
Chapter 23

Three Weeks Later;

Percy sat on the Fist of Zeus with a book on basic algebra open wide in front of him. He had a pen out and a blank note book on the side and his sighed as he took down notes. He really didn't like math, it involved him actually doing some work and not just memorising information like in other subjects, hence why he needs to fucking practise this shit.

Percy threw his head up and stretched his neck, sitting in one spot really hurt his neck. Above, the moon shined across the red sky as the noise of people running about in the forest surrounded him. He was in his ID: Zombie, but this time he wasn't alone.

"PERCY HELP!" Percy heard Michael's voice yell out. Percy smiled and threw his pen and book away before activating his speed and jumping towards where he heard Michael's voice from.

Percy spread in a flash in front of the cabins where Annabeth, Clarisse, Michael and Nina were all fighting against a legion zombie. The giant monster was covered with arrows and cuts, with half its face ripped open, but it didn't stop in attacking the demigods.

Michael jumped from one of the legion zombies swings and saw Percy, "great you're here! We need help!"

Percy sighed as he gathered his mana, "you know Michael the point of the training was to make you all stronger, you can't do that if I always have to come in the last second and save you all."

"Less talking more killing!" Clarisse cried out as she slashed her spear through the Legion zombie's achilles tendon causing it to fall down. Nina then ran up to the monster and brought down a giant hammer right on top of the monster's right shoulder shattering it into pieces making it's right arm unusable.

"Alright alright," Percy said before pushing his mana out into the air gathering all the moisture there. The moisture then condensed into a giant ball of water which then transformed into a giant spear tip. He then froze the spear and launched the ice formation right into the zombie's head ripping it off it's neck.


You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health-2,950/2,950(+1000) = 3,950

Mana-1,600/1,600(+1000) = 2,600

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-20 Exp- 100/71,000









MONEY- 92,677$/466D

Percy Jackson is a demigod, the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon. He has ADHD and Dyslexia making it difficult for him to sit still in class. His behaviour has gotten him trouble over the years in various schools. Percy is aware of who is father is, and wishes to find meaning in his life. Percy loves his mother, and hates Gabe, who is a dick.

Status- demigod, giving Percy - +6 VIT, +6 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, enhanced strength, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.

'Huh, that's a surprise,' Percy thought as he closed the notification box and saw the legion zombie vanish before his eyes. Lately he had been training like crazy, he improved a lot of his skills, especially his ice control, so it wasn't really all that surprising he would get a level up. The other demigods then put away their weapons before approaching the leftover loot.

Michael took the potions to keep within the med bay, something which is used as a last resort to help the injured demigods. Clarisse and Annabeth took the weapons from the zombies they killed before, to store in the armory. And if any other items or crafting material appeared Nina was usually the one who got it.

Percy then split the money between them all before they all made their way back to the fist of Zeus.

"You know I still think it's unfair that the Fates gave you these powers," Michael said looking at the three potions he had in his hands, "I mean come on! The power to create pocket dimensions to train in? So cool!"

Percy smiled, "yeah, I know." Percy then turned away and let the frown drop. He had told them the truth, kind of. He didn't exactly tell them everything. He just told them what they needed to know, or what he couldn't hide anymore.

He told them that he had a power given to him by the Fates and not his father like the rest of Olympus was made to believe. He didn't tell them about the whole Gamer thing, because honestly he didn't have anyway to prove it, and if he started to say things like, 'I see floating brown and blue boxes,' or, 'I hear a ping sound in my head everytime I train,' then they would think he was bat shit crazy. So yeah, that's not happening anytime soon.

What he did tell them was that he had a power to create Instant Dungeons, and only that. He explained his inventory off as a storage ID and the place he used to saved Annabeth and Clarisse was his ID:Empty.

Clarisse instantly knew he was telling the truth, considering he saved her life using the very same powers. Annabeth of course had questions and kept bugging him about the things he could do, which resulted in several experiments which were a pain, but it did let him level up that skill by three levels.

Michael didn't believe him, but after Percy took him into his ID:Empty he was singing a different tune. Chiron also had his doubts, but he did believe what Percy said, after a trip to the ID:Empty world that is. And Nina? Well Nina just stood there looking like she got hit over the head with a hammer.

So far the ones Percy told this to were all his friends, he trusted them and so they promised to never tell another soul about this, unless he wanted them to. This way if Luke had any spies in camp they wouldn't know about it.

In the end after a few days of talking and plaining, and experimenting with Annabeth, they decided the best way to use Percy's power, to train. The zombie ID was the obvious choice and so every three days Percy would take his friends into the dungeon where he would help them train, and in case they were in over there head's, come save them in the last moment.

They quickly reached the Fist of Zeus where Percy quickly gathered his book and threw them into the inventory before everyone grabbed his shoulder, he then focused, 'ID Escape.' Suddenly the red sky cracked open before revealing the night sky and the noise of the insects living in the forest.

"So what's next on the agenda?" Nina asked as she put her giant hammer across her back.

"I think that's enough for today don't you?" Michael asked slumping besides the stone structure.

"Yeah, most of you look like zombies," Percy said grinning at their tired forms.

"Yeah well that' because unlike someone we don't have unlimited stamina!" Clarisse shouted out, or tired to. She was tired to as her voice came out as a low grumble instead.

"I don't have unlimited stamina, I just have a lot," Percy said with a smile.

"Percy I have seen you beat children of Hermes with your speed and climb the climbing wall more time than I can count," Annabeth said with crossed arms, "believe me, you have unlimited stamina."

Percy grinned as Michael spoke up, "I don't know why you are complaining though, think of all the things you could do with that."

Everyone looked at Michael with a confused look. And just then they all understood what Michael meant as they all started to blush, Nina the brightest of them all.

"Shut up Michael!" Percy yelled as he tried to punch Michael only for the son of Apollo to jump away in time.

"Don't hate me Percy! I'm the son of the god of truth, I-"

"-I swear if you say that you have to always tell the truth one more time I'm going to shove Clarisse's spear where the sun doesn't shine!"

"Actually since I am the son of the sun god there is noe where the sun doesn't shine," Michael quipped as he jumped away from PErcy's reach. The archer was fast, but not fast enough s Percy caught him and began to strangle the demigod.

"Wait what?" Clarisse spoke up, "is that true?" Percy stopped his struggling and looked at Clarisse before he turned to Michael.

"I think he was joking," Percy said as he let Michael go who was coughing.

"Nope, completely serious." The rest looked at him with wide eyes as he continued, "dad once said that if he wanted to he could poop out sun shine, it's become kind of like a joke in the Apollo cabin saying that only the ones that poop sunlight is the true son of Apollo."

Percy and the others looked at Michael before they sighed. "No wonder you guys are so arrogant sometimes," Clarisse said squinting, "you literally think that the sun comes out of your ass."

Everyone chuckled at that before breaking to go their separate ways. Nina went to the forge to make use the materials they go from tonight's raid into weapons while Clarisse stored all the swords and spears they got. Annabeth went back to her cabin while Michael went to the Big House to store the potions.

Percy went directly to the Poseidon cabin where he took a long hot bath and changed his clothes. And just as he was ready to go to bed a knock came on his door. The son of Poseidon narrowed his eyes, it was half an hour to midnight, who the hell could it be? He slowly walked towards the door before opening it slightly.

Percy's eyes widened in surprise, "dad?"

Poseidon stood just outside the cabin door wearing his blue hawaiian shirt and khaki short shorts. The green eyed god smiled, "I'm glad that word comes freely to you Percy. I was afraid you still not have ah….forgiven me for my actions in the past."

Percy smirked, "you were just wondering whether I would hit you again."

Poseidon nodded and smiled, "yup. You got me. So are you going to punch me?"

Percy chuckled, "nope. I got over that. Anyway come on in, it is your cabin after all." Percy stepped to the side and let his dad in. The god smiled and quickly sat down on the bed with Percy joining him.

"I like what you have done with the place."

"Yeah, I heard messy is the new clean," Percy said with a chuckle, "so what's up? I'm assuming this isn't just a casual visit."

Poseidon's face turned serious as he nodded, "yes Percy, it often never is. It's about you mother."

Percy's smile dropped, "what happened to her?"

"Nothing Percy, but she is in trouble," Poseidon told Percy in a somber tone, "I need you to go to this address," Poseidon slipped Percy a piece of paper, "this is the new apartment I got for her."

"Is this where she is?" Percy asked memorising the address before he got up and grabbed his black leather jacket and his armband of Cerberus.

"Yes. Right now she needs your help Percy, and she needs it fast."

"What happened to her?" Percy asked as he quickly walked to the door with his father following closely behind him.

"The police are talking to her about Gabe's disappearance, and if you don't reach her in time she might be arrested."

Percy paused for a second before her hitting himself in the face with the plan of his hand. His actions in the past was coming to get him. He shouldn't have lost control back then, but knowing that Gabe was hitting his mother caused him to snap. He never lost sleep over the action, but he did wonder what the results would be of his actions.

Percy sighed before taking out the gauntlet of Kefka and summoning Marchosias who appeared before them in her wolf form. "Hello master, long time," Marchosias said before looking at Poseidon with narrowed eyes, "hello Poseidon."

The god of the seas played, "My-Minny?! What the hell are you doing here?!"

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?!" the demon wolf asked as she tried to charge Poseidon who was already running away as fast as he can.

"Stop Marchosias," Percy called out just as the demon wolf was about to fly off chasing Poseidon, "we don't have time for this."

"Tsk, fine," the demon said before lowering herself, "get on."

Percy quickly mounted her and they were off, flying towards New York city. "what was that back there?"

"Oh? You didn't know? Your father was one of my…..friends back in the day."

"Okay…..and what exactly happened?"

"Something I rather not talk about," Marchosias replied in a very loud grumble.

"I'm assuming it didn't end well."

"Very smart master. Now shut up unless you want me to drop you."

Percy gulped and nodded. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned indeed. They quickly reached the address Percy memorised. It was just a few blocks away from Central park and Percy had Marchosias land right in the middle of the forest before dispelling her.

Percy quickly walked out and reached the road his mom's new apartment was. It was a giant blue building which looked like it was built in the Victorian era with gargoyles and the such plastered on every corner of the building. Percy entered the lobby and saw the post box for Apartment 3-B had the name, 'Sally Jackson' on it.

Percy took the elevator to the third floor and got out. 3-B's door was blue, exactly like something his mother would do. Everything was quiet, too quiet. Percy reached for Riptide and slowly approached the door. He then saw that the solid blue door was open, inside was dark, something was definitely wrong.

Percy took out Riptide and uncapped the blade. He then slowly opened the door, the light from the corridor went into the dark living room showing nothing moving inside. Percy took two steps in before channeling his mana into the shadows activating his shadow control.

Just then something moved in the back, something big. Percy charged and raised his blade, "ARGH!"

"SURPRISE!" came a voice as the lights turned on revealing the big thing to be Poseidon.

"What the hell?!" Percy cried out as he pulled Riptide back in the last moment. Poseidon jumped back as well as behind Percy was a large amount of shadow spike ready to impale Poseidon.

"Ah Percy, since when can you control shadows?" Poseidon asked eyeing the several shadow structure behind Percy.

"Nevermind that," Percy said putting away Riptide and dissolving the shadows, "what the hell are you doing here?! Where's mom?!"

"Right here sweetie," PErcy heard his mom's voice call out. The demigod turned and there standing by the light switches was his mom.

"Mom! You're okay!" Percy rushed his mother and grabbed her into a tight hug, "I thought something happened! Did the police ask you anything?!"

"I'm fine Percy. And what's this about police?"

"But dad said," Percy turned to Poseidon who was grinning, "what is going on?"

"Well.." Sally said turning to the clock which slowly moved to 12, "we just wanted you here. I asked your father to try and get you here, who forgot by the way."

Poseidon rubbed his neck, "well things kind of got….complicated."

"You were supposed to take Percy around the city, spend time with him before you brought him here Poseidon."

"I know I know. But something came up."


"A crazy shapeshifting ex girlfriend."

"Wait can someone please tell me what's going on!" Percy cried out bringing both adult's attention to him.

"Right then, it's almost time," Sally said as she turned away from Percy to the dining room table on which was a giant blue cake with a single candle on it. Sally light the candle with a match before bringing the cake towards Percy.

"Mom what-" but just then the clock strung 12 and Percy heard it;


It's your 13th birthday! Congratulations! Here are two presents!

Level up!

Percy Jackson

Health-3,300/3,300(+1000) = 4,300

Mana-1,725/1,725(+1000) = 2,725

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-21 Exp- 0/73,000









MONEY- 92,677$/466D

New Perk!

Equus Tamer- user of this perk can control members of the Equus Genus, like horses and zebras with relative ease. This also includes magical beasts like unicorns and pegasus!

Percy blinked at this. Was today his birthday? Had he really forgotten? Percy looked at a calendar hanging across the room and sure enough today was the 18th.

He then turned to his mother and father who smiled at him. Percy then smiled back before blowing out the candle and bringing them both into a big hug, "thanks you guys."

They both hugged him back, Sally a little carefully in order to save the cake. They then sat down around the dining table while Sally took the cake into the kitchen leaving father and son alone.

"So I'm guessing the whole Gabe thing was to get me here?" Percy asked.

"Yup," Poseidon said with a smile, "wait don't tell me you actually forgot your own birthday Percy. I realise you have been busy, but your birthday does come once a year you know!"

Percy smiled, "yeah. Thanks dad, this means a lot."

Just then Sally walked in with three plates with a big smile on her face, "alright you two time for cake!"

"Hell yeah!" Percy cried out as he and his dad dug in.

"Oh this is delicious Sally!" Poseidon exclaimed, "where did you get this?!"

"I made it myself actually," Sally replied with a smile as she stared at the two green eyed men eat their blue cake.

"Mom is the best baker in the world," Percy said with a mouth full of cake.

"Percy chew your food before you speak," Sally calmly said.

"Hm, I have tasted a lot of cake before, but I do belive this is the best ever made by human hands. But why is it blue? I'm not complaining but the color is odd," Poseidon said as he ate a huge chunk of it in one go.

"Oh that's because Gabe said 'blue food doesn't exists,' so mom made it just to prove him wrong," Percy replied munching on his cake.

"Yup, that's exactly why," Sally said with a smile before frowning, "though now that I think about it, where is Gabe?"

Percy looked down in guilt and fear. Poseidon noticed this before he spoke up, "believe me Sally he won't be bothering you much longer."

Percy looked at his dad in confusion but the god shook his head at Percy telling him to keep quiet. "What did you do to him Poseidon?" Sally asked.

"I may have thrown him on an uninhabited island somewhere in the Indian Ocean."


"Sally he was a cruel man, just seeing him revolted me," Poseidon said with a low growl, "and I don't particularly like people hurting those I care for."

Sally sighed, "fine. You gods and your vengeance." The looked sad, but at the same time a smile broke out, "I kind of wanted to punish the man myself though."

"Hehe, sorry then," Poseidon said scratching his neck. After they finished their meals Sally pushed Poseidon and Percy out of the apartment and told them not to come home until morning, she said, 'you two are father and son, act like it.'

So the demigod and his godly parent went out into the warm New York night, the city that never sleeps. There were still cars out on the road with people walking around, Poseidon lead Percy towards the park where they sat down and began talking for a while. It was light hearted stuff first, like about camp and training before Poseidon asked the question Percy was dreading;

"So what did you do to Gabe?" Poseidon asked making Percy feel cornered.

Panic rose for a moment before Gamer's mind kicked in. There was no reason to live to is dad, none. If anything his dad would understand more than anyone. Percy opened up his inventory and pulled out the trophy he got from killing his first human, Gabe's head.

The moment Gabe's head came out of the inventory it started to bleed out. It was still fresh, the look of fear and tears stains still remained on his face. Percy held it by it's hair and gave it to Poseidon whose face was motionless.

The god of the sea grabbed the head and looked into what was Gabe's eyes. Mortal blood flew past the gods fingers coating his hand with the crimson material. Poseidon then squeezed his hand and crushed the head into little pieces of gore that fell apart. He shook his hand clean and then snapped his fingers causing the head to vanish into nothing taking the blood with it.

Percy spoke in a low tone, "he was hurting mom. He was hurting her because of me. I-I couldn't take it. I got the power to kill monsters, to cut them into nothing, and yet I couldn't do anything to help mom. My emotions got the better of me and….and-"

Percy however was cut off by Poseidon who grabbed his son into a hug, "it's okay Percy. It's alright. You did the right thing."

"But dad I killed a man," Percy replied with his voice cracking.

"Percy compared to what kind of punishment I used to give out in ancient greece, death is nothing. Besides," Poseidon said breaking the huge with a smile on his face, "you did what any good son would. Now stop crying, it's your birthday after all. Crying on your birthday is a big no no."

Percy chuckled "I'm not crying dad."

"You were about to cry."

"No I wasn't!"

"Suuuuuure," Poseidon said with a grin.

"Oh gods! Now I know how annoying I am!" Percy said throwing his arms up in frustration. Poseidon smiled as slowly the two fell into a comfortable silence. Percy then spoke up, "this is a very strange birthday."

Poseidon chuckled, "not really. I spent my first 10 birthdays in my father's stomach, so I believe I have any story you might have beat."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "is that a challenge?"

Poseidon smirked, "and if it is?"


Quest Alert!

Go on an awesome adventure on your birthday with your dad!


2,000 Exp



You will become depressed


Percy blinked and simply stared at the box in front of him. Poseidon then spoke up, "is something wrong Percy?"

"Nothing I just-" Percy stopped mid sentence. He was getting ready to lie like he usually would have done, but his dad knows about his gaming powers so Percy could finally talk freely about them to someone, "actually, I just got a new quest."

Poseidon looked surprised, "really? And what does it say?"

"It's telling me to go on an adventure," Percy replied.

"I see….well? What are you waiting for?" Poseidon asked with a smile as he stood up straight.

"Are you serious?" Percy asked with happiness in his eyes.

"Well of course I am!" Poseidon replied, "now come on! I need to make up for 13 years of father son bonding time after all!"

Percy grinned and quickly pressed yes causing the screen to vanish. He got on his feet, "so where too?"

"Well this is your quest," his dad replied, "don't you have, ah, what's it called, an objective?"

Percy shrugged, "sometimes. This time however it just says to go on an adventure with you."

Poseidon rubbed his chin, "well I'm sure we can find something to do, after all this is New York, trouble will surely come to find us."

Percy smiled as the two began walking deeper into Central park. But just then a thought struck Percy, it was a memory, a reminder….about something. Percy's gut then told him to check his inventory and not one to question his instincts Percy did just that.

He stopped in his tracks causing Poseidon to raise an eyebrow but Percy didn't care. He checked his inventory from top to bottom looking for...something. And then he found it. Percy smiled and quickly pulled a sheet of paper out.

Scroll of hidden treasure,

A scroll that leads to a dungeon which is rumoured to have hidden treasure in it. Somewhere in Central Park

"What's that?" Poseidon asked taking the paper in Percy's hand.

"It's a treasure map I got from defeating my first Legion zombie," Poseidon looked confused before Percy respoke, "it's kind of like a giant zombie monster thing. One of the first things that actually managed to scare the shit out of me."

Poseidon nodded and began looking over the scroll before smiling, "I think I know where this is."

"Seriously?" Percy asked with eyes wide open to which Poseidon simply nodded with a grin. the father and son duo then set out walking deeper and deeper into the park.

Soon they reached the Harlem Meer which was a big water body towards the north of the park. It's waters were calm, but just below the surface was a ton of garbage. Poseidon sighed seeing this.

"Stupid humans," the god said snapping his fingers causing his trident to appear out of thin air, "always polluting the very things they need to live. Why if Pan wasn't missing right now he would be so very disappointed."

Percy then watched as Poseidon dipped the very end of his weapon into the lake causing a shockwave of energy to ripple out spreading all over the lake. Suddenly the water became clearer, the garbage underneath vanished into nothing leaving Percy speechless.

"What-how-who?! How did you do that?!" Percy yelled out as he put his hand into the now crystal clear water.


You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

Percy however ignored the message and quickly brought a hand full of water to his mouth drinking it quickly. "This is like the water you get in water bottles!" Percy exclaimed tasting the water.

Poseidon frowned, "only that good?" he then took some himself and frowned, "I'm losing my touch."

"How did you do that dad?" Percy asked as they stood up straight.

"It's one of my powers Percy," Poseidon said as he lead them further north to the very edge of the small lake, "you see with my connection to the sea I can impose my will onto other things and forcefully change the water into whatever I wish it to be."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "so can any god do that?"

"Hmm, not really. Water is kind of my thing. I mean if they wanted to sure they could, but it would be nothing compared to the things I could do. Also it would take a lot of concentration for them to do so."

"So….can a god, I don't know, push their will onto others and transform them into animals?"

Poseidon chuckled, "I forget that you have meet Artemis before huh. Well yes, gods can do that. It's one of the basic things one can do with their will."

"So is it like magic?"

Poseidon shrugged, "kind of, if you think about it. It does mana, but….think of it like this. If a person wants to travel the ocean they use their ship, which is mana, but if they want they could do the same by simply swimming, which is what a person's will is."

"So a person's will is just another type of mana?"

"Yes and no. Agrh Athena would be so much better at this. But knowing that woman she would confuse you before actually answering your question. Well it's another type of energy sure, but it's many powerful than mana. Mana, like a real boat can do many things, but it does have limitations. Will power on the other hand doesn't have any limitations, all you need is enough concentration and time to do what needs to be done."

"So can a human learn this skill?" Percy asked with Argo in mind.

"Most definitely. But it is improbably difficult. Most human who do learn it often become recorded in time as legends. Achilles, Ulysses, Joan of Arc, King Arthur, even the original Perseus knew how to do so."

Percy blinked, "I-I see. So it can be learnt."

Poseidon nodded, "well for most humans it's range is far more limited, but yes, it can be learnt."

"Could you teach me?" Percy asked.

"Yes, and no," Poseidon said with a casual tone, "it can be learnt, but only by yourself. You see each person has a different way of finding their will power, for some, like me, it is their domain. My will is like a wave, crashing into all in it's path. Zeus on the other hand has a will which electrifies people, not literally, but it make them feel on edge."

"So….is it your aura?" Percy asked.

"Yes, in one form. An aura is what all will you can't control, the things that just run wild is your aura. When you can control it, is becomes your will power."

Percy nodded, "so….will power huh? It's kind of a mouthful."

Poseidon smiled, "indeed. But if you wish Apollo uses a different name for it."

"Really?" Percy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup, he discovered another word for it during his many travels across the world. In Rome it is called Autem, in India it is called Mantra. But what stuck out most to Apollo is what the Japanese called it, Haki."

Percy raised an eyebrow at the word before repeating it in his head, 'haki.' He opened his mouth to speak but Poseidon spoke up, "ah here we are!" Percy saw that they reached the northern edge of the lake, and right next to the water edge was a metal trap door. The trap door looked rusted and beat up, but the handle looked untouched. And right in the center of the metal door was a big blue delta symbol that glowed.


You have spotted the entrance to the Labyrinth: Dungeon lv-25

Do you wish to enter?



Do you wish to travel to another Labyrinth location?


"Well what do you know, an entrance to the Labyrinth," Poseidon said as he pulled the trap door up revealing a long dark drop down with a rusted ladder to the side covered with cobwebs.

Percy grimaced as he quickly pressed yes to enter the labyrinth, "after you dad." Poseidon grumbled at Percy before he slowly descended down using the rusted ladder which groaned under his weight, "you need to lose some weight old man."

"I'll show you old," Poseidon said as he summoned a large ball of water from the lake which crashed into Percy pushing him down the hole.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" Percy kept yelling as he fell faster and faster. 'Stupid old man!' Percy screamed as panic took over, but luckily Gamer's mind kicked in just in time for Percy to make a plan. He put half his mana into Marble skin and used the rest of his mana to collect all the water on his back and in the air to form a sphere of water in front of him.

Just as he was done he could see the bottom coming for him. Percy crossed his arms and braced for impact.


Percy shattered the ground as the sphere of water in front of him collapsed instantly healing any wounds he would have gotten. He panted, his heart rate was still going a mile a minute. Percy looked up, "you fucking asshole!"

"Don't call me old!" a cry came back. Percy squinted and could see his dad quickly climbing down with a big grin on his face.

"Stupid old people, going senile in their old age," Percy muttered as he got up and slowly dried himself of the water on him.

"I heard that!"

"So you're not going deaf, good," Percy said as finally Poseidon reached the ground, "you know I could have died."

Poseidon waved the concern away, "neah. I know what you can do and a small fall like that won't kill you, heck it won't even kill a human."

"I fell nearly 50 feet!"

"That's nothing, Hephaestus once fell all the way down from Olympus itself."

"He is a god!"

"He did that when he was a baby."

"So? That just means he was a baby god!"

Poseidon smirked and ruffled Percy's hair, "relax kiddo I'm there right? I'll make sure nothing happens to you, promise."

Percy frowned before nodding, "yeah. Okay."

Poseidon's smile grew larger, "besides I just wanted to see how you would react in a situation like that."

"So what, is this kind of a test? And here I was thinking we were going to spend time bonding."

"We are bonding, unless of course you want to bond by talking, I can do that to you know. I have had plenty of daughters before I know how to do small talk."

"Ah….let's stick to the tests instead."

The god chuckled again making Percy smile. He couldn't help it, he just couldn't help it. His dad was with him, sure right now they were inside a giant maze inside of which are thousands upon thousands of monsters but who the hell cares? Percy got to spend some time with his dad, and that was all that matters.

"Want to make things interesting?" Poseidon asked Percy.

"What's the bet?"

"Impress me, and I'll give you something cool as a birthday gift."

Percy smiled, "you are so on." And with that the father son duo walked down the corridor in front of them.

Quickly Percy meet the first monster. It was a bipedal fish with a trident by it's side. The fish looked like it was tuna, with grey scales and red eyes.

Fish solider,










The grunt of the great fish army, this bipedal fish is a solider to the great fish emperor and is know to be very good with an iron trident.

Kill to gain- 100 Exp

Percy smiled, "this is going to be easy," he then took out Riptide and charged the fish from behind landing a critical strike on the fish causing 4,250 damage. Percy smirked and collected the 20$ left behind and a copper made trident left behind;

Celestial bronze Trident;

A trident made out of pure celestial bronze, very rare, and very effective.

Attack- 10 x Dex

+50% to all celestial beings.

Percy raised an eyebrow reading that. The thing he was holding was made out of pure celestial bronze, unlike the iron trident that the fish soilder was using. Something was off, it was almost like he got…..the best possible reward.

Percy put away the trident and opened his status page and there it was;


The lucky day perk he had effected his luck status, today was his birthday giving him more luck, meaning all loot he would get would be amazingly rare, and dead useful.

"That was to easy," Poseidon said crossing his hands, "doesn't count."

Percy frowned moving to his dad closing his status page, "you just don't want to admit how awesome I am."

"Nope, you just attacked an opponent who had their back turned, doesn't count."

Percy sighed, "fine." He then turned and the two walked further down the corridor which split in two. Above each tunnel was a board, 'Crab's Corner' and 'Shark Sink', no prizes if you guessed what was in the end of each tunnel.

"Which do you think is more dangerous?" Percy asked.

"Crabs most definitely," Poseidon said nodding his head.

"Really? Not sharks?"

"Sharks aren't really that vicious Percy. They just have a bad name, I swear if I ever get my hands on Steven Spielberg….anyway, yes, crabs are far more scarier than sharks. Especially with those black beady eyes….ergh!"

Percy shrugged, "crabs it is."

The turned left and walked down as slowly the smell of salt filled the air. The tunnel opened up to what looked like an inside beach, complete with a fake wall painted like the horizon, sand and a little bit of water. And sitting right next to the water and the sand was a huge cast of crabs. red, brown even some green ones. The all were soaking in the wet sand, and even from far away Percy could tell that these things were huge, almost 9 feet tall.

"Damn, looks like they got a real crab infestation on their hands," Poseidon joked gaining a deadpanned look from Percy, "what?"

"I now know the pain of dad jokes," Percy said as he took out Riptide and pulled out one of the blades he got from Hephaestus's forge in Boston, "anyway just watch me and be ready to be amazed."

Percy walked towards the water before activating his speed demon perk and blurring into the crowd of giant crabs. Percy managed to rip into three of them before the crabs even knew what hit them. He then summoned a wave of water into the beach drenching himself and causing most of the crabs to come out of their sand holes.


You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

Percy ignored the message as he froze the water in front of him causing most of the crabs to freeze instantly. He turned to the rest that were alive and saw most of them carrying what looked like coral shaped into the form of a spear.

Percy grinned, 'that's more like it.'

Crab lancer,










The spear wielding specialist of the first army, the crab squad can be called one of the best lines of defense and offence. With their high speed and teamwork they call build a wall trapping their enemies inside.

Kill to gain- 300 Exp

The crabs all lined up one in front of another before leveling their claws at him with lance in tow. The then charged sideways with incredible speed but Percy was ready for them. He quickly froze the moisture in the sand underneath the crabs causing most of them to slip a little breaking their defence.

Percy channeled his earthquake power into his blades and swung them both downwards breaking the floor causing a huge fracture. Some crabs fell into the ground and got crushed, and the rest that lived quickly meet the business end of Percy's blades.

In the end there was nothing left, Percy stood alone on the battlefield with 700$ in cash littered all over the place, 7,200 worth of exp and a couple of celestial bronze lances;

Celestial bronze lance;

A lace made of celestial bronze. Nearly indestructible;

Attack-5 x (Str+Vit)

"Well….that was fast," Poseidon said with an amazed look, "you took care of all of them like they were nothing."

Percy smirked, "yeah I know, I'm awesome."

And just then;


Congratulations! You have beaten the Crab Corner in less than five minutes, enjoy your bonus match up!

"Wait what? What bonus match up?!" Percy asked but just then the artificial beach they were standing in started to rumble as out of the ground grew a huge armor plated crab with an axe on it's side big enough to cut one of the crabs from before in half.

"GRAAA!" the crab roared out and Percy sighed, "why me?"

Giant Crab lancer,










A Monster that stands bigger than every other crab in the fish army, this monster has only one goal, to kill and rip apart its enemies. It's shell is made out of iron and it;s axe is sharp enough to cut a hair in half and heavy enough to break the ground if dropped down.

Kill to gain- 30,000 Exp

Percy pushed the box to the side and readied his blades, it was time he really cut loose. He quickly channeled his mana into the water around him in the fake beach-

"-I got it!" Poseidon yelled out as he jumped up and rammed his trident right into the monster's shell shattering it into pieces.


Percy looked at that and blinked. The pieces of the monster crab disappeared leaving nothing behind. Since he hadn't technically fought it there was not loot available, and no exp to be gained. Percy turned to his dad, "you fucking stole my kill!"

"Oh relax, it's not like you could have fought it off anyway," Poseidon said looking around.

"I could have fought it! And won! Heck I have fought meaner things that a giant crab! I once ripped apart the Chimera into peice with just Riptide! And what are you looking for?!"

Poseidon stopped looking around and scratched his head with a smile "sorry about that. I was just looking for some loot don't you usually get some?"

Percy sighed, "there won't be any loot, or experience points unless I fight it at least once. If not my powers don't activate."


Percy grumbled, "let's just get going." The two then walked out of Crab's Corner and into the tunnel which lead to what looked like the armory for the fish army. Inside where sword fishes wearing european style armour standing on two legs.

"How about we do this one together," Poseidon said reading his weapon.

Percy smiled, "sure, why not."

Poseidon smiled and the two charged into the armory. The room was lined with racks of weapons and armor along the side. Percy grabbed a trident of the rack and the two implode the fish and sent him spinning through the room alerting the rest of the sword fishes of their presence.

"Which side do you want?" Poseidon asked twirling his trident with one hand.


"Then I'll take right." Percy nodded as slowly a small army of sword fish spread before them. However the monster didn't even have time to speak before Percy and his dad were on them. They both were like waves crashing into the sea. Thier weapons blurred through their enemies craving them into dust.

Poseidon turned to look at his son and smiled, 'he's strong. Stronger than any of his siblings before him was at his age.'

Percy grinned, he was having fun. His life was perfect, just like a video game.

The throne room of the fish king exploded inwards as several swordfish were sent flying threw them before vanishing into golden dust. In the middle of the room was a giant throne who was facing away from the door.

Percy and Poseidon calmly walked out of the opening in the wall, "I totally killed that last one," Percy commented twirling Riptide.

"What are you even saying? It's obvious that that last kill belonged to me, I sent him through the doors!" Poseidon said waving his hands.

"Only because I beat him up for you before hand!"

"Oh so you're saying I couldn't I kicked his ass?!"

"No what I'm saying is-"

"-Welcome adventurers," interrupted a high pitched voice from the throne in the center of the room, "I see that you have come for my head. You must be talented-"

"-Shut up!" Percy yelled at the throne before turning to his dad, "like I was saying, that was totally my kill! You stole it, again!"

Poseidon threw his hands up, "you know what fine! The next big bad we find is all yours!"

"Ahem," said the high pitched voice, "do not interrupt me again. else you will find me very-"

"-Oh shut up!" Percy said sending a wave of shadows at the chair destroying it in a cloud of smoke.

And flying across the air was a pink object screaming in a high pitched voice, "hooooooly shit!" The pink form landed to the side slowly stood up. Percy and his father turned to see a tiny pink shrimp coughing out dust with a giant golden crown on top of it's small head, somehow made to stand up there without falling off.

"A shrimp?" Percy raised an eyebrow, "a fucking shrimp?"

"I am not just any shrimp!" The small pink thing yelled out, "am I the one true shrimp! I very being that will destroy humanity! I am King Charles the bold! 321st in the line of Shrimp kings! Leader to the fish army and conqueror of the seas!"

Percy blinked before turning to his dad, "know this guy?"

Poseidon shook his head, "no idea."

Percy nodded, "right," he then began looking around, "so where's the real boss of the dungeon?"

The shrimp growled or squeaked more likely, "I am the boss!"

"Yeah fat chance little dude!"

"I am, here I'll prove it to you!" Charlie then snapped his fingers, or flippers? And suddenly the entire throne room broke apart as water began flowing in flooding the entire room. Charlie laughed, "feast your eyes on my ultimate weapon! Come out Gorri!"

The floor broke apart as a giant 60 foot white whale exploded out in a pillar of water taking everything with him higher and higher until it broke through the ceiling. Water from the lake above them flooded the throne room, Percy and Poseidon jumped into the stream of water flowing up and began swimming upwards following the white whale.

The father and son duo quickly reached the top and broke the surface looking around to find Gorri swimming around the lake with Charlie on it's back.

Percy sighed, "why do I always get the weird ones?" He then pushed the water below him hardening it enough to form a pseudo platform for him to stand on, something which Poseidon was also doing. Percy quickly got his footing on the lake and then Observed Gorri;











The very thing that many see before they die, Gorri is the reason the legend of Moby Dick even exists. It is know to kill without mercy and swallow ships whole. Beware this monster, do not engage if you fight it.

Kill to gain- 50,000 Exp

"I do not know how you two survived that flooding, no normal human can survive holding their breaths for so long," Charlie said, his squeaky voice barely audible because of the distance.

"Well that might be because I'm a god," Poseidon said with a smiled, "and this young man here is my son, making him a demigod."

"G-God?!" Charlie choked, "Poseidon?"

The sea god grinned, "right in one!"

"I see..." Charlie said in low tone before smirking, "so I have become such a threat to this world that the Olympians had to send a god to stop me?! Wahaha! It matters not! Gorri will swallow you both!"

Poseidon sighed, "even Narcissistic wasn't this Hubris. Percy this one's all yours."

"Got it," Percy said as he poured his mana into the lake forcing the water upwards towards Gorri. The wave crashed into the whale sending Charlie flying off towards Poseidon who caught the shrimp with one hand.

Percy then sent out his ice powers freezing half the water around the whale trapping it in one spot. Percy then reached into his inventory and pulled out a white canon with black circuits spread around it;

Light Beam Cannon,

A canon that uses light to form beams of energy. Light can be stored up inside the canon like a solar panel and be used at anytime, anyplace.

Damage- 4 x number of minutes it has collected solar energy

Warning! Overcharging can cause a backlash from the weapon which may hurt the user!

Note: You will get +500 Attack if you shout, 'Super beam cannon!' at the top of your voice when using this weapon!

Poseidon whistled, "cool, what is that?"

Percy smirked, "my secret weapon, a reward for saving my friends," he then aimed it at the giant white whale and smirked pulling the trigger, "SUPER BEAM CANNON!"

The white cannon began heating up, the black circuits turned blue and….nothing. Percy looked at the cannon and then pressed the trigger again, and again nothing. "Oh come on! What is wrong with this thing?"

"Is the safety on?" Poseidon asked.

"There is no safety on this thing!"

"Did you check?"

"Yes I-" Percy looked over to the side and there was a little switch turned towards, 'Off,' "found it."

Percy then aimed at Gorri again, who was quite frankly curious on what such a little thing could do to him. Percy pulled the trigger, "SUPER BEAM CANNON!"


A bright blue and yellow beam of light shot out of the cannon blinding Percy and blowing away Gorri out of the lake. The giant whale flew out of the lake and into the trees. Percy's hands were numb and his ears didn't stop ringing. For a few seconds everything went dark, his head stopped spinning and slowly Percy opened his eyes.

The demigod shook his head and slowly looked around. He immediately looked to Gorri;

Gorri HP: 24,620/40,000

Percy had charged the cannon for around 62 hours the past week, hence it caused 14,880 Damage, along with the +500 for shouting our the attack before firing resulting in 15,380 damage to the whale. Impressive, but not good enough.

Percy put the cannon away and rubbed his numb hands, that was a lot of noise for so little damage, "you okay son?" Poseidon shouted, but to Percy it just sounded like a whisper.

"I'm fine!" Percy shouted, his hearing still not back to normal, "the thing isn't dead though." Percy then dashed across the surface of the lake taking Riptide and another spare celestial sword out. He reached Gori's down from and before the whal could recover he began his attack.

"Stardust Wave!" Percy yelled as his swords flashed, cutting into Gorri. Soon blood poured freely out as Percy ripped into the still monster's insides. The whale tried to move and roll on top of Percy, but the moment it even tired to move Percy dashed to the side, carving a giant opening by dragging his blade along the monster's body.

He reached Gore's head and continued his attack, but before he could continue a blast of water pushed him off the Whale and into a tree.

Percy threw away Riptide and used his free hand to grab a branch and pull himself up. he then turned his head and saw a very frightening sight, Gorri was floating in mid air, with a huge amount of water simply flowing around him, water which all came from the lake.

"Okay now I'm impressed," Percy said muttering.

(45 strikes x 58)= 2610, 2610 + 37 = 2647%

2647% of 250 Attack= 6617 Attack

Plus 70% bonus from sword mastery skill = 6617+4631=11,248 Attack

Gorri HP: 13,371/40,000

"Witness to my power demigod!" came the shrill of Charlie on top of Gorri. Percy narrowed his eyes and focused and there standing on top of the whale was the tiny orange shrimp who was waving around his arms, he was the one who was controlling the water.

Percy ran to the edge of the lake activating his domain bonus and son of Poseidon title. He then looked to his dad, "aren't you supposed to keep an eye on him?"

Poseidon laid back against a tree and had his trident in fishing rod form. He shrugged, "you looked like you could use a challenge."

"So you let him go?! Just like that?!"

Poseidon shook his head, "of course not!" he then took out a half eaten snickers bar, "he also gave me this in exchange."

Percy's eyes started to twitch, "I swear dad I am so going to-"

"Stop ignoring me!" Charlie shrieked before sending a stream of water at Percy, how simply side stepped it before sending a bigger faster blast of water at the shrimp king which sent the little tyrant off Gori's back and into the lake.

"Stupid little shit. I'm the son of Poseidon, water is my speciality."

Charlie swam up, "fine, then let me show you mine!" The shrimp then started to glow green, and slowly so did Gorri. The giant whale and the shrimp floated towards each other before they meet halfway consumed by a bright light.

Percy blinked and there standing where Charlie and gorri were was a 16 foot tall white shrimp with what looked like muscles on its flippers and blades for whiskers. It smirked, "Impressed now?" It's voice was rough, but it was obviously Charlie, Percy recognized the arrogance.

Charlie the Shrimp King+Gorri;










The fused form of Charile the shrimp and Gorri. Formed out of an advanced magic, this monster is the best of both worlds, with Gori's body and Charlie's magic. Be warned that close combat can prove fatal as their combined body weight is 890 lbs. They might just sit on you.

Kill to gain-60,000 Exp

Percy gulped, 'well then, this just got interesting.' Percy put away his blade as he walked on the surface of the lake towards the ripped white shrimp.

"Have you come to surrender human? Because I will not accept! I rarely use this form, but when I do, I kill."

Percy shook his head as he closed the distance between them, "I don't want to quit, I just wanted to say something."

The shrimp raised a hand gathering water around him as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the approaching Percy, "what do you want to say?"

Percy stopped a few feet in front of the monster and extended his hand, "well done. You are pretty strong, guess I was wrong about you not being the boss."

The shrimp smirked as it grabbed Percy with one of it's tentacles, "so you finally learnt huh."

"Oh, and one more thing."


"Death Touch," Percy whispered as slowly as a burst of energy flowed through Percy's body. The cold energy flowed into Charlie's body. the shrimp gasped and tried to break loose, but Percy held on tight. Slowly the white shrimp stopped moving as it exploded into a million dust particles. Percy sighed, 'that skill gets easier to use every time.'


You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health-3,650/3,650(+1000) = 4,650

Mana-1,900/1,900(+1000) = 2,900

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-22 Exp- 3,800/76,000









MONEY- 92,677$/466D

Percy smiled and pushed the box away. He dad then approached him with a surprised look on his face, "what was that last move?"

"A spell I picked up, Death Touch, anything I touch dies."

"I hope you don't mean everything."

"No, I can only use it once and on things less that 30 levels higher than me, not really useful on things to powerful but for Charlie…." Percy trialed off looking away to the sky where the sun was slowly raising.

Poseidon walked right next to Percy and placed his hand on his son's shoulder, "I have to go now Percy, I used up all the time I had."

"I know…..thanks. This was a pretty great birthday," Percy said as he turned to his dad giving the man a huge which was returned.

"You are very much welcome Percy," Poseidon broke the hug with a smile, "and I must say tonight was pretty fun, haven't cut loose like that in decades!"

Quest Completed!

Go on an awesome adventure on your birthday with your dad!


2,000 Exp

Necklace of Poseidon!

Poseidon then snapped his fingers and a necklace in the shape of a green trident spread, "this is-" Poseidon began.

"-The Necklace of Poseidon," Percy said interrupting his dad.

"Yeah...how did you know?"

"Oh, the game just said it was one of the rewards I would get for completing the quest."

"Amazing, even I didn't know what gift I wanted to give you, your abilities are something else Percy! Now back to the necklace, you see this is a special necklace. It's made out a special stone formed deep in the heart of the heart, it is infused with the essence of the sea. Here," Poseidon put the necklace around Percy's neck and the effect was instantaneous.


Necklace of Poseidon obtained!

Necklace of Poseidon;

Permanent activation of 'Son of Poseidon' activation along with +1000 for water dungeon bonus!

Percy smiled at the warmth he felt on his skin. The necklace power flowed through him amplifying his own. "T-this is amazing dad!"

Poseidon smiled, "I know right! Hehe, I made this one myself if you must know!" Percy smiled back, but just then Poseidon's attention changed as the god looked behind Percy, "what are those?"

Percy raised an eyebrow and turned. Floating on the water was a stack of dollar bills and a few drachma. Percy waved an arm and commanded the water to lift them up towards them. He collect the cash and coins which came up to 10,000$ and 222 D. And just then a golden skill disk floated up wit the number 10 on it along with a blue book which read 'Binding Hands'.

Percy quickly put both away and turned to his dad who smiled and said, "I'm leaving now Percy, but before I go I need to tell you something," eyes narrowed and his voice turned firm, "do not trust Fate. Right now they let you get away with whatever you want, this is the reason I could even spend any time with you Percy. Understand that Fate is not on your side Percy, it is on no one's side but it's own."

Percy nodded, "I know dad. I know they want something from me. And I know that one day I'm going to have to pay them back for this gift they have given me, I know you can't gain something without sacrificing something else."

Poseidon nodded, "good. Then that's a load of my back," Poseidon smiled again as he slowly started to glow, "goodbye Percy."

Percy smiled closing his eyes, "bye dad." His father vanished in flash of light and once it was over Percy opened his eyes and started to walk back to his mom's place, after all the last thing he needed was someone to see him standing on water and think he was the next coming of Jesus or something.

He snuck back inside without whacking his mom and quickly went into the kitchen to make breakfast. After a plate of eggs and a sausage Percy turned on the T.V. and wondered what he should do that day. After all today was his day, with the +50 boost to his Luc anything was possible.

'Wait isn't there something I wanted to do once I had a bonus in luck?' Percy thought to himself as he rattled his mind for an answer. Suddenly an idea came to him. He opened his inventory and pulled out the Pot of Chance, the loot he got a few weeks ago;

Pot of Chance!

Test your luck by sticking your hand into this pot! If you are lucky you might get something useful, if not...well let's just hope you can materbate with your other hand as well.

Percy brown and black pot with question marks on it looked very…..promising to say the least. It was plain looking, Percy didn't really expect some kind of legendary weapon or anything as long as he still had his hand that was good enough for him.

He put the pot on the table and got up. He then slowly lowered his left arm into the clay pot and, "OUCH!"

Something bite his hand. Percy pulled his hand back but whatever that bite him had a good hold of his hand. He pulled again and again untill someone he broke open the pot revealing what had bitten him.

It was a dog that was 2 foot long with a white and black coat and brown spots spread all over. It had the brightest blue eyes and very sharp and white teeth that were now around Percy's finger.

"What the fuck are you!" Percy asked for which the dog only growled at him in a low rumble. Percy narrowed his eyes and Observed the dog;

(Unnamed Dog)




Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)







A dog which is a mixture of a hellhound and a normal mundane wolf. It is strong and quick and very lucky. It is also know to be very hyperactive

He currently hates Percy, but thinks he tastes like bacon.

He is very very hungry.

Just then the hellhound wolf hybrid started to shiver before it peed right on Percy's shirt. The demigod sighed, "why me?"

Percy Jackson

Health-3,650/3,650(+1000) = 4,650

Mana-1,900/1,900(+1000) = 2,900

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-21 Exp- 3,800/76,000









MONEY- 102,677$/688D

Status- demigod, giving Percy - +6 VIT, +6 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, enhanced strength, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.