

Chapter 48

Percy Decker, the son of Pan, ran through the water park with his best friend Nico next to him. They both had their weapons drawn out as they ran next to Sally Jackson, the mother of Percy Jackson, the person who Decker wanted to grow up to be.

"We need to get to Picnic Grove!" Ed shouted out as he lead the small group towards the meeting place. They all had heard the message on the speakers from Charles Beckendorf, telling them to get to the grove, they only hoped they could make it before something happened.

Decker nodded as they moved through the laid down pathways. Just then a foot crashed into the ground a few feet in front of them. Decker looked up in horror as he saw a naked 30 foot tall woman look down at them with a hungry grin on her face.

"Kids run!" Ed shouted as he reached into his pocket pulling out a key chain. He tossed the key into the air and Decker watched as it transformed into mace made of celestial bronze with a morning star on top.

The 30 foot monster bent down and tried to grab Sally only for Ed to jump in and smash his weapon into the monster's hand tearing it's skin apart.

"Graa!" the monster roared in irritation more than pain. It started to attack Ed, who slowly started to move away from the group leading the monster futher and futher away from the mortal woman.

"Decker!" Nico shouted causing the son of Pan to snap his attention back to the son of Hades, "we need to move."

Decker nodded as the two began running pulling Sally along with them. "What about Edward?!" Sally asked looking at the son of Hermes who was jumping all over the place to avoid getting hit by the Gergosas' giant fists.

"He can take care of himself!" Decker called out as he tightened his grip on his sword, Leafblade, the same weapon Percy gifted to him.

They twisted and turned all over the park when suddenly a Gergosa jumped right in front of them. It was on all fours with it's mouth flooded with its saliva. It looked at them as it drooled all over the ground, and suddenly it charged.

"Get down!" Nico shouted as he grabbed Sally and pulled her down while Decker used his control over nature to attack the monster. Suddenly the rose bushes on the sides exploded towards the Gergosas tangling it up in a huge hedge of thorns and roses.

Decker stepped back as his head was covered with sweat, he had used a lot of his energy for that move, and it probably is only going to slow it down.

"You okay Decker?" Nico asked he helped Sally up.

"I'm fine," Decker said panting. Nico nodded as they turned around and ran. They took a left and went further away from the Gergosa when suddenly they heard something snap. Through his mental connection with the fauna around him Decker knew it was the roses he put in front of that Gergosa.

They quickly reached the Big Kahuna wave pool, they were halfway there now. But just then a huge figure jumped over them and into the pool causing half the water inside the pool to splash out.

Decker's eyes widened as he saw the four limb walking Gergosa stare at them, it was covered with cuts but it didn't seem to care.

It jumped out of the pool and towards them, Decker readied his blade when suddenly a blast of darkness collided with the monster in mid air sending him back into the water.

Decker turned to Nico who had both hand spread out and open. His head was covered with sweat, but he didn't look too exhausted.

They quickly grabbed Sally and tired to run for it when suddenly another Gergosa got in their path. This one stood on two limbs and had long blonde hair. It was a woman, the same one that Ed had lead away from them.

"We need to keep Sally safe!" Nico said as they turned around and ran the other way. Just then the second Gergosa jumped out of the water and landed in front of them closing all escape routes.

Decker and Nico stood on either side of Sally with their blades up. They looked as the Gergosas closed in on them. Their breath smelt like rotting flesh, their teeth was covered with blood. But worst of all was their eyes. Those dead, soulless eyes that made them feel less than human.

Decker felt sacred, paralyzed even, but he wouldn't' give up no…..Percy wouldn't give up, and neither would he!

Decker sent a blast of his mana outwards as he caught onto the minds of every single plant and bug that was around them. Decker's nose started leaking blood from the stress of controlling all of those things at once, but he pushed through, "attack!"

Suddenly the plants around them did just that. The pine trees sent out sharp pine needles at the Gergosas. This caused them to get irritated but that was when the creepers attacked. They climbed around the Gergosa's legs and tied them up paralyzing the monsters.

"Now Nico!" Decker shouted as he used his magic to enhance the strength of the creepers. Nico immediately moved as he shot a shadow grapple from his arm into the side of the Gergosa.

Nico launched sideways into the air and quickly swung around the Gergosa. He then cut the shadow line and launched another shadow grapple across the monster and pulled. Nico flew threw the air and readied his blade as he passed by the Gergosa's neck.

The moment he was close enough for his blade to reach Nico swung, and swung hard. He cut halfway into the monster's neck causing it to cry out in pain. Nico landed safely on the ground but stumbled as he was exhausted. He had been fighting for so long, this last attack was just one in a string of Gergosas he had to face and put down. The only thing that helped him move was the adrenaline flowing through him.

Nico grinned as he looked at Decker giving him a thumbs up.

Decker grinned but just then the second Gergosa, the one on four limbs, snapped out of his bound causing Decker to fall down in pain. He was mentally connected to the plant, he felt what it felt.

Sally immediately went to Decker's side and held on tight, "are you okay Decker? Speak to me Decker?! Decker?! Decker?!"

The son of Pan was unconscious as the Gergosa stood over them with it's droll rolling over Sally's head. It looked down at them and meet Sally's eye, fear ran through the mortal woman's veins. Her life passed right before her eyes as she closed them accepting her fate.

"No!" Nico shouted as he tried to run, but he knew he wouldn't it there on time. He shot a shadow grapple at the monster and saw the Gergosa simply knock it to the side. The attack wasn't large enough or sharp enough to damage it.

The monster then opened it's mouth and bent down.

"Get away from them!"

Sally looked up to see Edward jumped from the top of a kid's water slide bringing his mace down on top of the Gergosa's neck. The impact snapped the monster's neck in half tearing out blood vessels and nerves as the monster roared in pain.

Sally grabbed Decker and moved away as the Gergosa fell down in front of her. Edward rolled off of the monster's neck, his left hand was broken but he still had his right. He lifted his mace up single handedly and brought it down again on the monster's neck.

The Gergosa roared as it started to shake it's neck throwing Edward to the side. It then lunged at him trying to eat him whole when suddenly several of the vines that remained intact jumped up and grabbed the monster by the neck and squeezed.

Sally looked down at Decker, he had only one eye opened and passing in and out of consciousness, but he held on.

Nico jumped on top of the monster's neck and grabbed onto the wound Edward made. The monster roared as it tried to shake Nico off but the son of Hades held on. He then began to gather the shadows around him, transforming them into knives and shoving them into the Gergosa cutting its neck off from the inside out.

"ARGH!" the monster roared but it soon stopped thrashing around as it's limbs gave out from under it causing it to collapse onto the ground.

"Are you guys okay?" Nico asked looking to Sally and Decker, who finally let go of his control over the vines and fell unconscious.

"We are fine, see if Edward is hurt," Sally told Nico as she got up with Decker in her hands. The 10 year old boy was heavy but Sally refused to leave the brave young man behind. He had saved her life, it was the least she could do.

Nico quickly found Ed who was thrown into the pool. After retrieving his mace, which he turned back into a set of keys, the two walked back to Sally who looked him over. Ed had a broken hand a several cuts, but he still smiled, "stop checking me out Sally, if Percy finds out he just might kill me."

Sally chuckled, "yes he can be a bit….over protective," she quickly sobered up, "are you okay?"

Edward nodded, "yeah, nothing I can't recover from."

Sally nodded as she turned to Nico, "we need to move. Can you help support him?" Nico nodded and the group quickly began running back to Picnic Grove.

"Do you think Percy and the other's are going to be okay?" Nico asked worried.

Edward chuckled, "kid Percy fought these things before, and he kicked their ass. He'll be fine. It's us I'm worried about."

Sally nodded, "and we will be fine too. Don't worry Nico," she smiled at the boy, "everything is going to be fine."

Just then a large explosion was heard;


They all turned and noticed that the sound had come from the far side of the park, where Nico had last seen Percy and his sister. Right after Percy jumped out of the ride they were attacked by a small army of Gergosas. Nico had managed to kill one and run away, but in the process he lost sight of his sister. He had no idea what to do until he meet Sally, Ed and Decker.

"I think that might be him," Nico muttered.

"No shit kid," Edward muttered, "who else do you know that can cause an explosion that loud?"

With Percy;

Percy punched Argo across the face so hard the resulting extra force sent the rocks behind the man flying back. Argo however stood his ground as his body took the full force of the attack.

"You've gotten stronger," Argo noted as he started attacking Percy with an expanded plame that tried to cut into Percy's armour.

Percy's reflexes were sharp as he moved away from the strikes, expertly dodging them all the while looking for a weak spot.

"Did you crawl out of your little hole just to piss on my day?" Percy asked as he pushed back Argo with his telekinetic powers. He then jumped forward swinging Waverider down while freezing Argo's legs into place.

"Oh yes, happy birthday by the way," Argo said as he broke out of the ice restraints dogging Percy's attack by stepping to the side. Percy moved to strike with Riptide when Argo suddenly vanished in a flash of blue lighting.

'Shit!' Percy cursed himself as he activated his super speed moving around from one spot to another all around the park.

"Still to slow Percy," Argo whispered in his ear as he caught up to the boy and punched him on the side knocking him into a huge slip and slide which Percy tore through. The slide fell down pinning Percy underneath the wreckage.

Percy groaned, 'he's gotten much faster.'

The first time Argo moved that fast he managed to break one of Percy's ribs. Percy had become more alert after that but the man was still managing to beat the shit out of him. It was that blue lighting around Argo, Percy didn't know what it was, but it activated every time Argo used his super speed. Those two had to be related somehow.

On, and he had super speed, did he mention that?

Percy looked up, there was atleast a ton of metal from the ride now on top of him. The only reason he wasn't being crushed to death was because of his new armour and his marble skin skill. Percy turned into smoke as he flew out of the wreckage.

He transformed into his human form again as he quickly turned to see Argo standing before him grinning from ear to ear. "I must admit, Poseidon really did out do himself this time," Argo leered at Percy causing a shiver to run down the boy's spine, "it suits you Percy."

"Shove it up your ass Argo," Percy growled as he sent a wave of darkness and ice at the man.

Argo chuckled, "you still never learn do you?" Argo caught the ice with his bare hands stopping it while he sent a wave of Haki outwards destroying the shadows, "you can't harm me useing magic."

"I know," a huge steel pipe flew at Argo. The man's eyes widened as he smashed his fist into the pipe destroying bending it in half and throwing it to the side. Argo looked up again to see more and more beans and other metal object being thrown at him.

"This!" Argo kicked a pipe, "won't!" he punched a beam, "Save you!" he grabbed a metal rod and covered it with the signature black hue of haki. He then used the rod to bash the falling debris away. "Come out and fight PERCY!"

"DONE!" Percy roared as he jumped up with a 40 foot beam between his hands. His fingers dug into it as he brought it down on top of Argo who moved to the side to avoid the blow he knew he couldn't defend.

Percy let go of the beam and activated his super speed as he and Argo zoomed away. Percy drew Argo towards the exit, if he fought the man with all the strength he had he would destroy the entire park and all his friends in it. He needed to get out of here before he could unleash his full power.

"You're not going anywhere Percy," Argo was again covered with that mysterious blue lighting as he overtook percy and they started exchanging blows at near sonic speeds. Waves of power flew past them both as each blow they launched at each other caused a shockwave of energy.

Percy suddenly noticed something in the corner of his eye, a Gergosa that was attacking what looked like a group of Aphrodite kids. Percy cursed himself, he need to help them.

He managed to disengage from Argo by summoning a huge rock telepathically in the man's path. Argo destroyed the stone with his bare hands and turned to see Percy gone.

"Where-" Argo began when suddenly a roar cut him off.

"GRA!" Argo turned to see Percy slice a Gergosa in half saving a few of his fellow campers.

Argo grinned, "fool."

Percy landed next to the Aphrodite kids and looked them over, "are you alright?" They nodded, "good. Get to Picnic Grove now!"

"W-what about you?" one of them asked.

"I'll be fine, now g-" Argo came up behind him and punched Percy in the back sending him flying away shattering his spine.

"Fuck!" Percy roared as he skidding across the gravel and into a tree. He could feel his spine was broken. He immediately activated his healing spell and reached back to try and heal himself when suddenly his hands were caught in a tight grip.

"You really shouldn't turn your back on me Percy," Argo growled out as he twisted Percy's arm, "you might not live to regret it."

Percy could feel Argo trying to snap his arm off. The only reason he hadn't was because Percy was pulling back with his amazing strength, but that wasn't going to be enough.

Suddenly an idea came to Percy, it was fucking crazy, but just might work. He reached out with his mind and found Argo's zipper. He unzipped and threw down the man's pants.

"What the," Argo's grip loosened at the shock of his pants dropping.

Percy grinned, 'I am so going to use this more often,' Percy broke free of Argo's grip and placed on arm on his spine healing it with a golden glow.

"What-NO!" Argo moved to hurt Percy again when Percy leaned forward and sent a back kick hitting Argo in the jaw.

Percy rolled forward and got up in one quick motion. "IMPACT DRIVE!" Percy roared out as he sent a punch using his super speed to clock Argo across the jaw. The man slid back a few feet, but he didn't even get knocked over. He spat out a broken tooth and a wad of blood as he grinned at Percy.

"Not good enough boy," Argo suddenly blasted him with a mass of blue and black mana that exploded outwards blasting Percy back a few good feed and disorienting his vision. Before he could recover Argo grabbed him by the cape and spun him around like a club before throwing him through a bunch of trees and into a big pool of water.

"Fucking cape," Percy cursed. That move Argo used, that was mana control, a skill percy recently acquired. No doubt about it. Argo had somehow obtained it, or maybe he had it all along. Percy got to his feet as felt the water already healing him as he looked at the defence remaining;

Defence- 432,928,432

Considering that was at 500,000,000 just a few hits ago meant that the only reason Percy was even managing to hold up against Argo was because of his powers. If he was a normal demigod he would be dead by now.

Percy quickly summoned the water around him and sent it at Argo. The man quickly covered his entire body with haki. But instead of attacking him, Percy transformed the water into a drill via his water construction spell and sent it underneath him.

Argo had only a second to be confused when a giant hand of water rose up from the ground and closed around Argo and the rocks around him.

Percy had spent a lot of time thinking up ways to counteract Haki, but in the end it was Thalia who gave him an answer to his question.

If haki took away the form of an element by starving it of mana, simply use the mana to manipulate the something else to hurt Argo with. Hence while Argo could destroy the water, he won't be able to do shit about the rocks currently crushing him.

"ENOUGH!" Water and rocks exploded outwards as a wave of Argo's mana destroyed it into nothing.

Percy grunted as he was pushed back from the shockwave, but he held on. He looked up and saw Argo step out of the mess of water and stone covered head to toe with blue lighting. He smiled gleefully, his eyes glowed blue with power.

"Do you want to know how I got this power?" Argo asked looking at his hand, "it really is quite a story you know."

"Don't care!" Percy cried out as he took out Riptide and Waverider. He then began attacking Argo with the two swords as the man calmly dodged all the attacks.

"You can't hit what you can't catch Percy," Argo said smugly as quickly began his attack. His fists flew so fast Percy only saw the blue lighting that followed them.

"You really should be more patient Percy," Argo punched his back and then his sides, "if I told you how I got my powers maybe you would have been inspired to join me."

Each hit was like bullet, sharp and very painful. Percy managed to stay on his feet only thanks to the defence of his armour, but he needed to make his move, now.

"Stop talking!" Percy cried out as he stamped his foot on the ground sending a shockwave out tripping Argo up. The blue speedster was stopped for just a second, but that second was all Percy needed.

Percy stamped down breaking the man's leg in half. He then grabbed Argos' head with his left while he activated Body Form;

Body Form Activated: Right arm

STR- 69,120 (+20) = 69,140 X 10 = 691,400

Percy felt his right arm bulge out. He could see his armour increase in size to compensate for the increased sense. Already the pain of his body trying to adjust for the extra strength came up. But Percy ignored it all.

He drew back his right arm and launched it at Argo's head. The man's eyes widened at the punch sent his way. It flew like a missile, Argo knew he couldn't afford to be hit by that.

He formed a mana shield in front of him, he poured everything he had into a barrier between his face and Percy's first.

Percy's right hand tore through the barriers but for slowed down by a few nanoseconds. And that time was all Argo needed.

The man started to vibrate in Percy's hand and moved fast enough to slip between the molecules of Percy's arm and fall to the ground below.

Percy fist missed Argo by a few inches. He looked down, Argo was crawling away as fast as he could, with a broken leg that was hard to do. Percy jumped and brought down his fist on top of Argo.

The man turned around, "Full throttle!" Argo roared as he covered himself wholly with his haki raising both hands to block Percy's attack.


The entire park shock. A crack formed in the ground going 40 feet deep, splitting the entire park in half.

Percy could hear the cry of his fellow demigods, 'shit!' Percy realised the damage he had caused. He was about to go and try and help anyone he may have accidentally hurt but just then a black fist rose up from the ground and hit Percy in the abs sending him flying back.

The son of Poseidon groaned as he looked up to see Argo standing above him with a broken right arm and a bruise on his chest. His leg was in a make shift cast or sorts, Argo must have made it as Percy was recovering. He wouldn't be able to run at full speed, that was good news for Percy. His suit was torn up, Percy smiled, 'at least I ruined his fashion statement.'

"I'll admit I was foolish to think I could take you on Percy," Argo said as Percy got to his feet as well, "you've gotten much stronger. It's almost impossible to calculate the rate of your improvement. One could almost say you were a God in disguise."

"Believe me Argo if I had that kind of power I would blast you into nothing," Percy growled as he reached into his belt belt pockets and took out Waverider and Riptide uncapping them and leveling them against Argo.

"Oh you may not be a God Percy but you certainly have the power of one," Argo reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a disk. It was black and on it was a back lighting bolt. Argo flipped it around grinning, "like it? It's my own creation? My own suit of armour."

Percy Observed the disk;

SSDWEO$#P$O%I%% ##

'Shit,' Percy cursed as Argo's grin grew bolder.

"Oh I felt that," Argo chuckled out causing Percy's hands to turn cold, "you were just trying to use your powers to find out what this is wern't you?" Percy said nothing, he didn't want to risk Argo getting any information on powers, "I'll take your silence as a yes."

"Why are you doing this Argo?" Percy asked, "and why are you doing this alone? Where are the titans? Where is Kronos? I doubt your master would approve of this attack."

"Oh he doesn't know," Argo waved off the question, "I quite working for that psychopath."

Percy huffed, "psychopath, right. That's rich coming from you."

"Well I'm not the one who's trying to-" Argo stopped talking and grinned, "oh you clever boy. Trying to fish for information huh? Well I'm not telling, not one more word."

Percy was frustrated, it was a good thing that his helmet covered his face as well because he couldn't hold back a frown from gracing his lips. Argo loved to talk about useless things, but the moment we got to something interesting he shuts down.

"Why not?" Percy asked, "you don't owe the crazy titan anything."

"Hmm….true," Argo grin grew feral, "how about this, an answer for an answer."

Percy glared, "what's the question?"

"Did you ask them?"

"Ask who what?"

"Them, the Gods," Argo formed, "did you ask them what happened 200 years ago?"

Percy was surprised, "you were serious about that?"

Argo growled, "of course I was serious! Why wouldn't I be?! So you didn't ask them?! All this time and you didn't ask them?!"

Percy growled, "no."

"Foolish boy," Argo spat, "I offered you freedom from your shackles, but you failed to do even the simplest of tasks. Fine, remain a slave to them forever, but don't forget I gave you a way out."

"I'm not a slave to them Argo, never have, never will."

"Oh but you have always been a slave to them Percy," Argo grinned, "since the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were a slave to them. The boy who has been touched by the Fates."

Percy's eyes widened in horror, "w-what?"

"I can feel their power on you Percy," Argo chuckled as the two slowly began to circle each other, "I can feel them standing over your shoulder, pulling on your collar. Telling to do what they want you to do, and if you obey them, they give you a treat, like the good little dog you are. I think that's how you got so strong so fast, yes?"

Percy's face paled, "h-how are you doing this?"

"Haki can be used for a lot of things Percy," Argo grinned, "in fact I can sense every single ability you have right now. All your mana, just swimming in there. Telekinesis, Ice, Shadow, Water, Earthquake, pocket dimensions creation, destruction, some form of simple defence mechanism that changes your skin to marble, turning into smoke, the touch of death, healing, identification of a visible subject, mana sense, mana control, ohh didn't know you had that last one, impressive."

Percy's feet were checking, 'him-he knows them. He knows all of them.' "H-how?"

Argo grinned, "it's because of you Percy. When you collapsed my lab on top of me you made me realise I have been largely ignoring my training. I crawled out of that hell hole and I began my new life. I have seen the truth Percy. Before I dedicated my life to make the ordinary the extraordinary. To make them spectacular, to make them, what I believed to be the perfect being, a divine. But you, with a simple bomb and a group of pirates, managed to destroy my work. It was because of you Percy that I realised that the perfect being isn't a God, but a demigod."

Percy's tightened the grip on his weapons, 'please tell me I didn't just create a super villain. Please, please please Gods above. Please tell me this isn't an origin story!'

Argo's grin turned vicious, "you made me what I am Percy Jackson. And I will make it my life goal to make sure I pay back this debt I owe you!"

Percy looked at Argo in the eyes. He could feel the bloodlust coming out of Argo, the anger, the excitement. He sighed and said only one thing, "your mama is so fat when she walked past the window I lost three days of sunlight."

Argo blinked, "what?"

Percy opened his perks and activated one he had switched off a long time ago;

Anger of Alecto- whenever the user succeeds in taunting an enemy they are infected with the Anger of Alecto which gives them double their strength but also makes them clumsy and highly ignorant of their surrounds.(Active)

This was the first perk he ever got and Percy had always had this on none active. He always fought opponents with monstrous strength, so a perk that made them stronger was something he didn't need. But now….Argo's power was focused on speed, not strength, and so Perry could finally use this.

"I said," Percy closed the box looking at Argo, "your mother is so fat when she jumped out of a plan she crashed into the sea and formed a tsunami."

"What the hell are you doing?" Argo asked confused.

Percy had came up with this plan the moment Arog started to list off his powers. Percy noticed something, not once did the madman mention one of his perks, not even the super speed one. Sure it may have been because it was obvious, but so was the water control thing. So that meant Argo's powers couldn't detect all the perks Percy had, only the skills.

Argo probably thought that his speed and strength was something came by naturally or through his divine side. Percy could work with that.

"You know Argo your mother really should have swallowed you," Percy said with a sigh, "you aren't worth the dirt it would take to bury you."

Argo blinked, "are you…..are you insulting me?"

Percy sighed, "duh. Sigh, I feel so sad for you Argo, you aren't pretty enough to be this stupid."

"You really this is just a waste of time right? There is nothing you can say that can taunt me."

"If I wanted to commit suicide I would climb up your ego and jump down to your IQ level."

Argo's eyes twitched, "you realise I have an IQ of 162 right?"

"And your Ego is over 9,000, one more point and it will be equal to the amount of women who have rejected you."

"That is not true!" Argo yelled out in a squeaky voice, "I have dated plenty of women!"

"Has anyone ever told you your voice become extremely high when you're angry? You could be like the fourth member of the Alvin and the Chipmunks."

"You are so annoying!"

"I've been called worse things by better people," Percy shrugged, "plus coming from you that's a compliment."

"I'm going to kill you!"


You have successfully taunted an enemy! Anger of Alecto activated!


A skill have leveled up!

Taunt, Lv-9 (0%)

You can cause your opponent to lose their cool and do something stupid.

45% chance of working

Argo took the black disk he had and pressed it on his chest. Suddenly a black cloth exploded outwards and covered him whole. They way it moved was similar to Percy's own armour, except it had no metal parts.

The black cloth took the form of a skin tight suit. His fingers turned into claws as blue lightning erupted from his body. There was blue lines lining Argo's suit and a full face mask that looked like it was modeled from Argo's face. The mask had no opening for a mouth and his eyes were covered with something black. On the side of the mask were lightning bolts similar to the lightning bolt on his chest.

"Impressive," Percy said as he began to twirl around Waverider, "I'm going to enjoy ripping it off of your dead body."

"ARGHH!" the mad man vanished in a blur of speed and blue lighting. Percy pushed forward going as fast as he can.


The park shock the moment the two powerful being crashed into one another. Percy and Argo exchanged blows after blows. Argo managed to catch or deflect most of Percy's swings, but Percy wasn't that fast. The only plus point in Percy's book was the fact that Argo wasn't strong enough to break his armour.

Percy stomped the ground causing sending a shock wave outwards catching Argo of gaurd. Percy then engaged the man as he began wailing Argo using his karate moves seamlessly blending each and every movement.

"You learnt to actually fight," Argo said as Percy kept pushing him back. He blocked all his attacks but Percy didn't care, he wanted was for Argo's attention to remain on the fists coming for his face.

Argo then went on the offensive as he began to slowly increase his speed. Percy did his best to dodge, a few hits got it, but they didn't hurt him.

"You're distracted boy!" Argo roared, "I'm insulted! What has your attention other than me?!"

"Look up," Percy said as he used his left hand to block Argo's punches.

"Like I'm going to fall for-" Percy sent a uppercut his way knocking Argo's head upwards. He looked up and saw several large amusement park equipment floating above them, either being held by pills of water, shadow or simply flying on their own thanks to Percy's telekinesis.

"Surprise!" Percy punched Argo in the stomach knocking the air out of him. He then let go of all the equipment being held above them cause them to come crashing down. Argo tried to run away, but Percy caught him in a bear hug and tackled him to the ground, "you're not going anywhere!"

Argo tried to get loose, but the shadow of the falling items just kept growing and growing. Argo turned back and saw it nearly upon them both, "fuck."


Percy turned into smoke before the debris fell down on them as easily made it out of the trap. Percy reformed outside the clump of metal and started to pant. He had to split his mind's attention three separate ways for that to work. Keep Argo busy, gathered all the materials in question and try not to die.

"JACKSON!" came a modulated voice that sounds like it belonged to Megatron.

Percy sighed, 'of course he's still alive. At this point I'm not even surprised.' Argo walked out of the mess, his whole body vibrating so fast Percy couldn't make out his form.

It just looked like a vague black blurred man. Blue lightning cracked all around him as the man looked at Percy speaking in the modulated voice, "like it? A little trick I picked up from a friend. Do you know how I'm doing it?"

"You vibrating at the exact frequency of the materials around you making you intangible," Percy guessed, he needed to keep Argo talking, he need time to make a plan.

"Haha, well well well, the jock has a brain. Smart guess Percy, but no," Percy could hear the vindictive smile Argo had on his face below that mask, "just because you vibrate at a certain frequency doesn't mean you'll become intangible. That' not how physics works. That's not how anything works."

Argo zoomed forward as Percy moved as the once again began their little race around the park. Percy avoided going towards Picnic Grove, the last thing he wanted was Argo attacking the demigods.

"You see the effect you're looking for is called Quantum tunneling," Argo was right next to Percy as he sent a blast of mana at him knocking the demigod off of his feet. Percy soared through the air and through a tree. Just as he was about to crash into the ground below Argo caught him and held him up by the throat.

Percy groaned, Argo's grip was to strong. Percy tried to grab onto the wrists to snap it off, but he couldn't touch him. It didn't make sense, why couldn't he touch him? He was right now holding onto his throat and squeezing it shut, he should be able to grab him also!

"You see I have the ability to manipulate the quantum probability of my molecules Percy," Prgo said as he brought his free hand up, "that means I can choose which part of my body to turn intangible, and which part ot turn solid. Which means I can do this."

Arog then trusted his vibrating hand into Percy's chest. It passed through the armour as Percy started in horror at Argo's hand that was currently through his chest, "now die Percy Jackson!"

Percy turned himself into gas as Argo's hand burst through the cloud of green and blue mist.

Percy then flew away and reformed away from Argo as he put a single hand up, "BINDING HANDS!"

Blue ribbons exploded out of Percy's hands as they wound themselves around Argo binding him tightly.

Percy bought himself a few extra seconds He allowed his anger to pour through him, his eyes turned red as did Waverider activating the red of rage.


Special mode activated! Emotion: Anger

4 x attack, Rage Blast -beam of light that causes affected individuals to go into a rage filled frenzy


Perk: 'Le Bete' activated! You gained +20 to all stats!

"You think that's going to stop me?!" Argo roared out as he vibrated himself out of the blue ribbons freeing himself. He then moved as a black blur surrounded by lighting as he attacked with all he had.

Percy was getting quicker now, the added bonus his Vit got gave him the Le Bete boost he needed to at least track Argo as he zoomed around Percy.

"You think you know power?!" Argo yelled out as he punched Percy across the face, "you know nothing!"

Percy remained calm, 'I need to make him angrier, make him more cocky.' Percy had a plan, and it just might work to catch Argo with his pants down.

"You are truly a sad creature Argo," Percy sat as he swung Waverider widely hoping to catch the man, "you aren't worth the air you breath."

"Shut up!" the black and blue blur roared out as he increase the speed of his attacks. Percy was being pushed back, but he held on, waiting for the moment for Argo to slip up.

"Your punches are like flies Argo!" Percy roared out, "even if you can hit what's the point?!"

"You want strength?! I'll show you strength!" Argo suddenly speed away from Percy and ran to the far side of the park.

Percy activated his 8.0 Eyesight and located the man easily. He looked like he was going to charge Percy, probably trying to increase the force of his punch by increase the velocity of the hit. This was it, this was what Percy was waiting for.

Argo launched himself forward and Percy tracked his movement with his advanced eyesight. Argo moved straight down the middle as he drew back his fists ready to attack Percy.

'Wait for it,' Percy told himself as he drew back Waveride like a javelin and aimed, 'wait for it.'

Argo was 50 feet away and approaching fast. Percy threw Waverider, which Argo easily dodged. The black speedster reached Percy and threw a punch at his face, "this ends now!"

Argo threw the punch causing a sonic boom to explode outwards. He looked up but saw no one there. Percy had vanished into thin air causing the force of the punch to be wasted as it hit a steel beam in the distance.



Argo stopped mid sentence as he looked down to see the handle of Riptide inside his gut drawing blood. Instead of being right in front of him Percy was now standing to his side. The demigod grunted as he pulled Riptide out and pushed Argo back with a telekinetic push.

Argo stumbled as he held his wound, "h-how? You were right there! I had you in my sights!"

Percy grumbled, "you don't know all my abilities Argo," Percy smiled inside, 'it's a good thing I don't use the Flying Thunder God technique much.'

Flying Thunder God- Allows a short burst of speed that is similar to teleportation. Limit- range of 210 meters.

Percy had finally done it, he had finally used the perk in battle. And since Percy has never used this before Argo had no information about it. He still wasn't sure about it's accuracy, but a 2 feet jump was no big deal. Plus it was a perk, Argo couldn't track perks.

And the only reason Argo was fooled by the short 2 feet jump was because he was being blinded by the Anger of Alecto perk causing him to have tunnel vision. Combo perks for the win!

Percy had done a number on Argo. The mad man quickly tried to get away to heal himself, but Percy was already making his next move.

Percy focused on the water below them, the water in the pipes of the water park. There was enough there to fill a small lake, and Percy intended to use every drop.

All the water in the pipes suddenly exploded outwards and surrounded Argo in the form of a ball. Argo tried to move, but the more he did so the more blood he lost. Percy quickly froze the water ball around the surface, and using the shadows inside the frozen ball he began to strike out at Argo.

Percy kept pushing water like a current towards the center, not allowing Argo to reach the edge of the ice. Since the water wasn't made by mana, simply controlled by it, Haki wouldn't have any effect. Sure It would remove Percy's control of the water, but that would still mean Argo was stuck in the center of a ball of water. Hopefully the fucker would drown.

Since Argo was now occupied Percy got the perfect opportunity to help out the other demigods. He couldn't leave, no, Argo was to dangerous for that, but he could send others in his place.

Percy poured mana into his gem and called forth all his servants, save Alcyoneus, and that included Cerberus.

The normal servants, Zed, Alceto, Craig, Marica, Timmy, all appeared through grey smoke and bowed, "master."

Suddenly a portal of darkness tore through the ground next to Percy as a huge three headed dog jumped out and growled. It spotted Percy and wagged it's tail, "master."

Percy nodded, "everyone listen up, this place in under attack from Gergosas. The demigods are also here, find them, protect them, get them out of camp. Also you won't be able to track them through their scent, you are going to have to go around and find them manually."

"What do you mean we can't track them through their scent?" Alecto asked.

"It's too complicated, now go!" Percy yelled. The servants nodded and moved. Percy then turned to Cerberus, who was also about to leave, "not you Cerberus, I have a special job for you."

"What is it master?" the dog asked.

"You know what a Gergosa is right?" Percy asked the dog who nodded.

"Yes, I can smell them all over this place," Cerberus spoke through the head on the right while the other two growled in disgust.

"Great," Percy grinned, "find them, rip them to shreds. Oh, and don't step on any demigods."

The three headed dog grinned, "with pleasure master."

Percy nodded and the guardian of Hades ran off to find it's first victim. Percy turned his attention back to the ice sphere Argo was stuck in and found that it now had a crack running along its center.

'Well this isn't any good,' Percy told himself as he felt what was going on inside. Argo was spinning around himself. He was moving faster and faster causing all the water inside to spin along with him.

Percy cursed, "shit," he was going to get out, but when he does he will be disoriented from the spinning,lack of air and the blood loss, Percy could work with that.


The ice sphere cracked open and Argo broke free out of his water prison and gasped for breath. He flopped on the ground and took a minute to get his breathing under control. He looked around for Percy but didn't seen him, 'did he run away?'

"Over here!" Percy called out from behind the man.

Argo turned and gasped.

Percy stood a good 50 feet away from Argo and had the entire 'Bootleggers Run' ride held over his head. He had broken off the largest ride in the park, weighing well over 50 tons. Percy's muscles were bulging from the strain of Body Form, the pain was getting to him, but he refused to back down.

"Eat shit Argo!" Percy roared as he swung the monstrously huge ride down ontop of Argo. The mad man tried to move, but his mind began to become cloudy.

He ran for a second before falling down due to severe blood loss and a deoxygenated brain. He turned to see the ride coming down on top of him and cursed, "open the gate!"

Suddenly in a flash of light Argo disappeared causing the ride to crash down onto the ground causing a loud boom that startled everyone.

'He escaped….again,' Percy groaned as he deactivated his Body Form and reapplied his seals. He sat down, arms spread on the ground and started to pant. Argo had been difficult to beat. He was faster, stronger. He had a power Percy never saw before, ever. It vastly outclassed Percy's own speed level.

And then there was the question, 'what happened 2000 years ago that made man lose faith in the Gods?' The first time Percy considered it the rambling of a mad man. But now…..now he wondered if he was wrong. Maybe it was worth checking out, he could probably ask his dad or some other God who owes him a favour or two.


Quest Alert!

Find about the real history of the divine!








Destruction of the world as we know it.

Do you accept?


Percy groaned, he expected this. He hit yes and got on his feet, there was still work to do. He activated his Speed Demon perk and zoomed across the amusement park looking for people to help.

Percy spotted a few Gergosas that were roaming around that he quickly ran towards. He was just about to kill them with Waverider when a thought came to his mind.

'Can I…..heal them?' Percy wondered. Percy looked the the creature, he recognized one of them, kind of. He looked like the park attendant that gave him and Thalia their ice cream at the beginning of the day. Percy sighed, he should at least try.

So Percy snuck up behind the Gergosa and carefully placed his hand on the thing's legs activating his healing skill;


You are attempting to heal somebody with several ailments! Please choose two to heal!


Supernatural mutation: Gergosa serum

Percy grinned as pressed both options. It cost him 300 MP, but that was more than worth it. The Gergosa roared as suddenly steam began to pour out of it in large quantities. The Gergosa turned back into the man Percy saw in the morning, except he was naked.

Percy didn't really have time to worry about the man's nakedness now, he needed to move. He told Cerberus to rip apart any Gergosa it saw, and knowing that dog it probably killed every Gergosa there.

Percy moved, transforming more and more Gergosas into humans as he went along. He had saved 10 humans by the time he found Cerberus, it was about to tear into the neck of one of the Gergosas, Percy knew he had to stop him.

So Percy jumped and gathered his mana. He had been working on this for sometime now, and it was finally the chance to do it.

"Stop!" Percy roared out as he jumped into the path of Cerberus's mouth. He summoned three balls of mana, similar to the one he accidentally created with Mera for the first time, and shoved them into the monster's mouth gagging all three heads at once.

The dog looked confused at Percy's action but made no move to attack its master. The Gergosa, who Percy just saved, had no such inclination. He brought his fist down to try and smash Percy into paste, but the son of Poseidon zoomed out of the way in the last moment and touched the monster in the leg healing it instantly.

Slowly the Gergosa transformed into a petite young woman who Percy remembered worked in one of the rides. He turned to Cerberus and snapped his fingers causing the gags to disappear.

"I found a way to turn the Gergosa's human Cerberus," Percy told his servant, "if you find any of them, don't kill them. Maim them or knock them out, just don't kill them."

The dog nodded, "got it master."

Percy nodded and the two turned and ran away. Percy needed to get to the demigods now, so he made way towards picnic grove.

Percy got there and was surprised to find a wall of water separating the grove from the Gergosas who were trying to get in. Percy used his mana senses and felt the wall in question. It seemed that it was in fact a dome, but it was so big that Percy couldn't even see the top from the ground.

Percy then tried to find out who created the dome and instantly felt Mera's mana mixed in with the water. But the surprising part was how little mana she had left. 'I need to move now.'

Percy zoomed forward and began transforming everyone Gergosa he touched. He started from the outside in. The monsters were to busy trying to break through the wall to notice Percy behind them.

Soon the numbers turned from 30 to 15.

One of the Gergosas noticed Percy, but before he could do anything or say anything Percy turned him human.

Another tired to attack Percy, but the son of Poseidon was to fast as he turned the giant monster human before his fist even hit the ground.

Slowly one by one every single Gergosa turned back into their human counterparts. Percy stood in the middle of the all in front of the water wall. He pressed his hand up against it and sent out a mana wave large enough that Mera would be able to detect it.

Slowly the wal split down the middle and Percy could hear people on the other side.

"What are you doing Mera?!" Percy heard Lee Fletcher cry out.

"It's okay, they are gone," Mera's voice replied in calm tone of voice.

"How do you know that!"

"Because my prince is on the other side."

The wall was fully down and the demigods turned to see a mysterious figure in black armour look at them. Mera stood in front of them all with bag under her eyes. She could barely keep them open.

Suddenly her legs gave out as she fell down. The demigods moved to help her when suddenly the mysterious armoured figure was already at her side.

"Did you take care of the monsters?" Mera asked in an exhausted tone of voice.

Percy nodded as he opened his helmet revealing his face for the first time to the rest of the campers, "I got them. You were amazing Mera, thank you for saving my family."

The mermaid chuckled, "our family my prince. And you don't have to thank me, it was my duty." Percy wanted to say more but Mera fainted in his arms. Percy used his healing powers on her but found she was just exhausted, not infected with anything, so he couldn't help.

"Percy?" Michael asked as he walked up to the demigod who stood up with Mera in his arms.

"Yeah," Percy walked up passing Mera into Michael's arm, "take care of her."

The son of Apollo nodded as he lead Percy into the groove with the rest of the demigods sighing in relief. Percy was here, everything would be alright.

Percy turned to see them all safe, even his servants were all here standing over them all like guardian angels. Percy smiled and nodded at them, and they bowed back.

"Percy!" Percy turned and saw Thalia jump at him. Percy caught her and hugged her tightly. "Thank the Gods you are safe."

Percy nodded, "I'm just glad nothing happened to you."

Percy put Thalia down as the demigoddess kissed him hard. She broke the kiss and looked longly at him, "I thought you went to do something stupid again."

Percy chuckled, "I did."

"Percy where are all the Gergosas?" Clarisse asked as she walked passed him looking at all the nude park workers that were around them.

"I managed to turn them back into humans," Percy told her and be broke away from Thalia, "most of them are unconscious, but I have no idea for how long."

"Wait...those things were human?" Percy turned and saw his mother walking towards him. Percy hugged her tightly, "I'm glad you're safe Percy."

Percy broke the hug, "I'm glad you're safe too mom. And yeah, they were human. Argo, a mad scientist, created a formula that would turn them all into monsters. He must have used it on them before all of this started, I don't know how, but his new powers might have something to do with it."

"Wait….then if the Gergosas were human," Annabeth gasped, "w-we killed so many of them." The gathered demigods looked like they had just been told they were going to die. Many looked down in horror as others simple held on to their friends not knowing what to say.

Percy immediately realised what he had done and wanted to kick himself in the ass for his stupid mistake. They were feeling guilty, and Percy himself was feeling the sting of his actions. The Gergosa who he saved Charles from was probably someone's son.

"Stop it," a firm voice called out drawing the attention of all the demigods there.

They turned and saw Edward walking towards them, "stop feeling sorry for yourself."

"Ed you shouldn't be walking," Sally told the man.

"I'm fine Sally," Ed told the mortal woman as he turned to the demigods, "stop drowning yourself in pity. It's not worth it."

"Ed we killed them!" Nico shouted, "I sliced one of their necks in half and I was happy to do it! I killed someone Ed! How is that not worth it!?"

"Because people die all the time Nico," Edward told him. Percy looked at the man and saw not the fun goofy manchild but a grown adult demigod that had somehow created an empire for himself. Moments like this was rare, Ed was never the serious type, but when he was Percy knew things were about to get serious.

"This is war," Ed continued, "and in war people die. We make sure our own are safe before helping others. People die, we save who we can and move on. There will always be casualties in war, we can't avoid that. And believe me, the war is coming."

The demigods looked at each other for comfort. They looked to their siblings, to their friends, to their allies.

Percy looked at Thalia as they shared a long look. Thalia squeezed his hand and gave him a smile and immediately Percy felt better.

"Alright," Percy said stepping up, "we need to move now. We need to get all the humans and get them to safety. Anyone who can fight stand by, Argo's gone but I don't want to risk anything."

"Wait Argo's back?" Nina asked in surprise, "didn't you bury him alive?"

Percy nodded, "I did, it seems he somehow managed to survive and came back for revenge. I managed to scare him off, but I think it's safe to say he's going to be a problem from now on."

Edward nodded and spoke up, "I'll call Hermes, he needs to look into this. You basically caused an earthquake during your fight with Argo. No way nobody didn't report that in already. This place will be swarming with cops is a few minutes tops."

Percy nodded, "okay, then we leave here as fast as we can. Ed, do you know where the manager's office is?" The son of Hermes nodded, "great, go in there and erase any physical record we were ever here."

Ed nodded and ran away with Nico in tow. Percy then turned to the rest of the demigods, "everyone else get ready to leave. We are going back to the changing rooms and getting our stuff. I'll then carry you all in my inventory back into camp."

Everyone nodded as they moved to help put where they could. Most went to help the injured move while Percy took off to gather the unconscious humans.

As Percy went around the park he found Cerberus sitting down on three Gergosas at once. The dog wagged his tail happy at Percy who quickly turned the monsters back into humans and sent Cerberus back into the underworld.

In the next ten minutes the whole camp was ready to move. Percy had put all the humans in the picnic grove underneath a huge cloth banner for the park. It wasn't much, but at least they won't be naked when the cops show up.

Percy then dismissed his other servants, fortunately he wouldn't need them any more.

Edward had arrived just as everyone was getting ready and with him came Hermes who was dressed in a very big business suit.

"I had Nico Iris call my dad while I took care of the records," Edward told Percy who nodded.

"Hey Hermes, think you can help us out with this one?" Percy asked the god who gave him a hand shake.

"I'll try my best. I'm thinking, 'water park closes down for a day for employees only orgy.' What do you think?"

Percy was surprised while Thalia just looked horrified.

"Ah maybe a little less scandalous," Annabeth told the God, "they already have been turned into monsters, the poor guys deserve a break."

"Plus this is a family park dad," Edward told his father, "they would be ruined."

Hermis rolled his eyes, "obviously I was joking you guys. Of course I wouldn't do that, what type of God do you think I am?"

Lie detected!

The demigods chuckled nervously. Quickly Percy opened his inventory and started tossing all of the demigods into it. There were 147 demigods, not including Edward. Him plus his mother changed that number to 149.

The bus drivers who Ed hired had already had their minds wiped. As far as they knew they were hired by someone who never showed up. That along with Ed erasing the parks records made it so that the camp had never visited the park.

Soon Percy was done as he stood next to Hermes who was overlooking the entire park and taking down notes on his tablet.

"Think you can do something about the fissure in the center of the park?" Percy asked looking at the place where he and Argo fought one on one.

"No, maybe an illusion or something, but for now, no. We can get it fixed in a few days, maybe charm a couple of mortals into closing this place down until we can fix it all."

Percy nodded, "great."

"By the way next time you want to go all out try not to destroy the fucking Earth," Hermes cursed, "this is going to be expensive as hell to fix."

Percy chuckled, "sorry. I couldn't hold back. Argo was…...he somehow knew everything about my powers and how to counter them. And that scared the shit out of me. Plus he had this new power…..I couldn't afford to take him lightly."

Hermes nodded, "do you think you both are equal now?"

Percy shook his head, "no, I'm a bit stronger. After all I did manage to make him run away."

The God nodded, "good. Maybe next time you can kill him."

Percy nodded when suddenly he got a thought. "Hermes….there was something Argo said...something that really got to me."

Hermes closed his pad and looked at Percy. The God had never seen Percy so nervous before, it made the god of messengers nervous also. "Okay, what was it?"

"He first mentioned it before, back on Nassau. I thought it was nothing, the rambling of a soon to be dead guy. But when he came back he was still talking about it, and the way he was talking about…..it was like he was obsessed."

Hermes hummed, "well people like him usually are. Their obsession justifies their actions. But Percy, what exactly did he say? I have never seen you so….shaken."

"It was a question," Percy gulped, "he asked me to ask a God, 'what happened 2000 years ago that caused man to stop believing in the Gods.'"

Percy looked at Hermes who looked like he had just been shot by Zeus's lightning bolt. The Gods eyes widened to near impossible lengths, "w-what?"

"He said-"

"Percy no!" Hermes shut the boy's mouth and looked around as if to see if someone was spying on them.

He looked at Percy dead in the eyes and in a serious tone like Edward's the Gods spoke, "never repeat that question to anyone, got it? Don't ask me, your dad, Artemis, Hades, hell don't even ask anybody who had anything to do with the Olympians that. Don't try to find out the answer, don't even think about looking. This is a secret Percy, one of the most closely guarded secrets in the whole of Olympus. If you even mention it to the wrong God, like Ares, he would have the right to kill you.

"In fact anyone who ever asked that question has been put to death, it is something we never talk about. Since you asked me I am supposed to kill you right now. But I don't want to do that Percy, you are far too valuable and far too much of a nice person. You are important to winning this war, but if Zeus ever finds out you even know the question he will kill you. Do. You. Understand?"

Percy looked at the God and slowly nodded. Hermes sighed in relief and removed his hand from Percy's mouth.

Percy looked at the God, "is it really that bad?"

Hermes nodded, "I'll tell you one thing Percy, it is. It is a secret that should never be exposed, and if Argo knows….oh shit. If he knows then we are all in danger." Hermes looked scared, genuinely scared. He turned to Percy again, "tell me, did Argo seemed like he knew the answer? Did he say anything that gave you that impression?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, he knows the answer alright. He basically rubbed it in my face. I didn't understand why before…..but if it is as important as you say t is..."

"Then Zeus needs to know about it," Hermes told Percy.

"How are you going to explain to him how you found out? Are you going to tell him I know?"

"What?! And be the reason we lose this war?! Hell no! I'll just tell him I was spying on you all when I heard Argo mutter it under his breath or something while you kicked his ass. Don't worry Percy, I'll make sure you stay out of this. This is beyond a demigod's pay grade."

Percy nodded, "okay, if you say so….you will finish up here right?"

Hermes nodded, "I will. Get to camp and get them safe. That's your job right now."

Percy nodded as he pressed his left temple closing his helmet, "see you later lord Hermes."

"Take care Percy Jackson," Hermes nodded to him as Percy vanished in a blur of speed.

I Am Sorry For Not Updating Because Apparently Webnovel does not accept an almost twenty thousand words chapter.

Emperors_Pencreators' thoughts