it with one hand. The scientist then used Percy like a rag doll and swung him over head smashing him into the ground.

"You know what's the best way to teach someone a lesson?" Argo asked lifting Percy up before smashing him into the ground again, "beat it into them!"

Percy's head was spinning as he was again smashed into the ground like a sack of wheat.'Just a little more,' Percy thought as Argo hit him again and again and again.

Defence- 149,000

Defence- 148,000

Defence- 147,000

Defence- 146,000

Percy could feel more blood in his mouth, luckily it wasn't serious, just cosmetic.

Argo stopped and pulled Percy and held him there like a strung up fish, "don't you get it? You can't hurt me kid."

Percy's eyes shot open and he dropped Riptide from his right hand and grabbed Argo's leg, "I wasn't trying to."

Percy activated Death Touch. Argo's eyes shot up in pain as cold fury burned through Percy's veins and into Argo. Percy could feel the spell taking control as it slowly chipped away at Argo's life.

Argo's grip on Percy weakened, dropping the kid down, but Percy still held onto the man's leg. Percy's squinted and looked at Argo, the man's skin was running with black veins. 'I can feel it. I can feel him dying.'

Argo sounded like he was choking, dying. But just as the last of his resistance died out Argo let out a roar, "NOO!"

Percy felt an invisible force open his grip on the man before flinging him across the room. Percy rolled across the floor but quickly got back up and turned to Argo. The scientist fell to his knees in pain still shouting in pain. But slowly Percy could see the effects of the black veins taking effect. He was dying.

But just then Argo stopped screaming. He stopped moving. The black veins glowed darker as suddenly the exploded out of the man's body leaving him sweating and tired but still alive.


Argo's will power has concurred your own resulting in your spell, 'Death Touch' to be negated!

Percy was beyond surprised. The rules of the game stated that Percy's skill were absolute, if he used death touch on something, that thing died. Those were the rules. But Argo just broke them.

"Haha, not bad kid," Argo said as he got back on his feet, "I quite frankly didn't think you had the balls to kill me. Luke told me so, guess he was wrong."

"How are you still alive?!" Percy shouted out, "that was supposed to have killed you!"

Argo chuckled, "and it may have if anyone else had used it. Anyone who could actually use Haki that is."

Percy's eyes shot up in recognition, "haki...you mean will power?"

Argo nodded, "it's an amazing thing that, the power to create and destroy. Truly the weapon of man to be used against gods."

"Against gods?" Percy asked surprised. The only ones who he knew who could use Haki other than Argo were the gods.

"You don't know?" Argo asked surprised as a smile began to form on his face, "I'm surprised you don't know. After all you are the Greek's champion. I thought they would have atleast told you."

Percy didn't like this one bit, "tell me."

Argo smiled, "neah, don't want to. But I am feeling gracious, so how about a hint. Next time you see a god ask them this, 'what happened 2000 years ago that caused man to stop believing in god?'"

Percy raised an eyebrow in curiosity but Argo refused to explain further. Just as Percy was about to fight the man again a Gergosa came flying through their line of sight. Argo used this chance to escape as he ran to one corner of the room activating a hidden panel and escaping inside.

Percy jumped on top of the Gergosa and saw this happen as he clicked his teeth in disappointment, he needed answers.

"Argh!" The Gergosa Percy was on got up and tried to catch Percy only for the demigod to send an icicle thru it's neck destroying it instantly.

Percy got off the disintegrating monster and walked to Elsa and his servants who were killing off the last of the monsters. Elsa turned to Percy, "where is he?"

Percy pointed to the open door Argo escaped through, "he ran."

"Why didn't you follow him?"

"He could have been leading me to a trap. I wanted someone to back me up."

"Then let's go," Elsa said before turning to Percy's servants, "thank you guys for the help. Oh and sorry about nearly freezing you soild Timmy."

"No problem beautiful," The Goblin King winked causing Percy to roll his eyes.

The group then ran out of the training room and into the secret passageway. The passage was different when compared to the rest of the bunker. The corridor was made out of metal with ventilation fans running along the corner with grills along the bottom protecting people from loose wires. Along the sides of the tunnel were long neon green tubes that served as lighting, with a warning label on it claiming to be extremely flammable.

"Any idea where we are?" Percy asked as they walked down the hallway.

"If I was to guess I would say we were in the deepest part of the dungeon. He usually has two labs, only for one on one time with the experiments, like the one on top, and another for mass production."

"Then that's where we are going to find the Gergosas."

"You think he had more of those things?"

"He was supposed to make enough to supply the entire Titan army," Percy said, "I doubt those were all the Gergosas he made."


Percy nodded, "trap."

The passage was long and winding and lead down many false pathway leading to dead ends. There were also many locked door along the way. When Percy broke open the door they found mostly files on experiments and also files of various other locations for other bases.

"This could be useful," Elsa said passing a file to Percy which contained a summary of all the bases Argo had in the US.

Percy nodded, "damn right it is useful," he put the map away for later, maybe something he and the other campers could look into later.

"Boss I think Craig wants to see this," Timmy called out from a pile of folders on the ground. He and Craig has been looking through them on Percy's commanded and they found something. Craig handed Percy a file labeled 'Subject: Water Horse.'

Percy opened the file and found a picture of himself in it. It had details all about him, birthday, height, weight, school. Heck his recent report card was in this, and Percy himself hadn't seen that one! Huh, all A', nice..

It also had a list of his known powers, pocket dimension storage, earthquake, water and shadow manipulation. The ability to summon servants using an artifact, the Le Bete curse and super speed.

"What is it?" Elsa asked as Percy passed her the file. She read it and looked surprised, "wow, I didn't realise you were such a priority target."

Percy nodded, "I am…..the good thing is they don't have everything about me. They don't know I can manipulate ice or the fact that I can increase my strength temporarily. But… I still want to know how they got what they have."

"Probably observation," Elsa said, "maybe they were watching all your battles."


"Either Way I suggest you look out for yourself and for your family," Elsa said opening a new page of the folder and giving it to Percy.

The new paper was a big report of some kind given by Argo. Elsa pointed at a particular sentence at the bottom, 'Recommended action: Manipulate using personal attachments. Recommend you kidnap his mother and blackmail him, note current location of said mortal in unknown. Warning! Subject is a level Beta threat and requires caution when dealing with.'

When Percy read what they wanted to do to blackmail him he was furious. He wanted to kill Argo then and there, the only bright side of this was the fact that they didn't know where his mom was."Beta level threat?"

"Means your the second most dangerous kind of opponent there is," Elsa explained, "Alpha levels are gods or world destroying events like a nuclear war. Beta's means the threat is manageable but dangerous to try. It really is impressive, I myself am only a gamma. Not that big of a deal."

Percy nodded and snapped his fingers forming a fireball. He burnt the file and every other piece of paper in there, "let's go."

They walked out of the room and Percy looked at his new watch. The glass was already cracked in half, must have been from one of the thousand times he was thrown into a wall. The numbers however could still be made out.

"It's 11: 50," Percy said, "we have ten minutes."

"If Argo knows about the bombs then we are in trouble."

"I don't think he knows," Percy said and just then a man walked out of one of the rooms. He was looking down at a pad and wore big thick glasses with a lab coat.

Percy dashed behind the man and smashed the man headfirst into the wall. Percy pressed him down, "who the hell are you?"

"I'm Jake the lab assistant!" The man cried out shaking his legs, "please don't hurt me!"

Percy looked at the title above the man's head,

Jake Haro, Lab Assistant

Lv- 5

"Alright Jake I'm going to only ask you this once okay?" Jake nodded furiously, "where is Argo?"

"The professor? Why would you-" Percy pressed his head harder, "okay! Oksy! He's in the 'Jungle'!"


"'The Jungle'! That's what we call the giant lab down this corridor! Please don't hurt me!"

Percy looked at Elsa who nodded. Percy let go of the man allowing him to turn around and look at Percy in surprise, "you're just a kid."

Marcia and the other growled causing Jake to cry out in fear.

"Is anyone else aother you in this base?" Percy asked but Jake was still too busy being scared of Percy's servants.

"Ah, I ah, big scary-"

"Hey don't look at them, look at me, because as much as they seem scary to you, I'm worse."

Jake took a deep gulp of air and nodded, "no there isn't anyone else here. Just me and the professor, we used to have helpers but they kind of ran away. And well you guys but I don't think that's what you-"

"Listen Jake you seem like a nice guys so why don't you make like a banana and split," Percy growled out letting Jake to run away from him and Elsa as fast as his skinny legs could carry him.

"You realize he probably helped Argo do all those things right?" Elsa said watching the skinny scientist run away.

"I know, but I doubt he can escape this place without meeting you team or mine. Etherway he's going to be our prisoner, might as well not have to deal with him ourselves right now."

Elsa nodded in agreement as the two walked forward until slowly the tunnel grew larger and larger. The passage finally ended at a double sided door much like the one leading to the lab on the floor above.

"Elsa look," Percy said pointing at a bloody handprint on the hable of the door, "he was bleeding, badly."

"Let's take him down," the snow queen said as she formed icy claws on her hands.

Percy nodded and turned to his servants, "when we go inside we are probably going to be surrounded by Gergosas. Marica and Craig you guys take care of them while Timmy you focus on keeping the giant naked abominations away from us with your wind powers."

The servants nodded and Percy turned to the door. He took out his dual weapons and kicked down the door walking in. What they saw inside the room stopped them all in their place.

The room was huge, bigger than the training room. The center of the room however was filled with human sized pods arranged around each other in circles. It looked like something out of a science fiction horror. Each pod was fully metal with a glass plate in the front. There were wires running all over them as each pod was filled with the neo green liquid that Percy and Elsa saw outside. Percy could see bubbles inside the pods, there was something in there.

Slowly Percy approached the closest ones, "be careful," Elsa warned but Percy didn't listen. He wiped the steam built up on the glass and looked into the pod passed the green liquid. Percy activated his 8.0 eyesight looking deeper into the pod when suddenly he could make out a figure, it was human.

Percy stepped back, his mouth open in shock. He looked around, with his improved eyesight and could see that inside every single pod there was a human being.

"It-It's humans, the pods are filled with humans," Percy whispered out as he Observed the human;

Amen Haha Ammon, Shepard




Race- Human

Str- 3






Alex Peterson was a humble shepherd raised in the plains of Egypt. His entire family has been raising sheep and he happy to be part of such a life. His cares deeply for his wife and kids and wishes that they always be happy. When times fell hard for Ammon he sold his body for science in order to provide money for his family.

Likes: His family, his sheep dog Amoon

Dislikes: His neighbor Adek, Cats

He had no opinion of Percy

He is unconscious and is dreaming of seeing his family again

"That's why there were so few people outside in town," Elsa commented remembering the lack of tourist outside even though it was the middle of summer, "Argo has been kidnapping them."

"How did he do that?" Percy asked, "how could have gotten so many people without someone asking questions?" Percy looked around, there were at least 300 pods in this room, 300 missing people.

"That's because not all of them are from here," Argo's voice came from the very end of the room.

Everyone quickly became alert and looked across the wile of pods seeing Argo at the very end with a bandage around his abdomen.

"Sure a 100 or so are form here but the rest….well let's just say the middle east is not short on slaves."

"You are sick fuck you know that?" Percy growled out.

"Well that's one way to look at it," Argo said as he look spread its arms out in victory, "I prefer to think of it as an achievement. What could these people have accomplished in life? What great thing could they have possibly done? By being my experiments I give them a life they could never think to achieve, to be the heart of the change that is coming to our world."

"You're psychotic!" Elsa roared out.

"That's a three syllable word to big for little minds," Argo said chuckling, "but I don't expect you to understand daughter, you see value in everything, a trait even I couldn't stamp out of you. But Percy here," Argo turned to the demigod, "Percy just might understand. After all he is willing to do anything to keep the people he loves safe right?"

The son of Poseidon didn't say a word, because he was afraid that if he opened his mouth he would agree with Argo. He would do anything to save those he cared for, but this, never this.

'Maybe you have to give it a little more time?' A small part of him said. Percy shook his head clearing it of such thoughts, "give it up Argo! One way or another you are going to die today!"

Argo smiled, "I would like to see you try," he then pulled out a remote control and pressed a button causing all the pods in the room to activate slowly draining away the liquid inside.

"You really think normal humans are a match for us?" Percy asked as he readied his blade for a fight.

"Regular humans?" Argo raised an eyebrow, "oh no dear boy whatever gave you that idea?" Percy remembered the bio of the Egyptian farmer, his race said human and not monster.

Argo laughed, "tell me Percy do you even know how Gergosa's are even created?" When Percy didn't answer the man continued, "it's an amazing story really. You see when the Titans fought the Gods they didn't have any ground soldiers. Sure they had monsters and other things but no infantry units. The Gods however had humans to fight for them resulting in a major disadvantage for the Titans. So Koios, the Titan of knowledge, had an idea."


The pods were slowly emptying out the green liquid and opening up their seals.

"He thought, why not use the god's soldiers against them? He joined up with other Titans and together they made a serum which when injected into humans would transform them into the perfect weapon for the Titan's to use in their war."

Percy's eyes went wide in fear of realisation. He looked at all the humans around him and Observed the farmer he observed before. Right in front of Percy's eyes the man's race changed.

Race- Human

Race- Gergosa.

The human slowly started to scream out as steam poured out of them. They slowly grew bigger and bigger in size. Thier jaws grew more teeth as they ripped through their clothes.

Percy got a flashback to the Gigantic Gergosa he defeated. It dropped a driving licences as a loot item. Percy though it was unrelated, but the signs were there all along.

"That's right Jackson, humans are Gergosas!"


That was the roar of 300 newly formed Gergosas. They were pushed in together and barely fit into the room. All 300 of them had their eyes on only one thing, Percy and Elsa.

"Now tell me," Argo shouted from somewhere behind all of them, "you still think you can kill me?"

Elsa's lips became dry as she started to shake in her boots. She knew she was powerful, but she also knew her limits. Behind her Percy's servants were shaking in fear, they were monsters and even they were scared. Elsa turned to Percy to see what the boy was thinking only to find the boy staring at his watch.

"Percy what are you doing?"

Percy ignored her and shouted out "Argo tell me the truth! Can you transform these creature back into humans?!"

Argo jumped on top of Gergosa giving Percy a clear view, "no, if they are transformed they can't transform back."

No lies detected!


Your skill has leveled up!

Lie detection, Lv- 4 (22%)

You can detect lies said to you, 25% chance of success.

Percy smiled and nodded, "good."

Argo raised an eyebrow, "and why is that good?"

"Because now I don't have guilty concious," Percy explained, "I may be ruthless against monsters, but those things are usually trying to eat me. But a being like a Gergosa, well it would be more like putting it out of it's misery right?"

Argo smiled, "you still think you beat all of them?"

Percy shook his head surprising everyone there, "no not me….Kristoff."

Argo raised an eyebrow, "who the hell is Kristoff."

Elsa gasped, 'the bombs!' Percy smiled at her and quickly came to her side. He looked into her eyes, "do you trust me?"

Elsa looked at young boy in front of her. Before this day she would have said no, but after fighting with him and understanding a little bit about him Elsa realised he was a good person. She nodded, "yes."

Percy smiled and opened his inventory. He lifted Elsa, ignoring her protest and threw her into it. He then recalled all his monster back into his crystal and stood alone in front of Argo.

"You know you still haven't told me who Kristoff is."

Percy shrugged and looked at his watch;

11: 57

"He's just a guys with a lot of bombs that we put all over the place," Percy dismissively as he opened up his stas;

Percy Jackson

Health-6,150/6,150 (+1000) = 7,150

Mana-3,500/3,500 (+1000) = 4,500

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-30 Exp- 22,760/ 92,000









He knew for the stunt he was about to pull he would need all the speed he could get. Percy took 30 points and put it into Vit and took 30 to put into his INT. These were his new stats;








Percy then opened up his perk tree for Speed demon just as Argo spoke up

"I don't like being ignored you know," he said glaring at Percy.

"Oh bite me," Percy said looking at the new options he had due to leveling up his stats.

There were ten add ons in total with 2 already bought. He could buy 2 new add ons for every 10 levels, meaning he could now buy 6. Percy spent the 6 points improving his Speed Demon perk changing it to;

· Speed demon- Allows user to travel at unbelievable speeds at the cost of 200 HP per minute. Can be improved on with training, at present speed is: 717 Miles/hour (1,100 KM/hr)

Percy smiled, he had gained an extra 100 Km for every point. This was why he used up all his points in speed.

Beep Beep!

Percy looked at his watch, it was a minute to noon. Percy smiled, at Argo, "well...it was nice knowing you!" He then threw his arms open sending a hail of ice spies all over the room pricking several Gergosas but not harming a single one.

Argo expected Percy to try and do something clever but instead of fighting the demigod just turned around and activated his super speed disappearing in a blur out of the lab.

"Was he joking?" Argo asked out loud in surprise. He honestly didn't think Percy would be the type to run from a fight, but he supposed even with his strength 300 Gergosa's would be to much. 'And is it just me or did he get faster all of a sudden?'


There were several explosions that went off simultaneously above Argo. The tunnels were being hit and becoming unstable, but nothing Argo couldn't get his army of monster to dig out of. But just then;


That bomb shock Argo enough for him to fall of the Gergosa and onto the floor. The first set of bombs was just to disturb the foundations. The second set was used to cause the real damage. Slowly the ceiling above started to crack, dirt fell down as large pieces crushed several Gergosas at once.

Argo's eyes widened in horror, he hadn't planned for this. He had planned to lure Percy and Elsa in deeper into his lab and then capture them alive. Suddenly a bigger chunk of rock fell down pinning Argo to the ground.

"JACKSON!" Argo roared out in pain.

Percy thought he heard someone call out his name but he honestly couldn't care less. With his Speed Demon perk active Percy was now running at a maximum of 1,100 Km per hour, nearly reaching the sound barrier.

Per second he was going at 0.3 Km traveling a distance of 984 feet. So yeah, he was going fast.

Percy was pushing himself to his very limits, his boots were already heating up as the soles started to wear off into nothing. The demigod activated his 8.0 Eyesight perk to help him navigate through the maze he was traveling in, he soon passed the long metallic hallway in seconds coming towards the giant training room. He transformed into smoke and climbed upwards and reached the lab there.

Percy changed back and ran, he passed the library and the chemical lab;


Which just exploded behind Percy. The demigod could feel the heat coming closer to him as he reached the frozen bridge Elsa had made before.


Percy could see the rocks along walls starting to crack and break open. Super speed gave him a good look at how slowly the tunnels were being destroyed. The tunnel ended in a flight of stairs that Percy zoomed across reaching the main room where everyone split up.

Percy turned to the exit and saw the path in front of him slowly collapse downwards creating a huge hole in front of him. He didn't stop, he couldn't afford to. He ran as fast as he could and jumped. For a moment it felt like he was flying before the ground came up to him. Percy rolled along the other side of the hole and quickly took off again.

He could see the light at the end of the tunnel, the hole he made before. But just as he was about to reach it the tunnel completely collapsed down sealing him in. 'Fuck you!' Percy shouted in his head as Gamer's mind took over stopping him from panicking. Suddenly a solution came to him.

Percy transformed into smoke and seeped through the holes between the rocks and flew upwards. The light from the sun hit Percy hard, but luckily in smoke form he didn't have any eyes to hurt. Percy kept floating away as fast as he could as the ground gave out from under him. He passed the fence surrounding the golf course and went into the road.

Finally Percy reached the time limit for his skill. He transformed back, dropped to the ground rolled and stopped right in front of his group.

"Shit it's Percy!" Marc exclaimed "quickly help him up."

A few of the pirates helped Percy up but the demigod's eyes were fixed onto the collapsing form of the Albany golf course. Just then;


The monsters you attacked were all killed!

Total monsters killed: 40

Exp gained: 720,000 Exp!








You have gained seven levels! You smart sexy son of a bitch!

Percy Jackson

Health-9,300/9,300 (+1000) = 10,300

Mana-5,250/5,250 (+1000) = 6,250

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-37 Exp- 54,760/107,000









MONEY- 234,137$/1,208D

This was the reason Percy attacked those Gergosas with his minute ice powers before he ran away. He didn't want to harm them, just mark them so that when the ceiling comes down on them and they die Percy could still gain Exp for it. It was a loophole in the system he noticed when fighting the training room filled with Gergosas. They were big and slow, and though they were weak they gave out a lot of Exp.

It was also the reason he level up INT along with VIT.

Percy had noticed that the only way he could ever increase his HP and MP is by leveling up. And the stronger he get's the rarer that will happen. So he made this plan in the back of his head the moment he realised he was going to face an island of Gergosas.


Quest Completed!

Summer Quest!

Find and destroy Argo's base of operation in Nassau.

Survive the encounter.

Don't let a single Gergosa get off that island


+75 stat points!


Power Mimicker

200,000 Exp



You have leveled up twice! Again….

Percy Jackson

Health-10,200/10,200 (+1000) = 11,200

Mana-5,750/5,750 (+1000) = 6,750

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-39 Exp- 38,760/111,000









'Huh, maybe I should I put in more points,' Percy thought as his total money increased by 250,000$

MONEY- 484,137$/1,208D

And then in a flash of light a golden sphere appeared in Percy's hand. It was the power mimicker item he got as a reward. It was size of a walnut covered with strange writings. But before Percy could even Observe it somebody spoke up.

"Percy…. where's Elsa?" Anna asked with her voice filled with worry.

Percy blinked, "oh yeah, knew I forgot something!"

Anna became enraged, "WHAT?!"

Galen held Anna back with and arm, "relax missy he didn't mean it like that."

"Of course not," Percy replied back as he opened his inventory throwing his reward in for later study and pulling out Elsa.

The snow queen blinked as Percy held her like a bride, "ah..where am I?"

"Sis!" Anna cried out in happiness. Percy put Elsa down just as Anna grabbed her into a big hug.

Elsa looked down at Anna and then to Percy, "ah...what's going on? Weren't we inside the bunker a few seconds ago?"

Percy smiled, "I put inside my pocket dimension for storage and then ran out of there in the last moment."

"Strange," Elsa said breaking the hug with Anna, "one second I was inside the next I'm out here. That is one strange power you go-"

"-Wait a minute!" Anna shouted again, "you mean you two were in there for the last possible second before getting out?! What the hell Elsa?! Do you have a fucking death wish?!"

Percy and Elsa backed up slowly with a nervous smile on their face. "We were tracking down Argo when-" Percy began only to have Anna cut him off.

"I don't give a shit what you were doing! You could have been chasing Argo or having the best sex in the world for all I care!" Percy blushed while Elsa chuckled at the idea "The plan was to meet up outside as soon as we can! Do you have any idea how worried we all were?!"

"Actually you were the only one who was freaking out," Kristoff said for which Anna shot him a look of death shutting the tall man up.

"Leave it las," Galen said stepping up to Percy and Elsa, "all that matters is that they are alive," he said grabbing them in a spine breaking hug.

Percy and Elsa struggled through the pain but waited for the man to finish. After the were released Anna walked up and hugged Percy, "thanks for keeping my sister safe."

Percy smiled and hugged back, "no problem."

Kristoff smiled, "you know what kid your not so bad after all."

Percy smiled breaking his hug, "thanks Kristoff. Your not so bad yourself….for a guy who smells like reindeer spit."

"You know what, I'm going to let you have that one."

Everyone cheered as they all began to walk back to the port, the police would be showing up any minute now.

Elsa however stayed back looking at the artificially created sinkhole in the ground and sighed.

"He's gone Elsa," Percy said right behind her.

"How can you be sure?"

"Because he's trapped inside a big landfill. If he's not dead right now he will be when he runs out of air," Percy said standing next to her, "it's over Elsa. It's finally over."

The snow queen shocks her head, "no it isn't." Percy raised an eyebrow as Elsa continued, "he had several experiments already shipped out to different bases didn't he?" Percy nodded remembering the map he and Elsa found, "then that means that there are hundreds if not thousands of human experiments out there similar to me. I need to find them all."

Percy nodded and opened his inventory taking out the map, "then I think you might need this."

Elsa took the map, "thanks."

"No problem, just Iris message me if you need help. Some of these experiments might be dangerous to everyone including themselves, you might need my help."

Elsa nodded, "sure...but ah, what's an Iris message?"

Percy looked confused before he hit himself on the head, "right your mortal, forgot about that. Here," Percy said tacking the map and a pen out of his inventory, "just call this number and ask for me," he wrote down a number on the side of the map.

"Whose is it?"

"My mom's. She's nice, but ah, just don't mention you need me to help you hunt down super humans, that might scare her a bit."

Elsa smirked taking back the map, "you know Percy, you're not half bad."

"You're pretty cool to Elsa." Elsa rolled her eyes as Percy giggled, "get it?" The demigod asked through his laughter, "you're pretty cool."

"Yes Percy, I get it."

The entire group walked back to the port as fast as they could. People walked the opposite direction walking towards the site to see what was going on. Just as they reached Kristoff's car several police vehicles arrived at the scene. People took out their video cameras and tired to record it only to have the cops push them away proclaiming the enter area an active disaster area.

The group took a big sigh of relief as most people didn't even look at them twice, mostly because of the Mist.

"So...what now?" Kristoff asked leaning on the hood of his car.

"I guess we go our separate ways now," Galen said, "it was an honour working with you lot. You certainly have a thing for….making a scene."

Kristoff and the others chuckled. The sailors said their goodbye and left leaving Percy alone with them. "Guess I'll see you all around," Percy said waving to them.

"Guess so," Elsa sai giving Percy a smile.

"Oh this is so emotional!" Kristoff yelled out holding back fake tears, "we knew him for so long! To be ripped apart so quickly! Fate you are a cruel mistress indeed!"

Percy and the others chuckled at the blonde's antics. "You know I actually do know the Fates," Percy said causing Kristoff to flinch in fear, "I can't wait to tell them what you said."

"Ah….please don't."

"He's kidding Kristoff," Anna said. Percy's face was serious, "ah...you were kidding right?"

Percy smiled, "of course I am. Heck I curse them every other day. It's a love hate relationship," Suddenly thunder roared across the cloudless sky, "see."

"Well until next time," Elsa said stretching out her hand.

Percy smiled and accepted shaking it, "until next time."

"Gonna miss you kid," Kristoff said high fiving Percy.

"Take care Percy!" Anna waved, "Oh and if you see that blonde demigod friend of yours, Annabeth I think, tell her I owe her for breaking my nose."

Percy chuckled and with a final goodbye left the team of sisters plus an idiot.

As Percy walked down the port to the Ascension he heard someone scream, "man over board!"

Percy whipped his neck across and saw a sailor from the Ascension falling into the water. 'Great a new problem,' Percy cursed as he commanded the water to safely catch the man and life him back up and into the ship.

Percy then activated his super speed and dashed onto the ship causing splinters on the bottom of his legs, he wasn't used to his new speed. Ignore the discomfort Percy walked to the bow of the ship where everyone was gathered.

"What the hell is going on here?" Percy asked as the sailors turned to him.

"Oh thank the gods you're here Percy," William said visibly relieved, "you have got to get your brother under control!"

"Brother?" Percy asked lifting his eyebrow. The men slowly parted giving Percy space to move forward. There standing in front of Mera's water tank was a young man with green skin and black hair like seaweed ties back in a pony tail. He wore greek style armour that was studded with pearls and wielded a trident, which he was now pointing at all the sailors.

Percy sighed, he didn't even need to Observe the man to know who it was. "Hello Triton," Percy said walking up to the god, "you took long enough."

Triton looked down at Percy and huffed, "I ran into trouble in the sea of monsters. But I am here now, and I come to find these-these ruffians surrounding my daughter?! She is your niece, and you just let these people take care of her while your off gods know where?"

"Father please you are making a scene" Mera said only for Triton to ignore her plea.

Percy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "if you had waited with dad you would have heard me tell how I still had a quest to finish and how I was leaving Mera without good capable men, men who helped save her in the first place. Something you failed to do if I recall."

"Oh gods he's doing it again!" Marc shouted as the rest of the crew laughed, "how does he always manage to piss powerfull people off?!"

Triton gritted his teeth, "you saved my daughter, that is true. Sight, fine demigod ask of me what you wish and let us be done with this unpleasant business."

Percy was ticked off, "who the fuck do you think you are?!"

"Percy please don't" Mera tried to reason this out only for Percy to ignore her also.

"You just come in here, start attacking everyone in sight and then act like we are your servants! Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Triton's eyes started to glow green, "I am Triton! Son of Poseidon and the God of the Navy!"

"Even with being all that you still failed to come to your daughter at the time of her need!"

"Why you little-"

"ENOUGH!" Mera shouted out loud causing all the fighting to stop. Percy and Triton looked at the mermaid as slowly tears welled up in her eyes, "please stop. Father they saved me, they are my friends, the only ones I have left. Please don't harm them."

Triton immediately calmed down and rushed to his daughter's side pulling her into a hug, "I'm so sorry baby girl, I'm so sorry."

Percy looked down in shame, he let his anger get the better of him. He should have been thinking about Mera not showing up Triton. Just as Percy opened his mouth to apologize an Iris message appeared in front of him.

"What the-" Percy began when suddenly Clarisse's face appeared in the rainbow.

"Percy! So glad I could get to you!"

"Clarisse? Why are you calling me?"

"We need your help Percy."

"Are you guys alright?" Percy asked in surprise, "did something bad happen?"

Clarisse sighed, "a lot of bad things happened, but I'll tell you all that later. Right now we are stuck on Polyphemus's island Percy! The bald walking garbage can got us trapped inside it's cave and we can't get out. It took Annabeth and Nina as hostages along with Grover."

"Grover? What the fuck is Grover doing there?!" Percy exclaimed thinking back to his first best friend.

"Something about Pan, look Percy it's bad. Michael is injured and the only reason Polyphemus hasn't eaten us right now is because Grover is distracting him by dressing up as a female cyclops."

Percy raised an eyebrow and Clarisse shook her head, "I don't know. Maybe the goat likes dressing in drag or something."

Percy nodded, "okay I'll try to get there as fast as I can," Percy turned to Galen, "do you guys want to come with?"

Galen and the crew nodded immediately. "We need the fleece to save our captain, of course we're going."

Percy nodded, "how long till we get there?"

"Well the island is inside the sea of monsters. It would normally take a few days to get in there..."

"What about with me boosting out speed?" Percy asked.

"10 maybe 12 hours minimum. Provided something doesn't try and kill us."

"Shit, we might not last that long," Clarisse said causing PEecy to try and think up of different ways he could get there. He could fly, but he doubted Marcia could fly that long. Maybe he could ask his dad for a favour, get a turbo boost to the sailing. Yeah, yeah that might work-

"I will help you," Triton spoke up drawing everyone's attention to him, "it is the least I can do after you saved my daughter."

Percy nodded, "thanks Triton. How long do you think we would take to reach the island with you helping?"

"Half an hour."

Several crew members whistles in surprise. Percy's eyes widened comically, "wow, that's fast."

Triton nodded, "shall we begin?"

Percy nodded, "yeah," he turned to Clarisse, "hang tight war girl, I'm coming to help. Plus I got back up."

The daughter of Ares nodded and canceled the Iris message.

"Everyone grab onto something," Triton called out as he lifted his trident high up in the air causing an aura of power to explode out into the ship. Ropes moved quicker than a normal human eye could follow, but Percy could.

The ship was ready to sail in seconds and slowly the waters themselves pulled the boat out of the dock and into the open water. The moment the boat was in open water it exploded outwards causing a lot of sailors to lose their footing and fall down.

Percy watched Nassau slowly shrink away into nothing as the ship ripped across the ocean.

"And now we will leave you," Tritton said walking up to Percy. A spark of anger and loathing was still in Triton's eyes but it was covered up by gratitude, "thank you Jackson, for saving my daughter."

Percy nodded, "not a problem. Thanks for the lift."

"Not a problem."

Percy turned to Mera, "stay safe Mera."

The mermaid smiled, "I would say the same to you but considering just who you are I believe that to be impossible."

Percy smiled, "go that right."

Triton then stepped up to his daughter and placed a hand on her shoulder. They glowed brighter and brighter until they both suddenly vanished in a flash of light.

"Show off," Percy whispered under his breath.

The boat continued to sail as soon all the sailors got used to the additional speed. They quickly went about their way making sure everything was in order in case something bad happened like the boat springing a leak due to how hard it was moving. Percy didn't think such a thing would happen, he could feel the hull of the ship being protected by Triton's blessing, there wasn't anything to worry about.

Percy sat on top of the dragon's head on the tip of the bow. The wind blew past his face letting his mind focus on what had happened.

Percy opened up his inventory and pulled out the mysterious item he got as a reward, the Power Mimicker;

Power Mimicker,

It has the ability to copy a certain skill possessed from any being or object and give the user the same ability.

Note: This will only grant the skill, not the proficiency of the skill. Meaning all skills gained through this object will start at '1'

Percy was impressed, this was really useful. He needed to make sure he used this on something important. Things like Shadow travel, which he tried and hated, would be a waste on this thing. But a skill like Argo had, Haki, if Percy got his hands on that…. 'Damn, now i wish I hadn't killed him.'

Percy put the sphere back into his inventory and pulled up his stas;

Percy Jackson

Health-10,200/10,200 (+1000) = 11,200

Mana-5,750/5,750 (+1000) = 6,750

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-39 Exp- 38,760/111,000









MONEY- 484,137$/1,208D

Right now the only thing he wasn't good at was WIS. The only reason he had refused to spend any points on that stat was because Percy knew he wasn't any good at it. It would make scne to improve his VIT or STR because well, those were what he was good at. His INT also important because Percy tended to use magic just as much as he uses physical strength. And Luc was always useful.

But WIS….well it just wasn't Percy. He didn't want to waste points. But now….

Percy quickly put 18 points into Wis raising it to 50;


And a new perk in three, two, one….


You have achieved 50 stat points in WIS! You have gained a new perk!

Mana Affinity-Allows user to control mana in its pure form. Allows for free movement of mana outside of the user's body.

+20% Extra mana

Mana recovery rate increased to 45% every 10 minutes.

Bonus- You gained an added skill to sense mana!

Scencesing mana, Lv- 1 (0%)

Allow you to sense mana around you giving you a brief description of the type.

Range- 5 feet

Accuracy- 40%, with -10% if mana is being used by an animal or thing, -20% if used by living being, -30% is used by a divine being.

Percy raised an eyebrow, that certainly was…..wise? Percy didn't really understand the benefits of said perk, he could think of one or two things he could do, but not much. Maybe he should invest some more into the stat? Well at least he got extra mana;

Mana-5,750/5,750 (+1000) = 6,750 (+20% more mana, +1350) = 8,100

He then opened up the list of all the perks he has and selected Le Bete;

· Le Bete- gives +50 to all stats but will cause a complete loss of control every time Percy gets angry. For every person Percy kills while in this berserk rage he will gain+2 stat points. WARNING: The only way to stop this is to either kill Percy, shock Percy awake with something surprising or have no more enemies left to kill. (Permanent)

He looked for the perk tree, maybe one of the addons in this thing would allow Percy to gain control whenever the perk gets activated.

Sadly though there was only one add on available for said perk and it was for increasing the number of stats gained per kill. It costed 5 stat points and would give Percy a bonus of +4 stars. He could see a bad deal when he saw one.

Percy closed the box and then selected Telekinesis;

Telekinesis- the physic ability to move objects with your mind.

Range - 30 feet

Max weight- 50 Pounds

Here the prek tree was bigger, much bigger. Percy focused only on the first add on available. It costed one point and it increased the amount of weight Percy could lift along with his range. Without thinking about it twice Percy both the add on;

· Telekinesis- the physic ability to move objects with your mind.

Range - 40 feet

Max weight- 70 Pounds

Percy smiled and looked at the two new add ons available for purchase. One was for increasing the weight and range again while the other was...well strange. By it's description it didn't just add on to the perk, it changed the perk completely;

Metamorphosis!- Transforms your 'Telekinesis' perk into 'Psychic Powers' perk. This allows for you to gain a lot more different skill when it comes to the mind arts allowing for diversity and a wide range of skills.

Cost- 10 points.

It honestly intrigued Percy to no end. He, like every other person in the world, was always fascinated by psychic powers, and now he has the chance to get some? Percy pressed on the add one and said yes changing his perk completely;


You have gained a refund of 1 point due to the add on you bought before no longer being applicable!


You have changed your perk to Psychic Powers!

Psychic Powers- Provides user with a wide range of powers and abilities as skills.

Current skills the user has in position;


Percy opened up his skill window and there it was;

Telekinesis, Lv- 1 (0%)

The physic ability to move objects with your mind.

Range – 30 feet

Max weight- 50 Pounds

Cost- 20 MP

Percy reopened the perk tree on his new perk and found a multitude of options available for him. The cheapest one though was a new skill,

Empathy - Allows user to feel another's emotions. Cost- 1 point

It was cool, but not really something Percy would like to have. Percy looked at the other additions and saw one which interested him;

Photographic reflexes- Allows user to copy and replicate any physical activity they see. Cost- 10 points.

It was expensive but Percy knew it was worth it. After all if Percy ever decided to learn how to properly fight it would be very useful. Percy pressed yes and pied the 5 points gaining a new skill;

Photographic reflexes, Lv-MAX

Allows user to copy and replicate any physical activity they see.

Note: User only gains skills similar to what he/she saw. If the skill they witness was performed by an amature then thier skill livel will be 1, if done by a master it may be higher.

Percy, now satisfied closed the boxes and looked ahead at the horizon, they would take at least another 10 minutes to reach. So Percy decided to test his new powers. He walked onto the deck and looked for something to lift.

He quickly found a barrel, roughly 30 pounds when Percy checked. He placed the barrel a few feet in front of him and Percy stretched out his right hand. He closed his eyes and focused, really focused. Gamer's mind cleared his head of everything, he didn't think of anything else but the barrel.


Suddenly Percy felt his mind open up on command. He could feel the barrel in question, he could feel it in front of him. Slowly Percy's mind reached out along with a small tendril of mana and attached itself to the barrel.

Percy then lifted with his mind, it was a strange sensation, he never though his mind of all things could move like that. But slowly the barrel started to rattle. Percy could feel the barrel moved up slowly.

Percy opened his eyes, he had to see this with his own two eyes. He saw the barrel slowly being lifted up higher and higher. Percy's mind was calm but he could feel the stress taking over. He lifted the barrel higher and brought it closer to him. The barrel floated wobbling, but Percy had full control.


That was the sound of the barrel landing right in front of him as Percy finally stopped using his powers. Sweat gathered around Percy's head but the demigod didn't care. He did it, he actually moved something with his mind.


Percy got up quickly and ran to the bow of the ship. He activated his 8.0 Eyesight and could clearly see an island far off in the horizon. The island had a bare and rocky beach with a thick forest just behind. Percy looked further inwards and saw the hint of a mountain near the center of the island, 'That must be where the cave is.'

Percy deactivated his powers and took a deep breath, 'just hold on a little longer you guys. I'm coming.'