
Chapter 32

Percy was panicking. Not because he was currently in a small metal tube flying through the domain of his least favorite uncle who could kill him at any moment. No, no that was an everyday problem for Percy. What really had him freaking out was the fact that he had forgotten about Grover, again.

"Clam down Percy," Michael said patting him on the back, "I'm sure it's not that bad."

"You don't understand Michael! This is the second time I did this to him!" Percy yelled out as he tried to pull out his own hair, "Grover is so going to kill me!"

"You're over reacting Percy," Nina said trying to calm him down, "besides you aren't the only one, we forgot too."

"I know, but I just feel so bad," Percy lowered his head, "oh my mom is going to kill me."

"Your mom?" Annabeth asked, "what does this have to do with you mom?"

"Last time I left him Grover went and complained to my mom. Needless to say she wasn't happy that I left him in LA without paying the bills."

"Damn," Michael said whistling, "sucks to be you."

Percy lowered his head even further, "I'm so dead."

Annabeth sighed, "relax seaweed brain I'm sure Grover will be fine. Odysseus and the others will take good care of him."

Percy looked up and turned to Annabeth, "you sure?"

The daughter of wisdom nodded, "100%"

With Grover;

Grover found himself being dragged around the sea by a dolphin.

The crew had come across a family of them and began challenging each other to try and ride one. They eventually dragged poor Grover into it going so far as to throw Grover overboard. The youngest dolphin then caught Grover between her teeth and started to swim around causing everyone else to cheer while Grover got one hell of a nasty headache.

'Percy I am so going to get you for this one,' Grover grumbled out accepting his new life as a dolphin's chew toy.


Percy sighed again, "you're right, I'm sure he's fine."

Percy laid back and relaxed. Michael had already gone to sleep while Annabeth took out the in flight magazine and started to read up on the many amazing but useless inventions that were featured in the sky mall. Nina however was looking out the window just watching the sky as the plane flew on, Percy wanted to ask her if everything was alright but he figured she needed some space.

Percy closed his eyes and let his mind wander. This quest had been difficult, it had been filled with giant sea monsters, giant Gergosas and even a giant Titans. Hm, maybe he should call this the giant quest.

Percy recalled the event at the island. That hand that broke out of the chest and grabbed the Fleece, Percy was sure it belonged to Kronos. That meant he was back, Percy felt it heck he was sure the entire world felt it, but maybe he should go and tell the gods what he saw, give them an eyewitness account of the event.

Percy nodded to himself, 'yeah, I'll do that. When I get to camp I'll tell Mr. D, he'll tell the rest.' With that solved Percy's mind started to drift again. He thought about the Ascension and how cool it was that he was now considered an official member of the crew! Wait….does that mean he's partially immortal now?

Percy opened up his status and found that his race was still demigod without it saying he was partially immortal. Percy smiled, 'it would have been pretty cool if I was.'

Percy closed the box and looked around, after the initial excitement of flying things kind of got boring. Maybe that's why everyone was no nonchalant about it. Guess your first time will always be the best.

Percy wanted to do something, anything. He was so bored, his ADHD was acting up again. Percy turned around and looked at Annabeth reading her magazine.

'Hm, maybe I should read a book. After all I did get a huge collection from Argo's personal library. Oh wait, every time I try to read something interesting there is always a chance to fast learn it, and there is no way I'm going to read an entire book if I could just simply absurd all that knowledge with the press of a button.'

Hence laziness won that argument as Percy sighed spending the rest of the flight in deep boredom. He should have bought a gameboy or something.

The plane landed at around noon and the group of demigods quickly walked out of the airport ready to get back to camp. Percy was happy that he finally got out of that uncomfortable seat and got a chance to stretch his legs. Maybe it was the Poseidon in him, but now that he tried flying he swore he would never do it again, unless absolutely necessary.

The quickly got a cab and started the last leg of the journey back. The car driver was some indian dude that smelt like pizza, what? Did you expect him to smell like curry just because he was Indian? You fucking racist. Shame on you. Plus who doesn't like pizza?

As time went on Percy suddenly thought of something, "guys," he whispered out. Nina, Michael and Annabeth who were all stuffed into the back seat with him turned to look at Percy, "what do you think we should do about the fact that Luke is...well, you know..."

"Do you think we should tell people about Luke?" Annabeth asked.

Percy shook his head, "I'm don't, why? You think we should?"

Annabeth frowned, "no, I don't think we should"

"Why not?" Michael asked, "I mean the rest of the people know's he's on our side-"

"-we can't risk his secret getting leaked out," Percy said, "we can't tell anyone, not even the Gods. "

"Oh come on!" Michael practically groaned, "why can't we trust the Gods?! They are on our side! Heck Kronos is trying to kill them!"

Annabeth groaned, "no, no if Ares could get corrupted enough to help Luke steal the lightning bolt then there's no saying what else Kronos could do to others."

Percy nodded, "yeah, plus Kronos doesn't really want to kill all the Gods, just his 6 kids, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. He would have no problems making deals with the other Gods for immunity."

Nina raised an eyebrow, "you really think the gods would betray each other?"

"We are dealing with the Greek Gods," Percy said, "they invented the back stabbing. Look the less people who knows about this the better."

Annabeth nodded, "I agree, any objections?"

Nina shook her head, "no."

"I also agree but what about Clarisse?" Michael asked, "what if she already spilled the beans?"

"Clarisse has the mind of general, she won't do that, she knows how important of a secret this is" Percy said, "remember we still have a spy in our midsts, we don't want to tip them off."

"Didn't Like say the spy was his?" Nina asked.

"That maybe true...but let's not risk it," Percy said, "for now we stick to the plan, Luke remains our secret. Agreed?"

Everyone nodded and said together, "agreed."

Annabeth smiled and turned to Percy, "see Percy, this is called trusting others."

Percy frowned, he knew she meant the fact that he kept Luke wanting to be a spy for them a secret from them. Percy sighed, "I really don't want to talk about this right now Annabeth."

The daughter of Athena sighed and turned away as an awkward feeling settled down amongst them. No one talked, not even Michael, and soon the cab ride was over as the reached the entrance to camp.

Percy payed the man and the rest quickly walked up the hill and into to forest. Just as the entered the trees two blurs moved towards them. Michael, Nina and Annabeth reached for weapons but Percy just stood there and smiled.

Zed and Alecto appeared in front of them and bowed to Percy, "master," the said together.

"How's camp? Did you guys run into any trouble?"

Alecto shook her head, "no monsters even walked near this place since you left. I think after a few of them died at our hands trying to get in they got the message."

Percy smiled, "great, I think you two deserve a break. Good job, both you," and with that Percy pulled them back into the gem on his forehead finally giving both the servant a well deserved break.

"Ah dude I have always been meaning to ask you, why exactly is Alecto dressed up like a school teacher?" Michael asked,

Percy shrugged, "she tried to kill looking like that. Guess she liked the form and just kind of stuck with it."

Michael nodded and soon the team walked up the familiar hill and reached Thalia's tree where they saw a huge crowd of campers surrounding it.

"Hey there back!" A camper cried out as soon Percy and the rest were crowded by campers all congratulating them on a job well done while patting on the back.

Percy managed to slip out of the group and walk toward the tree where Clarisse was. "Is it working?" Percy asked looking at the tree. The Elder Snake venom was gone and so was all signs of decay from the tree, "I guess it's working."

"It started to heal itself the moment I put the Fleece on it," Clarisse said pointing at a low hanging branch where the Golden Fleece now rested, "it's back to full power. Some of the Satyrs even say that they can feel the barriers power being increased causing the defence around camp to nearly double."

Percy whistled, "damn, that' impressive. Maybe we should use the thing to try and heal all out injured from now on."

Clarisse shook her head, "no, we can't. The moment we take the Fleece off the tree goes back to normal power. True that's enough but with Kronos risen and everything that's going on I think people would feel a lot safer if our camp's defence was at max.'

Percy nodded, "sounds good. Oh and by the way," Percy lowered his voice to a whisper, "we decided not to tell anyone about Luke being a spy. The less people know-"

"-The better," Clarisse nodded, "yeah, got it."

Percy nodded, "good, glad be got that srted out."

"Oh and by the way Dionysis wanted to see you, now," Clarisse pointing to the Big House, "I told him about the quest and he wants to talk to you."

"Got it, thanks," Percy said turning away, "anything else?"

"Oh, there's this victory feat at the Mess Hall in ten minutes, don't be late hero."

Percy smiled walking away, he shouted,"you're the real hero Clarisse, you bought the Fleece back."

"Shut it seaweed brain!" Clarisse shouted back.

Percy chuckled but made his way to the Big House. He didn't need to look inside for Mr. D because the God was outside sitting on the porch. He was drinking a can of diet coke and reading a newspaper titled, 'Olympus daily.'

"Mr. D," Percy announced himself as he took a seat on the chair opposite to the God, "you wanted to see me?"

Dionysis lowered his newspaper and raised an eyebrow in confusion before it changed to recognition, "ah, Peter Johnson. I heard from Clara that you had a very interesting quest, she mentioned something very interesting and I wanted you to tell your side of the story."

Percy nodded as Mr. D went back to his newspaper, "well I suppose it begins right after he got the Fleece. We were just leaving the island when suddenly we were surrounded by the Titan army and they took us prisoners. They put us in chains and took the Fleece, but luckily the others managed to escape leaving me behind."

"And why did they leave you behind?" Mr. D asked turning the page of the paper.

"My chains were to hard to break out of, so I told them to leave me. Later that night I was brought back to island. Kronos's people were going to use the Fleece on something, on someone. I didn't know who untill I saw a big chest on the island with a sickle on the top."

Mr.D stopped reading, "continue."

"I tried to stop them, but they used the Fleece to revive Kronos," a cold wind blew through the camp grounds, "suddenly the others popped out and started attacking the army, distracting them enough for me to escape. I tried to grab the Fleece but a hand burst out of the chest and grabbed it instead. I pulled as hard as I could but the hand didn't let go. The Fleece ended up tearing in half."

"And you believe this hand to be Kronos?" Mr. D asked in a skeptical voice. Percy knew the God was just trying to piss him off, but Percy noticed that the god was not even reading the paper, his head hadn't moved an inch since the conversation began. Though he looked like he was not paying attention, he was.

"Yeah, I do. I ran out of there as soon as I could and managed to escape with the others. As I was leaving I could feel a pulse of power exploding out of the island, Kronos had risen."

"You know I would be inclined to believe your story except I find it hard to believe," the God said, "Kronos was cut up into so many pieces and scattered across the world. Most were thrown into Tartarus while some were hidden away by the god's themselves. So even if the titans took the rest of eternity they still wouldn't have found them all."

Percy nodded, "yeah that's true. I don't know who they got around that but they did. All I know is that they used Polyphemus to do it."

The god sighed, "and how did they do that?"

"They slit his throat over the chest before throwing him into it. If I was to guess they used the cyclops's body to replace all the parts that Kronos didn't have."

Silence fell over the two as the God remained silent for a long time. Percy didn't know why, but he hoped it was because Dionysus was finally taking him seriously.

"Do you have anyone to backup your story?" Dionysius finally asked.

"Well, not really no. Everyone else was busy running away when the hand popped out, but I am telling the truth. That explosion of power, that feeling, everyone felt that, I beat even you."

Dionysis finally put down his paper, and took of his reading glasses, "so you are basing this claim on a feeling?"

'Is he trying to piss me off?' Percy grumbled to himself, "yeah. I am."

"If I go to Zeus with this he will laugh at my face. You do know that we get threats about Kronos raising every other week right?"

Percy grumbled, "look I know what I saw. Fuck if it wasn't Kronos they were trying to resurrect then who?"

Dionysis shrugged, "another Titan, a monster forgotten to time, we can't be sure that-"

"-I swear on the Styx that I saw Hyperion trying to resurrect okay?" Percy interrupted. A roar of thunder ring out signalling that the oath was accepted, and seeing as Percy was still alive that meant he was telling the truth.

"You shouldn't have done that Jackson! The oath of Styx's isn't a lie detector test!" Dionysis stood up over Percy, "it is a powerful and sacred oath made by people during times of importance."

"Well this is a time of importance!" Percy yelled back standing up, "Kronos had risen. You know it, I know, he'll even everyone knows it. Why the hell are you trying to pretend like it hasn't?!"

"I'm not trying to deny it Jackson! I believe you! I But we need to be sure! If we begin prepping for war only to find out there is nothing to fight then we risk angering the other-" Dionysis stopped mid sentence, realizing he was about to say something that shouldn't be said.

"Other? Other what?" Percy asked.

"Look it doesn't matter," Dionysus said snapping his fingers transforming into a greek style ones with a golden crown made out of vine creeper, "I'm going to go to Olympus to report this. If Zeus doesn't believe you then we might not even start preparing for war."

"Why wouldn't Zeus believe me?"

The God sighed, "my father can be, challenging to say the least when confronting hard choices. He will remain stubborn when it comes to matters of action until Kronos comes knocking on the doors of Olympus."

Percy nodded, "okay… I guess that's better than nothing." Dionysis nodded and raised his fingers to snap and teleport away, just then Percy spoke up, "wait! Before you go can you please ask Zeus to bring back Chiron? It's obvious he didn't poison the tree."

Dionysus gave an amused smile, "why? Isn't Tantalus a good teacher?"

"No," Percy replied flat out, "he's fucking crazy and an asshole."

Mr. D smiled, "well said. Fine, I'll ask Zeus about reinstating Chiron. I'll leave out the part where you called one of his sons crazy," the god snapped his fingers vanishing in a flash of light.

Percy blinked out the temporary blindness that the teleportation caused, "I have got to learn how to do that."

Percy walked to the Mess Hall all the while wondering whether Zeus would take his warning seriously. Percy understood Dionysius's point, if they just started assembling their forces every time someone said Kronos was raising it would soon become the divine version of, 'the boy who cried wolf.' But with that being said Percy would still consider Zeus an idiot if that man didn't at least try and search for the Titan.

The Mess Hall was full like always with everyone eating merely and smiling. Percy walked in, everyone was sitting according to their cabins, everyone had siblings to talk to, everyone except Percy.

The lone son of Poseidon walked to lunch line and pilled up a huge amount of food. He put most of it in his inventory, it could once again prove to be useful. He sacrificed a small portion to his dad and then began to eat his meal alone.

This was one of the camp traditions Percy hated. It just shoved the fact that though they were all called his family, in the end Percy was alone. He ate his meal in silence as everyone else talked and behaved merry, Michael and Marcus used to shout out jokes or tired to talk to Percy, but in the end they went back to their meals.

After the food Percy went outside only for Michael to call him, "Percy? Where are you going?"

Percy shrugged, "I want to just go and take a nap. It's been a long day, I didn't get any sleep on the boat and well... "

"Right, got it," Michael nodded, "me and the other guys are going to the beach for a swim. If you want to..."

Percy smiled, "thanks Michael. I'll think about it."

Michael nodded and the two went their separate ways. In all honestly Percy had a lot on his plate right now. With Annabeth being pissed at him and his return to camp, things just seemed…..difficult to deal with.

He needed some peace and quiet.

Percy walked into the Poseidon cabin and found it just as he left it, minus the broken window from the time Artemis threw him through it.

Percy opened up his inventory and took out his old clothes and threw it into the hamper for washing. He took off his armband of Cerberus, broken watch and several necklaces and put them on the side table. Percy then decided to take a quick shower, it had been three days since his last proper one. The only reason he didn't smell was because of all the times he swam in the ocean.

Percy washed his head and quickly put on a set of boxers and an orange camp t-shirt before falling into bed exhausted. He didn't need sleep, Gamer's body and Gamer's mind took care of that problem, but Percy still liked to sleep, it was the one of the few things he still did that made him feel normal again.

You have slept in you own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy groaned as he got up again. He looked at his broken watch and saw that he had slept for around four hours. It wasn't much but it was something. Percy looked around, the last three days he always had something to do, something to say to someone or just have fun. But now it was all over and Percy was frankly clueless on what he wanted to do.

Percy shrugged, 'might as well read some of what I and Elsa stole from Argo.' Percy opened up his inventory and browsed through the book he got. He quickly took one out and;

You have obtained the book containing the skill: Basic Botany

Would you like to learn?


Percy pressed yes and the book dissolved into nothing filling Percy up with knowledge.


Your skill for Botany had leveled up!

Science!, Lv-X

A branch of knowledge that deals with the physical world.

Botany- Lv- 2- Basic concepts of science dealing with flora.

Percy was impressed, he honestly didn't care about plants, not his thing. He did have an extra subsection in zoology for marine life, but it seems some skill books level up already existing skills. Interesting to note.

Percy then took out a book on basic physics and learnt that as well;

Science!, Lv-X

A branch of knowledge that deals with the physical world.

Physics- Lv- 2- Basic concepts of physical science.

Percy took out a book on understanding genetics and one on advanced zoology and quickly pressed yes for both of them. The first one worked out well;

Science!, Lv-X

A branch of knowledge that deals with the physical world.

Genetics- Lv- 1- study of heredity and variations of inherited traits.

It was it's own branch unaffiliated with anything else. But the second book didn't work for Percy. Instead he got this message;

You cannot learn this book. You do not meet the requirements.

For learning 'Advanced Zoology' you need to have Zoology at Lv- 5

This meant that Percy had limits, he need to raise his knowledge levels before he could actually learn more. Percy put the book into his inventory and pulled out one labeled 'The History of Animals,' it wasn't exactly a zoology text book and it didn't activate when Percy touched it, but neither did Percy's school texts, so maybe he had to read it to gain more levels in zoology.

Percy activated his Speed demon perk and his 8.0 Eyesight and began reading his book in super speed. Gamer's mind helped him understand everything as he read it and in 20 seconds PErcy had gone through the entire book.


You have leveled up a skill!

Zoology- Lv- 3- Basic concepts of science dealing with fauna.

Percy in no means remembered everything he read with photographic memory, but he did understand what he read. He knew animal classification, the breeding habits of mammals and a thorough understanding of evolution.

Percy looked through his inventory for what else he could read and advance his knowledge. Soon after an hour and 20 books Percy had gotten a bigger library of knowledge.

First off he had gained a new skill, not just a new subsection, a new skill;

History!, Lv-X

A collection of knowledge based around the past. You know….history.

Greek History- Lv- 15 – A deep understanding to Greek History. You may not posses all the knowledge about the subject

It was strange why he just got this now. But after thinking about it Percy realised he had only touched upon a few great articles here and there whenever he read anything. When it was to do research to find the chains of Hephaestus he read one or two article, never a whole book start to finish.

He also gained a few more levels to different skills;

Science!, Lv-X

A branch of knowledge that deals with the physical world.

Physics- Lv- 2- Basic concepts of physical science.

Chemistry- Lv-3- Basic concepts of chemical science.

Botany- Lv- 2- Basic concepts of science dealing with flora.

Zoology- Lv- 3- Basic concepts of science dealing with fauna.

Marine Zoology- Lv-3- Basic concepts of science dealing with marine creatures.

Genetics- Lv- 5- A strong base for the study of heredity and variations of inherited traits.

For some reason Argo had a lot of books on genetics. But then again the man was basically a modern day Frankenstein so it really wasn't all that surprising. After Percy had reached lv- 5 in genetics he had gone ahead and learnt advanced books increasing his level again and giving him new sub skills;

Genetics- Lv- 9- A strong base for the study of heredity and variations of inherited traits.

· Genetic engineering- Lv- 1

· Medical genisis- Lv- 1

· Microbial genetics- Lv- 1

· Human genetics- Lv- 1

Percy understood concepts that confused him before, he understood DNA, chromosomes, heredity values, amino acids, enzymes and so much more. And that's not all, his understand went into different fields as well, like understanding how to cure a hereditary disease or make a baby with a stronger immunity system.

Percy understood why this subject fascinated Argo, Percy understood that deep within Percy's own DNA was the genetic material of a God. Meaning if Percy could find and isolate that particular set of genes, he could theoretically find a scientific basis for all his powers!

Percy blinked…..did he just use the words 'isolate', 'gene,' and 'theoretically' in the same sentence? Percy shook his head, he better be careful lest he becomes as void of morales as Argo himself.

Percy closed the boxes and put the books he read into the bookshelf in front of his bed. He didn't need them any more and it would be a waste to carry them in his inventory. Plus if he kept his books out in the open like this people might think he was a smarty pants.

Percy went back to bed and opened his inventory to look for something else to do, when just then something stuck out. it was the piece of paper that Luke had slipped him before he left. Arriving to the son of Hermes this paper had the reason why Kronos wanted him alive and why he had been targeted.

Percy didn't really know what that second part meant, he always thought he had been targeted because he kept pissing people off. Percy took out the paper and opened it up. It read;

A half-blood of the eldest Gods

Shall reach sixteen against all odds

And see the world in endless sleep

The Hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap

A single choice shall end his days

Olympus, to preserve or raze.

Percy's eyes went wide in horror. Panic spread out fast but luckily Gamer's mind took over calming him down.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" Percy screamed out. He read this thing again and again as slowly he calmed down.

'Okay let's look at this rationally. First thing's first, what is this? A prophecy, duh. But what does it mean? And who's it for?' Percy told himself as he read the first line again;

A half-blood of the eldest Gods

'Okay so who are the elder Gods? In Greek myth it's my dad, Zeus and Hades. And do they mean Elder Gods as in Cthulhu?...please let it not be them. Okay fine, but what if they don't mean Greek myth? What if...no, no Luke said this is the reason why Kronos wants me alive, meaning it is Greek and nothing else. So that means the prophecy is talking about the only demigod of the big three alive right now, me.'

Percy sighed and pinched his nose, this was not how he wanted this day to go. He looked at the second line;

Shall reach sixteen against all odds

'Okay pretty simple, they just mean that whatever is supposed to happen to me will happen in like….two years? Well fuck.'

And see the world in endless sleep

'Okay now this is creepy as fuck. What the hell do they mean by endless sleep?! Do they mean sleep sleep or fucking dead?! Does that mean I'm the only person that will be alive when this happened?!'

The Hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap

'And then I die, great. This prophecy just get's better and better. And what's the cursed blade? Should I be worried about someone cursing me and the curse acts like a blade, or is it an actually cursed blade?'

A single choice shall end his days

'Another line about me dyeing, great, great, always excited for that.'

Olympus, to preserve or raze.

'So...my choice will decided weather Olympus survives or not? SHIT! No wonder everyone wants me dead! This things literally just told me I have the power to destroy the Gods!'

Percy closed the prophecy and began to think. His head was swimming with ideas and theories. There were so many things going on that Percy couldn't make heads or tail of it.

Percy took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He started at the beginning, the first quest he ever got, Alecto was sent after him because Hades thought he had the bolt, he didn't. He then found out he was being targeted because he was the son of Poseidon and was a direct confrontation of the pact made by the big three.

'Dad told me they made that pact because they didn't want their children to influence the world to much….but what if it was also to stop this prophecy from happening?'

It all made sense now, people wanted him dead because he was a linchpin, he was the deciding power in all of this. Percy was born to be the one to destroy or save Olympus. Kronos wanted him on his side so that he could control the prophecy, the Gods want him because well they didn't want to die.

'I'm their weapon,' he realised, 'they are raising me as a weapon. And after that I'm going to die,' Percy thought remembering the line about his death, again. Seriously why were there two lines talking about his death, wasn't one enough?

Percy looked at the note again and checked whether there was anything else to read. He turned the paper and found on the back a small note made by Luke;

Don't panic;

'To late dubmass,'

Ask Chiron or Annabeth

Percy blinked, 'did they know? If they did how could they not tell me?' Percy wondered as anger started to build up inside of him.

'Luke's told me to ask Annabeth or Chiron meaning they knew! They knew and didn't tell me! Why didn't they tell me the the moment Grover and Chiron meet me? They could have told me when I was trying to save my mom, they should have told me!'

Cold fury built up as Percy put on his items and got ready to go out, he needed to talk to a certain demigoddess. Percy walked out of his cabin and looked at his watch. It was 6 already, that meant Annabeth would be in her cabin or in the Mess Hall.

Percy activated his speed perk and zoomed past the Mess Hall. One quick look inside and Percy found Annabeth sitting with her siblings. Percy walked in, his anger was clearly seen. Michael tried to wave Percy over but stopped the moment he saw Percy's face, the only time he had ever seen such a look on Percy was when he was fighting Hyperion who had just destroyed camp.

Percy stopped behind Annabeth. The rest of Athena cabin stopped talking and laughing as Annabeth turned around and looked up at Percy.

"Percy? Can I do something for you?" She asked, "why do you look so pissed?"

"We need to talk, now," Percy growled out the last part putting in a little blood lust.

Annabeth took a gulp and nodded, "s-sure." She got up and the two walked out of the Mess Hall. The rest of the campers watched the leave and the moment they left they began gossiping why Percy looked so pissed and what it had to do with Annabeth.

Percy lead the girl towards the Amphitheater. While going there he didn't say a word. Annabeth kept trying to ask him what happened but Percy said nothing.

When they finally reached the Amphitheater Percy stopped in the center of the stage and turned to face Annabeth.

"Percy will you please tell me what's going on? I haven't even seen you so pissed," Annabeth said with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Remember what you told me when I revealed to you all Luke wanted to come back? Do you remember what you said?"

Annabeth looked surprised but nodded, "I said that it wasn't your decision to make. I told you that you should have told us and that by not doing so it meant that you didn't trust us."

Percy nodded, "right, right. And I responded by saying that it wasn't your decision to make, I said that Luke came to me, it involved me and so it was my decision to make. Do you agree with that?"

Annabeth took a deep breath, "Percy I get that it was your choice and ultimately your decision. But that decision involved the rest of us. We deserved to know, because it affected us."

"Okay, so you're saying that because it affected you, you deserved to know, and that I was in the wrong. Right?"

Annabeth nodded slowly, "not exactly. Percy I understand why you did it but-"

"-Stop talking," Percy snapped as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the prophecy, "Luke gave me this before I left him, he told me this was the reason Kronos was targeting me."

Percy threw the paper at Annabeth as the demigoddess caught it easily. She opened the paper and began to read it. The moment she read the first sentence her eyes widened in surprise. She looked at Percy, "Percy I-"

"Look at the back," Percy said with cold eyes, "read it."

Annabeth did as her hands started shaking.

"Now remember what you said," Percy said walking closer to Annabeth, "you told me I was wrong for keeping something that effected you from you. You said I didn't trust you enough to tell you the truth. So tell me Annabeth, can I say the same about you now?"

Annabeth looked up as fear and regret spread across her face, "Chiron didn't' think you were ready. He didn't want to worry you."

Percy blinked, "not ready? It doesn't matter if I wasn't ready or not, if this prophecy involved me then I needed to know. If I knew from the start that something like this was going to happen I would have trained day in and day out to try and survive the war. I'm going to tell you what you told me Annabeth, I deserved to know!"

"Percy it's not that simple!"

"Okay fine, explain it to me. And please use big complicated words, I may not be a son of Athena but I do have some intelligence."

Annabeth looked down in shame, "prophecies can be impossible to predict. I didn't want you to….I didn't want to be afraid."

"Afraid!? How could I have not been afraid?! And it doesn't matter if I was afraid or not, this is what my future is! Unless I die before that, which would be equally bad! Annabeth you should have told me! I needed to know that my life was in danger!"

"I'm sorry!" Annabeth shouted with tears freely flowing from her eyes, "is that what you wanted to hear? I'm sorry! I know I should have told you, but I didn't because…..because I didn't want it to be you."

"Well it was me Annabeth! When were you going to tell me huh? Were you going to ever tell me?!"

Annabeth didn't respond as she walked to the seats in the Amphitheater and sat down, "you saved my life Percy, you saved everyone's lives. I knew then that you were the one the prophecy spoke about, but I didn't want it to be true. I didn't want you to die! Is that so wrong? I thought that if I didn't mention it maybe it won't come true, maybe you hide, run away, do something! I even thought, hoped, you might even join Odysseus and his crew and be granted partial immortality to escape the prophecy. You would never become 16, you wouldn't have to die!"

Slowly some of the anger inside Percy was chipped away, "Annabeth, you're my friend, and you mean a lot to me. And I get that you wanted to protect me….but I can't run away from this."

Annabeth lowered her head as tears rolled down her face. Percy wanted to comfort his friend, but he was still angry at her. So he did the only thing he could, he walked away.

Percy walked across camp running into people left and right. Most tried talking to him, but Percy wasn't in the mood. He felt betrayed, Chiron, Grover, Luke, Annabeth, Michael, Nina, the Stoll brothers, Clarisse, Peter those were just a few of Percy's friends around here, they were once the reason Percy felt this place to be home.

But now… Percy couldn't take it. The camp just felt so fake, for once Percy saw camp as something other than a safe haven for him. It wasn't a place for the gods to keep their children safe, no, it was a place to raise weapons.

Percy rejected Luke's way of thinking before, he said that the only reason the God's cared for them was because they were nothing more than tools. Percy didn't believe him then, he was to stupid to understand.

Percy felt helpless, before he always had a chance, a chance to get it right, to save the day at the last moment. But now, after finding out that he was always meant to die, it just seemed so useless.

What was the point in leveling up if he would die in the end? What was the point of trying new things if he was going to die before he does anything with that knowledge?

Percy looked at the setting sun, 'maybe….maybe I should have gone with Luke.'

Percy shook his head, 'no, no! That's crazy talk! Just because my life sucks doesn't mean I have to basically become an evil dictators bitch!'

Percy sighed, he needed to talk to his dad. Percy walked to the beach and made a mist with his moisture control. A rainbow was formed with the last rays of the sun as Percy made a call to his dad.

He waited for a few minutes and then for ten before Percy gave up. 'He must still be in that meeting,' Percy said to himself as the sun finally set.

He needed to get out of here, camp just reminded him of his oncoming death. He needed leave, just go away for sometime. Maybe his mom's place….yeah, that sounded right.

Percy zoomed back to his cabin and quickly checked around for anything he might have left behind. He already had everything he needed in his inventory, the only thing he left behind in the cabin were two sets of old cloths and a few books.

Percy quickly write down a note explaining his actions and then quickly left his cabin walking towards Thalia's tree. He didn't even bother to say goodbye to his friends, he was sure they would get the message he left.

As Percy walked to the tree he looked up at the Golden Fleece, or at least this half of it. This was a mark of Percy's failure, if he had only succeeded in stealing the Fleece back maybe Kronos would not have been fully formed. Maybe the prophecy wouldn't have come true.

"Why can't it be someone else?" Percy sighed as he touched the trunk of the tree, "why do I have to die?"


Percy jumped back as the wood in the tree started to move. Percy watched in amazement as slowly the truck split open causing a person to fall out of the tree. Percy grab the person before they hit the ground and slowly pulled them out of the tree before the tree closed up again.

The person who fell out of the tree was a girl. She had spiky shoulder length hair with blue streaks going along the side. She had dark eyeliner around her eyes and freckles around her nose. She was tall, taller than Percy with her long slender legs and muscular build. She wore a black leather jacket on top of a black shirt which featured a band called Green Day. She wore a bracelet around her wrist and several chains along her hands giving off a very punkish look.

Percy looked at the name above the mystery girl's head and was shocked beyond belief;

Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus

Lv- 25

Percy blinked, 'you have got to be kidding me.'

"I also wish for a million dollars and a lightsaber," Percy out loud. He waited a few minutes but nothing happened, "huh, guess that only works once."

Percy looked down at his arms at a girl who was thought to be dead. Two of his friends had seen her die first hand, yet here she was. Percy pressed his fingers next to her neck and felt a pulse, it was faint but there.

Percy lifted Thalia up carrying her like a bride. 'What caused this?' Percy wondered looking at the tree when suddenly his eyes were drawn to the Fleece, 'Of course! If that thing could bring Kronos back, who was in a million pieces, then Thalia should be easy.'

Percy walked as fast as he could towards the Big House, he didn't want to hurt her by running to fast. While walking Percy quickly Observed her to get a feel of what she was made off;

Thalia Grace, Protector of camp Half-blood

Lv- 25

HP: 150/1,500

MP: 625/625

Race- Demigod







The greek demigoddess of Zeus, Thalia had run away from home at a very young age due to a fight with her mom and the disappearance of her baby brother Jason. She traveled with Luke and Annabeth for a long time becoming more and more powerful. She later performed the ultimate sacrifice by giving her life to save Grover, Annabeth and Luke's. Zeus took pity on her and turned her into a tree forming a barrier around camp protecting the people she cared for.

Likes: Annabeth, Luke, Jason, Being in charge

Dislikes: Heights, Zeus, her mother, Cyclops

She doesn't know Percy

She is unconcious

Percy was impressed, she had a unique title all for herself, something which Percy has never seen before in a demigod. Usually their titles was always a statement of who they were, like daughter of this or son of that. For somebody to gain a title other than that...it would mean that Thalia sees herself more of the camp's protector than the daughter of Zeus.

He took her into the Big House and quickly up stairs to the Med Bay. "Is anyone here?!" Percy yelled out the moment he entered the room.

"Epp!" Percy heard a soft and surprised voice say.

He turned and saw only one person in the entire room, a girl with bushy brown hair and bright sky blue eyes. Percy looked at the title above her head;

Nancy Verie, Daughter of Apollo

Lv- 19

"Nancy right?" Percy asked as he put Thalia on the closets bed.

"Ah-ah, yeah, how did you know?" The daughter of Apollo stammered out.

Percy smiled, "I know all the pretty girls names," the girl blushed but Percy was too busy looking around to notice, "where is everyone else?"

"Th-they are at the party."


Nancy nodded, "ah huh, the victory party. You know, for you guys."

"So it's just us then," Percy commented as he went to the medical shelf containing the medical potion Percy provided Michael with.

"Ah, us?" Nancy asked, "who is she by the way?"

Percy took out a low grade potion and walked back to Thalia, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"She looks sick," Nancy commented touching her forehead.

"She's just tired," Percy commented as he raised Thalia's head lowering the liquid down her throat to swallow. The girl instinctively swallowed down the potion restoring her health to half full.

"How do you know?"

Percy pressed his hand up against Thalia's chest, "I just do," he then activated his blood control taking out little of his own blood and drawing a healing rune around Thalia's forehead. Percy hen spent 720 HP and 200 MP to raise Thalia's health back to full.

Soon Thalia's skin returned back to normal and Percy smiled.

Nancy placed a hand on Thalia and used some of her powers to diagnose the girl. "I-it's amazing," she whispered out, "she's back to full health now. I would say she's about to wake up any moment."

Percy nodded, "good, that's good," Percy looked aside and towards the windows going into a deep thought. He was wondering what he should do now. Percy took a chair and sat it down next to Thalia's bed.

"How did you do that?" Nancy asked looking at Percy.

Percy looked confused "what?"

"How did, you know, heal her?"

"It's a rune," Percy pointed at the blood rune on Thalia's head, "it transforms my health into her."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

PErcy shook his head, "not for me. I have a lot of energy when compared to her. I probably just gave her...around 7% of my total health."

Nancy looked at Percy in shock, "woah, you must have a lot of health then huh?"

Percy nodded and looked down at Thalia, "yeah I do." Percy looked at Thalia for a while before sighing, "look she'll probably be asleep for sometime. I don't actually know her, but Annabeth does. Why don't you call her, I'm sure she'll want to see her friend again."

"But if I don't stay next to her-"

"-Relax, I got this," Percy said giving the girl a relaxed smile, "I'll make sure nothing happens to her. You just go get Annabeth, she needs to see this."

Nancy looked like she wanted to say something but her shyness won out as she nodded and walked out to go and call Annabeth.

Percy sighed and looked down at Thalia's unconscious form. "Guess it's just you and me cousin," Percy said as he leaned back on his chair. He waited for some time, he mostly spent it thinking about whether this was a blessing or a curse. With Thalia here he didn't have to be the chosen one, but she wasn't strong like him, she wasn't ready to fight them.

The entire world had just changed. Thalia wasn't suppose to be alive, but now that she was this changed the prophecy. Thalia was 15, if you don't include the time she spent as a tree, meaning she was the closest one to filling the prophecy, not him. Kronos now had a way to control the prophecy again, he could use Luke to get to Thalia.

Percy was happy at first, if Thalia was the child of the prophecy that means he didn't have to die. But after some time Percy's mind started working over time and he realised something, Thaila would probably die to moment she even tries to face Kronos.

Percy sighed, he realised that she didn't stand a chance. Percy didn't know Thalia personally, heck he didn't even know her fighting style, but he knew one thing, he was stronger than her. He was their best chance at winning, with Thalia now being the child of prophecy…. Things didn't look so good.

Percy shook his head, things just got complicated, again. Looks like his trip to his mom's just got postponed for the foreseeable future.

Soon several feet were heard coming up the stairs and Percy turned to see Nancy and Annabeth walking up the stairs.

The daughter of Athena had red eyes from crying, it hurt Percy to see that. "Percy why did you-" she stopped midsentence gasping the moment her eyes fell onto Thalia, "-is-is that..."

"Thalia," Percy said, "for some reason the tree opened up and spat her out. I brought her here to be healed, she's alive Annabeth."

The daughter of Wisdom walked towards the bed and slowly touched Thalia's check afraid she would shatter she with a mere touch. She traced her finger along her face and finally when it seemed she wasn't going to crack like a mirror Annabeth fell to her knees in joy.

Percy got up as Annabeth started to cry tears of joy. He walked to the stairs leaving her alone with her old friend.

"Where are you going?" Nancy asked.

"I need some air," Percy said as he walked away.

He left the Big House and walked to the beach. Percy walked along the sand and the water, he had just spent days out there in the seas and though he felt like he should have been sick and tired of all the water he wasn't. The water was part of his domain, it was what made him, him.

Percy sat down on the sandy shores and laid back. It was all moving so fast, the prophecy, his friends not telling him, Thalia…..Kronos.

Percy looked at the sea, the calm waves soothed his anger and his confusion. Just then a flash of light exploded in front of him breaking the sense of tranquility Percy was surrounded in.

Percy blinked away the temporary blindness, he really needed to learn how to protect himself from that, and looked up to see Artemis standing before him. The Goddess looked the same as always as she turned to Percy and smiled.

"Artemis?" Percy asked slowly getting up, "what are you doing here?"

"Hello Percy, I heard you were back. Just wanted to drop in and see how you were."

Percy blinked, "ah, I'm good I guess. I just came back this morning."

Artemis smiled as she sat down next to him, "so how did the quest go?"

"Well, it went well I suppose. I took care of Argo and the base, I had help but we pulled down the entire structure on top of him killing them all."

Artemis nodded, "very good Percy. I'm impressed, not many people could have done what you did."

"Thanks, I guess," Percy sighed.

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "why are you so glum? Did something happen?"

"No, nothing happened," Percy said closing himself emotionally.

"Really? Cause it looks like someone kicked your dog and then spat on it," Artemis said in a teasing tone.

"Artemis I would kick my dog and spit on it," Percy said with a chuckle, "don't forget that mutt and I hate each other."

Artemis shrugged, "I see it more as a work in progress. But I digress, tell me what's bothering you Percy, and don't tell me it's nothing. I can see depression written clearly on your face."

Percy sighed, he shouldn't have even tried to fight it, "it's nothing really. Earlier today I found out my friend was keeping something from me, something important. We had a fight and…..here I am."

"Sounds like there's more to this story," Artemis said, "but you don't have to share if you don't want to."

"Thanks," Percy said as he once again remained silent. The two sat there for a long time in comfortable silence before Percy broke it again, "it's about the Prophecy."

"What prophecy?"

"The one involving a demigod of the Eldest Gods and Kronos," Percy said.

Artemis nodded, her face was empty of all emotion but understanding, "so you found out."

"I just don't understand why they didn't tell me!" Percy yelled out standing up, "I mean what can possibly happen if they don't tell me? It's not like it wouldn't have come true! If they had told me sooner at least I could have spent more time getting ready! I could have been trained properly!"

Percy could feel his anger take over. He was just about to use Gamer's mind to calm himself down when suddenly Artemis was by his side. She touched his neck as slowly time started to slow down for Percy. He looked into her eyes, those beautiful eyes, and she looked back.

Artemis smiled, Percy felt his cheeks heat up. She tightened her grip on his neck and in one throw threw him over her shoulder and into the ocean.

Percy felt himself flying through the air before crashing into the ice cold water.

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

+1000 HP(+1000 HP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 HP

+1000 MP (+1000 MP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 MP

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Percy screamed out as got on his feet, "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!"

Artemis grinned, "you looked like you needed to cool off."

"Oh yeah?" Percy asked as his angry snarl turned to a playful smile, "I think you need to cool of too."

Percy commanded the water and slowly started to lift himself up. Slowly he formed a huge wave and sent it hurling at the beach. Artemis simply watched and stared with an open mouth as the huge wave come for her.


Artemis was blow back as she was covered head to toe with water and sand. Percy landed on the shore and laughed himself silly pointing at the goddess fallen form.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Artemis roared as she got up, "YOU GOT SAND EVERYWHERE!"

"Then maybe you'll think next time before you decide to throw a son of Poseidon into the freaking ocean!"

"I'm going to kick your ass!" Artemis said as she tried to run towards Percy only for the demigod to freeze the ground underneath Artemis's feet causing her to slip and fall on her behind.

Percy smiled, "you were saying?" He began laughing again as Artemis slowly got back on her feet.

"You keep laughing and I'll neuter you!"

Percy tried to control his laughter by putting his hands over his mouth but failed miserably, "I'm sorry! HAHA! Oh God that was funny as hell! You looked like that penguin from Happy Feet! OH GODS! HAHAH!"

"Shut up Percy!" Artemis yelled as she punched Percy's shoulder.

"Damn Happy Feet I think you might have broken my shoulder," Percy teased her as he rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm break your ribs!" Artemis tackled him to the ground and grabbed his arms, "I am going to make you beg for mercy Jackson!"

"Really?" Percy raised an eyebrow, "and how are you going to do that happy feet?"

"Like this," she grunted as she began tickling Percy underneath his armpit and neck causing him to squirm under her.

"Stop it!" Percy cried out laughing as he tried to grab her only the goddess was to fast as she avoided all his grabs making him laugh harder.

"Give up Sea head!"

"Okay! Okay! You win!" Percy cried out, "just stop the tickles!"

"I win!" Artemis shouted out lifting her hands up.

Percy laughed and looked up to see Artemis smile at him. In that moment he swore that she was the most perfect thing in this world, and there was nothing more beautiful than her.

Her face was just inches away from his as her legs straddled his chest. Water dripped across her face and body making her shine like silver under the moonlight. She was warm, unlike the night and water on them. Percy could feel his heart rate increase by the second as he felt something inside himself that he had never felt before. He couldn't place it, he couldn't understand it, but he knew one thing, he wanted to be right here with Artemis.

And just then;


You have achieved a new status! Puberty!

Puberty- This status will last for the next three years and will cause;

Hair growth in- face, armpits, limbs and genital area

Voice cracking up

Increase in the size of your genitals

Your emotions will get out of hand

You will have a sexual awaking

Prone to be dressed or hyperactive

You will grow taller

You will care more about your appearance

Tips- Good luck you unfortunate soul. P.s. please remember to wash regularly as you will start to smell more often and none of us want that.

'Oh you have got to be kidding me! Way to ruin the moment asshole!'

"Percy?" Artemis asked causing Percy to blink in surprise, "earth to Percy? To still alive in there or did I tickle the brains out of you?"

Percy shook his head, "no...no I was just...never mind."

Artemis looked worried but shrugged as she got off Percy causing the demigod to sadden from the loss of warmth. She helped him up as Percy dired them both off using his moisture control.

They sat down next to each other looking at the ocean and the moon overhead. Percy's shock his head as he once again read through his new status, 'this is complete bullshit.'

"You okay Percy?" Artemis asked again, "you seem very distracted."

Percy blinked, "oh, well it's nothing," Percy closed the box, it was a problem for another time, "anyway, thanks."

"For what? Kicking your ass?" Artemis asked giggling.

"Ha-ha, very funny, icy foot" Percy said with a smile.

"Do you want me to hurt you again sea brain?"

"Sea brain? That's horrible nickname, shows a complete lack of imagination."

"Lack of imagination? I have 20 different ways to attract a guy, if that doesn't take imagination then I don't know what does."

Percy and Artemis laughed as the two slowly simply sat there enjoying the other's company.

"Thanks Artemis, I was in a runt and you helped….so thanks."

Artemis smiled, "what are friends for."

Percy nodded, "friend's, right. Anyway I don't even know why I was upset. After all I'm not the 'chosen one' any more, the prophecy isn't my headache now."

"Wait what? What do you mean? You are the only demigod alive of the Eldest Greek Gods Percy."

The demigod shook his head, "not anymore. Thalia, the girl who Zeus zapped into a tree, is back."


"Yeah, I guess the Fleece did a better job than expected, it brought her back in full," Percy said, "she's recovering in the Big House right now."

"Percy I have to go," Artemis said getting up and drying herself off, "Olympus needs to know this right now."

Percy was disappointed, he wanted her to stay longer but he understood. "Well okay then, bye I suppose."

Artemis nodded and flashed away leaving Percy all alone. The demigod sighed as he laid flat on the sand looking up at the stars in the sky. A lot had happened, but in the end it did nothing but test his determination.

The journey ahead is probably going to be filled with danger and betrayals, Percy may to have to become a person he doesn't want to be, but in the end this little crisis of identity, this battle in his head served to only prove one thing, he was going to protect those he cared about, even if they hate him.

Percy soon got up and walked back to the Big House, it was a long and tiring day and it wasn't over yet. Percy needed to tell Annabeth that he forgives her, he needed to forgive his friend. He also eager to meet Thalia, after all it was thanks to her that everyone in camp is still alive.

But as Percy was walking back to the Big House the wind from the sea stopped blowing setting Percy's senses on edge. The wind never stopped blowing around these parts, never.

Percy took out his blade as slowly the darkness around his slowly gathered from the shadows in the trees and bushes to form a mirror directly in front of him.

Percy slowly leveled his blade in front of him, he activated his Body From, 8.0 Eyesight and Speed Demon perk just in case and waited for the black mirror to do something.

Just then an image formed on the surface of the mirror and Percy saw Hades looking at him through it.

"Hades?" Percy asked surprised, "wh-what the hell?"

"Ah, nephew, always a pleasure," the God of the Underworld sneered at Percy.

Percy ignored the clear sarcasm and continued, "what do you want uncle? Persephone using the chains again?"

"No," Hades growled out. Last year Percy had given Persephone the chains of Hephaestus to bind Hades and basically make him her slave. She used that power and basically tortured Hades for months before she got bored and released him. Hades basically became the laughing stock of Olympus and for some reason he blames PErcy for that.

"So what do you want? I assume this isn't a social visit."

"It's not," Hades sighed, "look I'll get straight to the point, I need you to do something for me."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "you want to give me a quest?"

Hades sighed again pinching his nose, "yes. It's very important and it needs to be handled delicately, normally I would give the job to Alecto, my most trusted lieutenant, but as you know she seemed to have a change of heart," he glared at Percy for the last part.

"Oh yeah I remember that," Percy said, "it was around the time you sent her to kill me and kidnapped my mother. Tell me why exactly do you think I would even help you?"

Hades raised an eyebrow, "do you really want to piss me off by saying no?"

"Haven't I already pissed you off?"

Hades sighed again, "fine, you may not want to do this quest for me, but I know you will accept, it is in your nature."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "really. Okay I'll bite, why do you think I will accept this quest?"

"Because it involves demigods," Hades said simply causing Percy to get startled, "ah, look's like I have your attention now."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "how does your quest involve demigods?"

"I will give you the location of two demigods, I want you to locate them and bring them back to camp, unharmed."

"Where are they?"

"They are located in a place called the Lotus casino in Las Vegas, you will have no trouble finding the place I assure you."

"And why are these demigods so special?"

Hades rolled his eyes, "come now Jackson I'm sure you have guessed it by now. Their names are Bianca and Nico di Angelo, and they are my children."