
Chapter 21

Percy spent the extra free day he had mostly studying in the Athena cabin. He needed to know more things, he knew that, so he had asked Annabeth to help him out. During the day he was put through the ringer as he learned more and more stuffing himself with knowledge. By the evening he had leveled up his English language twice and increased his Int level by 4 points.

Language: Modern English, Lv-22 (90%)

Due to you being a demigod you have Dyslexia, but with hard work you have overcome your disabilities and you're reading is now near grade level-College+

+50% reading speed


Here's a tip, if you ever want help in your studies do not ask a child of Athena, just don't. Percy swore there was something down right scary about the way the Athena cabin members learnt, something unholy. It was scarier than fighting a demon, which he has actually done before.

After dinner Percy managed to sneak away to the forest and to the Fist of Zeus where he put up an ID: Empty and started to train his other skills.

First was fire ball, where Percy tried to make it more powerful by putting more mana in it but keeping the size small, the result of his flames turning blue and him gaining a variation on his ability;

Fireball, Lv-13 (23%)

Allows user to send balls of fire at enemy.

Cost- 100 MP

Attack- 1000 Damage

· Blue flames, Cost 200 MP, 1540 Damage

The extra cost was nothing when compared to the boost of power he got making this one of Percy most reliable attacks, but there was a drawback. The more powerful it got, the bigger it got and the more it grew the slower it became meaning at full strength the fireball was as slow as a tortoise.

Percy had also used his level 2 Skill disk on his Mist control increasing it to Level 3;

Mist Control, Lv-3 (0%)

The user can control the mist to create illusions.

Can be used on- Mortals

Range- 30 meters

· Mist Illusions: You can create illusions that take on the form of that which the effected most loves.

Percy then began to train his Earthquake control, increasing it to level 6, his Smoke form, increasing it to level 4, and finally he spawned his ID create and escape skill increasing it to level 11.

Earthquake control, Lv-6 (20%)

You can cause an Earthquake thought any part of your body.

Attack- 700

Cost 100 MP


Smoke from, Lv- 4 (21%)

Turns the user's body into smoke, colour depends on person.

Cost- 225 MP

Duration- 50 seconds

I'D Create, Lv-11 (15%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

Empty Dungeon- no monsters.

Monster Dungeon- Zombies

Monster Dungeon- Goblin Camp

ID Escape, Lv-11 (15%)

Used to escape from Instant Dungeons.

After he did all this his use of the weighted bands finally payed off giving Percy +2 is Str, something which he found stanger as it took so long for it to happen. If Percy had to guess it would be because he was already used to the weight he was wearing right now, meaning he would have to increase the weight again if he wanted to level up more strength.

By the time the sun came up Percy was dead tired as he left his training grounds for camp. After a quick bite to eat he was right as rain and now Percy was in his cabin packing his stuff for his quest/reconnaissance mission when a knock came on his door.

"Come in!" Percy called out behind him as the door was pushed open revealing Nina in her working uniform. "Nina?" Percy asked with a polite smile, "what can I do for you?"

The daughter of Hephaestus smiled, "nothing much really. I just came to give you this," she said as she swung the backpack she was carrying down. She opened it revealing a set of Greek armour with silver plates on it which looked vaguely familiar.

Percy scratched his head before realising what it was, "my armour!"

Nina smiled, "yup. I fixed it up and this time I got it ready before your quest. Hopefully this will help you out on your journey," Nina said as Percy inspected the armour closely.

"You sure you don't want it? It did save your life when the monsters attacked," Percy asked.

"No I made my own armour," Nina said with a grin, "I'm never going to let a monster to get the drop on me ever again. So yeah, you keep it, it is yours anyway."

Percy nodded as he took the armour and put it on his bed next to his backpack, "thanks Nina, I'm sure this will help out a lot."

Nina nodded and smiled back at Percy. The two then started at each other as an air of awkwardness fell upon them. Seconds passed as slowly a blush creeped on Nina's face prompting Percy to speak up first, "Nina...ah, can I help you with something?"

"Well it's just-I… well I just," Nina stammered as she gathered her courage and finally spoke up, "I just wanted to thank you, you know for saving my life. I thought I was done for and well…. you saved me. You just came in there with that stupid smile of yours and saved my life."

Percy nodded, "relax Nina it was nothing."

"No it wasn't! You saved my life Percy and I-I just wanted to thank you properly, maybe like after you come back from your quest I could show you around my cabin or something. Show you some cool stuff."

"But Nina it isn't really a big deal. You don't have to do anything like that for me, I would have done the same for any of my friends," Percy mentioned casually as slowly a look of silent anger took over Nina's face.

"Really? Is that what I am to you? Your friend?" Nina asked with her eyes narrowed.

Percy started to sweat a little as he looked at Nina's face;

Warning! Bloodlust in front of you! Origin: NINA!

'Yeah, thanks, I know!' Percy though as he dismissed the box.

He didn't know what was going on, maybe he should tell the truth and hope she forgives him, for whatever he has done. He gulped and spoke, "y-yeah?"

Nina looked at Percy with narrowed eyes before drawing back a hand and slapping him across the face, Percy was so surprised he couldn't move in time to dodge or block the strike.


"You idiot!" Nina cried out as she then charged out of Percy's cabin leaving behind a confused son of poseidon with a red handprint on his cheek.

"What the hell just happened?" Percy asked himself as he watched Nina's retreating form.


Clarisse and Annabeth stood on top of the hill with travel bags by their side waiting for Percy. Next to them was Chiron who was back in his wheelchair and Grover who had a similar bag on his back.

"He's late," Clarisse said grunting, "it's his quest how can he be late?"

"I am sure Percy has his reasons," Chiron said quieting Clarisse down.

"Yeah, Percy might forget something now and then but he is reliable," Grover said nodding before adding in a low grumble, "though you can't rely on him to remember about you when you're halfway across the country in Los Angeles. No times like that it's best to be on your own."

"Oh stop whining Grover," Annabeth said, "Percy already feels guilty enough as it is. Give him a break."

"Oh I'm not angry at him Annabeth," Grover clarified, "I understand why he did what he did. Finding out Luke...was a traitor must have hit him pretty hard. I don't hate him for that, I just want him to squirm a little before I decide to 'forgive' him, that's all."

Chiron smiled, "and here I was thinking you didn't have a bad bone in your body."

Grover smirked, "oh please. I have been meaning to prank him since the time he embarrassed us back at Yancy academy."

"I see, need some help?" Chiron asked with mischief in his eyes.

"Yes please," Grover said with the same look in his eyes.

"Okay you two do your pranking later," Annabeth replied, "for now we need Percy focused. Do whatever you want to him when we get back, not now."

"But Annabeth," Grover whined.

"No buts."

"It's alright Grover," Chiron replied, "we'll get him soon enough."

"But then I'll only be able to prank him once I get back!"

"If you get," Clarisse clarified but before Grover could rebuttal the figure of Percy could be seen coming up the hill. He stopped in front of the group and put his backpack on the ground, "hey guys, you ready?" Percy asked to Annabeth and Clarisse.

"Ready," Annabeth said while Clarisse just nodded.

"Good," Percy turned and noticed Grover, "Grover? Are you coming with us? I thought you wanted this to be a three man team Chiron?" Percy asked his wheelchair bound teacher.

"No Grover is not going to be traveling with you three," Chiron replied, "he is starting his own quest."

Percy turned to Grover who explained, "I've told you about my dream right? About finding Pan?"

Percy nodded, "yeah….but you have also told me people die in the process of doing so."

Grover shrugged, "yeah, but it doesn't matter. Pan is our god Percy, it's the same with you for your mom, how far did you go to save her?"

Percy nodded, he understood where Grover was coming from, but he still didn't like it, "yeah, okay. Just...be careful alright?"

Grover smiled, "yeah, I will."

"So...where are you going first?" Percy asked.

"Honestly I'm not sure. Tradition dictates that I go to a large forest first and then travel wherever my instincts tell me to."

"That is so specific," Percy mumbles causing Grover to chuckle.

"Yeah it is," Grover said as he extended a fist to Percy, "until next time Percy."

Percy bumped his fist, "until next time Grover."

The Satyr smiled and turned to Chiron, "I'll be going now sir."

Chiron nodded, "take care brave Satyr, and don't forget our plan."

Grover nodded and waved to Annabeth and Clarisse as he walked away from the group into the surrounding forest disappearing from sight in a few seconds.

"I already miss that goat," Percy said as he turned to the rest of his quest mates.

"Yeah," Annabeth mumbled, "alright time to get down to business."

"Right," Percy said as they all picked up their respective bags, "basically the plan is this, we go to Boston find out all we can from my contact, grab a slice of pizza or something and get back here in time for the next capture the flag. Any questions?"

"Nope," Clarisse and Annabeth said as the three then turned to Chiron.

"Alright then questers I wish you the very best of luck," Chiron said as he began rolling away, "and remember to call if anything bad happens."

The demigods all node and watched Chiron roll back to camp. Percy turned to the others, "ah why was he in his wheelchair again?"

Annabeth shrugged, "not sure. Something about a date later this evening and him wanting to get used to being in a wheelchair again."

Percy looked at Annabeth funny before he sighed, "we have a fucked up family."

"Yup," Annabeth said before turning to Percy, "ah Percy, why do you have a red hand shaped mark on your check?"

Percy's eyes widened as he quickly turned away from Annabeth and began to run for the main road, "let's go you guys! Time's a wastin!"

"Percy Jackson get back here and answer my questions!" Annabeth cried out chasing after him.

"What's that Annabeth we have lovely weather today? Well you can't be more right! Come on let's make the most of it!"

Annabeth chased him all the way to the main road where Argus was waiting for them with his white van, something which increasingly creeped Percy out due to it's kidnapper look, which has been previously stated several time by many demigods.

The three got in and soon they were all being taken to New York city. Annabeth had dropped her line of questioning and had began talking to Clarisse about plans to create something akin to a war machine, by the sounds of which was going to be big, loud and awesome!

Percy smiled at this and remained mostly silent as the van drove onwards. Soon the questers reached the train station and promptly got off waving Argus goodbye, who didn't wave back, asshole.

Percy turned to his friends, "okay then you guys wait here and I'll get tickets for the train ride."

"Didn't you guys take the bus last time?" Clarisse asked, "why aren't we going on a bus?"

"One because the last time we were on a bus we got attacked by Furies and two because it's faster this way. I wanted something in the outskirts of Boston last time I went there and the bus would take us there before heading into town, I really didn't want to travel back and forth from the city to the forest, to much of a waste of money."

Annabeth blinked, "wow. Your reasoning was pretty well thought out."

"Yeah, but you're still a miser," Clarisse stated grinning.

"Hey I'm not a miser! I just don't like wasting money that's all!"

"Sure," Clarisse said rolling her eyes.

"Hey! I saw that!"

"Just go get the tickets Percy," Annabeth said pushing Percy into the station and breaking up the fight that was just about to break out. Percy mumbled under his breath but walked away, Annabeth sighed, "why do you always have to piss him off?"

"It's funny," Clarisse replied with a smirk.

Percy got the tickets and the three campers were on the train in five minutes, luckily they hadn't missed it. Percy sat in front of Annabeth and Clarisse as the train slowly began its journey.

"So we have three hours to kill, any ideas?" Percy asked his two friends.

"Well I do have these," Clarisse said taking out a deck of cards, "you up for a game of poker?"

"Oh gods Clarisse give it a rest" Annabeth said taking out a thick book on Architecture, "there is no way anyone can beat you, you're the reigning champion of poker in your cabin."

"Seriously?" Percy asked blinking, "I didn't take Clarice for the gambling type."

"We don't gamble with money," Clarisse spoke up, "we gamble with chores. The loser has to do the winners chores, and if there are more that one loser the work gets spread out among them."

"I see," Percy said scratching his chin. He knew about poker but didn't really know how to play, "so what are the rules?"

"Well..." Clarisse explained the rule of poker to Percy with a hidden smirk.

After one explanation;

"So basically it's a game that involves having lot's of luck," 'my luck's level is 50' "the ability to lie," 'my lie level is 9' "and maintaining your cool all the time?" 'thank you gamer's mind!' Percy asked.


Percy then grinned a vicious smile that sent a chill down Clarisse's spin, "game on war girl."

Clarisse gulped as she started shuffling her deck. For some reason the look Percy had on his face scared the shit out of her but she refused to give up, after all she was the queen of poker.

She gave Percy his two cards and the game began. The moment Percy looked at his cards all emotions melted off his face. He became like a doll, not one muscle moved. He opened his mouth, "I raise two day's worth of chores."

Clarisse began to sweat.

A few moment's later;

"Hahahaha!" Percy cackled out throwing his head up in victory, "I did it! Enjoy the two years worth of chores Clarisse old girl!"

The demigoddess in question had her head down on the ground as she cried tears of regret and lose.

"There there Clarisse, I'm sure some of your siblings can help you with them," Annabeth tried to assure the girl patting her on her back. She turned to Percy, "be a little more considerate Percy, she is feeling bad enough as it is."

"I don't care! HAHAHA! No chores for me!" Percy said holding his stomach as he laughed louder attracting the attention of every person on the train pissing them off.

"Shut up kid!" a rough male voice called out causing Percy to blush and close his mouth.

"Sorry," the son of poseidon replied. He then turned to Clarisse who was still crying, "hey it's okay Clarisse, you don't have to do them all."

Clarisse looked up with hope in her eyes, "really?"

"Nope!" Percy shout back as he laughed loudly.

"Shut up kid!" the same passenger as last time called out.

"Okay okay sheesh!" Percy said finally quieting down.

"I don't get it how come you're so good at this?" Annabeth asked as a slowly recovering Clarisse looked on with interest.

Percy shrugged, "beginner's luck I guess."

Lie failed!

Percy looked at the two questers in front of him and expected them to keep pushing him for more answers, but surprisingly they didn't. They simply nodded their heads and kept quite.

Percy was kind of surprised, they knew he was lying but didn't push for an answer… girls were so nice. If it was Luke or Grover they would have hounded Percy until he gave them the truth. Girls on the other hand it seemed understood personal space and secrets.

Percy didn't actually like lying to his friends, though he did have a high level in lying. He wanted to tell them the truth, but he his trust was broken before, Luke was an example to him that every your closest friends can and will betray you.

Eventually Annabeth bulleid Percy into taking back a year of chores from Clarisse's debt to him while the demigoddess in question swore that she would one day beat Percy and make him do a year's worth of chores, something Percy highly doubted.

The three hours passed by fairly quickly with Annabeth engrossed in her book and Clarisse and Percy having an 'I spy' contest. The three got off at Haymarket station near the North End of Boston and the three got into a cab that lead them to Downtown.

"So where are we meeting your contact?" Annabeth asked.

"A cafe called the Rabbit," Percy explained as the cab took a left entering afternoon traffic.

"A cafe?" Clarisse asked, "we are going to enter this super secret society through a freaking cafe?"

"Hey don't look at me i didn't pick the place," Percy replied putting his hands up.

"Anything we should know before we go in?" Annabeth asked.

"Biggy, the guy we are meeting in there is an informant, he is kind of like me and can scene people's powers. He knew I was a son of Poseidon the moment we met."

Annabeth's eyes widened almost comically, "are you serious?! And here I was thinking your powers were unique."

"Nope," Percy lied;

Lie success!

"So he can sense us, big deal," Clarisse said, "is he any good in a fight?"

"I don't' think so, but reminds me, don't piss anyone off war girl," Percy said turning to Clarisse.

"Why are you looking at me?!" Clarisse cried out in protest.

"Because out of the three of us, you are the most likely to get us kicked out of there," Percy replied with Annabeth nodding her head.

"You two are crazy," Clarisse said crossing her hands, "and frankly I am kind of insulted. What do you take me for a mindless idiot filled with anger always looking for a fight?"

Percy and Annabeth shared a look before turning to Clarisse and nodding their head. The demigoddess through her hands up, "oh come on!"

The cab dropped them off at the cafe as the three got ready to step inside. "Remember, don't piss them off. Everyone in there is trained and dangerous," Percy repeated as Clarisse and Annabeth nodded. They were all business now and their complete focus was given to the task ahead.

Percy stepped inside and looked around. Everyone in there was levels 20 to 30, with one rare case of a level 40 being tucked in the back away from view. This person must be trying to maintain a low profile and Percy for one didn't want to disturb someone so powerful.

He walked to the barista girl and ordered three cappuccinos. He then lead Annabeth and Clarisse to the back where, sure enough, was Biggy, the informant of Abyss Boston edition. The man was the same as before with his huge ass bald spot and tacky gold accessories. He wore a bright blue tracksuit this time and as soon as Percy was in range he looked up and smiled.

"Well well well if it isn't Percy Jackson son of Poseidon. Looks like you managed to defeat the big bad demon after all," Biggy said folding the newspaper he was reading, "what can I do you for?"

Percy smiled, "hello Biggy it's been a while."

"Indeed it has," Biggy replied taking a sip of his coffee, "please sit down. Your friends as well. Let's see here, a daughter of Ares and a daughter of Athena, very very very impressive."

Annabeth and Clarisse stiffened but didn't say anything or looked surprised. It was a good thing Percy told them about Biggy's powers before hand or this would have shocked them stiff.

"So Percy has told you two about my powers huh?" Biggy said taking another sip out of his cup, "well no matter," he turned to Percy, "I really I surprised you managed to kill the demon, I assume that you took the chains?"

"Yup, it wasn't easy but I managed to kill it. Even got a sweet jacket out of the deal," Percy said pointing at his black leather with a trident on the back.

"I see, so where are the chains right now?"

Percy smiled, "I gave them to a friend. She is currently using them to….teach her husband the error of his ways."

Biggy visually shivered, "great. the most powerful chains in Greek mythology and they are now being used to play slave and master."

Annabeth looked surprised and hell as she looked at Percy with a look that said, 'we are so going to talk about this.'

Percy nodded at her and turned to Biggy. Percy pushed Gamer's mind to it's limits, Biggie had an Int of 53 and a Wis of 20, definitely not your average joe, "I need information, on Luke."

"Luke? The son of Hermes that came with you last time? What about him?"

"I want to know what he asked you," Percy said crossing his arms.

"What do you mean what he asked me? Last time I saw him he was with you and the Satyr."

Lie detected!

Percy narrowed his eyes, "don't even try to lie Biggy I know he came to you, he was far too interested in the assassins for hire in the Abyss. He wanted to hire them, and his only contact to the Abyss, is you."

Biggy smiled, "you're pretty smart kid. But I'm not running a charity here. Last time I gave you information as a favour for Eddie, this time you're going to have to pay."

"How much?"

Biggy waved the question away with a hand, "I don't need money kid. What I want, is information."

"Okay then, what do you want to know?"

"Tell me what happened at your geeky camp. Luke told me you were attacked, but he didn't give any details."

"What do you want to know?"


Percy sighed and began narrating the story out for Biggy. He told him how he managed to rally up the campers and fight back against the invading monsters and how he managed to destroy them all. He then told of how Hyperion decided to come crashing in spewing fire arrows out everywhere. And finally about how Percy cut a deal with the gods letting him bring the dead campers back to life.

"So it's all out war huh?" Biggy asked as Percy and the others received their coffee from the barista lady.

"Basically," Percy replied taking a sip of his coffee, "it's us against the Titans."

"A second Titan war," Biggy declared and after while of deep thinking spoke up, "before I tell you what you want to know understand that I am neutral in all of this. I am just an informant, bring me into your war and I promise you I will make you regret it."

Percy nodded and took another sip of his cup of coffee, he might just become addicted to this thing.

"Fine then," Biggy then took out a piece of paper and scribbled something down in it, "Luke came in to find a place to buy weapons and recruit people. I unfortunately couldn't help him with the latter so I sent him to a friend in Chicago, but I could help him out with the former. This," he slid the note to Percy, "is the location of the warehouse I sent him to. He is going to there for only one day, meaning after this he will be in the wind. Good luck."

Percy pocketed the note and nodded at Biggy. Annabeth and Clarisse finished their cups of coffee and the questers began to leave.

"Wait," Biggy called out stopping them, "if you go there. To the warehouse I mean, you will be exposed to Abyss. The warehouse is basically a weapons market, it will have the attention of all the members of the Abyss. If you go there, and cause a scene, which I am sure you will, this world will come to know about you. And once they do you will become a part of Abyss, something you can't undo."

Percy nodded, "I got it."

"No I don't think you do. As an informant I can't play favorites, I have to give information freely. So if anyone comes asking about you I will have to tell them all I know."

"That's ridiculous! What type of stupid law is that?!" Clarisse asked furious.

Biggy narrowed his eyes, "it's that same stupid law that allowed me to tell you all I know about Luke. So stop whining, the world's unfair, get used to it."

Clarisse was about to rebuttal before Percy held up a hand shutting her up. He turned to Biggie, "we'll be going now Biggy, thanks for the info."

Biggy nodded, "anytime."

The three questers walked out and immediately Clarisse began to complain, "that's so not fair! He made you tell everything about what you did and the moment anyone asks he is willing to blurt everything out? What the hell! I thought he was a friend Percy!"

Percy sighed, "I never said he was a friend, he is just a contact."

"And it doesn't matter what he knows Clarisse," Annabeth said, "he is clever and dangerous. Meaning next time we deal with him we have to be very careful and not give anything away."

Percy nodded, "Annabeth's right, let's just move on for now."

"But how can we?!" Clarisse asked throwing her hands about, "I mean come on! I thought he was on out side!"

"Maybe this should just be an example of what we should expect moving forward into Abyss," Annabeth said, "allies may become enemies in a split second. We are going to have be very careful."

Percy nodded, he was impressed with how quickly Annabeth was adapting to the situation, "right. I'm pissed too Clarisse, but right now there is nothing we can do. Lets just focus on getting to New York and finding this warehouse," Percy said tacking the sheet of paper Biggie gave them. On it was;

100 Neptune Ct,

Bronx, Ny

Percy's eyebrow twitched, 'this must be a joke.' Percy was very much aware of his dad's other name in Roman mythology, and this….this was just too much of a coincidence. Percy sighed, well at least he won't be forgetting this address anytime soon.

"What does it say?" Annabeth asked.

He gave it to her as he simply rubbed his temples. Annabeth read it and then began to laugh hysterically.

"What? What's so funny?" Clarisse asked. Annabeth gave her the paper and immediately the daughter of Ares started to laugh as well.

"Alright alright I get it, can we move on please?" Percy asked as he hailed them a cab.

"Why of course Percy, son of Neptune," Annabeth said giggling.

"Oh shut up Annabeth daughter of….ah..."

"Typical, everyone forgets about Minerva. Though it is understandable, those Roman's did deface Athena statue so much everyone can't even tell Minerva is Athena," Annabeth said as they got into a cab.

"Yeah," Percy replied as he thought over something before speaking up, "wait do you think there is a roman camp?"

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked.

"Well we are Greek demigods, so do you think that there are Roman demigods out there somewhere?"

"Well if there are they are doing an amazing job hiding away," Clarisse replied, "I have never heard of any Roman demigods being found in recent camp history or any Roman monsters for that matter."

"Aren't roman monster basically ripped off versions of Greek monsters?" Percy asked.

"Ah, well for the most part yes, but there are some unique roman monster out there."

"Really? Like what?"

"Well…. let's see," Annabeth then took on her thinking pose as she began to search her head for the information she needed, "well there is the-nope that's greek. The-nope that's Nordic. The Kraken? No too vague also has roots in Greek myths. Ah ha! Lemures!"

"Those are basically ghosts," Clarisse said before thinking for a bit, "what about fauns?"

"Roman version of a Satyr," Annabeth explained, "oh I know! A Caladrius!"

"A what?" Percy asked.

"A Caladrius is a now white bird that can take away people's sickness and disperse it to the winds. It also can tell when someone is able to make a full recovery or not."

"So basically the only original thing about Roman monsters is a bird that can heal people?"


"Lame," Percy replied, "well I know one thing if there was a Roman camp they must be one of the most boring group of people on the face of the Earth. Probably don't even know how to swing if the history books are right about their fear of water."

Soon the cab brought them to the station again where Percy got tickets for a train going to New York in the next minutes.

"So what's the plan here?" asked Clarisse, "we going back to camp or going after Luke?"

Annabeth turned to Percy who answered, "we're going after Luke. We know where he is, we can't let a chance like this escape."

"Didn't Chiron say this was just a reconnaissance mission?" Clarisse asked.

"Yeah he did, but we now have the opportunity to get him ourselves, and I don't know about you but I want some sweet revenge."

Annabeth and Clarisse looked at each other before nodding, "alright then, let's go catch ourselves a traitor."

Percy smiled and the three then waited for their train to arrive. Slowly however Percy began to notice something strange, it was the middle of the afternoon and the train station was clearing out, fast.

"Ah guys, I think something is about to happen," Percy said as he reached into his pocket to make sure Riptide was still there.

"What do you mean?" Clarisse asked as she took out a cylinder of what looked like perfume which was actually her spear in disguise.

"Everyone is clearing out of the station, fast," Percy commented. Annabeth took out her dagger and stepped back behind Percy and Clarisse. Soon the last of the mortals were gone leaving the three questers alone in the middle of the big main platform of the station.

Percy then felt something, a chill come up his spine;

Warning! An enemy approaching from your right side!

Percy turned to his right and narrowed his eyes, "there," and sure enough he saw three people walk towards them. The one in the middle was a woman with white blond hair and cold blue eyes wearing a light blue shirt with dark jeans. Around her was an aura of cold, the same aura Percy felt, she was also the same person Percy felt in the cafe, seems they trailed them all the way here.

To the left was a girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes similar to the first girl. She wore a very form fitting black dress which showed her slender but well built figure and by her side was a large metal baseball bat.

And the last person was a man who stood at 6 feet tall, half a foot taller than the girls with broad shoulders and a square jaw. He wore winter clothes with a heavy coat and a beanie, but the strangest thing about him was the fact that he was currently riding a freaking reindeer.

Annabeth and Clarisse turned out the enemy and Percy Observed them. First was the woman with white blond hair;

Elsa Arendelle, Snow Queen

Lv- 40



Race- Human (Clear Sighted, Mutated)







Elsa at a young age was given power over ice allowing her to freely control it. At first she was unable to control it but after help from her sister Anna she has learned to cherish and control her powers. She now wishes to find the person did this to her and is willing to do anything to find said person.

She wishes to stop Percy from traveling to New York at all costs

She is calm but afraid of failure.

Then the one with strawberry blonde hair.

Anna Arendelle, Ass kicker

Lv- 21



Race- Human (Clear sighted)







Anna is the younger sister of Elsa. Every since a young age she has rained to become stronger to protect her sister from those that would seek to harm her. Soon she became a martial arts master having a level of mastery over several different styles of fighting including karate, judo and krav maga. She is now on a quest to find who experimented on her sister along with her boyfriend Kristoff.

She wishes to stop Percy from traveling to New York at all costs

She is fully focused and is ready to fight.

The blonde guy;

Kristoff Kai, Master of reindeers




Race- Human (Clear Sighted)







Kristoff Kai is a master of reindeers giving him control over reindeers and the power to enhance himself with parts of a reindeer. His personal reindeer is Sven who is… well a reindeer. He is dating Anna Arendelle and is currently helping her find the man who experimented on her sister.

He want's to stop Percy form getting on the train to New York

He is currently hungry, but is also focused on the task at hand.

And his freaking reindeer;

Sven, Reindeer extraordinaire

Lv- 10



Race- Reindeer







Saved by Kristoff at a young age, Sven the reindeer has sworn his servitude and friendship to his human saviour. He has become close friends with Anna and Elsa and is willing to disobey Kristoff if it means pleasing them. He is also very smart, for a reindeer.

He doesn't like Percy, smells to much like fish

He is hungry but is interested in a good fight.

Percy sighed read their bio's looks like trouble just found them, again. What was with him and finding trouble in Boston? Did the city hate him or something? And what did the reindeer mean when it said he smelt like fish? The fuck!

Percy spoke up, "Clarisse the one riding the reindeer is the strongest, I feel like he has some sort of connection with the stupid reindeer he is riding and will likely attack with it, you up for the challenge?"

The daughter of war smirked reading her spear, "born ready."

"Right, Annabeth the strawberry blonde girl is a hand to hand specialist, but isn't very smart, think you can trick her into hitting herself with her bat?"

Annabeth grinned, "you're on."

Percy smiled and turned to the three approaching them but spoke in a whisper, " alright then, move when I say so," he then spoke loudly, "so….Elsa, Anna and Kristoff, what can I do for you guys?"

The three in front of him stopped approaching him for a split second and in that second Percy attacked by breaking the ground with his Earthquake fist breaking the ground and sending pieces of rock everywhere.

"Now!" Percy cried out as Clarisse charged Kristoff ,who managed to avoid the destroyed ground only to be trapped on one side of the station away from the others. Annabeth ran to Anna who was recovering from almost being hit by a rock leaving Elsa to face off against Percy.

"How did you know who we are?" Elsa asked with narrowed eyes in a cold tone.

"Didn't you know? I have the powers of an informant," Percy said reading Riptide, "and you my Snow Queen are in way over your head."

Elsa didn't smile but instead raised a hand up gathering ice around the palm of her hand, "we shall see."

Elsa sent a blast of ice out of her hand that took the form of sharp ice shards. Percy dodged them all and with a snap of his finger sent a fireball flying right at Elsa's face. The so called Snow Queen brought up a ice shield just in time while simultaneously sending several blast of icy wind at Percy.

The son of Poseidon dodged all of the strikes and charged at the woman, something told him she didn't have much experience with close quarter combat. Percy was proven right when instead of fighting him head on Elsa jumped back while sending blasts of ice at him.

Percy once again danced through the ice beams was soon stood a few feet in front of Elsa with his trademark grin on his face, "what's the matter hot stuff? Ran out of juice?"

Elsa was panting as she looked at Percy with a sneer, "oh I have not even begun yet." Just then a shadow was cast around the room covering Percy from head to toe. The son of Poseidon turned around and gulped only to find a huge monster made out of ice and snow with big heavy limbs and sharp teeth and claws.

"You didn't think I was just wasting all that ice I threw did you?" Elsa as a hint of a smile appeared on her face, "Percy Jackson meet Snowball, he likes chocolate and ripping trees out of the ground with his bare hands."

Percy Elsa but on his face was not fear like she hoped but confusion, "can he even taste chocolate? And what type of stupid ass name if Snowball?"





Race- Ice monster







A monster created through the powers of Elsa it is not very smart but can obey simple orders and can also be controlled like a puppet.

Kill to get- 7,000 Exp

Elsa groaned, "I named him when I was twelve alright? Now shut up," she said just as Snowball smashed the spot Percy was standing in a few moments ago.

Percy looked at the things HP;

Snowball HP: 20,000/20,000

'Easy enough,' Percy commented as he summoned two fireballs sending both right at Snowball's face. The frost monster put a hand up and blocked the fireballs as a little of the ice in it's hand started to melt.

Percy sighed, this was going to be a long battle.

Annabeth hated this girl, she really wanted to kill Percy for even suggesting fighting her. Right now the daughter of wisdom was running as fast as she could away from the crazy strawberry blonde swinging the metal baseball bat.

What was it Percy said? 'Can you trick her into hitting herself with her bat?' Yeah right! Easier said than done! But in the end it was her fault for even accepting, well it was either that or fight the girl with freaking ice powers that just summoned a giant ice monster!

"Stay still so I can hit you!" Anna screamed out as she swung her bat at Annabeth only to smash into one of the walls of the station, "I promise it won't hurt!"

"Hell no!" Annabeth cried out as she ran even faster, "you're freaking crazy!"

"Crazy strong!" Anna replied as she brought the bat down again, this time nearly hitting Annabeth who just managed to dodge by jumping to the side.

Annabeth rolled up and saw a chunk of stone next to her. She swung her foot and kicked the stone with all her strength sending it flying into Anna's nose breaking it with an audible crunch.


"Shit!" Anna cried out as she grabbed her nose with both hand dropping her bat on the floor. Blood poured out freely as the girl tried to stop it with her fingers.

Annabeth took this chance a whipped out her dagger and moving back a few steps to the left, "need some help with that?"

"You snot nosed brat!" Anna cried out as she stopped her nose from bleeding by stuffing a napkin into her nose, "I'm going to make you hurt so bad!"

"Right," Annabeth said taking another step to her left as Anna took up her metal bat.

"I'm serious, I'm going to do nasty stuff to you."

"Really? Like what?" Annabeth took a step to the left which Anna mimicked maintain the distance between them.

"I'll break your nose."

"Getting revenge by doing the same thing they did to you? Kind of a cliche."

"I'll break your legs."

"To basic." Annabeth took another step to the left and Anna copied.

"I'll… I'll," Anna thought before smirking, "I'll cover you with reindeer spit. And believe me those things are nasty. And then I'll make you watch the Human centipede, twice."

Annabeth shivered at that, "okay then, that's scary," she then held her dagger in a reverse grip, "so are you going to do something or are you all just talk?"

Anna smirked and raised her bat up and charged, "ahhh!" But after her second step she tripped on a crack on the ground, made by Percy's Earthquake fist, and hit herself on the head with her bat knocking her out.

"Huh," Annabeth said with a smile, this was the reason she kept moving to the left, "that was easy."

Clarisse was happy. No scratch that she was beyond happy, she was ecstatic. She lunged at the reindeer Sven and Kristoff with her spear knocking them on the side for the second time in their fight. She then blocked Sven's kick with her spear shaft while dodging Kristoff's tackle.

"I'll give you one thing you two sure do know how to work together, but other than that you suck at fighting!" Clarisse mocked as she twirled her spear around her head before leveling it at her enemies.

"Yeah we work better as a team," Kristoff said before he mounted Sven and held the reindeer by the horns, "perhaps you would like to see what we can really do?"

"Oh please what you-" Clarisse began before shutting her mouth as he watched something impossible happen in front of her. Kristoff and Sven melded together and fused to from what looked like a giant hairy reindeer with human clothes standing on two very human legs. It's looked at Clarisse with pupiless eyes and growled. The daughter of Ares simply looked at the beast and replied, "oh shit."

Percy jumped away from another one of Snowball's ice breaths causing all that turned next to it into ice. Percy panted, this was getting hard. Usually he could just bring out the gauntlet of Kefka and beat Snowball with a little backup from Zed or even Craig, but now he had to rely on only his skills, which were lacking when it came fighting giant ice monster that could regenerate very fast.

Percy recalled every skill he knew and only one came to mind, Death touch. It would be a great way to try out his new skill, and if it doesn't work on this thing for some reason or the other he would still have other ways to kill it.

Percy readied himself as he put away Riptide stitching each of his finger in anticipation for what he was about to do. He dashed forward and quickly became a blur due to his Speed demon perk.

In a few seconds he appeared right in front of Snowballs and pressed both hands open palmed on the monster's stomach. The thing was cold to the touch but Percy didn't care about that, he cared about one thing, "Death Touch!"

Suddenly a burst of energy exploded out of Percy's hands as he felt something even colder that Snowball's body travel through his veins and into the monster. His mana poured into Snowball causing the monster to stop moving and just stare into Percy's eyes and slowly it's eyes became dead.

Slowly the snowman became to fall apart into little pieces as it became nothing more than blocks of ice. Percy put down his hands and looked at the falling ice in shock. 'I-I did it. I actually did it.'

Percy was shocked beyond belief at what he did but when turned to Elsa he found she looked even more shocked than he was, "h-how did you do that?!"

Percy was about to answer just as Annabeth showed up, "you alright here Percy?"

Percy turned to Elsa who was still panting, her MP was;

Elsa MP:1,250/5,000

She was exhausted right now, probably couldn't put up much of a fight now, "Yeah, I good. where is Clarisse."

"Run for your lives!" came a wild cry causing everyone to turn and see Clarisse running towards them being chased by a….giant reindeer?

Percy spoke up, "Clarisse? What-"

"No time to explain just run!" Clarisse said as she and the other turned and ran to the platform leaving Elsa surprise while the giant reindeer just continued the chase.

"What happened to the guy you were fighting?" Percy asked as they ran to the second platform catching sight of their train.

"That is that guy I was fighting!" Clarisse shouted back as they quickly boarded the train just as Elsa riding on the giant reindeer appeared.

"Shit," Percy cursed, "I'll hold them off, you two wait here," Percy said and without even listening to what the other girls had to say jumped off the train and brought his sword out.

The reindeer continued it's mad charge and Percy quickly moved away from the train and his friends drawing the reader to the center of the platform. "Come and get me," Percy replied as he summoned a ball of fire in his right hand.

"No Kristoff," Elsa replied on top of the reindeer, "don't' get too close. He has a power than can kill with a single touch. Ill deal with him." The Snow queen then dropped down walking towards Percy as the reindeer stepped back giving them more space to move.

"You? Fight me? Get real. You can barely move," Percy replied as he sent his fire ball right at the white haired female.

Elsa dodged the attack and sent several ice spears at Percy which the son of Poseidon managed to block with his blade.

He didn't want to show most of his powers off right now, incase he was being watched by an Abyss agent but he had a perfect opportunity to capture Elsa, without hurting her. He used his shadow control and commanded Elsa's own shadow to wrap around her and tie her up like a mummified body.

Percy smirked, "not so tough now huh?"

Elsa looked at him with rage filled eyes, "you don't' know what I am capable of, boy."

Percy gulped as he suddenly got a flash back to Artemis just as Elsa froze the shadow around her and broke the bonds that held her.

Elsa then got up and waved her arms forming a giant ice spear, "eat this!" Elsa screamed before launching the spear at Percy. Percy however didn't try to dodge it or move away, he simply drew back a fist and shattered the spear with an Earthquake punch.

Elsa however smirked and waved her hands causing event shattered shard of ice there to turn towards Percy and attack him. Percy activated Speed demon and tried to move away but he couldn't move his legs. He looked down and there sticking him to the ground were ice shackles holding him down.

Percy looked up, he couldn't give in, he wouldn't give in. He launched his mana outward to the ice shards around him and commanded the water in the ice to obey his will. Suddenly he could feel it, he could feel the ice around him, he could also feel Elsa's mana in the ice. He fought back but ultimately Elsa's control over the ice was to strong pushing past Percy's control.

'Marble skin!' Percy though and in a split second before he got pierced by the ice shards his skin began as tough as stone as Percy put over 300 points of mana into the skill.

Defence- 5,500,

- 7,000 HP!

Percy Jackson HP: 1,800/3,300


You have gained a new skill!

Ice control, Lv-1 (0%)

Allows the user free control over the element of ice.

Cost- 10MP per foot of ice created

Max size- 20 foot

Percy grunted as he used his minor ice control to push the shards of ice away from his body and break the ice shackles holding him place.

Percy looked up at Elsa who looked shocked once again by what he could do, "y-you. You can control ice. I felt you try, a-are you like me?"

Percy was about to answer but just the a whistle broke out. The train was going to leave, and Percy needed to be on it. He used Speed demon and dashed away from Elsa just as the train started to move out of the station.

"NO!" Elsa cried out as she sent ice out to try and freeze the train track only for Percy to use his own control over ice to deflect the ice by just a bit missing the tracks completely. "Come back! I need answers!"


A skill has leveled up!

Ice control, Lv-2 (30%)

Allows the user free control over the element of ice.

Cost- 10MP per foot of ice created

Max size- 25 foot

Percy didn't know what she meant, and frankly didn't really care. The train picked up more and more speed tacking the three quester out of Boston within the hour taking them back to New York and to Luke.

Percy looked to clarisse and Annabeth, "are you two alright?"

"Us? What about you?!" Annabeth asked as she checked Percy's bodied for any wounds, "we saw you getting skewered like a pin cushion!"

Percy shrugged, "the jacket protected me," he said pointing to his black leather jacket, "it's made out of a monster with similar fur to the Nemean lion, very strong."

"And what about your head and legs?" Clarisse asked with narrowed eyes.

"A spell I learned in the New York Natural history museum," at their strange looks Percy sighed, "long story."

"Well we have all the time in the world," Annabeth said leading them into a compartment and sitting down in the chair closest to the door, "so sit down and tell it."

Percy sighed, he was going to get a major boost to his lying skill when he was done with this.

An hour later;

Your skill has leveled up!

Lying, Lv-10 (0%)

This is your ability to lie to people, the higher the level the better the lie and less chance of discovery!

50% chance of success, less based on how extreme the lie is.

Bullshiting-Lv-5, a combanation of lying and the truth said in a very confident manner!

Percy sighed closing the notification box in front of him. He told them a few things, like the fact he fought Alecto there who somehow managed to animate marble statue to life and how he fought an army of the undead while going through the museum.

They believed the marble statue thing but was a bit sceptical about the whole horde of the undead thing, which was kind of silly when you think about it. Like, sure a giant walking marble statue? Totally believable, but a horde of undead? Nope, can't happen.

Percy eventually convinced them otherwise and told them that he learnt the Marble Skin spell from a scroll he found in Alecto's person before she vanished into dust. When Annabeth asked to see the scroll Percy just said that he didn't have it with him but would be glad to show it to her once they get back.

Annabeth accepted which meant Percy now had time till they get back to camp to forge a scroll written in ancient Greek detailing the use of the Marble skin spell, yeah no problem.

"Wouldn't it be amazing if Alecto was still here?" Annabeth commented distracting Percy from his thoughts.

"Wait I'm sorry what? Why?"

"Well you said she animated an entire statue right?" Percy nodded, "and she did it with runes?" another noob "so what I meant was if she was still alive we could convince her to teach us how to do that. Just imagine it all the statues in camp could be called upon to defend it in case another monster army decided to attack."

Percy was stunned at that. Why didn't he ever think of that? He could get Alecto to teach him all she knew. And not just her, Marchosias too! Well the things that won't cost a human soul anyway. He had so much on knowledge available to him and he didn't even realise it!

Percy felt like hitting himself in the head but didn't he didn't want to cause a scene. At around 9 in the night the train reached New York. Outside Percy hailed them a cab and the three got in, "where to?" the white skinned black haired taxi driver asked them through the rear view mirror.

"Oh right," Percy said as he reached into his pocket to take out the piece of paper that Biggie had given him only to find a big hole in his pocket, "shit."

"What happened?" Annabeth asked.

"There is a hole in my pocket, the note must have slipped right out of my pants during my fight with Elsa."

"Don't' worry about it," Clarisse said before turning to the cab driver, "take us to the warehouse district in the Bronx's. We need to be at 100 Neptune Ct, you know where that is?"

"Yup, we'll be there in five minutes," the cab driver said driving away.

"You memorized the address?" Percy asked impressed.

"Yup," Clarisse said. She then noticed Percy's and Annabeth's shocked look, "what? It was important data, in war not remembering things like that can get you killed!"

Annabeth and Percy shared and look before sighing, "that's good," Percy said.

Annabeth nodded continuing, "we were afraid that you were a shapeshifting monster in disguise, last thing we would need is that."

"Hey!" Clarisse cried out.

The taxi took them to the warehouse district in the Bronx and stopped in front of a gated complex inside which was filled with several different warehouses. "All right kidd's end of the line," the cab driver stated.

"Is this the place?" Percy asked as he and the others stepped out of the cab paying the taxi driver.

"Not really, you see that road in there," he said pointing to a road inside the complex traveling parallel to the one they were on , "that's Neptune road. I can't go in because this place here is private land. I assume you kids are going to meet your parents here?"

Annabeth stepped up and waved her hands. Percy could feel the mist bend to her will as she spoke, "you will not ask any more questions. You will go about your day normally and will forget you ever saw us, understood?"

The taxi driver nodded, "understood." He then turned the taxi around and without another look or comment to them drove away into the night leaving the three kids alone.

"Damn," Percy said watching the vanishing tail lights, "I have got to learn how to do that."

"So what's the plan on getting in?" Clarisse asked turning to the high walls.

"Isn't it obvious?" Percy asked as he walked up to the gate, "we go in."

"And how are we going to go in?" Clarisse asked pointing to the locked gate, "it's locked."

Percy nodded and grabbed the lock with his hand, he then challenged some of his Earthquake powers into the lock, just enough to shatter it and leave the rest of the gate unharmed, "now it''s unlocked."

Clarisse whistled, "I have got to learn how to do that."

Percy opened the gate slightly as the three snuck inside the private complex. They stuck to the shadows and before long found themselves in front of the warehouse they were looking for. Percy went next to the main door and held his hand up stopping the other from moving, "I'm going to try something, wait for me to give the all clear."

Annabeth and Clarisse nodded and Percy closed his eyes and thought out, 'Shadow Spying.'

His mana leaped out of his body and went into the shadows inside the warehouse. And just like that Percy could hear something.

"Are you sure they are going to come?" asked a familiar voice which Percy immediately recognized, 'Luke!'

"Yes, I am sure" said a softer masculine voice, "in fact, they are already here."

Percy's eyes shot up in surprise, he turned to Annabeth and Clarisse, "get down!"

Suddenly the walls of the warehouse bursted apart as a giant 12 foot tall human crashed though. Percy and the other moved just in time to avoid getting crushed by the creature and rolled up to see just what caused all this damage.

The creature was human, but the similarities stopped there. It stood 12 feet tall and naked but strangely it had no genitalia or even nipples. It's mouth was wide and it's teeth were blunt. It looked at Percy and slowly it started to drool over itself as it licked it's mouth.

"Guys get up, now!" Percy said as he took out Riptide and the shield of Ares just as this thing came charging at them. It ran like a chicken throwing it's hand up in the air free while it's legs rushed forward.

The thing then reached for Percy, however the son of Poseidon managed to dodge the slow monster's outstretched hand and managed to cut off few of it's finger with Riptide.

"AHHH!" The monster roared as it fell back on it's behind holding it's hand in pain.

Peryc however wasn't in a very forgiving mood. He jumped up on top of the monster and pushed it down into the ground, "Earthquake Fist!"

"You shouldn't have done that Percy," Luke's voice called out.

Percy turned and standing in front of the broken wall of the warehouse was Luke dressed in a black on black shirt and jeans with a blue jacket zipped up.

"Luke," Percy growled, "what is that thing."

"That Percy is my trap for you," Luke explained, "though judging by the look on Annabeth's face she already know what it is."

Percy turned to Annabeth who was literally shaking in fear, "G-gergosa. It's a Gergosa!"

Percy snapped to the monster as which was slowly getting up and used Observe on it,





Race- Gergosa







A monster used during the first titan war as infantry, Gergosas are built to do one thing and one thing only, kill and eat all humans. They cannot feel pain or remorse. They are the perfect killing machines.

Kill to get- 18,000 Exp

Percy started to sweat a little bit, it would be a tough battle fighting it and Luke, maybe it would be best to bring out the gauntlet and get some help.

Percy was about to move when a man dressed in a black suit with a top hat appeared next to Luke. The man was thin, almost unhealthy, his hair was very curly and his teeth were sharp like a sharks. And on top of his head was;

Kishin Argo, Dealer


"See what did I tell you," Argo spoke up, "didn't I tell you they were here?"

Luke nodded, "yeah, you did," Luke then turned to Percy and narrowed his eyes, "you shouldn't have come Percy."

Percy frowned, "I'm guessing this is a trap."

"Yeah it is. I knew you would go to Biggy for information about me, so I used that opportunity to set a trap for you, hopefully now you will learn to stay out of other people's business."

"You are my business Luke!" Percy cried out.

"No, right now that thing is your business," Argo pointed to the Gergosa who was now up and fully healed as steam flowed out of its hand reforming it's cut off fingers. Even it's HP was full;

Gergosa HP: 18,000/18,000

Percy cursed himself for being so dumb as to not realise it was a trap. He moved back to Clarisse and Annabeth who were just a scared but they hide it under their will to fight.

"Do you know anything about this thing?" Percy asked Annabeth, "anything at all?"

"It's neck," Annabeth said after some thought, "the back of it's neck if it's one weakness, or at least that's what the legends say."

Percy nodded and walked forward, "back of the neck, got it." Percy readied the sword just as the Gergosa charged at the three campers. Percy jumped away from the monster and so did Annabeth but Clarrise tripped and fell down. The Gergosa then reached out and grabbed the demigoddess crushing her in his grip.

"AH!" she screamed as a snap broke out indicating a broken rib.

"Clarisse!" Percy shouted as he activated Speed Demon and dashed at the monster's hand cutting it off it's wrist with his blade. Percy went to Clarrisse and helped pry the Gergosa's hand open releasing the girl. "Are you alright?"

Clarisse coughed out blood, "I'll be fine." she then looked behind Percy as her eyes widened in fear, "behind you!"

Percy turned just in time to see the Gergosa's head lung for them both. He moved pushing Clarisse away with one hand just as the monster's mouth closed down on Percy.