
Chapter 22

Warning! The Gergosa has bitten you!

Percy saw the message but ignored it. He was too busy moving. The second he pushed Clarisse away he realized what was about to happen. He put half his mana into his skin activating his Marble skin skill. His body immediately turned to a grayish white as suddenly his body became harder.

Defense- 1175 x 55 Vit = 64, 625 Defense

The monster bit down on Percy's outstretched right hand breaking into his skin;


Damage! 63,000!

Percy's grimaced as blood slowly oozed out of his arm, but luckily it was still attached to his body. The Gergosa's teeth on the other hand were a different matter. Its front few teeth were broken; it had after all tried to bite into an arm made of marble. Percy looked around, Clarisse was looking at him with fear, Annabeth wasn't faring much better.

'I need to take this thing away from both of them,' Percy realized as he pulled his right hand out of the monster's mouth ripping out its broken teeth. Percy then grabbed its face with both hands and screamed, "ID CREATE: EMPTY!"

Suddenly a pulse of energy was released dragging both Percy and the Gergosa to a reddish pocket dimension where they were alone. Percy released the monster and brought both hands back before smashing both into its face with a roar, "Earthquake fists!"

The blows smashed into the monster's face sending it flying back and away from Percy. It landed head over heels and face down on the floor. Percy panted, he had used half his mana and 200 extra in the span of a few seconds, he was allowed to be tired.

But Percy couldn't just stop there; he took out Riptide and jumped on the monster's fallen form. He then plunged his blade into the monster's neck.

"AHH!" The Gergosa's screech was horrible but to Percy it was the sweet sound of victory.

Critical hit!

1000% of 250 Attack = 2,500 Attack!

Percy withdrew his sword and stabbed again, cutting deeper into the monster's neck;

Critical hit!

1000% of 250 Attack = 2,500 Attack!

He didn't stop; again and again he swiped over its neck cutting deeper and deeper until nothing was left but a mush of flesh and bone.

Critical hit!

1000% of 250 Attack = 2,500 Attack!

Critical hit!

1000% of 250 Attack = 2,500 Attack!

Critical hit!

1000% of 250 Attack = 2,500 Attack!

The boxes kept coming but Percy didn't stop until finally the monster started to disappear into a pile of golden dust. Percy fell to his knees, he was tired as hell, but he knew he couldn't stop, not yet anyway.

Percy put away Riptide and got up he looked around and there, beneath all the golden dust were few items Percy considered to be his loot.

Cost- 5,000$/ 100 D

Bottle of Forest essence;

Will allow the drinker a permanent + 5 to all stats in the forest. Will also enhance the user's sense when in the forest.

Percy put the bottle away for later use and put the money inside his inventory. He then put his hand up, "ID Escape!"

The sky then cracked open revealing the night sky of New York. Percy looked and saw Clarisse and Annabeth staring at him in surprise with Luke and that creepy Agro guy looking just the same. Without another word Percy dashed to the two demigoddesses and grabbed them before putting one hand up shouting, "ID Create: Empty!"

The two campers looked on in surprise at the sky as it changed into a reddish hue as all the noise from the city died out leaving them alone.

"Percy, where are we?" Annabeth asked as she looked around, "What is this place?"

"We don't have time for that Annabeth," Percy said as he let go of both the demigoddesses walking away, "we need to move, now."

Clarisse and Annabeth had questions but understood the urgency of the matter and quickly nodded. "Where are we going?" Clarisse asked as they walked away from the warehouse where they were ambushed.

"Back to camp, this mission is a failure," Percy said as suddenly a drop box appeared in front of him;

Are you sure you want to abandon this quest?

Find Luke and his army!





You will only find Luke next year


Percy sighed and pressed yes, his friends' lives were more important than a quest. He then began quickened his pace before Annabeth spoke up, "Percy are we really just leaving? We don't even know anything about what Luke or that guy is planning."

"Well that may be true but we are going to need a better way to find out, if they have more of those things….well I don't want to find out if they do."

Clarisse looked down sad, "if only we were stronger."

"Oh don't worry yourself too much my dear, there is probably nothing you could have done either way even if you were stronger," a cold and creepy voice called out. Percy froze. That voice, it belonged to Argo.

Just then the sky started to crack open bringing Percy and the others out of the pocket dimension and into the real world. Percy looked behind them and there standing with a smirk on his face was the skinny sharp toothed man known as Argo.


Argo's will has concurred yours! You were forcibly drawn out of your pocket dimension!

Percy's eyes winded after reading that, he didn't even know that was possible! The last time some one's will had conquered his it was freaking Artemis! Who the hell was this guy?! Percy observed him;

Kishin Argo, Dealer




Race- Human (Clear sighted)







The Dealer is a man of mystery and class. He is known as the man who can get you anything, provided you can pay for it. An informant for the Abyss Argo has the knowledge to become an award winning scientist but rather chooses to use his talents in human experiment involving the supernatural. His latest experiments have been focused on clear sighted humans and installing various powers into them.

He wants to kill Percy.

He feels bored.

Percy closed the box and spoke, "I don't know how you did that, but dude, I sure am impressed."

Argo smirked, "well coming from you that is very high praise," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"No, you should be flattered actually," Luke's voice cut in as the demigod stepped into Percy's line of sight, "he doesn't hand out compliments so easily. Even when I showed him my dad's flying shoes the only thing he said was, 'Hey Luke do you think it's a good idea to wear those shoes? They might piss off Zeus.' Didn't even care that I could fucking fly with them on."

Percy frowned, "yeah well sorry I didn't think your stupid shoes were cool asshole. I was too focused on finding out who was trying to start a war by framing me for stealing the Master bolt."

"Well he is impressive," Argo said rubbing his chin, "to use your will to form a pocket dimension is something very difficult to do. Tell me where did you learn to do that?"

"In, 'Kiss-My-Ass High School', care to join?"

Luke laughed as Argo frowned at the insult. Soon however Luke's smile faded and he stopped laughing, "Percy…..come with us. You can help us save the demigods Percy. Together-"

"-Oh shut up already. Gods it's always the same thing with you! Read my lips dipshit, Fuck you and fuck Kronos!"

Agro chuckled, "kid's got balls I'll give him that," the suited man then reached into his suit and pulled out two pink balls covered with red markings. He threw it into the sky and they slowly transformed into two Gergosas, each 20 feet tall one blonde with short hair, the other with long red hair.

This wasn't good; they needed to get out of here, now. Percy needed to hold them off long enough for Annabeth and Clarisse to run.


Quest Alert!

Survive the ambush!


You live!

30,000 $

Skill disk, Lv-2


Make Argo and Luke run away!


Weapon! Light Beam Cannon!


You die

Everyone you love will die

The Earth will turn to dust

The moon will turn to cheese


Percy sighed reading the quest. This thing was starting to bug him but at least it had a sense of humor. He pressed yes and took out Riptide while turning to his friends, "guys I'll hold them off, you two run."

"But Percy-" Clarisse began before Annabeth stopped her with one hand raised; "he's right Clarisse. We need to get out of here, Percy can handle himself."

"Oh but you two aren't going anywhere," Argo said in his soft and creepy voice, "you two are going to be my new test subjects, isn't that right Luke?," Argo said turning to Luke who simply nodded.

"That was the deal," Luke then took out a new bronze blade, his old one was cut in half thanks to Riptide.

"Luke, you aren't actually going to let him...experiment on us, are you?" Annabeth asked in a voice filled with fear.

"I made a promise Annabeth," Luke said in a sorrow tone, "one which I intend to keep."

Annabeth looked at Luke with fear and anger in her eyes. Her worst nightmares were coming true. She didn't want to believe Luke was their enemy, she still held out hope that he wasn't, but seeing him right there in front of her promising a madman that he could do whatever he wanted to them, it was too much. Her anger slowly began to take over, pushing her fear aside, "fine then," Annabeth said drawing her dagger, "bring it on!"

Argo giggled like a schoolgirl, "Oh I like this one, plenty of fighting spirit."

Percy didn't like that man, not one bit. Before they could say anything else though the two Gergosas charged Percy and his group with their mouth filled with drool all the while eyeing them like chocolate treats.

Percy dashed forward and jumped up bringing Riptide down on the blonde one, but before it even reached it something blurred collided with Percy pushing him off course and into a building.

Percy smashed into the wall cracking it and slowly the last of his marble skin defense points went away leaving his skin vulnerable. Percy fell down but managed to land on his feet before looking for who pushed him aside.

In front of him Luke was slowly approaching him with his blade in hand doing his best to look intimidating. But after that time he called Artemis a crazy bitch Percy doubted anything could ever come close.

Percy smirked and readied his blade, "let's see how much you have improved," Percy said as he got up, "if I recall correctly last time I kicked your ass and broke your sword in half."

Luke raised an eyebrow, "I didn't take you for a shit taker Percy. It doesn't really suit the whole Hero thing you got going on."

Percy scoffed at that, "who the hell said I'm a hero? I sure didn't."

"You save people, fight monsters and kill demons; you're a freaking hero Percy."

"Hm, well I suppose that does make me kind of like a hero huh. So does that make you the villain?" Percy asked tightening his grip.

"If that is what I need to be, then yes, that is what I am."

Percy groaned but instead of replying he dashed forward striking out against Luke sending him back with his ferocious strikes. "You still can't keep up with me Luke!" Percy called out as he swung Riptide at Luke's left ribs only for the son of Hermes to move back just in the nick of time.

Percy however kept the attack going forcing Luke towards the main gate. Luke then slipped inside Percy defense and grabbed Percy by his jacket, "never underestimate me!" he kneed Percy in the stomach and threw him back.

Percy moved back holding his stomach. Gamer's mind and body helped numb the pain but Percy still felt uncomfortable. Percy spat out the extra saliva that was gathering in his mouth and readied his blade.

Before Luke could even blink Percy vanished activating his Speed demon perk. Just as Luke wondered where Percy was he appeared right in front of Luke and kicked him in the shin with an mana filled earthquake kick.


"AH!" Luke called out as he fell to his knees holding his leg in pain.

Percy stood and smirked, "I win Luke."

Luke looked up from his broken shin, "are you sure?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "yeah, I'm sure." but just then;

Warning! Attack from behind you!

Percy threw himself to one side just as a black fist found itself where Percy's heart was just moments ago. Percy got up and saw Argo there helping Luke up with his palm completely covered in some kind of black ink.

"Don't give him hints like that Luke," Argo said helping the demigod up, "it's almost like you don't want him to die!"

Percy looked back and saw that Clarisse and Annabeth were still alive, that was good, but the Gergosas from before were still attacking them that was not so good. Something had to be done, those two didn't look like they could last much longer.

Percy turned to Argo and Luke, "time to end this," Argo raised an eyebrow but Percy didn't say anything else. He reached into his inventory and pulled out the gauntlet of Kefka and started to put it on, but suddenly Argo blurred into motion snatching the gauntlet from Percy's hands before Percy even had a chance to react.

"Where did you get this?!" Argo screamed, "where did you, a stupid little shit get this gauntlet?!"

'Fuck! He knows what it is! But how?!' Percy activated his Speed demon perk and dashed forward, if Argo used the gauntlet the chances of him surviving the night would go down to 0%.

Argo tried to put the gauntlet on but Percy swung Riptide at him forcing the man to block the strike with his black palm. The sword struck the palm head on and a chime rang out. It sounded like metal had struck metal; it must have been some kind of spell Argo used, like Percy's marble skin.

Percy grunted and kicked the man man's shin with an Earthquake stomp but again his foot hit metal, his kick didn't do shit. Percy however didn't care about that, he moved to get the gauntlet back only for Argo to back away a few feet back.

"You got skill kid I'll give you that," Argo said with a sadistic smile, "but you still can't compete with me."

Percy smirked, "you sure about that?" Percy didn't reply for an answer as he blurred towards Argo, his fingers scraped the edge of the gauntlet before Argo managed to move away. 'He has great instincts,' Percy thought and soon the two were in a battle of keep away.

Argo ran down the road with Percy just a few feet behind him. The man was fast, but not as fast as Percy. The demigod grunted and jumped over the man and brought down an Earthquake knee to his face.


The sound of hitting metal rung out as Argo stopped in his tracks while Percy landed back a few feet holding his knee. His leg was numb, he couldn't feel shit, and Percy looked up and saw Argo's head covered with that black substance.

"What the fuck are you?" Percy asked standing up straight.

The man smirked, "a God."

Percy chuckled, "Yeah well so is my dad."

"Oh yes I know, but you see, with this," Argo motioned to the gauntlet, "even he will be nothing compared to me."

Percy dashed forward and swung riptide at the man's head, not giving Argo the chance to put on the gauntlet. Argo blocked the strike with one Black Hand but then noticed Percy's other hand reaching for the gauntlet of Kefka. Argo drew back his arm carrying the weapon and threw the gauntlet to the side before smashing his fist into Percy's stomach.

Percy buckled at the punch and was thrown back. His dinner threatened to come out but Percy held back the vomit. He looked up at Argo and slowly his eyes turned yellow.

"My my, how scary," Argo's eyes widened in surprise.

'No! If I lose control I could hurt annabeth and Clarisse,' Percy thought to himself, pushing down the anger and allowing gamer's mind to work on clearing his head. His eyes slowly turned back to green and he stood up. He brought up Riptide before throwing it aside, it couldn't cut his skin, but he did have an idea on what could.

"Oh so this is going to be a fist fight? Nice choice, I haven't beaten someone to death in a long time," Argo smirked as he took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves, turning his head back to normal before turning both his arms black, "let's rumble."

Annabeth jumped to the side just as the blonde Gergosa closed its giant mouth where she stood just a second ago. the daughter of wisdom then turned around to see the hungry look the monster was sending her, a look she remembered seeing in the eyes of the monsters that tried to kill her and her friends.

The Gergosa turned its giant head towards Annabeth and crawled on its hands and feet towards Annabeth. The girl moved back, her legs shaking in fear. Just then the monster opened its mouth and lunged forward before a voice cried out.

"Annabeth!" Clarisse yelled out as the demigoddess jumped onto the Gergosa's neck plunging her spear to its hilt into the neck before sending a large amount of electricity into it causing its limbs to give out below it paralyzing the monster..

The daughter of Ares got down from the human looking creature before looking at Annabeth, "are you alright?"

"I'll be fine," Annabeth said looking at the Gergosa slowly getting back to its knees, the effects of the electric shock already wearing off, "we need to go, now. Where did the one following you go?"

"I lost him," Clarisse said before a loud roar rang out startling the two, "but it looks like he found us."

"We need to hide inside there," Annabeth pointed to the warehouse from where the first Gergosa came out of.

"Let's go then!" Clarisse said as she and Annabeth ran into the warehouse through the giant hole in the wall. Inside was a maze of shelves 30 feet tall with wooden boxes stacked inside them. Annabeth and Clarisse ran deeper and deeper inside the warehouse before the maze ended giving view to a large empty stretch of space with stalls littered everywhere.

"Stalls?" Clarisse asked, "why the hell are stalls here?"

"Biggy did say this was a place where people in the Abyss come to sell weapons," Annabeth answered as she looked around. The stalls looked like they had been checked vigorously, with banners torn and some stalls thrown to the side.

"Were they searching them for something?"

"Well this is a weapons auction, maybe they wanted weapons," Annabeth said before noticing something strange, "something is wrong here."


"Where are all the people?" Annabeth asked, "there are stalls here, but no people."

"Maybe they left."

Annabeth opened her mouth to argue back but suddenly two very angry sounding roared rang out alerting them to the fact that the Gergosa were now inside the warehouse. "We can worry about this later, right now we need to survive."

Clarisse nodded and pointed to the top of the shelves, "we need to get to high ground. If what you said was true, and based on how that thing reacted when I plunged my spear into it, their only weakness must be the back of their necks."

Annabeth nodded and soon the two demigoddesses climbed up the tall shelves, all the training on the Climbing Wall was really paying off.

Clarisse then lead Annabeth around, jumping over the shelves and walkways searching for their enemies. Just then;


"There," Clarisse whispered pointing to where a shelf had just fallen over. Annabeth nodded as the two slowly walked over to where the disturbance was. There, just like Clarisse guessed was the red haired Gergosa.

Clarisse readied her spear before reading herself, she crouched down and just as the Gergosa passed below her she jumped plunging her spear into the monster's neck sending several volts of electricity into the monster.

"ARGHH!" The Gergosa yelled out in pain as it shook itself sending Clarisse flying away into a self before the daughter of Ares fell down hard on the ground.

Annabeth watched in horror as Clarisse hit the floor, luckily nothing seemed to be broken, but Annabeth could see blood flowing from Clarisse's temple. 'We need to treat her, fast.'

She then turned to the Gergosa which was shaking its head trying to shake away the pain. The monster then turned to Clarisse's fallen form before slowly moving towards the demigoddess.

Annabeth's eyes shot up in fear. She couldn't let her friend die. Suddenly her body moved, she ran forward before turning around to face the Gergosa's back. The spear was still stuck inside its neck, if Annabeth could just grab it she could perhaps kill that thing once and for all.

The monster now stood on top of Clarisse and slowly bent down to pick her up. 'NOW!' Annabeth thought running towards the edge before jumping off with both hands stretched out. She grabbed onto the very end of Clarisse's spear as her weight pulled the spear down ripping a huge chunk of flesh out of the Gergosa's neck before falling down.

Annabeth landed on her side and heard something crack inside her, probably a rib. She still had Clarisse's spear in her hand and on the tip was a huge hunk of the Gergosa's neck.

"ARGHHHH!" the mutilated monster yelled as it fell to the side knocking over another shelf to the ground before exploding into a cloud of smoke.

Annabeth coughed out blood as she slowly pulled herself up watching as the monster slowly disappeared into nothing. She got to her feet and slowly got up, her ribs hurt but she couldn't afford to stop. She reached into her backpack and pulled out an Ambrosia square before swallowing it whole.

Slowly her ribs start to mend themselves enough for Annabeth to walk without too much discomfort. She then walked over to Clarisse who was still knocked out.

'I need to do something about that wound,' Annabeth thought. She couldn't feed Clarisse the Ambrosia, the girl couldn't chew and Nectar didn't help physical wounds as much as cure exhaustion.

"ARGH!" it was the roar of the blonde Gergosa from before. It was now inside the warehouse and it was looking for them both,

Seeing no other choice Annabeth grabbed Clarisse and slung her arm over her shoulder. She grabbed Clarisse's body with one hand then used the other to hold Clarisse's spear.

She then slowly dragged the demigoddess out of the warehouse gritting her teeth at the weight of her friend, 'Clarisse really needs to go on a diet'.

Argo blurred into motion appearing in front of Percy with two arms drawn back ready to pierce him through.

Percy activated the speed demon perk in the last second dodging Argo's attack before sending an Earthquake kick right into the man's stomach.


Percy moved to side and ignored the pain he was feeling in his leg. He saw Argo hold his stomach with a one hand as he laughed, "come now Percy don't you know by now that doesn't work on me?"

Percy didn't understand what was going on. Even if that man's skin was protected by that black substance the vibrations his Earthquake attacks sent out should be hurting his internal organs!

"You're probably wondering why you can't seem to hurt me with those vibrating attack's of yours," Argo said smirking, "well that answer is simple really you see-."

"-Oh do shut up," Percy said interrupting him, "enough with the monologue. What are you a Bond villain?"

Argo raised an eyebrow, "most people would be happy that their enemy is explaining their powers to them."

Percy sighed, "Yeah okay sure it would be smart of me to listen to your explanation and then figure out a way to defeat you, but by the gods your voice is so annoying! It's like my ears are going to rip themselves off my head just so that they don't have to listen to it anymore!"

Argo blinked at Percy and for a long time simply stared before saying, "Has anyone ever told you that have a penchant for pissing people off?"

Percy shrugged, "deal with it." The demigod then sprinted and reappeared in front of Argo and sent a punch at the man's face. Argo blocked the strike with one hand but just then Percy opened his other hand and sent out a blue fire ball towards the man's head.

Argo release Percy and moved back batting the fire ball away with his black hand before suddenly the shadows created by the fire ball launched up from the ground and sliced into Argo's face.

"Shit!" Argo cursed before he blurted back. His face had several cuts on it and blood slowly poured out of his wounds.

"I already know how to beat you," Percy said lighting up two more fireballs, "I just have to aim at the normal colored part of you."

"I thought you were a son of Poseidon! How the hell can you create fireballs and control shadows?!"

"I'm special," Percy replied before sending both fireballs at Argo. The blue flames lit up the night as Percy commanded the shadows under Argo's feet to attack him. The suited man started to swing his arms quickly with his left taking care of the fire balls and his right cutting the tendrils of shadows that were coming out of the ground for him.

'So his black arms can nullify magic,' Percy figured out. The fireballs weren't doing any arm to his clothes, which should at least be burnt when something so hot came near it, and furthermore the shadows that Argo cut looked like they were melting in his arms, something that Percy remembered his shadows doing only when he didn't have any more mana to power them with.

Instead of attacking Argo, Percy dashed to his gauntlet with his ridiculously high speed. But just before his hands could even touch it Argo swooped in and grabbed the thing before jumping away towards Luke.

"Get back here you slutspawn!" Percy cried out before dashing towards Argo. He managed to catch up to Argo just as they reached the warehouse. He grabbed Argo and reached for the gauntlet but Argo threw him aside.

Percy skidded across the ground and looked up just in time to see Argo put on the gauntlet.

"NO!" Percy cried out. Argo laughed as he moved his fingers getting a feel for the weapon.

"With this I can rule the world!" Argo roared out holding the gauntlet up in the air. He then channeled mana into the gauntlet, "come out my minions!"

Percy then watched as slowly smoke started to pour out of the gauntlet. A feeling of dread filled him as slowly the smoke turned solid tacking the form of five distinct forms. But before they could solidify the gauntlet started to spark as a surge of electricity went out of it and into Argo.

"ARGH!" Argo cried out in pain and quickly took off the gauntlet and threw it aside holding his left arm in pain.

Percy grabbed the gauntlet and saw Argo's arm, it was black, and not black from his special skill but black from getting burnt. His entire arm was smoking as little peices of skin was seen cut off in different places.

"What did that thing do to me?" Argo screamed doubt looking at Percy, "you'll pay for this brat!"

Percy narrowed his eyes before slowly putting the gauntlet on. He channeled his mana into it and prayed to his dad that it wouldn't shock him like it did Argo. Luckily though everything seemed normal as five smoky figures spread out of Percy's left arm.

Zed, Craig, Alecto, Marchosias and Cerberus stood besides and behind Percy as they all brandished their weapons, or fangs and fists at Argo. "Try me bitch," Percy said with narrowed eyes as he slowly reached into his pocket pulling out and uncapped Riptide.

Argos' eyes widened in fear at the sight of the monsters at Percy's side. He looked at Percy and glared;

Bloodlust detected! Argo!

Percy sighed and pushed the box away. He then looked at Argo read to fight the man to death but just then Annabeth, who was dragging an unconscious Clarisse on her back, came out of the warehouse and right behind them was the blonde haired Gergosa.

"Annabeth!" Percy cried out before turning to his servants, "help them!" The five nodded running to the demigoddess, but Marchosias reached there first as the winged wolf took a huge bite out of the Gergosa's feet.

Percy then turned to Argo, behind whom was Luke. "Let's finish this," Percy said reading his blade, they both were injured, this would be Percy's only chance at beating them.

Luke smiled as he placed his hand on Argo's shoulder, "maybe next time kiddo," and just then the two vanished in a flash of light that nearly blinded Percy. The son of Poseidon blinked and soon realized her was now alone.

'Shit!' Percy cursed himself for letting them get away. He then ran to Annabeth and Clarisse as he took the daughter of war off Annabeth holding her up with one arm, "are you okay?"

Annabeth nodded, "broken rib, but I had some Ambrosia, I'll live."

Percy nodded and then looked at Clarisse who was slowly bleeding out of her head covering his black jacket in blood. "Shit," Percy cursed as he held her tighter, "what happened?"

"She tried to attack one of them by jumping off a 30 foot shelf. She managed to hurt him, but she fell down pretty hard."

Percy felt her ribs, luckily nothing was broken but her left arm did feel fractured, "we need to get her somewhere safe, now."

"But what about-" Annabeth's words died in her mouth as she turned to the blind Gergosa who was now nothing more than scraps of meat slowly dissolving in Cerberus's mouth.


You have leveled up!

'Huh how did that happen? Oh right my servants took care of the Gergosa, sweet free Exp.'

Percy Jackson

Health-2,600/2,600(+1000) = 3,600

Mana-1,475/1,475(+1000) = 2,475

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-19 Exp- 17,898/69,000









MONEY- 87,597$/466D


Quest Completed!

Survive the ambush!


You live!

30,000 $

Skill disk, Lv-2


Make Argo and Luke run away!

And just like that three objects spread and landed in front of Percy and Annabeth. One was a skill disk and the other was a stack of cash held together by a band. The third however was a giant white canon with black circuits carved along the weapon. Percy observed it;

Light Beam Cannon,

A canon that uses light to form beams of energy. Light can be stored up inside the canon like a solar panel and be used at anytime, anyplace.

Damage- 4 x number of minutes it has collected solar energy

Warning! Overcharging can cause a backlash from the weapon which may hurt the user!

Note: You will get +500 Attack if you shout, 'Super beam cannon!' at the top of your voice when using this weapon!

Percy read its info and was frankly impressed with the weapon. This would surely come in handy later.

"P-percy, what is that?" Annabeth asked as she slowly back away from the three things that suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"It-s ah…. it's a long story," Percy said as his monsters slowly walked back to Percy and Annabeth. The daughter of wisdom looked nervous seeing all of those monsters, after all one was literally the guardian of the Underworld and the other was the personal servant of Hades himself.

"Relax," Percy told Annabeth who was reaching for her dagger, "they are on our side."

Annabeth looked at Percy and then at the monsters in front of her before she narrowed her eyes at him, "explain."

Percy nodded, "I will, but right now we need to help Clarisse." Annabeth glared at Percy but eventually sighed nodding her head. Percy turned to Cerberus, "Cerberus I need you to go back to the Underworld and guard it like before."

The three headed dog started to whine and all three head began looking at Percy with what could only be described as 'the puppy dog eyes'. Percy felt like his heart was going to melt the longer he looked into those three pairs of eyes. Any normal human would have just given in at that point but luckily Percy had Gamer's mind to keep in him check.

"I'm sorry buddy, but I made a deal with Persephone and Hades. But I promise I'll call you some time and then we can play together, okay?" Percy said causing Cerberus to lower its heads and whine even louder. Oh Gods this was so difficult to do, "I'm sorry buddy, but I promise you I'll call you soon okay? Every Sunday, I promise!"

The three headed dog smiled at that and quickly nodded it's heads before it jumped into the shadow of the warehouse, shadow traveling to the Underworld.

Percy sighed; he so needed to get immune to those thrice damned pleading eyes of Cerberus or the dog was going to become his master instead of the other way around. He then turned to Clarisse who was slowly paling in complexion.

"Can we get to camp in time to save her?" Percy asked Annabeth.

"No….I don't think so. She's losing too much blood," Annabeth said touching Clarisse's skin, "she's also freezing."

Percy nodded and then looked at Alecto, the only one who could fly her in time to save her life, "Alecto do you think-"

"-Don't even ask me," Alecto said crossing her arms, "I'm a good flyer and all, but if you want me to get somewhere fast, I'm going to have to fly recklessly, and who knows what type of damage that could do to her body."

"She's right," Annabeth said looking at Percy with hope slowly dying in her face, "we can't risk it."

Percy looked at Clarisse and held her tight, he needed to do something, anything! He was the reason she was even hurt, if he had tried to do this on his own then maybe she wouldn't be hurt right now. If there was only a way he could transport her without anything happening to her body. Like a car that went supersonic or a pod that froze her body so that her life wouldn't be in immediate danger…..wait a second.

"I got it!" Percy yelled out causing everyone to jump back a little from the enthusiasm. He lifted Clarisse up bridal style and held her calling out, "inventory!"

The brown box appeared in front of him and Percy increased the size of the box before sliding Clarisse into the pocket space he used to store his items. Annabeth watched as Percy put Clarisse….somewhere. Soon she was gone leaving a gob smacked Annabeth and a smug looking Percy.

"W-what did you do?" Annabeth asked as she waved her hand in the general direction that she saw Clarisse disappear to.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Percy commented as he took his quest rewards from before, the skill disk, money and light beam cannon, and put them in this inventory, "It's one of my powers. Right now Clarisse is being stored safely in a place that will keep her in stasis, until we reach camp that is."

"So she's safe?" Annabeth asked with relief shining on her face.

Percy nodded, "she's safe. But we shouldn't waste time; we need to get back to camp right away."

"Fine, but the moment we reach camp you are telling me what the hell is going on with you. How can you command these-these monsters? And how the hell can you move so fast?! And where did you take that first Gergosa?!"

Percy held up a hand calming Annabeth don who was panting due to lack to breath, "relax Annabeth, I'll tell everything. Just not now, okay?"

Annabeth nodded, "yeah, I got it."

Percy nodded and turned to Alecto, "think you can fly us both to camp?"

The math teacher shook her head, "I'm a one passenger kind of vehicle."

"But I can," Marchosias cut in turning all attention to her.

"You can?" Percy asked with an eyebrow raised.

Marchosias spread her wings wide before flapping them down hard pushing out a gust of wind, "these aren't only for show you know."

Percy nodded and turned to Annabeth, "you up for riding on the back of a demon?"

Annabeth looked at Marchosias and then Percy, "you sure it won't eat us?"

Percy nodded, "I'm sure, and it is a she. And be warned she is a very nosy person. Very annoying."

Marchosias scoffed at that but said nothing to defend herself. Percy dismissed the rest of his servants before going to where the last Gergosa was and collecting the 5,000 $ and three low grade potions. He then mounted Marchosias, not that type of mounting, pervert, and helped Annabeth on.

"You sure you can carry the both of us?" Percy asked, "I could always toss Annabeth into my inventory."


"Hm, it would be nice to spend some alone time with you, master," Marchosias purred the last word out.

"Okay so you can fly us both, that's good to hear," Percy continued on pretending he just didn't hear Marchosias purr. That coming from a giant wolf and not from a naked woman was far less sexy and far more disturbing.

"Hm, fine," Marchosias said as she spread her wings before running forward and shooting into the sky.

"HOOOOOLY SHIT!" Annabeth yelled out as she grabbed Percy's wait who in turn grabbed Marchosias neck.

"This is so cool!" Percy cried out as Marchosias zoomed across the city skyline giving a clear view of New York city. The lights reflected off the windows making it look like they were flying through a tunnel of light. Percy smiled, and for a moment simply enjoyed the feeling of flying. For now, this single moment everything was good.

But just as that feeling came it went, as Marchosias soon flew past the city and towards camp. "Do you know where we are going?!" Percy screamed louder than the roaring wind.

"Of course I do. Don't you think that if I didn't I would ask you before we took off?!" Marchosias yelled back.

"Good point!" Percy replied as the three slowly made it onto Long Island. After a few minutes of flying at incredible speeds they reached Montauk and Marchosias landed right on the hill that lead to camp.

Percy and Annabeth got of and Percy turned to his servant, "thanks Marchosias, you really saved us a lot of time and energy."

"You know there are other ways you can thank me," Marchosias said with a growl in her throat, she then exploded into shadows but before she could take on her human form Percy put her back into the gauntlet. Yeah, he really didn't want Annabeth to start freaking out when she saw Marchosias in her human form.

"Well at least we got here fast," Annabeth said as she climbed the hill, "come on we need to get Clarisse to the med bay."

"Right," Percy said as she opened up his inventory and slowly pulled Clarisse out. He then held her carefully walking towards camp.

"Why did you take her out now? You could have done it inside and not have to carry so much weight."

"I don't want others to know about my powers just yet Annabeth," Percy spoke just as they reached the entrance to camp, "I trust you, but I don't' trust everyone here."

"Percy you nearly died for these people, you went to the Underworld for these people, how can you not trust them?"

"Because…..because the first demigod from camp I trusted with my life was Luke."

Annabeth stopped in her path just as they reached the Big House, "Percy I…...I can't make excuses for Luke, but the rest of us won't betray you like he did Percy. We wouldn't do that to you."

Percy nodded as he walked up the the door, "I know, I know that, but I still can't bring myself to trust them. Maybe one day I can, but for now I want this to remain a secret."

"Who else knows? About your powers I mean"

"Just you, my dad and the Fates," Percy said as Annabeth opened the door for him.

"Wow, ain't I special."

"Indeed you are Annabeth, indeed you are."

Percy brought Clarisse to the second floor and put her on the first bed he found while Annabeth called a child of Apollo to come and look at Clarisse. Soon they had her stabilized with a fresh supply of blood flowing through her, from what the Apollo kids were saying she was going to be fine.

Percy and Annabeth stayed at Clarisse side and soon Chiron came to join them. He was genuinely surprised to see the three campers again and his face showed it, "I take it things didn't go too well."

"Yeah no shit," Percy commented his eyes fixed on Clarisse.

"It was a trap. Luke was ready for us," Annabeth said before continuing in a low tone, "and he had Gergosa's with him."

Chiron looked shocked beyond belief, "what?! How is that possible?"

"We don't know," Annabeth replied and slowly she began to fill Chiron in on everything that had happened to them on their quest.

Percy sighed watching them and got up heading out. Annabeth and Chiron didn't notice him leaving and continued to discuss on how Luke could have gotten his hands on a Gergosa. Percy walked out of the Big House and quickly walked to one place that always calmed him down, the beach.

Slowly all the emotions that Percy had bottled up inside of himself had slowly started to leak out. He let Gamer's mind slip out and slowly he started to feel everything he was hiding away. The anger, the guilt, the pain and the regret.

All of pulled on his heart strings and slowly Percy felt the weight of the world on him. He reached the beach and the sight of the waters in front of him made him relaxed, the pain was still there, but now it was manageable.

He started to sort out what he felt. The anger was because of Luke. The very sight of the traitor just made him want to punch something. The guilt and regret was because he had brought two of his friends into danger.

And the pain was because he couldn't do anything to make sure they didn't get hurt. It was pure luck they defeated the Gergosa and lived, and even then Clarisse nearly died and Annabeth was almost monster food.

Percy sat down and watched the waves as slowly a tear flowed from his face. I was too much, it was too much for him to take on alone.

"Percy?," a soft voice called out grabbing Percy's attention.

Percy wiped his tears and turned around seeing Nina in her black apron with soot spread across her face. She smiled at him as she sat down next to him crossing her legs.

"Nina, what are you doing here?" Percy asked the daughter of Hephaestus.

"I was just in the armory when somebody came in and said that Clarisse was in the med bay. Most of us stopped working and went to the Big House to see her but I noticed you walking in the other way. I just wanted to see what you were doing."

"I see," Percy said turning back to the sea, it was sweet that she cared so much but then again he didn't really feel like talking.

"Were you doing something?" Nina asked.

"No I was just… look it's nothing. I just wanted to be alone that's all."

"It didn't look like it was nothing. Kind of looked like you were about to eat a hot iron bar through your ear."

Percy looked at her surprised, "what?"

Nina burst into laughter, "oh that face! Haha, clueless face is so cute!"

Percy grumbled, "Crazy smith."

"Shut it water-boy."

"You know for a smith you aren't very creative when it comes to nicknames."

"Yes I am. Water-boy is a perfect nickname for you."

"Yeah sure, I'm a son of Poseidon so I'm waterboy. Very clever."

"Oh okay then how about this, bottles-up-his-feelings-boy. What do you think?"

"I don't bottle up-" Percy started but stopped before looking down, "look Nina it's nothing. Not even worth mentioning."

"Somehow I find that hard to believe."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Kind of," Nina replied as she looked at Percy who moved to meet her eyes, "what's wrong Percy?"

"It's…..it's everything. Clarisse is in danger because of me. She got hurt because I brought her along, if I didn't-"

"-Then it would be someone else in that hospital bed. Look Percy you can't just go fighting monsters on your own, you need backup, you need your friends."

"Not if I get strong enough. Not if I get so strong that no one I care about will ever be hurt again."

"Percy…..then what?"

"Huh?" Percy looked puzzled and stared at Nina who looked at Percy with a hard glare.

"What would you do after you become the strongest? Assume for a second you are the strongest, like no one can beat you, not the gods, not even the Fates. Then what?"

"Then...then…. I don't know" Percy admitted after thinking.

"Percy you can be a legend, but if there is no one with you as you do that then there's no point in you doing anything. Power is necessary Percy, but you need a reason for that power more than anything else."

Percy looked at Nina and he spoke, "who are you?"

Nina titled her head and giggled, "what do you mean Percy? I'm me."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "no, you're not." He then saw the name and level hanging above this person's head for the first time;

Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth


Percy's eyes shot up and whispered, "Hestia."

Nina's face turned to one of shock and surprise before she smiled, "Poseidon's children always were quick," she then exploded into a cloak of flames before reappearing in the form of an 8 year old child with a brown red greek dress and brown hair. The thing that attracted Percy's attention though was her eyes, her fiery eyes. And this wasn't the kind of fire Percy saw in Ares's eyes, no, this was the warm and sweet, like the flames of a hearth.

"Why are you here?" Percy quickly got over his surprise and finally managed to ask her.

"Because I could sense your anguish all the way from Olympus Perseus," Hestia replied as she turned to the sea enjoying the wind that blew through her curly locks.

"So….this is what? A social call?" Percy asked as he slowly reached for Riptide. This woman, well kid really, didn't seem like she meant to harm him but he wanted to be ready in case anything happens. After all for all he knew she could explode in a fire ball at anytime just for fun.

"You will not need Anaklusmos with me Perseus, I mean no harm to you," Hestia said closing her eyes still enjoying the sea breeze.

"Yes well sorry if I don't take your word for it. The last goddess I met tried to pierce me with arrows, not to mention turn me into a deer. And that was the one that I got along with,"

Hestia giggled as Percy smiled happy to hear the sound of her voice. In a single word, it was angelic. "I assure you Perseus, I came only to help you get over your feeling of...depression."

"Basically you're going to try and make me stop being such a little emo bitch."

Hestia smiled, "well when you put it like that…."

Percy sighed and took his hand away from his pocket, "fine. But why now? There have been plenty of times where I have been depressed before, plenty of time where I could have used the gods' help, why have you only come now?"

"I came because I was told to Perseus."

"Please it's Percy, and what do you mean told? Who told you to do this? Zeus?"

Hestia shook her head and looked at Percy with eyes wide open, "the Fates."

Percy frowned, "great, what do they want now?."

"They told me to talk to you Pers-Percy, and help you get through your feelings. they told me that you had a very important role in the future, something they said they already told you about."

Percy got a quick flashback to the time at the bus stand, he remembered the Fates showing him an article on Kronos, giving him a clue behind who was behind all of this, warning him about war. "Sigh, okay. fine I get it. But again I don't know why they sent you here, I mean isn't there something more valuable to do with your time?"

Hestia smiled, "there is nothing more valuable to me than helping one of my nephews. For my Percy, family is everything."

"I thought family was Hera's domain."

Hestia smiled, "we share it. But while Hera looks after her close family members I see all of them."

Percy nodded taking that new information in. "So…. are you done? Like are you done doing what you came here to do? Because I feel much better, promise."

Lie Failed!

Hestia smiled, "you are a bad liar."

"Well depends on the lie really," Percy said looking at the sea. A few moments passed where a silence fell between them. Percy felt awkward, he could talk to Nina, he knew her but this goddess was a total stranger to him. 'Fine might as well get this over with,' Percy thought before he spoke, "so you were saying something about power?"

Hestia smiled before speaking, "I was an Olympian Percy, the daughter of Kronos himself. My siblings were where you are right now, they each wanted revenge alone. That legend about them immediately becoming allies to defeat Kronos, that was just an exaggeration. In reality it took years for us to even consider joining forces and fight as one. Zeus was just as powerful alone as he was with us, but you see he never once won a battle when he was alone. Only with us, his siblings did he even have a chance at beating father.

"So you see Percy, even legends need help sometimes. I know the pain you feel, the anguish, the guilt, but all of that, all of that blame is not on you,it is not your fault your friends are loyal to you, loyal enough to risk their lives. You are a leader, whether you like or not you are the leader of this camp, and right now war is coming to your door steps and if you stand alone to fight it you will die."

Percy looked into Hestia's flaming eyes and tried to see whether she was lying. which didn't work because hello, she has freaking fire in her eyes! Percy sighed and looked away, "things were so much simpler when all I had to worry about was getting good grades, doing my homework and making my mom proud."

"Would you rather fight monsters or do homework?" Hestia asked with a childish smile that matched her form.

"Monsters, definitely monsters," Percy replied causing Hestia to laugh. The two smiled and soon Percy spoke again, "so the Fates wanted you to tell me that I'm supposed to lead the demigods, is that right?"

Hestia nodded, "well that and cheering you up. After all that is my duty on Olympus."

"So you're what? The official caretaker of the Olympians?

Hestia giggled, "well when you say it like that…."

"Sigh," Percy laid back on the sand and looked up at the stars, "I don't know who I can trust. I don't know if they would even listen to me. Or if I even want to fight this war. I understand that as a demigod I am a part of this world, I get that I do, but…..I just don't want to fight in a war that could kill my friends."

"Now when did I ever say you would have to fight a war?"

"But you said-"

"-You can fight Percy that is if you want to. All the Fates want you to do Percy is be the leader of the camp, protect the camp as best you can. Nothing more, and nothing less."

"But what if I can't?" Percy asked looking at Hestia.

"You can," Hestia said as she slowly vanished by turning into flames, "I believe you can."

Percy watched as the wisps of fire slowly vanished leaving him alone. "Yeah well you're the only one."

He stayed there for some time, he heard rattling on and on with no idea what he should do. He stayed there, in that spot, looking at the sky for the entire night. When the rays of the morning sun hit his face Percy knew it was time to move.

He got up and dusted himself off before heading off to the Big House. Inside the Med bay Clarisse's bed was surrounded by her siblings, most of whom Percy knew personally (he kicked their asses during their spars.).

"Percy you're here," Peter called out causing everything to look at the son of Poseidon.

"Yeah, just needed…...some time to process this," Percy replied as he moved closer.

"Annabeth said you helped save her life," Matthew said as he got up and before Percy could say anything grabbed him in a big hug crushing Percy, "thank you."

"It's nothing," Percy managed to say before slipping out of Mathew's bear hug, "she wouldn't even be in this position in I hadn't brought her along for the quest."

"Hey don't do that to yourself," Peter said putting his hand on Percy's shoulder, "Clarisse is the best fighter Ares cabin has to offer," a couple of Ares's kids coughed, "you know it's true! Anyway as I was saying if she couldn't come out of there unharmed, none of us could. So shut up, you're a hero, accept it and move on. Or else I'll kick your ass."

Percy smiled and nodded and for the next hour he and the rest of Ares cabin talked as they waited for Clarisse to wake up. Eventually however the Apollo kids who were working at the Med bay threw everyone out, saying they were disturbing the atmosphere.

Percy went to the Mess Hall and grabbed a bite to eat and saw Nina, the real Nina, acting completely normal. After that Percy went to his cabin and smiled the moment he stepped inside, it was good to be home.

Percy put away the stuff in his backpack and took of his jacket getting ready for a short nap. Gamer's body made it that he didn't need sleep, but having a nap is a nice thing to do once in a while.

Just as Percy put away his jacket he felt something in one of the pockets, something heavy. Percy carefully reached into the right side pockets and pulled out what looked to be a silver crescent moon. Percy quickly used Observe;

Secure communications device;

Capable of projecting images like a projector. It has a speaker and mic built into its sides with a lens and camera. This device is connected to its twin, which one can call using this device.

Note: This device is secure and cannot be tracked by man or God.

Percy raised an eyebrow at that. When did he even get something like that? Percy tried to search his memories for when he could have gotten this thing and suddenly something stood out;

Luke slipped inside Percy defense and grabbed Percy by his jacket, "never underestimate me!" he kneed Percy in the stomach and threw him back.

'Luke' Percy though as he looked at the crescent moon closely, right on top he could see a little depression, which meant that was the button he would need to press in order to turn this thing on. 'But why did he even give me this? What's the point?'

Percy knew he should just throw the device away, but his curiosity had awoken, he needed to know why Luke wanted to talk.

Percy sighed, 'please don't explode or something,' his Observe didn't show anything like that, but then again anything could happen. He pressed the button and suddenly the crescent moon flew out of Percy's hand and started to hover in mid air. A camera appeared on top and out of the inside of the crescent shape came a lens which projected a big blue screen on Percy's wall.

Percy watched as slowly the blue screen disappeared, replaced with Luke whose entire body was being projected. 'Oh great,' Percy thought before he spoke in a low tone, "why did you put this thing in my jacket Luke?"

"I wanted to talk to you Percy," Luke said, his voice coming out of the crescent moon's speaker, "I needed to talk to you."

"Is it about how much you like kissing Kronos's ass? Because I don't want to hear it."

"Percy I'm being serious."

"Oh hi being Serious I'm Percy, if that's all Being Serious than I'm hangin up now," Percy moved to take out Riptide.

"It's about the camp."

And then he stopped. Percy looked up and glared, "talk."

"My decisions are my own, I chose to follow Kronos. And I wanted the camp to join me, and they would have, if you weren't around."

"Yeah, not really sorry about that. Get to your point."

"My point is this, since none of the campers joined us they are now a liability, and Kronos doesn't like liabilities. Sooner or later he is going to target camp, and I don't want that to happen."

"You betrayed us Luke. You summoned monsters inside camp that killed so many and then your titan friends joined in the fun and-"

"Look I'm not saying I haven't made mistakes okay! I know that! That is my burden to bear, but I cannot just sit by and watch as the only place I ever called home be burned down!"

"So all of a sudden you care about the campers?!" Percy asked with narrowed eyes, "you set a Gergosa on us Luke! No wait, you set three! Those things almost ate Annabeth and killed Clarisse! You know those two right? Seen them around camp sometime?"

"I couldn't do anything to have prevented that Percy! Argo is a mad man, a monster that experiments on people and he just joined Kronos' side in all of this. I saw what he does….and it….it scared me. He joined on the condition that he could experiment on all the demigods we caught, and in that moment I knew I had to do something, something to save my family, even if they hate me for it. So yes I let Argo do what he wanted to make him think I was on his side. And I knew, I knew that you would protect Clarisse and Annabeth Percy, that's why I didn't stop him."

"So what? You want to be our spy?" Percy asked crossing his arms.

"...Yes, I do."

Percy narrowed his eyes,"You're fucking crazy Luke."

"I don't care what you think of me Percy. I only care about one thing, helping my family."

"You're not family anymore Luke," Percy said as he moved to turn off the crescent moon.

"Wait! Before you decide anything just think about my offer. Please Percy I-" Percy pressed the off switch and the current moon shut down landing on Percy's open plan. The son of Poseidon looked at the device in his hands and wondered what he should do.

'Sigh, I'm too tired for this shit,' Percy said as he put the crescent moon on his table before getting into his bed and falling asleep.


You have slept in your own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy swiped the box away and got up. It was dark but Percy saw several campers moving outside meaning it was still early in the night. He got up and went to the Mess Hall where he grabbed some dinner.

He began eating it and looked around at the campers next to him. There were all smiles and cheers, Clarisse was already out of the Med bay and eating with her brothers and sisters .Percy sighed as he thought over what had happened to him, he got a friend hurt, got advised by a goddess who is the shrink of the Olympians, almost got his most powerful weapon taken away from him and the person who he hates the most just offered to be his spy.

Percy sighed again, this was getting troublesome. In truth Percy wanted to say yes to Luke right then and there, but he still didn't trust him, he doubted he could ever trust Luke again. But yet if there was a chance for him to make sure his friends live through the war that is coming, then he needed to take it.

Percy eyed the entire room, all the cabin members looked happy and content and then his eyes fell on the hearth. Percy's eyes winded as he noticed Hestia there sitting right next to the fire, tending to it with a red hot poker. She looked at him and smiled and pointed with the poker to the campers.

Percy smiled back, 'fine then, let's do it your way.' Percy got up after he finished his food and quickly moved across the various cabin tables talking to his friends telling them to meet him after dinner.

Later that Night,

Percy found himself in the war room just as slowly several demigods walked in. There was Clarisse, who had a bandage across her head, Annabeth, Michael Yew, Chiron and finally Nina who closed the door behind her.

"Hey Percy," Michael said waving to him, "so what did you want to talk about?."

Percy nodded as they all stood around the giant table, "I called you all here today to tell you something. Something important."

"Are you gay?" Clarisse asked causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"No Clarisse I'm not gay!" Percy cried out a small blush creeping up on his face which he squashed with Gamer's mind.

"Thank the gods," Nina whispered and luckily no one heard her.

"I called you all here today because I wanted to explain my powers, the things that I can do," Percy said causing Annabeth to nod her head in understanding.

"Wait what do you mean Percy?" Chiron asked.

"I think he means the way he just magically made all those weapons appear that time Luke sent those monsters after us," Annabeth pitched in.

"Yes that," Percy said pointing at Annabeth, "what she said."

"But the word around Olympus is that that power was given to you by your father, a gift," Chiron explained.

"Well it is a gift," Percy said, "but my dad didn't give it. And that's not the limit to what I can do."

"So what can you do?" Michael asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You might want to sit down for this…..."